1977-10-12, Brazil : UFO が光ビームで人々を攻撃 ⇒ この UFO の正体を推測
Preston Dennett の解説動画から。この UFO のイラストはブラジルの UFO 研究者による講演でも見かけた記憶がある(過去記事で取り上げたかも?)。

過去記事でもこの事件を含む一連の UFO 事件を取り上げたが、末尾でこの UFO の正体を推測する。
Preston Dennett による要約
case-9 SHOCKED BY A UFO. On the night of October 12, 1977, Manoel Espirito Santo and four friends were outside his home in Santo Antonio do Taua, Brazil when a glowing light appeared, zoomed down and revealed itself to be a craft. Two figures stood inside looking down on the group. A beam of light flashed down and struck Manoel, immobilizing him. It then darted off. At the time, many people in the area were having similar encounters.

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
さて、もう一つのケースに移りましょう。この時期、非常に多くの活動が行われていたので、非常に興味深い、否定できないケースです。 (0:56:30)
私はこれをUFOにショックを受けたと呼んでいます。この目撃者は、かなり大きな生理的反応を示していました。彼の周りには目撃者がいた。同じ日に、その前にも、その後にも、他の目撃や遭遇があったので、決して孤立した出来事ではなかった。 (0:56:44)
これは1977年10月12日、ブラジルのサン・アントニオ・デ・タウでのことでした。もっと知られるべき、本当に重要な 事件だと思う。1977年10月12日の午後11時半、マヌエル・エスピリト・サント(20歳)はサンアントニオ・デ・タウの自宅前で4人の友人とたむろしていた。他の友人たちはフリオ、パウロ、デイカ、カルリートだった。彼らは突然、空を東から西へ非常に速く移動する星のような物体に目を奪われた。 (0:57:26)
彼らはそれが明るい黄色から赤に色を変えていくのを見ながら、ほんの数瞬のうちにそれは速度を落とし、ジグザグにわずかに回転しながら下がり、若者たちのグループから60フィートほど離れたところでホバリングしていた。とても奇妙な動きだった。彼らは今、これが実際に、ある種の奇妙な工芸品であることがわかった。それは円筒形で、垂直で、樽のようだった。 (0:57:52)
底から出ているのはもっと小さな円筒形の装置で、明るい青い光で光っていたが、その一番底からは赤い光が出ていた。 彼らはまた、この工芸品の中央部から突き出ている小さなパイプのような突起に気づいた。今、この工芸品は、この樽の形の前部全体を包む大きな四角い形の窓を除いて、頑丈な金属であった。 (0:58:22)
しかし、最も興味深かったのは、もちろん、この船の中に何があったのか、いや、誰がいたのかということだった。 この透明な四角い窓から、目撃者は2人の背の低い人間のような人影をはっきりと見ることができた。左側は男性、右側は女性だった。二人の間には奇妙な仕切りがあった。この2人の人影 は、目の前に奇妙なゴーグルをつけていた。 (0:59:15)
そのゴーグルは、男と女では異なっていた。しかし、5人の目撃者が不思議そうにクラフトを見つめていると、クラフトの左側の部分にいた男性は手を上げ、目撃者をよく見るためにゴーグルを調整しているように見えた。しかし、右側の女性は機体の中で何か操作しているように見え、そのためすぐに機体の右側中腹に取り付けられた小さな装置から赤い光線が出て、目撃者のグループに向かって真下に向かった。 (0:59:47)
光線はマヌエルに直接当たったので、慎重に狙いを定めていたようだ。彼は電気ショックのような強い衝撃を感じ、それは足から始まり、非常に素早く頭へと移動し、全身を硬直させ、麻痺させたと言う。脱力感に襲われた。意識が揺らぎ始めるのを感じた。 (1:00:07)
彼はほとんど魅了されたような、気絶しそうな感じだったと言った。この光線はかなりの時間、彼に照射されたままだった。マニュエルは手足を動かすことができるようになったが、その後数分間はしびれが体に続いていたという。ゆっくりと上昇し、斜めに傾き、まっすぐになり、右に移動し、左側に回転し、さらに上に移動し、完全に逆さまになり、そして遠くに離れていった。 (1:00:45)
目撃者によると、それは波打つような動きで、風になびく木の葉のように、様々なスピードで、ある高度に達するまで動き、それから超高速で飛び去っていった。目撃者たちはその後、ブラジル軍の事情聴取を受けた。彼らは後に、この事件の詳細を、ここにある図面とともに報告書として発表することになる。 (1:01:11)
当時、この地域の多くの人々がUFOを目撃しており、その多くは目撃者に向かって光線を放つ物体であった。ちょうどその数週間前、1977年9月22日の午後9時30分、ライムンド・フランシスコ・デ・シャガスは、この同じ地域の自宅に向かって歩いていた。 (1:01:32)
彼は怖くなり、ヤシの木の木立の中に隠れた。そして、この物体は頭上でホバリングし、まるで彼を探しているかのように、様々な方向に青い光線を降らせたと言う。彼は、この物体からヒューヒューという音が聞こえ、やがてその物体は去ったが、その後、体にしびれを感じ、それが数日間続いたと言う。 (1:01:58)
マヌエルが遭遇したのと全く同じ日、その数時間前の午後2時、マヌエル・マトス・デ・ソウザという名前の別の紳士が、23キロ地点の道路PA-16にいた。彼は実際に銃を向けた。この物体はすぐに彼を赤い光線で襲い、彼はそれを電気のように感じ、この物体が立ち去るまで一時的に麻痺させられたと言った。 (1:02:33)
また同じ日、同じ地域で、マヌエルが遭遇した直後、最初の遭遇者、40歳の男性、これも偶然だがマヌエルという名前で、マヌエル・ドス・サントス、彼は自宅にいたが、光線が屋根から入ってきて、一時的に半身不随になり、丸一週間しびれと痛みに苦しんだと言う。 翌1977年10月13日、ドニャ・アルジラは再びこの同じ地域の自宅の裏庭にいた。 (1:03:10)
彼女は家に駆け込んだが、この赤い光線に打たれ、再びこの奇妙なしびれを引き起こした。それから8日間、彼女は体が震え、無気力になり、頭痛に悩まされたという。これは非常に有名なコラレスの目撃談があった時期である。実際、近くのコラレス病院に勤務していたワリード・カ ルバーリョ医師は、この光線に打たれたという目撃者の何人かを治療した。 (1:03:36)
彼女自身も頭上をホバリングする物体を目撃し、見たものを絵に描いた。ご覧のように、それはマヌエルと4人の友人たちが10月12日に最初に見た物体と、外見だけでなく動きも驚くほどよく似ている。つまり、あの時、あの地域で何かが起こっていたのだ。 (1:04:00)
つまり、これは完全に否定できない。1日に複数の事件が発生し、事件の前後には多くの目撃者がいて、生理学的な反応もある。そして、このUFOが降りてきて、明らかに、意図的に、意図的に、意図的な方法で自分自身を見せびらかすような、このようなケースについて私は疑問に思います。 (1:04:26)
▼原文 展開
Now let's move to another case which is very interesting, undeniable, because there was so much activity going on at this time. (0:56:30)
I call this one shocked by a UFO. This witness did have some pretty significant physiological reactions. He had witnesses around him. It was by no means an isolated event because there were other sightings and encounters on that same day, also prior to it and following it. (0:56:44)
This was on October 12, 1977, in San Antonio de Tau, Brazil. A truly important case, I think, that deserves to be more well known. It was 11 30 p.m. again on October 12, 1977, when Manuel Espirito Santo, age 20, was hanging out with four of his friends in front of his house in San Antonio de Tau. His other friends were Julio, Paulo, Deika, and Carlito. Their attention was all suddenly drawn to a star-like object moving very quickly across the sky from east to west. (0:57:26)
As they watched it changing in color from bright yellow to red, and within just a few moments it decreased its speed and dropped down, zigzagging slightly and rotating, hovering about 60 feet away from the group of young men. It moved in a very strange fashion. They could now see that this was, in fact, a strange craft of some kind. It was cylindrical-shaped, vertical, much like a barrel. (0:57:52)
Coming out from the bottom was a smaller cylindrical device which was glowing with bright blue light, though the very bottom of it did have a red light coming out of it. They also noticed a small pipe-like protrusion extruding from the center of the midsection of this craft. Now this craft was solid metallic, except for a large square-shaped window which wrapped around the entire front section of this barrel shape. (0:58:22)
This window was three feet, nine inches wide they estimate, and about four and a half feet high. The craft glowed with this yellow-red light the entire surface of it, except of course for this transparent window section which seemed to glow with the blue light coming from within it. They could now hear a soft noise coming from this craft, but it was mostly quiet. (0:58:42)
But the most interesting part, of course, was what was inside this craft, or rather who. Through this transparent square window, the witnesses could clearly see two short human-looking figures. On the left side was a man, and on the right a woman. There was a weird dividing section between them. Both these figures wore weird-looking goggles in front of their eyes, some type of headgear. (0:59:15)
The goggles were different on the man than the woman. But as the five witnesses stared at the craft in wonder, the man inside the left section of the craft raised his hands and appeared to be adjusting his goggles as if to better view the witnesses. But the woman on the right appeared to be working some controls inside the craft, and this caused immediately a glowing beam of red light to come out of the small device affixed to the right midsection of the craft, and it went right down towards the group of witnesses. (0:59:47)
It was apparently carefully aimed because the beam of light hit Manuel directly. He says he felt a strong jolt, like an electric shock, which began with his feet, very quickly moved up to his head, causing his entire body to become rigid and paralyzed. He felt weakness overcome him. He felt his consciousness beginning to waver. (1:00:07)
He said he felt almost entranced, like he was about to faint. Now this beam remained on him for quite a few moments, and then it retracted and it began to move away. Manuel could now move his arms and legs, but he says that a numbness continued to pervade his body for the next few minutes. So this craft rose slowly upwards, tilted at an angle, straightened up, moved to the right, and turned onto its left side, moved up some more, turned completely upside down, and then moved off and away into the distance. (1:00:45)
It moved, said the witnesses, in a wavy motion, kind of like a leaf in the wind, at various speeds, until it reached a certain altitude, and then it just darted away at super high speed. The witnesses were later interviewed by the Brazilian military, who showed great interest in their case. They would later release a report detailing the case, complete with the drawings you see here. (1:01:11)
And at the time, many people in the area were seeing UFOs, and many of these involved objects that would send down beams of light at the witnesses. Just a few weeks earlier, on September 22, 1977, at 9 30 p.m., Raimundo Francisco de Chagas was walking to his home in this same area, when he saw a bright yellow light coming down towards him. (1:01:32)
He became frightened and hid in a grove of palm trees, and he says that this object hovered overhead, sending down blue beams of light in various directions, as if looking for him. He said he could hear a hissing noise coming from this object, which finally left, but he says afterwards he felt a numbness in his body, which persisted for a few days. (1:01:58)
On the very same day as Manuel's encounter, some hours earlier at 2 p.m., another gentleman by the name of Manuel Matos de Souza was on the road PA-16 at the 23 kilometer mark, when he says he saw an object hovering 60 feet overhead, lighting up everything around it. He actually pointed his gun at it. Probably not a good idea, because this object immediately struck him with a beam of red light, which he said felt like electricity and rendered him temporarily paralyzed, until this object moved off. (1:02:33)
Again, on the same day, same area, immediately after Manuel's encounter, the first one, a 40 year old man, also by coincidence named Manuel, Manuel dos Santos, he was in his home when a beam of light came through the roof, rendered him temporarily paralyzed, and he says he suffered from numbness and soreness for a full week. The next day, October 13, 1977, Doña Alzira was in the backyard of her home in this same area again, when a huge light came 60 feet overhead. (1:03:10)
She ran into her house, but was hit by this red beam of light, which again caused this weird numbness. And in fact, for eight days, she said she felt shaky, lethargic, and suffered from a headache. This was the time of the very well-known Colares sightings. In fact, Dr. Waleed Carvalho, who worked at the nearby Colares hospital, treated some of the witnesses who said they were struck by these beams of light. (1:03:36)
She herself had a sighting of an object hovering overhead, and she drew what she saw. And as you can see, it shows a remarkable similarity to the object that was first seen by Manuel and his four friends on October 12, not only in appearance, but in movement. So something was going on in that area at that time. (1:04:00)
I mean, come on, that's totally undeniable. When you have multiple cases occurring on one day, and in the time prior and following an incident, with so many witnesses and physiological reactions, it's absolutely undeniable that something very profound is going on here. And I wonder about cases like these, with this UFO coming down and just kind of showing itself off in an obvious, intentional, purposeful, deliberate way. (1:04:26)
It appears very much like this is some sort of publicity campaign, where the ETs are coming with an agenda to simply announce their presence. I don't know. I'm just presenting the facts as we know them. You can, again, make up your own minds about it. But it's case after case after case.
18,900 views Jan 11, 2025
この UFO の正体は
- 自転する orb
- orb が微小 orb を放出し、それが光ビームと誤認された