

UFO 関連


臨死体験 (NDE) 中に gray ET に会った

· 約48分


abductee による

  • gray に連れ込まれた UFO の中で既に故人となった親類縁者に出会った

という複数の証言があるが、その gray→死後世界 の裏返し(死後世界→gray)となる

  • 臨死体験中に gray ET に出会って親密な交流がなされた



Bill Letson の証言の注目箇所が下。

そして私は彼らの顔の一部を見ることができ、彼らは耳から耳へと微笑んでいた。彼らの目は輝いていて、僕にいろんな質問をしてきて、くすくす笑っていた。私はとても混乱していたんだけど、この映画の聖体拝領の写真を見たんだ。 それでその映画を見たんだ。もう何年も前のことだ。で、その映画を観たんだ。 (00:06:45)


And I could see parts of their faces and they were dumpy guys in these dark robes with hoods. (00:06:28)

And I could see parts of their faces and they were smiling from ear to ear. Their eyes were bright and they were asking me all kinds of questions and they were giggling. And I was very confused, but I saw this, a picture of this movie communion. And so I watched the movie. This was years ago. And those dark little elf looking guys thatAnd so I watched the movie. (00:06:45)

This was years ago. And those dark little elf looking guys that Christopher Walken is hanging with in a spaceship or whatever they're portraying there, they looked exactly like that, except they were super good natured, playful, mischievous, and they had big smiles on their face and their eyes were bright. And they were saying a lot of personal things.


Clinically Dead Man Sees The Afterlife; Shown The Truth About Our Dimension (NDE)



3,747,800 views Dec 29, 2022 #neardeathexperience #nde #neardeathexperiences 🙏 Help us get stories from around the globe 🌍 ➡️ https://tinyurl.com/helptheothersidende

Bill Letson's NDE (Near Death Experience) trip to the afterlife.

Today's video is a near death experience NDE that a man named Bill Leston had in 1994. His NDE took him on a trip through the afterlife, where he was shown amazing truths about life on earth and death.


Bill Letson がこの臨死体験をしたのは 1994年。そして映画、 "Communion" が公開されたのはその 5年前の 1989年。

よって、Bill Letson はこの映画を見たか、この映画の広告用写真(下)、



そうであれば、臨死体験直後の昏睡状態からから徐々に回復する途上で彼が見た幻覚の中に、記憶に残っていた gray の姿が登場しても不思議ではない。

abductee が UFO の中で故人を眼にするのも、臨死体験者が「あの世」で gray ET を眼にするのも、ともに意識障害の最中の幻覚体験という点で共通している。

Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL


皆さん、こんにちは。僕の名前はビル・レトソンだ。引退した消防士だ。カリフォルニアの中央海岸に住んでいる。1994年に勤務中に臨死体験をしたんだ。とても深い体験だった。そのことについてはあまり話すことができなかった。当時は答えを探す場所がなかった。始めることすらできなかった。だから、15~16年間は黙っていた。そして引退した時、答えを求めていた。 (00:00:24)

始めることすらできなかった。だから15、16年間は黙っていたんだ。そして引退したとき、また甦ったんだ。答えを探しに行ったんだ。そして、古代の知識や、シャーマンやネイティブ・アメリカンたちが、ここ数百年の間に私たちが耳にしてきた歴史や宗教、科学といったものから、いかにしてその全貌を掴みきれていなかったかという、まったく新しい物語へとつながっていくんだ。だから、この話はそこから始まるんだ。でも、まずは100年後の僕の臨死体験から始めよう。 (00:00:45)

だから、そこから始まるんだ。でも1994年の臨死体験から始めよう。私は勤務中だった。ステーション11で働いていた。ゴレタにある救急車のエンジンだった。サンタバーバラ地区ではインフルエンザが流行していた。救急病院はどこも苦しんでいる人でいっぱいだった。COVIDと同じように、救急車も救急室も苦しんでいる人でいっぱいだった。 (00:01:02)

COVIDと同じように、救急隊や公安隊も出動していたんだ。彼らはまだ外で自分の仕事をしている。部屋に閉じこもっている女性に出くわした。医療緊急事態だった。部屋に閉じこもっていて、カーテンが全部閉まっていて、ひどく苦しんでいた。それで私たち救急隊員は、すぐに行動に移した。彼女はひどく苦しんでいた。 (00:01:17)

それで私たち、私、救急隊員は、ただ行動を開始した。マスクをしてあげようと、彼女の横を横切ったんだ。マスクの調整をしているとき、彼女が息を吐いた。数日後、私は今までに経験したことのないような超病気に見舞われた。救急車を呼ぶほどだった。ベッドから起き上がると、以前にもあったことを思い出したよ。 (00:01:38)

救急車が必要なほど具合が悪くなったんだ。ベッドから起き上がると、脱水症状を起こしていて、吐いても吐いても逆に体液がなくなっていくんだ。鏡を見たら、すごくやつれて、骸骨みたいだった。暗かった。そして、僕は言ったんだ。そして私の心臓は超やせ細り、まるで骸骨のようだった。 (00:01:53)

そして私は暗かった。そして私は言った、まあ、何かがここで間違っている。心拍数が上がってきたんだ。150くらいだった。無線脈拍計で手首の脈を測ってみたけど、脈はなかった。だから血圧が80を下回っているのはわかった。それで家族に電話して、姪が911にダイヤルしてくれて、サンタバーバラ郡消防が来てくれて、僕を拾って、点滴をいくつか始めて、コード3と救急車でサンタマリアの病院に運んでくれた。そして私は満員の場所に入り、コード3と救急車でサンタマリアの病院に運ばれた。 (00:02:20)

同じような症状の人たちでいっぱいだった。担当医は、みんなに薬を処方していた。モルヒネ系の痛み止めと吐き気止めを処方していた。私は30分ほどそこにいた。そして、点滴を2、3袋打たれて、もう家に帰れると思った。何か治療を始めよう。そしたら看護婦さんが来て、いや、もう大丈夫だって言ったんだ。 (00:02:45)

何らかの治療を始めよう。看護師が入ってきて、いや、これは命令だ。ここにいる全員が同じものを受けている。僕はいい子だから、いいよと答えた。そして私は家に帰る準備をして席を立った。そして彼女は、合成モルヒネと吐き気止めの新しい静脈注射をした。どちらも合成モルヒネで、もうひとつは吐き気止めだ。 (00:03:00)

吐き気も激痛も、どちらも気にならなかったよ。でもとにかく、妻が言うには、一度に全部押し込んで、目を丸くしたそうだ。まるでアニメを見ているようだった。目が丸くなって、そのままベッドに倒れこんだ。それでみんな怖くなった。そしてみんながやってきて、彼女は君にナルカンを打ったって言ったんだ。ナルカンってのは、つまり、そういうことなんだ。 (00:03:21)

みんながやって来て、彼女は言ったんだ、ナルカンを打ったって。Narcanは、救急隊員が中毒者やアヘンの過剰摂取者に使うもので、アヘンが体内に入るとすぐに、アヘンを消してくれるんだ。ナルカンを2、3回投与され、点滴を打たれて、頭を下にされた。血圧が測れなかったんだ。 (00:03:42)

血圧が40も下がっていて、集中治療室に入れられたんだ。そこで一晩過ごした。朝になって、彼らが言ったのは、君が生き残った唯一の理由は、僕がトライアスロン選手だったからだろうということだった。アイアンマンとかをやっていたんだ。だから、酸素を灌流するためのものすごいシステムを持っていた。だから、何もかもが完全に停止してしまったんだ。だからあの夜、モルヒネが僕の全身を拡張させたんだ。あの夜、モルヒネがしたことは、私の全身の血管を拡張させたんだ。 (00:04:06)

血管は液体でいっぱいだ。そして突然、血管の壁が巨大化したんだ。それで残った液体が、循環や灌流のために十分でなくなったんだ。その夜、僕は、さっきも言ったように、意識を取り戻すことはなかったんだけど、真夜中の1時か1時半くらいに、体から離れたんだ。そして最高に素晴らしい感覚だった。熱いものから解き放たれたような......。 (00:04:36)

そしてそれは最も素晴らしい感覚だった。まるで熱い押入れから出されたようで、私はこの星の世界に解き放たれたんだ。巨大な色とりどりの星が私の周りにあって、私はその中を飛んでいた。人々はこれらをオーブなどと呼ぶ。でも、本当はとても愛に溢れていたんだ。 (00:04:54)

人はこういうものをオーブとか呼ぶんだ。私たちの本当の姿は、エネルギッシュな存在のようなものなんだ。そして私は、この巨大に拡大した雲のようなものだった。とても気持ちよかった。飛んでいて、ある種の宇宙のオーガズムのような恍惚感を感じていた。誰かが僕の脳みそに蜂蜜をかけてくれたような、宇宙のオーガズムを感じたんだ。 (00:05:17)

それはただ私の中を流れていて、誰かが私の脳全体に蜂蜜を注いでいるようだった。 (00:05:23)

この場所に、この世界に来るのは、本当にチャレンジなんだ。だから僕は飛んでいた。と首を振っていたんだ。いったいどうして、本当の自分を忘れてしまったんだろう? 自分がこんな人間で、こんな人間関係やこんな問題を抱えていると思い込んでいたなんて、そんなことがあり得るだろうか?なぜなら、どれも真実ではなかったからだ。すべて幻想だったんだ......人間関係も、これらすべての問題も?なぜなら、どれも真実ではなかったからだ。 (00:05:47)

それはすべて幻想で、ある種のトリックや、物質界に、人間として地球にやってくることに伴うゲームだったんだ。だから私は空を飛んでいて、これらのオーブが私の周りにある。そしてそれらはただ、すべてが受け入れられ、愛と喜び、そして帰郷のようだった。このグループの中をパレードしていたら、突然着陸したんだ。着地して、まるで帰郷したみたいだった。 (00:06:11)

このグループを練り歩いてたら、突然着陸したんだ。しっかりした場所に降り立った。そこは現実だった。間接照明があった。そこにはテーブルがあり、機材があり、生き物がいた。そして私の目の前には、フード付きの暗いローブを着た、背の低い小柄な3人組がいた。彼らの顔の一部が見えたが、彼らはフードをかぶった暗いローブを着た小柄な男たちだった。 (00:06:28)

そして私は彼らの顔の一部を見ることができ、彼らは耳から耳へと微笑んでいた。彼らの目は輝いていて、僕にいろんな質問をしてきて、くすくす笑っていた。私はとても混乱していたんだけど、この映画の聖体拝領の写真を見たんだ。 それでその映画を見たんだ。もう何年も前のことだ。で、その映画を観たんだ。 (00:06:45)

これは何年も前の話だ。クリストファー・ウォーケンが宇宙船か何かでつるんでいる、あの暗い小妖精みたいな男たちは、超人好しで、おちゃめで、いたずら好きで、満面の笑みを浮かべて目を輝かせていたことを除けば、そっくりだった。そして個人的なことをたくさん話していた。 どうだった?何を教えてくれる?何を学んだ?そのうちの一人が僕を見て、他の二人に向かって言ったんだ。そしてみんな笑い出した。 (00:07:12)

僕は思ったんだ、君たちのことはなんとなく覚えてるんだけど、ここでちょっと問題があってね。 それからもう一人男がいて、彼が責任者のようだった。彼は背が高くて、ひょろひょろしていて、まるで刈り込まれたガンビーかサボテンのようだった。彼は水蒸気か霧か何かでできているように見えた。そして彼が歩くと、それはまるで水蒸気か霧か何かでできているようだった。 (00:07:31)

そして彼が歩くとき、それはまるで、水中の誰かを見ているようだった。そして彼は耳から耳へと微笑み、とても明るい目をしていた。この背の高い、ひょろっとした男は、ある意味責任者だったんだけど、自分の仕事をしているようには見えなかった。みんな跳ね回っていた。彼が私に近づくと、私の胸は膨らみ、喉は跳ね回った。 (00:07:53)

そして彼が近づいてくると、胸が膨らみ、喉が締め付けられ、愛おしさのあまり抑えきれずに泣き出しそうだった。 (00:07:58)

この存在からは、圧倒されるほどの愛が溢れていた。だから、そこではあまり何もなかった。あまり整理されていなかった。3人の男はくすくす笑って跳ね回っていて、背の高い、ひょろひょろの男はただクスクスと笑っていた。ある時、僕は言ったんだ。それで、君たちは、その、僕たちはどうするんだ? (00:08:21)

僕の人生の復習?次がそれなのか?背の高い、ひょろっとした男はただ笑った。彼はただ笑った。 今まで聞いた中で一番深い笑いだった。そして彼は言った、そうしよう。どうやって始める?私は、こんなはずじゃなかったと思った。それでとにかく、いくつかの話をした。 大きな後悔はない。ただ、いくつかあったんだ。ある島でパークレンジャーの仕事があった。妻大きな後悔はないよ。 (00:08:42)

ただ2、3のことがあった。ある島でパークレンジャーの仕事があった。妻は僕にその仕事に就いてほしかったんだ。僕たちは夏の間、島に一人でいることになる。僕は別の仕事を引き受けた。その仕事に就けたら良かったのにと思った。でも、それしか思いつかなかったんだ。それで彼は、もういい。戻る時間だ。私は、戻る? (00:08:56)

って感じだった。俺は戻らない。何を言ってるんだ?僕はここにいる。彼は言ったよ。そして君は戻るんだ。そして3人のチビたちは、配置換えになったみたいだ。この施設のどこか別の場所に消えてしまったんだ。そして、彼は私の方に進み出て、戻る時間だと言った。そして僕は、施設でも何でもいい、と言ったんだ。 (00:09:19)

すると彼は私の方に進み出てきて、戻る時間だと言った。それで僕は、やってみるしかないと言ったんだ。それで僕は言ったんだ、「ボス、本当に寂しいのは妻と両親だけです」ってね。彼らは2、3週間は悲しむだろうけど、そのうち立ち直るよ。彼らは強い人たちだ。耐えてくれるよ 彼はそれを面白いと思った。そして彼は、いや、君は戻るんだ、と言った。 (00:09:36)

そうして、その場所は非物質化し始めたんだ。まるで別のチャンネルに行くみたいに、その一部がバラバラになったんだ。私たちが認識している現実や他の次元は、すべてチャンネルだと私は信じている。すべて周波数なんだ。今ここに、私たちの周りに、全く異なる現実がある。だから、私は下降を感じたんだ。 (00:09:56)

だから私は下降を感じた、それは周波数の低下だったと思う。それは明らかに下降している感覚だった。そして彼はただ蒸発したような感じで、私は暗闇の中に落ちていき、自分の体の近くに降りていった。そして自分の体に戻る直前、私は本当に怖くなるような場所にいた。何年もの間、そのことを認めたくなかったけど、本当に怖い場所にいたんだと思った。 (00:10:14)

何年もの間、そのことを認めたくなかったんだ。でも、僕らが出歩きたくない場所があることを、みんなに知ってもらおうと思ったんだ。そしてそれは、今僕らがいる物理的な場所のすぐ近くなんだ。そしてそこは孤独で、悲惨だった。そう、君はそんな場所には関わりたくないんだ。 (00:10:26)

その後、僕は自分の体に戻った。数時間後、目が覚めて......器具に気づいたんだ。血圧が上がり始めていて、ゼロを44とか超えていた。少し目が覚めても、また気を失っていた。目が覚めても血圧を見続けていると、数値がどんどん上がっていって、また気を失ってしまうんだ。 (00:10:47)

目が覚めてはそれを見続け、数値は上がり続け、60度台になったり70度台になったりしたんだ。看護師が来て、目が覚めましたね、と言った。 私はあなたに話があると言った。彼女はドクターに伝える必要があると言った。何が起こるかわからないんだ。でもその前に、私たちはあなたに何が起こるか知らなかったんだ。 (00:11:02)

でもまず、僕はここに戻って何をしてるんだろう?僕は家にいた。親友と、昔から知っている兄弟と一緒だった。どうしてここに戻ってきたんだろう?農場を買ったと思ったんだ。間違いなかった。そしたら彼女は言ったんだ、エスクローの手続きをしていたのに、仲たがいしてまた戻ってきたんだ。それはとてもいいことだと思ったけど、それを乗り越えるために、数日間はかなり落ち込んだよ。 (00:11:22)

それはとてもいいことだと思ったけど、数日間はかなり落ち込んだ。でも、悲しかった。薄らいでいくのを感じた。そしてすぐに、自分自身を説得することができた。そんなことさえあった。僕はみんなに言ったんだ、知り合いにね。 (00:11:38)

そんなことさえあったんだ。僕はみんなに言ったんだ、僕が知っているみんなに。冗談だよ。僕たちは完全に誤解している。即座に1,000万パーセントのアップグレードができるんだ。だから、子供や親を亡くして苦しんでいる人たちが僕のところに来るんだ。そして私は彼らに、まさにそのことを話すのだ。 (00:11:54)

誰も死んでない。肉体から抜け出して家に帰ったんだ。なぜなら、そういうことを経て肉体を離れても、僕は僕だったんだ。そして、これはみんなにとって無理なことなんだ。私は私の芯の部分ではまだ私だった。ユーモアのセンスも、頭の中で繰り広げられる精神的な会話も同じだった。 私は私のままだった。完璧な変化だった。私はただ渡り歩いた。僕は僕で、僕は僕だった。 (00:12:18)

完璧な変化だった。私はただ横切った。僕はまだ僕で、別の場所にいた。つまり、僕が言いたいのは、失った人はみんな、愛する人を失ったことがあるということなんだ。僕たちは誰も失ったことがない。ペットを失ったこともない。みんなここにいる。その通り、僕らは誰も失ったことがないんだ。 (00:12:32)

我々はペットを失ったことはない。みんなここにいる。みんなここにいるんだ。数週間後、トニー・ウッディがP3オライオンで墜落寸前の事故を起こしたと聞いた。そして、ある士官がやってきて、この話をするのは止めた方がいいと言ったそうだ。まさに僕に起こったことだ。この話をするのは止めた方がいい、と言われたんだ。 (00:12:48)

それがまさに僕に起こったことなんだ。ちょっとしたことだったんだ。同僚だった。彼はこう言ったんだ。僕は、歴史上誰も聞いたことのないような素晴らしいニュースだと思ったんだ。それをどこかにしまっておかなきゃいけない。だからジッパーを閉めて、歴史を通して聞いたことをダミーにしたんだ。 (00:13:04)

そして私はそれをどこかにしまっておくことにした。だからジッパーを閉めて、15年間ダミーにしていたんだ。そして2010年に引退した。話は少し変わる。 (00:13:09)

Hi everyone. My name is Bill Letson. I'm a retired firefighter. I live on the central coast of California. And I had a near-death experience in 1994 when I was on duty. And it was very profound. I couldn't really talk about it. Back in those days, I didn't have any place to look for answers. Couldn't even begin. So I kind of kept it quiet for 15, 16 years. And when I retired, for answers. (00:00:24)

Couldn't even begin. So I kind of kept it quiet for 15, 16 years. And when I retired, it came roaring back. I went looking for answers. And that goes into a whole new story with ancient knowledge and how the shamans and the Native Americans really didn't pick up on the whole story with the history and religion and science that we've all heard the last several hundred years. So that's where it'll lead. But I'll start off with my near-death experience in hundred years. (00:00:45)

So that's where it'll lead. But I'll start off with my near-death experience in 1994. So I was on duty. I worked at a station, Station 11. It was a paramedic engine down in Goleta. And there was a flu epidemic going on in the Santa Barbara area. And all the emergency rooms were full of people suffering. And we were running calls just like COVID, you know, EMS, rooms were full of people suffering. (00:01:02)

And we were running calls just like COVID, you know, EMS, public safety. They're still out there doing their thing. So we came across this lady who was cooped up in her room. It was a medical emergency. She was cooped up in her room and all the drapes were shut and she was suffering horribly. And so we, myself, paramedic, just sprung into action. And I shut and she was suffering horribly. (00:01:17)

And so we, myself, paramedic, just sprung into action. And I climbed across her to get a mask on her. And just as I was getting it adjusted, she exhaled and I inhaled and I felt it go right in. So after a couple of days, I was super ill, like I've never been before. And it got so ill that I needed an ambulance. And I remember I got out of bed and it been before. (00:01:38)

And it got so ill that I needed an ambulance. And I remember I got out of bed and it was doing this dehydration thing where, you know, you're throwing up and it's going the other way, and you're just running out of fluids in your body. And I looked in the mirror and I looked super gaunt, like a skeleton. And I was dark. And I said, well, something's wrong here. And my heart super gaunt, like a skeleton. (00:01:53)

And I was dark. And I said, well, something's wrong here. And my heart rate was just racing. It was like 150. And I felt my pulse in my radio pulse, you know, down by your wrist and I couldn't get a pulse. So I knew my blood pressure was below 80. So I called my family, my niece dialed 911 and Santa Barbara County Fire came, picked me up, started a couple of IVs, took me in Code 3s and ambulance to a hospital in Santa Maria. And I went into a place that was full took me in Code 3s and ambulance to a hospital in Santa Maria. (00:02:20)

And I went into a place that was full of people with the same type of symptoms. The doctor who was in charge, he was just broadcast prescribing everybody. It was giving them something for the pain, which was a morphine type thing, and something for nausea. And I was there for about half an hour. And, you know, the IVs, they put a couple of bags in me and I was like, you know what, I think I can go home and we'll just take it from there. We'll start some kind of treatment. And the nurse came in and said, nope, just take it from there. (00:02:45)

We'll start some kind of treatment. And the nurse came in and said, nope, these are orders. Everyone in here is getting the same thing. And me being a good sport, I said, sure. And I was sitting up ready to go home. And she pushed the new vein, which is a synthetic morphine and the other thing for nausea. I didn't have any, neither one of which is a synthetic morphine and the other thing for nausea. (00:03:00)

I didn't have any, neither one of those things were bothering me, nausea or severe pain. But anyway, my wife said she pushed it all in at once and your eyes rolled back. It was like watching a cartoon. Your eyes rolled back and you fell straight back on the bed that you were climbing out of. And that kind of freaked them out. And everybody came in and she said, they Narcan'd you. And Narcan is what, you know, out. (00:03:21)

And everybody came in and she said, they Narcan'd you. And Narcan is what, you know, paramedics use for addicts, people with opiate overdoses, because it wipes out the opiates, like instantly, as soon as it hits your system. And she said, they Narcan'd you a couple of times, they started more IVs and they put you in the head down and you were gone and they couldn't get a blood pressure. It was, you know, you were down 40 over zero and they put you up in get a blood pressure. (00:03:42)

It was, you know, you were down 40 over zero and they put you up in intensive care. And I spent the night there. In the morning, they said, the only reason you probably survived was I was a triathlete. I was doing Ironman's and stuff. So I had this tremendous system for perfusing oxygen. So nothing was really getting completely shut down. So during that night, what the morphine did was it phasodilated my whole system. I have a vessel that night, what the morphine did was it phasodilated my whole system. (00:04:06)

I have a vessel and it's full of liquid, it's full of fluid. And suddenly all the vessel walls got huge, got really big. So the fluid that was left, you know, became not enough to really get any circulation, any perfusion. So during that night, I was, like I said, I never regained consciousness, but somewhere in the middle of the night, one o'clock in the morning, 1.30, something like that, I left my body. And it was the most amazing feeling. It was like I'd been let out of a hot I left my body. (00:04:36)

And it was the most amazing feeling. It was like I'd been let out of a hot stuffy closet and I was released into this world of, I call them stars. There was these giant colored stars all around me and I was flying through them and they were so welcoming and they were so loving. People call these things like orbs and stuff. You know, what we really they were so loving. (00:04:54)

People call these things like orbs and stuff. You know, what we really appear as is sort of these energetic beings. And I was this huge expanded cloud of some sort. It was ridiculous how good it felt. So I'm flying along and just feeling ecstatic, like some sort of cosmic orgasm. It was just flowing through me and like somebody was pouring honey all over my brain cosmic orgasm. (00:05:17)

It was just flowing through me and like somebody was pouring honey all over my brain and it was running down through all my nerves and everything was just alive and exhilarating. (00:05:23)

It's a real challenge to come here into this place, into this world. So I'm flying along and what was that? I was shaking my head saying, how in the world did I forget who I really was? How is that possible that I was convinced that I was this person and that I had all these relationships and all these issues? Because none of it was true. It was all an illusion relationships and all these issues? Because none of it was true. (00:05:47)

It was all an illusion and it was some sort of a trick or a game that comes with coming into the material world, coming into earth as a person. So I'm flying along and these orbs are all around me, these stars, these colored wonderful things. And they're just, everything was acceptance and love and joy and like a homecoming. Like I was parading through this group and all of a sudden I landed. I landed and like a homecoming. (00:06:11)

Like I was parading through this group and all of a sudden I landed. I landed in a place that was solid. It was real. It had indirect lighting. There were tables there and equipment and there were beings there. And right in front of me were these three short little dumpy guys in these dark robes with hoods. And I could see parts of their faces and they were dumpy guys in these dark robes with hoods. (00:06:28)

And I could see parts of their faces and they were smiling from ear to ear. Their eyes were bright and they were asking me all kinds of questions and they were giggling. And I was very confused, but I saw this, a picture of this movie communion. And so I watched the movie. This was years ago. And those dark little elf looking guys thatAnd so I watched the movie. (00:06:45)

This was years ago. And those dark little elf looking guys that Christopher Walken is hanging with in a spaceship or whatever they're portraying there, they looked exactly like that, except they were super good natured, playful, mischievous, and they had big smiles on their face and their eyes were bright. And they were saying a lot of personal things. Like, how was it? What can you tell us? What did you learn? And one of them looked at me and he turned to the other two and he said, he doesn't remember us. And they all started giggling. (00:07:12)

And I was thinking, I kind of remember you guys, but I'm having a little trouble here. And then there was this other guy and he was kind of in charge. He was this tall, wispy guy, like a kind of a trimmed down Gumby or one of those cactus. And he looked like he was made out of vapor or mist or something. And when he walked, it was like, I was looking at was made out of vapor or mist or something. (00:07:31)

And when he walked, it was like, I was looking at somebody underwater. He was, parts of them were separating and then catching up and he smiled from ear to ear and he had the brightest eyes. So this tall, wispy guy, he was kind of in charge, but it wasn't like he was doing his job because everything was sort of mischievous. Everyone was just sort of bouncing around. And when he came close to me, my chest expanded, my throat was just sort of bouncing around. (00:07:53)

And when he came close to me, my chest expanded, my throat was constricted, and I felt like I was going to burst into uncontrollable crying from love. (00:07:58)

There was so much love coming from this being that it was overwhelming. So there wasn't much going on there. It wasn't very organized. The three guys were giggling and bouncing around and the tall, wispy guy was just kind of chuckling and smiling. And at one point I said, well, I'm not going back there. So you guys want to get on with the, you know, what are we going to do? (00:08:21)

A review of my life? Is that what's next? And the tall, wispy guy just laughed. He just chuckled. It's the deepest laugh I've ever heard. And he said, sure, let's do that. How do you want to start? And I thought, this is not what it's supposed to be. So anyway, I told a few stories. Nothing, no big regrets. Just a couple of things. There was a park ranger job on an island. My wifeNothing, no big regrets. (00:08:42)

Just a couple of things. There was a park ranger job on an island. My wife wanted me to take it. We would have been on an island by ourselves for the summer. And I took this other job. I thought it would be nice if I would have taken that job. But that's the only thing that came up. And he said, okay, that's enough. Time to go back. And I was like, go back? (00:08:56)

I'm like, dude, no way. I am not going back. What are you talking about? I'm here. He said, nope, you got things to do. And you're going back. And the three little guys, they just, it's like they were reassigned. They just disappeared off to some other place in this facility, whatever it was. And he came forward towards me and said, time to go back. And I said, facility, whatever it was. (00:09:19)

And he came forward towards me and said, time to go back. And I said, I had to try. So I said, hey, look, boss, the only people who are going to really miss me is my wife and my parents. And they'll be sad for a couple of weeks, but they'll get over it. They're strong people. They will persevere. And he thought that was funny. And he said, nope, you're going back. (00:09:36)

And just like that, the place just started to dematerialize. Parts of it were breaking up like I was going to another channel. And I do believe that all of our perceived reality and other dimensions, it's all channels. It's all frequencies. You have completely different realities right here, all around us, right here and right now. So I felt a descending, I think it was a drop right here, all around us, right here and right now. (00:09:56)

So I felt a descending, I think it was a drop in frequency. That was a definite descending feeling. And he just sort of evaporated and I dropped away into darkness and I got down near my body. And just before I went back in my body, I was at this place that really scared me. And I didn't want to admit that for years, but I figured I was at this place that really scared me. (00:10:14)

And I didn't want to admit that for years, but I figured people should know there is a place that we don't want to hang out. And it's very close to where we are now in physical. And it was lonely and it was dismal. Yeah, you don't want any part of that. (00:10:26)

And after that, I was back in my body. And a few hours later I woke up and I noticed the equipment, I was hooked up to all this equipment. I noticed the equipment, the blood pressure was starting to climb and it was in a 44 over zero or something. And I could be awake for a little bit and then I'd be out again. And I just kept waking up and looking at that and the numbers kept going up I'd be out again. (00:10:47)

And I just kept waking up and looking at that and the numbers kept going up and it was in the 60s and it was in the 70s. And a nurse came by and she said, you're awake. And I said, I need to talk to you. She goes, I need to tell the doctor. You've been on, you know, we didn't know what was going to happen with you. And I said, okay, but first I go, what you know, we didn't know what was going to happen with you. (00:11:02)

And I said, okay, but first I go, what am I doing back here? I was home. I was with my best friend, my brothers I'd known forever. How is it that I got back here? And I said, I thought I bought the farm. I was sure of it. And she said, honey, you were in escrow, but you fell out and now you're back with us and you're going to have to get over it. And I thought that was pretty good, but I was pretty depressed for a few days, to get over it. (00:11:22)

And I thought that was pretty good, but I was pretty depressed for a few days, not clinically depressed, like some people suffer from, but sad, sad to be back. And you could feel it slipping away. You could feel that it was going to fade. And pretty soon you could talk yourself out of that. It even happened. And I told everybody, everybody I knew, I said, Hey, out of that. (00:11:38)

It even happened. And I told everybody, everybody I knew, I said, Hey, there is nothing ever to worry about with this death thing. It's a joke. We've got it completely backwards. It's an absolute 10 million percent upgrade instantly. So some guys would come to me if they lost a child or a parent and they were struggling. And I'd tell them that exact thing. (00:11:54)

I said, nobody died. We've just slipped out of the physical and we've gone home because when I left my body through all those things, I was still me. And this is a stretch for people. I was still me at my core. I had the same kind of mischievous sense of humor, the mental talk that goes on in our heads. It was, I was still me. It was a flawless change. I just crossed over. I was still me and I wasIt was, I was still me. (00:12:18)

It was a flawless change. I just crossed over. I was still me and I was somewhere else. So I guess the point I'm saying is all of us who've lost, you know, we've all lost people we love and it's the worst thing that happens to us in this life. And we haven't lost, we've never lost anybody. We've never lost our pets. They're all right here. They're right, we've never lost anybody. (00:12:32)

We've never lost our pets. They're all right here. They're right, they're right next to us. After a couple of weeks, I heard Tony Woody recently, he's the Navy chief, had a near crash in a P3 Orion, I think it was. And he said that an officer came by and said, you better stop telling this story. And that's exactly what happened to me. It was just said, you better stop telling this story. (00:12:48)

And that's exactly what happened to me. It was just a slight thing. It was a co-worker. He said, Hey dude, just so you know, people are starting to talk about you. And I'm like, you know, here's the most wonderful news anybody, any person could ever hear throughout history. And I got to stow it away somewhere. So I zipped it and I dummied up hear throughout history. (00:13:04)

And I got to stow it away somewhere. So I zipped it and I dummied up for 15 years. And in 2010, I retired. The story takes a little turn. (00:13:09)
