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Douglas Dean Johnson: Ray Stanford が撮影した「Faraday rings を伴う UFO 画像」には多くの疑問がある

· 159 min read


Ray Stanford が撮影した以下の UFO 映像、


について、UFO 肯定派の Douglas Dean Johnson が長文の記事でタイトルのように批判している。

なお、以下の 引用+和訳 は音声埋め込みを省いているし、 DeepL の誤訳も目立つので無いよりはマシという代物だが、大まかな内容は把握できる筈1


❑ Ray Stanford のインタビュー:全発言+日本語訳 (途中1) (2023-06-07)


Gravity waves and Faraday rings-- or imaginary things? The Ray Stanford movie of December 4, 1980




ダグラス・ディーン・ジョンソン 63~80分


2024年4月4日 - 44分で読む


重力波とファラデー・リング--それとも架空のもの?1980年12月4日のレイ・スタンフォード映画 1980年12月4日、レイ・スタンフォードがメキシコ上空で飛行機の窓越しに撮影したスーパー8ムービーからの画像。数日後、スタンフォードは雲の近くにドーム型のUFOのシルエットを見たと語った。数十年後、彼は自分の映画には、光を歪める「重力波」を発する「巨大なキャリアクラフト」や、強い磁場の証拠とされる「ファラデーリング」に囲まれた小型のクラフトなど、複数のUFOが映っていたと語った。後に2人の物理学教授が後者の主張を採用した。(調査報道、科学的研究と討論、教育、論評、批評という非商業的な目的のために、合衆国法典第17編第107条に基づくフェアユース)




"偏光フィルターを使ってUFOの写真を撮ると...大きな磁場がある場合、UFOの周りにリングができるのがわかるだろう。これは観察されているし、写真にも撮られている。これはオーギュスト・ミーセンが2012年に発表した写真で、UFOの周りにファラデーの輪のようなものが写っている。しかし、これを発生させる磁場は、10~11分の1から13分の1アンペア平方[アンペア・メートル^2、アンペア×メートル平方]のオーダーでなければならない--これが磁場の双極子モーメントだ。巨大だ、巨大だ、巨大だ、巨大だ、巨大だ。" - ケビン・クヌース博士、ソル財団シンポジウムでの発表、2023年11月17日

「偏光面を回転させる磁場だ。これは磁場であり、偏光面を回転させている。- レイ・スタンフォード、ジェフリー・ミッシュラブとのインタビュー、2023年2月

「1978年に)スタンフォード氏のためにファラデー回転と磁場の話題を持ち出したことを、今になってひどく後悔している」。- ダニエル・H・ハリス博士、レイ・スタンフォードの "プロジェクト・スターライト・インターナショナル "の元研究責任者、公開書簡、2022年12月11日

「1980年のメキシコシティからの帰りのフライトでは、特別なことは何も起こらなかった。もし何かあったとしたら、私はそれを覚えているはずだ。レイによる後日談は妄想だ。" - キティ・ボー・ウィルソン、レイ・スタンフォードがUFOが発生させた "重力波 "と "磁場 "の証拠写真を入手したと主張したマルチUFO事件とされる事件の際、レイ・スタンフォードのすぐ隣の座席に座っていた。

pic なし

左から右へ(または上から下へ): ケビン・クヌース教授、レイ・スタンフォード、オーギュスト・メッセン教授。









スタンフォードは、現地時間1980年12月4日午後6時15分(中央標準時)、メキシコ上空を飛行中のブラニフ所有のボーイング727旅客機の窓からこのフィルムを撮影した[2]。[2] 全フィルムの上映時間は約25秒とされている。[3]2023年のクヌースと2012年のミーセンは、そのフィルムから得られた1枚の画像を表示し、UFOの周りに「ファラデーリング」があることを示唆した。

この画像と「ファラデーの輪」の解釈はレイ・スタンフォードに由来するが、この出来事と映画に関する、より手の込んだ、変幻自在のストーリーと主張の一部である。最近のバージョンでは、フィルムには複数のUFOが写っていると言われている。その中には、「ファラデー・リング」写真の焦点と定義されている比較的小さな物体も含まれているが、「巨大な」物体(現在では、スタンフォードは「母船」または「運搬船」と表現している)も含まれており、(スタンフォードの後の説明では)30秒足らずのフィルムの間に、背景の画像に「光学的崩壊」を引き起こすほど強力な重力波を「何百回も」発生させたという。さらに、スタンフォードが作成した1枚のスライドは、"複雑な干渉縞...その領域にある複数の異なる船からの磁場の合計による "と言われている。


以下では、レイ・スタンフォードが1980年12月7日(事件から3日後、映画フィルムが処理される前)と1981年2月3日(スタンフォードが現像されたフィルムを所有した後)に、著名なUFO研究家であり光学専門家であるリチャード・F・ヘインズに行ったインタビューの内容について述べる。これらの初期のインタビューでは、スタンフォードは、複数のUFO、巨大な "母船 "UFO、重力波による地平線の光学的崩壊、ファラデーリングや "干渉縞 "などについて、何も主張しなかった。その代わりに、彼の最初の主張は、日没後の逆光の西の空を背景に、旅客機の窓から見たシルエットのドームを持つ単一の「黒い」UFOを目撃し、撮影を試みたというものであった。スタンフォードは繰り返し、視界に映った他の物体は遠くの大きな雲だけだったと語った(このぼんやりとした塊は、後の記述では異星人の「母船」へと姿を変えた)。




レイ・スタンフォードの "ファラデー・リング "のイメージは、2023年11月17日、ソル財団主催のシンポジウムでのケヴィン・クヌース(ニューヨーク州立大学オルバニー校物理学教授)のプレゼンテーションに登場した。プレゼンテーションのタイトルは、"UAPの物理学と、その検出、監視、工学に関するいくつかの手がかり "だった。これはクヌースが展示した画像である:







注:この記事の準備中、2024年3月24日、私はクヌースに1980年12月4日のスタンフォード映画と関連する主張について具体的な質問を電子メールで送った。クヌースから3月27日に返信があった。私は今旅行中でかなり忙しいが、これは我々全員にとって非常に重要なことなので、必ず返信する。しかし、この記事を掲載した2024年4月4日の時点では、私の質問に対する回答は得られていない。[UPDATE(2025年4月5日): 1980年12月4日のレイ・スタンフォードの映画について、私が3月24日にクヌースに電子メールで送った質問を含め、私が提起した具体的な質問に対するクヌースの答えに関心があることを、2024年4月4日遅くにクヌースに電子メールで送った。クヌースは即座にこう答えた。"あなたに提供できる情報はありません。特に、中傷的なブログ記事で終わるような発言はしたくないので"。しかし、クヌースは、1985年10月5日のレイ・スタンフォードのいわゆる「プラズマ・ビーム」ムービーを徹底的に検証し、真正性を確認するという2021年8月の公約を実行するために、何かあったのかという私の別の質問に対しては、実質的な返答をした。この件に関するクヌースの返答をそのままエンディングノートNo.5に掲載した。]


ファラデー・リング」の画像は、ベルギーのルーヴァン・カトリック大学に所属する、現在は引退した物理学者オーギュスト・ミッセン(Auguste Meessen)によって、2012年にロシアのモスクワで開催された会議の議事録の一部として発表された論文に含まれていた。PIERSと呼ばれるこのイベントは、米国を拠点とする非営利団体「電磁アカデミー」が主催したもので、毎年1、2回このようなイベントを開催している。ミーセンの論文には共著者がいない。私が知る限り、357の論文を含む約1600ページのモスクワ・シンポジウムのプロシーディングスに掲載するために、真の査読プロセスは必要なかった。[4]


ミーセンの論文に初めて出会ってから間もなく、私は2019年2月にミーセンに電子メールを送り、彼が書いた内容に関するいくつかの基本的な質問をした(例えば、「加工されたオリジナルのスーパー8フィルムを調べる機会はありましたか?もしそうでなければ、ファラデーリングのイメージはどのような形であなたにもたらされたのか?" また、"引き伸ばされたアクリルの飛行機の窓が、スタンフォードの画像に見られるような光学的アーチファクトを発生させたかどうか考えたことがあるか?" といった質問である。返答はなかった。この記事の準備中、2024年3月21日、私はミーセンに「ファラデー・リング」画像に関する具体的な質問を再び電子メールで送った。この記事の公開日現在、何の返答もない。後日回答があった場合は、この記事の下にある修正履歴に記す。







目の肥えた読者はこう尋ねるかもしれない: ミーセン(2012年)とクヌース(2023年)の発表は、1980年12月4日の出来事と映画に関する他の入手可能な情報(スタンフォード自身による以前の声明を含む)とどのように整合性があるのだろうか?その疑問を探ってみたい。




-- レイ・スタンフォードによると、旅客機は3基のエンジンを後部に搭載し、3つの座席が交差していた(つまりボーイング727)。スタンフォード一家は飛行機の左側、9列目に座っていた。スタンフォードの娘(2歳半)はスタンフォードの左隣の窓際の席(9A)に、スタンフォードは中央の席(9B)に、スタンフォードの当時の妻キティ・ボーはスタンフォードの右隣のアイル席(9C)に座っていた。

-- 離陸後まもなく、飛行機が高度を上げ(39,000フィートに向かう途中、約12,000フィート)、磁力350度の北へ向かっていたとき、日本時間午後6時15分(日没後17分)、窓から西を見ていたスタンフォードは、大きな雲の後ろから1つの速く動く物体が現れ、南へ向きを変えるのを見たと言った。彼は、その物体を、逆光の西の空にシルエットで映る、"太った楕円球か、非常に太った円盤...上にかなりのドームがある "と表現した。(黒いシルエットだった」)スタンフォードは、黒い「UFO」以外に西の空に見えたものは、大きな雲(「羽毛のような雲」)だけで、20マイルから80マイル離れていると推定したと言った。彼は70ミリの望遠レンズをつけたキヤノンのスーパー8ムービーカメラで窓の外を撮影し始めた。カメラは最初、毎秒24コマに設定されていた。しかし、スタンフォードはすぐに撮影を中断してカメラを「スローモーション」用にリセットし、フレームレートを毎秒54フレームに変更した。

-- この詳細な会話の中で、スタンフォードは、UFOはただ一機だけで、日没後の逆光の空にシルエットで「黒く」見え(「シルエットは、もちろんその距離では非常に二次元的に見え、この平らな楕円形のような...それからこの大きさのドーム...」)、その周りに何らかの蒸気が渦巻いていたとはっきり言った。スタンフォードは、空にあった他の物体は大きな雲だけで、見かけの幅が3度から5度(満月の見かけの幅の6倍から10倍になる)と推定した。「撮影中、ずっと雲を絶対的な基準物体としていたのは幸運だった」とスタンフォードはヘインズに語った。



-- スタンフォードは、撮影したUFOを肉眼で見て「満月の4分の1か5分の1の大きさ」(6~8分角)であり、時速2,000マイルで飛行していたと推定している。

-- すぐ右隣に座っていた妻のキティ・ボーについて、スタンフォードはヘインズにこう語った!キティ・ボー、黒いUFOを撮影しているんだ! 雲を横切って、左のほうにものすごい勢いで動いている!見て!』って。でも、彼女は私の声なんて聞こえなかったと断言したんだ。腹が立つよ」。[この出来事についてのキティ・ボーのコメントは、この記事の上のほうですでに報告されている。]

-- スタンフォードは、UFOを見たことを乗務員には話していないという。彼はその出来事の後、"フライトエンジニア "に飛行機の位置、速度、その他午後6時15分に該当する適切なデータについての情報を求めるメモを送り、そのデータを提供するメモを返信してもらったと言った。

-- ヘインズは機転を利かせて、スタンフォードが以前にも旅客機の窓からUFOを撮影したという主張を何度もしていたことを指摘し、このことがまたそのような主張をすることに懐疑的な人を作るかもしれないと示唆した。ヘインズは、スタンフォードが未加工のフィルム容器をヘインズに引き渡し、それをヘインズがUFO研究センターに "ジョン・ドゥ "として提出し、独自の処理と評価を受けるよう提案した。(この部分は1980年12月7日の録画のパート2の6分あたりから始まっている)。ヘインズはまた、フィルムスピード(感光度)を "プッシュ "するために、フィルムに特別な処理を施すよう具体的なアドバイスもした。スタンフォードはヘインズの提案をすべて受け入れていたようだが、彼が実際にどのような手順でフィルムを処理したのかはわからない。



リチャード・ヘインズとレイ・スタンフォード、12月7日、80年12月4日メキシコシティ事件についての電話会談 1/2


リチャード・ヘインズとレイ・スタンフォード 12 7 80 電話による会話 12 4 80 メキシコ・シティ事件 2 / 2






リチャード・ヘインズとレイ・スタンフォード 2 3 81 12 4 80フィルムについての電話会談









レイ・スタンフォード 前妻と私(現在の妻ではなく、前妻[キティ・ボー・ウィルソン]と私、そして娘[2歳半])は1980年12月4日、メキシコシティから昼間の飛行機で帰っていた。私たちはメキシコシティの北にいた。テオティワカンのピラミッドシステムの北にいた。ティサユカ無線標識と呼ばれるものの上にいた。西に巨大な物体があり、北から小さな物体が近づいていた。この(小さな)物体は非常に奇妙なもので、ここでは時間をかけて説明しようとは思わない。しかし、それはこの巨大な物体に近づいていて、その左端から2本のビームのようなエフェクトがあり、それが振動していた。私はこれを撮影した。そして、この筒状のものの左側には、三角形の物体があった。それは、たぶんイオン蒸気か何かだと思うが、大きな三角形のものの周りを渦巻いているように見えた。


重力に関する質問だが、私たちがいたのは、この上空だった: 確か16,000フィートか26,000フィートだったと思うが、1,000フィート上空にいたとき、西の地平線に雲がかかっているのが見えた。この大きな物体の真下で、キャリアビークルかマザーシップとでも呼ぶべきか、お好きなほうで構わないが、私は1秒間に50コマ、確か54コマか56コマで撮影していた。そのスピードで5コマ撮影すると、まるで重力のような効果で山が光学的にゆがむ。アインシュタインは、重力が光の進路に影響を与えることを示している。そして、5コマの間に山が崩れ、15コマで光学的に元の高さに戻る。この長いフィルムの間、山は何度も何度も崩れては浮き上がり、崩れては浮き上がりを繰り返している。


エロール・ブルース=ナップ そして、あなたはこれまでずっとこの事実を隠し続けてきた。レイ・スタンフォード、あなたは今、決定的な証拠を打ち立てた!



イアン・ロジャースだ: いや、初めてだよ。そのフィルムのコピーを見てみたいよ。




レイ・スタンフォード「ストレンジ・デイズ・インディード」234号 3 29 03

2021年7月のクヌース・スタンフォードのパワーポイント: ファラデーリングと "複雑な干渉パターン"

ミーセンの2012年の論文はさておき、ケビン・クヌースは1980年12月4日のフィルムに関するスタンフォードの主張をよく知っているはずだ。2021年6月、クヌースはUAP研究科学連合の会議で発表するために、レイ・スタンフォードが共著した「UAPの物理的観測可能性」と題するパワーポイントのスライドショーを提出した[6]。スタンフォードが作成したスライドには、レイ・スタンフォードが目撃したとされる6つの異なる主張のUFO現象からの画像が含まれており、そのうちの3つのスライドは1980年12月4日のフィルムから直接派生したものであり、もう1つのスライドには "ファラデー回転 "に関する関連説明資料が含まれていた。1980年12月4日のフィルムに関連する4枚のスライドは、オリジナルのキャプションを含めて、以下にすべて複製した。(調査報道、科学的研究と討論、教育、解説、批評という非商業的な目的のため、合衆国法典第17編第107条に基づくフェアユース) [7]



2012年、ミーセンはスタンフォード大学が「出来上がった写真を1枚ずつ見ているうちに[8]、1つのフレームに少なくとも12個の白い同心円状のリングを発見した」と書いていたことを思い出してほしい。[偶然にも、この写真は、これらの物体の1つが長い未確認の構造物に遭遇した瞬間に撮影された...その動きを逆転させるために、小さな物体は非常に強い磁場を発生させた... "と彼は付け加えた。





このような拡大写真を見た後、スタンフォードの "UFO "事件に関するオリジナルの説明は、彼が今写真が示していると主張しているものと一致するように、時には大幅に調整される。例として、2022年4月の私の記事「プラズマ・ビームか、熱の夢か」のセクション6で、私は1975年12月10日に起きた事件のフィクション化について詳細に記録した。スタンフォード大学の「プロジェクト・スターライト・インターナショナル」のリサーチ・ディレクターであったダニエル・H・ハリス博士が、UFO写真の解釈におけるスタンフォード大学の非常に主観的で想像力豊かなアプローチについて、彼の実体験をもとに語っている。

いわゆる "ファラデーリング "画像の大きさ、スーパー8フォーマットの限界

ミーセンとクヌースが2012年と2023年に採用した1枚の画像に話を戻そう: パワーポイントの2枚目のスライドが、スーパー8の乳剤フレーム全体を含んでいるのか、それとも画像がトリミングされているのかはわからない。その画像をもう一度見てみよう。(調査報道、科学研究、討論、教育、解説、批評などの非商業的目的のために、合衆国法典第17編第107条に基づくフェアユース)


単に議論のために、このスライドがスーパー8エマルジョンフィルムの、トリミングされていないオリジナルのフルフレームを示していると仮定してみよう。スーパー8フィルムのフルフレームの大きさは、わずか5.79 x 4.01mm、つまり、長辺が4分の1インチ以下(0.228インチ x 0.158インチ)である。私の測定では、"同心円 "は画像全体の幅の約15%に及ぶ。従って、オリジナルの乳剤上では、ミーセンとクヌースが表示した「リング」全体の横幅は約1ミリメートルしかなく、これは1インチの約4%に相当する。







たとえば、1980年4月にメーリングリストに送られた「P.S.I.の友人たちへ」という見出しの資金集めの勧誘文の中で、スタンフォードは次のように書いている:「1977年11月から1980年3月まで、このプロジェクトはUFOのカラー動画フィルムを8枚入手することに成功した: そのうち3枚は昼間のジェット旅客機から、1枚は夜間のジェット旅客機から、さらに4枚は昼間の地上からであった。"




レイ・スタンフォードがUFO研究家のリチャード・F・ヘインズに電話をかけたのは、1980年12月7日のことだった。1980年12月7日、レイ・スタンフォードがUFO研究家のリチャード・F・ヘインズに電話したとき(上に埋め込んだ音声ファイルに録音されている)-このフィルムが開発される前-ヘインズは、スタンフォードが航空会社の窓越しに撮影されたUFO映画について何度も主張していることから、この新しいフィルムは懐疑的に受け止められるだろうと示唆した(「最近のものは、手に入れれば入れるほど、眉をひそめるようになる、 ヘインズは、スタンフォードが飛行機の窓から撮影したUFO映画について何度も主張していることから、新しいフィルムは懐疑的に受け止められるだろうと示唆した。 " その後、スタンフォードがこの事件でそのような手続きをとったかどうかは定かではないが、ヘインズがそれを提案したことは注目に値する。



1980年12月4日の事件では、スタンフォードは、旅客機がメキシコ中部の人口密集地の上空を飛行しているときに、複数のUFOを撮影したと主張している。スタンフォードはさらに、"母船 "が作り出した重力場が遠くの山の映像を何度も歪ませ、"ファラデーリング "が小型機の周りに超強力な磁場が存在することを証明したと主張している。しかし、スタンフォードも他の誰も、目撃者の証言、報道、UFO研究グループへの報告、その他、空に巨大な飛行船が存在したことを裏付ける証拠を出していない。また、スタンフォードがその晩に作用していたと考えている、巨大な重力と磁力の影響についての裏付けとなる報告や観測記録もない。


すでに述べたように、スタンフォードのすぐ右隣の席に座っていたスタンフォードの妻は、私にこう言った。もし何かあったとしたら、私はそれを覚えているはずだ "と語った。スタンフォード自身は、その出来事の3日後、ヘインズにこう言った!キティ・ボー、黒いUFOを撮影しているんだ! 雲を横切って、左のほうにすごい勢いで動いている!見て!』って。でも、彼女は私の声なんて聞こえなかったと断言したんだ。腹が立つよ」。

このように、これはある意味 "複数の目撃者 "による事件ではない。




ここでは、65分のインタビューの中から、レイ・スタンフォードがファラデー効果を何度も写真に収めることができたと信じている5分間のクリップを紹介する。(調査報道、科学的研究と討論、教育、論評、批評という非商業的な目的のための、合衆国法典第17編第107条に基づくフェアユース) スタンフォードがこれらの主張に関連するように、上映された画像の一部は1980年12月4日のフィルムに由来するものだった。

この映像の中で、レイ・スタンフォードはこう語っている: 「私は今、磁気を帯びた光源の周りの同心円の美しい例を持っている。そして、このような状況で、光の極性を利用するとき、それは紛れもなく磁場であり、偏光面を回転させている。そして、科学者たちはこれが大好きなのだ......そして、この強い磁場は、これらの(写真の)例のように、周囲に多くのリングがある場合、非常に強力な磁場があることがわかる。"

心理学者ジェフリー・ミシュラブによる "New Thinking Allowed "シリーズのビデオ "Analyzing UFO Photographs with Ray Stanford "からの5分間のクリップ。このクリップは、調査報道、科学的研究と討論、教育、解説、批評という非商業的な目的のために、合衆国法典第17編第107条に基づくフェアユースとしてここに提示される。



ハリスとスタンフォードは、スタンフォードがメキシコでフィルムを撮影する2年前に袂を分かったため、ハリスはメキシコのフィルムについて直接的なコメントはしていない。とはいえ、ハリスの見解のいくつかは、メキシコのフィルムとその "ファラデー・リング "と称されるものについてのスタンフォードの主張に確かに関連していることがわかるだろう。ハリスはこう書いている:

レイ・スタンフォードは、1977年12月12日にテネシー州メンフィス近郊で、旅客機の窓から撮影したスーパー8ムービーという、もう一つの「UFO事件」に関連して、私の名前を明確に呼び出した。 スタンフォード氏は、1980年にUFOネットワーク(MUFON)のシンポジウムで発表した長い論文の中で、次のように書いている(154ページ): "目撃のテープ録音された説明は、翌朝、P.S.I.の事務所で行われ、これは物理学者ダニエル・ハリス博士を含む数人によって目撃された。"彼は、説明中に描かれた著者(レイ・スタンフォード)の図面の証人として、また説明がフィルムが処理される前に行われたことを証明するために署名した。

しかし、処理され、非常に拡大されたフィルムが示したとされるものについてのスタンフォード氏の非常に複雑な解釈には同意できない。その解釈には、[MUFON1980のP153]「比較的巨大で、明らかに光っていて、虹色で、管状のもの」、流れるような発光物質を発するもの、などが含まれる。さらに、スタンフォード氏は1980年のMUFON論文156ページにこう書いている: 「これらの現象が繰り返し発生しているP.S.I.のフィルム記録(1977年12月12日)を研究した物理学者ダニエル・H・ハリス博士は、フィルムに記録された効果は「衝撃現象であり、その後、拡大する衝撃波である可能性が高い」と述べている: 「前述の物理学者、ダニエル・ハリスはフィルムを研究し、フィルムが偏光バイアス(撮影対象物に対してブリュースター角をなす航空機の窓とビーム・スプリッターを介して)で撮影されていることから、リングは「ファラデー回転」によるものである可能性を示唆している。

記録を正すために:1977年12月12日の出来事からスタンフォードのスーパー8フィルムに関して、非常に小さく不明瞭な画像は、カメラで露光されたフィルムの大部分からではなく、フィルムリールの一番端にある2つか3つのフレームにあった。これらの2~3コマは、カメラから取り出された後、フィルムケースから部分的にはみ出し、取り扱いや輸送中に部分的に外光にさらされた。これらの部分的に露光されたコマは、カメラによって形成された画像ではまったくない。そして、高倍率に拡大された端のフレームに関するスタンフォード氏の解釈は、事件翌日、フィルムが処理される前のスタンフォード氏のテープによる説明や図面とは一致しない。私は確かに、このフィルムの最後の部分を劇的に拡大したフレームが、巨大な異常な空中装置や「衝撃現象」、あるいはエキゾチックな技術によるその他の効果を示す証拠になるとは思わない。スタンフォード氏は、このトピックに関して、ドラマチックな演出で虚偽の引用をしている。私は、偏光やブリュースター角が、飛行機の窓越しに見たり、カメラのビームスプリッターに関与している可能性を示唆したことはない。スタンフォード氏は、これらのフレームの "円弧 "を衝撃波とファラデー磁気効果と解釈している。両方であるはずがない。私(ハリス博士)はスタンフォード氏の円弧をフィルムのアーチファクトと見ている。

私はスタンフォード氏に対して、スタンフォード氏がフィルム上で見た円弧は、アリゾナ州ユマからの大昔のUFO報告[Wells Alan Webb report of observation on May 5, 1953, found on page 52 of the UFO Evidence volume published by NICAP in 1964.]を思い出させる、とコメントした。そこでは、何人かの分析者がファラデー回転が示唆されたと言われていた。 私は今、スタンフォード氏のためにファラデー回転と磁場の話題を持ち出したことをひどく後悔している。(その後、私はあのユマの目撃を再考し、あの観測が電離領域におけるファラデー回転を伴う磁場の合理的な双極子モデルと相容れないことを発見した).... [太字は強調のため]

P.S.I.にいた頃、私はよく写真画像の拡大が粗いという相談を受けた。スタンフォード氏はしばしば、これらの画像の中に、単にそこにないものを「見た」と思っていた。 スタンフォード氏は時として、その豊饒な想像力を暴走させてしまうのだと思う......私たちは夜、離陸するジェット機に乗っていた[ハリウッド・バーバンク空港だったと思う]。高度が数千フィートに上がったとき、スタンフォード氏は窓の外に物体が見えたと興奮気味に報告した。私は飛行機の前方に向かって右側の窓際の席にいた。スタンフォード氏は私の左隣の席にいた。私は膝の上に装填したカメラを置き、レンズの前に薄いプリズムを置いていた。何も見えなかったので、私はスタンフォード氏に明るさと露出時間を尋ねた。彼は1/60秒と答え、とても明るいと思ったようだ。私は1/60秒で何度か露光した。フィルムが現像されたとき、目に見える画像はなかった。








例えば、こうだ: 例えば、現在では「ファラデーリング」と解釈されている、乳剤上の小さな点を囲むかすかな円のパターンは、現像処理による人工物だったのだろうか?偽色スライドにある波状の白い線も、現像処理によるものなのだろうか?1980年12月7日のヘインズとスタンフォードの対談で、ヘインズは(露光不足と思われるため)フィルム速度を「プッシュ」するために、従来とは異なる現像技術を使うことを強く勧めていた。おそらく、実際の乳剤を独自に顕微鏡検査すれば、そのような疑問は容易に解決するだろうが、我々はそのような法医学的検査の恩恵を受けていない。

また、スタンフォードとミーセンが「ファラデー・リング」画像を作り出したと説明したメカニズムが、物理学に基づいて本当に理にかなっているのかどうかについての見解をお持ちの方からのコメントもお待ちしている。UFOのことはひとまず置いておく: ファラデー効果によって生成された同様の線は、自然界であれ実験室内であれ、他の状況で実際に撮影されたことがあるのだろうか?[11]

2024年4月3日の電子メールで、UFOとされる画像についてしばしばコメントを投稿しているミック・ウェストは、クヌース・スタンフォードのパワーポイントのスライドについて次のようなコメントを寄せた: ファラデーリング』という言葉(この文脈では)やこのような画像は文献には存在しないようだ。ファラデー効果』は光の偏光面を回転させるだけだ。その結果、ここに見られるような "波紋 "のようなものが発生した例はまったく見当たらない。"


[1] この記事は、レイ・スタンフォードのUFO写真に関する主張の一つだけを扱っている。2023年のインタビューで、スタンフォードは1961年から1997年の間だけでも51回、UFOの写真を個人的に撮影したと語った。その他にも、スタンフォードは、個人的にエマルジョンフィルム(デジタル写真ではない)でUFOの画像を「数千枚」撮影したと公言しており、そのほとんどは映画(ほとんどがスーパー8、一部は16ミリ)のコマ数であり、スチール写真もある。さらに、スタンフォードは過去に、地球外起源である2つの異なる製造合金を所有していると主張している。そのうちの1つは、彼が1969年に話し始めた「宇宙物質」と呼ばれるサンプルで、スタンフォードによれば、それは爆発した異星人の宇宙都市からの破片で、超空間から出てくるときに事故に遭ったものだという。さらに、1976年に出版された『ペンタゴン・パントリーの中のソコロ「円盤」』という本の中で、スタンフォードは1964年に、警察官のロニー・ザモラが1964年4月24日にニューメキシコ州ソコロで目撃したUFOの着陸装置から金属片を入手したと主張している。スタンフォードは、地球外生命体であることを確認したゴダード宇宙飛行センターの科学者たちが、彼から金属片を奪い取ったのだと主張した。宇宙物質」とソコロの金属に関するスタンフォードの主張については、別のところで詳しく書いた。

[2] レイ・スタンフォードはそのフライトを「メキシコDF発サンアントニオTX行きのブラニフ56便」と特定した。2003年3月のStrange Days...Indeedのインタビューでは、スタンフォードは目撃と撮影が「昼間に」行われたと明記しているが、2012年のミーセンは「日没後だったが、撮影していた方向では太陽がまだ空を照らしていた」と書いている。これらの記述は矛盾していない。1980年12月7日のヘインズとのインタビューで、スタンフォードは撮影を止めたときに腕時計を確認したが、そこには現地時間の午後6時16分と書かれており、それは中央標準時(GMT -6)だったと語っている。スタンフォードはヘインズに、太陽は沈んだが西の空はまだ照らされていると語った。1980年12月4日のメキシコシティの日没は、中央標準時で午後5時58分だった。旅客機の高度を考慮しても、午後6時15分には太陽は地平線の下にあったはずだが、スタンフォードが言ったように、西の空はまだある程度照らされていただろう。

[3]1980年12月7日のリチャード・F・ヘインズとレイ・スタンフォードの電話録音によると、カメラはキヤノンの1014型スーパー8カメラで、オートズームは「70mmに設定」され、最大絞りはF1.4であった。(フィルムは1974年から2005年まで製造されたコダクローム40である。このフィルムは1974年から2005年まで製造されたもので、処理すると透明なベース上にポジ画像(ネガではない)が得られる。コダクローム40のASA(フィルムスピード、光感度)は40だった。1979年8月5日付のニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のフィルムガイドによると、コダクローム40は「3400Kの写真用電球で使用するように設計されている。[優れた色再現性、非常に繊細な粒状性、高い解像力を持つ。屋内のポートレート、静物、カラー原画の複写に最適である。" 別の情報源によると、最高のレンズと薬品を使った実写テストでは、コダクロームの実際の解像力は1ミリあたり40~8oの範囲だった。

[4] PIERSとはProgress in Electromagnetic Researchの略である。米国を拠点とする非営利団体Electromagnetic Academyは、毎年1~2回のシンポジウムを主催し、その際に提出された論文の膨大なプロシーディングスを出版している。モスクワで開催された2012年のPIERSのプロシーディングスは約1600ページで、1980年12月4日に撮影されたレイ・スタンフォードの映像を取り入れたAuguste Meessenの論文や、スタンフォードの事件についての説明を伝える2つのパラグラフを含む、357の採択論文が含まれている。

[5]2021年8月6日、ケビン・クヌースは、アメリカ航空宇宙学会主催のUAPに関するフォーラムでのプレゼンテーションで、1985年10月5日に撮影されたレイ・スタンフォードのスーパー8フィルムからの「未検証」の画像を、「プラズマ・シース」、「前方プラズマ・ビーム」、そしておそらく「ワープ・ドライブ」というエキゾチックな効果を示すUFOの可能性のあるイラストとして提示した。前方のプラズマビーム」について、クヌースは「ここで起こっているように見えるのはこれだ。実際、これはレイ・スタンフォードが見たと主張したもので、プラズマビームが円盤の周りのプラズマの輝きから出てきて、円盤がビームに向かって前方に飛ぶのを見たのだ」。私がクヌースがこれらの画像を使用したことを公に批判した後、クヌースはDebriefへの声明(2021年8月20日発行の記事で引用)で、「私はプレゼンテーションの中で、この画像は独自に検証され、認証されていないことを明確にした。昨年はパンデミックのため、このようなことができなかったが、まもなく修正されるだろう」と述べている。Debriefの記事はまた、"彼(クヌース)は近い将来、スタンフォードの画像を使ったUAPの特徴に関する科学論文を書く予定であり、そこではフィルムと画像は適切で厳密な研究にかけられるだろう "と述べている。しかし、31ヶ月後の2024年4月現在、1985年10月5日に撮影されたレイ・スタンフォードの映像や、それに関連するエイリアン・テックの主張について、独自の調査や認証、「適切かつ厳密な研究」が行われたことを示す情報は公表されていない。また、1985年10月5日の出来事と映画に関するスタンフォードの非常に精巧で裏付けのない主張について、私が2022年4月の記事で提起した複数の本質的な疑問のどれも、クヌースや他の誰によっても扱われていない。プラズマ・ビーム』-それとも熱病の夢か」(2022年4月29日)を参照されたい。

[UPDATE(2024年4月5日): 2024年4月4日、私はクヌースに、1985年10月5日のレイ・スタンフォードの映画(「プラズマ・ビーム」)を適切で厳密な研究の対象にするという彼の2021年の公約の状況について、電子メールで再度問い合わせた。前回(3月24日のメール以前)連絡を取ってから、私はレイ・スタンフォードの映像に時間を費やしていない。[2024年3月以前にクヌースと直接連絡を取ったのは2021年6月で、2021年8月のAIAAフォーラムでのプレゼンテーションでスタンフォードの1985年10月5日の画像を使う前だった。] 昨年、彼を訪ねる予定があったが、メリーランドに行く直前にレイが入院し、訪問をキャンセルせざるを得なくなった。それ以来、彼に会う機会はなかった。私はまだ、彼のフィルムを検査し、吟味してもらうために彼を訪ねるつもりでいる。残念なことに、私は他のプロジェクト、特にNASAが資金提供している太陽系外惑星の居住性に関するプロジェクトで忙しく、その仕事に集中しなければならない。]

[6] 2021年6月のSCU会議で発表するために提出されたパワーポイントの冒頭のスライドには、マシュー・シダギス教授も共著者として記載されていた。スジダギスはクヌースと同様、ニューヨーク州立大学アルバニー校の物理学教授である。しかし、2023年5月1日付の私宛の電子メールで、スジダギスは次のように書いている。"ダグラス・ディーン・ジョンソンは、レイ・スタンフォードの主張を真に受けることに反対する強い主張をしている......私自身は、スタンフォードの画像を見る予定はなく、代わりにデータの出所が完全に分かっているUAPxデータに焦点を当てている。" さらに詳しい背景については、2022年4月29日に発表され、2023年6月5日に更新された拙稿「プラズマビームか、熱病の夢か」を参照されたい。

[7] 当時報道されたように、クヌースとスタンフォードのパワーポイントによるプレゼンテーションの予定は、レイ・スタンフォードの膨大な根拠のない資料が含まれていたため、会議を主催するグループ「UAP研究科学連合」の理事会から不適切として却下され、キャンセルされた。(多くのベテランUFO研究者は、スタンフォードがUFO、異星人とのコンタクト、異星人とのチャネリングなどに関して、根拠のない荒唐無稽な主張をしてきた非常に長い歴史をよく知っている)。したがって、このスライドショーは会議では実際に発表されなかったが、PDFのパワーポイントは会議の登録者に一時的に公開された。パワーポイントからの一部の抜粋は、調査報道、科学的研究と討論、教育、論評、批評という非商業的な目的のために、合衆国法典第17編第107条に基づく公正使用として、ここで利用される。

注 レイ・スタンフォードによる著作権表記に関連する画像の一部は、Association for the Understanding of Man(人間理解協会)の後援の下、そのリソースを利用して実際に制作されたものである。その組織(現在は消滅して久しい)が内国歳入法第501条(c)(3)に基づく非営利法人として登録されていた時期であり、レイ・スタンフォードは正式にはその非営利団体の職員であった; 私は、私が言及した資料および類似の資料に対するスタンフォードの著作権保持の主張は、適切な精査のもとでは成り立たないと考えており、このような資料に対する彼の著作権主張の正当性を認めない。

[8] この事件でレイ・スタンフォードが扱ったスーパー8コマの数は不明である。この事件でスタンフォードが撮影した総コマ数を記した資料は見つからなかった。1980年12月7日のリチャード・ヘインズとの電話での会話で、スタンフォードは、標準の毎秒24コマで撮影を始めたが、すぐに撮影を中断してカメラの「スローモーション」ボタンを押し、フィルムがなくなるまで毎秒54コマで撮影したと語っている。スタンフォードは、事件の80%から90%は速いフレームレートで撮影していたと推定している。2012年のミーセンは、録画全体の長さは25秒だったと語っているが、これはスタンフォードが語ったことに基づいているはずだ。フィルムの現像に先立ち、スタンフォードは10フィートから14フィートのフィルムを撮影したと推定している。スーパー8フィルムは1フィートあたり72コマなので、10フィートなら720コマ、14フィートなら約1,000コマということになる。

[9]「偽の色」のスライドにはキャプションに日付が含まれていないので、1980年12月4日の映画以外の映画に由来するという理論的な可能性を認めなければならない。しかし、このスライドには「Kodak Super 8mm movie film (10x at 54 frames/sec)」という表記があり、これらはすべてスタンフォードが1980年12月4日の出来事について引用したデータと一致している。さらに、このスライドが1980年の出来事のものとわかっている他の画像のすぐ後に提示されていることから、この偽色のスライドも同じ映画に由来するものであることが強く示唆されている[10]。

[10] 飛行機の窓を通した写真撮影の複雑さについては、『Optics in the Air』という本に詳しく書かれている: Joseph A. Shaw著『Optics in the Air: Observing Optical Phenomena through Airplane Windows』(光計測技術者協会(SPIE)より2017年に出版)に詳しく述べられている。ショー教授はモンタナ州立大学の光学技術センター長である。抜粋する: "飛行機の窓の延伸されたアクリル素材は複屈折である。つまり、その応力を受けた素材は、異なる方向に振動する光波、すなわち異なる偏光状態の光に対して異なるように光を曲げ、透過させる。さらに、異なる色に対して異なるようにこれを行う。したがって、偏光サングラスで、あるいはカメラレンズに偏光フィルターを付けて飛行機の窓を覗くと、窓の「応力複屈折」のために、劇的な色のパターンを作り出すことができる。"


空気中の光学 飛行機の窓から光学現象を観察する。光計測学会(SPIE)発行、2017年。物理学の教授であるショーは、モンタナ州立大学の光学技術センターの所長である。

[11] 写真はなかったが、1953年5月5日、アリゾナ州ユマ近郊で午前9時45分から10分にかけて起きたと報告された、ウェルズ・アラン・ウェッブによる観測をここに記しておこう(ミーセンは2012年の論文の527ページでこの記述に関連し、論じている)。リチャード・H・ホールが編集し、航空現象に関する国家調査委員会(NICAP)が出版した『UFO証拠』と題された1964年の本に掲載されたウェッブの報告を以下に埋め込んだ。



(1) 2024年4月5日: エンドノートNo.5を更新し、1985年10月5日のレイ・スタンフォードの映画(「プラズマ・ビーム」)を徹底的に検証し真正性を確認するというクヌース教授の2021年8月の公約を実現するために何かが行われたかどうかという私の電子メールによる問い合わせに対するケビン・クヌース教授からの回答をそのまま取り入れた。

(2) 2024年4月5日:「2023年11月17日のケヴィン・クヌースのプレゼンテーション」という小項目を更新し、1980年12月4日のレイ・スタンフォードの映画から撮影された画像に関する私の質問に対するクヌースの電子メールによる回答をそのまま取り入れた。(特に、中傷的なブログ記事になるような発言はしたくないので」)。

(3) 2024年4月6日:エンドノートNo.11を追加した。1953年のウェルズ・アラン・ウェッブによる観察で、彼は遠くのUFOの周りに「一様な間隔の同心円...明瞭な暗黒の帯」を見たが、それは偏光サングラスを通して見たときだけであり、物体がある方向を向いていたときだけであったと報告している。



Gravity waves and Faraday rings-- or imaginary things? The Ray Stanford movie of December 4, 1980 DOUGLAS DEAN JOHNSON 63–80 minutes


Apr 4, 2024 • 44 min read Gravity waves and Faraday rings-- or imaginary things? The Ray Stanford movie of December 4, 1980 Images derived from a Super 8 movie taken by Ray Stanford through an airplane window over Mexico on December 4, 1980. Days later, Stanford said he'd seen a silhouette of a single domed UFO, near a cloud. Decades later, he said his movie showed multiple UFOs, including a "gigantic carrier craft" that emanated light-distorting "gravity waves," and smaller craft surrounded by "Faraday rings," purported evidence of strong magnetic fields. Two physics professors later adopted the latter claim. (Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.) By Douglas Dean Johnson

@ddeanjohnson on X/Twitter. My Gmail address is my full name

Original publication date: April 4, 2024. Any post-publication substantive additions or revisions are noted in a log that will appear at the bottom of the article (no stealth edits). Note that if you are reading the email version of this article, you will need to use a browser to access the web-based article in order to download embedded documents and audio files. Also, those reading the email version will have to click "view entire message" to access the second half of the article, including the important End Notes.

"So if you take a photograph of a UFO with a polarizing will see that you'll get rings around the UFO if it has a large magnetic field. This has been observed, and it's been photographed. This is a photograph that [Auguste] Meessen published in 2012 [credited by Meessen to Ray Stanford's 1980 movie], showing what look like Faraday rings around a UFO. However, the magnetic fields generating this have got to be on the order of ten-to-the-eleventh to ten-to-the-thirteenth amp-meters squared [Amp-m^2, amperes times meters squared]--that is the dipole moment of the magnetic field. Huge, huge, huge, huge, huge." – Kevin Knuth, Ph.D., presentation at Sol Foundation Symposium, November 17, 2023

"I have now beautiful examples of the concentric rings around a magnetic light source.... it's a magnetic field, rotating the plane of polarization. And scientists love this...." – Ray Stanford, interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, February 2023

"I now severely regret having brought up [in 1978] the topic of Faraday rotation and magnetic fields for Mr. Stanford to run with." – Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D., former research director for Ray Stanford's "Project Starlight International," open letter, December 11, 2022

"Nothing extraordinary happened on that 1980 flight back from Mexico City. If anything had, I would remember it. The later stories by Ray about it are delusional." – Kitty Bo Wilson, who was seated in the airliner seat immediately next to Ray Stanford during the purported multi-UFO incident in which Stanford claimed to have obtained photographic evidence of UFO-generated "gravity waves" and "magnetic field[s]"

From left to right (or top to bottom): Prof. Kevin Knuth; Ray Stanford; Prof. Auguste Meessen.

Over the past five years, I have written about a number of instances in which various authors have embraced specific photographic images promoted by Ray Stanford, presenting them as evidence or possible evidence of exotic alien technology in action. This article examines another such set of claims– specifically, an image that two professors of physics have separately presented to public audiences as a UFO surrounded by concentric "Faraday rings," suggested to be graphic evidence that some UFOs generate very powerful magnetic fields. The most recent such presentation, by physics Professor Kevin Knuth, occurred on November 17, 2023, as detailed below. The same image and associated claims had been incorporated into a paper by physics Professor Auguste Meessen in 2012.

Obviously, such a photograph – if it proved to have a reliable history, and if the interpretation of what it showed was deemed credible by multiple people with the appropriate technical qualifications – would be of great importance. It would become a major exhibit in the ongoing debate over what constitutes publicly available "hard data" (i.e., evidence beyond eyewitness accounts) supporting the concept that some UFOs manifest technological capacities beyond human state-of-the-art.

Unfortunately, the "Faraday rings" photo flunks both the provenance (history) and objective analysis tests. This turns out to be yet another Ray Stanford tale that has morphed drastically over the decades, and that also bears the Stanford trademarks of highly imaginative interpretations of cherry-picked, grossly enlarged individual frames (or fragments of frames) from a movie that is not available for competent independent analysis.

As readers of my past articles on other UFO-alien-related claims by Ray Stanford well know, in my opinion– and it is an opinion based on decades of observation and extensive investigation – the stories that go with Stanford's purported UFO images, and the claims being made that many of the images contain evidence of exotic alien technologies in operation, are without exception uncorroborated, or worse. Of the many "UFO" images for which Stanford has made portentous alien-tech claims, very few have ever been subjected to any hands-on, competent independent analysis– and where that has occurred, Stanford has generally buried, ignored, or denied the negative findings. [1]

Sometimes the Stanford story that goes with a particular movie or photo morphs so drastically over time that it becomes virtually unrecognizable even to persons other than Stanford who were present for the original incidents, a process that can most politely be described as fictionalization--an example of which I have previously documented in detail in my 2022 article "Plasma Beam– Or Fever Dream?" (see especially Section 6).

In view of Stanford's well documented track record, going back to the 1950s, of making unsupportable UFO-alien claims, in my opinion the use of Stanford-originated UFO-evidence material should be avoided by scientists who want their UFO-related work to be taken seriously.


The focus of this article is a single Super 8 movie taken by Ray Stanford on December 4, 1980, and the evolving stories that Stanford has told about the "UFO" incident and about what the film shows.

Stanford shot the film through the window of a Braniff-owned Boeing 727 airliner, flying over Mexico on December 4, 1980, at 6:15 PM local time (CST). [2] The entire film supposedly runs for about 25 seconds. [3] Knuth, in 2023, and Meessen, in 2012, displayed a single image derived from that film, which they suggested showed "Faraday rings" around a UFO, which they presented as evidence of a very strong magnetic field.

The image and the "Faraday rings" interpretation originate with Ray Stanford, but they are part of a more elaborate, morphing story and set of claims about the event and the movie. In the more recent versions, the film is said to show multiple UFOs--including a relatively small object that is defined as the focal point in the "Faraday rings" photo, but also a "gigantic" object (now described by Stanford as a "mother ship" or "carrier craft") that (in Stanford's later narrative) produced gravity waves so powerful that it caused "optical collapse" of the background image "hundreds of times" during a film that is less than 30 seconds long. In addition, one slide produced by Stanford is said to show "complex interference fringes...due to the sum of the magnetic fields from the several different craft in the area."

I have read, listened, and examined everything I can find about the December 4, 1980 incident and the associated Super 8 film. I found no substantiation for any of the exotic claims summarized in the preceding paragraph. Moreover, based on the information that is publicly available, I believe that both the "Faraday rings/Faraday Effect" and gravity-waves claims are implausible interpretations of the cherry-picked and manipulated images that have been made public by Stanford.

Below, I will discuss the contents of recorded interviews that Ray Stanford gave to noted UFO researcher and optics expert Richard F. Haines on December 7, 1980 (three days after the event, and before the movie film had been processed) and on February 3, 1981 (after Stanford apparently had possession of the developed film). In neither of those early interviews did Stanford make any claims about multiple UFOs, or a gigantic "mother ship" UFO, or optical collapse of the horizon due to gravity waves, or Faraday rings or "interference fringes." Instead, his initial claim was that he had seen and attempted to film a single "black" UFO with a dome, seen in silhouette against the backlit western sky after sundown, viewed through an airliner window. Stanford repeatedly said that the only other object in the field of view was a large and distant cloud (this fuzzy blob was transformed in the later accounts into an alien "mother ship").

In his conversations with Haines, Stanford acknowledged that he had not questioned any of the other passengers or the crew as to whether they had seen anything out of the ordinary. Stanford even told Haines that his wife Kitty Bo, who was seated to his immediate right, was unaware that he was filming a UFO during the incident.

On April 2, 2024, I asked Stanford's ex-wife (they were divorced in 1985), Kitty Bo Wilson, about the flight from Mexico City to San Antonio. She said, "Nothing extraordinary happened on that 1980 flight back from Mexico City. If anything had, I would remember it. The later stories by Ray about it are delusional."


The Ray Stanford "Faraday rings" image most recently found its way into a presentation by Kevin Knuth (a professor of physics at the State University of New York at Albany) at a symposium sponsored by the Sol Foundation, on November 17, 2023. The title of the presentation was "The Physics of UAP, with Some Clues about Their Detection, Monitoring, and Engineering." This is the image that Knuth displayed: upload in progress, 0

Here is a screenshot taken from the YouTube video that the Sol Foundation posted of Knuth's presentation. The complete YouTube presentation is here; discussion of the "Faraday effect" and the photo is at about the 24-minute mark. upload in progress, 0

This is what Knuth said during the presentation:

"They [UFOs] also create huge magnetic fields. And the light in the sky is naturally polarized, and these huge magnetic fields can cause an effect called the Faraday effect, which rotates the polarization of the light. So if you take a photograph of a UFO with a polarizing will see that you'll get rings around the UFO if it has a large magnetic field. This has been observed, and it's been photographed. This is a photograph that [Auguste] Meessen published in 2012, showing what look like Faraday rings around a UFO. However, the magnetic fields generating this have got to be on the order of ten-to-the-eleventh to ten-to-the-thirteenth amp-meters squared [Amp-m^2, amperes times meters squared]--that is the dipole moment of the magnetic field. Huge, huge, huge, huge, huge."

Although Knuth did not mention Ray Stanford in the 2023 presentation, Knuth had a previous association with images from the December 4, 1980 Stanford film, as discussed below, and he knew very well that the image was the work of Ray Stanford.

Note: During the preparation of this article, on March 24, 2024, I emailed to Knuth specific questions about the December 4, 1980 Stanford movie and related claims. Knuth responded on March 27, "I wanted to let you know that I have received your email and will reply. I am traveling at this time and am quite busy, but I will get back to you as this is very important to all of us." However, as of the original publication date of this article on April 4, 2024, I had received no answers to my questions. [UPDATE (April 5, 2025): Late on April 4, 2024, I sent Knuth an email containing a link to this just-published article, and reiterated my interest in any answers he might offer to specific questions that I had raised about the December 4, 1980 Ray Stanford movie, including the questions I had emailed to him on March 24. Knuth promptly replied, "I have no information to provide to you, especially since I do not want to make any statements that are going to end up in a disparaging blog post." However, Knuth did substantively respond to my separate question about whether anything had happened to effectuate his public promises in August 2021 to thoroughly vet and authenticate Ray Stanford's so-called "plasma beam" movie of October 5, 1985, imagery from which Knuth had employed in his August 2021 presentation to a forum sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I have incorporated Knuth's reply on that matter verbatim into End Note No. 5.]


The "Faraday rings" image was included by Auguste Meessen, a now-retired physicist associated with the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, in a paper that was published as part of the proceedings of a 2012 conference in Moscow, Russia. The event, called PIERS, was sponsored by a U.S.-based nonprofit group called The Electromagnetic Academy, which holds such events once or twice every year. The Meessen paper had no co-authors. As far as I can tell, no real peer review process was required for its publication in the proceedings of the Moscow symposium, which included 357 papers and consumed about 1600 pages. [4]

Based on the complete content of the Meessen paper, and based on my observation of Stanford's methods going back to the mid-1970s, I would be willing to wager a considerable sum that Meessen simply accepted the still image and uncritically passed on Stanford's narrative about the event– essentially the same thing that Knuth did in 2021 with respect to images taken from another movie shot by Stanford on October 5, 1985, purporting to show a non-human craft breaking a path through the atmosphere by projecting a "plasma beam ahead." [5]

Not long after I first encountered the Meessen paper, I sent Meessen an email in February 2019 asking him some basic questions about what he had written (e.g., "Did you have the opportunity to examine the original processed Super 8 film? If not, in what form did the Faraday ring image come to you?" And, "Have you considered whether the stretched acrylic' airplane window could have produced an optical artifact such as seen in the Stanford image?" I received no response. During preparation of this article, on March 21, 2024, I again emailed specific questions to Meessen about the "Faraday rings" image. As of the original publication date of this article, I have received no response. Any later response, if received, will be noted in the log of revisions found at the bottom of this article.

Here is everything that Meessen wrote in his 2012 paper dealing directly with the "Faraday rings" photograph:

Ray Stanford documented this [Faraday Effect] phenomenon in a very impressive way. On December 4, 1980, while flying from Mexico City to San Antonio, Texas, he spotted anomalous objects in the sky, grabbed his Super 8 Canon camera and filmed for about 25 s at 70mm focal length. This happened after sunset, but the Sun was still illuminating the sky in the direction he was filming. Vertical sunrays were scattered in the west at about 90±, yielding horizontally polarized light that passed near the objects. The beam-splitter of the camera acted like an analyser, by reflecting mainly horizontally polarized light toward the film. Viewing the resulting pictures one by one, Ray Stanford discovered in one frame an extraordinary set of at least 12 white concentric rings (Figure 5).

They were centered on one of the small objects dashing in various directions. By chance, this picture was taken exactly at the instant where one these objects encountered a long unidentified structure (dark edge in Figure 5). To reverse its motion, the smaller object produced a very intense magnetic field and a short ionization pulse, the pictures being taken at 54 frames per second. The white rings resulted from horizontally polarized light and many 180± rotations near the object. Its symmetry axis was oblique with respect to the plane of the film, yielding ellipses instead of circles. It is possible to account for the progressive change of the distances between successive rings by considering the velocity V of free electrons in very strong magnetic fields and auto-ionization, proportional to the average kinetic energy of free electrons. Ray Stanford discovered also some other Faraday rings on other occasions.

In my opinion, the quote immediately above was not a scientific presentation– rather, it appears that Meessen merely acted as a stenographer for claims transmitted to him by Ray Stanford, including claims that display Stanford's characteristic imaginative omniscience (e.g., a smaller object "produced a very intense magnetic field and a short ionization pulse" in order "to reverse its motion").

The entire 2012 Meessen paper is embedded below in PDF format.

(Aside from the "Faraday rings" image and story, the 2012 Meessen paper uncritically transmitted certain other unsubstantiated "hard data" claims by Ray Stanford that are not related to the December 4, 1980 event, and which therefore are not addressed in this article. Suffice to say here that I know enough about those unrelated claims to personally regard them also as unsubstantiated and highly dubious.)

The discerning reader may inquire: How do the presentations by Meessen (in 2012) and Knuth (in 2023) square with other available information about the event and movie of December 4, 1980, including earlier statements by Stanford himself? I will now explore those questions.


On December 7, 1980– three days after Ray Stanford took the movie – he telephoned Richard F. Haines, who recorded the conversation on two cassette tapes. Haines was at that time employed as a scientist at the NASA-Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in California; he was a psychologist, with special expertise in the field of optics and visual perception. Haines was also well-known as a UFO researcher during this period. This conversation occurred before Stanford's Super 8 film had been processed – in fact, much of the December 7 call (which ran about 31 minutes) was taken up with advice from Haines about how he thought Stanford should proceed with respect to the handling of the undeveloped film.

What follows is my summary of the story that Stanford told to Haines, presented in paragraphs that are organized by topic, and do not strictly follow the chronological order of the phone conversation. The entire recordings have been converted to the digital .mp3 format and are embedded below.

-- Ray Stanford said the airliner had three rear-mounted engines and three-across seating (i.e., a Boeing 727). The Stanford party was seated on the left side of the plane, in row 9. Stanford's daughter (age 2-1/2 years) was seated at the window seat (9A) to Stanford's left, Stanford was in the center seat (9B), and Stanford's then-wife Kitty Bo was seated to Stanford's right, in the isle seat (9C).

-- Shortly after takeoff, as the plane was gaining altitude (at about 12,000 feet on the way to 39,000 feet), and on a northward heading of 350 degrees magnetic, at 6:15 PM CST (17 minutes after sunset), Stanford, looking out the window to the west, said he saw a single fast-moving object emerge from behind a large cloud and turn southward. He described the object as a "a fat oblate spheroid or a very fat disc...with a substantial dome on top," silhouetted against the backlit western sky. ("It was a black silhouette.") Stanford said that the only thing visible in the western sky, other than the black "UFO," was the large cloud ("a feathery sort of cloud"), that he estimated as being 20 to 80 miles away. He began to shoot out the window with his Canon Super 8 movie camera, which had a 70 mm telephoto lens. The camera was initially set for 24 frames per second. However, Stanford soon interrupted his photography to reset the camera for "slow motion," which changed the frame rate to 54 frames per second, and he shot the rest of his film canister at that speed.

-- In this detailed conversation, Stanford quite clearly stated that there was only one UFO, which appeared "black" in silhouette against the backlit post-sundown sky (a "silhouette, which of course comes across at that distance very two-dimensional, like this flat oval...and then this sizeable dome..."), with some sort of vapor whirling around it. Stanford said explicitly that the only other object in the sky was a large cloud, "only one cloud," which he estimated at 3 to 5 degrees in apparent width (which would be six to ten times the apparent width of a full moon). "I was fortunate that I had the cloud as an absolute reference object all the time during the filming," Stanford told Haines. This image shows a typical airline route from Mexico City to San Antonio. It is not presented here as an exact replication of the path of Braniff Flight 56 on December 4, 1980, although it is generally consistent with the audio-recorded December 7, 1980 Stanford narrative to UFO investigator Richard Haines.

-- Stanford estimated the UFO he filmed was "I think about one-fourth or one-fifth the size of the full moon," as viewed with the naked eye (which would be 6 to 8 arc minutes), and estimated that at one point it was traveling on the order of 2,000 miles per hour.

-- Regarding his wife Kitty Bo, seated immediately to his right, Stanford told Haines that during the event, "I called out to her, I said, 'Kitty Bo, I am filming a black UFO! It is moving like a bat out of hell to the left, across that cloud! Look!' But you know that she swears up and down that she never even heard me? It makes me furious." [Kitty Bo's comment to me about the event has already been reported higher up in this article.]

-- Stanford said he did not speak to the flight crew about seeing a UFO. He said that after the event he did send the "flight engineers" a note asking for information on the plane's location, speed, and other pertinent data as applicable to 6:15 PM, and got a note back providing that data.

-- Haines tactfully pointed out that Stanford had made a number of previous claims to having filmed UFOs through airliner windows [see discussion below], and suggested that this might make some people skeptical of yet another such claim. Haines suggested that Stanford turn over to Haines the unprocessed film cannister, which Haines would then submit to the Center for UFO Studies under a "John Doe" designation for independent processing and evaluation. (This part of the discussion began in Part 2 of the December 7, 1980 recording, at about 6 minutes.) Haines also offered specific advice that the film receive special processing to "push" the film speed (light sensitivity), a tricky process. Although Stanford sounded receptive to all of Haines' suggestions, I do not know what procedures he actually followed with respect to processing the film.

The complete audio files of the December 7, 1980 Haines-Stanford conversation is embedded below; the first recording runs about 31 minutes and the second recording about 18 minutes.


Richard Haines and Ray Stanford 12 7 80 phone talk about 12 4 80 Mexico City incident 1 of 2


Richard Haines and Ray Stanford 12 7 80 phone talk about 12 4 80 Mexico City incident 2 of 2


On February 3, 1981 – two months after the filming – Ray Stanford called Richard Haines again. An unknown amount of the conversation was not recorded, but at some point Haines began recording. (Haines recorded the date after the end of the conversation.) Since the first part of the conversation was not recorded, the recorded exchange is a bit confusing and may be subject to different interpretations. As I understand it, Stanford had received and viewed the processed film, but Haines had not yet seen the film. I gather that Stanford had sent Haines a letter describing his initial impressions after seeing the film, and was now calling to follow up with Haines, but Haines had not yet carefully studied Stanford's letter.

Throughout the conversation, Stanford again speaks only of the "cloud" and of a single UFO; he makes no reference to multiple UFOs or a to a gigantic mothership UFO. Nor does Stanford during this call refer to the film containing evidence of any exotic technological effects– although if he had just received the developed film, I would not put much weight on that omission, since he probably would not have had time to execute any of his favored gross enlargements and enhancements.

The complete recording made by Richard Haines of the February 3, 1981 conversation with Ray Stanford is embedded below; it runs about 14 minutes.


Richard Haines and Ray Stanford 2 3 81 phone talk about 12 4 80 film

THE LONG GAP – 1981 TO 2003

Following the February 3, 1981 Haines-Stanford call, there is an important gap in the record that remains to be filled by further investigation. Until an interview with Ray Stanford that was broadcast on March 29, 2003 – 22 years later (an interview that is discussed in detail below), I found no record that Stanford, Haines, or anybody else said anything publicly about the December 4, 1980 film or what it supposedly showed. If Stanford, Haines or anyone else involved in early 1981 really believed that the film showed convincing evidence of exotic alien technology in operation, I would find this long silence puzzling.

It is certainly possible that Stanford did talk about or write about the 1980 film, at some point between receiving the processed film in 1981, and the interview of March 29, 2003, in a venue that has so far escaped my attention– and if so, I would be very interested in examining what he said and analyzing how the claims about the film evolved. However, as we will see, during the March 2003 interview, Stanford himself said he was revealing things he had never made public before.


On March 29, 2003, Ray Stanford was guest on a radio/podcast program "Strange Days...Indeed," hosted by Errol Bruce-Knapp and Ian Rogers. During this hour-long program, Stanford spent about four minutes describing what he claimed to have witnessed and photographed on December 4, 1980. During this interview, Stanford said that he was relating a story that "has never been told publicly before" – a noteworthy statement, since this interview occurred more than 22 years after the purported incident.

The tale had grown greatly since 1980. (I regard this as another example of the "fictionalization" process that I have painstakingly documented in some other Stanford-claim cases, in earlier articles.) In the new Stanford narrative, the black domed UFO was relegated to secondary role – the star of the show had become "the big object that I call a carrier craft or mothership" (previously, a cloud), and the marquee claim for the film was now that it contained "possibly dramatic evidence of a gravity-like effect warping the back lighting from the horizon," produced by the "mother ship."

Some readers here may be surprised to learn that in this supposedly first-ever public interview about the 1980 event, after having had 22 years to personally analyze the Super 8 film, Stanford did not even mention having captured any images of "Faraday rings" or the "Faraday effect" – the aspect on which Meessen and Knuth later put such weight. Nor did he mention "interference fringes from the Faraday Effect," as claimed in a 2021 PowerPoint discussed below.

The transcript of Stanford's complete narrative regarding the December 4, 1980 incident, from the March 29, 2003 interview, follows:

Ray Stanford: My former wife and I – not my present wife, my former wife [Kitty Bo Wilson] and I, and my daughter [age 2-1/2 years] – were flying back from Mexico City on December 4th, 1980, in daylight. We were north of Mexico City. We were north of the Teotihuacan pyramid system there. We were above what's called the Tizayuca radio beacon. There was a gigantic object in the west that had a small object that was approaching from the north. This [smaller] object was quite bizarre – I won't try to take time to describe it here. But it was approaching this gigantic object that had two beam-like effects off the left end of it that were kind of vibrating, and another effect on the end in the direction from which the smaller UFO was approaching. And I filmed this thing. And off to the left of this tubular-shaped thing, was a triangular object, which had, it looked like what I would guess to be maybe be a kind of ion vapor or something churning around it– a big triangular thing.

I didn't see with the naked eye, but once we had the film, you can actually see what appears to be totally parallel, columnated, bright beams that are exchanged at times between these objects, as if some kind of communication were going on.

But relative to your question regarding gravity: It happens that we were up at, I think it was about 16 [16,000] or 26 [26,000], I forget, thousand feet, and you could see on the western horizon clouds were covering the ground, but mountains were sticking through the clouds right at horizon. And this was very neat, because directly under this big object, that I'll call a carrier vehicle or mothership, whatever you prefer– I was filming at 50, I believe it was 54 or 56 frames per second. During five frames, at that speed, the mountains would optically become warped, as though by a gravity-like effect. Einstein has shown that gravity affects the path of light. And they collapse during five frames, and then 15 frames optically come back up to their normal height. And throughout this long film, the mountains collapse and raise back up repeatedly, again and again and again.

Now this in itself would be a possibly dramatic evidence of a gravity-like effect warping the back lighting from the horizon. But beyond that, what is absolutely startling is that you see the horizon with mountains all along it. But the mountains collapse most completely--when I say collapse I'm talking about an optical warping until they become flattened– they collapse most completely directly under this gigantic carrier craft. And the further you get out from it to the sides, they collapse less. And this happens hundreds of times. This phenomenon repeats in those cycles each time. You see that, in other words, that the warping effect is radial to this big object, to which the smaller object had been maneuvering. So here we have electronic recordings of gravity waves with a recording gravimeter [a claim related to a different date, not discussed in this article], and we have optical recording of the effects of gravity waves upon horizon structure beneath this big object.

Errol Bruce-Knapp: And you've held onto all of this for all of this time and really haven't put it out there. Kind of a smoking gun you've just shot off there, Ray Stanford!

Ray Stanford: I'd say so. And by the way, Errol, this is a first for your show, because that has never been told publicly before.

Errol Bruce Knapp: Ian and I were sitting here discussing that, looking at each other and asking, "Well, have you heard that before? No. Have you? No."

Ian Rogers: No – it's a first time for me. I'd love to see a copy of that film.

Ray Stanford: You will someday, believe me. It's quite striking – quite startling.

As documentation and to provide full context, I have embedded here an .mp3 audio file of the entire 2003 interview; the segment transcribed above begins at about 22 minutes into the 62-minute recording, and runs to about the 26-minute point. (Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.)


Ray Stanford on Strange Days Indeed no 234 3 29 03


Quite aside from Meessen's 2012 paper, Kevin Knuth ought to be well familiar with Stanford's claims about the December 4, 1980 film. In June 2021, Knuth submitted for intended presentation at a conference of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies a PowerPoint slide show titled "The Physical Observables of UAPs," co-authored by Ray Stanford [6] – 67 slides in all, including 22 slides produced by Stanford. The Stanford-produced slides contained images from six different claimed UFO events purportedly witnessed by Ray Stanford, including three slides derived directly from the December 4, 1980 film and another slide containing related explanatory material about "Faraday rotation." The four slides related to the December 4, 1980 film are reproduced in total below, including the original captions; I have added nothing. (Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.) [7] upload in progress, 0 upload in progress, 0 upload in progress, 0 upload in progress, 0 The "false-color" slide.

Recall that in 2012 Meessen wrote that Stanford had, while "viewing the resulting pictures one by one [8], discovered in one least 12 white concentric rings." [italics in original], and he added, "By chance, this picture was taken exactly at the instant where one of these objected encountered a long unidentified structure...To reverse its motion, the smaller objected produced a very intense magnetic field..."

Clearly, the second and third slides from the Knuth-Stanford PowerPoint, as shown above, are derived from that single frame to which Meessen referred. But the final slide in the 2021 Knuth series, which I will call "the false-color slide," does not appear to be derived from the same frame – rather, it appears to be an extreme enlargement (the fine grain structure of the Kodachrome emulsion is visible, with its typical random distribution) of a portion of a different frame, from among the hundreds of exposed frames that Stanford had to choose from. [9] In any event, in the "false-color slide," patterns of parallel white lines are indeed evident, as in the image highlighted by Meessen and Knuth--but in the false-color slide, the white lines appear not as tidy concentric ovals (the basis of the "Faraday rings" interpretation), but flow in curved and wavy lines running every which way– rather like corn rows planted on a set of rolling hills, as viewed from the air.

This inconsistency posed little difficulty for the ever-fertile imagination of Ray Stanford– his PowerPoint slide caption breezily explained, "The complex interference fringes from the Faraday Effect is due to the sum of the magnetic fields from the several different craft in the area." Here we have an example of the familiar Ray Stanford practice of piling hyper-detailed subjective extrapolations on top of each other, each advanced in a tone of confidence that the credulous and the uninitiated may find convincing.


As I have detailed elsewhere, when Stanford receives a developed movie or still images back from a photo lab, his general practice is to greatly enlarge individual frames. Because all of Stanford's supposedly remarkable UFO-evidence images were made with emulsion films (not digital cameras), gross enlargements brings into view the physical silver grains that are randomly distributed on the film backing material. In those random mottled grain structures, Stanford very often convinces himself that he sees evidences of exotic alien structures technologies in operation--and even, in at least one case that I have detailed elsewhere, an actual alien pilot, so clearly "you can count the fingers on his hand."

In some cases, after viewing such enlargements, Stanford's original accounts of the "UFO" incidents are adjusted, sometimes drastically, to match what he now insists the photographs show. As an example, in my April 2022 article "Plasma Beam, or Fever Dream?", Section 6, I documented in detail the fictionalization of an incident that occurred on December 10, 1975, for which I was personally present and had retained detailed contemporary records; the actual event and contemporary documentation bore little resemblance to the fantastic adaptation that Stanford had prepared as part of the PowerPoint submitted for intended presentation at the June 2021 conference of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. Near the bottom of this article, I quote Dr. Daniel H. Harris, one-time Research Director for Stanford's "Project Starlight International," relating from his first-hand experience other examples of Stanford's highly subjective, highly imaginative approach to UFO-photo interpretation.


Getting back to the single image adopted by Meessen and Knuth in 2012 and 2023: I do not know whether the second slide in the PowerPoint sequence includes the entire Super 8 emulsion frame, or if the image was cropped. Let's look at that image again. (Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.)

Merely for the sake of discussion, let us assume that this slide shows the full, uncropped original frame from the Super 8 emulsion film. A full frame of Super 8 film measures only 5.79 x 4.01 mm – that is, less than one-quarter inch across in the longer dimension (0.228 inches by 0.158 inches). By my measurement, the "concentric rings" span about 15% of the width of the complete image. Thus, on the original emulsion, the entire set of "rings" that Meessen and Knuth displayed would be only about 1 millimeter across– which is about 4 percent of one inch.

This means that if you are viewing the "Faraday rings" image on a desktop computer and make the image 4 inches across, the image is about 100 times as wide as what is actually recorded on the Super 8 emulsion. The high degree of enlargement necessary to make the picture that Meessen and Knuth displayed is also showing us silver grains and other physical features of the emulsion.

(If the image shown in the second PowerPoint had been cropped before the PowerPoint slide was produced, removing parts of the image that appear in the original Super 8 frame, then the size of the "rings" on the actual emulsion would be even smaller.)

Keep in mind that Super 8 was basically a home-movie format. Given the very small image size and low resolution, the format was not designed for use as a scientific instrument. According to Wikipedia, "the format is still regularly used by artists and students. Some seek to imitate the look of old home movies, or create a stylishly grainy look." [italics added for emphasis] upload in progress, 0 upload in progress, 0


The uninitiated reader first encountering Ray Stanford's story of December 4, 1970, might think Stanford was very lucky to have seen a UFO outside an airliner window, which for most people would be a very uncommon experience. But it was not very uncommon for Stanford. Stanford claims to have personally photographed UFOs on many dozens of occasions (on 51 occasions from 1961-1997 alone, and on other occasions earlier and later), and to have obtained in total "thousands" of frames of emulsion images of UFOs. Moreover, Stanford has claimed to have filmed UFOs specifically through airliner windows on many occasions.

For example, in a fundraising solicitation sent to a mailing list in April, 1980, headed "Dear Friends of P.S.I.," Stanford wrote: "From November 1977 through March 1980, the project has successfully obtained eight color motion-picture films of UFOs: Three of them from jet airliners in daylight; one from a jet airliner at night; and four more from the ground in daylight." upload in progress, 0 upload in progress, 0 Excerpts from an April, 1980 fundraising letter for Project Starlight International, signed by Ray Stanford. The complete letter is embedded below in PDF format.

Note that this total (four UFO films taken by Stanford from airliners in a 28-month period) did not include the Mexico film, which was made eight months after that fundraising letter was sent out.

When Ray Stanford called UFO researcher Richard F. Haines on December 7, 1980 (as recorded in the audio file embedded above)– before the film had been developed– Haines suggested that in view of Stanford's multiple claims to UFO movies shot through airline windows, the new film would be received skeptically by some ("the more one gets nowadays, the more it raises eyebrows," Haines said tactfully), and on this basis, Haines urged Stanford to allow him (Haines) to have the film processed and analyzed under a "John Doe" designation, "so that you're out of the loop completely." It is not clear whether Stanford subsequently followed such a procedure in this case, but it is noteworthy that Haines thought it prudent to suggest it.


For most of Stanford's most celebrated UFO photo stories, there are no true corroborating witnesses– there are only Stanford stories about purported witnesses, who most often are not available to researchers. In some cases, however, people who were present actually have been located, and have given accounts widely at variance with the Ray Stanford versions.

It the December 4, 1980 case, Stanford claims to have filmed multiple UFOs as the airliner flew over a well-populated area in central Mexico– with one of the objects described as "gigantic." Stanford further asserts that a gravity field produced by the "mother ship" repeatedly distorted the images of distant mountains, while the "Faraday rings" proved the existence of a super-strong magnetic field around a smaller craft. Yet neither Stanford or anyone else has produced any testimony of any witness, or any press report, or any report to any UFO research group, or any other evidence corroborating the presence of a huge craft in the sky. Nor are there any corroborating reports or records of observations of the effects of the supposedly massive gravitational and magnetic forces that Stanford believes were in play that evening.

Stanford said in one interview that he did not know if the pilot of the airliner noticed anything.

As already noted, Stanford's wife, who was seated in the seat immediately to his right, told me, "Nothing extraordinary happened on that 1980 flight back from Mexico City. If anything had, I would remember it." Stanford himself told Haines, three days after the event, "I called out to her, I said, 'Kitty Bo, I am filming a black UFO! It is moving like a bat out of hell to the left, across that cloud! Look!' But you know that she swears up and down that she never even heard me? It makes me furious."

Thus, this is in no sense a "multi-witness" case.

Nor was any corresponding record found in UFOCAT, a large computerized database of UFO reports. Mark Rodeghier, the Scientific Director of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), which was founded by J. Allen Hynek, told me on April 2, 2024: "In UFOCAT there is only one report for Mexico in December 1980, which was on December 20 at 11 PM local time, in Mexico City, from a high rise, with the original source being NUFORC [National UFO Reporting Center]."


In February, 2023, psychologist Jeffrey Mishlove posted on YouTube three videos of interviews with Ray Stanford, in which Mishlove recorded Stanford telling many tales related to UFOs and other things--all received by Mishlove with wide-eyed expressions of completely uncritical indulgence and amplification. In one of the videos, posted on or about February 18, 2023, Mishlove presented more than one hour of Stanford talking about UFO photos. Near the beginning, the two men discussed a Stanford claim to have personally photographed UFOs on 51 occasions between 1961 and 1997 alone.

I present here one five-minute clip from the 65-minute interview, in which Ray Stanford discussed how he believes he has been able to photographically record the Faraday Effect on multiple occasions. (Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.) As Stanford related these claims, some of the images shown were those derived from the December 4, 1980 film.

In this clip, Ray Stanford said: "I have now beautiful examples of the concentric rings around a magnetic light source. And when you get this, in this kind of circumstance, where you're using polarity of light, it it's indisputable– it's a magnetic field, rotating the plane of polarization. And scientists love this....And that strong magnetic field, when you get so many rings around it, as we have in some of these [photographic] examples, you know you have an extremely powerful magnetic field."

A five-minute clip from video "Analyzing UFO Photographs with Ray Stanford," from "New Thinking Allowed" series by psychologist Jeffrey Mishlove. Clip presented here as Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.


Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D. (astronomy, University of Arizona) was Research Director for Ray Stanford's "Project Starlight International" from September 1, 1977, through December 1978. On December 7, 2021, Dr. Harris released an 11-page "open letter" in which he offered detailed observations regarding Stanford's photo-interpretation practices and his basic proclivities pertaining to UFO-evidence claims.

Harris and Stanford parted company two years before Stanford took the film in Mexico, so Harris offered no comment directly on the Mexico film. Nevertheless, you will find that some of Harris's observations are certainly pertinent to Stanford's claims about the Mexico film and its purported "Faraday rings." Harris wrote:

Ray Stanford has invoked my name explicitly in connection with another “UFO event,” a Super 8 movie that he took through an airliner window, near Memphis, Tennessee, on December 12, 1977. In a lengthy paper Mr. Stanford presented at a symposium of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1980, he wrote (on page 154): "A tape-recorded account of the sighting was made the morning after, at the P.S.I. offices, and this was witnessed by several persons, including physicist Daniel Harris, Ph.D., who signed the author’s [Ray Stanford’s] drawings made during the account as a witness to the drawings and to certify that the account was given before the film was ever processed."

That much is true, I did witness the recording and drawings– but I do not agree with Mr. Stanford’s very complex interpretations of what the processed and greatly magnified film allegedly showed, which include [p 153, of MUFON 1980] “a relatively gigantic, apparently glowing, iridescent, tubular thing,” which emitted flowing luminous substances, and so forth. Further on Mr. Stanford wrote in the 1980 MUFON paper, on page 156: "Daniel H. Harris, Ph.D., a physicist who has studied a P.S.I. film record (12/12/77) of these phenomena repeatedly occurring, states that the filmed effect “is likely a shock phenomenon and, then, an expanding shock wave,” made ‘visible’ to the film...”And on page 161: "The aforementioned physicist, Daniel Harris, has studied the film and suggests that – since the film was taken with polarization bias (via the aircraft window which formed a Brewster angle to the objects being filmed and via the beam-splitter), the rings could be due to “Faraday rotation”, which occurs when the plane of polarization of light (in this case light from behind the object) rotates while passing through an atmosphere permeated by a magnetic field...”

To set the record straight: It is my considered judgment now as it was in 1977 that regarding Stanford’s Super 8 film from the December 12, 1977 event, that the very tiny and indistinct images were on two or three frames at the very end of the film reel, not from the bulk of the film exposed in the camera, which showed NO anomalous objects. Those two or three frames, partly sticking out of the film enclosure after removal from the camera, were partly exposed to ambient light during handling and transport. These partly exposed frames are NOT images formed by the camera at all. And the interpretation by Mr. Stanford of those highly magnified end frames are NOT in agreement with Mr. Stanford's taped description and drawing(s) on the day after the event, before the film was processed. I certainly do not believe that the dramatically enlarged frames from the end of this film provide any evidence of a gigantic anomalous aerial device, or of “shock phenomenon” or any other effects of exotic technology. Mr. Stanford has quoted me falsely on this topic with dramatic flair. I definitely did not suggest polarization or a Brewster angle might be involved in viewing through an airplane window or involving a camera beam splitter. Mr. Stanford has interpreted "arcs" on these frames as shock waves and as Faraday magnetic effects. They can't be both. And I [Dr. Harris] see Stanford's arcs as film artifacts.

I did comment to Mr. Stanford that the arcs Stanford saw on the film reminded me of a long ago UFO report from Yuma, Arizona [Wells Alan Webb report of observation on May 5, 1953, found on page 52 of The UFO Evidence volume published by NICAP in 1964.] where some analysts had suggested Faraday Rotation was allegedly indicated, a case I had tried to interpret in 1972 to measure the magnetic field near the object. I now severely regret having brought up the topic of Faraday rotation and magnetic fields for Mr. Stanford to run with. (I have since reconsidered that Yuma sighting and found that observation to be incompatible with a reasonable dipole model of a magnetic field with Faraday Rotation in an ionized region.)... [boldface added for emphasis]

During my time at P.S.I., I was was often consulted regarding grainy enlargements of photographic images. Mr. Stanford often thought he “saw” things in these images that simply were not there. I believe that Mr. Stanford in some instances lets his fertile imagination run away with him....we were on a jet aircraft at night at takeoff [I believe it was the Hollywood-Burbank Airport]. As we gained altitude, a few thousand feet, Mr. Stanford excitedly reported an object out the window. I was in the window seat on the right side of the plane facing the front of the plane. Mr. Stanford was in the seat to my left. I had a loaded camera in my lap with a thin prism in front of the lens. Since I saw nothing I asked Mr. Stanford how bright it was and what exposure time I should use. He said 1/60th of a second, suggesting to me he thought it was very bright. I took several exposures at 1/60th of a second. When the film was developed there were no visible images, confirming my understanding of that event.

The complete 11-page open letter of Daniel H. Harris is embedded below in PDF format.

Soon after Dr. Harris released his open letter in 2021, I wrote about my own experience as a staff person with Project Starlight International (late 1974-early 1978), which partly overlapped the tenure of Dr. Harris, in this article.


There is no substantial evidence that there was anything out of the ordinary in the sky over Mexico on December 4, 1980.

While I remain open to new information regarding the December 4, 1980 movie, my current opinion is that the images that I have been discussing are nothing more than manipulated extracts from a poorly exposed home movie of a distant cloud and horizon features, along with what was probably a distant airplane, shot with a camera and film ill-suited for such use and such conditions.

The film was shot through a compound airliner window, apparently through a 10-power lens that Stanford once said contained 22 glass elements, and using low-speed film intended for indoor home-movie use. I have yet to see evidence that either Meessen or Knuth gave any serious consideration to the possibility or likelihood of physical artifacts, optical artifacts, or both, being on display in these images--artifacts that would not be noticeable if not for the extreme enlargement displaying random grain structure of the emulsion and other miniscule features, as further highlighted by Stanford's digital manipulations (addition of false color, etc.). [10]

I would welcome input from those with the requisite technical competence, as to whether there are known or plausible sources of optical artifacts, and/or known or plausible sources of physical artifacts (defects in the emulsion or base, processing effects, or whatever), that could produce lines or ripples such as those seen in the images derived from the December 4, 1980 movie.

For example: Could the tiny pattern of faint circles around a tiny point on the emulsion, now construed as "Faraday rings," have been an artifact of the developing process– perhaps a tiny drop of chemical drying around a tiny irregularity on the surface of the emulsion? Could the wavy white lines on the false-color slide also be artifacts of the developing process? During the December 7, 1980 Haines-Stanford conversation, Haines strongly recommended using non-conventional development techniques to "push" the film speed (due to perceived under-exposure); was this done, and if so, could the methods employed have introduced subtle artifacts into the emulsion? Perhaps competent independent microscopic examination of the actual emulsion would readily resolve such questions, but we do not have the benefit of any such forensic examination.

I would also welcome commentary from those who might have observations to offer as to whether the mechanism that Stanford and Meessen described as having produced the "Faraday rings" image really makes sense based on the physics. Setting aside UFOs for the moment: Have similar lines generated by the Faraday Effect actually been photographed in any other context, whether in nature or in the laboratory? [11]

In an email on April 3, 2024, Mick West, who often posts commentary on purported UFO images, offered this comment on the Knuth-Stanford PowerPoint slides: "The term 'Faraday rings' (in this context) and images like this do not seem to exist in the literature. The 'Faraday effect' just rotates the polarization plane of light. I can't see any examples of this resulting in anything at all like the 'ripples' seen here."

My gmail address is my full name.


[1] This article deals with only one of Ray Stanford's UFO-photo claims; there are very many others. In a 2023 interview, Stanford said he had personally taken photos of UFOs on 51 occasions between 1961 and 1997 alone. Elsewhere, Stanford has publicly claimed to have personally taken "thousands" of images of UFOs on emulsion films (not digital photography), counting mostly frames in movies (most Super 8, some 16 mm), and also some still photographs. In addition, Stanford has in the past claimed possession of two different manufactured alloys of extraterrestrial origin. One of these samples he has referred to as "the Space Material," which he started talking about in 1969; Stanford said that it was debris from an exploded alien space city that suffered an accident when coming out of hyperspace. In addition, in a 1976 book, Socorro 'Saucer' in a Pentagon Pantry, Stanford claimed that in 1964 he had obtained metal scrapings from the landing gear of a UFO that was witnessed by policeman Lonnie Zamora at Socorro, New Mexico, on April 24, 1964. Stanford claimed that scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center swiped it from him after confirming its extraterrestrial nature– a tale convincingly debunked by a credible leader of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Richard Hall, who was personally involved in the events. I have written in detail elsewhere about Stanford's claims with respect to the "Space Material" and the Socorro metal.

[2] Ray Stanford identified the flight as "Braniff Flight 56 from Mexico DF. to San Antonio TX." In the March 2003 Strange Days..Indeed interview, Stanford specified that the sighting and filming occurred "in daylight," while Meessen in 2012 wrote that "after sunset, but the Sun was still illuminating the sky in the direction he was filming." Those statements are not contradictory. In his December 7, 1980 interview with Haines, Stanford said that he checked his watch when he stopped filming, and it said 6:16 PM local time, which was Central Standard Time (GMT -6). Stanford told Haines that the sun had set, but that the western sky was still illuminated. Sunset in Mexico City on December 4, 1980, occurred at 5:58 PM CST. Even allowing for the elevation of the airliner, the sun would have been below the horizon by 6:15 PM, but the western sky would still have been illuminated to some degree, as Stanford said.

[3] According to the December 7, 1980 phone recording between Richard F. Haines and Ray Stanford, the camera was a Canon Model 1014 Super 8 camera, with an autozoom "set at 70 mm," and a maximum aperture of f/1.4. (This model camera did not record an audio track.) The film was Kodachrome 40, a film manufactured from 1974-2005. When processed, Kodachrome produced a positive image (not a negative), on a transparent base. Kodachrome 40 had an ASA (film speed, light sensitivity) of 40. According to a film guide published by the New York Times on August 5, 1979, Kodachrome 40 was "designed for use with 3400 K photographic flood bulbs... [it] has superb color rendition, extremely fine grain and high resolving power. It is an excellent choice for indoor portraits, still lifes and copying of color originals." Another source said that in real-world tests with the best of lenses and chemicals, the actual resolving power for Kodachrome was in the range of 40 to 8o lines per millimeter.

[4] PIERS stands for Progress in Electromagnetic Research. The Electromagnetic Academy, a U.S.-based nonprofit group, sponsors one or two symposiums each year, and publishes voluminous proceedings of papers submitted in connection with such events. The proceedings of the 2012 PIERS in Moscow run about 1600 pages, and include 357 accepted papers, including the Auguste Meessen paper incorporating the image from the December 4, 1980 Ray Stanford film, and two paragraphs passing on Stanford's account of the incident.

[5] In a presentation at a forum on UAP sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on August 6, 2021, Kevin Knuth presented what he described as "unvetted" images from a Ray Stanford Super 8 movie taken October 5, 1985, as possible illustrations of a UFO displaying exotic effects – "plasma sheath," "plasma beam ahead," and perhaps even "warp drive." Regarding the "plasma beam ahead," Knuth said, "this what appears to be happening here. And in fact, this is what Ray Stanford claimed he saw, is that he saw the plasma beam would come out from the plasma glow around the disc, and then the disc would fly forward toward the beam." After I publicly criticized Knuth for using these images, Knuth said in a statement to Debrief (quoted in a story published August 20, 2021), "I was very clear in my presentation that the imagery had not been independently vetted and authenticated. We have been unable to do this over the last year due to the pandemic, but that will soon be rectified.” The Debrief article also said, "He [Knuth] plans on writing a scientific paper on UAP characteristics using the Stanford image in the near future where the film and images will be put through proper and rigorous study." However, as of April 2024, 31 months later, no information has been made public documenting any subsequent independent vetting, or authentication, or "proper and rigorous study" of the Ray Stanford movie of October 5, 1985, or the associated alien-tech claims. Nor have any of the multiple substantive questions that I raised in my April 2022 article about Stanford's very elaborate and uncorroborated claims regarding the October 5, 1985 event and movie been addressed by Knuth or anybody else. See "Plasma Beam"– or Fever Dream?," (April 29, 2022).

[UPDATE (April 5, 2024): On April 4, 2024, I again inquired of Knuth via email regarding the status of his 2021 public commitments to subject the October 5, 1985 Ray Stanford movie ("plasma beam") to proper and rigorous study. Knuth replied on the same date: "I have spent no time on Ray Stanford's imagery after we last communicated (prior to your Mar 24 email). [My most recent direct communication with Knuth prior to March 2024 was in June, 2021, which was before he used the Stanford October 5, 1985 imagery in his presentation at the AIAA forum in August 2021.] I had plans to visit him last year, and shortly before I was to travel to Maryland, Ray was hospitalized and we had to cancel the visit. I have not had a chance to see him since that time. I still intend to visit him to have his film examined and vetted. Unfortunately, I am busy with several other projects, most notably, a funded NASA project on exoplanet habitability, that requires I stay focused on that work."]

[6] The opening slide of the PowerPoint submitted for intended presentation at the June 2021 SCU conference also listed Prof. Matthew Szydagis as a co-author. Szydagis, like Knuth, is on the physics faculty at the State University of New York at Albany. However, in email to me dated May 1, 2023, Szydagis wrote: "Douglas Dean Johnson makes a strong case against taking claims made by Ray Stanford seriously....I personally have no plans for looking at the Stanford imagery, focusing instead on the UAPx data, where the data provenance is completely known." For additional context, see my article "Plasma Beam, or Fever Dream?," initially published April 29, 2022, and updated June 5, 2023.

[7] As reported in the press at the time, the intended Knuth-Stanford PowerPoint presentation was cancelled, after being rejected as inappropriate by the Board of the group sponsoring the conference, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, due to inclusion of the voluminous unsubstantiated material from Ray Stanford. (Many veteran UFO researchers are well acquainted with Stanford's very long history of making wild and unsubstantiated claims related to UFOs, alien contacts, alien channeling, et cetera.) Thus, the slideshow was not actually presented at the conference, but the PDF PowerPoint was available to conference registrants for a time. Certain excerpts from the PowerPoint are utilized here as Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.

Note: some of the images associated with copyright notations by Ray Stanford were actually produced under auspices of and utilizing the resources of the Association for the Understanding of Man, during a time period when that organization (now long defunct) was registered as a nonprofit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and Ray Stanford was formally an employee of the nonprofit; I believe that assertions by Stanford to hold copyright over the material to which I refer and similar material would not stand up under appropriate scrutiny, and I do not recognize the validity of his copyright claims over material as so described.

[8] It is unclear how many Super 8 frames Ray Stanford had to work with in this case. I found no source that cited the total number of frames exposed by Stanford during the incident. In his December 7, 1980 phone conversation with Richard Haines, Stanford said he started filming at a standard 24 frames per second, but soon interrupted his shoot to press the "slow motion" button on the camera, then filmed at 54 frames per second until the film ran out. Stanford estimated that he was shooting at the faster frame-rate during 80 to 90 percent of the incident. Meessen in 2012 said that the entire recording was 25 seconds long, which had to be based on what Stanford told him. Prior to development of the film, Stanford estimated that he had shot between 10 and 14 feet of film. Super 8 film contains 72 frames per foot, so 10 feet would mean 720 exposed frames, while 14 feet would mean about 1,000 exposed frames.

[9] The "false color" slide does not contain a date in the caption, so I must allow for the theoretical possibility that it is derived from some movie other than the December 4, 1980 movie. But the slide does contain the notation "Kodak Super 8mm movie film (10x at 54 frames/sec)," all of which is consistent with the data Stanford cited for the December 4, 1980 event. Moreover, the presentation of the slide immediately after the other images that are known to be from the 1980 event, strongly suggest that the false-color slide is also derived from the same movie.

[10] The complexities of photography through airplane windows are explored in some detail in the book Optics in the Air: Observing Optical Phenomena through Airplane Windows, by Joseph A. Shaw, published in 2017 by the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Professor Shaw is director of the Optical Technology Center at Montana State University. Excerpt: "The stretched acrylic material of the airplane window is birefringent, which means its stressed material bends and transmits light differently for light waves oscillating in different directions, i.e., light of different polarization states; furthermore, it does this differently for different colors....Therefore, looking through an airplane window with polarized sunglasses or with a polarizing filter on a camera lens can produce dramatic colored patterns because of the 'stress birefringence' in the window." upload in progress, 0 Optics in the Air: Observing Optical Phenomena through Airplane Windows, by Joseph A. Shaw, Ph.D.. Published by the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2017. Shaw, a professor of physics, is director of the Optical Technology Center at Montana State University.

[11] Although no photograph was involved, I will note here an observation attributed to Wells Alan Webb, reported to have occurred on May 5, 1953, near Yuma, Arizona, from 9:45 to 10 AM. (Meessen related and discussed this account in his 2012 paper, on page 527.) I have embedded below Webb's report as it appeared in a 1964 volume titled The UFO Evidence, edited by Richard H. Hall and published by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). upload in progress, 0


(1) April 5, 2024: I updated End Note No. 5 to incorporate verbatim a response from Prof. Kevin Knuth to my emailed inquiry regarding whether anything had been done to effectuate Knuth's August 2021 public commitments to thoroughly vet and authenticate the Ray Stanford movie of October 5, 1985 ("plasma beam").

(2) April 5, 2024: I updated the subsection headed "The Kevin Knuth Presentation of November 17, 2023," to incorporate verbatim Knuth's emailed response to my questions regarding images taken from the Ray Stanford movie of December 4, 1980. ("I have no information to provide to you, especially since I do not want to make any statements that are going to end up in a disparaging blog post.")

(3) April 6, 2024: I added End Note No. 11, containing a 1953 observation by Wells Alan Webb, who reported that he saw "uniformly spaced concentric circles...distinct dark bands" around a distant UFO, but only when he viewed it through his polarized sunglasses and only when the object had a certain orientation. upload in progress, 0 upload in progress, 0 A frame from a Super 8 film taken by Ray Stanford at Corpus Christi, Texas, on October 5, 1985, which Stanford, author Christian Lambright, and physicist Kevin Knuth have suggested shows an alien craft projecting an energy beam in advance of its path. Knuth included this image in an August 6, 2021 presentation at a forum on UAP sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In an article published April 29, 2022, "Plasma Beam, or Fever Dream?," I raised many questions about this unsubstantiated image and the elaborate and uncorroborated Ray Stanford stories that lay behind it, none of which have been addressed to date. (Fair Use under 17 U.S. Code § 107 for noncommercial purposes of investigative journalism, scientific research and debate, education, commentary, and criticism.)



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