1973-06-28, Missouri: UFO による物理痕跡
1973-06-28, Missouri: UFO による木々の損傷事例
に関連して Web 記事の和訳を記録しておく。
Columbia, Missouri, "FAMILY’S CLOSE ENCOUNTER IN COLUMBIA MISSOURI" : https://www.angelfire.com/mo/cptr/columbia.html
JUNE 28 1973 COLUMBIA MISSOURI UFO | WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS.ORG http://worldufophotosandnews.org/?tag=june-28-1973-columbia-missouri-ufo
引用+和訳(DeepL 2024-07版)
タグアーカイブ 1973年6月28日 コロンビア ミズーリ UFO
彼女はもうしばらくその場に留まり、外で起こっている謎めいた不気味な動きに耳を澄ませた。そして、外にいる人、あるいは何かを警戒させないように、できるだけ大きな声で父親に呼びかけ た。 明るい銀白色のビームが2本、どこからともなく現れる!
リチャーズは、ジェイミーと一緒にリビングルームに座っていると、移動式住宅のキッチンエリアから娘が呼ぶ声が聞こえた。時間帯と、彼自身がだるく疲れていたこともあり、リビングルームの椅子から立ち上がり、バネアが呼んでいる窓まで行くのにかなり時間がかかった。 彼が娘のいる場所に着く頃には、娘は外の網戸から玄関のドアへと大急ぎで移動し、できるだけ早く両方のドアに鍵をかけていた。彼はキッチンの窓へと向かった。しばらくして娘も彼と合流し、ドアの安全が確保されたことに満足した。
さらに彼は、ビームは約5フィート離れていて、この距離のままだったと推測し、それらが頭上の同じ固体ソースから発せられたことを示唆している。さらに、それらは「明るい銀白色」をしていた。しかし、試してみたが、「ビームの上にも後ろにも」固形物は見えなかった。 そして、現れたと同時に突然消えてしまった。その時、リチャーズも彼の娘も、「明るい楕円形の形」を見ることができた。
森が 「昼のように明るく照らされた!」 父と娘は台所の窓際に留まり、目の前で繰り広げられる光景とシナリオに魅了され、警戒した。 後に二人は、その 「光る形 」は15フィート(約1.5メートル)ほどの大きさで、地 面からわずか1フィート(約1.5メートル)しか離れていないように見えたと推定する。その物体は非常に明るく、2人はその物体を見続けるのに苦労し、リチャーズは一度は目をそらさなければならなかったほどだった。あまりの明るさに、銀色の輝き以外、外観の細部は見えなかった。さらに、この明るさのせいで、モービルハウスのすぐ外は「昼のように明るく照らされていた」。
この人工的な昼間の光の中で、2人は突然強風が吹き荒れたかのように木々が動いているのが見えた。しかしそれ以上に、ある木は他の木とは違う方法で操作されているようで、ヴァネアはある木が地面に向かって引っ張られているのを目撃した。 しかしその間、ヴァネアの耳に届いたのは、奇妙な音だけだった。それ以外の音や物音は一切しない。
その後、木々は動き続けていたが、その音は止んだ。しばらくして、「バキッ」という大きな音が鳴り響き、木々の奇妙な動きも止まった。その時はわからなかったか、少なくとも確信が持てなかったが、翌日その場所を調査してみると、重く大きな枝が20フィート近い高さで折れていた。 中心部は 「本当に明るく」、周辺部はくすんでぼんやりしている!
この爆発的な活動の後、耳をつんざくような静寂が突然移動住宅を包み込み、建物自体に漏れているようにさえ見え、父と娘は不安以上のものを感じた。リチャーズはこのような不安な瞬間に、いつもなら家の外で動くものには吠えまくる愛犬たちが、まったく動かず沈黙していることに気づいた。彼は移動式住居の窓から窓へと外の様子を見に行っているうちに、ついさっきまで何が起こっていたのか、ほとん ど隠れてしまっていることに気づいた。
その時、彼は寝室に銃を取りに行った。彼はすぐにキッチンに戻り、武器と弾薬を両腕に抱えた。銃に弾を込めると、冷凍庫の上に置き、自分と娘以外の人の手の届かないところに置いた。 娘がいるキッチンの窓に戻り、外の様子を見ていると、光り輝く機体が家から3メートルほど離れた場所にホバリングしているのが見えた。
楕円形で「銀白色かアルミニウム色」であったという以外、詳細なことはまだわからなかったが、リチャーズはその真ん中が「本当に、本当に明るかった」のに対し、端の方は明らかに鈍かったと記憶している。ヴァネアも同様に、物体の端はやや「ぼんやり」していたと回想している。 二人はキッチンの窓の前にとどまり、次に何が起こるかわからないと緊張しながらも、一瞬たりとも目を離すまいとした。しかし、さらにしばらくして、リチャーズは助けを呼ぶ時だと決断した。 警察、FBI』、あるいは私を助けてくれる人なら誰でもいい」と連絡した!
偶然かどうか、彼の行動にほとんど同調するように、その物体は突然動き出し、位置を変えた。その物体は、近くの畑の上空に一時的に居を構えることになった。 飛行物体と彼らの位置との間にそれ以上の距離がなかったため、2人は以前よりも多くの詳細を確認することができた。例えば、クラフトは真ん中が明るい銀白色で、端には「青い光の帯」があった。さらに、「オレンジ色の光が外周に広がっていた」。
リチャーズと彼の娘は、クラフトが元の位置に戻るのを見守り、その動きを「滑らかでゆっくりとしたもの」と表現した。この直後、彼は電話に手を 伸ばし、電話番号案内の113番をダイヤルした。 電話を受けた女性-「AB夫人」と名乗った-は、リチャーズはその出来事を明確に描写していたが、「非常に興奮しており、怯えているようだった」と主張する。彼はまた、「警察でもFBIでも、彼を助けてくれる人なら誰でもいいから連絡して!」と要求した。
彼女はなんとか彼を落ち着かせ、オペレーターに連絡して折り返し電話することを約束した。しばらくして 「ミセスP 」から折り返し電話があり、リチャーズと数分間話した。このやりとりの間、モービルハウスの照明が何度か暗くなった。これはもちろん、接近遭遇体験の中でしばしば表面化する詳細である。しかし通常、この種の遭遇は、人々が車に乗っているときに起こり、前触れもなく車のライトが切れるのを経験する。 Pさんの指示で、彼は電話を切り、窓際に戻り、折り返しの電話を待った。
明らかに怯えた、しかし誠実な目撃者! この間、P夫人はL夫人に連絡し、L夫人はリチャーズに電話をかけようとした。しかし、リチャーズに電話をかけても、「デッドライン 」としか聞こえない。彼女はその番号を5回試して、その間にP夫人に電話をかけ直して、自分の持っている番号が正しいかどうか確認した。 この間、リチャーズ自身は、誰からも連絡がないことを心配し始めた。そう思い、彼は受話器を取った。奇妙なことに、さらに奇妙なことに、回線が切れたように見えた後、突然M夫人の声が聞こえた。
この段階で、彼は子供たちが心配でたまらないと言った。 M夫人は、リチャーズが何度も何度も自分の話を繰り返したことを思い出す。リチャーズは時折立ち止まっては娘に大声を出し、奇妙な物体がまだ外にいるのかと尋ねた。
やがてリチャーズは、コロンビア・リージョナル空港のフライト・サービス・ステーションのS夫人のところに移された。 S夫人は最終的に、リチャーズのために警察に連絡して目撃情報を報告すると約束した。彼女はまた、わずか2週間前の6月24日にも目撃情報があったことをリチャーズに伝えた。 このやりとりの後、2人はすぐに電話を切った。
それからしばらくして、物体は再び移動住宅に接近し始めた。 最後の視覚的対決 リチャーズとヴァネアは物体が近づいてくるのを、恐怖の高まりを感じながら見ていた。リチャーズは後に、「冷たい感じ」が彼を襲い、何か差し迫った悲惨なことが起ころうとしているような感覚を覚えたと語っている。彼は「ただ凍りつき」、何をすべきか見当がつかなかったと述べている。
機体はリチャーズ家の移動式住宅から約200フィート離れた地点で停止した。以前と同じように、この距離から、乗り物の外縁の青 オレンジ色の輝きが見えたが、中央部分の銀色の輝きはよりはっきりとしていた。その後、物体は遠ざかるように見えたが、遠ざかるのではなく(例えば、木々が邪魔になったようには見えなかった)、文字どおり視界から消えていくように見えた。数分以内に、物体は見えなくなった。注:上の画像は本物で、9-2-09のニューヨークのトレイルカメラからのものである。
▼原文 展開
The mobile home of James Richards sat on the absolute outskirts of the city of Columbia in the state of Missouri. Not only that, but the home itself was at the end of dead-end footpath around 1000 feet from the nearest main road. All around this quiet and extremely humble abode were “scattered trees” aside from a small front yard. To say that Richards and his 16-year-old daughter, Vanea, as well as Jamie, her 3-year-old son were cut off from the vast majority of the community was an understatement.
Incidentally, the nearest property to Mr. Richards’ mobile home was a small house, lived in by an elderly lady. She was, however, “asleep at the time of the observation”.
On this particular evening, at a little past midnight on 28th June 1973, Vanea was making her way to the north side of the mobile home, to the fridge so that she could place a baby bottle there. Although there was music filling the home from the record player which was spinning the vinyl disc around and around on its turntable, the open window allowed the sudden noise from outside to be heard easily.
Vanea would later describe the noise as a “thrashing” sound and it appeared to emanate from the trees around the side of the mobile home. The more she listened, now all but blocking out the record player, she could make out what appeared to be the sound of something “moving a large tree” outside.
She would remain where she was for a few more moments, listening intently to the mysterious and unnerving activity taking place outside. Then, as loudly as she could without alerting whoever, or whatever was outside, she would call out to her father. Two Bright, Silver-White Beams Appear Out Of Nowhere!
Richards could hear his daughter call from the kitchen area of the mobile home as he sat in the living room with Jamie. Because of the hour and the fact that he himself was feeling sluggish and tired, he was rather slow in getting in out of the living room chair and up to the window where Vanea was calling him from.
By the time he had arrived at where his daughter was, she was moving with great pace from the outside screen door to the front door, locking both of them as quickly as she could. He would make his way to the kitchen window, now with a little more urgency than before. His daughter joined him a moment or two later, now satisfied that the doors were as secure as they could be.
As they both stared out into the darkness of the summer’s night, “two beams of light” suddenly became visible. They appeared to be between the trees and the nearby fence. Richards would guess they were approximately 50 feet from the kitchen window they were viewing them from and had a “tapered” look to them, with the wider section at the top.
He would further estimate the beams were around five feet apart, and remained this distance., suggesting they emanated from the same solid source overhead. Furthermore, they had a “bright, silver-white” color to them. However, try as he did, he could see no solid form “above or behind the beams”.
Then, they just disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared. It was then that both Richards and his daughter could see the “bright oval form” in their place. The Woodland “Lit Up As Bright As Day!”
The father and daughter remained where they were at the kitchen window, both fascinated and alarmed at the scene and scenario unfolding before them.
They would later estimate that the “glowing form” was around 15 feet across and appeared to be only mere feet from the ground. So bright was the object that the pair had difficulty in keeping their sight on it, with Richards even having to look away at one point. Such was the brightness, that other than the silver glow, no other details of the exterior could be seen. Furthermore, because of this brightness, the area immediately outside the mobile home was “lit up bright as day”.
In this artificial daylight, the pair could see the trees moving as if a sudden strong wind had come out of nowhere unleashing its carnage on the area. However, more than that, it appeared that some trees were being manipulated in different ways than others, with Vanea even witnessing one tree being pulled toward the ground.
All the while, however, the only sound that reached them was that which initially caught Vanea’s attention, the strange thrashing noise. No other sounds or noises whatsoever came from the active scene outside, which must have given the scene an even more surreal feel.
Then, the thrashing sound stopped, although the trees continued to move. A moment later, a loud “cracking” sound rang out quickly followed by the bizarre movement of the trees also stopping. Although they didn’t know it at the time, or at least were not certain of it, investigation of the area the following day would show a large, heavy branch had been snapped off at a height of almost 20 feet. A “Real Bright” Center With Duller, Fuzzy Edges!
Following this burst of activity, a deafening silence would suddenly envelop the mobile home, even seeming to leak into the building itself making the father and daughter feel more than uneasy. It was during these unsettling moments that Richards realized their dogs – who would normally bark at anything that moved outside the house – were completely still and silent. As he went from window to window of the mobile home surveying the area outside, he noticed them almost hiding away from whatever had been taking place only moments ago.
It was then that he went to his bedroom to retrieve his guns. He quickly returned into the kitchen area, the weapons and ammunition in his arms. He would load the guns and then place them on top of the freezer unit and out of the reach of anyone other than he and his daughter.
When he returned to the kitchen window where his daughter remained, watching the scene outside, he could see that the glowing craft remained hovering at a distance of around 50 feet from their home, although the brightness lit up a radius of around double that.
Although they could still make out no real detail of the craft other than it was oval-shaped and a “silver-white or aluminum” color, Richards would recall that the middle of it was “real, real bright” while the edges were decidedly duller. Vanea, similarly, would recall that edges of the object were somewhat “fuzzy”.
The pair remained at the kitchen window, nervous about what might happen next but not wishing to take their eyes from the situation for even a moment. After several more moments, however, Richards made the decision it was time to call for help. Contact “The Police, The FBI” Or Anyone Who Can Help Me!
Whether by coincidence or not, almost in sympathy with his actions the object suddenly moved and changed its position. It would now take up temporary residence in the sky over a nearby field, approximately 200 feet from the mobile home.
Because there was not more distance between the craft and their location, the pair could now make out a lot more detail than they could previously. For example, the craft was a bright silver-white in the middle while at the edge was a “blue band of light”. Furthermore, an “orange glow extended around the outer edge”.
Richards and his daughter watched the craft return to its original position, describing the movement of it as “smooth and slow”. Shortly after this, he would reach for the phone and dial 113 for directory assistance.
The lady who took the call – identified as “Mrs. AB” would claim that Richards was “very excited and seemed to be frightened” although he was clear in describing the event. He would also request that she contact “the police, the FBI, or anyone who could help him!”
She would manage to calm him somewhat and assure him that she would contact an operator who would call him back. Several moments later, a “Mrs. P” called back and spoke with Richards for several minutes. During this exchange, the lights in the mobile home dimmed several times. This, of course, is a detail that often surfaces in close encounter experiences. Usually, however, these types of encounters occur while people are in their vehicles and experience their car’s cutting out without warning.
On Mrs. P’s instructions, he would hang the phone up, return to the window, and await the return call. An Obviously Frightened But Sincere Witness!
While this was taking place, Mrs. P would contact Mrs. L, who would in turn attempt to call Richards. However, when she did, she would hear nothing other than a “deadline”. She would try the number five times, even calling Mrs. P back in between to check that the number she had was correct.
During this time, Richards himself began to worry that no one had contacted him back. So much so, that he picked up the receiver. Bizarrely, and adding even more to the strangeness of the situation, after the line appeared dead, he suddenly heard Mrs. M.
He would then relay the evening’s happenings to the operator, stating at this stage that he was decidedly frightened for his children.
For her part, Mrs. M would recall that Richards would repeat his story again and again. He would occasionally pause and shout out to his daughter, asking if the strange object was still outside.
Before long, Richards was transferred to Mrs. S at the Flight Service Station at Columbia Regional Airport.
Mrs. S would ultimately assure Richards that she would contact the police and report the sighting for him. She would also inform him that she had knowledge of another sighting on the 24th June – only two weeks earlier – we will examine that incident later.
Shortly after the exchange, the pair would hang up.
A moment or two later, the object began to approach the mobile home once again. A Last Visual Stand-Off!
Richards and Vanea watched the object approach, watching with a rising sense of fear intoxicating each of them. Richards would later describe a “cold feeling” overtaking him and the feeling of something imminent and dire about to take place. He would state that he “just froze” and had no idea what to do.
Even more, the distinct feeling that he, his daughter, and grandson were on their own in their out-of-the-way mobile home wouldn’t leave him. Nor would the insistence that all three of them would not for any reason step outside.
This visual stand-off continued for several minutes (although neither witness was completely sure just how long this was for). Then, the craft went into motion yet again. Once more, it went through the trees with a “smooth, slow motion”, although Richards recalls that during this particular burst of movement, the surrounding trees appeared undisturbed.
The craft once more would stop at a distance of around 200 feet from the Richards’ mobile home. As before, from this distance, the blue-orange glow of the outer edges of the vehicle were visible while the solid silver glow of the center section was now more defined. The object then appeared to fade away, although not into the distance (no trees appeared disturbed, for example) but as though it was literally fading from view. Within several minutes, the object was no longer visible. NOTE: The above image is real and from a New York trail camera in 9-2-09.