1967-05-16, Canada: Falcon Lake UFO 事件: 地面の痕跡
タイトルの事例については過去記事で何度も取り上げたが、Michael Schratt も概説している。
下の、UFO の着陸痕跡の写真と金属片の図は既に過去記事で取り上げた気もするが、記録しておく(欠落より重複のほうがマシ)。

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
それでは、スティーブン・マコーリフについて話を続けましょう。UFO学では とても有名な事件です 時の試練に耐えました スティーブンはもうこの世にいません。彼は約3年前に亡くなりましたが、ここで場面を設定します。 1967年5月16日、カナダのファルコン湖、この紳士はロックハウンドでした。 (0:59:25)
彼は鉱物を探す冒険に出かけていました。 分厚い革の手袋をはめ、チェックのシャツを着て、ジーンズをはき、ワークブーツを履いて、目に欠片が入るのを嫌って溶接ゴーグルをかけていた。 それで岩や物を見て回っていると、背後で騒ぎがあった。 (0:59:49)
そこで彼は振り向くと、鳥の大群が、ほら、木の上を、ただ飛び去っていくのが見えた。 さらに上を見上げると、これと同じような40フィートの菱形か円盤型の機体が2機見えた。ほとんど同じだ。 どちらも上部が四角いドーム状になっていた。 上部のドームの外周には、スロット状の穴かスロットが走っていた。 (1:00:20)
一方は飛び去った。もうひとつは彼のいる場所から3メートルほど離れたところに着地し、彼が何かする前に30分ほどそのままになっていた。 (1:00:31)
彼はその近くまで歩いて行く前に、30分ほど前から、このものが彼から200フィートほど離れた地面に座っているのを見ていた。 右側にハッチがあり、縦軸に約10度、放射状にもう一つハッチがある。 これを爆破して、ここに連れてくる。 (1:00:53)
彼は幅2フィート、高さ3フィートほどのハッチを見た。 インチ×8インチの大きさで、CNCドリルに近い完璧な穴のピッチパターンがあった。 たぶん半インチの間隔が、そこに開けられた穴のピッチと言えるだろう。 (1:01:19)
そこで彼は、このハッチがある場所に這い上がって膝をついた。 中を見ている。彼は中には入らなかったが、中を見ていた。内部から激しい紫色の光が発せられており、それは間違いなく内部から出ていた。 しかしその後、彼はこの船の内部から、1897年の謎の飛行船の波のような笑い声が聞こえたと言った。 (1:01:46)
彼はまた、 理解できない言語を聞いたので、英語、スペイン語、ポーランド語でも答えた。 ロシア語もあったと思う。 つまり、彼は返答を得るために4つの異なる言語を試したのだ。 彼はまったく返答を得ることができなかった。 拡大写真をご覧ください。ここで彼は船の中を見ている。 つまり、これがどのようなものであったかを想像することができる。 (1:02:13)
この時点で、このクラフトは地面から約12インチ浮いていて、それから垂直軸に沿って反時計回りに回転します。その小さい排気口は彼の体にぴったりと並び、ある種の熱い排気が出て、彼の胸を焼きました。 それが実際に彼の... ああ、覚えているよ。 とても有名な事件だ。彼は這って戻らなければならなかった。 家に帰るのも大変だった (1:02:42)
家に帰る、そうだね。 彼には再発性の病状があって、排気パネルに並んだこの点が、胸の火傷の跡と完全に一致したんです。そしてこの火傷の跡が数カ月消えて、また戻ってくるという病状が続いていました。 そう、そしてある時、皮膚の下で硬くなった。 (1:03:05)
そうだと思う。 写真だったかな? 写真を見たことがある。 ええ、実際に彼の胸の写真です。 ああ、そうだ。 そうだ、では先に進んで、拡大写真をお見せしましょう。 ピッチのパターンが見える これは胸の火傷の跡と完全に一致している。 彼はこれで病気になった。 (1:03:28)
とてもトラウマになるような体験だった。 (1:03:30)
この特殊な事件に関連した原画やスケッチのいくつかに移ります。 UFO学では非常に有名な事件です。 ここに火傷の跡があります。 左下に見えるのが侵入口のハッチと排気 口です。 そして、これをすぐに読むことができます。 現場で発見された放射性金属片。 破片は長さ約4.5インチ、幅約0.5インチ。 (1:03:57)
というわけで、これは絶対に古典的な、UFO学の中ではおそらく最も古典的なCE-2ケースです。 彼の体にも何らかの痕跡が残っていますね? はい、痕跡証拠です。 その通りです。 放射線による火傷ですか? 破片の中に放射性物質が含まれていた いや、火傷の跡だろう 放射線か? 高熱を示しますが、放射線とは限りません。 (1:04:31)
ええ、ある種の高熱です。 以前、私の同僚だった親友のアントニオ・ジュナエスに話をしたところ、彼はとても親切に、世界を独占するような話をしてくれた。 カナダ王立騎馬警察が撮影した実際の着弾地点の写真をお見せしよう。 環の外側にあった土とは対照的に、これが土の中に残した円形の痕跡の区別と境界線を見ることができます。 (1:05:02)
今からそこにお連れします。 カナダ王立騎馬警察の実際の写真です。これが落ちてきたこのリングが見えますね。 信じられない。カナダ騎馬警察の公式写真 あの場所に植物が生えてきたり、そこから何か出てきたりしたのだろうか。 というのも、多くの場合、人工衛星が着陸した場所では、植物は戻ってこないか、あるいは歪んで戻ってくるか、あるいは地中に入り込んだ放射線が、戻ってきた植物を歪めてしまうからだ。 (1:05:34)
調査員がここに戻ってきたとき、これは何年も前のことだが、周辺地域にはまだ若干の違いが残っていたと思う。 何年経っても、まだ何かが起こっている。 そして、彼はここにいる。これは1967年5月24日のエドモントン・ジャー ナル。悪臭が続く そこで質問だ。彼はこのスケッチを持っている。 どのような生理学的効果が身体と皮膚に影響を及ぼし、この悪臭が発生から長い年月を経て持続するのでしょうか? (1:06:12)
これは彼にどのような医学的影響を与えたのでしょうか? どこで実際に起こったのか? 想像すらできない。 非常に珍しいことだ。これはEE2事件であることは間違いない。
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
All right, so let's continue now, and we're going to be talking about Stephen McAuliffe. This is a very famous case within ufology. It stood the test of time. Stephen's no longer with us. He died about three years ago, but we'll set the scene here. It's May 16th, 1967, Falcon Lake, Canada, and this gentleman was a rock hound. (0:59:25)
So he was out on one of his mineral prospecting adventures. So you can see, you know, he had these thick leather gloves on, he had a plaid shirt on, he had jeans on, he had his work boots on, and he was wearing welder's goggles, because he didn't want any chips in his eyes. So he's kind of looking around at these rocks and things, and he hears some commotion behind him. (0:59:49)
So he turns around, and he sees these flock of birds just flying off, you know, above the trees, and just a big flock of birds flying away. He looks up further, and he sees two 40-foot diamond or disc-shaped craft that looked identical to this right here. Virtually identical. They both had a dome on top with a squared off top section. They had these slotted holes or slots running around the outer circumference of the top dome. (1:00:20)
One of these flew away. The other one landed about 200 feet from his location, and it sat there for 30 minutes before he even did anything about it. (1:00:31)
He was watching this thing just sitting on the ground about 200 feet from him for a good solid 30 minutes before he even walked up close to it. So now you can see on the right hand side, there was a hatch that opened up, and then radially oriented about 10 degrees on the vertical axis, there was another hatch. And I'm going to go ahead and blow this up and get you over here. (1:00:53)
He looked at this one hatch that was about 2 feet wide by 3 feet tall, and the other hatch was more of a vent or exhaust port. It measured 6 inches by 8 inches, and it had these perfectly drilled, almost CNC-drilled hole pitch pattern. Maybe a half inch apart, you could say, that would be the pitch of the holes that were drilled into that, and we'll get into that a little bit later. (1:01:19)
So he kind of crawls up and kneels where this hatch is. He's looking inside. He did not go inside, but he was looking inside, and it was emanating this violent purple light from the interior that he could see, and it was definitely coming out of the interior. But then he said that he heard laughter coming from the interior of this craft, kind of like the 1897 mystery airship wave. (1:01:46)
He also heard an unintelligible language that he couldn't figure out, so he responded in English, in Spanish, and in Polish as well. I believe he also had Russian as well. So he tried four different languages to get a response. He could not get a response at all. And we'll do an enlargement here. Here he is looking inside the craft. I mean, you can just imagine what this might have been like. (1:02:13)
At this point, this craft hovers off the ground about 12 inches, and then rotates counterclockwise along the vertical axis, and that smaller vent lined up with his body perfectly, and some type of hot exhaust came out and burned his chest. It actually caught his... Yes, I remember this. Yep, it's a very famous case. He had to crawl back. He had a very difficult time getting home. (1:02:42)
Getting home, right, yeah. He had a reoccurring medical condition where these dots that were lined up on the exhaust panel lined up perfectly with the burn marks on his chest, and this continuous medical condition where these burn marks would go away for a few months, and then they would come back. Right, and they get hard under his skin at one point as well. (1:03:05)
I think so, yep. I think it was photos, right? I think I've seen photos of it. Yeah, actually photos of his chest. Yeah, oh yeah. Yep, and then we'll go ahead and move forward here, and I'm going to show you kind of an enlargement. You can see this whole pitch pattern. This lines up perfectly with the burn marks on his chest. He got sick over this. (1:03:28)
It was a very traumatic experience. (1:03:30)
We'll move on to some of the original artwork and sketches that were associated with this particular case. Just a very, very well-known case within ufology. Here are some of the burn marks. Here you can see on the left-hand bottom the entryway hatch and then also this exhaust port. And we can read this real quickly here. Radioactive metal fragments found at the scene. The fragments were about four and a half inches long and a half inch wide. (1:03:57)
So this is absolutely a classic, probably the most classic CE-2 case within ufology because it absolutely did have physical effects, for sure. And left some kind of trace evidence on his body as well, didn't it? Yep, trace evidence. That's correct. Were they radiation burns? Radioactive material within the fragments themselves. No, I'm thinking the burn marks. Were they radiation? Indicative of high heat, but not necessarily radiation. (1:04:31)
Yeah, some type of high heat. Now, when I spoke to my good friend Antonio Junaes, who used to be a co-worker of mine, he was very kind enough to give me kind of a world exclusive. And I'm going to take you to the site itself and we've got the actual photograph from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of where this thing landed. And you can see the differentiation and the demarcation of the circular imprint that this thing left in the soil, as opposed to the soil that was outside the ring. (1:05:02)
I'm going to take you there right now. So here is the actual photograph of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and you can see the ring right here where this thing came down. Unbelievable. Official Canadian Mounted Police photograph. I wonder if any vegetation ever grew back in that spot, or if anything was able to come up out of there. Because a lot of times you see where crafts have landed, the vegetation doesn't come back, or it goes back distorted, or the radiation that got into the ground distorts the plant life that comes back. (1:05:34)
I believe that when investigators came back here, this is like years ago, there was still some residual differences within the surrounding area. Even after all this time, there's still something going on there. And here he is right here. This is Edmonton Journal, May 24th, 1967. Foul smell persists. So here's the question. Here he is holding up a sketch of this thing. What kind of a physiological effect would affect the body and the skin so that this odor consists long after this took place? (1:06:12)
What kind of a medical effect did this have on him? Where that actually took place? Can't even imagine. Very unusual. So absolutely, this is an EE2 case for sure, for sure.
Michael Schratt & Jim Goodall of Ancient Aliens On U-S4
おまけ:動画の全発言:文字起こ し
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
Hey Andy, how are you? Hi mate, very well. How is everyone in the chat? Good evening everyone and welcome to Unidentified as for this Sunday. So tonight we're live with Michael Charette. Michael Charette is... What is Michael Charette? He's an aviation historian. He's a UFO expert. He's a master of illustrations. He just started Blue Moon Media on YouTube. He's also known for Ancient Aliens on a History channel. (0:02:08)
Michael is one of the most well-renowned UFO historians and aviation historians there is. So before we welcome Michael to the show, Andy, if you just want to cut to his little welcome we set up for him with his intro, that'd be wonderful. Yes. And we'll go off from there. That tells you that there is something out there. Pretty hard to spoof that. Absolutely Los Alamos, Oak Ridge National Labs, McDill Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base, the remote test site in Nevada, also known as Air Force Flight Test Center Detachment 3. That's the actual terminology for Broom Lake Facility. From what I hear you guys say, there's something. (0:03:13)
I don't know who's building it, who's got the technology, who's got the brains, but there's there's something out there that's better than our airplane. So it's not us. That's one thing we know. We know that. I can say that with very high degree of confidence. For someone to try to bust down the walls, it's not going to happen. You'd have to go to all these facilities, get into their vaults, then bring that out as a united coalition. (0:03:38)
One person couldn't do it. It would take a united coalition of acknowledged scientists to come forward with it. Michael, welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen. Without any further ado, the legend himself, Michael Schubert. Thank you very much. Great to be with you. Welcome to the show, Michael. Thank you for joining us. OK, so what we want to do today and just kind of give you a brief overview of how this all began. (0:04:13)
The goal of all of this is to maintain an important part of our national history by going through these historical archives all around the country. So you've got MUFON, you've got QFOS in Chicago, which is now part of David Marler Collection. You've got the Clarksburg West Virginia Collection. That's the Gray-Barker Collection. You've got multiple university archives. And this crusade really involved pulling the files, pulling the boxes, pulling out the cases where it had drawings, sketches, illustrations, flight page report, witness report. (0:04:50)
Those are the cases that made good candidates for a very good illustration. And so what I would do is I would actually create a SOLIDWORKS model, then do an AutoCAD version of that. And then if it was a biological craft or had other components of an illustration that I couldn't do, I commissioned artwork and artists to do this. And that's kind of what this crusade is all about, is to make these cases come alive that have been forgotten about for years. (0:05:19)
So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to try to share my screen here and we'll see if we can get this to work. (0:05:27)
So share and I'm going to share here and hopefully this will work. I'm going to do that. Good. I'll go ahead and go here. Do you see this? Yes. Yeah, I can add that screen. I'm going to add that to the stream. Okay, I'm going to go. So, all right. So are you seeing this full size now? Yes. Okay, very good. Okay, so why don't we go ahead and jump right into some of these older cases here. (0:05:58)
And I always like to provide the reference material where I got this so that people can verify this on their own. They can check my sources. They can use the scientific principle and get the same results that I did. So we'll start here. QFOS, which we mentioned is now part of the David Marler collection. NICAP, APRO, MUFON, Invisible Residents by Ivan T. Sanderson, Uninvited Guests by Richard Hall, David Marler UFO Collection, UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, Wendell Stephens Collection, Leonard Stringfield Collection, Gray Barker UFO Collection, and then what we've termed Boots on the Ground Research. That involves making appointments with university archives, going into the special collections, wearing the white gloves, pulling out the files. (0:06:48)
That's real research and that's what we're going to be discussing today. So the first case here that we'd like to kick this off with, this is February 3rd, 1983, Mobile, Alabama. And this woman is driving back from a dinner engagement about 9pm, heading back to Mobile, and she notices and she hears this loud boom noise. Her car starts vibrating. So she pulls off to the side of the road, she gets out of the vehicle, she looks under the car, because she actually thought the transmission fell off. (0:07:23)
That seemed to be okay. She gets back into the car, drives another half mile down the road, and off to the right she sees this clearing, and it's well lit. This is kind of a well lit clearing off to the side of the road, and she notices hovering off the ground, this particular craft. Now it was 210 feet long, it was 80 feet tall. (0:07:46)
We'll start at the top portion of this craft. She noticed that there was this one-third wraparound transparent window, and behind this window were these what looked like humanoid looking beings. They were 5 feet 10 inches tall, they had slightly oversized heads. They were all wearing this one-piece tight-fitting white flight suit, and she said that they were moving in what she termed an antiseptically sterile environment. (0:08:15)
Now below that there was another transparent wraparound section. Below that section were these multi-sized porthole windows, and she said that when she looked through these windows, she could look all the way through this craft to the other side, where it also had identical windows on that side. And she said it reminded her of an east coast shipping yard, where they were laying the keel and foundation for a new ship, where they had these bulkheads. (0:08:42)
That's what she said the interior of this craft looked like. (0:08:46)
Now, I'm going to go ahead and continue down this craft itself. Now this is a, you could call it a spherical shaped craft that had an aft end that had a kind of a tiered wedding cake configuration. It's a great design, I have to say. Yeah, very... Personally, I believe this is a one-off. I don't think they were manufacturing, whoever or whatever was manufacturing these, they didn't make this in quantity. (0:09:11)
This is a one-off type situation. Yep, it's a big craft, 210 feet long. And I'm going to give you all the sources for this. Now, below this porthole window section on the forward portion of the craft, what looks like only could be described as a sandbox, a six foot by six foot sandbox. And protruding out of these multiple sandbox configurations are these cylindrical, what look like cannons, but she didn't think they were any kind of a weapon system. (0:09:42)
Now, below these cannons, she said that she could see a door that was closing from right to left. And I'm going to go ahead and advance one slide here, give you a better perspective. Here's a front view here. So this door was closing from right to left. And then she said on the far left-hand wall, she could see tubes, pipes, and cylinders on the left-hand wall of this craft. (0:10:07)
And that's something that shows up again and again. For example, the January 5, 2000 Southern Illinois Triangle case also had tubes, pipes, and cylinders on the bottom of it as well. Now, at the very bottom of this craft, there were two gondolas that were transparent, kind of had a glass transparency to them. And she saw those same 5'10 humanoid-looking beings, now connected to the bottom of the craft, but also connected to the top of the gondolas, were these 12-inch by 12-inch highly polished mirror reflective devices that were in the form of a cross. (0:10:43)
Now, this craft was shining beaming spotlights up and down. And as this got to the end of the sighting, this craft slowly flew off to the left and then was obscured behind some trees. So this is back in 1983. This is February 3, 1983. And we'll advance one slide. I'll give you the reference for it. This is the original sketch that came with the report. (0:11:05)
This is Aperol Bulletin, Volume 32, Number 2, 1984. So people listening and watching can follow along and they can reference this and check the sources on their own. Wow. The illustrations are phenomenal. Yes, it's good. That's the goal here is to make these cases come alive through the use of these illustrations. That's the whole goal of this entire crusade. So when she saw this, I mean, it seems like she could see really clearly. (0:11:38)
So it was quite low. Yes. Yeah. But she never felt any ill effects or, you know, radiation? Nope, no ill effects. In fact, she was so close to this thing. (0:11:53)
If you calculate the size and the size of the porthole windows, for her to be able to get the viewing perspective, to look through one side of the porthole, all the way through the craft to the other porthole on the other side, and then to see what she termed a black asphalt road. If you look at this top sketch where you can see the door that's slightly open and then that left wall, she said that there was an asphalt road going into the interior of this craft. (0:12:23)
The only way she could have seen this is if she's offset at about a 45 degree angle and that this craft is about no more than 20 feet off the ground. That's the only way she could see that. Wow. Amazing. Amazing. Yeah, just as soon as I saw this case, I go, oh boy, we got to do this one. We've got to. Can you imagine the sheer power that craft must have had to have a paved road running through it, holding up all that weight and hovering. (0:12:51)
I like that, hovering. That's unbelievable. Absolutely. Now, let's go back to here and you can see we'll actually go back one. She said that the entire exterior of this particular craft had rivets fastening the outer skin of the craft to like these interior bulkhead components. So we've got case after case of case of these witnesses describing these rusty bridge rivets holding these craft together. (0:13:20)
So she definitely made mention of rivets that were large enough for her to see. So probably, do you think man-made being that she was seeing rivets and paved roads? It's certainly pointing in that direction. She did mention that the beings that she saw in the gondola and up on the top, they did have slightly larger heads, according to the report. So we could be looking at a man-made technology or we could be looking at a pre-existing, highly technological advanced civilization that might have been on this planet for thousands of years. And when we say man-made, do we not mean then man-made using extraterrestrial technology? (0:14:05)
See, that's the thing. With this phenomenon, you've got so many things going on here. Okay, absolutely, we've got man-made craft. There's no doubt about it. So that's one portion of this. Now, we could have alien technology, extraterrestrial technology, interdimensional technology, and then USOs, unidentified submerged objects. So when you wrap these all together, that's kind of one of the reasons why this has been so elusive all these years is because it's not just one answer. (0:14:39)
We've got multiple things going on and converging at the same place. Yeah. Yeah, it's an amalgamation of even more confusion. Exactly. That's it. So let's go ahead and move on to the next case here. This is USS FDR, November 1958, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Primary eyewitness is a man named Chester Grzynski. I actually spoke to this guy on the phone, and they were on a kind of a shakedown cruise. It was at night. (0:15:10)
And I will mention before we jump into this case that the USS FDR had a history of UFO-USO encounters. And the one reason why that might be is because the USS FDR was the first aircraft carrier to carry nuclear weapons on board. (0:15:29)
Okay. It was this aircraft carrier right here. It's about 9 p.m. at night, and there's this commotion below decks, according to Chester Grzynski. There was this tremendous commotion. There was swearing and yelling and people running up ladders, and they were trying to get to the flight deck here that you see on this photograph. And when they got up there, what did they see? (0:15:52)
Well, here's a sketch by Chester Grzynski, the primary eyewitness. They saw this yellow-orange light approaching the aircraft carrier, and this was no light. This was a 200-foot-long cigar-shaped craft. It had rectangular windows on the outer exterior of it. Now, behind these windows, he said what looked like humanoid-looking beings that were walking back and forth between these windows. (0:16:20)
In fact, there were 25 naval personnel, including Chester Grzynski, watching all of this. And he also mentioned in the report that all of these people on the flight deck looking at this thing, they could feel the heat radiating off this craft onto their faces. So it's a CE-2 case, and it's a CE-3 case, because it had not only physical effects, but they had encounter and some type of interaction with beings. (0:16:50)
And so that qualifies it as a CE-2 and a CE-3. So I'm going to move ahead to the next slide. I'm going to give you an enlargement from the actual eyewitness. So here is the original sketch by Chester Grzynski, and he mentioned that one of these beings walked up to this window pane, was looking down at the naval personnel standing on the aircraft carrier deck, and put his hand above his head like he was waving down to the personnel below. This is his original sketch. I mean, can you imagine? (0:17:19)
I can't even fathom that. I mean, I go out and I try to film UFOs on a nightly basis with all my cameras and everything. I got things set up everywhere. And if I ever seen anything like that, it would probably blow my mind. I probably wouldn't even get the camera on. Yeah, I'm sure it blew a lot of people's minds. I'd probably be staring up at it thinking I had the camera on, but I would be in so much shock I wouldn't have the camera on. My God, amazing. (0:17:46)
So we took all the information from Chester Grzynski, from the newspaper clippings, there's at least two newspaper clippings, from both flat-top internal aircraft carrier newsletters, and there's about a six-page type report discussing this. Put all that information together. I went ahead and commissioned the artwork from my friend Tom Bogan, and this is what we came up with here. (0:18:16)
It shows you the craft hovering over the flight deck. It's FDR, so... That is amazing. Unbelievable. So I mean, I just would love to have seen that. I would love to have been there. I so want to see something like that. So that's basically your classic cigar shape craft. There you go, there you go. (0:18:37)
I'm going to take the cigar shape craft, just mistaken, the more cylindrical is just the angle that they're at or something like that. Yep, that's true as well. Now I'm noticing on this illustration that there looks to be square windows on this one. A lot of the illustrations that you see today of the cigars, you don't see the windows. So that would be fascinating to see something with the either port holes or square windows of that size or something of that size as well. (0:19:02)
He definitely mentioned more square than circular for sure. Now I'm going to take you gentlemen, and we're going to go ahead and do an enlargement here. And I'm going to take you even closer inside. Now we can see the being waving to the personnel below. I'd be waving right back. Hey, we're down here. That's right. Okay, so let's continue on with our discussion here. (0:19:29)
Now this is Caloosa, California. This is actually May 26, 1977, Caloosa, California. And we'll set this up here. It's about 1130 p.m., primary eyewitnesses watching television. And all of a sudden, the television goes out. At the exact same time the TV goes out, the air conditioning unit goes out. So he's thinking, what is going on here? So he gets off the couch. He goes back to the circuit breaker box, opens up the circuit breaker box. (0:19:58)
And the very next thing he notices is that the hair on his arms, the hair on his chest, the hair on his top of his head, not only stands up, but starts crackling. The entire area was enveloped in a static electrical field. And so he looks up and he sees this kind of chrome-polished silver, brushed aluminum, disc-shaped craft. It's 140 feet diameter. It's hovering over his house in the general location. (0:20:26)
And we'll go at the top here. You can see it had a dome on top. But this wasn't your standard flying saucer dome. This dome had ridges on it, like an old-time juice squeezer or an orange. You guys see what I'm talking about? Right, I see it on top, yeah. That's exactly what it looks like, actually. It had these ridges on it. And then he said that it had these conduit pipes that terminated in frayed edges. (0:20:55)
And then there were these two double prongs on both the right and left bottom surface of the craft. Now, when he looked off to the left, he saw another craft that was identical in shape, but exactly one half the diameter of the original craft. And this craft was pulling power off the 500,000 volt power lines, causing them to become cherry red. So already it's a CE2 case. (0:21:20)
Now, when he noticed the one near the power line, and I've kind of talked about the conduit pipes that were dangling down here. Now, another term that I recently thought of, a better way to describe these, is that it looked like ramen noodles hanging down. (0:21:37)
That's exactly what these things look like. I wonder what that is, maybe to keep the craft grounded or something? Because it certainly appears that we're dealing with high voltage electricity here. So that could be a very good, perhaps... Why would they be sucking electricity from our power lines? That's a good question. That's a good question. So, you know, if these things are ET, why do they need to be pulling power off our power plants? (0:22:05)
Something we should look at. Now, when he noticed the craft on the side near the power plant, these conduit pipes, or what we're terming here ramen noodles, they retracted into the bottom of the craft, and then these double prongs that you see hanging down on either side, they retracted 90% into the craft, but not 100%. Exactly at that time, there was a hatch that opened up on the top of this craft, both left and right, and these gooseneck lights popped out, and they were shining light on the below, right near where his garage was. (0:22:43)
So at this point, this man is getting really concerned for his safety and the safety of his family. So he runs in the house. He wakes up, and this is a drawing of what the craft looked like. This is the Sun Herald, Caloosa, California. That's the reference for this. And you can see this dome with the ridges on it. It looks just like a lemon squeezer. (0:23:04)
Sure does. We've got these conduit pipes hanging down with the frayed edges, and we've got these double hook or prong devices, and that's something that keeps on popping up. We hear about these prongs and protrusions sticking out of these craft. We'll move ahead one slide. So he goes into the bedroom where his wife and two children are sleeping. He wakes up the kids. (0:23:26)
He's like, you've got to see what is going on out here. So they pull open the blinds, and they're looking out the window, and they see that large craft. And on either side, there's two smaller craft. They're pulling power off the 500,000 volt power lines, causing them to become cherry red. So at this point, he says, you know what? We're getting out of here. (0:23:48)
I don't know what this thing is. I don't know where it's from. I don't know who's piloting. I don't even know if there is a pilot. We're getting out of here. So he piles his family into the pickup truck. The kids are still wearing their pajamas. They probably have a blanket and pillow still with them. So they're piling into the truck, and they're going 90 miles an hour down the road while that large craft starts following them and hassling them. (0:24:11)
It goes over the cab of the pickup truck, over to where his wife was, then circles back over the cab, over to where the driver was. This is all happening at 90 miles an hour. You can see the kids in the background. (0:24:24)
Now we'll move forward one slide here. San Antonio Express, February 6, 1977. Family tells of terror as UFO chase car at 90 miles an hour. So we've got newspaper clippings with the five page report to back this up. They end up getting to the neighbor's house. They slam on the brakes. They pile out of the truck. Now they're knocking on the door of their neighbor. (0:24:48)
Both neighbors come out. So you've got the four primary original eyewitnesses with the two neighbors for a grand total of six eyewitnesses. See the tail end of that large craft depart at about a 40 degree angle at a high rate of speed. Wow. That's, that's, wow. Because, you know, it wasn't just their testimony. It's also the neighbors that they drove to. Neighbors saw it too. (0:25:14)
Yes, that's correct. That's astonishing. Wow, that is quite an unusual looking shape as well. With all those added bits to it. That's right. I love when everybody sees it. Like more than one person cooperated. Oh yeah. That's, that's, that's what I like about this case. That's, that helps to, uh, you know, independent confirmation from separate sources really helps the case. That's correct. That's credibility to it. (0:25:43)
Absolutely. Right. All right, we'll continue moving forward. Now, this is my favorite case. Oh yeah, this is my favorite one right here. This, this is not my case. This is the actual United States government Project Blue Book case. So this again, this is not my case. This is Project Blue Book and anyone can go to the National Archives in Washington DC and they can pull up this case on their own. (0:26:08)
So again, you don't have to believe me. This is, this is the U.S. Air Force is telling us this. Okay, March 23rd, 1966, Temple, Oklahoma. The primary eyewitness is a man made, his name is Eddie Lackson. And he was a electric, electrical engineer at Shepard Air Force Base. And it's about 5.03 in the morning, March 23rd, 1966. He's driving to work and it's still kind of dark out. (0:26:36)
There's a little bit of twilight. The sun is just coming up because it's early in the morning. And as he's driving down the road, he notices something blocking the road. He's thinking, what, what is this thing? What is this thing? The best way to describe it is it looked like an overturned giant bowling pin. That's the best way to describe this thing. Looked like a big bowling pin. (0:26:57)
Now we'll start at the front here, to the right of the screen. It has this bubble transparent canopy that looked like what he termed pulled off a B-26 bomber from World War II. The whole thing was standing about three feet off the ground on these Pogo landing gear legs. And it had two beaming spotlights that were shining vertically down toward the ground. There are also two beaming spotlights shining forward. (0:27:22)
Now just after the forward landing gear legs, there was an air stair door. (0:27:28)
Next to the air stair, there was a man. He was described as a man. Not an alien, not an extraterrestrial, a man. He was wearing two-piece military green fatigues. He had a baseball cap with the bill turned up. He was shining a flashlight down on the bottom of the air stair door like he was looking at something or inspecting something. Directly above him, there was a spire or stinger that swept back toward the tail end of the craft that terminated in about an eight-inch diameter sphere. (0:28:00)
Now just after the air stair door, on the right-hand side of the craft, there was a three-and-a-half-foot diameter porthole window that was divided into four equal pi segments. Just after that particular porthole window, and this is extremely significant, it's talked about in the 15-page report. There was written in black letters, black letters, vertically, starting from top to bottom, the designation TL4768 written on the side of the craft. (0:28:35)
At the very end of the craft, there were very, you could call them flight controls, but they were way too small to be aerodynamically effective. So some type of fins or devices at the very end of this craft, now, when whoever this gentleman was with the green military fatigues and the flashlight, when he noticed he was being watched by Eddie Laxon, he immediately, and I'm talking immediately, climbed up this ladder, he slammed this door shut, and then, this is very significant because we've heard this in multiple cases, there was a high-pitched drilling noise that Eddie Laxon heard, like someone bought a drill from Home Depot, plugged it in, and then just powered this thing up. It sounded like a high-pitched drilling noise. (0:29:25)
The entire craft levitated off the ground about 50 feet. It sat there in midair for 30 seconds, and then he said, it departed like a sparking wheel, and was gone in a fraction of a second, and made no sound. This is March 23rd, 1966. So I'm going to move ahead to the original sketch here. This is the original sketch by Eddie Laxon, and you can see his dimensions. (0:29:52)
75 feet in length, 8 feet tall, and if you look, it's very faint, but if you look just aft or to the left of this porthole window, you can see the letters TL4768 written on the side of the craft. I will mention, and we'll skip back here one second, when this craft departed, he got back in his car, he drove another half mile down the road, and he saw a truck driver who had pulled off to the side of the road. (0:30:19)
He had the driver's side door open, and he was standing on the floorboards of the truck. When Eddie Laxon drove up to him, he got out of his car, walked over to the truck driver, and he asked him, are you okay? Do you need any assistance? And he described to Eddie Laxon the exact same craft that he had just seen, literally a minute prior to. So we have two independent sources that confirm this. (0:30:46)
Now, here's the original sketch. If you look at the dimension on top, it's 75 feet long, and then it's 8 feet high. (0:30:54)
But these dimensions are really out of scale. This craft should be much longer than what you see in this drawing. He did a good job, but it's really not to scale. I spent a day going through the report, the blue book report, the newspaper clipping, his original sketch, cleaned it up, and here's the final result. This is much more accurate to what this craft actually looks like. (0:31:17)
And I'll mention here, if you look at this blow-up here, he said that this man who he mentioned he would recognize later that afternoon if he saw him in downtown, because that's how close he was. He said that this gentleman was wearing ranking insignias just above his elbow on his upper part of his arm. Some type of military ranking symbols were seen. That's something that I think is very important. (0:31:46)
And again, it looks like Master Sergeant ranking. It could be, yes, it could be. But it almost looks like something that U.S. Navy admirals would wear on their uniforms. Right, the chevrons on the bottom. Chevrons, exactly. That's how he described this. And again, you can see the TL4768 written on the side of the craft. Now, we'll move ahead one slide here. And just to know that I'm not making this up, here's the official Project Blue Book index card. (0:32:13)
You can see the date here. You can see the time. And they talk about the high-pitched drilling noise. And here you see just a brief summary here. Observer spotted object parked on highway in front of his car. Observer stopped car, got out to investigate. But as he got close to the object, a man apparently entered the object, and immediately the object began to rise from the ground. (0:32:35)
So here's the actual Project Blue Book index card. We'll move ahead one slide here. Here's the newspaper clipping. The Daily Oklahoman, March 1st, 1971. That's a photograph of Eddie Lackson. That's the gentleman we're talking about here. And then they had a really good drawing of what this craft looked like. Here's the newspaper's sighting here. The headline, Object Sighting Now Rude. So in this article, it talks about how Mr. Lackson was ridiculed. (0:33:08)
He was belittled. He was bullied. He got calls from all around the world at all times of the evening. And he basically decided that he regretted even ever talking about this. Because it was affecting his way of life. The phone was ringing off the hook. And so he just even regretted talking about this. Now, personally, I believe his reaction adds more credibility to the case. (0:33:35)
Sure. Than detracts to it, right? It adds more credibility. Sure, because he didn't want the world knowing about it. He wanted to keep it silent. Sure, of course. Absolutely. That's exactly correct. So, you know, he kind of wanted his privacy here and he regretted talking about it. But we're going to zoom into this area right in here. We won't read this all, but we're going to zoom into this area right here. (0:33:57)
And I'm going to hit you with his quote here. (0:33:59)
Now, this is Eddie Lackson here. Quote, what I saw was definitely not from space. The man was wearing fatigues and had a cap with the bill broken up, like Air Force mechanics wear, Lackson said. It had common English letters on it. So even he felt that this was a man-made crack. Amazing. Well, the way it's been described, it seems like it was man-made. The fatigues, the human looking person. (0:34:29)
That's right. How did it sound? Sorry, I may have missed some because I got kicked out of the stream. Was there any sound? Well, before it departed, he mentioned, and this is in the index card, in the actual index card, where there's handwritten lettering with a pencil. Eddie Lackson described that before this thing departed, there was a high-pitched drilling noise and then it hovered and then departed at a tremendous rate of speed and made no sound. (0:35:00)
So this whole thing about this high-pitched drilling noise or a frequency noise, we've heard so many times before. Perhaps some part of a Williamshurst generator coming on board or some type of a power system that's powering up, where they have this high-pitched drilling noise. We keep on hearing that case after case. So there is a historical legacy to that part of these phenomenon cases. (0:35:28)
Unbelievable. Great design as well, I have to say. I love how you had all the articles and paper clippings to show as well. That was phenomenal too. And that was a Project Blue Book... This is a Project Blue Book case. Anyone right now could go down to Washington, D.C. They could go to the National Archives and they could pull this directly from their files and read about this themselves. (0:35:49)
So this is a legitimate case. And these will all have some type of paperwork, documentation, references to back it up. So I actually want people to do the research and do the legwork, verify it so that you can independently confirm this on your own. That's important to mention as well. Now we'll continue moving... This is something that I just kind of wrote as an afterthought. (0:36:17)
We should all consider very carefully the tremendous implications about what that thing was. Absolutely. From Eddie Lackson, right? The implications are tremendous. Absolutely. I wonder what that thin appendage was hanging off the back. Do you have any idea what that was? It could be some type of a static electrical discharge unit. I'm not sure about that, but I think that was more with that spire that came off the top. (0:36:44)
The spire, right. Because the illustration prior, we saw some things hanging off appendage-wise too, which was odd. Maybe these crafts were designed a certain way back then and we're not seeing that today. Maybe they're just different crafts we're seeing today altogether from what they had back then. And as you said, Michael, some of them may be interdimensional rather than interstellar. So the designs may be different or may require additional apparatus or things like that. (0:37:13)
That's right. (0:37:14)
All right, so... Look at that thing. Oh my God. No discussion about UFOs would be complete unless we talk about the 1897 mystery airship wave. Absolutely. This began in Sacramento, California. It moved to Oakland, California. It then moved on to San Francisco, California. And what you see here on this drawing by Tom Bogan here is just like a chaotic scene where you've got people running from one side of the street to the other side of the street. (0:37:45)
We have horses bolting everywhere. We've got covered wagons overturning. People are screaming and yelling. They don't know what is going on here. They're looking up and they see this strange airship. It has a wing on either side. It has a rudder or tail in the back. And then it has these strange high-powered beaming lights coming down. This is back in 1897. This is before the Wright Brothers flew. (0:38:13)
December 17, 1903. Way before the Wright Brothers flew. But yet this craft is hovering in mid-flight. It's stationary and it's shining these high-powered beams below. And we'll go ahead and move on to the next slide here. These are some of the original drawings from the articles that discuss these craft. Now, you can see here many witnesses that saw these said that they saw men lowering anchors down below to the ground. (0:38:40)
Very strange. Very odd. Others reported... Very odd. Yep, very odd. Other people reported seeing big black dogs on the deck of these ships. I'm talking big black dogs. And so that would be like up here on the upper portion of the craft itself. That would be... I'll just go back here. That would... that would be this area. Did you say dogs? Dogs, yeah, big black dogs. (0:39:05)
Yep, big black dogs sitting on the top deck of this. They also said that they saw well-dressed eccentric inventor types wearing like three-piece suit with top hats. That was also mentioned. And they heard laughter coming from these craft like they're mocking the people below. Wow. That was also identified. And in addition to the anchors, there were letters in envelopes dropped from these craft. (0:39:35)
And then when the people below opened up the letters, the letters read, and I'm just paraphrasing here, we figured out a brand new, you could say, propulsion system that makes every other type of locomotion, they use the word locomotion, obsolete. That's what they put in the letter to the people that read it below. Now, let's go over a couple of bullet items here. (0:39:58)
We won't read through all of these here. Eyewitness described the craft as being 150 feet in length with four rotor-like arms. In some cases, anchors attached to ropes were dropped from the mysterious craft and laughter could be heard originating from the interior. So let's move ahead and we'll do some newspaper clipping here. Over Oakland, this is the record union, Sacramento, California, November 23, 1896. It actually took place prior to, but it's always been known in ufology as the mysterious 1897 mystery airship wave. (0:40:35)
Here it says the strange visitor seen there on Saturday evening, and they went into this account within this article. (0:40:42)
And we'll go ahead and blow up, we'll give you an interior view here. Here's what we're looking at here. And you see this well-dressed eccentric inventor type with the top hat. So the dog would have been right up in here. And you see the anchor being lowered. This would have been the location where they would throw out the envelopes with the letters inside. (0:41:04)
So this is kind of the enlargement here. Now we'll move ahead one slide here. Here's the beaming spotlights coming down. And what's interesting, there were multiple cases where these things were seen to have landed. And, you know, the civilian population, they ran up to these things and they saw the quote-unquote pilots that were standing next to these things. I mean, here you have this craft, it's in a field. (0:41:29)
It made a landing. Were they trying to repair something? What's going on here? So when they got there, the people, the local townspeople, when they got to this craft with the pilot standing right next to it. Not to cut you off, I'm sorry, we have a special guest here for you. He's been trying to get in for a few minutes. He's been trying to get in since the beginning of the show. (0:41:52)
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Jim Goodall. Jim, how are you doing? I'm doing great. You're sounding typically excellent there, Michael. Oh, thank you, Jim. Thank you. I don't know what the hell... I have a Mac and I don't use Chrome very often. So I just... Well, Jim, you got my email then. Yep. Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Michael, probably somebody typing below. I was trying to type to Jim in secret. (0:42:28)
Oh, no problem. Jim, thank you for your inspiration. You have inspired me to continue moving forward. I want to thank you so much. Well, you're the best at what you do, Michael. I've been doing this for 50 years. And, you know, you taught me. No, that's not true. That's not true. And also, I posted it on the chat side. You have to go out... Anybody that is into UFOs or is curious about technology, you have to go to Amazon, go to Darkfire... Books by Michael Schratten. And the name of his first book is Dark Files, book one, a pictorial history of lost, forgotten and obscure UFO encounters. (0:43:26)
You love all 120 some odd pages. You won't be able to put it down. And I'm very, very proud of Michael for doing this. And he probably has enough information to do 100 or 200,000 pages. But I think a coffee table book would be great with all the illustrations. That would be amazing. So you're doing good, Michael. You sound good, you look good. (0:43:53)
That's great. That's great. We didn't want you to feel lonely on the show. So we figured you'd be a good friend. It's good to have that inspiring support. So that's wonderful. So you can carry on, Michael, if you like. (0:44:09)
With this particular story, and then we can have a chat with Jim as well after that. Yep, I'll carry on here. Now, when these craft landed, the townspeople that got close to the pilots said that the pilots were wearing, and this is their quote, smoke-colored glasses. This is back in 1897 timeframe. So when you put this all together, you've got the big black dogs, you've got the smoke-colored glasses, you've got the anchors coming down, you've got the laughter, you've got the letters that were dropping envelopes. (0:44:38)
It's looking like a man-made technology here, if it really is. In Walter's logic, I believe. Survived space, that's for sure. It reminds me of one of the craft from the movie, The Wild Wild West, with Will Smith. Uh-huh. The craft they were flying in, that kind of reminds me, pretty cool. That's right. Or Jules Verne's. Right, Jules Verne as well, yes. 25 of his legs below, under the sea. (0:45:01)
Under the sea, yeah. Oh, sure. All right, so our next case here, this is the 24th, 1964, Socorro, New Mexico. This is the famous Lonnie Zamora case. And the reason why this case has held up all these years is because of the credibility of the primary eyewitness. Now, we'll set the scene here. Before this even took place, there was a family on vacation. (0:45:26)
They were traveling right through Socorro, New Mexico, and they noticed this about 18-foot-long, white, egg-shaped craft that flew directly over their car. I'm talking two feet above the hood of their car. They were so shaken. They were so disturbed and just downright horrified of what just happened. They actually went into the police department. They filed a report, which you can still read today. (0:45:52)
And the report, in essence, mentions that you people really fly your planes low around here. That's in the police report. You can read it today. All right, so Lonnie Zamora is chasing a speeder. And off the corner of his eye, he sees this egg-shaped craft fly over his location. Probably the same one that was seen just prior with this family that was on vacation. (0:46:18)
So he gives up chasing the speeder. And he kind of drives in the direction of where this thing apparently landed. So he goes over some low rolling hills, and there's some shrubbery and brush. It's a little bit difficult to navigate it because it's on unpaved surface. And when he gets to the location where this comes down, he sees this 18-foot-long, wide, egg-shaped craft. (0:46:41)
It has four pogo landing gear legs. It has an exhaust nozzle at the bottom. And then he notices two small-statured, humanoid-looking beings standing right next to the craft. They were wearing one-piece tight-fitting flight suits. And so he got relatively close to this thing. And what happened next is very interesting. When these two beings noticed they were being watched by Lani Zamora, they climbed into this craft. (0:47:11)
And then the report says there was a banging noise like someone closed a hatch. (0:47:18)
Next thing is, there was a second banging noise. And I'm wondering, wow, what could that be? I could understand the first banging noise, like someone's closing a hatch. But what would the second banging noise be? Well, that might be a latching mechanism, where they're completing the operation of latching the lock. Trying to seal it closed. Exactly. Locking from the outside to the in. (0:47:40)
Right. That's right. Then there was this frequency noise. So we just talked about that with Eddie Laxon, where there was a high-pitched drilling noise. There was a frequency that went from low to high. And then there was a blue-colored flame that came out of the bottom of this craft. The whole thing lifted off the ground, hovered there, and then departed at a low rate of speed with this egg-shaped craft. (0:48:02)
So let's drill down here. Let's get into some more detail. And here's the New Mexican, April 27, 1964, where they interviewed Lani Zamora. They talk about what he saw. J. Allen Hynek got on scene immediately. He was there. That's amazing. And we'll move ahead to the next slide here. Now, let's take a look at this symbol here, right? This is April 24, 1964. Off to the right, I've enlarged the symbol. (0:48:28)
If we rotate the symbol 90 degrees counterclockwise, we get what you see here on the left. Now, if we rotate this V and the slash, we end up with this. And if we transpose these letters at the bottom, we end up with... Ah, look at that. Okay. Okay. Christian Information Association. That's right. What could this tell us, right? What could this tell us about what's going on here? (0:49:00)
Now, I have kind of a world exclusive because we can finally reveal what the actual insignia on this craft looked like. And this is what the actual insignia looked like. It was an inverted V with three hash marks. Now, how do we know this? How do we know this? Well, there's been a recent book that was published called Not of This World. The 1964 Socorro UFO with Humanoids. Witnessed Policeman Lonnie Zamora by Ben Moss. So I contacted Ben Moss and I said, why have we been led to believe that the symbol looked like something when it actually was something else? (0:49:40)
Here's his exact word-for-word email response. So here's my question. Why did Lonnie Zamora sign off on a fake symbol? The symbol was changed by U.S. Air Force Major Holder for the simple reason that providing a fake symbol, if any other cases came up and a witness reported the fake umbrella symbol, then they would know that the witness was lying. By Lonnie Zamora signing the fake symbol, maybe drawn by Holder, Lonnie was signing a contract with the government to keep his mouth shut on the symbol. (0:50:14)
It was country, God, then family in those days. Emailed Ben Moss, November 22nd, 2020. So this is his description and reason why all these years we've been led to believe one part of the symbol when it's point of fact, it's something else completely. (0:50:33)
Something else. Right. That was a smart move. Yep. Yeah. One could say that looked like the original TikTok. Yeah, some guys in the chat, Manny from Area 503 was saying, that's a TikTok, he was saying. And it sure does look like one. It does look like a TikTok. Now let's continue our investigation here on this case. And let me hit you with this map here. (0:50:55)
This is White Sands Missile Range. And if you follow along, we'll start at top here. If you follow along, you can go all the way down here. Now we're going down to the near the end of the map. We can go over to the right. Now we're going back up here. We're heading north and we've just passed Trinity site to the left. We're heading all the way up north and then we'll circle back to the left. (0:51:15)
And what do we have here? We've got Socorro, New Mexico on this map. And if we shoot down to the lower right, look at the legend here. Scale in miles. Five mile distance. We project that back up to the western boundary. The Socorro, New Mexico, Lani Zamora UFO case happened within five miles. Just a few miles away from it. Look at that. White Sands Missile Range. Boom. Look at that. (0:51:42)
There. Within five miles of the boundary of White Sands Missile Range, we have this tremendously historically significant UFO case. That's been held up for over 50 years. What does this tell us about what might be going on? Was this a test flight of something? Is that what we're thinking? That's what I was thinking. It seems to be the way it's pointing. Yeah, it's certainly pointing. (0:52:09)
Now let's build our case here. We're building the case here. Let's make another little investigation here. We won't read all of these here, but let's go through a couple of interesting bullet items here. The object was seen very close proximity to White Sands Missile Range. That's one. Number two, object featured retractable landing gear. That's interesting. Three, UFO featured inverted barred landing gear pads with 90 degree straight corners. (0:52:35)
Four, a mysterious metallic slam noise was heard just prior to liftoff and departure, door hatch closing, question mark. Five, a second mysterious metallic slam was also heard. We'll go through all of them. Just prior to departure, a latching or locking mechanism engaged. That's the question I'm asking. Next one, a very loud roar was heard prior to liftoff, changed in frequency from low to high. (0:53:04)
And then a blue colored flame was seen coming from the bottom of the crest as it lifted off the ground. So we put all those pieces of evidence together and we move forward here. Take a look at this landing pad, OK? I've done an enlargement here of this landing pad. Does this look like the landing pad of an extraterrestrial civilization that might be 100 million years in advance of ours? (0:53:29)
No, no. (0:53:30)
I was just going to say, it kind of reminds me of the Apollo craft. The lunar lander type. Yeah, yeah. Well, that was round, I think, the Apollo one. Same type of stature. Or does this look like something that was built in a machine shop on a lathe or a milling machine or something? Absolutely, absolutely. It does look man-made. I mean, obviously, we don't know what aliens made, but it does look man-made. So I went into page 208, Knot of this World, and they show you a picture of the imprint that this pad made on the ground. (0:54:07)
And I'll go ahead and do one more. This is an enlargement. You can see the outline of what this imprint looked like. So I took that outline. I made a SOLIDWORKS model of it. Here's the SOLIDWORKS model of it. And then from here, I did a three-view drawing. And so this is kind of exclusive here. Here's the three-view drawing of this landing pad. (0:54:27)
Take a look at these 90-degree sharp corners. And you've got this angle here. You've got 90 degrees here. You've got this sharp corner here. When in nature do you see 90-degree corners? Very rarely. Very rarely will you ever see this. If you look at pine cones, if you look at waves, if you look at honeycombs, they all have a curvature to it. Very rarely will you ever see a sharp 90-degree corner in nature. (0:54:59)
It's extremely rare. They also look like when they go into the sun, they're not going to slip around. Yes. Yep, yep. It just is screaming a man-made technology. And these pads, I think, give it away. Because this looks like something that was just milled out of aluminum and was done on a lathe. On a lathe, yeah. Yep, that's what it looks like. That's what it's looking like. (0:55:27)
Mm-hmm. But that type of landing pad or foot doesn't look like it's compatible to hard surfaces or rocky surfaces. And if you landed on an area that was fragile, or even on ice, it may break it through. That shape doesn't make any sense. That shape does not make any sense. That's my point, too. It looks like it was done on a milling machine at a machine shop using C6061-T6 aluminum. (0:56:02)
And this was produced, a piece of produced hardware. That's what it looks like to me. This does not look like the landing pad of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. No, not at all. When you say the T61 aluminum, you mean aviation aluminum? I'm talking about aerospace components. Aerospace. They put it on a milling machine and started machining material away. That's what it looks like to me. (0:56:27)
In terms of the landing gear, it could only have been designed for the feet. Those are feet, basically. Right. I would say, what, sand or something soft to land on? Yeah, soft. Yeah. Correct. Correct. That's right. I agree with Jim. This does not look like something that would land on a hard surface. (0:56:50)
Definitely not. Yep. I mean, depending on how you angled, if you were on a slippery surface, and the bottom sharp center line of the pads, if they were all lined up the same, that puppy would be sliding down the hill. Oh, absolutely. If they had hinges, maybe, if they had hinges, they would automatically move as they touched the ground. Sank down, yeah, maybe. (0:57:14)
It's not a well thought out design. Yeah, not a well thought out design. Correct. Yeah, virtually every craft that we've had to land on Mars or on the moon, and it had feet, if it didn't bounce its way into Mars or whatever it is, you wouldn't have that type of foot. You don't know what, it may look solid, but you want to stretch out your weight for square inch or square foot on as big area as is workable for your craft. (0:57:50)
There's places out here in the desert, here in Arizona, I can step in it, and I can sink in with my big fat foot. A lot of these things are seen in the desert areas, so it doesn't make any sense. It's not a well thought out arrangement. It would make more sense if it was a tripod versus four landing gear. That makes it real easy to balance the thing with four. (0:58:24)
It's a little bit more challenging unless it's all automated. I'm assuming if they came from outside of our galaxy, then it doesn't make sense. They need landing gear. And on this bottom view here, which I've projected over to the right, if you look at the original view here, at the bottom point, you've got a load concentration. You're not distributing the weight across. Yep, that's correct. (0:58:58)
That doesn't make any sense at all. All right, so let's continue now, and we're going to be talking about Stephen McAuliffe. This is a very famous case within ufology. It stood the test of time. Stephen's no longer with us. He died about three years ago, but we'll set the scene here. It's May 16th, 1967, Falcon Lake, Canada, and this gentleman was a rock hound. (0:59:25)
So he was out on one of his mineral prospecting adventures. So you can see, you know, he had these thick leather gloves on, he had a plaid shirt on, he had jeans on, he had his work boots on, and he was wearing welder's goggles, because he didn't want any chips in his eyes. So he's kind of looking around at these rocks and things, and he hears some commotion behind him. (0:59:49)
So he turns around, and he sees these flock of birds just flying off, you know, above the trees, and just a big flock of birds flying away. He looks up further, and he sees two 40-foot diamond or disc-shaped craft that looked identical to this right here. Virtually identical. They both had a dome on top with a squared off top section. They had these slotted holes or slots running around the outer circumference of the top dome. (1:00:20)
One of these flew away. The other one landed about 200 feet from his location, and it sat there for 30 minutes before he even did anything about it. (1:00:31)
He was watching this thing just sitting on the ground about 200 feet from him for a good solid 30 minutes before he even walked up close to it. So now you can see on the right hand side, there was a hatch that opened up, and then radially oriented about 10 degrees on the vertical axis, there was another hatch. And I'm going to go ahead and blow this up and get you over here. (1:00:53)
He looked at this one hatch that was about 2 feet wide by 3 feet tall, and the other hatch was more of a vent or exhaust port. It measured 6 inches by 8 inches, and it had these perfectly drilled, almost CNC-drilled hole pitch pattern. Maybe a half inch apart, you could say, that would be the pitch of the holes that were drilled into that, and we'll get into that a little bit later. (1:01:19)
So he kind of crawls up and kneels where this hatch is. He's looking inside. He did not go inside, but he was looking inside, and it was emanating this violent purple light from the interior that he could see, and it was definitely coming out of the interior. But then he said that he heard laughter coming from the interior of this craft, kind of like the 1897 mystery airship wave. (1:01:46)
He also heard an unintelligible language that he couldn't figure out, so he responded in English, in Spanish, and in Polish as well. I believe he also had Russian as well. So he tried four different languages to get a response. He could not get a response at all. And we'll do an enlargement here. Here he is looking inside the craft. I mean, you can just imagine what this might have been like. (1:02:13)
At this point, this craft hovers off the ground about 12 inches, and then rotates counterclockwise along the vertical axis, and that smaller vent lined up with his body perfectly, and some type of hot exhaust came out and burned his chest. It actually caught his... Yes, I remember this. Yep, it's a very famous case. He had to crawl back. He had a very difficult time getting home. (1:02:42)
Getting home, right, yeah. He had a reoccurring medical condition where these dots that were lined up on the exhaust panel lined up perfectly with the burn marks on his chest, and this continuous medical condition where these burn marks would go away for a few months, and then they would come back. Right, and they get hard under his skin at one point as well. (1:03:05)
I think so, yep. I think it was photos, right? I think I've seen photos of it. Yeah, actually photos of his chest. Yeah, oh yeah. Yep, and then we'll go ahead and move forward here, and I'm going to show you kind of an enlargement. You can see this whole pitch pattern. This lines up perfectly with the burn marks on his chest. He got sick over this. (1:03:28)
It was a very traumatic experience. (1:03:30)
We'll move on to some of the original artwork and sketches that were associated with this particular case. Just a very, very well-known case within ufology. Here are some of the burn marks. Here you can see on the left-hand bottom the entryway hatch and then also this exhaust port. And we can read this real quickly here. Radioactive metal fragments found at the scene. The fragments were about four and a half inches long and a half inch wide. (1:03:57)
So this is absolutely a classic, probably the most classic CE-2 case within ufology because it absolutely did have physical effects, for sure. And left some kind of trace evidence on his body as well, didn't it? Yep, trace evidence. That's correct. Were they radiation burns? Radioactive material within the fragments themselves. No, I'm thinking the burn marks. Were they radiation? Indicative of high heat, but not necessarily radiation. (1:04:31)
Yeah, some type of high heat. Now, when I spoke to my good friend Antonio Junaes, who used to be a co-worker of mine, he was very kind enough to give me kind of a world exclusive. And I'm going to take you to the site itself and we've got the actual photograph from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of where this thing landed. And you can see the differentiation and the demarcation of the circular imprint that this thing left in the soil, as opposed to the soil that was outside the ring. (1:05:02)
I'm going to take you there right now. So here is the actual photograph of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and you can see the ring right here where this thing came down. Unbelievable. Official Canadian Mounted Police photograph. I wonder if any vegetation ever grew back in that spot, or if anything was able to come up out of there. Because a lot of times you see where crafts have landed, the vegetation doesn't come back, or it goes back distorted, or the radiation that got into the ground distorts the plant life that comes back. (1:05:34)
I believe that when investigators came back here, this is like years ago, there was still some residual differences within the surrounding area. Even after all this time, there's still something going on there. And here he is right here. This is Edmonton Journal, May 24th, 1967. Foul smell persists. So here's the question. Here he is holding up a sketch of this thing. What kind of a physiological effect would affect the body and the skin so that this odor consists long after this took place? (1:06:12)
What kind of a medical effect did this have on him? Where that actually took place? Can't even imagine. Very unusual. So absolutely, this is an EE2 case for sure, for sure. And we'll move on to the next case here. Now this is, you could call it top three within ufology. Father Gill case, got to be top three within ufology. Papa New Guinea, great case. (1:06:37)
Citing June 26, 1959, Papa New Guinea. Now, we not only have Father Gill as the primary witness, but we have at least 24 other local people that saw this as well. (1:06:49)
We'll set the scene here. It's about 6 p.m., June 26, 1959. And what 26 eyewitnesses saw was a two-tiered wedding cake. Best way to describe it. Two-tiered wedding cake. Part of the wedding cake was about 35 feet in diameter. The tart portion was about 20 feet in diameter. And standing on the top portion of this two-tiered wedding cake flying saucer, that had what looked like legs coming out of the bottom of it, were four men. (1:07:22)
They were described as men. And they had a one-piece tight-fitting flight suit. Two of these men were standing on the top deck of the ship near the outer ring. So they could be seen. The other two were a little bit back from the forward top deck of the ship. And they were somewhat obscured. And it looked like they were, quote-unquote, setting up equipment. (1:07:45)
That's what they described. They were setting up some type of equipment. And so Father Gill came out. He saw all this. It was not the planet Venus, because that was off to the left. So we know it wasn't the planet Venus. And what he actually did is he waved his hand above his head. And he waved to these guys on the deck. And they waved back. (1:08:06)
Can you believe it? I would love to do something like that. That's amazing. So now that's two cases throughout history where they waved and they actually waved back so far. That's pretty wild. They waved back. Now, we'll do an enlargement here. There was a blue-white colored light that shot off from a 45-degree angle from the upper flight deck of where these men were looking like they were setting up equipment. (1:08:31)
Now, when I talked to Jalen Hynek's son, Paul Hynek, about this, this was about a year ago. He said, you know what, Mike? I was at the dinner table where Father Gill came for dinner back in Evanston back in 1974. I was sitting right next to him. And he was describing the case to my father. And he was just laying this thing out. (1:08:54)
He talked about it, you know, like bullet item by bullet item. He saw this. He saw the landing gear legs. He saw the beam. He waved back. He's describing this over the dinner table. And Paul is telling me about this. He said, Mike, this father, he was not seeking fame or fortune. He was just laying out what he saw. And when I heard that from Paul, I said, oh, we got it. (1:09:15)
We got it. This is a real case. I would have loved to have seen the priest's facial expressions while he was telling that story, right? Oh, yeah. What I would have been to fly on the wall in that room. Wow. So here's some of the original artwork. This is referenced International UFO Reporter, November 1977. And you can see all the local people. They actually interrogated these people separately, one by one. (1:09:41)
And their drawings pretty much matched up. (1:09:44)
Here you see the people on the top. They're waving back. We see the beaming light at a 45 degree angle with these what look like landing gear legs. And this is a very good case. Got to be top three within ufology. Multi-witness. And well referenced within ufology by multiple newspaper clippings. Now, talking about obscure cases. Cases that have been long lost and forgotten. (1:10:10)
This is one I found within the QFOS files. That was 2457 West Peterson Avenue in Chicago. Now part of the David Marler collection. That's in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Date is December 26, 1972. And this is in Venezuela. Three eyewitnesses saw this. So we've got the... we'll set the scene here. The father, the mother, and their young daughter are on the top floor of their 14th floor apartment complex. (1:10:39)
And they're looking off to the right. And usually around this time at night, they see this commercial airline. This is scheduled service. So they're expecting to see this commercial airliner come over their apartment complex. Because they're at the top floor here. But this time they didn't see a commercial airliner. What they saw was a flaming yellowish-orange glow approaching their location. As this thing got closer, this was no engine fire or engine missile malfunction. (1:11:12)
This was a 50 foot long elliptical shaped craft. It had two half hemispherical spheres facing each other. With this continuous electrical blue arc white light going between probes or electrodes that they were described as. And then wrapped around the one third aft end of this thing. And then all the way through the back. And then the other third on the other side were these twin cast iron exhaust ports. (1:11:39)
With these electrical lasagna noodle flames coming out of them. That looked like more of an electrical discharge than they did a campfire flame. Now let's go ahead and move on to the drawing of what this craft looked like. So about 50 feet in length. Direction of flight is by the indicated arrow here. You can see on the lower left the SOLIDWORKS model that I created. (1:12:01)
Of the two half hemispherical opposing domes here. With the continuous arcing electrode sparking light you could call it. Over here in the center bottom you've got the twin exhaust ports that look like cast iron. And then off to the right I've done a right side view here. Side view showing the electrical discharge with these lasagna noodle flames coming out. Very interesting configuration. Here are these electrodes with the insulators they look like. (1:12:32)
With the half hemispherical domes. Now we'll move forward one slide. And I want to give you an idea of what these cast iron exhaust ports look like. With these lasagna noodle discharges coming out of them. Interesting configuration. I believe this is a one off. Actually there were two of these that flew by. They kind of made a 45 degree tip up angle and then continued on their flight path. (1:12:59)
Astonishing. And we'll continue on here. (1:13:06)
This is JL flight 1628 November 17th 1986. This is a case that went all the way around the world. Excellent case. All the way around the world. They were at basically Paris to Tokyo. This is over Alaska. And the pilot notices these. This is how it was described. They look like coffee cans or Campbell's soup cans cut down 50 percent. They were 150 feet in diameter. (1:13:34)
They had a piece of black electrical tape going through the vertical axis of the craft. Again 150 feet in diameter. And they had these alternating amber colored lights that were staggered. Now what they tried to do and they received confirmation and they got clearance to do a complete 360. So you can imagine they're flying at 550 miles an hour. They're at something like 27, 37,000 feet. (1:14:01)
And they make a complete 360 to try to lose these craft. Which they did not lose. They stayed lockstep with the 747. Here is the Miami Herald, January 4th, 1987. FAA reviewing data from night Japanese pilots reported UFOs. And in this article they talk about how the Anchorage, Alaska ATC got it on their radar. And also military radar got it on their system too. (1:14:33)
So we have independent confirmation from two separate radar sources of something following the 747. Here is a sketch by the pilot himself looking out the cockpit window. That's what these things look like. So it looks like a Campbell Soup can with this black electrical tape going down through the center. Now that was just... It's a hard design. Yep. That was meant to look like a walnut, right? (1:14:59)
Or something like that. Like a walnut, that's right. Right, yeah. That's a very good way to describe it. So the two Campbell Soup cans were just the beginning part of this sighting. The second part of the sighting was this massive acorn-shaped UFO, or walnut-shaped UFO that had a kind of a ridge. And it was stated that this was at least two times the size of an aircraft carrier following the 747. JAL flight 1628, 1986. Here is Captain Kenji Teruichi describing to the media what this flight path looked like as these things were following his 747. Now we'll move ahead to the next slide. (1:15:41)
I'm going to give you an idea of what this thing looked like, this large craft approaching from behind and to the left. This is what it may have looked like as it was approaching the 747 from behind. Could you imagine what was going through that pilot's mind seeing something like that behind him? No doubt about it. You would expect some turbulence or something, wouldn't you, if it was so close to it? (1:16:04)
So close, right. Now some of you might know the back story here. Now when the pilot reported this, he was fired for doing that. He was pulled from flight status and he went to Richard Haynes and asked him, could you get my job back? (1:16:23)
So what he did is he went into his files and he pulled out multiple other UFOs that were seen by pilots. He submitted that to the FAA and he was reinstated. Amazing. Got his job back. So good call on Richard Haynes. We'll move on to the next slide here. This is June 22, 1976, Canary Islands. And this is a map of this kind of interesting multi-tiered UFO report. (1:16:53)
I want to mention that this UFO report went all the way to the top. So Bill Clinton knows about this report. Hillary Clinton knows about this report. Now how do we know that? How can we make that statement? What are we talking about here? Well, let me hit you with this document. Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document. The Best Available Evidence by Don Berliner, Antonio Junez, and December 1995. It turns out that the person who financed the researching and producing of this publication was none other than Lawrence Rockefeller. He was very good friends with the Clintons. So we know that Bill Clinton knows about this. (1:17:42)
And we know that Hillary Clinton knows about this. Now what this document really contains are about 20 of the best cases within ufology. I'm talking about the ironclad cases that even the debunkers have a hard time dismissing. I'm not going to read all of these here, but you can just see table of contents, case histories. Foo Fighters, 1945. Ghost Rockets, 1946. American Sighting Wave, 1947. Second Flap, 1952. But let's keep going down here. (1:18:13)
Keep going down, keep going down. Boom, 1976. Multiple witness case in the Canary Islands. That's what we're going to be talking about right now here. So we'll move forward. The beginning part of this sighting was seen about three miles off the coast of Punta Lentilla, which is on future Ventura, which is kind of the easternmost portion of the Canary Islands. And this is the Atrevida, which is a Spanish naval ship. (1:18:44)
And they were three miles off the coast. What they saw at night was this glowing white orb. Really didn't look like much at first, kind of a boring CE-1, because we've got thousands of CE-1 cases. Why do we need another CE-1 case? We don't need another Lights in the Sky case. But as we progress through here, whatever this thing was, headed westbound, was clocked at 1900 miles an hour. (1:19:11)
And it pulled itself right over the town of Guay on the Grand Canary Island. It covered 85 miles in three minutes and made no sonic boom. So that's what you see here. Townspeople looking at this globe or something that you can describe here. Multiple eyewitness. And then what happened next is absolutely astounding. Whatever this thing was, transferred itself into what can only be described as a transparent soap bubble. (1:19:42)
This thing looked like a transparent soap bubble that was about 25 feet in diameter. Inside this soap bubble was a pedestal. And on top of this pedestal were these three councils. (1:19:54)
And on top of the mid-center council, there were these levers. And these levers were being operated by beings that were about nine feet tall. They were wearing a red one-piece tight-fitting flight suit. They had black helmets on. And they were moving these levers. Can you believe this? But what's strange, they didn't have hands like we have hands. Their hands look like cones, like something you'd see at a construction site with these orange cones. (1:20:24)
That's how they looked. And the pedestal was connected to a tube that had blue smoke coming up through the tube, which was filling up this transparent soap bubble. Now we'll move ahead to the next slide. And I'll give you an idea what this thing actually looked like. And so we had 11 eyewitnesses that saw this thing. Again, these beings were about nine feet tall and they had cone-shaped hands. (1:20:49)
Some of the eyewitnesses, I'll break it down, we have the taxi driver. He saw this. This thing was about 25 feet in diameter. He saw it. The doctor who was in the taxi in the back seat, he saw it. The patient's son that they were going to visit in the taxi, he saw it. So that's three eyewitnesses there, plus people within these apartment complexes. (1:21:13)
They saw it too. Now what happened next is this craft expanded in size to about 200 feet across. There was this bright flash and then this thing disappeared. And Bill Clinton knows about this. That's amazing. What do you think about that, Jim? I mean, the fact that it's a bubble, there's nothing inside except those three consoles and the exhaust tube. That is weird. (1:21:44)
That's a weird one, I'm sure. I'd say dimensional more than anything else. Right. Was there something that triggered the expansion? Or did any of the eyewitnesses say, I got a flash and it got bigger? It expanded in size, there was a flash, and it was gone. That's amazing. That's crazy. So quite possibly not extraterrestrial, more interdimensional. Could have been one of those, yep. (1:22:18)
Very possible, absolutely. All right, we'll move on to the next case. This is Chicago O'Hare Airport. This is not the famous 2006 O'Hare encounter, but this is April, May 2001. I actually spoke to this gentleman in person. I met with him. I interviewed him a second time about three years ago. But what he described, and this is early in the morning, it had just rained the night before. (1:22:43)
So the tarmac was wet. This took place at something called the Ozark Hangar at Chicago O'Hare Airport. It's about five in the morning. The tarmac is still wet, and six eyewitnesses see a circular flying saucer. From the side, it looks more cigar-shaped, but this actually was a flying saucer. And what they described is about 50 feet in diameter was the actual size. It had these vertically slot windows that were lit from inside. (1:23:14)
He said he saw some type of a bubble canopy up front. (1:23:17)
There was a circular impression on the top of the craft. But then he said, and this is the most interesting part about the entire sighting, there were these octopus tentacles that came out of the back of this craft that were moving around like they were alive. He said the octopus tentacles. They were living. They were alive. They were moving around. At the end of these tentacles, there was a 10-inch diameter ball. (1:23:43)
So that's the third time we've heard about these prongs and protrusions. Now, as this thing was flying by, seen by about six eyewitnesses, it made about a 45-degree tip-up maneuver to avoid portions of the hangar complex here, then continued on its flight path. About 30 seconds after it departed that area, all witnesses heard this low rumble across the far side of the airport. (1:24:10)
It was a 747 on takeoff roll. And if whatever this thing flew by about 30 seconds prior to, there could have been a high possibility of a mid-air collision and hundreds of people could have been killed. Wow. Amazing. But this had come about a little bit earlier. Now, let me take you to the original drawing here. This was the original drawing by the primary eyewitness. (1:24:32)
And at the back here, you can see these octopus tentacles with these prongs and these balls at the end of them. And then there was another set of prongs at the back lower section of the craft as well. This was the original drawing. So I re-contacted this gentleman and we did a series of updated sketches. And here is the final updated drawing. You can see it is a circular craft about 50 feet in diameter and then these strange octopus tentacles with these spheres at the end. (1:25:05)
And this is back in April, May 2001. Why do I think they are cameras, maybe? Or eyes, you know, looking around. Or maybe... The original Wars of the World. Yeah. Or even the Matrix, in a way. Oh, the Sentinels. Yes, kind of. The Sentinels. That's right. That's right. Very similar. Maybe it's a charging port. Maybe when the craft gets back to wherever it docks or whatever and it charges up somehow with those tentacles. (1:25:33)
That's possible. Did they say that they came out or they were... No, they were already out when he saw them. That's pretty wild. Yep. Pretty wild. So we'll move on to the next case. This is December 1976, Dana Point, California. Now, I've illustrated this daytime so you can get a really good look at this. Now, three primary eyewitnesses. The mother was driving down the road. (1:25:59)
The two kids were on the right side where the passengers would generally sit. And they're driving down the road and they see this massive, about 60 feet in diameter, can be described as a fat Frisbee. It goes right past their windshield. So they got a really good view of this thing. And this whole craft, the exterior of the entire craft, was composed of thousands of these microcomputer processing lights that were flashing. (1:26:30)
I'm talking about thousands of multicolored lights that are flashing. (1:26:33)
On the top, there was a blinking red light. And we'll go ahead and move on to the next part of the slide here. Here's the article that came with the report. And you can see this is the windshield. Them looking outside the windshield. This is what they saw. They were all startled. It was very unusual. Again, thousands of the multicolored computer processing lights that were flashing. (1:26:57)
They had a blinking red light on top. We'll go ahead and move on to the next slide here. Here's the AutoCAD drawing based on the original article and report. And we've got these literally thousands of these lights. So I put all this information together, work with my good friend Tom Bogan. And he did a rendering of what this encounter may have looked like. (1:27:19)
Now, this is the exact, and I'm talking exact, make and model of vehicle that they were driving. I don't know the color, but I know the make and model is correct. Pontiac, Grand Prix. Pontiac, Grand Prix, yeah. Did they discuss how the colors were illuminating the craft? Were they blinking or flashing? They just mentioned that there were multicolored lights flashing around the outer. (1:27:49)
And there were just banks of computer lights is the way it was described with the red line on top. Now, the way the way this sighting ended is this craft tipped up 90 degrees and it rolled away like a wagon wheel. Wow. Yep. So they must have no feeling inside that craft to do any of that. Well, they strapped in real tight, one or the other. (1:28:12)
Like there's no cheese, there's no inertia. There's no inertia, yeah, none of that. That's right. That's right. And you got to remember, not all of these could, you know, are manned or occupied. Correct. That's correct. Some of them just couldn't, I mean, it just smashed you into a pulp, into a... I had a discussion with a senior Lockheed Skunkworks engineer. Unfortunately, he just passed away, but he had almost 40 years at the Skunkworks. And we were talking, and this goes back to the late 70s, early 80s, when we were having this discussion. (1:28:53)
I said, you know, what can go, you know, 3,000 miles an hour and make a sharp 90 degree turn? He said, so we have the technology right now, it's not manned, but in a unmanned craft or an object, they have the ability. I mean, they can set a good example of how the electronics can hold up. The army, I don't know if they still have it, but the army had an artillery around called Copperhead and it was steerable. (1:29:23)
So you fire out of a 105 or 155 millimetre cannon, you're hitting about 400 G's on, you know, as it leaves the barrel. And it could fly and hit within a metre or two of where it wanted to hit. Even if the object had moved, once they fired it, this thing was designed... But it couldn't do an instant 90 degree turn? (1:29:49)
Not the Copperhead round, but the technology exists back in the early 70s, where the object itself could pull 100 G's or 400 G's, whatever. Wow. And it still functioned. He said, and that's fairly easy to do. Now, again, he was a skunkworks engineer and he was there almost from the beginning. So he's used to saying that, or doing things that you can't do that, but yet they end up doing it. (1:30:24)
And that was about 50 years ago. Yeah. Just imagine what they could do today. Yeah, that's, I mean... I asked the vice president general manager of the skunkworks in June, I did a book signing there, we're heading over to the U2 operation. It was just him and I in the back of the limousine. And I said, Jeff, I said, looked him right in the eye and I said, what is the skunkworks involvement in using alien technology and future projects? (1:30:56)
And he just told me and said, hey, I believe he was telling the truth. If he was a politician, I wouldn't believe a word he said. Yeah. Being that he was an engineer, I'd have to, you know, it was a pretty straight answer. I'm looking right in the eye and he said, I said, he said, I have absolutely no knowledge of any alien technology using in any piece of equipment. (1:31:22)
He didn't necessary airplanes, any piece of equipment that was created, developed or flight tested with the skunkworks. But then he did say, it doesn't mean something came and went and I have no need to know. So my job is looking to the future, not looking into the past. Yeah. So there could have been things developed during that time frame. I've been fortunate enough, I've had the ear of five of the 10 general managers of the skunkworks. (1:31:57)
So some of them are still around. I'm very tempted to contact at least two of them I know that were fairly recent to see if they can shed any light on some of this activity. But moving fast, hypersonic speeds, making 90 degree turns. So as long as it's not manned, it's not a problem. Some people say, well, if they were alien, maybe their bodies could survive that kind of. (1:32:32)
Yeah, I have. The thing is, I know a lot of people in high places at the skunkworks and I have for 50 years. And I push them as hard as I'm able to do without pissing them off and saying that. That's it. I don't want to talk to you anymore. You're making me nervous. So I never want to do that. And I'm a fairly good interviewer. (1:33:00)
I've got a lot of stuff out of people that surprised the heck out of me. But I'm going to go back and I've mentioned this before. Michael's heard it. Ben Rich was someone I spoke to once a quarter for 25 years. Ben Rich, for those who don't know, replaced Kelly Johnson as the president and general manager of the Lockheed Skunkworks. That's the organization that gave us the first operational jet fighter, the U-2, the SR-71, A-12, Blackbirds, F-117, and who knows what else. (1:33:32)
And in my book, I cover 43 programs, but I was also told there's probably 43 programs that I know nothing about. (1:33:41)
But he said, Ben told me, this is just before he passed away. He was at USC Medical Center there in LA. He was dying of esophageal cancer. And we were talking about a lot of things. And this is near the end of about a 20-minute talk. He said, Jim, we have things out in the desert. And he wasn't referring to Area 51. Hmm. S-4 maybe, but it wasn't Area 51. He said, Jim, we have things out in the desert. (1:34:14)
That's 50 years, but what you can comprehend, and I can comprehend a heck of a lot. But man-made, would he say? It wasn't alien? No, but he said that if you've seen movies like Star Wars or Star Trek, we've been there, done that, or decided it wasn't worth the effort. That's amazing. I said, Ben, you want to expand upon that? He said no. (1:34:43)
And then the man had the nerve to die on me about 10 days later. Oh, my God. And Michael's single letters, he had agreed to do a no-holds-barred interview with me, but he had to finish his book with Leo Janos inside the Skunk Works. And he passed away too soon. But again, at UCLA, was it 93? I think it was. He was a keynote speaker at the graduate aeronautical engineering department at UCLA. And one of the last things he said when he finished his talk, and Ben used to say the little tidbits that just drove the security people up a wall. (1:35:29)
And he said, we have the ability to take E.T. home. Think about this statement. This is the man who is involved in the most secret aerospace projects known to man. He says, we have the ability to take E.T. home, but our government will not allow the information to be made public. Of course not. Of course not. And I've mentioned this before. We may be, and when I say me, I'm talking about humans. (1:36:02)
Well, I've been called less than human a couple of times. But we may not be in charge of the dissemination of the information. They may have a sword over our head saying that you guys aren't ready for it. You guys aren't ready to know what's really happening. Who's to decide who's ready though? Well, I mean, first world people, you and I, Europe, Japan, maybe enclaves of New Zealand and Australia, the English speaking world and pretty much the quasi free world. (1:36:42)
I think they could accept the fact that we're being visited by unknowns. Definitely. And the biggest fear is the glue that holds a lot of the third and fourth world together. I'm talking about aboriginal to Washington, D.C. type. If all of a sudden it's made known that everything you believed in could be God, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Adam Smith, all the early original religious icons. (1:37:22)
If all of a sudden it's proven or people start saying, well, these were little green men from Mars. I think the glue that holds the fabric together will come apart. (1:37:33)
One of the things that keeps maybe my neighbor on either side of me from not coming over with their 357 and put me out of my misery is not the fear of going to jail, but the fear of going to hell. If all of a sudden that fear has been rendered mute when there is no after death consequences. I mean, I'm sure at least one of my wives would have had me whacked if she knew. (1:38:02)
She would never go to hell. But isn't in the Pope or some of the Vatican say, well, even if there are aliens, they are God's creation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So they've got that covered, the religion, they've still got it covered. I think the pharma and the petro companies have a lot of sway in this. One of the Israeli researchers just recently, I didn't read it directly, but I've heard it was reported that he made a statement that the aliens or whomever they may be feel that the world isn't ready for disclosure yet, but it's coming soon. (1:38:49)
Well, we keep hearing that. What would your reaction be if you walked outside and you had a craft landing your cul-de-sac across from your house? I'd be happy. I'd be thrilled too. I can remember being out by the black mailbox in Tippecoo Valley, just East Area 51. That was a beautiful night. There was no moon and as the sun set, it was so dark I couldn't see my feet. (1:39:19)
And I'm sitting there thinking, okay, if you can read minds, and I'm thinking as hard as I can, I said, abduct me. But let me bring my Nikons with me, abduct me. You can keep me for as long as you want. I'll tell you anything you want to know that I know. And I don't know much, at least not some of the deep, dark secrets that maybe he's on the other side of that mountain in Area 51 or at S4. I don't know, it's just, we live in interesting times, but more than just UFO activity on this March 6th, 2022. So what did the aliens tell you when they brought you back, Jim? (1:40:02)
I don't know, I don't remember any of it. I mean, I don't have any marks, they didn't fix my hemorrhoids. I don't know. Well, next time you're going to have to ask them to be more thoughtful with them next time. What else do you have there, Michael? Okay, yeah, sure, we can continue on here. This is Danielson, Connecticut, November 20th, 1956. And the primary eyewitness is observing what looks like a beach ball cut in half with a butter knife. (1:40:41)
That's what this thing looked like. And she said that on the bottom of this thing, there was a floor that was indented two feet into the bottom of the craft itself. I'll go ahead and do an enlargement here. It had these sockets on the bottom of the craft. (1:40:54)
Each socket was connected to a different colored bulb, and these are all rotating. Now, on the interior part, just above each of these bulbs, and I'll do an enlargement here that you can see this, there were these Dunkin' Donuts. They were yellowish gold colored donuts, and each donut was separated by a black band. So I'll enlarge that so you can get a good look at this. (1:41:20)
Here you can see these donuts, and then it has these two black bands that were separators, and each of these bulbs were different in color. And she mentioned that the bottom of these donuts had this strange inscription or lettering that it reminded her of kind of a Peruvian or Asian rug border, or something that you would see on Mayan or Inca pottery. That's the way she described this. (1:41:48)
So I'll move ahead to her sketch. This is her original hand sketch, and you can see the beautiful job she did on this. Well done. Just well done drawing. I believe this lady 100%. You just don't kind of see this work if this is a hoax. I completely believe this woman. She died about three years ago. Linda Zimmerman actually tracked her down. So I took this all the information from her sketch from three page report. (1:42:16)
Here's the AutoCAD drawing that shows you what these bulbs look like. And over to the left, we've got the three donuts with the black bands, and then over to the right, and just so that we get the wording correctly, I'll just do this word for word here. Resembled an ancient Arabic language. Also looked like the border of a Persian Oriental rug. Reference design seen on Mayan or Inca pottery. (1:42:40)
That's the way she described the bottom of these donuts looking. Wow, I don't think I've seen this one before. No, neither have I. Definitely a different one. All right, we'll continue moving on here. Now this is one of these very strange cases, but it's well documented. January 1st, 1970, Finland. Two skiers are going down the ski hill. They see this cloud moving at almost their exact pace. (1:43:09)
The cloud stops over kind of a clearing within the ski hill. They go into that clearing. They see this cloud. Then there's this pink flash. They definitely mentioned a pink flash. And then out from this 10-foot diameter dish-shaped craft that has three inverted spheres on the bottom of it comes what could only be described as a garden gnome. He was about three feet tall. (1:43:34)
He had a cone-shaped head on top of his head. He was wearing a one-piece tight-fitting green flight suit with green colored boots on. He had kind of an old wrinkled grooved face. And what's really weird is he had what looked like a camera device strapped to his chest. And he was moving from one side to the other side of the skiers. Like he was taking a photograph of each one. (1:44:01)
Then there was this same pink colored flash and the craft and the being disappeared. (1:44:07)
So it is a CE2 and it's a CE3 because they actually saw a being. Now I'm going to take you to the original sketch. This is Source Gray Barker UFO Collection, Clarksburg, West Virginia. And that's how they depict this particular sighting. It definitely had physiological effects because one of the skiers got really sick. He was in tremendous pain. So it's definitely a CE2 case. (1:44:34)
Did the being speak to them or anything like that? Nope, nope. Show them anything telepathically? He just had this optical lens connected to his chest. And he was moving his body like he was taking photographs of each of the skiers. Oh, could have been what he was doing. Very possible. How are you doing on time, Michael? You all right? Oh, I'm good. (1:44:56)
I'm good. Yep. You want to do maybe another one or two? Yeah, we can do another one. Yeah, no problem. We'll do another one here. This is July 9, 1995, Grobos Mills, Missouri. There were four eyewitnesses, kind of like young college students, who were traveling through this wooded area. And they look off to the left and they see this strange double flying saucer. (1:45:16)
It had a series of multicolored lights wrapped around the outer circumference. It had a tapered or shaved off thimble, which separated the both sections of the flying saucer itself. And then they mentioned that there were shafts of light coming down from the bottom of the craft. In between these shafts of light, there were these balls or orbs going up and down through these shafts of light. (1:45:42)
Now, one of the witnesses got extremely upset about this. She asked to be driven home, which they did. But before they dropped her off, they all agreed to rendezvous about two hours later at a specific location. So about an hour and a half into the wait, the witness that got upset, she got in her car, was on her way to where they were supposed to meet later. (1:46:09)
If you look in the back of this illustration, you can see a triangle. She saw that triangle, a very large, massive triangle that could have been the mothership for this thimble, double UFO-shaped craft. Certainly a possibility. Here's the actual reference for it. Actaeon Advisor, issue number three. And this is Lake of Ozarks, Missouri, 1995. We'll do one more here. This is March 21st, 1950, Stuttgart, Arkansas. Two witnesses of a DC-3 are flying at night. (1:46:42)
And it's about 9.30 p.m. And they see this 95-foot diameter disc-shaped craft. It has a dome on top. It is backlit and bottomlit because they see 10 lighted ports on the bottom of it. And I'll go to the drawing here. 9.29 p.m., 15 miles north of Stuttgart, Arkansas. They're at an altitude of 2,000 feet. And this craft, they estimated, was going about 600 miles an hour. (1:47:11)
And let me just hit you with what they said here. This is the quote from the pilots, pilot and co-pilot. This is from the newspaper clipping. (1:47:19)
Now, this is the pilot speaking here. We firmly believe that the flying saucer we saw over Arkansas Monday night was a secret experimental-type aircraft, not a visitor from outer space. Then they went on here. I believe it was some kind of experimental-type aircraft that has been kept a secret by the Air Force. It was definitely some type of aircraft in controlled flight moving at tremendous speed. (1:47:45)
So that's Jack Adams. Here is the drawing by Rudy Gardea showing you what it looked like out from inside the cockpit window of the DC-3 as they saw this thing. And you can see the lights coming down from the portholes, which are vertically modded around the outer circumference. It looks like a sports model. Yeah, it does look like a sports model. Why would they clarify they thought it was man-made rather than anything else? (1:48:14)
Because of the way this thing was maneuvering was one. Plus the 10 circular lighted sections, that gave them a kind of a man-made impression. And then let's move on to the newspaper clipping. Asheville Citizen, March 22, 1950. Saucer, experimental aircraft, not spaceship, air pilot say. And so they go into detail why they got that impression in this article. Amazing. It's amazing. Not heard of this either. (1:48:46)
It was 1950, we said, right? Yep, that's correct. That's correct. Michael, your illustrations are absolutely phenomenal. The artwork is like nothing I've ever seen before. Thanks, I take credit for all of it. But yeah. You must have put an immense amount of time into all of this. You're right. The research and, you know, the research, going out in the field and tracking everybody down, getting the illustrations, getting them just right. (1:49:16)
I mean, some of them are so good, they actually look like photographs, like actual photographs. They're that good. If only they were. Well done. Well done. Thank you. Thank you. Bravo to you, sir. Is there anything you'd like to plug or promote? Anything that you have new or upcoming? Sure, a couple things here. I've got a new YouTube channel called Blue Room Media. I'm posting about three episodes per week. (1:49:39)
And it's all within the historical archives within my collection. And they're all documented. They're all illustrated. There's very little reading that needs to be done. I give you the references. I give you the sources. I give you the newspaper clipping so that you can track and verify this on your own. So that's one thing. Next thing is the book has been published now. (1:49:59)
Jim has a copy of it. He was the first one to receive a signed copy. It's called Dark Files, A Pictorial History of Lost, Forgotten, and Obscure UFO Encounters. It's all illustrated. It's all referenced and includes many of the cases that we've talked about here in this interview. It's available now on Amazon. I made it very reasonable for everyone. Third thing is upcoming MUFON Symposium in Denver in July. I'll be speaking there and I'll be dropping all these cases, plus all the brand new illustrations and sketches that I've commissioned as well. (1:50:36)
So that's what I got going on. (1:50:37)
That's brilliant. Yeah, I did see the book on Amazon. Jim, I blew your picture up if you want to hold up the book one more time so they can see it. There it is, everybody. Dark Files. Go check that out. And please, after the show, go over to Michael's channel on YouTube, Blue Room Media. Blue Moon Media, correct? Blue Moon Media. Blue Room Media. Yep, we've got links on there. (1:51:02)
They'll be in our description at the end of the show. The links will be in the description. Go check them out. And go check out his books on Amazon. Mr. Goodall. This is book one, hopefully, of many. Hopefully many. I'm going to order it after we're done, to be honest with you. Mr. Goodall, Jim, anything you would like to plug or discuss? Anything new or upcoming you'd like to discuss? (1:51:28)
Talk about what's coming. No hemorrhoid talk, please. No hemorrhoid commercials. My newest book came out in June of this last year. It's called 75 Years of Lockheed Skunkworks by James C. Goodall. And it's 384 pages, just shy of 1,100 photos. I cover 43 programs, of which Sherm Mullen or Jack Gordon, one of the former presidents of the Skunkworks said, you know, there were a couple of programs in there I knew nothing about. (1:52:06)
So where did you get those things? Where'd you get those photos? Need to know. Need to know. And it's from Osprey Publishing out of the UK. They also have my 29th book is at Osprey as we speak. And it is the Nuclear Navy. I cover a Nautilus II Columbia class on the submarines, 227 of them. Wow, brilliant. Submarines, for some reason, aren't covered by Navy ships because most of the time they're underwater. (1:52:41)
Or the only thing you can see is the sail. And that's about it. And I've been on 20 different nuclear-powered submarines. I've been to 400 feet deep in a ballistic missile submarine. They've allowed me to photograph most everything forward of the reactor bulkhead. Everything behind that, if I stuck my head into the walkway that goes back to the maneuvering room, I could be arrested for espionage. (1:53:08)
Wow. But everything forward of that, the Navy has been very, very kind to me. And I've shot the Connecticut. It took me seven and a half years to get on it. I've shot the Los Angeles class, the 688Is, the Ohio boats, both the C4 and the D5 boats. And I just, I like machines. I like things that will bump in the night. You know, my area of expertise is Area 51, Bomb Blizzard, and of course, the Blackbirds. Yeah, I saw the... You saw your first Blackbird the year I was born, 1964. Yeah, I saw it on March 10th, 1964 at the ramp at Edwards. I was an 18-year-old airman, second class. (1:53:59)
They don't use that anymore because everybody's first class. But I never thought when I started my obsession that it would... One, I hated writing. (1:54:15)
I hated term papers. I didn't want to have anything. I didn't want to go back to school. I did. I was a spirited youth back in the 50s and early 60s. Today, back then, I was called a juvenile delinquent. Today, I'd be spirited. So, yeah. Challenging, I think, as well, I'd say. I never thought I'd write a book. I wrote the first book on the F-117 from Motor Books. I have a number of great hardbound books from Schaeffer Publishing, where I covered the B-2. I covered the Blackbird. That's my number one Blackbird book is the one I did with the Schaeffer Publishing. And it's available on Amazon. And you save a lot. (1:54:58)
The 75-year book, 75 years of the Lockheed Skunk Works, weighs five and a half pounds. Wow. And it's, I mean, even if you send a book rate, it's expensive. So, if you're Amazon Prime and you order one, and I travel all over, primarily to the western part of the United States, but it's $6 a gallon. I'm not going to be doing that much. (1:55:22)
But if I'm in the area, and I usually make it, I'll usually post it. I'm going to be in San Diego or L.A. or Fresno or whatever. If you have any of my books, and I'm passing through, I'll meet you for a cup of coffee somewhere and I'll autograph them. Oh, that would be great. It's just, I mean, I do this because I love to do it. (1:55:45)
I don't do it, I can't do it for the money. I mean, if I get paid by the hour, not counting all my out-of-pocket expenses, travel, my time, my computers, everything, I probably make one or two cents an hour. And that doesn't include travel time. And I did most of my research, a good part of it, before the internet. So the only way, just like what Michael does, and he's sort of my protege, and he's far surpassed me as far as what he's been able to do. (1:56:26)
But I had to go out and see the people in person. I had to track them down. And sometimes it was a real challenge. What do you want to speak to me for? I mean, if you work in a classified environment, you're not used to someone asking you questions. Because if your co-worker starts asking you questions, you go talk to security and they'll never talk with them. (1:56:52)
And if it's just a minor thing, they'll just scare the blazes out of you and say, don't do it again. But all you have to do is pull your clearance. If you're working with a... I had, for 27 years, I had above-top-secret clearance in the military. Wow. But I never saw anything that... I saw a few things, but it had nothing to do with airplanes. (1:57:17)
But I saw nothing that went, oh, gee whiz. The most fun thing I did during Desert Storm, I had to read every message going to and from CENTCOM. So anything from the Pentagon to Schwarzkopf, I saw, and vice versa. (1:57:35)
And I was always looking for something that I didn't recognize. But the one thing, and again, this is a little bit off subject. One of the messages was from Margaret Thatcher while she was still prime minister. And it was to Saddam Hussein. And it said, President Saddam Hussein, President of the Islamic Republic of Iraq, number one Main Street, Baghdad. And it said, and this is almost... I wanted to make a copy of it, but I was in the vault and I just couldn't. But I have a good memory. (1:58:11)
It said, if you use chemical, biological or nuclear agents on the coalition forces or your own people, excuse me, period. United Kingdom will strike Baghdad and Iraq with a full-fledged nuclear strike within 24 hours. Wow. Signed Margaret Thatcher, prime minister with full concurrence. I get goosebumps. Have a good day. So, this is what I... I'm a historian. Yeah. And Michael's a historian. And I'm so very, very proud of the work he's done. (1:58:52)
And I've had to kick him in the butt to convince him that everybody knows that you're a quality product. And anything that comes out of the mouth of Michael Stratt is to be believed in. No one does research better than him. Nobody. You understand me, Michael? Yes, sir. And I'm honored to call him my friend. Oh, that's beautiful. That's beautiful. What a good way to close out. (1:59:17)
Gentlemen. Yeah. And thank you. Thank you for the invite, by the way. Thank you for coming. Anthony or Tony? Anthony's fine. Thank you, sir. Okay. Thanks for turning up. Nice talking to you. Of course, Michael, it's an absolute pleasure. I'll see you here in about a month. I hope you enjoyed your surprise from... Oh, yeah, that was nice. That was nice. I got Jim on board. (1:59:38)
Thank you both, gentlemen. It's been an honor and a privilege to be in your company. I enjoyed it. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Have a wonderful night. Andy's going to take us out a little differently tonight. Our good friends over at Third Phase of Moon have a new movie documentary out called Above Top Secret. And Andy's going to play that trailer for you now. (1:59:59)
Everybody go check it out. Links will be in the description. Have a good night and a blessed night, everyone. God bless. Be safe. Andy, whenever you're ready, my friend. Nice. Lovely to see you both. Thanks a lot for coming. Thank you, everyone that made a donation in the Super Chat in the Buy Me A Coffee. I appreciate it. I'll get to the names next Sunday. I know I put thank yous in the chat, but we had a very distinguished conversation going. (2:00:23)
I didn't want to interrupt. So I will get back to everybody personally after the show. Thank you so much. Andy, whenever you're ready. Gentlemen, thank you again. Hope you showed up. Thanks a lot. (2:00:32)
If the crash retrievals are true, then all bets are off. It's very hard for people to get their minds around where the real power is. And it's not at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The reality is something much more stark. They've been working on this for 60, 70, perhaps 80 years. The reason why the government is talking about these UFOs now, they're getting ready for the next level of war. (2:01:08)
Are these objects a national security concern? They're proffering a narrative of a national security threat that doesn't exist. I call them alien reproduction vehicles. They're made by private corporations somewhere on this planet. Technology from Roswell from 1947 has largely been held back from us. Portal technology, teleportation, whatever you can imagine, it's already been done. The biggest secrets are not the zero point energy and electro-gravitics. It's the science of consciousness. (2:01:42)
All their communication systems are moving through the consciousness field and are thought-actuated. The people of the CIA call it WSFM, weird science and frickin' magic. The trans-dimensional, interstellar technology will benefit humanity. There has been tremendous disinformation. The media is keeping secrets with the government. These are lethal, vicious people. And I'm focused on exposing the extraordinary technologies that they want to keep secret. No aspect of life on Earth will be unaffected by it. (2:02:21)
Folks, see exactly what we're talking about here. We looped it for you a couple of times. There it is. See what that is? I don't know. Is it a UFO? Is it a space station? (2:03:00)