Keith Basterfield: Jacques Vallee の観る「意識と UAP」
Jacques Vallee の UFO に対する見解の要約 (書式変換)
で一部引用した Keith Basterfield の記事だが、参考までに記事の全文を取り上げ、和訳を付けておく。
Jacques Vallee が UFO 現象を語った 1990年代のTV インタビュー動画+和訳
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena - scientific research: Jacques Vallee, consciousness and UAP
ジャック・ヴァレ、コンシャス、UAP 10~12 分
前回のブログでTo The Stars Academy of Arts & Scienceと彼らの意識というテーマへの初期の関心について書いた後、私はジャック・ヴァレの著書を何冊も読み返した。UAPと意識の関係について、ヴァレはどのようなことを語っているのだろうか。以下は、この分野における彼の考えを理解するのに役立つ、いくつかの著作からの引用である。
ある現象の解剖』の中で: The Detailed and unbiased report on UFOs「 (1965, Ace Books. New York,) の121ページに 」The Need for a New System of Analysis"(新しい分析システムの必要性)と題する部分がある。ここでヴァレはこう書いている:
「現象を全体的に把握できるような概念はまだ形成されていないかもしれないし、人間の脳の現状に特徴的な意識の潜在性を超えているかもしれない。しかし、これはもはや科学ではない。 その後(pp229-230)、「ミシェルの仮説とコンタクトの可能性 」と題された別のセクションで、ヴァレはフランスの研究者エメ・ミシェルのコンタクトに関する4つの考えを紹介している。一つの仮説は次のようなものである:
「(4)接触は、我々には知覚できない 「精神的 」レベルで公然と実現されるかもしれない。「彼らの 」精神的レベルでなされ、我々の現在の意識状態では見えないままである。
1965年のこの時期から、さらに何かヒントがあるのだろうか?禁断の科学: 第1巻』(2014年、ドクマティカ・リサーチ社、サンフランシスコ)の127ページに、1965年2月11日の日記がある。
ヴァレーがなぜこのようなことを考えたのか、その理由はわ かるだろうか?1965年9月19日付の153ページにも、このような日記がある:

Passport to Magonia: from folklore to flying saucers" (1969, Henry Regnery Co, Chicago)の149ページで、1897年にアメリカ全土で起こった「飛行船」報告の波について、ヴァレはこう述べている:

画像提供:Amazon Books
1972年まで、ヴァレは自動筆記というテーマを調査しており、特に「7171」と名乗る存在がUFOと関係があると主張するある事件を調査していた。ヴァレは、『禁断の科学:第1巻 』の85ページに、「私は、上記の対話を、おそらくは人間ではない(しかし、必ずしもそうではない)意識レベルとのコミュニケーションの一例と見なしている」と書いている。

1976年5月7日付の日記の中で(「禁断の科学」のp334): 第2巻』2017年、Documatica Research LLC、サンフランシスコ)の中で、こう考えている;
1977年、ヴァレは『UFO』を出版した: The Psychic Solution』(Panther Books, St Albans-米国版のタイトルは『The Invisible College』)を出版した。この著作には意識に関する記述が数多くあり、彼は意識の 「もう一つの 」源の起源について考えている。
「UFOの「問題」を新たな形で提起することが重要になったのは、宇宙の他の場所に意識の形態が存在するという我々の文化的信念が、大きな転換期を迎えているからである"(p8.) (p8.)
いくつかの接近遭遇の 「不条理 」な性質と、それが人間の観察者に与える影響を指摘する:
「UFOとの接近遭遇を通して行われていることは、人間の信念のコントロールであり、我々の意識と物理的現 実との関係のコントロールであること、このコントロールは歴史を通じて効力を発揮してきたこと、そしてそれが今、宇宙からの訪問者の目撃という形をとることは二次的な重要性を持つことを示そうと思う。(p10.)
彼は、今日 「エイリアン 」との明白な接近遭遇として起こっている相互作用は、記録された歴史を通して指摘されてきたことを示唆している。 「私は、過去に強力な力が人類に影響を与え、現在もまた影響を与えていると信じている。この力は、すべて人間の意識の中で生まれたものなのだろうか、それとも異星人の介入なのだろうか?(p.20.)
1970年代までの 「エイリアン 」との相互作用は、以前にも起こっていたが、その時は別の原因によるものであった:
いくつかの接近遭遇は「不条理」に見えるという考え方にもう一度戻る: 「霊的なレベルへの門を開き、別の意識への道を指し示し、その後に不合理で不条理な出来事をもたらすという、顕現のパターンがある。(p147.) ヴァレは、この現象が一見高度な物理学のような技術的な外観を持っていることを認めている:
」 私たちは、物理的なものを超越し、私たちの現実を操作し、さまざまな意識の変容状態や感情的な知覚を生み出すことのできるテクノロジーに直面している。そのテクノロジーの目的は、宇宙に対する我々の概念を変えることかもしれない。(p160.)
UFO 現象が地球で発生した可能性について、ヴァレはこう書いている。(p197.)

1990年には「Confrontations:A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact」 (Ballantine Books, New York)が出版された。
「地球外仮説に代わるものとして、私はUFO現象を、人間とは異質だが地球上で我々と共存できる意識の物理的な現れとみなすことを提案する。 彼は99ページで、地球とのつながりに戻る:
「私の個人的な推測は、UFO信者の間で受け入れられているドグマからかなり逸脱しているが、私たちが扱っているのは、人間からは独立しているが、地球と密接に結びついている、まだ認識されていないレベルの意識である。 1991

翌年、「Revelations:Alien Contact and Human Deception」 (Ballantine Books, New York)が出版された:
「私の考えでは、UFO現象は優れた科学を実践し、私たちがこれまで認識していなかった意識レベルを認識する好機である。(p20.) 「多くの接近遭遇やアブ ダクションの報告において、目撃者は現代科学がまだ完全に理解していない意識の形態との接触にさらされている。(p208.)
エイリアン・コンタクト3部作の最初の2巻(『次元』と『対決』)で、私は未確認飛行物体が存在することを示した。未確認飛行物体は驚異的な物理的異常であり、時間と空間の認識や、それに近づく人々の意識に影響を与える能力をもっている」(p226-227) (226-227頁)
以上のことは、「禁断の科学:第1巻 」の437ページにあるヴァレ自身の言葉で要約するのが最も適切であろう。
Update:22 August2019
Jacques Vallee, consciousness and UAP 10~12 分
After writing my last blog post about the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science and their early interest in the topic of consciousness, I reread a number of books by Jacques Vallee. I was looking to see what Vallee had to say on the relationship between UAP and consciousness. The following are quotes from several of his written works, which help understand his thoughts in this area.
In "Anatomy of a Phenomenon: The Detailed and unbiased report on UFOs" (1965, Ace Books. New York,) there is a section (page 121) titled "The Need for a New System of Analysis." Here, Vallee writes:
"Since the concepts that would allow us to grasp the phenomenon in its entirety may not have been formed yet, or may lie beyond the potentiality of the consciousness which is characteristic of the present state of the human brain, we have a tendency to start from plausible solutions and work backward. But this is no longer science."
Later, (pp229-230) in another section titled "Michel's hypotheses and the feasibility of contact" Vallee sets out four of French researcher Aime Michel's ideas on contact. One hypothesis is that:
"(4) The contact may be openly realized on a "spiritual" level which is not perceptible to us; it is made on "their" mental level and remains invisible to us in our present state of consciousness."
I wondered if there were any further hints from these early days of 1965? In "Forbidden Science: Volume One" (2014, Documatica Research, San Francisco) I found a diary entry dated 11 February 1965 on page 127 where there is a bold statement "There must be other levels of consciousness and other lives than ours."
Do we have an indication of why Vallee was thinking along these lines? There is another diary entry dated 19 September 1965 on page 153 which helps us: Image courtesy Amazon Books
"A book I just finished reading seriously at Don's urging raises the possibility of other physical dimensions interacting with consciousness. Under the title A Woman Clothed with the Sun, this work by John Delaney is a summary of alleged apparitions of the blessed Virgin Mary. The reports are extraordinary, very troubling. One is tempted to image that there is indeed some sort of power that follows, and intervenes into, human affairs. I want to study these observations in more detail and to compare them with the events recounted by Charles Fort..."
The book describes several visitations of the Virgin Mary, and her messages of inspiration and hope.
In "Passport to Magonia: from folklore to flying saucers" (1969, Henry Regnery Co, Chicago) on page 149, speaking of the 1897 "airship" wave of reports which took place across the USA, Vallee notes:
"Perhaps the airship, like the fairy tales, the flying saucers, was a lie, so well engineered that its image in human consciousness could sink very deep indeed and then be forgotten - as UFO landings are forgotten, as the appearance of supernatural beings in the Middle Ages are forgotten. But then, are they really forgotten?"
Image courtesy Amazon Books
By 1972, Vallee was investigating the subject of automatic writing, and particularly one case in which an entity calling itself '7171' claimed to be connected with UFOs. Vallee, on page 85 of "Forbidden Science:Volume One" writes: "I regard the above dialogue as an instance of communication with a level of consciousness possibly (but not necessarily) nonhuman."
Image courtesy Amazon Books
In a diary entry dated 7 May 1976 (p334 of "Forbidden Science: Volume Two" 2017, Documatica Research LLC, San Francisco) ponders;
""The theory I am forming is that (1) there exists another reality level with which humans can relate symbolically, and (2) entities endowed with consciousness operate in that plane. This is the core knowledge, the basic fact. The consciousness in question may or may not be related to us."
In 1977 Vallee published his book "UFOs: The Psychic Solution" (Panther Books, St Albans - the US version was titled "The Invisible College.") There are numerous mentions of consciousness in this work, and he ponders the origin of the "other" source of consciousness.
"It has become important to pose the UFO 'problem' in a new fashion because our cultural beliefs regarding the existence of forms of consciousness elsewhere in the universe are undergoing major shifts." (p8.)
Noting the "absurd" nature of some close encounters and their effects on human observers:
"I will try and show that what takes place through close encounters with UFOs, is control of human beliefs, control of the relationship between our consciousness and physical reality, that this control has been in force throughout history, and that it is of secondary importance that it should now assume the form of sightings of space visitors." (p10.)
He suggests that the interactions which occur today as apparent close encounters with "aliens" have been noted throughout recorded history.
"I believe that a powerful force has influenced the human race in the past and is again influencing it now. Does this force originate entirely within human consciousness, or does it represent alien intervention?" (p.20.)
That these interactions with "aliens" up to the 1970's, have occurred previously, but attributed at that time, to other sources:
"I am tempted to accept as a working hypothesis that in other times remote contact occurred between human consciousness and another consciousness described as demonic, angelic or simply alien." (p141.)
Returning once again to the notion that some close encounters appear "absurd":
"...we have a pattern of manifestations, opening the gates to a spiritual level, pointing a way to a different consciousness, and providing irrational, absurd events in their wake." (p147.)
Vallee recognizes that the phenomenon has a technological appearance, seemingly advanced physics:
" We are faced with a technology that transcends the physical and is capable of manipulating our reality, generating a variety of altered states of consciousness and of emotional perceptions. The purpose of that technology may be to change our concepts of the universe." (p160.)
Returning once again to the theme of the origin of this "other": consciousness:
Talking about the possibility that the UFO phenomenon might originate on earth, Vallee writes: "Perhaps this form of consciousness shares the planet with us..." (p197.)
He then goes on tho formulate an hypothesis along the lines:
"I propose the hypothesis that there is a control system for human consciousness. I have not determined whether it is natural or spontaneous; whether it is explainable in terms of genetics, of social psychology, or of ordinary phenomena, or if it is artificial in nature, and under the power of some superhuman will." (pp199-200.)
Image courtesy Amazon Books
1990 saw the publication of "Confrontations:A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact" (Ballantine Books, New York.) On page 144, Vallee was a little bit more certain of the origin of the "other" consciousness.
"As an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, I propose to regard the UFO phenomenon as a physical manifestation of a form of consciousness that is alien to humans but able to coexist with us on the earth."
He returns to the link to the earth, on page 99:
"My own private conjecture, which deviates considerably from the accepted dogma among UFO believers, is that we are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth."
Image courtesy Amazon Books
The next year saw the publication of "Revelations:Alien Contact and Human Deception" (Ballantine Books, New York.) Here we find:
"...there is indeed a genuine UFO phenomenon..In my view it represents an opportunity to practice some good science and to become aware of levels of consciousness we have not previously recognized." (p20.)
"In many close encounters and abduction reports, witnesses are exposed to contact with a form of consciousness that modern science simply does not yet fully understand." (p208.)
"In the first two volumes of the Alien contact trilogy (Dimensions and Confrontations) I have shown that unidentified flying objects do exist. They are astounding physical anomalies that have the capability to affect the perception of time and space and the consciousness of those who come close to them." (pp226-227.)
"The simple truth is this: if there is a form of life and consciousness that operates on properties of space-time we have not yet discovered, then it does not have to to be extraterrestrial. It could come from any place and any time, even from our own environment." (p255.)
Perhaps the whole of the above may be best summed up, in Vallee's own words from page 437 of "Forbidden Science:Volume One."
"The UFO phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of current engineering science. It represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them. It affects our own consciousness in ways that we do not grasp fully, and it generally behaves as a control system. Because it can manipulate our consciousness, in unknown ways, the phenomenon also provided effects that we can only interpret as paranormal in nature..."
There are short YouTube videos where Vallee explores the above.
Update:22 August2019
Thanks to blog reader Paul Craddick (see comments section) for his interesting lead. Paul points out that Tom Delonge mentioned the concept of a "control system" in an interview with Joe Rogan.
"I think that there's been a lot of events that are on purpose, some have been for show, some have been for even, there's a variety, variety, reasons, but I think a lot of it is a control system, that's really pushing humanity in a very specific direction."