1997-03-13, Phoenix Lights 事件:詳細解説動画
1997-03-13 の Phoenix Lights (UFO) 事件については何度も過去記事で取り上げてきた(*1)。この UFO の正体に関する私の仮説も過去記事で述べてきた(*2)。
この事件に関する詳細解説動画の 文字起こし+和訳 を記録しておく。
- 事件当日、異常な強度のガンマ線を観測したこと
Jonathan Dover : 1997-03-13, "Phoenix Lights" 当日、UFO が戦闘機に警告の光線を放射。 (2020-06-06)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:州知事を含む数百人が目撃した巨大 UFO(全体) (2012-10-26)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:巨大 V字型 UFO に関する動画 (2013-02-22)
Dr. Lynne Kitei : "Phoenix Lights" 事件の2か月前にマイル幅の光点群を目撃、管制官も目撃したがレーダーには写らず。 (2020-06-08)
Dr. Lynne Kitei : "Phoenix Lights" : フレア説を支持した分析結果はデータを不正操作したものだった。(途中:その1) (2020-06-08)
Peter Davenport : "Phoenix Lights" UFO の飛行経路の要約 (2020-06-09)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:熟練パイロットによる巨大 V字型 UFO の目撃報告 (2013-03-12)
リークされた Phoenix 事件当日の UFO 動画は映画キャンペーン用の捏造だった(途中:その2) (2014-12-09)
リークされた Phoenix 事件当日の UFO 動画は映画キャンペーン用の捏造だった(途中:その1+修正) (2019-02-15)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:「Phoenix 事件の謎が解けた」という主張 (途中:その2) (2015-10-22)
John Alexander : Phoenex UFO 事件はフレアの類ではない (2016-11-04)
John Greenewald, Jr.: Luke AFB の公式回答:Phoenix lights 事件当時、フレアを投下していない。 (2021-06-15)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:Phoenix Lights 事件:巨大 UFO を周囲の人々とともに目撃した (2017-07-10)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州、Phoenix Lights:巨大 UFO が真上をゆっくり通過するのを目撃した一家の証言動画 (2017-07-19)
航空機パイロットの "Phoenix Lights(V 字型超巨大 UFO)" 目撃証言 (2018-03-16)
"Phoenix Lights" 事件の前日にも巨大 UFO が目撃されていた (2018-04-07)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:"Phoenix Lights":背後の星や月が掠れて見えた…という証言 (途中:その1) (2018-04-07)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:"Phoenix Lights":飛行位置で UFO の形状が大きく変化している。 (2018-04-07)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:"Phoenix Lights" の UFO は従来の説より遥かに巨大だった…という証言 (2018-04-07)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:"Phoenix Lights":二機の F-15 がこの UFO を間近で観察 (途中:その2) (2018-04-08)
1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州:"Phoenix Lights":飛行ルートを再現 (2018-04-10)
2017年4月10日、アリゾナ州:"Phoenix Lights(V 字型超巨大 UFO)" に似た光群が上空に出現 (全体) (2018-06-15)
Peter Davenport : 1997-03-13, Phoenix Lights : UFO が加速して去る時、編隊の形が閉じるように変化した。 (2020-06-09)
1997-03-13、Arizona : "Phoenix Lights" の背後の星や月が掠れて見えた…という証言 (途中:その2) (2020-06-09)
Peter Davenport : 1997-03-13, Phoenix Lights : 地上に光ビームを放射した。 (2020-06-09)
Peter Davenport : 1997-03-13, Phoenix Lights : 当日、多数の光点群を目撃。 (2020-06-09)
Robert Bigelow : 大勢が V 字型の機体も目撃しているから "Phoenix Lights" は本物の UFO だ。 (2021-11-14)
Lynne Kitei : Phoenix Lights : パイロットが上空から地表を覆う巨大 UFO を目撃 (2022-03-15)
Peter Davenport : 1997-03-13, Phoenix Lights : 一部の光点が移動した。 (2020-06-09)
1997-03-13, Phoenix Lights : 熟練パイロットの証言。UFO 本体は半透明で、反対側が揺らいで透けて見えた。 (2020-06-24)
❏ "Phoenix Lights UFO" がフレアではない証拠のひとつ : 現地で日中に撮影された映像 (+追加) (2024-03-29)
【編集中】2017-04-10、Arizona の "Phoenix Lights"(V 字型超巨大 UFO)はたぶん自然現象だ。 (途中:その2) (2020-06-07)
❏ 仮説:「Phoenix Lights UFO 事件」と同じ現象が昼間に発生したのが「Kenneth Arnold の目撃した UFO の編隊」だ (途中 1) (2024-03-29)
Dr. Lynne Kitei:"Pheonix Lights" 当日、奇妙なガンマ線が降り注いた (2018-04-10)
Kevin Day : tic-tac UFO 出現時、偵察衛星がガンマ線バーストを観測 (2022-02-05)
The Phoenix Lights Extras Footage
10,900 views 2021/09/28
エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー、脚本家、監督、そして重要な目撃者であるリン・D・キテイ医学博士が、プロデューサー兼撮影監督スティーブ・ランツと共同で、歴史的で未だ解明されていないアリゾナの大量目撃を祝う、 このドキュメンタリーは、1997年3月13日にフェニックス上空で光を目撃した多くのデータ、写真、ビデオ、そして目撃者の多さから、現代史上最も徹底的な調査が行われ、最も重要な異常現象であると世界中で評価されています。
Celebrating the historic and still-unexplained Arizona mass sighting. executive producer, writer, director, and key witness Lynne D. Kitei, M.D., in collaboration with producer and cinematographer Steve Lantz, share stunning data, personal interviews, graphic simulations and scientific analysis in this updated collection of extras, complimenting the award winning The Phoenix Lights documentary, which has been hailed worldwide as the most thorough investigation into the most documented and possibly the most important anomalous events in modern history, due to the amount of data, photos, videos and the high number of witnesses that saw the lights over phoenix on March 13th 1997.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
There's another one, too! Major sighting here on the 13th of March. Weird happenings in the skies over Phoenix recently. And no one seems to be able to explain what it was. Suddenly, six amber orbs in a row, totally equidistant from each other. Massive span across pop-up. People say they saw strange lights. There was a strange bright light seen over the skies of Arizona. Gets a lot of people wondering, what the heck? (0:00:30)
There's going to be a time where they're not going to be able to hide it anymore. The availability of witnesses was extraordinary. There are another 10,000 Arizonans who saw the same thing. Eyewitnesses who saw it say it's like nothing they've ever seen before. Many investigators called the largest sighting ever. Lasting the longest amount of time seen by the largest number of people. The data speaks for itself. (0:00:56)
Plus, I have photographs that cannot be explained or denied. Last night, shortly after 8 p.m., hundreds, maybe thousands of Arizonans reported seeing a triangular-shaped object with three to thousands of people saw more than stars in the night sky. The mystery remains unsolved and controversial. There was nothing there but blackness and these three amber orbs. The top orb started to dim as if on a dimmer switch it didn't budge at all. (0:01:24)
The people who saw the lights will say the lights were orange, they were bright and they were big and they were like nothing they've ever seen before. And there's been no official explanation. This didn't look like anything I'd ever seen in my life. I don't believe they're flair. I don't believe they're conventional aircraft. I don't believe it's the military testing top-secret craft. Ultimately, it's going to be the people that will sort these things out, rather than the government. (0:01:54)
The bigger question is not, is there a phenomenon, but what is this phenomenon? I'm learning that this is happening worldwide. What's going on here? What is this? I first met Dr. Lynn Kitai in February 2004. I was introduced to her by an author who wrote the foreword in her best-selling book, The Phoenix Lights, a skeptic's discovery that we are not alone. Dr. Lynn, who was formerly known in the media as Dr. X, spent many years compiling research on unexplained phenomena, after witnessing three mysterious orbs of light that appeared very close to her mountainside home in 1995. I met Lynn for lunch and she presented me with a notebook filled with numerous photos of anomalous lights she witnessed and photographed. (0:03:38)
As I looked through her photos, I became more and more convinced that we had the makings of a good documentary. Although at the time, I wasn't really considering anything other than a 20-minute short film. After a series of emails over the next month or so, Lynn surprised me by quickly assembling dozens of witnesses and experts, and we decided to move forward with the project. (0:03:57)
Lynn and I basically produced this film out of our own pockets, and what started out as a short film, evolved into a feature-length documentary. (0:04:06)
Production for The Phoenix Lights documentary began on May 12, 2004. We set up our first interview in a conference room at Arizona State University with Dr. Paul Cook, and continued shooting every day for a solid week, including a trip to Tucson to interview Dr. Richard Powell, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and Lynn's son Dan, who also witnessed the mysterious orbs. Since this film was very low-budget, our crew consisted of Dr. Lynn, who conducted all the interviews, my mother Nancy, who helped lug equipment and took all the production photos, and myself. (0:04:43)
I took care of all the driving, camera work, sound, and lighting. It was physically exhausting and time-consuming to move from one location to another, so Dr. Lynn arranged multiple interviews at each location. After a long week of shooting, we finished up the last round of interviews and shot Lynn's reenactments at her Paradise Valley home. After reviewing the dailies, Lynn and I decided there were some additional key interviews and B-roll coverage that we needed, so I flew back to Phoenix a month later for a two-day shoot. (0:05:10)
I set up my camera near Luke Air Force Base to capture shots of F-16s flying in formation. It was blazing hot, over 112 degrees, with no shade anywhere. On August 4th, I drove my family to Santa Barbara, California, to shoot an interview with Jim DeLaTosso and Dr. Ram Molnar, an expert in image analysis. We shot the interview at Brooks Institute's Montecito campus. (0:05:37)
Ram was an instructor of mine when I attended Brooks in 1983. After a brief family vacation in Newport Beach, I returned home and started working on a 10-minute short that Lynn wanted to show at the Bay Area UFO Expo later that month. Lynn was the keynote speaker at the expo, and I barely finished the short film in time for the event where the Phoenix Lights documentary made its first debut. (0:05:55)
It was the humble beginning for what was to become a feature-length documentary that overall took nearly four years to complete. I returned to Phoenix once again from October 15th to the 17th to shoot additional interviews, reenactments, and Phoenix backgrounds. Other interviews were shot at my home a year later, and Keith Ritchie, a news cameraman in Phoenix, shot additional B-roll in interviews as well, including Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who was added in December 2007, along with a 9-11 operator and a professional pilot. (0:06:27)
Lynn videotaped other orbs and formations in 2005 that were also added to the film. Overall, we shot about 25 hours of footage, all of which had to be captured digitally into the computer and organized. It's one of the most tedious tasks in an editing job, and very time-consuming. I have to emphasize that it was an enormous task for two people to tackle a project of this size. (0:06:53)
Normally, when an editor edits a feature film, the scenes are all marked and ordered according to the storyline and script. Documentaries are a real challenge to edit because you don't have a script to work from. (0:07:04)
You basically have a bunch of interviews that somehow have to be pieced together in a way that tells a story in a cohesive way. Add to that the difficulty of trying to explain a complicated event with many perspectives and put it all into layman's terms while maintaining authenticity and integrity. Another challenge we faced was obtaining or creating the enormous amount of inserts, coverage, photos, and animations that were needed. (0:07:29)
Collectively, I spent many months creating hundreds of simulations and effects that were needed to effectively demonstrate what happened on March 13th. Most of the simulations and effects were composites consisting of many elements that had to be pieced together and programmed with motion controls. It was a very tedious task, rendering each effect, checking, tweaking, re-rendering, and repeating this process over and over again. Then, of course, I had to add the numerous sound effects and create many musical pieces for the soundtrack. (0:08:00)
Our goal was to complete the film in time to submit it into the 2005 Phoenix Film Festival. The final deadline was December 31st, and it was a monumental task to try to finish the film on time. We worked tirelessly for months, but the film was still very rollicking by the entry deadline. Our next goal was to complete the film in time for the March 13th anniversary of the Phoenix Lights event. (0:08:23)
Harkin's Theaters graciously scheduled three special showings on Sunday, March 13th, 2005. With the dates set and Lynn working hard to promote the world premiere, I was under tremendous pressure to finish the documentary in time. All too soon, the big day arrived. Terry Mansfield, the key witness we interviewed for the documentary, hosted a cast party at her home in Paradise Valley. It was a beautiful morning, and everyone who attended had a relaxing time, while engaging in some very stimulating conversation. (0:08:52)
After lunch, we headed off to Harkin's Chez Fourteen Theaters in Scottsdale. Lynn did a great job of promoting the film with the local press and media, and all three shows were completely sold out. Lynn and I hosted Q&As after each show, along with cast members who were invited to stand up front and answer questions from the audience. The documentary was still a diamond in the rough as far as Lynn and I were concerned. (0:09:19)
So after the premiere, we spent the better part of three years perfecting the film, adding additional interviews, special effects, archive footage, new sightings, and Symington's public confession that he saw the Phoenix Lights craft himself. The film has been an official selection in over a dozen festivals worldwide, and received three nominations for Best Documentary Feature. The Phoenix Lights won two international awards, including Best Documentary Feature and Best Director, and has been screened at numerous events, including the X-Conference in Washington, D.C., the International MUFON Symposium, and the Bay Area UFO Expo. In addition, the film has been screened at Warner Bros. Studios, the Famous Man's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, and the Crest Theater in Westwood. Once you rule out all possible natural and man-made explanations for the Phoenix Lights, there is only one explanation that, despite what the debunkers say, cannot be conclusively ruled out. (0:10:19)
Perhaps we are being visited by our cosmic neighbors, stopping by to check us out. (0:10:24)
If you consider that the universe is full of life, we are just another race of beings, nothing special. Other more advanced species of life could certainly observe us just as we observe most of the life forms on this planet. Considering the trillions of planets in our own galaxy, the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, and how rugged, diverse, and adaptive life is, there is virtually no scientific or logical probability that we are alone. (0:10:49)
In fact, there could be civilizations out there millions or even billions of years ahead of us. We don't know who is really out there or what their capabilities are, so anything is possible. For many people, seeing is believing, but until we have open contact, there is nothing wrong with keeping an open mind. I fully believe that we are not alone, and have for many, many years, even though at the time I went to the moon, it was the conventional wisdom, both in science and theology, that we were alone in the universe. (0:11:20)
Over the past few years, I have spoken to many witnesses and UFO experts, and personally witnessed two independent sightings. There is no doubt in my mind that we are being discreetly visited. The big question ultimately boils down to, who is covering it up, and why? The more you look at the evidence, the more obvious it becomes that the truth about extraterrestrial presence has been intentionally covered up for a long time. (0:11:42)
We have to remember that right after World War II, the Army Air Force was separated and became the Air Force, a separate branch of service. And that the OSS, which was the Office of Special Services, was disbanded and eventually became the CIA. So that here was a major military organization, and a major intelligence organization, totally in disarray, new-founded, didn't know what they were doing, after World War II, and not really reorganized yet. (0:12:20)
And as a result of that, the President Truman, at that time, convened a very high-level committee to examine this alien or UFO phenomenon. They did come to the conclusion that it was alien, and the military rightly came to the conclusion, if they're hostile, there's nothing we can do about it. Therefore, their choice was to deny it, and to hush it up, and create the National Security Act of 1947, which validated that deception, and covered it up, and allowed the group to go underground, as it were. (0:13:07)
And we've been living with that now for 50 years. It is really the beginning of the whole cover-up, the entire denial of this phenomenon. I believe that we're getting very close to the truth being exposed, and that's why it's so important for everyone to at least keep an open mind. At some point, we have to consider the possibility of joining our vast cosmic community. (0:13:30)
The potential benefits are far more reaching than any one of us can imagine. Huge advances in technology and medicine, free energy, universal knowledge, and evolution to a more spiritually enlightened society, where war and violence is virtually eliminated. (0:13:46)
It's important that we look at our civilization, our place in history, use our tools of science for greater understanding, to promote the greater good. And that's what it's all about. The big question we should be asking is, how do we transition to a highly spiritual and peaceful race, with total openness and integration into a vast cosmic society? The transformation will be a challenging one, and I believe it's a process that every civilization must face at some point in its evolution. (0:14:19)
I first met Dr. Lynn Kitai in February 2004. I was introduced to her by an author who wrote the foreword in her best-selling book, The Phoenix Lights, a skeptic's discovery that we are not alone. Dr. Lynn, who was formerly known in the media as Dr. X, spent many years compiling research on unexplained phenomena, after witnessing three mysterious orbs of light that appeared very close to her mountainside home in 1995. I met Lynn for lunch, and she presented me with a notebook filled with numerous photos of anomalous lights she witnessed and photographed. (0:15:48)
As I looked through her photos, I became more and more convinced that we had the makings of a good documentary, although at the time I wasn't really considering anything other than a 20-minute short film. After a series of emails over the next month or so, Lynn surprised me by quickly assembling dozens of witnesses and experts, and we decided to move forward with the project. (0:16:07)
Lynn and I basically produced this film out of our own pockets, and what started out as a short film evolved into a feature-length documentary. Production for The Phoenix Lights documentary began on May 12, 2004. We set up our first interview in a conference room at Arizona State University with Dr. Paul Cook, and continued shooting every day for a solid week, including a trip to Tucson to interview Dr. Richard Powell, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and Lynn's son Dan, who also witnessed the mysterious orbs. (0:16:42)
Since this film was very low-budget, our crew consisted of Dr. Lynn, who conducted all the interviews, my mother Nancy, who helped lug equipment and took all the production photos, and myself. I took care of all the driving, camera work, sound, and lighting. It was physically exhausting and time-consuming to move from one location to another, so Dr. Lynn arranged multiple interviews at each location. (0:17:04)
After a long week of shooting, we finished up the last round of interviews and shot Lynn's reenactments at her Paradise Valley home. After reviewing the dailies, Lynn and I decided there were some additional key interviews and B-roll coverage that we needed, so I flew back to Phoenix a month later for a two-day shoot. I set up my camera near Luke Air Force Base to capture shots of F-16s flying in formation. It was blazing hot, over 112 degrees, with no shade anywhere. (0:17:30)
On August 4th, I drove my family to Santa Barbara, California, to shoot an interview with Jim Nolotoso and Dr. Ran Molnar, an expert in image analysis. (0:17:40)
We shot the interview at Brooks Institute's Montecito campus. Ran was an instructor of mine when I attended Brooks in 1983. After a brief family vacation in Newport Beach, I returned home and started working on a 10-minute short that Lynn wanted to show at the Bay Area UFO Expo later that month. Lynn was the keynote speaker at the Expo, and I had barely finished the short film in time for the event where the Phoenix Lights documentary made its first debut. (0:18:05)
It was the humble beginning for what was to become a feature-length documentary that overall took nearly four years to complete. I returned to Phoenix once again from October 15th to the 17th to shoot additional interviews, reenactments, and Phoenix backgrounds. Other interviews were shot at my home a year later, and Keith Ritchie, a news cameraman in Phoenix, shot additional B-roll and interviews as well, including Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who was added in December 2007, along with a 9-11 operator and a professional pilot. (0:18:36)
Lynn videotaped other orbs and formations in 2005 that were also added to the film. Overall, we shot about 25 hours of footage, all of which had to be captured digitally into the computer and organized. It's one of the most tedious tasks in an editing job, and very time-consuming. I have to emphasize that it was an enormous task for two people to tackle a project of this size. (0:19:03)
Normally when an editor edits a feature film, the scenes are all marked and ordered according to the storyline and script. Documentaries are a real challenge to edit because you don't have a script to work from. You basically have a bunch of interviews that somehow have to be pieced together in a way that tells a story in a cohesive way. Add to that the difficulty of trying to explain a complicated event with many perspectives and put it all into layman's terms while maintaining authenticity and integrity. (0:19:31)
Another challenge we faced was obtaining or creating the enormous amount of inserts, coverage, photos, and animations that were needed. Collectively, I spent many months creating hundreds of simulations and effects that were needed to effectively demonstrate what happened on March 13th. Most of the simulations and effects were composites consisting of many elements that had to be pieced together and programmed with motion controls. It was a very tedious task, rendering each effect, checking, tweaking, re-rendering, and repeating this process over and over again. (0:20:04)
Then, of course, I had to add the numerous sound effects and create many musical pieces for the soundtrack. Our goal was to complete the film in time to submit it into the 2005 Phoenix Film Festival. The final deadline was December 31st, and it was a monumental task to try to finish the film on time. We worked tirelessly for months, but the film was still very rollicking by the entry deadline. (0:20:27)
Our next goal was to complete the film in time for the March 13th anniversary of the Phoenix Lights event. (0:20:33)
Harkin's Theatres graciously scheduled three special showings on Sunday, March 13th, 2005. With the dates set and Lynn working hard to promote the world premiere, I was under tremendous pressure to finish the documentary in time. All too soon, the big day arrived. Terry Mansfield, the key witness we interviewed for the documentary, hosted a cast party at her home in Paradise Valley. It was a beautiful morning, and everyone who attended had a relaxing time while engaging in some very stimulating conversation. (0:21:02)
After lunch, we headed off to Harkin's Chez Fortin Theatres in Scottsdale. Lynn did a great job of promoting the film with the local press and media, and all three shows were completely sold out. Lynn and I hosted Q&As after each show, along with cast members who were invited to stand up front and answer questions from the audience. The documentary was still a diamond in the rough as far as Lynn and I were concerned. (0:21:29)
So after the premiere, we spent the better part of three years perfecting the film, adding additional interviews, special effects, archive footage, news sightings, and Symington's public confession that he saw the Phoenix Lights craft himself. The film has been an official selection in over a dozen festivals worldwide, and received three nominations for Best Documentary Feature. The Phoenix Lights won two international awards, including Best Documentary Feature and Best Director, and has been screened at numerous events, including the X Conference in Washington, D.C., the International MUFON Symposium, and the Bay Area UFO Expo. In addition, the film has been screened at Warner Bros. Studios, the famous Man's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, and the Crest Theater in Westwood. Currently, the film is being distributed by Vanguard Entertainment, and is available at numerous outlets, including Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Netflix, iTunes, and Pay-Per-View. The Phoenix Lights event has become the subject of great debate in the UFO community, primarily due to many confusing facts and myths. (0:22:39)
First, to avoid any confusion, we need to classify the Phoenix Lights into two categories. First and foremost are the lights associated with the March 13th event, seen shortly after 8 p.m. The lights appeared to be fixed to a large V-shaped or triangular-shaped craft. There are varying witness descriptions of different light arrays, patterns, and number of lights, which could suggest the possibility of multiple craft, or a singular craft, that changed as it flew across the Arizona skies. (0:23:08)
Witnesses all unanimously agree that the craft, or multiple craft, were completely silent and flew very close to the ground. One craft was over a mile wide, according to hundreds of documented witness accounts. The second category of Phoenix Lights are the luminescent amber orbs that randomly appear individually in pairs or groups. They can appear together in rigid formation or separated by miles. They do not flicker or emit any smoke trails, and remain perfectly fixed in their position relative to each other in the ground. (0:23:41)
Dr. Lin personally observed these anomalous lights very close to her mountainside home. (0:23:45)
It was startling, and it was amazing. At the same time, there was nothing there but blackness and these three amber orbs. And something told me to take everything in, the size, the shape, the color, the distance. They were about three to six feet each, depending on how close or far away they were. They were definitely oval-shaped. And the amber color within each orb, and I call them an orb because the light did not extend outside the edge at all. (0:24:14)
It was totally self-contained. It was very uniform amber color. My wife Fran and I observed these anomalous orbs in November 2005 from a 737 departing Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. It was around 8.15 in the evening, the same time the Phoenix Lights event occurred in 1997. Two amber orbs suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a side-by-side formation. They were visible for about a minute or so, then faded out as three F-16s from Luke Air Force Base flew by. (0:24:44)
Then the orbs blinked on again in the same location. I studied them intently as our plane made a turn to the northwest. The orbs stayed fixed in their location and drifted back almost out of view as our plane approached the north end of Phoenix. Then they faded out again. I thought this was the end of the show, then suddenly the orbs appeared again, this time in a totally different location far northwest of Phoenix. The same two amber orbs I previously saw over the Australia Mountains appeared again in the same side-by-side formation, very bright and distinct from all other light sources. (0:25:16)
I had a perfect view of them outside my window, and I studied them very carefully until they faded out, exactly the way they did in Dr. Lin's videos. I'm thrilled I finally got to see them for myself, not only for validation, but also to have the opportunity to view them in person and analyze them. They did not appear to be aircraft, flares, or any natural phenomenon. (0:25:37)
What is most significant is that they appeared identically in two different locations, and I had an incredible bird's eye view on a perfectly clear night. The orbs are a separate phenomenon from what happened on March 13, 1997, which by all accounts was a massive UFO flyover. The orbs are fiercely argued to be flares dropped by the military due to their similar appearance. The most common theory, and the official explanation issued by the local Phoenix military, is that the Phoenix lights were military flares dropped by the Maryland Air National Guard over the Berrygold Water Range southwest of Phoenix. That was just ridiculous. Flares go down. They don't float across the sky. (0:26:20)
Being in the military, I've launched those flares, and they were not flares. Flares fall, you know, up and down. They don't fall even in the wind. They don't maintain that altitude. Their flare drop does not coincide with a mass sighting witnessed by approximately 10,000 people across the state of Arizona, and in locations all over Phoenix earlier that evening. (0:26:41)
These lights up here represent aircraft flares. If you'll notice, they're not in any straight line. They vary in distance between each other. And if you look at the top, you can see the smoke. As the flare falls, it leaves a trail of smoke above it from the burning magnesium in the flare. Flares are moving relative to each other. They're moving at different speeds. The Phoenix lights are rock steady. (0:27:08)
Many experts agree that if the Air National Guard dropped any flares at all on the evening of March 13th, it was solely for the purpose of creating a smokescreen to confuse the facts, and that many reported sightings were of the flare drop, which the military could later explain away. It is a ready explanation for what everybody saw. And that makes it easy for the public to just seize on that and, oh, what they saw was flares. Explains everything and the Phoenix lights. (0:27:37)
The flare theory is a nice, convenient way to explain glowing lights in the sky, and seems like the most logical explanation for the Phoenix lights, until you consider all the reasons why the theory doesn't work. First, consider the fact that the Berrygo Water Range has been in continuous operation since 1941, and countless flares have been dropped over the range for several decades. Wouldn't you think that people in Phoenix would be used to seeing them? (0:28:01)
What would prompt thousands of people to suddenly call into local newspapers, police stations, news stations, radio stations, and Luke Air Force Base all on the same night and all around the same time? It's plainly obvious that many people saw something very strange, not something as routine as a flare drop, and felt compelled to report it and find out what it was. The biggest hole in the flare theory is that it completely contradicts thousands of eyewitness testimonies consistently describing a massive V-shaped craft flying slower than the stall speed of a small plane, totally silent, and very low to the ground. (0:28:38)
Some witnesses were directly underneath as the craft flew over. According to witness accounts, at least one large V-shaped craft, and possibly other triangular craft, flew across the entire state of Arizona, starting from the small town of Paulden all the way down to Phoenix and Tucson. Flares don't travel hundreds of miles, and witnesses in southern and northern Arizona couldn't possibly see flares over the Berrygo Water Range. Another valid argument against the flare theory is that these mysterious orbs are commonly seen over populated areas of Phoenix and the Gila Bend Indian Reservation. Nobody would ever drop those flares over a populated area. They're cylinders that are about three feet tall, ten inches wide, and they are intense magnesium. And they sometimes hit the ground, they're still burning, so they start fires. (0:29:32)
Dropping flares, or any objects for that matter, over populated areas in Indian Reservations is a serious FAA violation, and prohibited due to possible injury to civilians, damage to property, and ground fires. (0:29:46)
Another common theory is that experimental government aircraft are responsible for the Phoenix Lights. Supporters of this theory believe that a very large silent surveillance blimp, or top secret aircraft, flew over Arizona and that diversionary flares were dropped by the military in an attempt to divert the attention of whoever was out on that clear evening gazing at Hale-Bopp Comet. When considering this implausible theory, one must also consider many obvious questions. If this was indeed a top secret military blimp, why would they fly it at a dangerously low altitude, right over a major city in full public view, endangering millions of citizens on the ground and in the air, rather than fly a course somewhere over the thousands of square miles of uninhabited desert surrounding Phoenix? (0:30:35)
If they flew it over the desert, they wouldn't have to bother with diversionary flares or worry about the risk of crashing into a populated area. Another point here is that a mile-wide blimp would literally collapse under its own weight. Even if the military could build such an enormous blimp, why would they? Sure it would make an easy target in enemy territory, but imagine how much gas it would take to fill one up. And why would they continue to deny its existence? (0:31:27)
There's nothing top secret about blimps or their use, certainly not compared to stealth technology and other defense projects that are already in the public domain. The bottom line to all this is, if it was an aircraft that flew over Phoenix in 1997, top secret or not, the public would have known about it a long time ago. Every major airport in the country that has scheduled airline service is surrounded by Class B airspace, a protective zone that extends 30 miles out from the center of the airport. No aircraft, including military aircraft, can enter Class B airspace without communication and clearance from the air traffic controller. Upon entering, pilots are issued transponder codes and are safely vectored to and from the many airports that are within their busy airspace. (0:32:13)
Pilots are closely monitored by ATC at all times to avoid mid-air collisions. Whatever flew over Phoenix on March 13 severely violated Class B airspace when it entered without communication and ATC clearance, violated minimum safe altitude requirements, and flew right across the final approach course of Sky Harbor Airport, one of the busiest airports in the country. It also went undetected by radar, which completely kills the blimp idea, and all other conventional aircraft, for that matter. (0:32:43)
Skeptics still continue to throw out ridiculous theories, everything from swamp gas to weather balloons, but none of these theories stand up to scientific scrutiny. Another common theory is that experimental government aircraft are responsible for the Phoenix lights. Supporters of this theory believe that a very large silent surveillance blimp or top-secret aircraft flew over Arizona and that diversionary flares were dropped by the military in an attempt to divert the attention of whoever was out on that clear evening gazing at Hellbob Comet. When considering this implausible theory, one must also consider many obvious questions. (0:33:24)
If this was indeed a top-secret military blimp, why would they fly it at a dangerously low altitude, right over a major city in full public view, endangering millions of citizens on the ground and in the air, rather than fly a course somewhere over the thousands of square miles of uninhabited desert surrounding Phoenix? (0:33:42)
If they flew it over the desert, they wouldn't have to bother with diversionary flares or worry about the risk of crashing into a populated area. I don't think it was the military doing this. It doesn't pass the common sense test. Why would you create a huge, slow-flying craft that's radar stealthy and then go out and fly it over a population center with all the lights on to validate that it can be seen by the naked eye? It doesn't make any sense. (0:34:15)
Another point here is that a mile-wide blimp would literally collapse under its own weight. Even if the military could build such an enormous blimp, why would they? Sure, it would make an easy target in enemy territory. Imagine how much gas it would take to fill one up. And why would they continue to deny its existence? There's nothing top-secret about blimps or their use, certainly not compared to stealth technology and other defense projects that are already in the public domain. (0:34:42)
The bottom line to all this is, if it was an aircraft that flew over Phoenix in 1997, top-secret or not, the public would have known about it a long time ago. Every major airport in the country that has scheduled airline service is surrounded by Class B airspace, a protective zone that extends 30 miles out from the center of the airport. No aircraft, including military aircraft, can enter Class B airspace without communication and clearance from the air traffic controller. (0:35:10)
Upon entering, pilots are issued transponder codes and are safely vectored to and from the many airports that are within their busy airspace. Pilots are closely monitored by ATC at all times to avoid mid-air collisions. Whatever flew over Phoenix on March 13 severely violated Class B airspace when it entered without communication and ATC clearance, violated minimum safe altitude requirements, and flew right across the final approach course of Sky Harbor Airport, one of the busiest airports in the country. (0:35:42)
It also went undetected by radar, which completely kills the blimp idea, and all other conventional aircraft, for that matter. Skeptics still continue to throw out ridiculous theories, everything from swamp gas to weather balloons, but none of these theories stand up to scientific scrutiny. Scientific American, July 1997, a few months after the Phoenix Lights, had a 10-page story about gamma radiation bursts that were seen by the Wasilla Telescope in Chile and the Hubble Telescope on March 13, 1997. Never mentioned the Phoenix Lights, of course, but that these gamma radiation bursts were so rare and so unique, and here they were on March 13, and the first imaging seemed like they were 450,000 light years away. (0:36:40)
20 minutes later, the images seemed like they were in our solar system. And inside that gamma ray burst was a bright point of light, and inside that bright point of light was a somewhat elongated background object. Man, when I read that, I mean the hair on the back of my neck stood up. (0:36:59)
Same night, some other unusual things happened. Communication satellite, knocked out. Gallium arsenide chips instead of silica, so it should not have been knocked out by radiation or anything. Knocked out. Destroyed. The Misty 3 takes pictures of incoming objects. (0:37:33)
So, if we got a gamma ray burst with a somewhat elongated background object, and it's heading towards us, we have satellites out there that are taking its pictures and sending it to NORAD, or the U.S. Space Command. Then we had what happened in Arizona. And we're not talking Phoenix only, we're talking the entire state of Arizona. From as early as 5.30 p.m. all the way to as late as 2 o'clock in the morning. It was not one event or two events, but it was many events. (0:37:52)
It's all a tapestry in a mystery to keep thinking about, try to figure it out. Once you rule out all possible natural and man-made explanations for the Phoenix Lights, there is only one explanation that, despite what the debunkers say, cannot be conclusively ruled out. Perhaps we are being visited by our cosmic neighbors, stopping by to check us out. If you consider that the universe is full of life, we are just another race of beings, nothing special. (0:38:31)
Other more advanced species of life could certainly observe us just as we observe most of the life forms on this planet. Considering the trillions of planets in our own galaxy, the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, and how rugged, diverse, and adaptive life is, there is virtually no scientific or logical probability that we are alone. In fact, there could be civilizations out there millions or even billions of years ahead of us. We don't know who is really out there or what their capabilities are, so anything is possible. (0:39:02)
For many people, seeing is believing, but until we have open contact, there is nothing wrong with keeping an open mind. I fully believe that we are not alone, and have for many, many years, even though at the time I went to the moon, it was the conventional wisdom, both in science and theology, that we were alone in the universe. Over the past few years, I have spoken to many witnesses and UFO experts, and personally witnessed two independent sightings. There is no doubt in my mind that we are being discreetly visited. (0:39:31)
The big question ultimately boils down to, who is covering it up, and why? The more you look at the evidence, the more obvious it becomes that the truth about extraterrestrial presence has been intentionally covered up for a long time. We have to remember that right after World War II, the Army Air Force was separated and became the Air Force, a separate branch of service, and that the OSS, which was the Office of Special Services, was disbanded and eventually became the CIA. So that here was a major military organization, and a major intelligence organization, totally in disarray, new-founded, didn't know what they were doing, after World War II, and not really reorganized yet. (0:40:21)
And as a result of that, the President Truman, at that time, convened a very high-level committee to examine this alien or UFO phenomenon. They did come to the conclusion that it was alien, and the military rightly came to the conclusion, if they're hostile, there's nothing we can do about it. Therefore, their choice was to deny it, and to hush it up, and create the National Security Act of 1947, which validated that deception, and covered it up, and allowed the group to go underground, as it were. (0:41:08)
And we've been living with that now for 50 years. It is really the beginning of the whole cover-up, the entire denial of this phenomenon. (0:41:19)
I believe that we're getting very close to the truth being exposed, and that's why it's so important for everyone to at least keep an open mind. At some point, we have to consider the possibility of joining our vast cosmic community. The potential benefits are far more reaching than any one of us can imagine. Huge advances in technology and medicine, free energy, universal knowledge, and evolution to a more spiritually enlightened society, where war and violence is virtually eliminated. (0:41:47)
It's important that we look at our civilization, our place in history, use our tools of science for greater understanding, to promote the greater good, and that's what it's all about. The big question we should be asking is, how do we transition to a highly spiritual and peaceful race, with total openness and integration into a vast cosmic society? The transformation will be a challenging one, and I believe it's a process that every civilization must face at some point in its evolution. (0:42:20)
On March 13, 1997, a silent, mile-long deformation of lights traveled throughout the entire state of Arizona over a two-hour period. Thousands of Arizona residents watched in awe as it slowly passed over their homes. I personally witnessed and photographed these huge amber orbs, which suddenly appeared over the city of Phoenix at 10 p.m. that evening. To this day, the phenomena still remains unexplained. Did Arizona have visitors from another galaxy, or was it a military exercise? Last night, people all over Arizona say they saw a UFO. People say they saw strange lights all over the state. A Paradise Valley resident caught these unexplained lights on videotape. Take a look at that. Well, they appear to be near South Mountain. You can see three lights there, and just one by one, they're going to disappear. See that? (0:44:01)
An unexplainable series of strange bright lights seen over the skies of Arizona gets a lot of people wondering what the heck they saw. UFO watchers are calling it a dramatic event. And folks who witnessed this strange sighting are calling it simply unexplainable. It is very rare for thousands of people to call and report seeing the same lights in the same spot at the same time. It happened last night, and eyewitnesses who saw it say it's like nothing they've ever seen before. (0:44:33)
An observer reported that when one turned, they all turned together, as if by the same command. Even a commercial airline pilot here at Sky Harbor Airport reported seeing the lights last night. He radioed the tower just after takeoff, telling them that the object was directly above him. That means that air traffic controllers in the tower should have picked the object up on their radar screens. And yet they say they saw nothing. (0:45:01)
We checked with the FAA today, we checked with Sky Harbor, we checked with Luke Air Force Base, and there's been no official explanation of those strange bright lights last night. Phoenix, Arizona, 1997. It began March 13th. Residents had observed strange lights in the sky for the preceding three nights, which were captured on this short tape. (0:45:22)
Then at 9.45 p.m. on the 13th, thousands of people witnessed this amazing display. Tom King, a local resident, captured it on tape. Major sighting here. This isn't like stuff I'm normally seeing. This is extraordinary. You look at it and go, that's not an aircraft. We were perplexed the whole time trying to figure out, what is this thing? As the tape rolled, five lights blinked on in sequence, offering an outline of a flying object as it hovered near the mountains. Bill Hamilton, a resident, was with King as he taped the lights. (0:46:02)
This was a very significant mass sighting because at least one of these objects was seen traveling down diagonally the entire state of Arizona. Thousands of witnesses, several videotapes, hundreds of phone calls were made to local television stations, to local police stations. That same evening, insurance salesman Mike Christin was at home with his wife when he recorded this astonishing video of the same event from 40 miles away. (0:46:33)
I saw a single point of light farther to the east on the mountains than I've ever seen before. All of a sudden, another sequence of light started to form to the right of it. I happened to be catching everything. This whole entire sequence came out. They're very large, larger than any light in the city. Take a look at the footage. I'm not telling you what they are. If it was an alien spacecraft, there's something out there that they can't defend us against. (0:47:01)
Amazingly, a third video was shot simultaneously, showing the same lights going out in order. It's an amazing thing. This is a huge sighting that happened. By inputting the video into a computer, image processor Jim Dillitoto was able to determine what the Phoenix UFOs looked like. Now we have 3D mountains in topology that we can swing around and look at it from different angles. We feel very certain that the object, tip to tip, is more than a mile long. (0:47:35)
National newspapers soon carried front page stories of the enormous V-shaped object seen over Phoenix. But the local military base did nothing to calm the fears of the 10,000 residents who were startled by what they saw. A Phoenix councilwoman, Frances Barwood, has called for an investigation into the strange lights. There's people that were active military that were afraid to say publicly what they saw because they had been told that it would be the end of their career. (0:48:06)
Barwood seems to believe some evidence at least points to a close encounter of the very unusual kind. Evidence like a taped conversation between a so-called Air Force airman and the director of the National UFO Reporting Center. Westmoreland played excerpts from the tape few people have heard. One of the pilots stated that they have a visual on it. They've got gun camera film on it. They have no radar team on it. It scared the hell out of me. (0:48:29)
Skywatch International says what WITNESS has described did not fit conventional aircraft. At least one caller agreed. (0:48:37)
I know what we saw. It was definitely not from this planet. Demands for an explanation got so great, even national news programs picked up on the story. Weird happenings in the skies over Phoenix recently. Hundreds of people in the Phoenix area, indeed all over the state, reported seeing something rather unusual hovering in the night sky. And no one seems to be able to explain what it was. (0:49:01)
And now, as Brian Rooney reports, there is that incident this year on the 13th of March. One thing not in question, a lot of people saw and some took pictures of something that looked like this cluster of bright lights over Phoenix. Witnesses who claimed to have had a better look described a delta-shaped craft. This family says it flew slowly and silently over their house. (0:49:24)
The tip literally came right across our street and the right arm went right over us. Just like a subway train, watching it go by. First light, second light, third light. The first report of a strange flying object came at about 8.20 that night from a former police officer in Paulden, Arizona. Over the next 40 minutes, people gave similar reports of an object along a 200-mile route south to Phoenix and Tucson. That's where thousands of people saw more than stars in the night sky. (0:49:54)
Doug Bruckner has more on the most amazing UFO sighting ever in tonight's Top Copy. If ever there was something in the sky that could shut skeptics up once and for all, it's these strange lights that appeared so ominously over Arizona. These lights were a brilliant golden amber in color and they had a triangular formation. Thousands of dazed desert dwellers saw this UFO and they are bombarding authorities with panic calls. (0:50:26)
And why isn't our government giving us the answer? The Phoenix Police Department was swamped with calls that night, but even they were left in the dark about the lights. To my knowledge, there was nothing that we ever came up with an explanation. And the question is still out there. What was it? And has anybody solved that mystery? There are a few things that I think we can rule out. I think we can rule out any kind of conventional aircraft, any kind of rocket or missile. (0:50:52)
I think we can also rule out a meteor or any kind of natural object coming into the Earth's atmosphere. The same kinds of objects were also reportedly seen in Colorado and the Caribbean just last month. They're reporting objects of similar shapes. They respond or fly in similar manners. That's very interesting to get the same story from roughly 20 countries around the world. If Earth is being visited by people from other places, from other worlds, from other dimensions, they're speeding up the process right now. (0:51:27)
Something major is happening. Is it a coincidence that our American presidency is interested in UFOs? Before he was president, Jimmy Carter saw a UFO and even reported it to authorities. (0:51:39)
Subsequent presidents also expressed their concern about visitors from outer space. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. Astronaut Story Musgrave feels that whether or not the government has covered up the existence of UFOs, our nation is ready to handle the truth, whatever that might be. I think the public is ready to accept any information. I think the public is ready to know if anyone has visited us. They can accept that and they want it. (0:52:14)
Tomorrow is March 13th. Not a holiday, just another Monday. But three years ago, it was a night to remember. Something happened over Arizona that some experts say is the most important UFO sighting of all time. Only on FOX, the FOX 10 investigators reveal a new witness and new facts about that night. Here's Steve Filmer. There's a lot more to the story than just March 13th. This is not video from the night of March 13th, 1997. I don't know what they are, but I know that they are. (0:52:49)
A Paradise Valley doctor says she took this footage March 5th. And nearly two months before this, she snaps these photos. As I'm ready to shoot the three in a row, suddenly six lights across appear in an equidistant line. It was startling. (0:53:14)
Not only was it a massive span, more than a mile wide, in retrospect it was the same formation in the same location as March 13th. But this was January 23rd, 1997. This is what many saw and videotaped on March 13th, and what started all the fuss. Here, a simple rendering of what that thing may have looked like. Huge, moving, hovering, changing. All I know is that as I saw the stars being wiped out, one by one by one, as this big triangle of black mass moved through the sky, it was just tremendous. (0:53:39)
Some reported orange lights. Some reported white lights. Some said five lights. Others said seven. I'm really taking a chance here. I am. And I know that I am coming forward. Dr. Lynn, a Paradise Valley physician licensed with the state, says she's seen such things around the Phoenix Valley as far back as 1995. Being criticized, being ridiculed, being discredited. It was a scary proposition to come forward, to say the least. (0:54:08)
It was dramatic. It involved one or more extremely unusual, let's call them bizarre objects. Peter Davenport runs the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle. These are some of the actual drawings and renderings witnesses of the Phoenix lights have filed. What's often overlooked about that night is that many people say they saw things separate of this craft. Some witnesses say they saw orange or amber balls of light. (0:54:36)
January of 97, I happened to notice three huge amber balls, orbs, of light in a row, equidistant from each other, far west behind the city. Here is a rendering of those balls of light as she and others have described them. (0:54:53)
You could see this huge orange ball of light. It was completely, completely coherent. There was no kind of flaring of the light around it. It was very precise. We both watched the top orb seem to disappear in place. It didn't budge at all, but it was like a dimmer switch. The only thing I can liken it to is going to another dimension. We have pilots. We have attorneys. We have physicians. We have architects. We have members of law enforcement. We have air traffic controllers, all of whom saw the same thing at the same time. (0:55:31)
This was probably the most dramatic UFO event that I've ever heard about. It's opened my consciousness up to realize that, you know, we have to share the universe. I don't believe that we are alone. If it wasn't benevolent, we'd know about it a long time ago. I can't change what was it. I'm unable to answer that with any accuracy or with any certainty of being correct. (0:55:53)
I don't know. I don't know. I hope they come back. When they do, it's very exciting. First off, my husband, who was also a physician, and myself had no interest or knowledge of the topic before our first sighting, which was very close to our home, literally and figuratively, right outside our bedroom window. This is the footage that I took at 10 o'clock on March 13th. They slowly disappeared. And again, the video doesn't do it justice. In real life, they're huge. It was extraordinary. Very different than anything we'd ever seen. (0:56:29)
Rumors circulated about a cosmic cover-up. The government might be hiding something. Finally, on March 13th, 2000, three years after the Phoenix Lights sightings, the National Guard put on an air show to demonstrate that the 1997 Phoenix Lights were in fact Air Force flares and not UFOs. They parachuted down several flares in various V-shaped formations, but many thought the shapes of the flares didn't match up with the lights seen back in 1997. They noticed that many of the flares flickered and moved erratically, as opposed to the 1997 lights, which were much bigger and didn't flicker. (0:57:14)
This is a close-up of the flares. The flare dropped that night. You can see they are definitely not amber orbs. And they do not stay in formation. And this is my video, again, quite significant. They stay in a line. They're equidistant from each other. Look, a UFO is an unidentified flying object. And nobody doubts that there are reports of things that people can't identify. The question isn't, what are UFOs? The question is, are any UFOs intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft? (0:57:52)
This overview shows the ground paths of various unknown objects that traversed the skies over central Arizona and various locations throughout Phoenix between 8 and 9 o'clock p.m. on March 13, 1997. The object seen by the greatest number of witnesses over the longest period of time was described as a large V-shaped craft similar in shape to a carpenter's square with wings swept back at a 60 degree angle and squared off ends. (0:59:26)
There were five large lights equally spaced underneath the object and a dome-shaped canopy on top. Tim Lee, a witness living near the Squaw Peak area, created this color illustration that was later featured on the cover of USA Today. Many witnesses described a similar object over 7th Avenue and Indian School Road, then watched it vanish as several fighter jets from Luke Air Force Base approached. After the jets passed, the object reappeared again, then proceeded toward South Mountain. This second craft did not have a dome on top and was observed at a higher altitude. (1:00:02)
Other witnesses reported seeing a boomerang or V-shaped object with a 120 degree sweep and pointed tips flying over Lake Pleasant and the west side of Phoenix at a high altitude. Airline pilots reported that the object was well above their 18,000 foot altitude. Underneath the object were six sets of lights and three lights in each set. (1:00:24)
Another mile-wide V-shaped object with a 90 degree sweep was seen descending towards the approach end of Sky Harbor Airport at an altitude of approximately 1,500 feet. A witness who observed the object less than 300 feet away reported that as it floated by in front of the moon, it appeared to be semi-transparent. There were four reddish-amber lights along the leading edges and a red orb trailing behind the object. (1:00:50)
A fifth object was described by witnesses as a mile-wide black triangle. Some witnesses reported seeing lights and windows, and others did not. This massive black triangle was first observed near Scottsdale and Pima Road, traveling west, then the object turned south along Interstate 51 and flew over Squaw Peak. It is believed that this particular object was the one former Arizona Governor Fife Symington reported seeing as it traveled south towards Sky Harbor Airport. Another equilateral triangle, estimated to be around 2,500 feet long, had three white lights, one on each of the tips, and one red light in the center. (1:01:32)
Witnesses first observed this triangular craft just north of the Beeline Highway, traveling southeast across Mesa, and was last seen near the intersection of Riggs Road and Power Road in Chandler. The craft then appeared to split into two identical copies that traveled away from each other in two different directions. Witnesses along Interstate 10 also reported seeing a mile-long black triangle traveling north from Casa Grande to Phoenix. The craft had three lights on the nose and one on each tip. (1:02:10)
It is not clear whether or not this particular craft is the same object that flew over Squaw Peak. There were also reports of an enormous white luminescent oval craft, estimated to be a mile long by three-quarters of a mile wide, with amber lights around its perimeter. The object was last seen hovering just above the ridge of the McDowell Mountain Range, northeast of Phoenix. The Phoenix Lights event has become the subject of great debate in the UFO community, primarily due to many confusing facts and myths. (1:02:37)
First, to avoid any confusion, we need to classify the Phoenix Lights into two categories. First and foremost are the lights associated with the March 13th event, seen shortly after 8 p.m. The lights appeared to be fixed to a large V-shaped or triangular-shaped craft. There are varying witness descriptions of different light arrays, patterns, and number of lights, which could suggest the possibility of multiple craft, or a singular craft, that changed as it flew across the Arizona skies. (1:03:05)
Witnesses all unanimously agree that the craft, or multiple craft, were completely silent and flew very close to the ground. One craft was over a mile wide, according to hundreds of documented witness accounts. The second category of Phoenix Lights are the luminescent amber orbs that randomly appear individually in pairs or groups. They can appear together in rigid formation or separated by miles. They do not flicker or emit any smoke trails, and remain perfectly fixed in their position relative to each other and the ground. (1:03:38)
Dr. Lynn personally observed these anomalous lights very close to her mountainside home. (1:03:43)
It was startling, and it was amazing. At the same time, there was nothing there but blackness and these three amber orbs. And something told me to take everything in. The size, the shape, the color, the distance. They were about three to six feet each, depending on how close or far away they were. They were definitely oval-shaped. And the amber color within each orb, and I call them an orb because the light did not extend outside the edge at all. (1:04:12)
It was totally self-contained. It was very uniform amber color. My wife, Fran, and I observed these anomalous orbs in November 2005 from a 737 departing Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. It was around 8.15 in the evening, the same time the Phoenix Lights event occurred in 1997. Two amber orbs suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a side-by-side formation. They were visible for about a minute or so, then faded out as three F-16s from Luke Air Force Base flew by. (1:04:42)
Then the orbs blinked on again in the same location. I studied them intently as our plane made a turn to the northwest. The orbs stayed fixed in their location and drifted back almost out of view as our plane approached the north end of Phoenix. Then they faded out again. I thought this was the end of the show, then suddenly the orbs appeared again, this time in a totally different location far northwest of Phoenix. The same two amber orbs I previously saw over the Australia Mountains appeared again in the same side-by-side formation. (1:05:11)
Very bright and distinct from all other light sources. I had a perfect view of them outside my window and I studied them very carefully until they faded out, exactly the way they did in Dr. Lim's videos. I'm thrilled I finally got to see them for myself, not only for validation, but also to have the opportunity to view them in person and analyze them. (1:05:31)
They did not appear to be aircraft, flares, or any natural phenomenon. What is most significant is that they appeared identically in two different locations and I had an incredible bird's eye view on a perfectly clear night. The orbs are a separate phenomenon from what happened on March 13, 1997, which by all accounts was a massive UFO flyover. The orbs are fiercely argued to be flares dropped by the military due to their similar appearance. (1:05:57)
This overview shows the ground paths of various unknown objects that traverse the skies over central Arizona and various locations throughout Phoenix between 8 and 9 o'clock p.m. on March 13, 1997. The object seen by the greatest number of witnesses over the longest period of time was described as a large V-shaped craft similar in shape to a carpenter's square with wings swept back at a 60-degree angle and squared off ends. (1:07:18)
There were five large lights equally spaced underneath the object and a dome-shaped canopy on top. Tim Lee, a witness living near the Squaw Peak area, created this color illustration that was later featured on the cover of USA Today. Many witnesses described a similar object over 7th Avenue and Indian School Road, then watched it vanish as several fighter jets from Luke Air Force Base approached. (1:07:42)
After the jets passed, the object reappeared again, then proceeded toward South Mountain. This second craft did not have a dome on top and was observed at a higher altitude. (1:07:53)
Other witnesses reported seeing a boomerang or V-shaped object with a 120-degree sweep and pointed tips flying over Lake Pleasant and the west side of Phoenix at a high altitude. Airline pilots reported that the object was well above their 18,000-foot altitude. Underneath the object were six sets of lights and three lights in each set. Another mile-wide V-shaped object with a 90-degree sweep was seen descending towards the approach end of Sky Harbor Airport at an altitude of approximately 1,500 feet. (1:08:27)
A witness who observed the object less than 300 feet away reported that as it floated by in front of the moon, it appeared to be semi-transparent. There were four reddish-amber lights along the leaning edges and a red orb trailing behind the object. The fifth object was described by witnesses as a mile-wide black triangle. Some witnesses reported seeing lights and windows, and others did not. (1:08:51)
This massive black triangle was first observed near Scottsdale and Pima Road, traveling west, then the object turned south along Interstate 51 and flew over Squaw Peak. It is believed that this particular object was the one former Arizona Governor Fife Symington reported seeing as it traveled south towards Sky Harbor Airport. Another equilateral triangle estimated to be around 2,500 feet long had three white lights, one on each of the tips, and one red light in the center. (1:09:23)
Witnesses first observed this triangular craft just north of the Beeline Highway, traveling southeast across Mesa, and was last seen near the intersection of Riggs Road and Power Road in Chandler. The craft then appeared to split into two identical copies that traveled away from each other in two different directions. Witnesses along Interstate 10 also reported seeing a mile-long black triangle traveling north from Casa Grande to Phoenix. The craft had three lights on the nose and one on each tip. (1:10:01)
It is not clear whether or not this particular craft is the same object that flew over Squaw Peak. There were also reports of an enormous white luminescent oval craft, estimated to be a mile long by three-quarters of a mile wide, with amber lights around its perimeter. The object was last seen hovering just above the ridge of the McDowell Mountain Range, northeast of Phoenix. The Phoenix Lights event has become the subject of great debate in the UFO community, primarily due to many confusing facts and myths. (1:10:34)
First, to avoid any confusion, we need to classify the Phoenix Lights into two categories. First and foremost are the lights associated with the March 13th event, seen shortly after 8 p.m. The lights appeared to be fixed to a large V-shaped or triangular-shaped craft. There are varying witness descriptions of different light arrays, patterns, and number of lights, which could suggest the possibility of multiple craft or a singular craft that changed as it flew across the Arizona skies. (1:11:02)
Witnesses all unanimously agree that the craft, or multiple craft, were completely silent and flew very close to the ground. One craft was over a mile wide, according to hundreds of documented witness accounts. (1:11:15)
The second category of Phoenix Lights are the luminescent amber orbs that randomly appear individually in pairs or groups. They can appear together in rigid formation or separated by miles. They do not flicker or emit any smoke trails. They remain perfectly fixed in their position relative to each other and the ground. Dr. Lynn personally observed these anomalous lights very close to her mountainside home. (1:11:40)
It was startling and it was amazing. At the same time, there was nothing there but blackness and these three amber orbs. And something told me to take everything in. The size, the shape, the color, the distance. They were about three to six feet each, depending on how close or far away they were. They were definitely oval-shaped. And the amber color within each orb, and I call them an orb because the light did not extend outside the edge at all. (1:12:09)
It was totally self-contained. It was very uniform amber color. My wife, Fran, and I observed these anomalous orbs in November 2005 from a 737 departing Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. It was around 8.15 in the evening, the same time the Phoenix Lights event occurred in 1997. Two amber orbs suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a side-by-side formation. They were visible for about a minute or so, then faded out as three F-16s from Luke Air Force Base flew by. (1:12:39)
Then the orbs blinked on again in the same location. I studied them intently as our plane made a turn to the northwest. The orbs stayed fixed in their location and drifted back almost out of view as our plane approached the north end of Phoenix. Then they faded out again. I thought this was the end of the show, then suddenly the orbs appeared again, this time in a totally different location far northwest of Phoenix. The same two amber orbs I previously saw over the Australia Mountains appeared again in the same side-by-side formation. (1:13:08)
They were very bright and distinct from all other light sources. I had a perfect view of them outside my window, and I studied them very carefully until they faded out, exactly the way they did in Dr. Lim's videos. I'm thrilled I finally got to see them for myself, not only for validation, but also to have the opportunity to view them in person and analyze them. (1:13:28)
They did not appear to be aircraft, flares, or any natural phenomenon. What is most significant is that they appeared identically in two different locations, and I had an incredible bird's eye view on a perfectly clear night. The orbs are a separate phenomenon from what happened on March 13, 1997, which by all accounts was a massive UFO flyover. The orbs are fiercely argued to be flares dropped by the military due to their similar appearance. (1:13:54)
Well, I've been flying for almost 40 years, and I have a background in dropping aerial flares from a helicopter in combat, and then later on being a fighter pilot for 17 years. (1:14:17)
I've really seen some pretty fantastic sights while I'm flying. I've been at 50,000 feet in a fighter going supersonic and seen meteors burn out below my altitude, flaming debris coming off them, they're so close. I've orbited searching for Soviet bombers over Iceland at 2 in the morning and seen just superhighways of satellites going overhead and seen really just miraculous things like that. But there was always an explanation. (1:14:53)
And so I have to honestly say that this was the first thing I ever saw in the sky as a phenomenon that I couldn't figure out what it was, and I was really puzzled by it. And I still am. I don't think it was the military doing this. It doesn't pass the common sense test. Why would you create a huge, slow-flying craft that's radar stealthy and then go out and fly it over a population center with all the lights on to validate that it can be seen by the naked eye? (1:15:30)
It doesn't make any sense. Why this night were flares dropped on the very northern edge of the range on a night when there's this other sighting? Well, one of the main reasons I've come forward and related my observations that night is because I really wanted to dispel the idea that it was flares. It is a ready explanation for what everybody saw. And that makes it easy for the public to just seize on that and, oh, what they saw was flares. (1:16:07)
Explains everything. End of Phoenix Lights. I'm very familiar with those flares. I started my flying career as a helicopter pilot in the Army when I was 19 years old, and I was in Vietnam in 1969 and 70. And when our troops got in contact with the enemy at night, there was no night vision goggles in those days. So we would orbit over the fight and drop those aerial flares. (1:16:34)
So I've dropped literally hundreds of these flares from my helicopter in Vietnam over battles. So I'm very familiar with them from that standpoint. Later on as a fighter pilot, I saw these flares dropped by other fighters during night operations. So I've seen them from a fighter. I've seen them from the air, dropping them. And I've seen it from the ground when I was in Vietnam because I was in the Army. At times we got attacked while I was on the ground, and another helicopter would be overhead dropping the flares for us. (1:17:08)
Nobody would ever drop those flares over a populated area. They're cylinders that are about three feet tall, ten inches wide, and they are intense magnesium. And they sometimes hit the ground. They're still burning, so they'd start fires. Nobody would ever drop them over a population center. Another reason they weren't what we saw is flares are suspended by parachutes, and they remain immobile pretty much over your head. (1:17:42)
They'd be affected by the wind currents. They would not stay in a V-shaped formation as I watched them cruise out of sight into the distance. (1:17:53)
They would never do that either, so they weren't flares for that reason. And then I mentioned the other reason is they'd flicker and be flares, and these weren't flares. In fact, when you're underneath them and looking at these flares from below, you'll see a smoke trail. And you'll even see the parachute lighted up by the flare, and you see the smoke trail in the sky. (1:18:17)
So it's very apparent that it's a flare. So what we saw were absolutely not flares. Scientific American, July 1997, a few months after the Phoenix Lights, had a 10-page story about gamma radiation bursts that were seen by the Wasilla Telescope in Chile and the Hubble Telescope on March 13, 1997. Never mentioned the Phoenix Lights, of course, but that these gamma radiation bursts were so rare and so unique. (1:19:01)
And here they were on March 13, and the first imaging seemed like they were 450,000 light years away. 20 minutes later, the images seemed like they were in our solar system. And inside that gamma ray burst was a bright point of light, and inside that bright point of light was a somewhat elongated background object. Man, when I read that, I mean the hair on the back of my neck stood up. (1:19:29)
Same night, some other unusual things happened. Communication satellite, knocked out. Gallium arsenide chips instead of silica, so it should not have been knocked out by radiation or anything. Knocked out. Destroyed. The MISTI-3 takes pictures of incoming objects. So if we got a gamma ray burst with a somewhat elongated background object, and it's heading towards us, we have satellites out there taking its pictures and sending it to NORAD, or the U.S. Space Command. Then we had what happened in Arizona. And we're not talking Phoenix only, we're talking the entire state of Arizona. From as early as 5.30 p.m. all the way to as late as 2 o'clock in the morning. (1:20:17)
It was not one event or two events, but it was many events. It's all a tapestry in a mystery to keep thinking about, trying to figure it out. I fully believe that we're not alone. And have for many, many years, even though at the time I went to the moon, it was the conventional wisdom, both in science and theology, that we were alone in the universe. (1:20:49)
We're just barely out of the trees, even though we think we're rather sophisticated. But I do like to tell the story that my great-grandparents came across from southern United States to the west after our civil war. And I went to the moon just less than a hundred years later. They came across in covered wagons. So from covered wagons to going to the moon in less than a hundred years in our lifetime is a rather significant event. (1:21:20)
It tells us how primitive we have been until the modern era, and we're still rather primitive. Because of my openness to these things, I did have many of the old-timers in the military and in the intelligence community, over the years, wanting to get it off their chest before they passed away, allowed me to interview them and talk to them about it. (1:21:48)
And so my ideas became fairly well solidified. In fact, we've been visited. We have to remember that right after World War II, the Army Air Force was separated and became the Air Force, a separate branch of service. And that the OSS, which was the Office of Special Services, was disbanded and eventually became the CIA. So that here was a major military organization and a major intelligence organization, totally in disarray, new-founded, didn't know what they were doing after World War II, and not really reorganized yet. (1:22:31)
And as a result of that, the President Truman, at that time, convened a very high-level committee to examine this alien or UFO phenomenon. They did come to the conclusion that it was alien, and the military rightly came to the conclusion, if they're hostile, there's nothing we can do about it. Therefore, their choice was to deny it and to hush it up and create the National Security Act of 1947, which validated that deception and covered it up and allowed the group to go underground, as it were. (1:23:18)
And we've been living with that now for 50 years. It is really the beginning of the whole cover-up, the entire denial of this phenomenon. And the addition of dismissal, disinformation, misinformation to cloak and to discourage investigation, to misinform. It's just been continuous for many, many years now. Eventually, it came away from the fear, I believe, of not being able to protect and do their duty, to the notion of power and control, controlling the knowledge and the technology. (1:24:00)
And the group involved with that is still doing it. We have created our reality here, and we have created it right now rather badly, for it's not a sustainable reality. We have created, with our science and technology, instead of using it for the greater good, it's been captured by interest, greed, self-service, which is rife. And instead of using all of our technology and our brilliance and genius for greater good, we use it for self-service. And that's not going to work. (1:24:37)
It's important that we look at our civilization, our place in history, use our tools of science for greater understanding, to promote the greater good, and that's what it's all about.