Bruce Maccabee が死去(享年 82)
Bruce Maccabee については幾度も過去記事で取り上げてきた(*1)が、2 か月前の 2024-05-10 に死去していた。
【編】Bruce Maccabee 博士が公認した「本物の missing-time の証拠写真」の謎を解く (途中3) (2021-11-10)
Bruce Maccabee が報告した「プレデター的存在、不思議な写真、UFO」の謎を解く (全体) (2022-06-20)
❑ Dr. Bruce Maccabee: 有名なビルの上を浮遊するメキシコの UFO 動画を分析、捏造の証拠を見つけた (2023-10-14)
❏ Bruce Maccabee : Phoenix Lights の映像の一部はフレアだ (2024-03-29)
ブルース・S・マカビー(Bruce S. Maccabee、1942年5月6日 - 2024年5月10日)は、アメリカ海軍に勤務していたアメリカの光学物理学者であり、UFO研究家である[1][2][3]。 経歴[編集]
マッカビーはピアニストでもあり、1997年と1999年のMUFONシンポジウムで演奏した。オハイオ州アレン郡に住み、ヤン・マッカビーと結婚していた。2024年5月10日、オハイオ州リマの自宅で82歳で死去した[6]。 UFO学[編集]
彼のUFO研究と調査には、ケネス・アーノルド目撃事件(1947年6月24日)、1950年のオレゴン州マクミンビル(トレント)写真、1966年9月のジェミニ11号宇宙飛行士写真、1976年9 月のテヘランUFO事件、1978年12月のニュージーランド目撃事件、1986年11月の日本航空(JAL1628)目撃事件などがある、 1987-1988年のガルフ・ブリーズUFO事件、1990-1992年の「レッド・ババ」目撃事件(1991年9月の彼自身の目撃を含む)、1997年8月のメキシコシティのビデオ(彼はデマとみなした)[7]、1997年3月13日のフェニックス・ライト目撃事件、2004年のメキシコUFO事件、その他多数。 [8][9][10]
マッカビーは、過去30年間にわたり、UFOに関する約30本の技術論文と100本以上の業界論文の著者または共著者であり、その多くはMUFON UFOジャーナルやMUFONシンポジウムの議事録に掲載された。彼の論文の中には、有名なバテル記念研究所プロジェクト・ブルーブック特別報告書No.14の統計と結果の再分析があり、これは1950年代半ばまでの3200件の空軍事件の大規模な分析であった。(識別された飛行物体(IFO)参照)。もう一つは、1969年のコンドン委員会のUFO調査の結果の再分析である。(他の多くの人々[イタチごっこ]と同様に、マカビーはエドワード・コンドンが結果について嘘をついたと結論づけた)。
Bruce S. Maccabee (May 6, 1942 – May 10, 2024) was an American optical physicist employed by the U.S. Navy, and a ufologist.[1][2][3] Biography[edit]
Maccabee received a B.S. in physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts, and then at American University, Washington, DC, (M.S. and Ph.D. in physics). In 1972 he began his career at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland; which later became the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. Maccabee retired from government service in 2008. He has worked on optical data processing, generation of underwater sound with lasers and various aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) using high power lasers.[4][5]
Maccabee was also a pianist who performed at the 1997 and 1999 MUFON symposia. He lived in Allen County, Ohio, and was married to Jan Maccabee. He died at his home in Lima, Ohio on May 10, 2024, at the age of 82.[6] Ufology[edit]
Maccabee was interested in UFOs from the late 1960s when he joined the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and was active in research and investigation for NICAP until its demise in 1980. He became a member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1975 and was subsequently appointed to the position of state director for Maryland, a position he still holds. In 1979 he was instrumental in establishing the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) and was the chairman for about 13 years. He later served on the National Board of the Fund.
His UFO research and investigations included the Kenneth Arnold sighting (June 24, 1947), the McMinnville, Oregon, (Trent) photos of 1950, the Gemini 11 astronaut photos of September, 1966, the Tehran UFO incident of September 1976, the New Zealand sightings of December 1978, the Japan Airlines (JAL1628) sighting of November 1986, the numerous sightings of Gulf Breeze UFO incident, 1987–1988, the "red bubba" sightings, 1990–1992 (including his own sighting in September, 1991), the Mexico City video of August, 1997 (which he deemed a hoax),[7] the Phoenix lights sightings of March 13, 1997, 2004 Mexican UFO incident and many others.[8][9][10]
Maccabee also carried out historical research and was the first to obtain the secret "flying disc file" of the FBI (what he calls "the REAL X-Files"). In addition, he collected documents from the CIA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and other government agencies.
Maccabee was the author or coauthor of about three dozen technical articles and more than a hundred trade articles about UFOs over the last 30 years, including many which appeared in the MUFON UFO Journal and MUFON Symposium proceedings. Among his papers was a reanalysis of the statistics and results of the famed Battelle Memorial Institute Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14, a massive analysis of 3200 Air Force cases through the mid-1950s. (See Identified Flying Objects (IFOs)). Another was a reanalysis of the results of the Condon Committee UFO study from 1969. (Like many others[weasel words], Maccabee concluded that Edward Condon lied about the results.)
In addition, he also wrote or contributed to half a dozen books on the subject of UFOs and appeared on numerous radio and television shows and documentaries as an authority on the subject.
ref: Bruce Maccabee - Wikipedia