2001-03, UK : 採石場で博物学者の集団が生きたドラゴンを数分間にわたって目撃 ⇒ この謎を解く
Karl Shuker (後述)の作り話の可能性も考えられはするが、記録しておく。ついでにこの謎解きをしておく。
Family Terrified After Seeing This… You Won't Believe Their Story
219,700 views 2024/01/27 The Strange, The Mysterious, The Supernatural Shocking eyewitness accounts of possible dragon sightings that suggest these mythical beasts may actually exist. In 2001, a group of British naturalists had a chilling encounter with a small, wingless dragon flying above the ground in Wales. Years later, campers and families in the United States began to experience similar sightings, vividly describing dragons flying through the sky and landscapes. Are dinosaurs still alive today? Do creatures from our folklore and imagination actually walk among us? Or is there something even stranger awaiting discovery? Don't miss this mind-bending video!
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。見ているうちに、それが石切り場の中をのそのそと歩いているのではなく、羽がないにもかかわらず、なぜか地上に出ていることに気づいた。メートルほど離れたところから、一行は蛇のようなドラゴンとしか形容しようのないものが風景の上を進んでいくのを見ていた。それは体長2.5フィートもない比較的小さなものだったが、目撃者たちが比較せざるを得なかったほど、神話上の生き物に酷似していた。 (0:01:46)
彼らの証言によると、その生き物は緑色でうろこ状で、その皮膚は日光に照らされて光っていた。尾は一対の水平なクジラのようなフクで終わっており、それが地面から10フィートほど飛んでいたことを説明できる唯一の付属器官であった。 体のもう一方の端には、他のどの生物よりもタツノオトシゴによく似た頭部があった。 (0:02:22)
目撃者全員が驚いて見守ること約4分、ついにそのドラゴンは視界から飛び去り 、採掘作業によってできた多くの隙間のひとつに姿を消した。その瞬間は過ぎ去った。彼らはしばらく黙って互いを見つめ合った後、それぞれが見たものと印象を比較しながら熱狂的な議論を始めた。この説明が実に印象的なのは、観察者たちの血統である。 (0:02:50)
カール・シューカーによれば、この神話的な獣、つまり私たちが子供の頃からただ存在するはずがないと聞かされてきたものを見たグループは、イギリスの博物学者の集まりだった。つまり、ウェールズの風景に生息する動物を熟知していただけでなく、自分たちの目で見たものを否定する理由も十分にあった人たちだ。しかし2001年3月、近代的な採鉱作業という現代的な環境の中で、おとぎ話とはかけ離れた小さなドラゴンが地上に浮いているのを見たのだ。 (0:03:34)
科学者仲間から嘲笑されるのを恐れて、彼らは自分たちの身元を秘密にすることにこだわったが、自分たちの体験を真剣に受け止めてくれる唯一の人物、カール・シューカーに目撃談を話した。カール・シューカーは、この目撃談の最後にこう書いている。「一行を率いていた博物学者は、この生き物が意図的に自分たちを遠ざけ、縄張りに近づかないように警告しているようなはっきりとした印象を、この生き物を見ながら持った。 (0:04:09)
目の錯覚でも模型でもなく、本当に生きていたのである。"しかし、その姿はあまりにも不気味で、彼はその遭遇に寒気を感じた。ドラゴンがいる。古代の地図によく見られるとされるこの言葉は、人類がまだカタログに載せていない世界の暗い一角を埋めるために使われた。全世界の地図が作られた今日、私たちはもはやこの言葉を使わない。 (0:04:37)
Let's first go back to 2001, where the story really begins. In March of that year, a group of individuals were called out to investigate something strange near a quarry in Powys, Wales. What they found there would puzzle them for years to come. According to the report as presented by cryptozoologist Carl Shuker, the eyewitnesses were startled when, emerging from the woods near the quarry, they saw something wriggling among the rocks below their feet. (0:01:14)
As they watched, they soon realized that it wasn't slithering through the quarry, it was somehow moving above ground despite not having any wings. From a distance of around 50 feet, the group watched as what they could only describe as a serpentine dragon made its way above the landscape. It was relatively small, no more than 2.5 feet long, but it so closely resembled one of the mythical creatures that the witnesses were forced to make the comparison. (0:01:46)
According to their testimony, the creature was green and scaly, its skin shimmering in the sunlight. The tail ended in what were described as a pair of horizontal, whale-like flukes, the only appendages that could account for the way it flew about 10 feet off the ground. The other end of its body bore a head that more closely resembled a seahorse's than any other living animal. (0:02:22)
All the witnesses watched astounded for around 4 minutes until, at last, the dragon soared out of sight, disappearing into one of the many nooks and crannies created by the mining operation. The moment had passed. All they could do was look at each other in silence for a moment or two before launching into a frenzied discussion, comparing their impressions to what they had each seen. What makes this account truly impressive is the pedigree of the observers. (0:02:50)
According to Carl Shuker, the group who saw this mythological beast, something that we have been told since childhood simply cannot exist, was a collection of British naturalists. In other words, these people who were not only intimately familiar with animals populating the Welsh landscape, but also had every reason to dismiss what they had seen with their very eyes. Yet there, far removed from any fairy tale in the contemporary setting of a modern mining operation in March of 2001, none of them could deny what they had seen, a small dragon levitating above the ground. (0:03:34)
Although they insisted upon keeping their identities a secret, for fear of being ridiculed by fellow scientists, they shared their sighting with the only person they knew who would take their experience seriously, Carl Shuker. Closing his retelling of the account, Carl wrote, "...the naturalist who led the group had the distinct impression while watching it that this creature was deliberately seeking to keep them at bay, warning them off from approaching further into its territory. (0:04:09)
It was neither an optical illusion nor a model, but was truly alive, although its appearance was so uncanny that he felt chilled by the encounter." Here be dragons. This phrase, commonly believed to appear on ancient maps, was used to fill in darkened corners of the world the ones human beings had yet to catalogue. Today, after the entire world has been mapped, we no longer use this phrase. (0:04:37)
3~4 分
2001年3月、ウェールズのポーイスで起こった。 イギリスのナチュラリストと数人の同僚が、その年の初めに目撃された奇妙な 「何か 」について地元の人から報告を受け、その地域で調査を行っていた。採石場のそばの森の端に立っていた彼らは、突然、とんでもないものを見つけた。全長2.5フィートかそのくらいのそれは、4本の短い手足を持つ蛇のようなドラゴンに似ていたが、頭は海馬のような形をしていた。翼を見た覚えはないが、長い尾があり、その尾はクジラのように水平に伸びていた。その実体は緑色で、いくらか光っていたが、半透明でもエーテル状でもなく、固体のように見えた。採石場にある無数の洞窟や大きな裂け目のひとつに消えてしまうまで、彼らはおよそ50フィートの距離で3~4分間それを見ていた。ナチュラリストはそれを見ている間、この生き物は意図的に彼らを遠ざけ、縄張りにそれ以上近づかないように警告しているようなはっきりとした印象を受けた。
出典 カール・P・N・シューカー、ストレンジ・マガジン22号
2001年、ウェールズのポーイスにある採石場の近くで報告された謎の飛行生物は、4本の短い手足を持つ蛇のようなドラゴンに似ており、頭部は海馬のような形をしていた。 シュカーは、この報告が善意の博物学者(学問の世界がそうであるように、明白な理由から名前は伏せた)からのものだと書いている:
「目の錯覚でも模型でもなく、本当に生きていたのだ。(Shuker 2007 :. 281)
参考文献:Karl P. Shuker. 2007Extraordinary Animals Revisited: From Singing Dogs to Serpent KingsCFZ Press Bideford, North Devon:
▼原文 展開
A Dragon sighting in 2001 3~4 分
I have often been intrigued by stories of dragons and didn’t realise people claimed sightings in modern times. I came across this from Karl Shuker:
This took place in Powys, Wales In March 2001.
A British naturalist and some colleagues were conducting some research in the area after being notified by a local of "something" strange that was seen earlier on the year. As they stood at the edge of some woods by a quarry they suddenly spied an extraordinary entity. Measuring 2.5 ft or son in length, it resembled a serpentine dragon with four short limbs, but its head was shaped very like that of a sea horse, and it was airborne---undulating and wriggling as it flew about 10 ft above the surface of the quarry in a wide circle. They were unable to recall seeing any wings, but it had a long tail that terminated in a pair of horizontal, whale like flukes. The entity was green in colour and shimmered somewhat, but appeared solid, not translucent or ethereal, and they watched it for 3-4 minutes, at a distance of approximately 50 ft, before it finally vanished into one of the numerous caves and large crevices pitting the quarry. The naturalist had the distinct impression while watching it that this creature was deliberately seeking to keep them at bay, warning them off from approaching further into its territory.
Source: Karl P N Shuker, Strange Magazine 22
Then in his book, Extraordinary Animals Revisited in a chapter entitled "The Unmentionables" he discusses it again, as the mysterious flying creature reported in 2001 near a quarry in Powys, Wales, which resembled a serpentine dragon with four short limbs, with a head shaped like a sea horse, and undulating as it flew about 10 feet (3.3 metres) above the surface of the quarry in a wide circle .Shuker wrote that this report came from came a bona fide naturalist (who was not named for obvious reasons, the academic world being as it is)), who was convinced that :
“it was neither an optical illusion nor a model, but was truly alive, although its appearance was so uncanny that he felt chilled by the encounter.” (Shuker 2007 :. 281)
Interestingly enough I came across this in historical records: Folklorist Mary Trevelyan interviewed many elderly people living in the Glamorgan area of Wales in the early 19thC. They recalled stories from their youth of a race of winged serpents that lived in the forest around Penllyne Castle. Supposedly they had crested heads and feathery wings. and were brightly coloured and sparkled as if covered with jewels. They rested coiled on the ground but if they felt threatened would attack by swooping down on the intruders. These flying snakes killed poultry and were described as "the terrors of farmyards and coverts" many were shot to protect livestock .
What is interesting is that both the accounts talk of the creatures shimmering or sparkling and swooping on intruders. Is it possible that some strange flying serpent still exists in Wales that gave rise to the dragon stories?
Ref: Karl P. Shuker. 2007 Extraordinary Animals Revisited: From Singing Dogs to Serpent Kings CFZ Press Bideford, North Devon:
Karl Shuker が作り話をしていないと仮定する。その場合、この事例は以下の機序で生じたと判断するのが最も無理がない。
- その採石場では EMF 異常が発生しやすい条件が揃っていた。
- そのため、昔から地元民は意識障害によって奇妙な体験を繰り返していた。それによって地元ではドラゴン伝説が生まれた。 最近になってまたその目撃報告が相次いだ。
- 相次ぐ地元民の目撃報告を伝え聞いて博物学者のチームが調査に訪れた。
- 博物学者のチームが訪れた時にも、EMF 異常が発生し、彼らは皆、一時的な意識障害に陥った。
- 意識障害によって地元民が彼らに詳しく語った伝説のドラゴンを、実際に幻覚として見た。
なお、同じ機序で、現地(UK)の伝説に引きづられて、Steve Mera が恐ろしい魔物を見た事例を下で取り上げた。
Steve Mera 自身の体験 : 3年前、伝説のバンシー(女の死霊)が飛来 → 間近で対面 → 直後の1~2分間、通常の思考ができなかった (書式変換)