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CIA の機密解除資料: 遠隔視の評価報告書(1995-09-22)

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  • 統計的に有意な実験室での努力は、偶然よりも頻繁にヒットが起こるという意味で実証されている。





An EvaIuation of the Remote Vewing program: Research and Operational Applications


Prepared by: The American Institutes for Research

September 22, 1995

Note: The page sequence in this document has been corrected from the original record.

Executive Summary

Studies of paranormal phenomena have nearly always been associated with controversy. Despite the controversy concerning their nature and existence, many individuals and organizations continue to be avidly interested in these phenomena. The intelligence community is no exception: beginning in the 1970s, it has conducted a program intended to investigate the application of one paranormal phenomenon - remote viewing, or the ability to describe locations one has not visited.

Conceptually, remote viewing would seem to have tremendous potential utility for the intelligence community. Accordingly, a three-component program involving basic research, operations, and foreign assessment has been in place for some time. Prior to transferring this program to a new sponsoring organization within the intelligence community, a thorough program review was initiated.

The part of the program review conducted by the American Institutes for Research (AIR), a nonprofit, private research organization, consisted of two main components. The first component was a review of the research program. The second component was a review of the operational application of the remote viewing phenomenon in intelligence gathering. Evaluation of the foreign assessment component of the program was not within the scope of the present effort.

リモート・ビューイング・プログラムの評価: Research and Operational Applications


作成者: The American Institutes for Research


注:この文書のページ配列は、オリジナルの レコードから修正されている。




非営利の民間研究機関であるアメリカ研究機構(AIR)が実施したプログラム見直しの部分は、主に2つの要素から成っていた。ひとつは研究プログラムの見直しである。第二の要素は、情報収集におけるリモート・ビューイング現象の作戦上の応用についてのレビューであった。このプログラムの対外的な評価については、 の範囲外であった。

Research Evaluation

To evaluate the research program, a "blue ribbon" panel was assembled. The panel included two noted experts in the area of parapsychology: Dr. Jessica Utts, a Professor of Statistics at the University of California/Davis, and Dr. Raymond Hyman, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon. In addition to their extensive credentials, they were selected to represent both sides of the paranormal controversy: Dr. Utts has published articles that view paranormal interpretations positively, while Dr. Hyman was selected to represent a more skeptical position. Both, however, are viewed as fair and open-minded scientists. In addition to these experts, this panel included two Senior Scientists from AIR; both have recognized methodological expertise, and both had no prior background in parapsychological research. They were included in the review panel to provide an unbiased methodological perspective. In addition, Dr. Lincoln Moses, an Emeritus Professor at Stanford University, provided statistical advice, while Dr. David A. Goslin, President of AIR, served as coordinator of the research effort.

Panel members were asked to review all laboratory experiments and meta-analytic reviews conducted as part of the research program; this consisted of approximately 80 separate publications, many of which are summary reports of multiple experiments. In the course of this review, special attention was given to those studies that (a) provided the strongest evidence for the remote viewing phenomenon, and ( b) represented new experiments controlling for methodological artifacts identified in earlier reviews. Separate written reviews were prepared by Dr. Utts and Dr. Hyman. They exchanged reviews with other panel members who then tried to reach a consensus.


研究プログラムを評価するために、「ブルーリボン」パネルが結成された。パネルには、超心理学の分野で著名な2人の専門家が含まれていた: カリフォルニア大学/デイビス校の統計学教授であるジェシカ・ウッツ博士と、オレゴン大学の心理学教授であるレイモンド・ハイマン博士である。両博士は豊富な資格に加えて、超常現象論争の両側面を代表する人物として選ばれた: ウッツ博士は超常現象の解釈を肯定的にとらえる論文を発表しているが、ハイマン博士はより懐疑的な立場の代表として選ばれた。ユッツ博士は超常現象の解釈を肯定的にとらえる論文を発表している。これらの専門家に加えて、このパネルにはAIRの2人のシニア・サイエンティストも含まれている。2人とも方法論的な専門知識は認められており、超心理学的研究の経歴はない。彼らは、公平な方法論的視点を提供するために、レビュー・パネルに加えられた。さらに、スタンフォード大学の名誉教授であるリンカーン・モーゼス博士が統計学的な助言を提供し、AIRの社長であるデビッド・A・ゴスリン博士が研究のコーディネーターを務めた。


In the typical remote viewing experiment in the laboratory, a remote viewer is asked to visualize a place, location, or object being viewed by a "beacon" or sender. A judge then examines the viewer's report and determines if this report matches the target or, alternatively, a set of decoys. In most recent laboratory experiments reviewed for the present evaluation, National Geographic photographs provided the target pool. If the viewer's reports match the target, as opposed to the decoys, a hit is said to have occurred. Alternatively, accuracy of a set of remote viewing reports is assessed by rank-ordering the similarity of each remote viewing report to each photograph in the target set (usually five photographs). A better-than-chance score is presumed to represent the occurrence of the paranormal phenomenon of remote viewing, since the remote viewers had not seen the photographs they had described (or did not know which photographs had been randomly selected for a particular remote viewing trial).

In evaluating the various laboratory studies conducted to date, the reviewers reached the following conclusions:

  • A statistically significant laboratory effort has been demonstrated in the sense that hits occur more often than chance.

  • It is unclear whether the observed effects can unambiguously be attributed to the paranormal ability of the remote viewers as opposed to characteristics of the judges or of the target or some other characteristic of the methods used. Use of the same remote viewers, the same judge, and the same target photographs makes it impossible to identify their independent effects.

  • Evidence has not been provided that clearly demonstrates that the causes of hits are due to the operation of paranormal phenomena; the laboratory experiments have not identified the sources or origins of the remote viewing phenomenon.



  • 統計的に有意な実験室での努力は、偶然よりも頻繁にヒットが起こるという意味で実証されている。

  • 観察された効果が、判定者やターゲットの特性、あるいは使用された方法の他の特性とは対照的に、遠隔視聴者の超常的能力に明確に帰することができるかどうかは不明である。同じ遠隔視聴者、同じ審査員、同じターゲットの写真を使用することは、それらの独立した効果を識別することを不可能にしている。

  • ヒットの原因が超常現象の作用によるものであることを明確に示す証拠は提供されていない。実験室での実験では、リモート・ビューイング現象の発生源や起源は特定されていない。

Operational Evaluation

The second component of the program involved the use of remote viewing in gathering intelligence information. Here, representatives of various intelligence groups -- "end users" of intelligence information - presented targets to remote viewers, who were asked to describe the target. Typically, the remote viewers described the results of their experiences in written reports, which were forwarded to the end users for evaluation and, if warranted, action.

To assess the operational value of remote viewing in intelligence gathering, a multifaceted evaluation strategy was employed. First, the relevant research literature was reviewed to identify whether the conditions applying during intelligence gathering would reasonably permit application of the remote viewing paradigm. Second, members of three groups involved in the program were interviewed: (1) end users of the information; (2) the remote viewers providing the reports, and (3) the program manager. Third, feedback information obtained from end user judgments of the accuracy and value of the remote viewing reports were assessed.




This multifaceted evaluation effort led to the following conclusions:

  • The conditions under which the remote viewing phenomenon is observed in laboratory settings do not apply in intelligence gathering situations. For example, viewers cannot be provided with feedback and targets may not display the characteristics needed to produce hits.

  • The end users indicating that, although some accuracy was observed with regard to broad background characteristics, the remote viewing reports failed to produce the concrete, specific information valued in intelligence gathering.

  • The information provided was inconsistent, inaccurate with regard to specifics, and required substantial subjective interpretation.

  • In no case had the information provided ever been used to guide intelligence operations. Thus, Remote viewing failed to produce actionable intelligence.


  • リモート・ビューイング現象が実験室で観察される条件は、情報収集の場面では当てはまらない。例えば、視聴者はフィードバックを受けることができないし、標的は命中させるために必要な特徴を示さないかもしれない。

  • エンドユーザーは、大まかな背景の特徴に関してはある程度の正確さが観察されたものの、リモート・ビューイングの報告は、情報収集で重視される具体的で具体的な情報を生み出すことができなかったと指摘している。

  • 提供された情報は一貫性がなく、具体的な情報に関しては不正確で、主観的な解釈が必要であった。

  • 提供された情報が諜報活動の指針として使われたケースはない。このように、リモート・ビューイングは実用的な諜報活動を行うことができなかったのである。


The foregoing observations provide a compelling argument against continuation of the program within the intelligence community. Even though a statistically significant effect has been observed in the laboratory, it remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated. The laboratory studies do not provide evidence regarding the sources or origins of the phenomenon, nor do they address an important methodological issue of inter-judge reliability.

Further, even if it could be demonstrated unequivocally that a paranormal phenomenon occurs under the conditions present in the laboratory paradigm, these conditions have limited applicability and utility for intelligence gathering operations. For example, the nature of the remote viewing targets are vastly dissimilar, as are the specific tasks required of the remote viewers. Most importantly, the information provided by remote viewing is vague and ambiguous, making it difficult, if not impossible, for the technique to yield information of sufficient quality and accuracy ef informationfor actionable intelligence. Thus, we conclude that continued use of remote viewing in intelligence gathering operations is not warranted.




