Preston Dennett: 工場で潰れた指を ET が治療
Preston Dennett の講演(2011-07-19)から。
この件は UFO の稀少本に記載された事例だというが、Richard Rilke の本人証言(それもかなり昔の逸話で日時も場所も不明)だけで証拠データが乏しく、信憑性にかなりの疑問がある。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
ただ、人間そっくりの宇宙人とコンタクトを取ったと言うことを本当に恥ずかしく思っている人たちの報告を受けることが多くなったので、地下に押し込められたようなものだ。彼らは不信に思われることを恐れているんだ。ジェリー・ウィルスもその一人で、子供の頃ひどい熱にう なされ、家の外でUFOに乗せられたという。 (00:35:42)
そして、彼は人間のようなエイリアンを見なかったことに驚いた。代わりに灰色のタイプのETがいた。彼らは両腕に注射を打ち、彼を寝室に戻した。翌朝、熱は下がった。つまり、彼は病気の治療を受けたのだ。もう一人のコンタクティがいる。ニュージャージーのリチャード・リルケだ。二人ともコンタクティだ。 (00:36:09)
この二人の話は、ジョージ・ランダッツォの著書『コンタクティ』から得たもので、実際にはかなりレアで、見つけるのは難しい。しかし、リチャード・リルケもまた、何度か自分を癒してくれた人間そっくりの宇宙人とコンタクトを取ったという。彼は1950年代の初めにソリの事故に遭い、その結果耳が化膿して聴力を失ったと言う。 (00:36:27)
そしてETがやって来て、器具を全く使わず、ただ手を彼の頭にかざしただけで、彼を治すことができ、痛みが止まるところまで炎症を抑えることができたと言う。その後、彼はペニシリンによる治療を受け、聴力を取り戻した。 また、彼は若い頃、フォークリフトや重機を扱う工場で働いていて、指を潰してしまったという。 (00:36:53)
彼は看護婦に駆け寄り、ああ、大変だ、これは私の専門をはるかに超えている。今すぐ病院に行かないと、指を失うかもしれない。彼は病院に行き、救急処置室で治療を待っていると、医師が入ってきて、それはETの友人の一人だったと言う。 私はこのようなケースを保証することはできないが、どう考えても、彼は病院内でマインドパワーによって癒され、翌日職場に戻ったと言う人の一人である。 (00:37:31)
このように彼は何度 もヒーリングを受けている。彼は腫瘍が治ったと言っていたし、とてもひどい自動車事故に遭って、ETにこの事故で死ぬはずではなかったと言われたと言っていた。
They're really afraid of being disbelieved. And Jerry Wills is one of these people who has actually come forward and he says that as a child he had a very bad fever and was actually taken on board a UFO outside his home. (00:35:42)
And was surprised he didn't see the human looking aliens. Instead there were gray type ETs. They proceeded to give him an injection in each arm and returned him to his bedroom. And the next morning his fever broke. So he feels that he was treated for his illness. Here's another contactee. Richard Rilke from New Jersey. These are both contactees. (00:36:09)
Their stories were from George Randazzo's book, Contactee, which is actually pretty rare and difficult to find. But Richard Rilke says that he also was in contact with human looking aliens who healed him on several occasions. He says in the early 1950s he had a sled accident where as a result his ear became infected and he lost his hearing. (00:36:27)
And he says the ETs came up and using no instruments at all, but rather just holding their hands up to his head, were able to cure him and reduce his inflammation to the point where the pain stopped. And he was later treated with penicillin which brought back his hearing. And he said also as a young man he was working in a factory which involved forklifts and heavy equipment and he crushed his finger. (00:36:53)
He went rushing to the nurse and said, oh, my God, this is way beyond my expertise. You might lose that finger if you don't go to the hospital right now. He went to the hospital and he says that while he was in the emergency room waiting to be treated, a doctor walked in and it was one of his ET friends, he says. And I can't vouch for these cases, obviously, but for what it's worth, he's one of the people who says he was healed inside a hospital and through mind power and he returned to work the next day and the nurse apparently was very upset and thought he would have lost that finger and couldn't understand how it now showed no trace of any injury. (00:37:31)
So he's had a number of healings like this. He said he was cured of a tumor and also he said he had a very bad fatal auto accident and the ETs told him that he was not supposed to die in this accident, which I found really interesting because I uncovered two other cases just like that.
Preston Dennett (07-19-11) UFO Healings: True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials
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