MrBallen の実話解説:夜道に潜む黒豹の気配

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FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
2021年10月20日の夜、ノースカロライナ州ヘンダーソン郡の森の中の小さな家の中で、2組の若いカップルがたむろしていた。カップルはレイチェルと婚約者のクリス、そして彼らの友人であるオータムとジェイクで、その家は彼らの家だった。レイチェルとオータムは台所で、シンクの上でレイチェルの髪を染める準備をしていた。 (00:06:31)
ジェイクとクリスは居間で、最近町中で報告されている 黒豹の奇妙な目撃談について話し合っていた。 (00:06:36)
つまり、ノースカロライナには豹を含む大型のネコ科動物がいるのだ。なにしろ、プロフットボールチームの名前が「カロライナ・パンサーズ」だ。しかし、ノースカロライナ州のパンサーは茶色がかった色が一般的で、ヘンダーソン郡を最近うろついているらしい真っ黒なパンサーとは異なる。それでも、クリスは1週間ほど前、レイチェルと新しい子犬の散歩に出かけた際に、この黒いパンサーを目撃したと確信していた。 (00:07:05)
彼は、自分の家の周りの林の境界線に沿って、その黒豹が自分を尾行していたと断言した。そして、自分の犬を攻撃しようとしているのではないかと恐れていた。それ以来、彼はジェイクに、家の外を歩くときは常に不安を感じており、そのため護身用に銃を持ち歩くようになったと話した。ジェイクはクリスにも同じ理由で銃を持ち歩くようになったと話している途中だったが、その時、キッチンからレイチェルがクリスを呼ぶ声が聞こえて中断された。 (00:07:29)
ジェイクとクリスはソファから立ち上がり、キッチンに向かった。レイチェルは、自宅で髪を染める方法についてのYouTubeビデオをオータムに見せようとしていたときに、携帯電話のバッテリーが切れてしまったと2人に話した。そこで彼女はクリスに、アパートに戻って携帯電話の充電器を持ってきてくれないかと頼んだ。もちろんクリスは、夜の森に、しかもヒョウが出没するような場所に行くことには乗り気ではなかった。しかし、彼は婚約者を愛しており、彼女のためなら何でもするつもりだった。それに銃も持っていたので、行くと 言った。 (00:07:58)
そして、クリスが家を出るためにドアに向かうと、ジェイクがちょっと待てと言った。ジェイクは懐中電灯と銃を手に取り、クリスに同行して仲間を見張ると言った。 2人はすぐに戻ると言い、そしてドアから外に出た。ジェイクとクリスが2軒の家をつなぐ小道に出たとき、微風が木々の葉を揺らしていた。 (00:08:17)
2人は、近くにパンサーがいる兆候を聞き逃さないように、歩いている間は完全に静かにしていた。しかし、聞こえるのは風とコオロギの鳴き声、そして遠くで鳴くフクロウの声だけだった。しかし、道の半分ほど歩いたところで、クリスは突然、森の中から何かが近づいてくる音を聞き、本能的にジェイクの手を引いて立ち止まった。 (00:08:36)
二人は固まり、ジェイクは懐中電灯を上げ、クリスが音を聞いたと言った下草に向かって光を当てた。一瞬、彼らが見たのは緑の葉だけだった。しかし、2つの目が開き、彼らに反射した。2人の男は息を呑み、本能的に銃に手を伸ばしたが、彼らが銃を抜いて何かをする前に、この生き物が下草から現れた。それはただのアライグマだった。 (00:08:57)
クリスとジェイクは安堵の笑いを浮かべ、クリスの家の小道を歩き続けた。家に入ってレイチェルの充電器を手にすると、外に出てまた森の中へと戻っていった。しかし、クリスとジェイクがこの暗い小道を歩いていると、何かがいつもと違うように感じられた。コオロギの鳴き声が小さくなったように聞こえ、風も強くなってきた。さっきまで鳴いていたフクロウはどこかへ飛んで行ってしまったのだろう。今は足音と木々のざわめき以外は不思議なくらい静まり返 っていた。 (00:09:21)
ジェイクの家から40フィートほど離れたところで、突然左側で小枝が折れる音がした。2人は音のした方へ振り返り、さらに別の音が聞こえた。低いうなり声のような音だ。そこでジェイクは懐中電灯を茂みの方に向けた。すると、今度は明らかにアライグマではないことがわかった。なぜなら、茂みが文字通り、何か巨大な動物が中にいるかのように揺れていたからだ。 (00:09:43)
そこで2人の男は目を見開いて互いに顔を見合わせ、何も言わずに、同じことを考えていることに気づいた。それはヒョウだ。そこで2人の男は銃を取り、茂みに向かって撃った。そして、この動物が森の中に戻ってくれることを願ったが、そうはならなかった。茂みは、何かが飛び出してきそうな感じで、揺れ続けていた。 (00:10:03)
そこで男たちは銃を撃ち、新たな恐ろしい音が聞こえるまで撃ち続けた。その音を聞いた瞬間、彼らは銃を落とした。それはヒョウではなかったことが判明した。クリスとジェイクが家を出た後、レイチェルとオータムはいたずらを思いついた。2人は小道の近くの茂みで期限切れの卵を見つけ、それを男たちに投げつけた。 (00:10:27)
レイチェルはクリスとジェイクが近づいてくるのを見て、見つからないように茂みにしゃがみこもうとしたが、その拍子に小枝を踏んでしまった。同時に、彼らの悪戯を予期していた女性たちは笑い出した。彼女たちは笑いをこらえようとしたが、それによって鼻を鳴らしたり茂みを揺らしたりするだけだった。その音の組み合わせ、折れた小枝、こらえきれない笑い声、それは短いガミガミした唸り声や揺れる茂みに似ており、男たちにこれは悪戯ではないと知らせた。 (00:10:55)
これはパンサーだった。彼らが動かなければ、襲われるかもしれない。そこで彼らは銃を取り出し、発砲し始めた。オータムが恐怖の悲鳴を上げたのを聞いた。悲劇的なことに、彼らが発砲をやめた時には、レイチェルにはすでに手遅れだった。彼女は撃たれて死んでいた。警察は銃撃事件を調査し、単なる恐ろしい事故だったと発表した。 (00:11:17)
誰も酔っ払っておらず、2人の男は合法的に武器を所持していた。そのため、レイチェルの死で起訴された者は誰もいなかった。 (00:11:22)
On the night of October 20th, 2021, two young couples were hanging out inside of a little home in the woods in Henderson County, North Carolina. The couples were Rachel and her fiance, Chris, and their friends, Autumn and Jake, whose home it was. Rachel and Autumn were in the kitchen preparing to dye Rachel's hair over the sink. (00:06:31)
Jake and Chris were in the living room discussing the very strange sightings of a black panther that had been reported all over town in recent days. (00:06:36)
So North Carolina does have big cats, including panthers. After all, their professional football team is named the Carolina Panthers. However, the panthers in North Carolina are typically of the brownish color, not the pitch black variety like the panther that was apparently prowling all over Henderson County in recent days. Nonetheless, Chris was absolutely convinced that he had seen this black panther about a week ago when he was out walking his and Rachel's new puppy. (00:07:05)
He swore the panther had been following him in the tree line around his property, and he had been afraid it was thinking about attacking his dog. Ever since, he told Jake he'd been nervous walking around his property outside, and so he'd begun to carry a gun for protection. Jake was in the middle of telling Chris that he, too, was now carrying a gun around for the same reason when they were interrupted by Rachel calling for Chris from the kitchen. (00:07:29)
Jake and Chris got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen, where Rachel told them that she'd been trying to show Autumn a YouTube video about how to dye hair at home when her phone had died. And so she asked Chris if he wouldn't mind going back to their apartment and getting her a phone charger. Now, obviously, Chris was not thrilled about going into the woods at night, you know, with this panther roaming around. But he loved his fiancée and would do anything for her, and he had his gun, so he said he would go. (00:07:58)
And as Chris headed to the door to leave, Jake said, hold on a minute. He grabbed his flashlight and grabbed his gun and told Chris he would tag along and watch his buddies back. The two guys said they'd be back in a minute, and then they walked out the door. A light wind rustled the leaves of the trees as Jake and Chris set out on the little path that connected their two homes. (00:08:17)
They both stayed absolutely quiet as they walked because they wanted to make sure they could hear any indication of this panther being nearby. But all they could hear was the wind, some crickets, and an owl hooting in the distance. But about halfway down the path, Chris suddenly heard something coming from the woods and instinctively shot out his hand to stop Jake in his tracks. (00:08:36)
They both froze, and then Jake raised his flashlight and shined it at the underbrush where Chris was saying he had heard noise. And for a second, all they saw were green leaves. But then two eyes opened up and reflected back at them. The two men gasped and instinctively reached for their guns, but before they had to draw and do anything, this creature emerged from the underbrush, and it was just a raccoon. (00:08:57)
Chris and Jake laughed in relief and then continued walking down the path to Chris's house. They went inside, got Rachel's charger, and then they left and stepped back into the woods. But now as Chris and Jake walked along this dark path, something just felt different. The crickets seemed to have gotten quieter and the wind had picked up. The owl that had been hooting before must have flown away because it was now strangely quiet, except for the sound of their footsteps and the wind in the trees. (00:09:21)
They were about 40 feet away from Jake's house when they suddenly heard a twig snap to their left. And so the two men turned to face the noise and as they did, they heard another sound, a low raspy growl. And so Jake aimed his flashlight at the bush where these noises had come from, and this time it was obvious it was not a raccoon because the bushes were literally shaking like some enormous animal was inside of them. (00:09:43)
And so the two men looked at each other with wide eyes and without saying a word, they both knew they were thinking the same thing. It's the panther. And so the two men drew their guns and they aimed at the bush, hoping that this thing would just take off back into the woods, but it didn't. The bush continued to shake like whatever it was was going to leap out. (00:10:03)
And so the men just opened fire and they kept on shooting until they heard a new horrible sound. And the second they heard it, they dropped their guns. It would turn out that was not a panther. After Chris and Jake had left the house, Rachel and Autumn decided to pull a prank. They had found some expired eggs in the bushes near that pathway and pelt the guys with them. (00:10:27)
When Rachel saw Chris and Jake approaching, she tried to crouch down lower in the bush so as not to be seen, but as she did, she stepped on a twig. And at the same time, in anticipation of their prank, the women started to laugh. They tried to stifle their laughter, but that only made them snort and shake the bushes. And that combination of noises, the snap twig, the stifled laughter, which sort of resembled a short raspy growl and the shaking bushes, signaled to the guys that this was no prank. (00:10:55)
This was the panther, and if they didn't act, it might attack them. And so they drew their guns and they began to shoot until they heard Autumn scream out in horror. Tragically, by the time they had stopped shooting, it was already too late for Rachel. She had been shot to death. Law enforcement did an investigation into the shooting, and they declared it was just a horrible accident. (00:11:17)
Everybody was sober, and the two men were carrying their weapons legally. And so no one was ever charged with Rachel's death. (00:11:22)
And to this day, no one has ever gotten solid evidence that that black panther even exists.
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