1973-06-28, Missouri: UFO による木々の損傷事例
"UFO Landing Columbia, Missouri 1973" 1973 UFO Landing https://www.missourimufon.org/1973-ufo-landing.html
Columbia, Missouri https://www.angelfire.com/mo/cptr/columbia.html
1973年 UFO着陸
1973年6月28日 0030から0105cst ミズーリ州コロンビア
James G. Richards, age 41 Animal Care Technician, University of Missouri Vanea Richards, age 16 - daughter Jamie Richards, age 3 - son.
コロンビア地方気象台、ドン・セマニク氏提供: 空晴れ、視界20マイル以上、気温66度、風速5ノット(290度)。
月-位相7.4% 0236に昇っている。空の一部に1つの明るい星-カペラ-が地平線の下にあり、0106に昇っている。
1973年7月9日-テッド&ジンジャー・フィリップス 1973年7月14日-J・アレン・ハイネック博士、テッド&ジンジャー・フィリップス 1973年7月28日-テッド&ジンジャー・フィリップス
コロンビアの1/2マイル西、SE 1/4、SE 1/4、sec. 17、R. 12W、T.48N、ミズーリ州ブーン郡
目 撃者はミズーリ州ブーン郡にある移動住宅に住んでいる: 目撃者はコロンビア市外にある移動住宅に住んでいる。その家は、州道WWから約1,000フィート北の行き止まりの車線の端にある。家は前庭を除いて東側に散在する樹木に囲まれている。車線を挟んで東側には民家があり、高齢の女性が住んでいたが、目撃時には就寝中であった。
この出来事に関して他の人に連絡を取った: Mrs.A.P.、ディレクトリ・アシスタンス・オペレーター、コロンビア Mrs.L.M.、オペレーター、コロンビアMrs.H.S.、連邦航空局、コロンビア 以下の情報は、ジェームス・リチャードの家族の家を3回訪問した際に集めたものである。 報告書の一部は、録音されたインタビューから直接引用したものである。
音が続くので、彼女はかなり怖くなり、父親に窓まで来るように呼んだ。リチャーズさんとジェイミーは居間に座っていた。リチャーズ氏は、夜遅かったので疲れていて、窓際に行くのが遅かったと言った。ヴァネアは家の前の網戸付きポーチに走り、外の網戸と玄 関のドアに鍵をかけた。 その頃、リチャーズは窓際にたどり着き、窓の左側から北東方向を見ていた。ヴァネアは窓の右側に陣取り、木の方を見ていた。リチャーズ氏は、フェンスと木々の間にある2本の光線に気づいた。
光線は窓から50フィートほど離れていた。光線は先細りで、上部は幅が広く、4フィートほどで、地面では2フィートほどまで細くなっていた。上部は5フィートほど離れていた。梁は明るく、銀白色だった。梁の上にも後ろにも何の形も見えなかった。 突然、梁が消え、急速にフェードアウトし、梁の元の位置の真上に明るい楕円形の形が見えた。
[ミズーリ州コロンビア事件]リチャーズとバネアは、光る形は直径12フィートから15フィートで、地面のすぐ近くであると推定した。その物体は非常に明るく(リチャーズは一瞬目をそむけなければならなかった)、銀白色であったと説明された。 縁はぼんやりしており、表面の詳細は見えなかった。観察中、光は弱まったり明るくなったりしなかった。左右の周囲の木々は、光りの中にはっきりと見えた。このエリアは 「昼のように明るく照らされていた」。木々や草むらで音がした以外、音は聞こえなかった。
その形が見えて間もなく、引っ張られるような音は止んだ。木Aを引っ張る動きはまだ残っていた。リチャーズさんとバネアさんは、バキバキという大きな音を 聞き、引っ張られるような動きは止まった。翌朝、大きな枝が地上17フィートのところで折れているのが見つかった。
辺りはとても静かになった: リチャーズはトレーラーの周りにあるさまざまな窓を見た。この時、彼は飼い犬がトレーラーとWの近くの小屋の間にじっと横たわっているのに気づいた。 犬たちは大型の警備動物で、簡単に怯えることはない)リチャーズはその後、銃を取りにトレーラーの南端にある寝室に行った。
その色は、見るべきものだった。物体は西に10度ほど移動し、少し止まって、畑の上の元の位置に戻った。動きはスムーズでゆっくりだった。 物体が少し離れている間に、リチャーズは電話番号案内のために113にダイヤルした。A.P.夫人が電話を受け、後で私に語ったところによると、リチャーズは非常に興奮しており、その出来事を説明しながら怯えているようだった。彼は助けが必要だと告げ、警察でもFBIでも誰でもいいから連絡してほしいと頼んだ。
約1分後、彼女はオペレーターに連絡し、折り返し電話させると告げた。彼がP夫人と話していると、家の明かりが2度暗くなった。 彼は電話を切り、窓に戻った。リチャーズとヴァネアが物を見ている間に、P夫人はL.M.夫人に連絡し、電話番号を教えた。ミセスL.M.はすぐにその番号にダイヤルしたが、話し中も呼び出し音もなく、リチャーズの電話はつながらない。
彼女はその番号に5回ダイヤルしてみたが、3回目のダイヤルでは一時中断し、ミセスPに連絡した。彼女はそうした。5回目(5回ダイヤルするのに3分くらいかかったと彼女は言った。 この間、リチャーズは誰も折り返し電話をかけてこなかったので、かなり心配になり、受話器を取ってもう一度かけ直した。受話器の向こうからは音も聞こえず、話し中シグナルもない。何度も何度もかけ直したが、突然思い出したようにM夫人が「リチャーズ」と言った。
リチャーズはM夫人に、何が起こっていたのか、子供たちが心配だと話した。 ミセスMは、リチャ ーズ宅に連絡したのは0045年ごろだと思った(確かではないが)。Mさんの記憶では、リチャーズは何度も何度も自分の話を繰り返し、ヴェインにまだそこにいるのか、何をしているのかと尋ねた。 オペレーターは二人とも、リチャーズはシラフで本当のことを言っていると感じていた。数分後(時間軸ははっきりしない)、ミセスMはコロンビア地方空港のフライト・サービス・ステーション(FAA)に連絡した。その時、H.S.夫人が勤務していたが、S.夫人は、リチャーズは誠実でまじめそうだったと述べた。彼は怯えているように見えた。
数分後、S夫人はリチャーズに、6月24日にもジェファーソン・シティで目撃情報があったことを告げた。そして、警察に連絡すると言って電話を切った。 物体は再び家に向かって移動し、リチャーズはとても怖くなった。リチャーズは言った、「それが戻ってきて、私たちはそれを見た。 どうなるんだ?ここで何かが起こるんだ。この時、私は言葉を失った。2回目に戻ってきたとき、この冷たい感じがしたんだ。殺されるんじゃないかと思った。死が目の前に迫っているようだった。どうしていいかわからなくて、ただ固まっていた。
誰も来ないし、警官も来ない。ドアから外に出るのも怖かった。 [ミズーリ州コロンビアのケース]物体は木々の間を通り、窓から50フィート離れた元の位置に近い木々の中のポイントに移動した。それは未定の期間そこにとどまった。それは突然、木々の間を抜けて畑の方へ遠ざかっていった。滑らかでゆっくりとした動きで、音はなかった。リチャーズは、2回目の接近の間、木は動かず、ぶつかる音もなかったと指摘した。 その物 体が畑の端に到達すると、わずかに上昇し、約200フィート先の畑の上に到達した。 オレンジとブルーの帯が再び見え、中心は銀白色だった。光芒は小さくなっているように見えたが、オレンジとブルーの帯は見えていた。 動きが見えなかったので、遠くに離れていったから小さくなったのではなさそうだし、もし飛んでいったのなら、北側の木にぶつかっただろう。光りが消えた後、物体は再び見えなくなった。
pic 7--10
1973年7月9日...妻と私はシカゴに向かう途中、目撃者に話を聞き、現地を調査した。アレン・ハイネックが私たちを招待し、ジャズ・ドラマーのバディ・リッチに会わせてくれたのだ(私はドラマーで、バディが地球上で一番好きだとアレンに話していた)。バディは1週間前にアレンと連絡を取り、シカゴで1週間演奏し ていた。 私はほとんどの時間を、現場の計測と写真撮影に費やした。痕跡と樹木の損傷は、トレーラーの北側に散在する樹木のエリアにある。窓から25フィートのところにフェンスがあり、最初の痕跡はフェンスから50.5フィートほど離れたところにあった。
これは1つではなく、一連の痕跡のようだ。この地点の刻印は4つで、0.5フィート×0.4フィート、深さは0.2~0.3フィートだった。この最初の痕跡は、折れた大きな木の枝から9.5フィートの地点にある。この枝の直径は0.4フィートで、まだ木の幹にくっついていた。 枝はねじれ、地面に向かって引っ張られたように見えた。この枝は地上16.5フィートの地点で折れていた。大きな枝の上にある、それぞれ直径0.1フィートの小さな枝2本が折れていた。
地上17.0フィート、折れた場所の木の幹から伸びている小さな枝は、擦られた形跡がある。折れた箇所はすべて新しい。飛行物体が畑を往復した経路の上方、特にホバリングした地点の葉が枯れている。 Bの木の3本の枝が加熱された形跡があり、葉が茶色になっている。最初の刻印の北側(報告された物体の経路に沿って)に、私たちは複雑な一連の刻印を発見した。
刻印は一般に0.5×0.4フィート、深さは0.3フィートなので、それぞれの刻印につけられた体重は300ポンド(ウサギ?) 現場には何 の痕跡もなく、放射線も検出されなかった。石膏で型を取り、写真用に小麦粉で輪郭を取った。
シカゴに着いてから、私はノースウェスタン大学の暗室でフィルムを処理した。バディとアレンは私たちと一緒に戻るつもりだったが、アレンは間に合ったが、バディはスケジュールが合わなかった。バディとはこの後も何度も事件について話し合った。 7月14日、私たちはJ.アレンと一緒に戻った。葉はすっかり枯れ、枝は一面に広がっていた。
▼原文 展開
1973 UFO Landing 13–16 minutes
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Provided by Don Semaneik, Columbia Regional Weather Bureau: Sky-clear, visibility 20 miles+, Temperature 66 degrees, Wind Speed 5 knots at 290 degrees.
ASTRONOMICAL CONDITIONS: Moon - phase 7.4% rising at 0236. Single bright star in portion of sky - Capella - below horizon, rising at 0106.
ON SITE INVESTIGATION: July 9, 1973 - Ted & Ginger Phillips July 14, 1973 - Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Ted & Ginger Phillips July 28, 1973 - Ted & Ginger Phillips
LOCATION OF OBSERVATION: 1/2 mile SE of Columbia-NE1/4, SE 1/4, sec. 17, R. 12W, T.48N, Boone County, Missouri
SETTING: The witnesses live in a mobile home located outside the city limits of Columbia. The home is located at the end of a dead end lane about 1,000 feet N of State Road WW. The home is surrounded by scattered trees with the exception of the front yard, to the E. A house is located across the lane to the E and is occupied by an elderly lady who was asleep at the time of the observation.
Mrs. A.P., Directory Assistance Operator, Columbia Mrs. L.M., Operator, ColumbiaMrs. H.S., Federal Aviation Administration, Columbia
The following information was gathered during three visits at the home of the James Richard’s family. Portions of the report are taken directly from the taped interviews.
THE OBSERVATION: The event began as Vanea went into the kitchen ( located at N end of the mobile home ) to place a baby bottle in the refrigerator, which is located by the N window and that window was open at the time. Vanea heard a rather loud ( it could be heard over the record player in the living room ) thrashing sound in the direction of scattered trees some 80 feet N of the window. At this point she could see nothing in the dark, wooded area. As she listened at the window the sound seemed to be moving around a large tree .
As the sound persisted she became rather frightened and called to her father to come to the window. Mr. Richard’s and Jamie were sitting in the living room. Richards stated that as it was late, he was tired and was slow going to the window. Vanea ran to the screened porch at the front of the home and locked the outside screen door and the front door.
By this time Richards had reached the window and was looking from the left side of the window toward the N-NE. Vanea took up a position on the right side of the window and was looking toward the trees . As he watched, Mr. Richards noted two beams of light which were located at a point between a fence and the trees.
The light beams would have been about 50 feet from the window. The beams were tapered, wide at the top, about four feet wide, tapering to about two feet at the ground. They were some five feet apart at the top. The beams were bright and silver-white in color. He could not see any form above or behind the beams.
Suddenly, the beams disappeared, faded out rapidly, and a bright oval form was seen just above the original position of the beams.
[Columbia, Missouri Case] Richards and Vanea estimated the glowing form to be twelve to fifteen feet in diameter and very near the ground. The object was described as extremely bright ( Richards had to turn his eyes away briefly ) and silver-white in color.
The edges were fuzzy and no surface details were visible. The glow did not fade or brighten during the observation. The trees around the form, to the left and right, were quite visible in the glow. The area was “lit up bright as day.” No sound could be heard other than the thrashing noise in the trees and grass.
No other forms were seen. They noted that the trees were moving back and forth as though blown by a strong wind. ( wind speed was 5 knots-no storms in area ) Tree A showed a different motion... it was described by Vanea as a “tugging” motion. It seemed that something was pulling that one tree toward the ground.
Shortly after the form was visible the thrashing noise ceased. The tugging motion on tree A was still evident. Mr. Richards and Vanea heard a loud cracking sound and the tugging motion stopped. It was his tree which was damaged...the following morning a large limb was found broken at a point 17 feet above the ground.
The area was very quiet now: Richards moved to the various windows around the trailer. It was at this time that he noticed his dogs lying very still between the trailer and a shed nearby to the W. He told me the dogs were normally barking during the night at the various night animals in the area.
It seemed very strange to him that his dogs were not barking at all this noise and bright lights.(the dogs are large security animals and not easily frightened) Richards then went to the bedroom at the S end of the trailer to get his guns.
He brought the guns to the kitchen, removed several shells from a cabinet, loaded the guns and placed them on a deep freeze by the N window. He joined Vanea at the window once again and noted that the object was still there in the same position. The light from the glowing form illuminated trees as far away as 100 feet.
At this close position(about 50 feet) it was silver-white or aluminum in color, no other colors were visible. Mr. Richards said, It was real, real bright at the center, dull white at the edges, way beyond a normal light(such as an automobile headlight at the same distance) in brightness. Of the brightness vanea said, It was bright, but it didn’t hurt my eyes.
After the form had remained in this same position for several minutes Richards decided to call for help. The object suddenly began to move away toward the N, passing below tree limbs through an open area some 20 feet wide. It moved parallel to the ground until it reached the edge of a field and then raised slightly and hovered some 200 feet away from the house.
At this point it was not as bright and they could see it was silver-white at the center with a blue band of light and an orange glow extending around the outer edge. It was still low enough to be below a line of trees at the N edge of the field. When it was at this far point, Richards said,
The color, it was something to behold, I’m telling you, it was, really. The object moved about 10 degrees to the W, stopped briefly and moved back to its original position over the field. The motion was smooth and slow.
While the object was some distance away Richards dialed 113 for directory assistance. Mrs. A.P. took the call and later told me that Richards was very excited and seemed to be frightened as he described the event. He told her that he needed help and asked her to contact the police, the FBI, or anyone who could help him.
After about one minute she told him she would contact an operator and have her call him back. As he talked with Mrs. P., the house lights dimmed twice.
He hung up and returned to the window. While Richards and Vanea were watching the object, Mrs. P. contacted Mrs. L.M. and gave her the phone number. Mrs. M. immediately dialed the number, there was no busy signal, no ring-nothing-in her opinion, the Richards line was dead.
She tried dialing the number five times, pausing after the third try to contact Mrs.P. to be sure she had the right number. She did. After the fifth try(she stated it would have taken perhaps three minutes to dial five times, waiting briefly after each dial and contacting Mr. P. she did not get through.
During this time Richards was quite concerned as no one had called back, so he picked up the receiver to call out again. Over his end of the line he could hear no sound, no busy signal. He tried again and again, suddenly, as he recalls, Mrs. M. was on the line saying - Richards? and he answered-Jefferson City?
Richards then told Mrs. M. what had been happening and that he was frightened for his children.
Mrs. M. thought ( she could not be sure ) that she contacted the Richards home at about 0045. To her best recollection, he repeated his story over and over, pausing to ask Vane if it was still there and what it was doing.
Both operators felt that Richards was sober and telling the truth. After what seemed to be several minutes(she couldn’t be sure of the time line) Mrs. M. contacted the Flight Service Station ( FAA ) at the Columbia Regional Airport. Mrs. H.S. was on duty at the time, Mrs. S. stated that Richards sounded sincere and sober. He seemed to be frightened as he described the event.
After several minutes Mrs. S. told Richards that there had been another sighting on June 24th at Jefferson City. She then told him that she would contact the police for him and they hung up.
The object was again moving toward the home and Richards became very frightened. Richards stated, It came back and we had it, I’ll tell you. we didn’t know what to do, we both got kinda scared.
I said, what’s gonna happen? Something’s gonna happen here. This cold feeling came over me, I got speechless at this time. I just had this cold feeling when it came back that second time. I was just sure, like you almost feel that you were gonna get killed or something. Like death was at you, this was it. I didn’t know what to do, I just froze.
I just knew this was it and no one would come, no policemen. I was scared to go out the door, I wouldn’t have gone outside, no way.
[Columbia, Missouri Case] The object moved through the trees to a point near in the trees near its original position 50 feet away from the window. It remained there for an undetermined period of time. It suddenly moved away, through the trees toward the field. It move with a smooth, slow motion, no sound. Richards noted that the trees did not move during the second close approach and there was no thrashing sound.
As the object reached a point at the near edge of the field it raised slightly until it reached a point over the field some 200 feet away. it hovered and no motion could be seen.
It was still below the tree line to the N. The orange and blue bands could be seen again, it was silver-white at the center. The glow seemed to shrink, even though it was getting smaller the orange and blue bands were visible until it just disappeared by growing smaller and smaller.
It does not appear likely it was growing smaller because it was moving away into the distance as no motion could be seen and it would have hit the trees to the N had it flown away. After the glow had faded out the object was not seen again.
At about 0145 the police arrived, one young officer walked to the area with Richards and looked around briefly. He told Richards that there were some tracks but they looked like they were made by rabbits. Richards told him to forget the whole thing and he returned to the trailer, followed by the officer.
He told the officer if he thought they were rabbit tracks he should forget the whole thing. It is very possible the officer didn ’t see the deep imprints. They did not see the broken limb at that time. Richards called the Flight Service Station after the object had disappeared and Mrs. S. stated that he seemed relieved that he could talk with someone about the event.
THE SITE: July 9, 1973... my wife and I interviewed the witnesses and investigated the area on our way to Chicago. Allen Hynek had invited us for a visit and to meet jazz drummer Buddy Rich ( I being a drummer and had mentioned to Allen that Buddy was my favorite on the planet ) Buddy had a sighting and had contacted Allen a week earlier and was playing in Chicago for a week.
I spent most of the time obtaining measurements and taking photographs of the site. The imprints and damage to trees is located in an area of scattered trees N of the trailer. A fence is located 25 feet from the window and the first imprint was found some 50.5 feet beyond the fence.
This seemed to be a series of imprints rather than just one. The imprints at this point number 4, they were 0.5 feet by 0.4 feet with a depth of 0.2 to 0.3 feet. This first set of imprints are 9.5 feet from a large broken tree limb. This limb is 0.4 feet in diameter and was still attached to the tree trunk.
It appeared to have been twisted and pulled toward the ground. The limb was broken at a point 16.5 feet above the ground. two smaller limbs, each 0.1 feet in diameter, located on the larger limb, were broken off.
A small limb 17.0 feet above the ground and extending from the tree trunk at the point of the break, shows signs of being rubbed. All the breaks are fresh. Leaves in the area above the path taken by the object to and from the field, but especially over the point where it had hovered are dying.
There are signs of heating three limbs on tree B had leaves that are brown, these are 25 to 35 feet above the ground. To the North of the first imprints ( along the objects reported path ) we found a complex series of imprints.
[Columbia, Missouri Case] It is difficult to determine a pattern as the object moved through this area four times, coming in an going out. Bob Gassaway, a reporter for the Columbia Tribune, visited the area the day after the sighting. He told me that he tried to make a heel mark by one of the imprints and although he weighs over 300 pounds, he could force his heel to a depth of only 1/2 inch.
As the imprints are generally 0.5 by 0.4 feet with a depth of 0.3 feet, we must assume a weight on each imprint much above 300 pounds ( rabbits? ). There were no marks in the field and no radiation could be detected. Plaster casts were taken and the imprints outlined with flour for photographs.
When we arrived in Chicago I processed the film at the Northwestern University darkroom. We described the event with the photographs and Buddy and Allen both planned to go back with us, Allen made it but Buddy couldn’t get around a schedule. Buddy and I discussed cases many times after this.
On July 14th we returned with J. Allen. The leaves were all quite dead & the limbs were barren over the area.
Source & References: