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Joseph Burkes : Rahma : 表記は Xendra や Xandra ではなく Zendra

· 3 min read


過去記事では Rahma の主張する「異次元空間ゲート」のことを著名 UFO 研究者に習って Xendra とか Xandra と表記していたが、Zendra が正しいらしい。

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そうです。ゼンドラはZ-E-N-D-R-A、ゼンドラって言うんだ。次元の入り口なんだ。これは、シクストと交信していたとされる地球外生命体、アクサルトから与えられた言葉です。月の災難の後、ラマ・チームは努力を倍加させた。 フィールドワークの前には何日も断食をするように指示された。その過程で、彼らのスピリチュアルなセンター、チャクラは開かれ、ラマ・ネットワークにおけるスピリチュアルな開発は、彼らのプログラムの非常に重要な部分となった。というのも、その過程で彼らのスピリチュアルなセンター、チャクラが開かれ、ラマ・ネットワークにおけるスピリチュアルな発展が彼らのプログラムの非常に重要な部分だったからです。 (00:32:45)

That's right. The Zendra is the term used, it says Z-E-N-D-R-A, Zendra. It's a dimensional portal. This was the term given to Sixto by Axalt, the alleged extraterrestrial being with whom he was communicating with. So after this disaster in February, the Rama team redoubled their efforts. They were instructed to fast for days before field work. They switched over to very strict vegetarianism and in the process, their spiritual centers, their chakras were opened up and this was spiritual development in the Rama network was a very important part of their program. When I first met the Rama people, I actually thought they were a bunch of priests, because that's in the process, their spiritual centers, their chakras were opened up and this was spiritual development in the Rama network was a very important part of their program. (00:32:45)


Joseph Burkes, MD - The Mission Rahma Contact Network (ETP 013)


2,800 views Jul 2, 2021 #EngagingThePhenomenon Dr. Joseph Burkes joins us to discuss Mission Rahma - A group of Contact Activists from Lima, Peru that expanded to a low-key global network of Contact Workers beginning in 1974. Sixto Paz Wells and Mission Rahma report incredible Contact Experiences with UFO intelligence witnessed by dozens and subsequently hundreds of other Contact Workers.
