
1964-02-26, US : Adamski 型 UFO を動画撮影した状況を証言+分析

· 約30分


Madeleine Rodeffer の証言。有名な Adamski 型 UFO の動画を撮影した状況を語っている。



から、彼女自身が撮影したものとばかり思い込んでいたが、撮影したのは Adamski 本人だったと、この動画で初めて知った。


20241003_admsk_01.jpg 20241003_admsk_02.jpg 20241003_admsk_03.jpg

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)

1964年3月に彼に会った。私は10マイルほど離れたグランビルのシビックセンターで講演会を企画した。そして私たちは友人になった。私が彼と知り合ったのは、彼の晩年の1年と1カ月だけだった。 その最後の年に、彼はカリフォルニアから5回ほどこの地を訪れた。 断続的にね。ずっとこの家にいたわけじゃない。 (0:00:27)

しかし2月26日の朝8時頃、アダムスキー氏の連絡先の宇宙友達がこの家に来た。 私はまだ寝ていたのだが、起きるとアダムスキー氏が、その日のうちに撮影用のカメラを準備するように言われたと言った。 (0:01:02)

、ポラロイドを借りるか、もっと多くのカメラを用意するつもりだったが、アダムスキー氏は実際に、8ミリの小さなベル&ハウエル社のムービーカメラにフィルムを入れるのを手伝ってくれた。 彼はコダックのカメラにもフィルムを入れていた。 そして私たちは待った。彼らは何時に来るとは言わなかったが、これは午前中の早い時間だった。 でも、これは午後の半ば、3時半頃、遠くにいる彼らに気づいたんだ。 (0:01:32)

ダイニングルームの窓から外を見ていたら、彼らが近づいてきた。 ところで、事件の直前に、さらに3人の宇宙人が来てドアをノックした。 アダムスキー氏は中に入り、彼らは彼に言った、カメラを用意しろ、彼らが来るぞ、と。 それくらい、彼は他の惑星から来た人々と密接な関係にあったのだ。 信じがたいことだが、彼らはアメリカ人にそっくりだった。 (0:02:09)

そして彼らは、確かオールズモビルだったと思うが、年式はわからない。 彼らが来て、それから宇宙船が来た。僕らは外に出たんだけど、僕は足を骨折していた。 その前の月にリビングルームで転んで、ギブスをはめていたんだ。 だから、少し足を引きずりながらも、歩くことはできたんだ。 (0:02:34)

でも、このポーチに出てきて、撮影を始めたとき、彼は僕に撮影するように言ったんだ。 僕は言ったんだ、ジョージ、僕はできないよ、ふらふらしてるから。そして、私はまだカメラを持って2ヶ月しか経っていなかった。 夫がクリスマスにプレゼントしてくれたんだ。 それで私は彼にカメラを渡した。それで私は彼に私のカメラを渡し、彼は自分のカメラを置いた。 (0:02:58)

それで撮影したんだ。でも自分に自信がなかったし、失敗したくなかった。 だから彼にカメラを渡して、彼が撮影を終えたんだ。でも僕は、バックでハンプしてたんだ。 (0:03:12)

そして、もちろん、このギブスをつけたままでも、それほど苦労することなく歩くことができた。 しかし、彼らは約10分しか滞在しなかった。 着陸もせず、宇宙船から降りることもなかったが、丸い窓からチラチラと人の姿が見えた。 彼らは操縦し、ここに入ってきた。低いハミングと低い旋回音だった。 (0:03:43)

そして丸くて、この、まあこれくらいの大きさだと思うんだけど、このランディングギアが3つ、下にあった。 そしてこんな風に、引っ込んだり出たりしていた。 後でジョージに聞いたんだが、安定させるためだったらしい。 全部出したら着陸できなかっただろう。 そして1機はずっと格納されたままで、他の2機は出たり入ったりしていた。 (0:04:08)

しかしとにかく、低いうねり音、低いハミング音がした。 大きな音ではなかったが、モーター音が伴っていたのは確かだ。 そしてそれは青、鮮やかなロイヤル、ロイヤルとパープルの中間のような青だった。 美しい青で、これよりも深い青だった。 丸くて、動くと曲がって見えた。 そしてフィルムでは、このわずかなゆがみが映し出され、横長に見えたりした。 (0:04:44)

しかし彼らは、他の惑星からの訪問者について世界の指導者たちに真実を語らせようとするアダムスキー氏の努力をバックアップするために、動いてこのパフォーマンスをしていたのだ。 彼らは実演し、それをフィルムに収めさせたかったのだ。 世界各国政府はもっと良いフィルムを持っているのに、私たちと共有していないのだ。 (0:05:16)

そして彼らはアダムスキー氏にこのフィルムを持ってもらい、聴衆に、彼が話しているときに、彼らがどのようにこれらの特定の操作をするのかを見せたかったのだ。 彼らはこれを意図的に行ったのだ。


ロボット工学のエンジニアで、メリーランド州グリーンベルトにあるNASAゴダード宇宙飛行センターの元ミッションスペシャリスト、ボブ・オクスラー氏もラザフォードのフィルムの信憑性を確信している。 彼は、この飛行パターンが、円盤が地球の重力とは無関係に操縦できるエネルギー場を示していると考えている。 (0:05:46)

個々の画像は、フィルムを見ても、あるいは個々のプリントをよく観察しても、肉眼では見えない何かをはっきりと示していた。 霞がかかっていたのだ。言うなれば、非常にタイトな霞で、ほとんどぼんやりとした輪郭のようなものが、画像上の機体の周囲にあった。 これはもちろん、フィルムに写っている木々が鮮明でピントが非常に合っているのに比べれば、言い換えれば、非常にシャープなコントラストを持っていることになる。 (0:06:32)

しかしこのケースでは、舷窓の部分と運転席の上部に沿って、非常にシャープなコントラストのエッジがあることが非常に興味深い。 (0:06:44)

しかし、特に機体の下部では、機体から光が放たれているのが見え始めた。 しかし、これは輝きのような光ではなく、誰かが物体に光を投影している場合に得られる反射のようなものであった。 これはむしろ、足回りの部分にこのような赤い光を実際に引き起こしている、乗り物自体に関連する何らかのエネルギーがあることを示唆する傾向があり、興味深かった。 (0:07:11)

しかし、私たちが得ていた輝きと一緒に、この靄のようなもの、非常に、非常にはっきりとした細かい靄が、画像を通して機体の周りや機体のすぐ近くにあったことから、実際の放射線効果があったことが示唆された。蜃気楼効果に例えることができるだろう。 夏の間、高速道路を走っていて、横を見ると熱気が上昇しているのが見える。 (0:07:42)

さて、これは我々がこの物体に見た効果と非常に似ており、いくつかのことを示唆している。 ひとつは、フィルムに重ね合わされた3次元の物体を実際に見ていたことだ。これもまた、フィルムに対する信頼性を示唆している。 そして二つ目は、それに関連する技術があることを示唆していた。これは単なるゴミ箱のふたや、撮影中に何気なく空中に投げ出されたものではない。 (0:08:08)

それで、私は自分が見ているものに大いに勇気づけられるようになった。個々のセグメント、フィルムそのもの、動きを調べ始めると、歪みに例えられるようなものが見え始めた。 言い換えれば、クラフト自体が物理的に形を変えたのだ。機体全体ではなく、機体の一部が形を変えたのだ。 この現象は、重力に逆らって浮遊した状態を維持するために使用された方法、あるいは宇宙船そのものに付随する機械的な装置など、宇宙船に関連する技術の結果として、目の錯覚とでも呼ぶべきものの産物であった。 (0:08:48)

私たちは、工芸品の底にあるボールの構造が、これらの個々の構造が後退するのと連動して、工芸品の一部分には、この1つのボールが上昇するたびに入るくぼみがあり、その後、丸い円盤、円形の領域に戻ることに気づいた。 マデリン・ロディファーの証言や、ジョージ・アダムスキーの生前の証言以上に、これらの特徴を総合すると、私たちはおそらく本物の事件を扱っているということになる。 (0:09:33)

歴史的価値のある研究者たちは、ジョージ・アダムスキー事件の全容をもう一度詳しく調べたいと思う頃だろう。 (0:09:43)

▼文字起こし 原文 展開

We met him in March of 1964. I arranged a lecture at the Civic Center, about 10 miles away at Granville. And we became friends. I knew him only one year and one month, the last year of his life. And he visited from California here about five times in that last year of his life. Just intermittent. He didn't stay at this house all that time. (0:00:27)

But on February 26th, approximately 8 o'clock in the morning, a space friend, contact of Mr. Adamski, came to this house. I was still asleep, but when I got up, Mr. Adamski told me that he had been told that we should get cameras ready for filming later in the day. And, of course, I had never seen one so close before, or I didn't expect that they were going to come hovering that close in my yard. (0:01:02)

I would have rented a Polaroid or prepared with more cameras, but Mr. Adamski actually helped me put film in the little 8mm Bell & Howell movie camera. And he had film in his Kodak camera, too. And we waited. Now, they did not tell him what time they were coming, but this was earlier in the morning. But this was middle of the afternoon, about 3.30, when we noticed them at a distance. (0:01:32)

And we were at the dining room window looking out, and they came in closer. And, by the way, three more spacemen came and knocked at the door just before the incident. And Mr. Adamski went in and they told him, they said, get your cameras ready, they're coming. Now, that is how close he was associated with those people from other planets. And it's difficult to believe, but they looked just like Americans. One of them had brown hair, and one had dark hair, and one had slightly gray hair. (0:02:09)

And they parked in a car, I believe it was an Oldsmobile, but I don't know the year, down here at the street. When they came, and then the spaceship came. And we went outside, but I had a broken leg. I had fallen the month before in my living room, and I was in a walking cast. And so, but I was able to walk around, but with a little limping difficulties, but I did get around. (0:02:34)

But when we came out on the porch, up here, and started to film, he told me to film, and he was going to film. I said, George, I can't do this, I'm too wobbly. And I had not had the camera but two months. My husband had given it to me for Christmas, just two months before. So I handed him, he said, okay, I'll do it. So I gave him my camera, and he laid his down. (0:02:58)

And we filmed it on, he filmed it then. I started, you know, but I wasn't sure of myself, and I didn't want to miss it. So I gave the camera to him, and he finished filming it. But I was, you know, humping around in the background. (0:03:12)

And able to walk, of course, without too much difficulty with this cast on. But they only stayed about, approximately ten minutes. They did not land, they did not get out of the spacecraft, but there were glimpses of people through the round windows. And they maneuvered, they came in here, it was a low humming and a low swishing sound. And they came in, when they got close to here, they came in very slowly. (0:03:43)

And it was round, and there were three of these, well, about this size, I guess, these landing gears underneath. And they were going like this, retracting in and out. And they told George later, it was for stabilization. If they put all of them out, they would have had to land. And they kept one retracted all the time, and the other two were going in and out. (0:04:08)

But anyway, low swishing, low humming sound. And it was not real loud, but there was definitely a motor sound accompanied with it. And it was a blue, a brilliant royal, between a royal and a purple, blue in color. It was a beautiful blue, and deeper blue than this. And it was round, and as it moved, it looked crooked. And on the film, it shows this slight distortion, and it looked lopsided and so on. (0:04:44)

But they were moving and putting on this performance for Mr. Adamski to back up his efforts to get the world leaders to tell the truth about the visitors from other planets. They were demonstrating, they wanted him to capture this on film, their abilities to do certain maneuvers. And they wanted him to have this proof to show the people of the world, because our world governments have better film, and they haven't shared any of them with us. (0:05:16)

And they wanted Mr. Adamski to have this piece of film to show, you know, to the audiences, when he was speaking, how they do these certain maneuvers. They did this on purpose. Bob Oechsler, a robotics engineer and former mission specialist of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, is also convinced of the Rutherford film's authenticity. He believes the flight pattern indicates an energy field, which enables the disk to maneuver independently of terrestrial gravitation. (0:05:46)

The individual images, as they came up, clearly showed something that you could not see with the naked eye in looking at the film, or even looking at the individual prints under close scrutiny. And there was a haze, if you will, a very tight haze, almost like a fuzzy outline, around the craft itself on the image. Now, this, of course, compared to the trees that are visible in the film, which were crystal clear and very well in focus, in other words, you have a very sharp contrast, you immediately might be concerned about the possibility of capabilities of double exposure, which is, of course, very difficult to do with film. (0:06:32)

However, in this particular case, we found it very, very intriguing that the craft itself had very, very sharp contrasting edges along where the porthole areas are and around the top of the cab. (0:06:44)

But especially in the bottom portion of the craft, we began to see that there was light emitting from the craft. But this was not a light such as a glow, like a reflection you'd get if somebody was projecting a light onto an object. This was rather interesting because it tended to suggest that there was some form of energy associated with the vehicle itself that was actually causing this sort of a red glow in the undercarriage area. (0:07:11)

But that, along with the glow that we were getting, this sort of a haze, a very, very distinct fine haze around and very, very close to the craft itself through the images, suggested that there was an actual radiation effect. I guess you could liken it to a mirage effect. People are fairly familiar with when you ride down the highway during the summer and you look across and you can see the heat rising and it tends to distort images that were behind the mirage. (0:07:42)

Well, this is very similar to the effect that we saw on this object, suggesting several things. One, that you were actually looking at a three-dimensional object as something that was superimposed onto the film. That, again, suggested credibility with regard to the film. And secondly, it suggested that there was technology associated with it. This was not just a trash can lid or something that was just casually thrown up in the air while filming was going on. (0:08:08)

So, I began to become much more encouraged with what I was seeing. The more I began to look into the individual segments, the film itself, the motion, we began to see things that you might liken to a distortion. In other words, the craft itself physically changed shape. Now, not the whole craft, but it seemed that portions of the craft changed shape. Now, this was a product either of what you might call an optical illusion as a result of the technology associated with the craft, the method that it used to maintain its levitated state to violate gravity, or it was a mechanical apparatus associated with the craft itself. (0:08:48)

We noticed that the ball structure in the bottom of the craft, in concert with the receding of these individual structures, that the one portion of the craft had an indentation that would go in every time this one ball would go up, and then it would come back out into a round disc, a circular area. So, I think that these features all collectively, more than anything else, and even more than the testimony of Madeline Rodifer herself, and the historical testimony of George Adamski prior to his death regarding this particular event, all tend to suggest that we are probably dealing with an authentic case. (0:09:33)

And I think it's time that perhaps some researchers of historical value would probably want to go back and take a much closer look at the George Adamski case in its entirety.



Eyewitness account to Adamski's 1965 UFO encounter in Silver Spring, Maryland (+ footage analysis)


59,400 views Aug 3, 2022


「私たちは1964年3月に彼に会った。私はここから10マイルほど離れた市民センターで講演会を企画した。私たちは友人になった。彼の人生の最後の年に、カリフォルニアからこの家を5回ほど訪れたが、断続的なもので、ずっとこの家にいたわけではなかった。 しかし、2月26日の朝8時頃、アダムスキー氏に連絡をとった宇宙友達がこの家に来た。ポラロイドを借りたり、もっとたくさんのカメラを用意したりしただろう。でもアダムスキーさんは、8ミリのベル&ハウエル社製ムービーカメラにフィルムを入れるのを手伝ってくれたし、彼のコダックカメラにもフィルムを入れてくれた。 「さて、彼らは何時に来るとは言わなかったが、-これは早朝のことだった。-しかし、これは午後の半ば、3時半ごろのことで、私たちが遠くにいる彼らに気づいたのは、-私たちはダイニングルームの窓際にいて外を見ていた。 ...そして彼らは彼に言った、『カメラを用意しろ、奴らが来るぞ』と。

「宇宙船が来て、私たちは外に出た。私は足を骨折していて、その前の月にリビングルームで転んで、ギブスをはめていた。- 庭から自宅を見下ろすジェスチャーをしながら)「......そして、彼は私に撮影するように言った。

  • ちょうど2ヶ月前のクリスマスに夫がプレゼントしてくれたんだ、

それで、私は彼にカメラを渡し、彼は私のカメラを横にして、私たちは撮影をした; - 着陸もしなかったし、宇宙船から降りることもなかった。でも、丸い窓からチラチラと人が見えたし、操縦して、低いハミングと低いスウィーという音を立てて、ここに入ってきた。 ..」 - (彼女は木々の上を指差した) - '...とてもゆっくり入ってきて、丸かった。(全部出すと着陸が悪くなるから、1つはずっと引っ込めたままで、他の2つは出たり入ったりしていた。しかし、とにかく、低い旋回音、低いブーンという音、大きな音ではなかったが、確かにモーター音が伴っていた。青色で、鮮やかなロイヤルブルーだった。 「彼らはアダムスキー氏に、ある操作をする彼らの能力をフィルムに収めることを望んだのである。彼らはこれを意図的にやったんだ

▼原文 展開

Former US government employee Madeleine Rodeffer talks about George Adamski and witnessing the famous UFO sighting on Feb. 26 in 1965.

"We met him in March of 1964; I arranged a lecture at the civic centre, about ten miles away from here. We became friends. I knew him only one year and one month, the last year of his life, and he visited from California here about five times in that last year of his life, just intermittent; he didn't stay at this house all the time. ''But on February 26, at approximately 8. o'clock in the morning, a space friend contacted Mr. Adamski, came to this house, - I was still asleep; - but when I got up, Mr. Adamski told me, that he had been told that we should get cameras ready for filming later in the day; and, of course, I didn't - had never - seen one so close before, - or I didn't expect they were going to come, hovering that close in my yard; l would have rented a Polaroid, or prepared with more cameras. But, Mr. Adamski actually helped me to put film in the little 8mm Bell & Howell movie camera, and he had film in his Kodak camera, too, - and we waited. "Now, they did not tell him what time they were coming, but, - this was early in the morning; - but this was middle of the afternoon, about 3.30, when we noticed them at a distance, - we were at the dining room window, looking out, and, - they came in closer; - and by the way, three more space men came and knocked at the door just before the incident, and Mr, Adamski..." - (here there was noise from the road outside for a second or two, and the words were unclear) - "...and they told him, •-get your cameras ready, they're coming, -'; and that was how close he was associated with those people from other planets, - and it's difficult to believe, they looked, just like Americans; one of them bad brown hair, one bad dark hair, one had slightly grey hair. "They parked in a car, - and I believe it was an Oldsmobile, but I don't know the year, - down here at the street, when they came; and the space ship came and we went out; - I had a broken leg, I bad fallen the month before in my living-room and I was in a walking cast, and so I was able to walk around, but with a little limping difficulty, but I did get around "And we came out on the porch, - up here..." - (she gestured lo her house from the garden) - "...and started to fli m, - er, - he told me lo film, and be was going to film, l said;'George, I can't do this, I'm too wobbly!' - Thad not had the camera for two months, my husband bad given it to me for Christmas, just two months before, - so I handed him the camera, so be said: 'O.K., I'll do it,' - so C gave him my camera, and he laid his down, and we filmed on - he filmed it, - I started, you know, but f wasn't sure of myself, and I didn't want to miss it, so I gave the camera to him, and he finished filming it, - but I was - you know, - hopping armmd in the background able to walk, of course, without too much difficulty, with thi� cast on - "But they only stayed about - approximately 10 minutes; - they did not land, they did not get out of the space craft; but theer were glimpses of people through the round windows, and they manoeuvred, - they came in here with a low humming and a low swishing sound; and they came in, when they got closer, - here ..." - (she pointed above her al the trees) - ''...they came in very slowly and - it was round, and there were three of theses, - well, about this size, I guess..." (she motioned with her hands) - "...these landing geasr undenr eath, - and they were going like this.­ retracting in and out; - and they told George later, it was for stabiliz.ation; - if they put all of them out, they would have bad to land, and they kept one retracted all the time, - and the other two were going in and out. But anyway, low swishing, low bwnming sound, and it wasn't real loud, but there was definitely a motor sound accompanied with it; and it was blue, a brilliant royal blue, -er it was round, and as it moved, it looked crooked, - you know - lop-sided, and so on; - but they were moving and putting on this performance for Mr. Adamski, to back up, - you know - bis efforts to get the world leaders to tell the truth about lhe visitors from other planets. "They were demonstrating - they wanted him to capture this on film, - their abilities to do certain manoeuvres - and they wantde him lo have this proof to show th.e people or the world, because, - our world governments have bener films and teh y haven't shared any of them wiht us; and they wanted Mr. Adamski to have this piece of film to show, -you know - to the audiences where he was speaking, how they do these certain manoeuvres. They did this on purpose."
