1988-03-20, John Salter の事例:UFO/ET 遭遇後の若返りと急成長
- ジョン・サルター・ジュニアと彼の息子
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ノースダコタ大学の高名な教授であるジョン・サルター・ジュニアと息子のジョン3世は、1988年3月20日にピックアップトラックでドライブしていた。午後6時25分、2人はウィスコンシン州の国道61号線を走っていた。1時間半後、2人は自分たちが向かっていた方向とはまったく反対の方向に進んでいることに気づき、失われた時間に何が起こったのかまったくわからないことに気づいた。 (00:01:02)
全く混乱した二人は、一晩休んで翌朝旅を続けることにした。 翌日の運転中、円盤状の物体が突然彼らの前に現れた。 それはややドーム状で、明るい金属色に輝いていた。 彼らは停車を余儀なくされ、突然現れたかと思うと、UFOはすぐに彼らの視界から消えた。 この遭遇から数ヵ月後、ソルター博士と彼の息子は、この飛行物体を見た後、自分たちに何が起こったかを思い出し始めた。 (00:01:31)
二人は、それぞれ身長が4~4.5フィート(約1.5~2.5メートル)ほどの、2~3人の小さな人型の人影を見たことを覚えている。 彼らは細い体と手足を持ち、大きな頭と斜めの目をしていた。 最初は子供だと思ったが、すぐに背の高いものに出会った。 身長約160センチのその人物はテレパシーで彼らと交信し、森を抜けて宇宙船のある空き地へと案内した。 (00:01:54)
彼の次の記憶は、宇宙船の中で、歯科医院にあるような椅子に座らされたことだった。 ソルター博士は、その存在から威嚇的な雰囲気は感じなかったが、その代わりに彼らが守られているように感じたと強調した。 その遭遇の後、博士は肉体的にさまざまな変化が起こっていることに気づいた。 (00:02:29)
彼の健康状態は全体的に改善され、爪と髪が2 倍の速さで伸び始めた。 額にあった傷跡は消え始め、ほとんど完全に消えた。 ある時、首に赤い湿疹ができ、胸に茶色い斑点ができた。 (00:02:50)
ジョン3世は父親と全く同じ身体的影響はなかったが、生涯で最も異常な体験だったと語った。 しかし、彼は事件後の3年間で、それまで19歳で成長が止まっていたにもかかわらず、23歳から身長が1.5メートル伸びた。エイリアン・アブダクションの多くの証言は否定され、それは当然であるが、ソルター博士の場合、彼は尊敬される教授であり、その資格は彼を裏付けている。 (00:03:20)
A respected professor at the University of North Dakota, John Salter Jr. and his son, John III, were driving in their pickup truck on March 20th, 1988. It was 6.25 p.m. and the two were on an isolated stretch of Route 61 in Wisconsin. An hour and a half later, the two found themselves traveling in the complete opposite direction from where they were headed and realized they had no idea what happened to the lost time. (00:01:02)
Utterly confused, they decided to rest for the night and continue their trip the next morning. While driving the next day, a disc-shaped object suddenly confronted them. It was slightly dome-shaped and glowing in a bright metallic shade. They were forced to stop and as suddenly as it appeared, the UFO quickly vanished from their sight. Months after this encounter, Dr. Salter and his son both began to recall what exactly happened to them after they saw this craft. (00:01:31)
They remembered seeing two to three small humanoid figures each around four to four and a half feet tall. They had thin bodies and limbs with large heads and slanted eyes. At first, he thought they were children, but soon after, he met a taller one. The roughly six foot tall figure communicated with them telepathically and guided them through the woods and into a clearing where their spacecraft was located. (00:01:54)
His next memory was inside the craft where they were placed in chairs which he described as similar to the ones you find at a dentist's office. He went on to explain, saying, Dr. Salter emphasized that he didn't feel any menacing vibes from the beings, but instead felt like they were being protected. After the encounter, the doctor noticed various changes happening to him physically. (00:02:29)
His overall health had improved and his nails and hair began to grow twice as fast. A scar on his forehead that he had had for most of his life began to fade and almost disappeared completely. At certain times, a red welt would appear on his neck and a brown spot on his chest, the same places where he claims they implanted something in him. (00:02:50)
John III didn't have the exact same physical effects as his father, but said it was the most extraordinary experience of his entire life. He did, however, grow a foot and a half taller in the three years after the incident, starting at age 23, even though he had previously stopped growing at 19. A lot of accounts of alien abduction are dismissed, and rightfully so, but in Dr. Salter's case, he is a respected professor whose credentials back him up. (00:03:20)
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