- ルルドの聖母の顕現と、その後に現地で多発したとされる奇跡的治癒
- 顕現した「ルルドの聖母」の正体と
- 現地で多発した奇跡的な治癒
ルルドの聖母の顕現、奇跡的治癒: AI(ChatGPT-4o)による要約
ルルドの奇跡の発端は、1858年にフランスの小さな町ルルドで起こった一連の出来事に遡ります。この出来事の中心には、**ベルナデット・スビルー(Bernadette Soubirous)**という14歳の少女がいました。
1858年2月11日、ベルナデットは妹や友人と共にルルド近くのマサビエルの洞窟へ薪を拾いに行きました。その時、彼女は洞窟の中で光に包まれた「美しい女性」が現れるのを目撃したと報告しました。ベルナデットはこの女性を「小さな若い婦人」(Petito Damoiselo)と呼びました。その後、ベルナデットは合計18回、この女性の出現を目撃し、彼女との対話を報告しました。
そして、3月25日の出現で、その「婦人」は自らを「無原罪の御宿り(Immaculate Conception)」であると名乗りました。これは、ローマ・カトリック教会の教義と一致するものであり、ベルナデットが教義について詳しく知っているとは考えにくかったため、多くの人々がこの出来事を特別視しました。
1858年2月11日(木)、灰の水曜日に四旬節が始まる一週間前、14歳のベルナデット・スビルーは、妹のトワネットと友人と一緒にルルド郊外のマサビエルの洞窟に薪集めに出かけていた。そこで彼女は、フランス語ではなくオック地方の言葉で「uo petito damizelo(小さなダミゼロ)」と呼ばれる「小さな若い女性」が岩の窪みに立っている18のヴィジョンのうちの最初のヴィジョンを見たと伝えられている。
February 1858 11 February
On Thursday, 11 February 1858, a week before Lent would begin on Ash Wednesday, 14-year-old Bernadette Soubirous was out gathering firewood with her sister Toinette and a friend at the grotto of Massabielle outside Lourdes. There, she reportedly had the first of 18 visions of what she termed "a small young lady", not in French but in the regional Occitan: uo petito damizelo, standing in a niche in the rock. Her sister and the friend stated that they had seen nothing.
ref: Lourdes apparitions - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lourdes_apparitions
Wikipedia の記述
以下、 Bernadette Soubirous - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernadette_Soubirous から。
Bernadeta Sobirós [beɾnaˈ sui↪Lm_2C8]; 1844年1月7日 - 1879年4月16日)は、ルルドのベルナデットとしても知られ、フランスのオート=ピレネー県にあるルルド(オック語ではローダ)の粉屋の長女であった。この出現は1858年2月11日から7月16日の間に起こり、現れた若い女性は自らを「無原罪の御宿り」と名乗った。
マリー・ベルナルド・スビルーは、粉屋であったフランソワ・スビルー(1807-1871)と洗濯女であった妻ルイーズ(旧姓カステロット、1825-1866)の娘であった。 [ベルナデット、ジャン(1845年生まれ、1845年没)、トワネット(1846年~1892年)、ジャン=マリー(1848年~1851年)、ジャン=マリー(1851年~1919年)、ジュスタン(1855年~1865年)、ピエール(1859年~1931年)、ジャン(1864年生まれ、1864年没)、そして生まれてすぐに亡くなったルイーズ(1866年)という9人の子供の長女であった。) [
洞窟での出来事の頃には、スビルー一家の経済的、社会的地位は低下し、以前は牢獄として使われていたル・カショ(地下牢)と呼ばれるワンルームの地下室に住んでいた。 [7]
1858年2月11日、当時14歳だったスビルーは、妹のトワネットと友人と一緒にマサビエル(Tuta de Massavielha)の洞窟の近くに薪を集めに出かけたとき、初めて幻を見た。他の少女たちが洞窟の前の小さな小川を渡って歩いていく中、スビラスは後ろに残り、ストッキングが濡れない場所を探していた。水を渡るために靴を脱ごうと腰を下ろし、ストッキングを下ろそうとしたとき、風の音が聞こえた。しかし、洞窟の自然の窪みに咲いていた野バラが動いた。その龕から、いや、龕の奥の暗いアルコーブから、「まばゆい光と白い人影が現れた」。これが、彼女がガスコン地方のオック語で「あれ」を意味するaquerò(発音は[ake'ɾɔ])と呼んだ18のビジョンの最初のものだった。後の証言では、彼女はそれを「小さな若い女性」(uo petito damizelo)と呼んだ。彼女の妹と友人は何も見ていなかったと述べた。
2月14日、日曜日のミサの後、スビラスは妹のマリーと他の少女たちとともに洞窟に戻った。スビルーはすぐにひざまずき、再び幻影を見たと言った。少女たちの一人がニッチに聖水を投 げかけ、もう一人が上から石を投げて地面に砕け散ると、幻影は消えた[9]。次に訪れた2月18日、スビルーは「幻が」2週間毎日洞窟に戻るようにと言った[10]
このほぼ毎日の幻視の期間は、la Quinzaine sacrée、「聖なる2週間」として知られるようになった。当初、スービルーの両親、特に母親は困惑し、彼女が行くことを禁じようとした。その幻影は、17回目の幻視を見るまで、その正体を明かさなかった。彼女が真実を語っていると信じていた町の人々は、彼女が聖母マリアを見たのだと思ったが、スビラスはそれがマリアだとは決して主張せず、一貫してアクエロという言葉を使った。彼女は、その女性が白いベールをかぶり、青い帯を締め、両足に黄色い薔薇の花を咲かせていると描写したが、これは「村の教会にある聖母像の描写」と一致している[11]。
後に1917年のポルトガルのファティマの出現で起こったように[15]、ベルナルデット・スビルーが行った実体に関する原初的な記述は、より親しまれているマリア像のイメージに合うように徐々に修正された。予見者の説明では、出現したのは12歳の子供のような小さな少女(「jeune fille」)であったが、後に解釈者によって15歳、あるいは20歳の 「女性 」に変容した。ジョセフ・ファビッシュが依頼した像もまた、幻影の美しさと若さをうまく表現できず、ベルナルデットはこう言った: 「大きすぎるし、老けすぎている」。[16]
調査の結果、カトリック教会当局は1862年に出現の真偽を確認した[4]。スビルーが泉を掘り出してから160年の間に、70件[17][18]の治癒がルルド医務局によって「不可解なもの」として検証された。カトリック教会が主張する「極めて厳密な科学的・医学的調査」の結果、それ以外の説明は見つからなかった。幻視の後、ベルナデットを診察したルルド委員会は、その水について徹底的な分析を行ったが、ミネラル分を多く含んでいたものの、その水に起因する治癒を説明するような異常なものは含まれていなかった。ベルナデットは、病気を治すのは信仰と祈りだと言った: 「信仰と祈りがなければならない。信仰がなければ、水は何の徳も持たない」[19]
スビルーが地元の司祭に、彼女が幻視を見た場所に礼拝堂を建てるよう求めたことが、やがてルルドに多くの礼拝堂や教会を生み出すことになった。ルルドの聖母の聖域は、現在では世界有数のカトリック巡礼地となっている。この地に建てられた教会のひとつ、聖ピオ10世バシリカは25,000人を収容でき、後の教皇ヨハネ23世が駐仏教皇領ヌンシオだったときに献堂した。2013年には715,000人、2016年には570,000人の巡礼者が巡礼行事に参加した。[20] 1866年、修道服に着替え、慈善修道女会に入会したベルナデット
注目を集めることを嫌ったベルナデットは、読み書きを学んでいたヌヴェールの慈善修道女会が運営するホスピス学校に通う。カルメル会に入ることも考えたが、彼女の健康状態から、厳格な観想修道会に入ることはできなかった。1866年7月29日、彼女は他の42人の志願者と共に修道服に着替え、母校であるヌヴェールのサン・ジルダール修道院の慈善修道女会に入会した。当時の修道院長は、ベルナルドという名の名付け親にちなみ、彼女にマリー・ベルナルドという名を与えた[12]。ベルナデットは守護聖人である聖ベルナールに献身し、聖ベルナールに関する長い文章をノートや紙に書き写した。シスター・マリー=ベルナール "となった経験は、ベルナデットにとって転機となり、天の女王から受けた偉大な恩寵が大きな責任を伴うものであることをこれまで以 上に悟ったのである」[22][22]
残念なことに、スビルーは幼少期にコレラにかかり、「ベルナデットは......。[ベルナデットは重度の慢性喘息となり、最終的には肺と骨に結核を患った」[22]。最終的に彼女は、1879年4月16日(復活祭の水曜日)、聖なるロザリオを祈りながら35歳で亡くなった[21]。死の床で、激しい痛みに苦しみながら、「懺悔、懺悔、懺悔 」という聖母マリアの戒めに従って、ベルナデットは、「このことはすべて天国にとって良いことです!」と宣言した。彼女の最後の言葉は、「神の母、祝福のマリア、私のために祈ってください 」だった。スビロウの遺体は、修道院の敷地内にある聖ヨセフ礼拝堂に安置された。
カトリック教会の典礼暦では4月16日に祝われる。 [24] フランスでは、ベルナデットの典礼祝典は任意の記念日 であり、2月18日に行われる[25][26]。ベルナデットの3回目の幻視の際、「貴婦人」が「この世で幸せにするのではなく、あの世で幸せにすることを約束する」と告げたことを記念している[27]
ベルナデット・スビロウスが40年間埋葬されていた聖ヨセフ礼拝堂。 ベルナデット・スビロウの全身像。写真は最後の発掘時(1925年4月18日)に撮影されたもの。顔と手は蝋で覆われている。 聖ベルナデッタ・スビロウの遺体を納めた聖遺物箱
1925年、教会は3度目の発掘を行った。聖遺物はローマに送られた。顔の正確な型取りが行われ、その型取りと数枚の本物の写真に基づいて蝋で仮面が作られ、遺体の上に置かれた。これはフランスにおける聖遺物の一般的な方法であった。顔が黒味を帯び、目 や鼻がくぼんでいるため、世間から汚職とみなされることを恐れたからである。遺体を安置し、蝋人形を作るために、手の指紋も採取された。その後、遺体は修道院の主教会の聖ベルナデッタ礼拝堂にある金とクリスタルの聖遺物箱に納められた[28]
「私は胸郭の左側を開いて肋骨を遺体として取り出し、心臓を取り出したかった。しかし、体幹は左腕で少し支えられていたため、あまり目立つようなダメージを与えずに心臓を取り出そうとするのはかなり難しかったでしょう。修道院長は、聖人の心臓を体全体と一緒に保存することを希望しており、司教もそれを主張しなかったので、私は左側の胸郭を開くことをあきらめ、よりアクセスしやすい右側の肋骨2本を取り除くことで満足した。... この検査で私が驚いたのは、もちろん、骨格、筋肉の繊維組織(まだしなやかでしっかりしている)、靭帯、皮膚の完全な保存状態、そして何よりも、46年後に肝臓がまったく予想外の状態になっていたことである。基本的に軟らかく、崩れやすいこの臓器は、急速に腐敗するか、カルキ状に固まっているだろうと思っただろう。しかし、切ってみると柔らかく、ほとんど普通の硬さだった。私はその場にいた人々にこのことを指摘し、これは自然現象ではないようだと述べた」[30][
1970年、ヌヴェールの修道院はスビルーに捧げられた巡礼センターに改築され、ボランティアと数人のシスターによって運営され、エスパス・ベルナデット・スビルー・ヌヴェールとして知られ ている。
ルルドの聖母の聖域には、2017年からヨーロッパのいくつかの教区を巡り、人々の崇敬のために公開された数体の聖遺物がある。[32] 2019年、聖遺物の旅のために新しい聖遺物箱が建設された。[33] 2022年、聖遺物箱はアメリカとイギリスを訪れた。聖遺物はまず2022年4月から8月にかけて米国を巡り、約30の教区を訪れた[34]。2022年9月から10月にかけて、聖遺物はウェストミンスター大聖堂やカルフィン・ルルドの洞窟を含むイングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズの約50の場所で公開された[35][36]。
ベルナデットが成長し、幻視を見たルルドの町は、毎年数百万人の訪問者を集める国際的な主要巡礼地となっている。聖母出現の洞窟の周りには、いくつかの教会や施設が建てられ、ルルドの聖母の聖域を形成している。聖域は、ベルナデッタが出現の際に発見した泉から洞窟内に流れ出るルルドの水で評判が高く、治癒効果があると言われ、多くの病気の巡礼者を惹きつけている。聖域の中で最も新しい教会は、1988年に完成した聖ベルナデッタ教会である[37]。聖域には、聖ベルナデッタ博物館と呼ばれる、聖母出現の歴史に関する博物館もある[38]。ルルドの中心部では、巡礼者はベルナデッタが生まれた家や、聖母出現の際に彼女の家族が滞在していた部屋を見学することができる。 [39][40] カナダのモントリオール近郊にあるルルドの洞窟
Bernadette Soubirous (; French: [bɛʁnadɛt subiʁu]; Occitan: Bernadeta Sobirós [beɾnaˈðetɔ suβiˈɾus]; 7 January 1844 – 16 April 1879), also known as Bernadette of Lourdes, was the firstborn daughter of a miller from Lourdes (Lorda in Occitan), in the department of Hautes-Pyrénées in France, and is best known for experiencing apparitions of a "young lady" who asked for a chapel to be built at the nearby cave-grotto. These apparitions occurred between 11 February and 16 July 1858, and the young lady who appeared to her identified herself as the "Immaculate Conception".
After a canonical investigation, Soubirous's reports were eventually declared "worthy of belief" on 18 February 1862, and the Marian apparition became known as Our Lady of Lourdes. In 1866, Soubirous joined the Sisters of Charity of Nevers at their convent in Nevers where she spent the last years of her life. Her body is said by the Catholic Church to remain internally incorrupt.[2] The grotto where the apparitions occurred later went on to become a major pilgrimage site and Marian shrine known as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, attracting around five million pilgrims of all denominations each year.
Pope Pius XI beatified Bernadette Soubirous on 14 June 1925 and canonized her on 8 December 1933. Her feast day, initially specified as 18 February – the day Mary promised to make her happy, not in this life, but in the other – is now observed in most places on the date of her death, 16 April.[3]
Marie Bernarde Soubirous was the daughter of François Soubirous (1807–1871), a miller, and his wife Louise (née Casteròt; 1825–1866), a laundress.[4] She was the eldest of nine children—Bernadette, Jean (born and died 1845), Toinette (1846–1892), Jean-Marie (1848–1851), Jean-Marie (1851–1919), Justin (1855–1865), Pierre (1859–1931), Jean (born and died 1864), and a baby named Louise who died soon after her birth (1866).[citation needed]
Soubirous was born on 7 January 1844[5] and baptized at the local parish church, St. Pierre's, on 9 January, her parents' wedding anniversary. Her godmother was Bernarde Casterot, her mother's sister, a moderately wealthy widow who owned a tavern. Hard times had fallen on France, and the family lived in extreme poverty. Soubirous was a very sick child and possibly due to this only measured 1.4 m (4 ft. 7in.) tall. She contracted cholera as a toddler and suffered severe asthma for the rest of her life. Soubirous attended the day school conducted by the Sisters of Charity and Christian Instruction of Nevers.[6] Contrary to a belief popularized by Hollywood films, Soubirous learned very little French, only studying French in school after age 13. At that time she could read and write very little due to her frequent illness. She spoke the language of Occitan, which was spoken by the local population of the Pyrenees region at that time and to a residual degree today.
By the time of the events at the grotto, the Soubirous family's financial and social status had declined to the point where they lived in a one-room basement, formerly used as a jail, called le cachot, "the dungeon", where they were housed for free by her mother's cousin, André Sajoux.[7]
On 11 February 1858, Soubirous, then aged 14, was out gathering firewood with her sister Toinette and a friend near the grotto of Massabielle (Tuta de Massavielha) when she experienced her first vision. While the other girls crossed the little stream in front of the grotto and walked on, Soubirous stayed behind, looking for a place to cross where she wouldn't get her stockings wet. She finally sat down to take her shoes off in order to cross the water and was lowering her stocking when she heard the sound of rushing wind, but nothing moved. A wild rose in a natural niche in the grotto, however, did move. From the niche, or rather the dark alcove behind it, "came a dazzling light, and a white figure". This was the first of 18 visions of what she referred to as aquerò (pronounced [ake'ɾɔ]), Gascon Occitan for "that". In later testimony, she called it "a small young lady" (uo petito damizelo). Her sister and her friend stated that they had seen nothing.[8]
On 14 February, after Sunday Mass, Soubirous, with her sister Marie and some other girls, returned to the grotto. Soubirous knelt down immediately, saying she saw the apparition again. When one of the girls threw holy water at the niche and another threw a rock from above that shattered on the ground, the apparition disappeared.[9] On her next visit, 18 February, Soubirous said that "the vision" asked her to return to the grotto every day for a fortnight.[10]
This period of almost daily visions came to be known as la Quinzaine sacrée, "holy fortnight." Initially, Soubirous's parents, especially her mother, were embarrassed and tried to forbid her to go. The supposed apparition did not identify herself until the seventeenth vision. Although the townspeople who believed she was telling the truth assumed she saw the Virgin Mary, Soubirous never claimed it to be Mary, consistently using the word aquerò. She described the lady as wearing a white veil, a blue girdle and with a yellow rose on each foot – compatible with "a description of any statue of the Virgin in a village church".[11]
Soubirous's story caused a sensation among the townspeople, who were divided in their opinions on whether or not she was telling the truth. Some believed her to have a mental illness and demanded she be put in an asylum.[12]
The other contents of Soubirous's reported visions were simple and focused on the need for prayer and penance. On 25 February she explained that the vision had told her "to drink of the water of the spring, to wash in it and to eat the herb that grew there," as an act of penance. To everyone's surprise, the next day the grotto was no longer muddy but clear water flowed. [13]On 2 March, at the thirteenth apparition, Soubirous told her family that the lady said that "a chapel should be built and a procession formed".[6]
The sixteenth vision, which Soubirous stated went on for over an hour, was on 25 March. According to her account, during that visitation, she again asked the woman for her name but the lady just smiled back. She repeated the question three more times and finally heard the lady say, in Gascon Occitan, "I am the Immaculate Conception" (Que soy era immaculada councepciou in Occitan).[6] Despite being rigorously interviewed by officials of both the Catholic Church and the French government, she stuck consistently to her story.[6]
On 7 April, Soubirous had another vision, during which her hand was apparently not burnt while being in contact with the flame of a candle for several minutes. On 8 June 1858, the mayor of Lourdes decided to barricade the grotto and put guards to prevent public access. On 16 July, Soubirous came back to see the grotto from the other side of the river and experienced her eighteenth and last apparition of the lady.[14] Description of the vision
As happened later with the 1917 apparitions of Fatima in Portugal,[15] the primordial description of the entity made by Bernardette Soubirous was gradually modified to fit the more familiar Marian iconography images. In the seer's account, the apparition was a small figure, a young girl (a "jeune fille"), who looked like a twelve years old child, who was later transformed by interpreters into a "lady" of fifteen or even twenty years of age. The commissioned statue by Joseph Fabisch also failed to capture the extreme beauty and youth of the apparition, and Bernardette commented: "too big, too old". [16] Results of her visions
After investigation, Catholic Church authorities confirmed the authenticity of the apparitions in 1862.[4] In the 160 years since Soubirous dug up the spring, 70[17][18] cures have been verified by the Lourdes Medical Bureau as "inexplicable" – after what the Catholic Church claims are "extremely rigorous scientific and medical examinations" that failed to find any other explanation. The Lourdes Commission that examined Bernadette after the visions ran an intensive analysis on the water and found that, while it had a high mineral content, it contained nothing out of the ordinary that would account for the cures attributed to it. Bernadette said that it was faith and prayer that cured the sick: "One must have faith and pray; the water will have no virtue without faith".[19]
Soubirous's request to the local priest to build a chapel at the site of her visions eventually gave rise to a number of chapels and churches at Lourdes. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is now one of the major Catholic pilgrimage sites in the world. One of the churches built at the site, the Basilica of St. Pius X, can accommodate 25,000 people and was dedicated by the future Pope John XXIII when he was the Papal Nuncio to France. In 2013, 715,000 and in 2016, 570,000 pilgrims attended pilgrimage events. [20] Bernadette in 1866, after having taken the religious habit and joining the Sisters of Charity
Disliking the attention she was attracting, Bernadette went to the hospice school run by the Sisters of Charity of Nevers where she had learned to read and write. Although she considered joining the Carmelites, her health precluded her entering any of the strict contemplative orders. On 29 July 1866, with 42 other candidates, she took the religious habit of a postulant and joined the Sisters of Charity at their motherhouse, the Saint Gildard Convent at Nevers. Her Mistress of Novices was Sister Marie Therese Vauzou.[21] The Mother Superior at the time gave her the name Marie-Bernarde[12] in honor of her godmother who was named "Bernarde". As Patricia A. McEachern observes, "Bernadette was devoted to Saint Bernard, her patron saint; she copied long texts related to him in notebooks and on bits of paper. The experience of becoming 'Sister Marie-Bernard' marked a turning point for Bernadette as she realized more than ever that the great grace she received from the Queen of Heaven brought with it great responsibilities."[22]
Soubirous spent the rest of her brief life at the motherhouse, working as an assistant in the infirmary[21] and later as a sacristan, creating ornate embroidery for altar cloths and vestments. Her contemporaries admired her humility and spirit of sacrifice. One day, asked about the apparitions, she replied:[23]
"The Virgin used me as a broom to remove the dust. When the work is done, the broom is put behind the door again."
Soubirous had followed the development of Lourdes as a pilgrimage shrine while she still lived at Lourdes but was not present for the consecration of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception there in 1876.
Unfortunately, Soubirous's childhood bout of "cholera left ... [Bernadette] with severe, chronic asthma, and eventually she contracted tuberculosis of the lungs and bones."[22] For several months prior to her death, she was unable to take an active part in convent life. She eventually died of her long-term illness at the age of 35 on 16 April 1879 (Easter Wednesday),[21] while praying the Holy Rosary. On her deathbed, as she suffered from severe pain and in keeping with the Virgin Mary's admonition of "Penance, Penance, Penance," Bernadette proclaimed that "all this is good for Heaven!" Her final words were, "Blessed Mary, Mother of God, Pray for me". Soubirous' body was laid to rest in the St Joseph Chapel, in the grounds of her convent.
Soubirous was declared blessed on 14 June 1921[12] by Pope Pius XI. She was canonized by Pius XI on 8 December 1933, the feast of the Immaculate Conception.[1]
She is celebrated in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church on 16 April.[24] In France, her liturgical celebration is an optional memorial and is held on February 18,[25][26] which commemorates Bernadette's third vision during which the "lady" told her that she does not promise to make her happy in this world, but in the other.[27] The body of Bernadette Soubirous
[edit] The Chapel of St Joseph, where Bernadette Soubirous was interred for forty years. Full-body relic of Bernadette Soubirous. The photograph was taken at the last exhumation (18 April 1925). The saint died 46 years before the photo was taken; face and hands are covered with a wax coat. The reliquary containing the body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous
Bishop Gauthey of Nevers and the Catholic Church exhumed the body of Soubirous on 22 September 1909, in the presence of representatives appointed by the postulators of the cause, two doctors and a sister of the community. They claimed that although the crucifix in her hand and her rosary had both oxidized, her body appeared incorrupt – preserved from decomposition. This was cited as one of the miracles to support her canonization. They washed and reclothed her body before re-burial in the Chapel of St Joseph in a new double casket.[28]
The church exhumed the corpse a second time on 3 April 1919, on the occasion of the approval of Bernadette's canonization. Dr. Comte, who examined the body, noted, "The body is practically mummified, covered with patches of mildew and quite a notable layer of salts, which appear to be calcium salts. … The skin has disappeared in some places, but it is still present on most parts of the body."[29] Again, the body was returned to the vault of St Joseph's chapel.
In 1925, the church exhumed the body for a third time. They took relics, which were sent to Rome. A precise imprint of the face was molded to make a wax mask based on the imprints and on some genuine photos to be placed on her body. This was common practice for relics in France as it was feared that the blackish tinge to the face and the sunken eyes and nose would be viewed as corruption by the public. Imprints of the hands were also taken for the presentation of the body and the making of wax casts. The remains were then placed in a gold and crystal reliquary in the Chapel of Saint Bernadette at the main church of the convent [28]
Three years later in 1928, Doctor Comte published a report on the third exhumation of Soubirous in the second issue of the Bulletin de l'Association medicale de Notre-Dame de Lourdes.
"I would have liked to open the left side of the thorax to take the ribs as relics and then remove the heart which I am certain must have survived. However, as the trunk was slightly supported on the left arm, it would have been rather difficult to try and get at the heart without doing too much noticeable damage. As the Mother Superior had expressed a desire for the Saint's heart to be kept together with the whole body, and as Monsignor the Bishop did not insist, I gave up the idea of opening the left-hand side of the thorax and contented myself with removing the two right ribs which were more accessible. ... What struck me during this examination, of course, was the state of perfect preservation of the skeleton, the fibrous tissues of the muscles (still supple and firm), of the ligaments, and of the skin, and above all the totally unexpected state of the liver after 46 years. One would have thought that this organ, which is basically soft and inclined to crumble, would have decomposed very rapidly or would have hardened to a chalky consistency. Yet, when it was cut it was soft and almost normal in consistency. I pointed this out to those present, remarking that this did not seem to be a natural phenomenon."[30]
In 1970, the convent at Nevers was converted into a pilgrimage centre dedicated to Soubirous, run by volunteers and a few sisters and known as Espace Bernadette Soubirous Nevers.
In the spring of 2015, the town of Lourdes lobbied for Soubirous's remains to be returned to Lourdes, a move opposed by the city of Nevers.[31]
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes has a few bodily relics which traveled in several European dioceses from 2017 to be exposed for the veneration of people.[32] In 2019, a new reliquary was built for the travel of the relics.[33] In 2022, the reliquary visited the United States and the United Kingdom. The relics first traveled to the United States from April to August 2022, visiting around thirty dioceses.[34] In September and October 2022, the relics where exposed in around fifty places in England, Scotland, and Wales, including in the Westminster Cathedral and at the Carfin Lourdes Grotto.[35][36]
The town of Lourdes where Bernadette grew up and had her visions has become a major international pilgrimage site attracting millions of visitors each year. Several churches and infrastructures were built around the cave where the apparitions occurred, forming together the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes. The sanctuary is reputed for the Lourdes water streaming inside the cave from a spring discovered by Bernadette during the apparitions, which is said to have healing properties, attracting many sick pilgrims. The most recent church in the sanctuary is the St. Bernadette Church, completed in 1988.[37] The sanctuary also has a museum called the St. Bernadette Museum, dedicated to the history of the apparitions.[38] In the city center of Lourdes, pilgrims can visit the house where Bernadette was born and the room where her family was staying at the time of the apparitions.[39][40] Lourdes grotto in Canada, near Montreal
Hundreds of Lourdes grottos were built all over the world after the apparitions to allow believers to venerate Our Lady of Lourdes in their own countries, specially those who could not afford to make the expensive and long trip to Lourdes. These replicas of the original cave where the apparitions occurred recreate the scenes of the apparitions, usually with a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in a niche and a statue of Bernadette on her knees and praying or holding a candle.
The Espace Bernadette Soubirous Nevers, is dedicated to her memory. This is where her body has been kept after her death. Her body is now exposed for the veneration of visitors. The city of Nevers also has a museum dedicated to the life of Bernadette, called the "Bernadette Museum".[41]
Wikipedia によれば、「ルルドの聖母の顕現」とは
1858年2月11日、当時14歳だったスビルーは、妹のトワネットと友人と一緒にマサビエル(Tuta de Massavielha)の洞窟の近くに薪を集めに出かけたとき、初めて幻を見た。他の少女たちが洞窟の前の小さな小川を渡って歩いていく中、スビラスは後ろに残り、ストッキングが濡れない場所を探していた。水を渡るために靴を脱ごうと腰を下ろし、ストッキングを下ろそうとしたとき、風の音が聞こえた。しかし、洞窟の自然 の窪みに咲いていた野バラが動いた。その龕から、いや、龕の奥の暗いアルコーブから、「まばゆい光と白い人影が現れた」。これが、彼女がガスコン地方のオック語で「あれ」を意味するaquerò(発音は[ake'ɾɔ])と呼んだ18のビジョンの最初のものだった。後の証言では、彼女はそれを「小さな若い女性」(uo petito damizelo)と呼んだ。彼女の妹と友人は何も見ていなかったと述べた。
- EMF 異常による orb もしくは 大気中の発光現象 だった
寝室に ET が出現して abduction されたと証言する人々が大勢いるが、かなりの割合でその直前に光、特に青い光を見ている(*1)。
Bigfoot 目撃者もその目撃の前後で orb を頻繁に目撃したと証言している。さらに Bigfoot 目撃時になぜか多機能型携帯電話機やカメラが突然、動作しなくなるという証言も少なくない。
UFO 目撃でも電子機器の誤動作が多数報告されている。これらの電子機器への影響は EMF 異常で説明できる。
- 証言者が語る Bigfoot も
- 寝室に出現する ET も
- ルルドで洞窟の光を目撃者した少女も
EMF 異常が脳に影響し、その場の状況に応じて Bigfoot/ET/聖女 といった多様な幻覚を見たと解釈すれば、どれも、すんなりと説明できる。
Jeff Kingsbury : abduction 体験の直前に室内や窓に光を目撃したという証言があまりに多い。それに驚いている。 (2022-02-02)
【編】仮説:UFO/ET/Bigfoot 遭遇に伴う「青い光」の正体は、強電界による大気中の発光現象 (2022-01-22)
Preston Dennett の体験: orb 目撃の直後、missing-time が起きた。 (2022-01-10)
❏ Jay King : abduction が起きる直前の兆候を証言 (2024-06-15)
ルルドの現地では EMF 異常が不定期に多発し、それが「ルルドの聖母」の顕現だと解釈された「発光現象と幻覚」を引き起こした。
その EMF 異常が、奇跡的治癒を招いた。その具体的な機序は