Preston Dennett: 警察官の手の怪我が UFO からの光線で直後に治癒した事例
Preston Dennett の講演(2011-07-19)から。この事例は信頼しうる周囲の証言者が存在する。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
しかし、私が最初に話したいのは、それほど劇的ではないケースだ。例えば、肉体の傷が癒えるケースだ。最も一般的なケースのひとつは、テキサス州デイモン出身の二人の警察官のケースで、UFOに関する様々な主要な本によく引用されている。彼らの名前はロバート・グッド保安官代理とビル・マッコイ保安官代理である。テキサス州デイモンで、1965年9月3日、彼らは高校フットボールの試合から帰る途中だった。 (00:32:26)
そして彼らが道路脇からUFOが昇ってくるのを見たとき、それはとても大きく、横150フィート、幅50フィートほどのフットボール型で、紫色の光線を放っていた。その光線が自分たちの方にやってきて、自分たちの車にぶつかったとき、彼らは驚き、少し怖くな った。ロバート・グッド保安官代理はその時、腕を窓の外、パトカーの外に出していた。 (00:32:50)
そして彼は、この光線が腕に当たるのを実際に感じたと言った。少し暖かく、少しヒリヒリした感じがした。ロバート・グッド保安官代理は実際にワニに噛まれていた。 (00:33:01)
息子のペットの赤ちゃんワニで、指を噛まれた。しかし、これはかなり深刻な傷だった。包帯を巻いた。痛かった。腫れて、最近になっていた。でも、すぐに痛みはなくなったそうだ。そして車を停めるチャンスがあるとすぐに、彼らは彼を食堂に連れて行き、見たことについて話し始めた。 (00:33:25)
But what I want to first talk about is some of the less dramatic cases. Some of the cases, for example, of healing of flesh wounds. One of the most common cases that's been often quoted in a number of different major UFO books, is the case of two police officers who were from Damon, Texas. Their names are Deputies Robert Good and Bill McCoy. And in Damon, Texas, on September 3rd, 1965, they were on their way home from a high school football game. (00:32:26)
And when they saw a UFO rising up from the side of the road, it was very large, about 150 feet across, 50 feet wide, football shaped, and was sending down these violet beams of light. They were amazed and a little bit frightened when this beam of light came towards them and struck their car. Now, Deputy Robert Good had his arm outside the window at the time, outside his cruiser. (00:32:50)
And he said he could actually feel this beam of light hitting his arm. It felt a little warm, a little tingly, and they became frightened and took off. Now, Deputy Robert Good had actually been bitten by an alligator. (00:33:01)
It was his son's pet baby alligator, and it bit him on the finger. But this was a pretty serious wound. It was bandaged up. It was painful. It was swollen and recent. And he says instantly it stopped hurting. And as soon as they had a chance to pull over, they pulled him to a diner and started discussing what they had seen. (00:33:25)
And he whipped off this bandage and the cut was gone. There was not even any evidence of it. And this was confirmed by his partner, Deputy McCoy. And the case generated quite a lot of attention. In fact, they were later interviewed by an Air Force colonel who also expressed interest in the case. So it's one of the more famous UFO healing cases.
Preston Dennett (07-19-11) UFO Healings: True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials
2,500 views Feb 13, 2015