MrBallen の実話解説:車椅子の叔父を連れて銀行を訪れた女

久しぶりに MrBallen の実話動画を取り上げる。彼は 9.3M 人の視聴者を抱えているだけあって、喋りが上手い。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
2024年4月16日、エリカ・ヌネスという42歳の女性と、パウロ・ブラガという68歳の伯父がタクシーでブラジルのリオデジャネイロ市の銀行に到着した。 (00:00:58)
エリカがまず後部座席から降り、運転手に待ってもらうよう頼んだ。最近、伯父が肺炎で入院し体調を崩していたため、銀行内で車椅子を用意したいからだ。彼女はロビーで車椅子を見つけ、それを外まで押して戻った。タクシ ーに戻ると、運転手が彼女の叔父のパウロを車椅子に乗せるのを手伝ってくれた。 (00:01:16)
その後、エリカは運転手に礼を言い、叔父を車椅子に乗せて銀行まで移動した。そして、ドアの近くまで来ると、銀行の係員が出てきて、中に入れるようにドアを開けてくれた。エリカは窓口の係員に微笑みかけた。叔父は過去8ヶ月間、エリカと一緒に暮らしていたため、エリカはある程度の介護には慣れていた。しかし、最近では叔父が肺炎で入院したこともあり、かなり大変になっていたため、エリカは疲れ果てていた。 (00:01:39)
このようなちょっとした心遣いがとてもありがたかった。しかし、疲れきっていたにもかかわらず、エリカにとって今日はとても良い日だった。なぜなら、叔父は彼女の助けにとても感謝しており、今日彼女と一緒に銀行に行って、自分の名義でローンを組んで、家の修理費用を借りてきてくれるというのだ。 (00:01:55)
エリカと彼女の叔父は銀行のフロントデスクに向かい、係員に融資担当者と話がしたいと告げた。彼女は、すでに前もって電話で連絡済みで、叔父は融資の承認を受けていると説明した。叔父は今、書類に署名するためにここに来たのだ。係員はうなずくと、パソコンでいくつかの項目を入力し、デスクから出てくるとエリカと彼女の叔父をデスクまで案内し、ローン担当者を待つように言った。 (00:02:17)
1分後、ローン担当者がデスクに近づいてくるのが見えたので、エリカは立ち上がり、笑顔で挨拶しようとしたが、ローン担当者は笑顔を返さなかった。その代わり、彼女はエリカと叔父を睨みつけ、エリカは非常に居心地の悪い気分になった。そ して、融資担当者は握手もせずに、そのまま背を向けて立ち去った。 (00:02:39)
エリカは困惑して周りを見回し、不安と少しの苛立ちを感じながら、ぎこちなく座り込んだ。融資担当者が歩き続け、社員の隣で立ち止まった。彼女は身をかがめてその従業員の耳元で何かをささやいた。エリカは、融資担当者が何を言ったのかを聞いて、その従業員の目が大きく見開かれるのを見た。 (00:02:54)
そして、その融資担当者と従業員は立ち上がり、銀行の奥の部屋へと姿を消した。エリカは、この一連の出来事にとても違和感を覚えた。彼女は叔父の方を向いたが、叔父は彼女の目を見ようともしなかった。そこで彼女は手を伸ばして、彼の首と肩をマッサージし始めた。 (00:03:13)
しばらくして融資担当者がデスクに戻ってくると、今度は彼女が大量の書類を抱えており、それをエリカの叔父の前のデスクに置いた。 しかし融資担当者は座って彼らと一緒に大量の書類に目を通す代わりに、ただそこに立ってエリカをじっと見つめ、エリカも彼をじっと見つめた。 (00:03:28)
そして約30秒間、ただただ張り詰めた沈黙が続いた。そしてついに、融資担当者は携帯電話を取り出し、明らかに撮影を始めた。エリカはただ不快な気持ちから、恐怖を感じ始めた。つまり、これは明らかに、一見とても失礼な従業員であっても、普通の銀行の対応ではない。 (00:03:50)
しかし、エリカは奇妙な出来事を無視して、叔父に書類作成を始めるよう促した。しかし数分後、エリカは銀行の外で緊急サイレンの音が聞こえ始めた。そして顔を上げると、警察官や救急隊員が自分に向かって走ってくるのが見えた。 (00:04:07)
その融資担当者がエリカと叔父を撮影した動画は、ブラジルで瞬く間に広まった。このビデオでは、エリカは微笑みながら、叔父に書類にサインさせるのを手伝おうとしている。そして、明らかに叔父の頭を支えている。しかし、叔父は病気で弱っているわけではない。叔父は死んでいるのだ。実際、エリカが叔父を銀行に連れて来た数時間前に亡くなっていた。 (00:04:24)
On April 16, 2024, a 42-year-old woman named Erika Nunes and her 68-year-old uncle named Paulo Braga arrived at a bank in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro in a cab. (00:00:58)
Erika got out of the backseat first and then asked the driver to wait so she could go inside the bank to get a wheelchair for her uncle because recently he had been sick with pneumonia in the hospital. She found one in the lobby and then wheeled it back outside. When she got back to the cab, the driver helped her lift her uncle Paulo into the wheelchair. (00:01:16)
And then afterward, Erika thanked the driver and then she wheeled her uncle up to the bank. And as she got near the door, a bank attendant came out and opened up the door for them to go inside. Erika smiled at the attendant. Her uncle had been living with her for the past eight months and so Erika was pretty accustomed to some level of caretaking. But it had gotten a lot harder recently with her uncle being in the hospital with pneumonia and so Erika was just exhausted. (00:01:39)
And so little gestures like this were very appreciated. But despite her exhaustion, today was a really good day for Erika because her uncle was so appreciative for all the help that he had actually offered to go to this bank with her today and take out a loan for her in his name so she could do some much-needed repairs around her house. (00:01:55)
So Erika and her uncle made their way through the bank towards the front desk and then told the attendant that they needed to see a loan officer. She explained that they had already called ahead and her uncle had been approved for a loan. He was just here now to sign the paperwork. The attendant nodded and then typed a few things on their computer and then came out from behind the desk and led Erika and her uncle to a desk and back to wait for the loan officer. (00:02:17)
A minute later, when Erika saw the loan officer approaching the desk, she stood up and smiled and was about to say hello, but the loan officer did not smile back. Instead, she just glared at Erika and her uncle in a way that made Erika feel very uncomfortable. And then, instead of shaking their hands, the loan officer just turned around and walked away. (00:02:39)
Erika looked around in confusion and then sort of sat down awkwardly, feeling worried and also a little annoyed. She turned and watched as this loan officer continued walking away and then stopped next to some employee. She bent down and whispered something in the employee's ear and Erika watched as this employee's eyes went wide as she heard whatever the loan officer said. (00:02:54)
And then this loan officer and that employee, they got up and they vanished into a back room of the bank. So now, Erika was feeling really weird about all of this. She turned to her uncle and she saw he couldn't even meet her eyes. So she reached out and just began massaging his neck and shoulders. (00:03:13)
A little while later, the loan officer would come back to the desk and this time she was carrying this huge stack of papers and she placed it on the desk in front of Erika's uncle. But instead of sitting down and going over this huge amount of paperwork with them, the loan officer just stood there staring at Erika and Erika stared right back. (00:03:28)
And for about 30 seconds, there was just tense silence. And then eventually, the loan officer pulled out her phone and very obviously started filming. And so now, Erika went from feeling just uncomfortable to feeling sort of afraid. I mean, this was definitely not normal bank behavior even for a seemingly very rude employee. (00:03:50)
But Erika decided to kind of ignore the weirdness and just get her uncle started on the paperwork. But after a few minutes, Erika began to hear the sound of emergency sirens outside the bank. And when she looked up, she saw all these police and first responders running towards her. (00:04:07)
The video that that loan officer shot that day of Erika and her uncle went viral in Brazil. In this video, Erika is seen smiling and attempting to help her uncle sign this paperwork. And she's obviously holding up her uncle's head. But her uncle is not weak from illness. Her uncle is dead. In fact, he had died hours before Erika had brought him to the bank. (00:04:24)
Now, Erika later claimed that she had no idea her uncle was dead. However, it was very obvious to everyone around her, which is why all the bank employees were acting so strange. Erika was arrested and held for 16 days before being released on bail. She faces charges of abusing a corpse and attempted theft through fraud. Her case has not yet been adjudicated.
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