Preston Dennett の講演: UFO/ET による治癒事例:文字起こし+和訳
Preston Dennett の講演(2011-07-19)の 文字起こし+和訳。RAG/検索 用。
Preston Dennett (07-19-11) UFO Healings: True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials
2,500 views Feb 13, 2015
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私の名前はスティーブ・ムリーロ。MUFONロサンゼルスの州支部長だ。今夜は面白いプログラムがある プレストン・デネットだ。プレストン・デネットのETヒーリングに関する本は、UFOとの遭遇による生理学的な改善を検証した最初の本である。 この本を書くために調査している間、プレストンはUFOによって病気や疾患を治された人々の110のケースを研究した。 (00:01:15)
これらの事例は、UFO調査員、医師、その他の関係者によって調査され、検証された。今夜のプレゼンテーションでは、プレストンが彼の劇的で興味深いETヒーリング事例の概要を話してくれる。プレストン・デネットは1986年にUFOと超常現象の調査活動を始めた。彼の家族、友人、同僚が、説明のつかない劇的な遭遇をしているのを発見したのだ。以来、何百人もの目撃者にインタビューを行い、さまざまな超常現象を調査してきた。MUFONネットワークの現地調査員でもある。 (00:01:48)
ゴーストハンターであり、超常現象の研究者であり、体外離脱の探検家であり、10冊の本の著者でもある。彼は10冊の本の著者で、その全てを出版している。彼の書いた記事は、Fate、Atlantis Rising、MUFON UFO Journal、Nexus Paranormal Magazine、UFO Magazineなど、数多くの雑誌に掲載されている。ドイツ語、ポルトガル語、中国語、アイスランド語など数カ国語に翻訳されている。ラジオやテレビ番組にも多数出演し、LAタイムズ紙、LAデイリーニュース紙、ダ ラス・モーニング・ニュース紙、そして願わくば近々スタジオ・パッチでも彼の研究が紹介される。様々な超常現象に関する授業や講演を全米で行っており、現在はカノガパークに住んでいる。両手を合わせて、プレストン・デネットを暖かく迎えてくれないか。言いたいことがたくさんあるので、さっそく本題に入ろうと思う。 (00:02:48)
スティーブ、熱い紹介をありがとう。最初はUFOに懐疑的だったんだ。1986年、アラスカで日本の旅客機が目撃されたという話を聞いたんだ。覚えているかもしれないが、太郎地機長は北極圏、つまりアラスカの氷冠上空で大きなクルミ型のUFOを目撃した。彼は実際に2機のUFOを目撃し、それは機内のレーダーにも映ったし、FAA(連邦航空局)の地上レーダーでも確認された。 (00:03:23)
私がこの話を聞いたときは、どれもニュースになっていなかった。ニュースキャスターは神経質そうにジョークを飛ばしていた。この男はデマを流している、幻覚を見ている、誤認していると思った。UFOは実在しない。ニュースではもっと真剣に取り上げられ、学校でも教えられていただろうから。 (00:03:44)
これが私の考えだった。だから私は本当に懐疑的で、UFOを見たと思う人には、基本的にでたらめばかりだと言う用意ができていた。だから、本当に無礼だったと思う。それで、この馬鹿げたパイロットについてどう思うか、家族や友人に聞いてみたんだ。すると、一人、また一人と、素晴らしいエピソードを披露してくれたんだ。 (00:04:02)
私の兄は、実は2人の友人と一緒に、このリセダ大通りの谷を横切るUFOを追いかけたと言っていた。 (00:04:09)
そして義理の 姉は、2人の友達と一緒にヴァンナイス空軍基地の上空をホバリングしているUFOを見たと言い、その後、典型的なグレイタイプの地球外生命体のようなものを見たと言った。 (00:04:36)
だからこれは私にとって衝撃的だった。人の同僚が本当に深い出会いをし、1人は韓国の町で図書館からの帰り道にミッシング・タイムに遭遇し、2人の友人がミッシング・タイムに遭遇した。これが私にとっての始まりだった。 (00:04:55)
その人たちにインタビューを始めた。UFOグループには片っ端から参加した。すぐにMUFONに加入した。ロサンゼルスのMUFONのメンバーが7人くらいだった頃で、銀行で会ったんだ。それで、その話題に夢中になり、地元の新聞に記事を書いた。 (00:05:12)
それ以来、ラジオをたくさんやった。本も書き始めた。これまでに8冊のUFO本を書いたし、あと2冊が出版される予定だ。そう、このテーマは、一度心をつかむと離さないんだ。うまくいくかな。さあ、始めよう。僕のUFO本をちょっと宣伝してみるよ。 (00:05:38)
これは実は僕が最初に書いたもので、主にここバレーとカリフォルニア中、そして州外のいくつかの地元の事件を扱っている。これはトパンガ・キャニオンのUFOで、1992年から1994年までの目撃の波と、その他の事件を扱っている。非常に活発な地域だ。おそらく地元では最も活発な地域のひとつだろう。 (00:06:04)
これは地球外からの訪問で、私がその時までに調査した最も極端な10のケースを網羅している。ところで、催眠術を使ったケースはほんのわずかしかない。少なくとも、本当に深いアブダクション体験をした数百人とは話したことがある。 (00:06:34)
催眠術師を紹介したことはほとんどない。だから、偽の記憶症候群や催眠術で誘導された記憶についての説明は、どんなケースでも、ほとんどなかったことにすることができる。これはカリフォルニア上空のUFOである。私は歴史的なUFOの本を書きたかったのだが、懐疑的な人たちにも読んでもらえたらと思ってね。 (00:07:03)
これはコロナド島のUFO事件で、マイク・エヴァンスと共同執筆した。彼はこの事件の主要な目撃者の一人だ。この事件では、サンディエゴに行った人たちが、本当に深遠で極端な接近遭遇を体験した。その夜、10人が遭遇したと思う。 だから物的証拠もかなり含まれている。 (00:07:28)
数少ない複数目撃者による誘拐事件だ。これは実は子供向けに書いたんだ。全然、ぼかしたりしていない。すべてをさらけ出した。そして、とてもうまくいっている。私の後期の本のひとつだ。 (00:07:39)
これはニューヨーク上空のUFOで、カリフォルニア上空のUFOに続くものだ。カリフォルニア上空のUFOに続いて、ニューヨーク上空のUFOだ。50年くらいかかると思う。そして、これが今夜話したいこと、UFOヒーリングだ。実は、これは私が最初に書いた本のひとつなんだ。この種の事例については文献で聞いたことがあったが、あまり注目されていないことに気づいた。実際、それについて書かれた記事はいくつかあったが、本はまったくなかった。だから、これは面白い記事になるかもしれないと思ったんだ。 (00:08:13)
そして文献を簡単に調査しただけで、すぐに50以上の症例を集めた。それで、これは大きなアイデアだ、このことについて多くの研究をしなければならないと思った。UFOヒー リングの事例を100件以上集めた。 さて、UFOヒーリングとは、UFOに遭遇し、そのヒーリングを受けた人が健康状態を改善することを意味する。 (00:08:38)
UFOの搭乗体験の場合もあるし、UFOが近くにいただけの場合もある。もちろん、これらのヒーリングはさまざまな方法で行われる。スティーブが言ったように、これはこのテーマで出版された初めての本だ。私はもちろん、MUFONジャーナルのような様々な雑誌に多くの宣伝記事を書いた。そして、UFOヒーリングがUFOコミュニティであまり注目されていないことを知った。 (00:09:14)
実際、UFOヒーリングはゴミ箱に追いやられたようなものだった。多くの人たち、研究者たちでさえも、この種の事例に対して少し偏見を持っていた。UFOには... (00:09:36)そして、UFOには、浮遊や他の多くの超常現象が含まれている。 (00:09:36)
そして、多くの研究者がUFOヒーリングの側面から目を背けていたと思う。だから、UFOヒーリングが認知されるのにとても時間がかかったのだと思う。 これはバージニア・アロンソンだ。彼女はフロリダ在住のUFO研究者で、私の本『UFOヒーリング』の続編のような『セレスティアル・ヒーリング』を書き、新しい事例をたくさん取り上げた。 彼女はまた、この本のために私にインタビューし、他の多くの目撃者にもインタビューした。 (00:10:05)
こちらも友好的なUFO遭遇についての本だ。UFOとの出会いは、グレイタイプの地球外生命体や、ちょっと怖いアブダクション(誘拐)の証言で占められている。ビールは売れる。ビールはメディアにとってより魅力的である。また、トラウマになるような出会いをした人は、セラピーで助け を求めることが多いが、ヒーリングを受けた人は必ずしも助けを求めないし、嘲笑の的となるため、自分のケースを明かすことにあまり気が向かないかもしれない。 (00:10:47)
それも、この種の事件が無視されてきた理由だと思う。 (00:10:52)
これはエイドリアン・デビアで、「ヒーリング・エンティティとエイリアン」という本を書いた。彼の研究は、より多くの霊媒やUFOと接触している人々を巻き込んでいて、彼らはヒーリングを行うことができる。 ようやくこのことが注目されるようになった。UFOヒーリングに最初に注目したのは、ゴードン・クレイトンという研究者である。彼は『空飛ぶ円盤レビュー』の元編集者だった。彼はもう亡くなってしまったが、このようなケースはまれかもしれないが、非常に接近遭遇したケース、アブダクションやオンボード体験だけでなく、例えば、UFOが自分の車の上空を飛んだり、フライバイするようなケースでも、何度も何度も現れる一貫した特徴であることを認識し、何かを書いた最初の研究者である。 (00:12:05)
バド・ホプキンスは、間違いなくUFOアブダクション研究の第一人者であり、『Missing Time』、『Intruders』、『Witnessed』など多くの本を書き、アブダクションについて膨大な量の研究をしてきた。私の知る限り、彼はUFOヒーリングについて一言も書いていないが、サンディエゴで開かれたコンベンションの講演会で彼を追いかけ、この種のケースに出くわしたことがあるかと尋ねたことがある。 (00:12:31)
、彼は、ああ、そうだ、もちろんだ、と言った。かなり稀に遭遇することはあるが、現れることはある、と。その一方で、彼はETが邪 悪であるとか、破壊に燃えているとは感じておらず、彼らは私たちの人間的な側面や良い部分に最も興味を持っているようだと言う。だから、彼は全体に対して慈悲深い見方をしている。 (00:13:00)
一方、デビッド・ジェイコブスはそうではない。彼の著書『シークレット・ライフと脅威』は、ETとの遭遇についてかなり怖い絵を描いている。にもかかわらず、彼はジフテリアや他の深刻な病気、ガンなどの本当に劇的な治癒事例を数多く発見している。 (00:13:29)
だから彼は、我々がこのようなケースに出くわすことは絶対に認めているし、それについて少し書いている。しかし、彼の意見としては、これらのケースはおそらく、彼が言うところの設備メンテナンスに近いものであり、彼のクライアントの何人かは設備メンテナンスと呼んでいる。むしろ、彼らは実験用ラットのように扱われているのであって、治療されることに対する宇宙人側の利他的な気持ちは感じられない。 (00:13:51)
むしろ、彼らはただ実験を維持しているだけなのだ。今、UFO研究者全体から、両方のタイプが得られている。私は、何人かの研究者とコンタクトを取ったことがあるが、その中には、ETは絶対に善意者だと感じている研究者もいれば、明らかにそうではないと感じている研究者もいた。体験者にも同じような傾向があると思う。私がインタビューした人、あるいは彼らのケースを調査している人に必ず尋ねることがある。ということなんだけど、今まで話した人の中で、例外なく誰もそう感じなかったんだ。 (00:14:26)
何人かは、彼らはとても無感情で、無礼で、思いやりがないとさえ感じている。しかし、サ ディズムやナチスのような拷問と呼べるような証拠はない。 (00:14:34)
人間と比較する限り、平均的な人間よりも慈悲深いようだ。ジョン・マックは、ピューリッツァー賞受賞者の中で唯一、UFOに関する本を書いたと思う。しかし、この本はUFOコミュニティでは非常に評判がよかった。この2冊の本の中で、彼は肺炎や白血病、筋ジストロフィーなどの治癒事例を明らかにしている。 (00:15:19)
そう、彼もまた、この種の症例を認識した主要な研究者なのだ。私が言いたいのは、このようなケースはまれかもしれないが、主要なアブダクション研究者は皆、ほとんど例外なくこのようなケースに遭遇しているということだ。ここにエディス・フィオリがいるが、彼女はアブダクションについて本を書いた最初の博士である。彼女は、調査した人々の半数以上がUFOヒーリングを経験していると言っており、実際、それはあなたが遭遇しているという主要な指標であると感じている。 (00:15:50)
バーバラ・ラムは以前にも何度かここで話したことがあるが、彼女と私がこの分野に関わるようになったのは、ほぼ同時期だった。 彼女は人々に催眠術をかけて前世を思い出させることから始め、結婚、家族、子供のカウンセリング、この種のことを行っていた。 今では間違いなく、世界有数のアブダクション研究者、コンタクト研究者の一人だ。 (00:16:24)
そして彼女はUFOヒーリングの本にもいくつかのケースを寄稿している。ブラッド・スタイガー(Brad Steiger)は、何百冊もの本を書き続けていて、明らかに、この分野に深く関わっているので、いくつかのUFOヒーリングの事例を発見している。 カリフ ォルニア在住のUFO研究家、イヴォンヌ・スミスも、エイズ検査で陽性と言われた紳士が、ある出会いの後、陰性になったと明かしている。 (00:16:52)
彼女はこれを確認することはできなかったが、私が聞き続けている多くの興味深いケースの一つである。 そしてウェンデル・スティーブンスは、もちろん最近亡くなった。彼は何冊もの本を書いたり、ヒーリング的な出会いが起こるような本を共著で出版したりしている。これらの出会いの多くは、必ずしもアメリカで起こったものではない。南米やアフリカ、ヨーロッパ各地で起きているケースもある。これらのケースの多くでは、彼らは人間のようなエイリアンであり、そうでないものもある。 (00:17:35)
ヒーリングをしているエイリアンのタイプは、おそらく爬虫類系を除けば、全領域にわたっていることがわかった。爬虫類のヒーリングのケースを発見することはできなかったが、それ以外では、カマキリ型ET、灰色型ET、人間型ET、そして異なるタイプのキャッチオール・カテゴリーがある。リチャード・ボイランとリー・ボイランは、肯定的な接近遭遇に関する最初の長編本の一つを書き、いくつかのヒーリング事例を明らかにした。 (00:18:13)
彼は私のリクエストに応じて手紙を送ってくれたが、その中でいくつかの事例について詳しく説明してくれた。 (00:18:15)
さて、実際のヒーリングケースに入る前に、なぜエイリアンが良い医者になるのかについて少し話したい。私が思うに、宇宙人が良い医者になる理由は、アブダクションの事例が多いからだ。私は、ローパー世論調査にもあるように、アブダクションは50人に1人くらいの 割合で起こっていると考えている。だから私は、誘拐はよくあることだと信じている。 (00:18:56)
そして、300件以上のUFO搭乗事例を調査したトーマス・ブラードによると、最も変化が少なく、ほとんどの人が搭乗時に経験するのは、身体検査を受けることだという。それは、次から次へと出てくるケースである。私はそれを何度も聞いてきたので、その人が船上での体験を説明するときに私に言おうとしていることの詳細、その多くを予測することができる。 (00:19:19)
私たちの医者が人を診察するのと同じように、彼らは診察される。患者の衣服は脱がされ、皮膚の擦り傷、髪の毛のサンプル、唾液、血液、これらすべてが採取される。これは、UFOとの遭遇において非常に顕著な特徴である。この本のために調査をしているうちに、私はUFOをほとんど浮遊病院とみなすようになった。これは、人々がUFOに搭乗したときに最初に思い浮かべることだからだ。なぜ私がエイリアンは良い医者になれると思うのか、2つ目のポイントは、人々がUFOの内部をとても病院的だと表現するからだ。実際、アリゾナ州スノーフレイクで光線に打たれたトラビス・ウォルトンは、目を覚ますと病院の中にいると思ったが、実際はUFOの中にいた。それは何度も繰り返されている。 (00:20:14)
それはトンガ・キャニオンのコンタクトでも明らかになった。彼らはUFOの内部全体が非常に病院のようであったと述べている。バド・ホプキンスの何人かの顧客も同じことを述べていた。そのうちの一人、マイケル・バーチャードは実際に医者に行き、エイリアンにされたことを話した。その医師は驚いていた。高度な医療知識を持つ者 でなければ、君のようなことを私に話すことはできない、と言ったからだ。 (00:20:36)
明らかに、このETたちは人体に大きな関心を持っており、それについてかなり詳しい。正直なところ、彼らが我々よりも人体について詳しいとしても、私は驚かない。彼らは優れた医者になるだろう。 ヒーリングはどのように行われるのか?ヒーリングはさまざまな方法で行われる。 私がこれらのケースを調査していて、おそらく最もよく遭遇したのは、光線であった。 (00:21:02)
明らかに、これは私たちが持っているような普通の光線ではなく、私の目を照らしているようなもので、むしろコヒーレントな光線や、目撃者が説明するのが非常に難しい光線である。光には逆二乗の法則があるが、これらの光はこの法則に従っていない。時々、これらの光線は非常にゆっくりと動き、これらの光線には異なる機能もある。 (00:21:31)
人を麻痺させることができる。人を浮かせることもできる。実際に知識を伝えることもできるし、人々を癒すこともできる。電磁スペクトルに関する我々の理解は、彼らほど完全ではない。ヒーリングの大半は、通常、光の何らかの側面を使って行われる。もちろん、それだけではない。今夜のイラストのほとんどは、私の義理の妹であるキサラが描いたものだ。残念ながら彼女は今夜ここに来られなかったが、私たちは長年一緒に仕事をしてきたので、彼女の功績を称えたい。これらは彼女の絵だ。 (00:22:09)
エイリアンの薬を飲まされるケースもある。実際、かなりまれなケースだ。 (00:22:15)
正直なところ、最も一般的な治療方法は手術だが、他の方法もある。エイリ アンがマインドパワーやハンズオンヒーリングのようなものを使うケースもいくつかあるし、音を使うケースもある。 (00:22:44)
さて、医学的証拠について少し話したい。医学的証拠は事件の成否を左右することがあり、実際、写真や着陸の痕跡、複数の目撃者以外の唯一の物的証拠であることも多い。 (00:23:08)
これはバド・ホプキンスの著書『Missing Time』から抜粋したスライドで、UFO搭乗体験中に行われた処置の結果、人々の体に現れた傷跡を示している。これはマイク・エバンスのスライドで、彼はコロナド島とシミ・バレーの自宅で遭遇した結果、多くの医療問題を経験した。実際、この次のスライドが示すように、彼は看護師であり、多くの医療機器にアクセスすることができ、MRI検査を受けるために必要なあらゆる糸を引くことができた。 (00:24:01)
、彼は多くの人々の一人であり、特に誘拐された人々がこのようなことを経験するのは、例外というよりむしろ規則であるようだ。 医学的な証拠としては、火傷が最も一般的である。 これはエレイン・トーマス、モナ・スタッフォード、ルイーズ・スミスのスライドで、彼らは1976年にケンタッキー州でUFOに遭遇した。彼らはUFOから逃げようとしたがうまくいかず、次に彼らが思い出したのは、UFOの中に引きずり込まれたことだった。 (00:24:38)
そして、彼らが本当に覚えているのは、降ろされたこと、時間がなかったこと、降ろされたこと以外にはそれだけである。その時点で、3人とも、ひどい目の炎症、火傷、吐き気、嘔吐、下痢、疲労、体重減少など、かなりひどい症状に苦しんだ。彼らは皆、この中に連れて行かれたことを多少なりとも覚えていた。楽しい経験ではなかった。 彼らは催眠状態になって追体験したが、実際、非常に悲惨だった。 (00:25:03)
しかし、私がここで言いたかったのは、この事件は本当に強力な医学的証拠であったということだ。 ティモシー・グードが著書『Above Top Secret』の中で明らかにした、イギリスでの別のケースを紹介しよう。デニス・ビショップは、イギリスの自宅の外にいたとき、かなり上空でUFOを見た。 (00:25:27)
それは鉛筆のように細い光線を放ち、彼女の手を直撃して麻痺させた。一時的にビームが引っ込み、彼女は中に駆け込んだ。その後2日間、この火傷はさらに悪化した。奇妙な反応だった。 (00:25:39)
普通、火傷をするとすぐに水ぶくれができる。これは本当に痛くなるまで2日かかった。彼女は医者に行ったが、医者はこう言った。レーザーによる火傷だ。 レーザーで遊んでいたのか?彼女は違う、と言った。これは空から降ってきたんだ このような人々の多くは、自分の身に起こったことを医師に話したがらないことが多い。UFO治療の場合は特にそうだ。ごめん、そんなことを言うつもりはなかったんだ。 (00:26:08)
これはもう一つの医学的証拠のケースで、スティーブン・マイシャリックという名前の男性に関係している。彼は1967年5月20日、カナダのファルコン湖で、着陸したUFOに近づきすぎた。UFOは飛び立ち、熱風を送り込み、彼は大やけどを負った。彼はすぐに気分が悪くなり、病院に運ばれた。それから数カ月、数週間、数カ月にわたって、失神、体重減少、頭痛、下痢、関節と手の腫れ、ひどい目の炎症など、多くの症状に苦しんだ。 (00:26:48)
体重は22キロ減り、血中リンパ球数は正常の25%から非常に危険な16%になった。彼は27人以上の医師の診察を受けたが、その症状は不可解で、ある種の放射線病としか結論づけられなかった。 (00:27:15)
MUFONの責任者であったジョン・シュスラー氏は、90年代にこれらの事例をまとめた本を書き、400件ほどの傷害事例を明らかにした。おそらく、UFOヒーリングのケースだけでなく、もっと多くの傷害のケースがあるだろう。 UFOが原因で死亡したケースは数件しかない。実際に起きているのだ。 ブラジルでこのような非常に憂慮すべき事例がいくつもあった。このようなケースの多くはブラジルから来ているようだ。 (00:27:51)
これらのケースは異常値であり、確かに普通ではないようだ。この手のケースで本当に有名なのは、ジャオ・プレステス・フィーリョだ。正確な日付はわからなかったが、ブラジルで起きた事件で、UFOから光線を浴びたという紳士が、すぐに放射線病の症状が出て、病院に運ばれたが、肉が加熱されて骨から落ちてしまい、即死だった。 (00:28:20)
このようなケースはいくつかあり、非常に憂慮すべきことだが、ほとんどの場合、UFOが人に影響を与えることはないと思う。UFOに遭遇した結果、生理的な反応が起こることは、UFOに遭遇した中では比較的まれなことだが、起こることはある。 では、さっそくヒーリング事例をいくつか紹介しよう。さて、私はヒーリングケースを4つの大きなカテゴリーに分類した。 (00:28:56)
ヒーリング・ケースの約22%は、実際に人々の家で、たいていは寝室で行われていることがわかった。つまり宇宙人は往診をするのだが、今の医者は往診しないこ とが多い。さて、最も多いのはUFOの機内で、約49〜50%の人がUFOの中でヒーリングを体験している。もう一つのカテゴリーは、約20%が外にいる人で、多くの場合、車を運転していて、夜であることが多い。 (00:29:34)
。しかし、いつもというわけではなく、裏庭にいたり、浜辺を歩いていたりすることもある。 (00:29:38)
しかし、これは私が見つけることができた別のカテゴリーである。 UFOヒーリングの約9%は病院で起こっている。この種の現象に懐疑的な人にとっては、この種のことを話しても何の役にも立たないだろうが、真実は、ETはどこにでも現れる可能性があるということだ。 (00:30:06)
例えばウッドランドヒルズのマリオットホテルの7階とか、アーリタやパコイマやレシーダ郊外の密集したコンドミニアムとか。つまり、このような事件はどこででも起こりうるのだ。だから、病院でも起こりうる可能性はそれほど低くない。 (00:30:31)
実際、ブリティッシュコロンビア州で起きた実際のケースを紹介しよう。これはイサン島病院である。1970年1月1日、この看護婦のドリーン・ケンドールは、実際に病院にいたとき、小児病棟のすぐ外でこのUFOがホバリングしているのを目撃した。そして、彼女は説明をしてくれた。この物体を見る彼女の姿である。これは実に興味深いケースであり、UFOが病院上空をホバリングしているのを目撃した数多くのケースのうちの1つだと思う。病院の上空でUFOが何をしているのか、不思議に思うだろう。 (00:31:03)
そしてこれがUFOがホバリングした正確な場所であり、そこの小児病棟の真上である。かなり興味をそそられる。UFOはあらゆる種類の病気、症状、病気、怪我、風邪から癌、慢性疾患まで、あらゆるものを癒してきた。実際、UFOが慢性疾患を癒しているという事実は、私たちの医療に対する理解について多くのことを物語っていると思う。 (00:31:37)
つまり、慢性疾患などというものは存在しないということだ。慢性的な状態というのは、私たちが理解していない別の言葉なのだ。なぜなら、ETは慢性疾患を治療しているからだ。 しかし、私が最初に話したいのは、それほど劇的ではないケースだ。例えば、肉体の傷が癒えるケースだ。最も一般的なケースのひとつは、テキサス州デイモン出身の二人の警察官のケースで、UFOに関する様々な主要な本によく引用されている。彼らの名前はロバート・グッド保安官代理とビル・マッコイ保安官代理である。テキサス州デイモンで、1965年9月3日、彼らは高校フットボールの試合から帰る途中だった。 (00:32:26)
そして彼らが道路脇からUFOが昇ってくるのを見たとき、それはとても大きく、横150フィート、幅50フィートほどのフットボール型で、紫色の光線を放っていた。その光線が自分たちの方にやってきて、自分たちの車にぶつかったとき、彼らは驚き、少し怖くなった。ロバート・グッド保安官代理はその時、腕を窓の外、パトカーの外に出していた。 (00:32:50)
そして彼は、この光線が腕に当たるのを実際に感じたと言った。少し暖かく、少しヒリヒリした感じがした。ロバート・グッド保安官代理は実際にワニに噛まれていた。 (00:33:01)
息子のペットの赤ちゃんワニで、指を噛まれた。しかし、これはかなり深刻な傷だった。包帯を巻いた。痛かった。腫れて、最近になっていた。でも、すぐに痛みはなくなったそうだ。そして車を停めるチャンスがあるとすぐに、彼らは彼を食堂に連れて行き、見たことについて話し始めた。 (00:33:25)
そして彼はこの包帯をはがすと、切り傷はなくなっていた。その痕跡すらなかった。これは相棒のマッコイ副保安官にも確認された。この事件は大きな注目を集めた。実際、彼らは後に空軍大佐のインタビューを受けたが、大佐もこの事件に興味を示していた。UFOヒーリング事件としては有名なものだ。 さて、これはケンタッキー州のジェリー・ウィルズのスライドである。彼は子供の頃、家の外で飛び回る物体を何度か目撃した。 (00:34:04)
そして、彼は娯楽としてよくそれを見ていた。ある夜、森の中から人間のような人が現れ、私はあなたが見ているUFOの男だと言ったという。それから数年間、彼は彼と何度も会話を交わした。彼はいわゆるコンタクティだ。今、コンタクティは実在しないと感じている研究者もいる。 (00:34:28)
実際、1950年代には多くのコンタクティがいた。ジョージ・アダムスキー、ジョージ・ヴァン・タッセル、オルフェオ・アンジェルッチなどだ。この種の人々は、人間のような外見をした宇宙人とコンタクトがあったと主張し、しばしば美しく、いつも友好的で、UFOの機内を案内してくれた。そして、彼らは1950年代を通して、またその少し先まで、とても評判が良かった。 (00:34:51)
しかし、アブダクションの話が表面化し始めると、これらの証言は評判を落とすようになった。そして、実際にデッチ上げの疑惑がたくさんあった。 そして、多くの主要な研究者たちは、これらの話を脇に追いやり、研究しなかったり、信じなかったりした。すべてではない。ティモシー・グードは実際、ジョージ・アダムスキーや他のコンタクティの支持者だ。 そして私は、コンタクティ運動は決して止まらないという結論に達した。 (00:35:14)
ただ、人間そっくりの宇宙人とコンタクトを取ったと言うことを本当に恥ずかしく思っている人たちの報告を受けることが多くなったので、地下に押し込められたようなものだ。彼らは不信に思われることを恐れているんだ。ジェリー・ウィルスもその一人で、子供の頃ひどい熱にうなされ、家の外でUFOに乗せられたという。 (00:35:42)
そして、彼は人間のようなエイリアンを見なかったことに驚いた。代わりに灰色のタイプのETがいた。彼らは両腕に注射を打ち、彼を寝室に戻した。翌朝、熱は下がった。つまり、彼は病気の治療を受けたのだ。もう一人のコンタクティがいる。ニュージャージーのリチャード・リルケだ。二人ともコンタクティだ。 (00:36:09)
この二人の話は、ジョージ・ランダッツォの著書『コンタクティ』から得たもので、実際にはかなりレアで、見つけるのは難しい。しかし、リチャード・リルケもまた、何度か自分を癒してくれた人間そっくりの宇宙人とコンタクトを取ったという。彼は1950年代の初めにソリの事故に遭い、その結果耳が化膿して聴力を失ったと言う。 (00:36:27)
そしてETがやって来て、器具を全く使わず、ただ手を彼の頭にかざしただけで、彼を治すことができ、痛みが止まるところまで炎症を抑えることができたと言う。その後、彼はペニシリンによる治療を受け、聴力を取り戻した。 また、彼は若い頃、フォークリフトや重機を扱う工場で働いていて、指を潰してしまったという。 (00:36:53)
彼は看護婦に駆け寄り、ああ、大変だ、これは私の専門をはるかに超えている。今すぐ病院に行かないと、指を失うかもしれない。彼は病院に行き、救急処置室で治療を待っていると、医師が入ってきて、それはETの友人の一人だったと言う。 私はこのようなケースを保証することはできないが、どう考えても、彼は病院内でマインドパワーによって癒され、翌日職場に戻ったと言う人の一人である。 (00:37:31)
このように彼は何度もヒーリングを受けている。彼は腫瘍が治ったと言っていたし、とてもひどい自動車事故に遭って、ETにこの事故で死ぬはずではなかったと言われたと言っていた。ジョージア州で自動車事故に遭い、実際に亡くなったという女性もいた。 (00:38:03)
催眠状態で、数年後、彼女は自分の体から離れ、UFOの中にいたことを思い出した。 (00:38:28)
そして彼女はライトを持って行き、自分の体がこのライトによって癒され、事故現場に戻されるのを見たと言う。彼らは彼女を車の前の舗道に寝かせ、救急車が来たとき、彼女がフロントガラスを突き破ったように見えたのに、顔には傷跡がなかったのはなぜなのか、わからなかったという。だからいつも不可解な謎だったんだが、ようやくその謎が解けた。 (00:38:48)
これはボブ・ティースの著書『ウェストバージニアUFO』からの引用である。このような事件は世界中、アメリカ全土、そして様々な国で起こっている。このケースは、ウェストバージニアでダニエル・Dという名の男性に起こった。彼は、生涯を通じてかなり定期的にコンタクトをとっており、グレイタイプのETに船に連れて行かれ、検査された。 (00:39:20)
ある時、彼は家にいて、親知らずの歯が衝撃を受けていて、本当に悩んでいた。親知らずは炎症を起こして腫れ上がり、化膿していた。保険もないし、どうしたらいいのかわからなかったんだ。 (00:39:42)
ちょっとした冗談だった。誰かが実際にUFOヒーリングを引き起こしたり、ヒーリングを求めたりして、それを手に入れたというような関連性があるケースは、私が見つけた中ではこれだけだと思う。 (00:39:50)
そしてまさにそれが起こった。彼はこの宇宙船に乗せられ、ETが彼の口の中にいろいろなものを詰め込んだ。つまり、エイリアンの歯の治療だ。彼が熟練した芸術家でないことは知っているが、彼が見たETのタイプを知ることができる。 (00:40:22)
私がインタビューした人たち、つまり宇宙人を見たとかUFOに乗ったという何百人、何千人という人たちのうち、約70%、いやもう少し多いかもしれないが、グレイのバリエーションを見たことがあると思う。つまり、髪の毛がなく、大きな黒い目をしていて、背が低く、3フィートから5フィート、もう少し高いかもしれない。 服は着ていないか、着ていたとしてもとてもタイトな制服だ。 (00:40:47)
似たような説明だ。というのも、それが地球外生命体であることを最もよく示す証拠だと思うからだ。そのほとんどは、あまり感情的でないように見えるが、目撃者が言うには、地球外生命体はとても感情的で、とても愛情深いらしい。グレイでさえもだ。 (00:41:20)
でもほとんどの場合、彼らはかなり臨床的で、自分の仕事をする医者や、自分の仕事をする軍人 のようだ。非常に客観的で、ただ自分の仕事をするためにそこにいる。 もう1つ、私が大好きなケースを紹介しよう。なぜこのようなことが起きたのか、私には理解しがたいからだ。 (00:41:40)
そして、その隣人にはプールがあり、このUFOは10フィートか20フィートの高さにいて、プールの水面を横切る小さな光線を放っていた。そして、チャック・ドイルは、このビームが行ったり来たりして、どんどん彼に近づいてくるのに気づいて、警戒するようになった。 (00:42:30)
そして彼は、ああ、やられる、と思った。それで彼は走ろうとした。その時、光線が彼に当たったんだ。もし光線が彼を支えていなかったら、彼は倒れていただろう。それで彼は即座に麻痺し、半分浮いたような状態になった。 (00:42:44)
その瞬間、バケツ一杯の氷水に打たれたように感じたと彼は言う。骨の髄まで冷えた。そして、一連のイメージと数式が彼の頭の中に現れたと言う。奇妙な風景、奇妙な色、幾何学的な形、数字、奇妙な象形文字、こういったものだ。そして、そのすべてが彼の頭の中を過ぎ去っていった。彼はそれを説明する以外に、その多くを思い出すことができなかった。 (00:43:11)
そして数秒後、このビームは引っ込み、彼は地面に倒れこんだ。彼らは外に飛び出した。その痕跡はなかった。それは消えていた。 (00:43:22)
しかしその時、チャックはひ どい頭痛に悩まされていた。息が詰まって、鼻づまりがひどかった。この光線に打たれた直後、風邪の兆候はまったくなかった。ゆっくり治るとか、すぐに治るとか、そういう感じではなかった。瞬時に治ったのだ。 (00:43:45)
そして、このケースについても私が気に入っているのは、主要なUFO研究家によって研究されただけでなく、彼らは翌日彼を急いで医者に連れて行ったことだ。医者は彼を診察した。彼らは医者に何が起こったかを話した。すると医者は言った。 (00:43:59)
あなたはもう病気ではない。もう病気ではない。かなり興味深いケースだ。この事件で私が興味をそそられるのは、なぜエイリアンが、例えば4光年離れた一番近い星を、4光年も飛ばして、子供の、いや、頭の風邪の誰かを癒すのだろうか?わからない。もしかしたら、彼らはもっと近くにいて、何光年も飛んでいないのかもしれない。もしかしたら、UFOで面白半分に人々をザッピングしているだけかもしれないし、光線で人々をザッピングしているだけかもしれない。何とも言えない。でも、もしかしたら、これは偶然の副次的効果だったのかもしれない。 (00:44:29)
その可能性は十分にある。しかし、明らかに意図的なヒーリングである場合もある。 ジャック・ヴァレは主要なUFO研究家である。トップ20に入るだろう。少なくとも100位以内には入る。最近、UFO研究家がたくさん出てきている。彼は多くの本を書いている。彼は最近、UFOの分野から少し引退している。しかし、彼がこの分野全体に大きな影響を与えたことは確かだ。 (00:44:57)
彼の研究で興味深いのは、ヒーリングを含むUFOの超常現象や異常な側面に集中していることだ。 そして、彼が非常に多くの調査をしたある特殊なケースは、ドクターXという名の医学博士に関係していた。彼はフレンチアルプスに住んでいる。1968年11月2日、この医師は自宅にいたが、閃光で起こされた。 (00:45:29)
とてもひどく眩しかった。彼は混乱し、よろめきながら寝室へ行き、そこで眠りについた。翌朝、目を覚ますと、腹部に三角形の痕があった。彼の息子の腹部にも同じマークがあった。しかし、最も深く、私にとって適切で興味深かったのは、この発疹だけでなく、この医師がアルジェリア戦争に参加し、その負傷の結果、体の半分が麻痺していたという生理学的影響であった。 (00:46:21)
ピアノ演奏を断念せざるを得ないほど重傷で、ピアニストとしてはかなりの腕前だった。翌朝、この光線が彼に当たった後、麻痺の痕跡はすべて消え、彼は再びピアノを弾き始めることができた。 (00:46:39)
これは彼の人生に大きな影響を与えた。それだけでなく、彼は、この本と私の研究の中で発見した、UFOヒーリングを複数回受けた多くの人々の一人である。これは一つのパターンのようだ。もしあなたがUFOヒーリングを一回受けたなら、もう一回受ける可能性の方がはるかに高い。 多くの場合、これらは同時に起こる。ドクターXの場合もそうだった。 (00:47:02)
数日前、彼は家の外で薪割りをしていて、斧が滑って足首にひどい怪我をした。翌朝、UFOからの光線に打たれた後、足首の傷は消えていた。跡形もない。だか らこれも、肉体の傷が癒えるという本当に驚くべきケースなのだ。 (00:47:27)
ティモシー・グリーンベックリーは、何年も何年もUFO研究をしている。彼は間違いなく、このUFOムーブメント全体のパイオニアの一人であり、多くの治癒事例を発見してきた。特に興味深かったのは、1974年7月8日、ブランドン・ブラックマンという名のニューヨークの共産主義者に起きた事件だ。私はブランドン・ブラックマンを見つけることができなかった。 (00:47:54)
しかしとにかく、ベックリーによると、ブラックマンはその晩、他の何人かと一緒にプロスペクト・パークにいて、UFOを見ていた。私はあまり気にならなかった。とても珍しかった。UFOの目撃談だった。 (00:48:17)
彼は、わあ、UFOを見た、という感じだった。彼は家に帰り、家に帰る途中、切った指がもう痛くないことに気づいた。絆創膏をはがしてみると、切り傷は治っていた。切り傷の跡はまったくなかった。奇妙な瞬間治癒のひとつである。 (00:48:33)
実際、UFOの近くにいたこと以外、どうして治ったのかわからないようなケースも結構あった。だから一般的には、UFOに駆け寄らないことを勧める。しかし、UFOの隣にいるだけで、ヒーリングに影響する場合もあるようだ。 (00:48:50)
ブランドン・ブラックマンがアパートに戻ったとき、中に入れなかった。鍵がかかっていたからだ。鍵を持っていなければ、鍵をかけることはできない。だから、友人からスペアキーをもらって中に入るという大仕事をした後、彼は鍵がベッドの上にあるのを見つけた。 (00:49:14)
彼は、ちょうどその1時間前にとても珍しい出来事があって、それがあのUFO目 撃と何か関係があるに違いないと感じている。しかし、彼にはそれが何なのか見当もつかない。そういえば、似たようなケースがいくつかある。モナ・スタッフォードとルイーズ・スミスのケースでも、指輪の片方が外されていて、それを後で珍しい場所で見つけた。 (00:49:40)
こういうこともあるんだね。宝石や他のものでも、そういうことがあると聞いたことがある。 (00:49:41)
目が治る。宇宙人の眼科医もいる。彼らは眼球の構造についてかなり詳しい。本当に興味深い目の治療例がある。最も有名なものの一つは、1968年12月9日に、匿名のペルーの税関職員に起こった。彼はバルコニーに出ていて、空高く、典型的な円盤型のとても小さなUFOを見た。彼がそれを見ていると、それは紫色の光線を送ってきた。 (00:50:16)
青、白、紫、赤や緑はあまり見えないが、この光線は様々な色をしている。光線は彼の頭と胸を直撃し、眩しかった。彼は近視だった。ひどい近視だった。彼は眼鏡をかけても見えないことに気づいた。 (00:50:40)
眼鏡を外すと、視力は正常だった。瞬時に治ったのだ。リューマチも患っていた。リューマチとは全身の病気であり、炎症を伴う自己免疫疾患である。彼はリューマチで関節に苦しんでいたが、この光線に打たれた結果、その後数日で治り、再発することはなかったという。 (00:51:06)
これは、リューマチや関節リウマチ、関節炎が治ったいくつかのケースの一つに過ぎない。 ここにもう一人のコンタクティ、ハワード・メンガーがいる。繰り返しになるが、この事例が真実かどうか、あるいは一方的なものであるかどうか、私には何とも言えない。私は 、このようなコンタクティのケースの多くは真実であり、実際、その証拠はアブダクションと同様に説得力があると考える傾向がある。 (00:51:34)
客観的に見れば、これらのケースに大きな違いはない。これらのコンタクティの多くは、核災害や環境災害、汚染、人口過剰、このようなものについての警告を与えられていた。50年代には非常に一般的なテーマだった。このテーマは決して止むことはなく、実際、UFOに乗せられたときに2番目によく経験されることである。先ほどのトーマス・ブラードの研究によると、1番目は検査で、2番目は核拡散やこの種のことについてのメッセージを聞かされることだ。 (00:52:09)
そして3つ目は、ヒーリングやサイキック的なこと、過去世、体外離脱の方法、ハンズオンヒーリング、チャネリングの方法などに関する情報を与えられることだ。この種のことは、人々が本当に深いコンタクトを持ち、ある種の恐怖の壁を越えて、自分の体験から最善のものを得ようとしている場合に、何度も何度も出てくる。 (00:52:41)
しかし、ハワード・メンガーは典型的なコンタクティで、E.T.は英語を話し、彼らはとても美しく、基本的に空飛ぶ円盤に乗せてもらったと言った。そして、彼はこのことについて広く語り、それについて本も書き、沖縄に駐留していたときにUFOヒーリングを体験したと語った。それは1945年の4月のことで、攻撃中に榴散弾が爆発し、彼はその破片に当たった。 (00:53:20)
そして彼は軍のテント病院に入れられ、できる限りの治療を受けていた。そこにいる間、彼は誰も見分けがつかない謎めいた看護婦の訪問を受け続けた。 (00:53:44)
その後、 彼はコンタクティであることを知らなかったし、コンタクティやUFOを目撃したこともなかった。コンタクティの証言には、このようなケースやヒーリングがかなり一貫している。 (00:54:01)
しかし、それはアブダクションの証言にもある。アンナ・ジャマーソンとベス・コリングスは一緒に『コネクションズ』という本を書いた。素晴らしい本だ。 とてもお勧めの本だ。ワイルドフラワー・プレスから出版されている。 正確な場所は忘れた。ヴァージニアかその辺りだったと思う。 とにかく、アンナ、ごめんなさい、ベス・コリングスという背の高い人は、UFOと本当に深い体験をしていて、1992年にとても悲惨なアブダクション体験をした。 (00:54:43)
そしてすぐに車に戻ろうとしたとき、彼女は自分の視界が正常であることに気づいた。彼女は眼鏡をかけていると思ったが、かけていなかった。彼女の視力は、なぜか完全に見えるまで向上していた。これは、何か本当に奇妙なことが起こったという彼女の強い兆候のひとつだった。というのも、クローズアップされた光景が見え、方向感覚を失い、時間を見失っている可能性があったからだ。 (00:55:12)
そしてこの頃、彼女の友人であるアンナ・ジャマーソンも劇的に視力が回復した。アンナにはその時遭遇したどんな記憶もなかったが、彼女の視力が劇的に改善し、それは彼女の友人と全く同じ時期、あるいは似たような時期に相関していた。 (00:55:33)
そして案の定、催眠術のもとで、二人は生涯のコンタクトを明らかにした。そして、他のケースでも示されているように、彼らはETにある程度操られて一緒になり、大人になってからしか会っていないにもかかわらず、子供の頃に一緒に会ったことを思い出したようだ。つまりETは、そう見えないかもしれないが、我々の問題に非常に深く関わっているのだ。 (00:55:58)
これはイギリスの非常に興味深い事件で、アラン・ゴッドフリーという警察官がUFOを見たと報告した。彼は実際に、行方不明になった牛の群れを調査するために呼ばれた。そして彼はついに、空から落ちてきたような場所で牛を見つけた。 (00:56:23)
彼らの周りには足跡がなかった。いるはずのない囲いの中にいた。だからとても奇妙だった。彼は何が起こっているのか理解しようと車を走らせていると、この乾いた場所、つまり実際にUFOに出くわした。その時は小雨が降っていて、UFOは道路の上をホバリングしていた。 (00:56:40)
そして彼はすぐにそれを描いた。これは素晴らしいアドバイスだ。彼はそこに座って、それを見ながらこれを描いた。警察官は、UFOが消えた後、急いで現場に戻った。道路は乾いていて、彼らはそれについて何の説明もできなかった。 (00:57:00)
そのことや他の証拠にもかかわらず、彼は同僚の警官たちから容赦なく嘲笑され、最終的に彼の車は取り上げられ、彼は自転車を与えられた。これは、この結果、あるいは他の専門家が遭遇したことを公表した結果、苦しんでいる唯一の警察官ではない。しかしここで重要なのは、彼がバーでの喧嘩が原因で不妊症になったということだ。 (00:57:23)
彼はひどく蹴られ、その結果子供を作る能力を失った。この出会いの後、数カ月が経ち、彼の妻が妊娠した。すると彼女は、そんなことはしていない。浮気はしていない。そして彼は、彼女が 妊娠し、彼が不妊であることから、間違いなく彼女が妊娠していると思った。 (00:57:44)
それで彼は医者に行き、医者はこう言った。どう伝えたらいいかわからないけど、君の状態は逆転したんだ。もう不妊症ではない。 実際、あなたは元気だ。これは、私がこの本で見つけた3、4例のうちの1例である。バーバラ・ラムやブラッド・スタイガーなど、他の研究者もこのようなケースを発見している。私のお気に入りのケースは、1976年にワイオミング州ロリンズ郊外でカール・ヒグドンという男性に起きたこの事件である。本当に驚くべき、膨大な証拠を含む事件だ。 (00:58:25)
でも中はもっと広かった。彼はそこで他の人たちを見た。彼は他のエイリアンを見た。 彼はガラスの囲いの中にいる動物たちを見た。彼は検査を受けたり、他の処置を受けたりした。ある時点で、彼は実際に別の惑星に連れて行かれたようだ。 (00:59:18)
しかし本当に深い経験だった。このようなことが起こっている間、彼が行方不明になっているため、他の人々が彼を探していた。 そしてこのUFOが彼を連れ戻した。彼のトラックは元いた場所とは違う場所で見つかった。彼はとても呆然としていた。彼はとても動揺し 、トラウマになっていた。彼を探していた何人かの人が、UFOが飛び去るのを見た。 (00:59:42)
そして彼は発見され、すぐに病院に運ばれ検査を受けた。そして、彼の妻や彼を探していた人たちを含め、彼の周りにいた人たち全員が彼の状態を確認した。本当に驚くべき事件だ。そしてあまり知られていないのは、彼が2つの深い癒しを受けたという事実だ。 (01:00:03)
彼は結核を患っていて、進行していないか、ひどく傷ついた肺が大丈夫かを確認するために毎年医者に行かなければならなかった。彼が次に医者に行ったとき、医者はこう言ったんだ。肺に瘢痕はない。結核の瘢痕はすべて消えている。説明のしようがない (01:00:25)
そして彼が見つけた唯一の説明は、UFOとの遭遇だった。ついでに言うと、同時に彼は腎臓結石に苦しんでいた。その後、腎臓結石が再発したことは一度もなく、医者に行っても腎臓結石の兆候はなかった。 (01:00:47)
これは驚くべきケースで、UFOとの遭遇にポジティブな側面があることを示すもののひとつだと思う。私たちは、アブダクションがいかに怖いかについてよく耳にする。確かにそうかもしれないが、肯定的な面もある。 (01:00:55)
ジム・スパークス(Jim Sparks)、彼は今度のコンベンションで話をする予定だ。ラジオ番組をやっていたとき、彼にインタビューしたことがある。彼は催眠術の助けを借りずに自分の体験を覚えているんだ。 (01:01:16)
、彼にインタビューしながら、ベティ・アンドレアセンの本は読んだ?って聞いたら、彼は「ノー」って言うんだ。その本で聞いたようなことを言ってるじゃないか。でも、彼が言っていることは、他の多くの目撃者によって裏付けられている。そして彼は驚くべき体験をしたと言う。 (01:01:41)
彼はしばらくヘビースモーカーだった。そしてETは彼に禁煙を警告し、贈り物をすると言った。彼らは彼をUFOに乗せ、黒いベトベトの詰まった透明な箱を見せた。そして彼らは、これがあなたの贈り物だと言った。 (01:01:57)
すると彼は、それは何だ?すると彼らは、あなたの肺からこれを取り出したと言った。肺の治療薬なんだ。彼はその時、病気ではなかったんだけど、確かに健康になった。あるいは彼はそう感じている。 ジョージア州で自動車事故に遭ったアリシア・ハンソンは、ETによって生き返った。彼女は生涯を通じて深いUFO体験をしてきた。 (01:02:27)
彼女の隣人たちは、彼女の隣に住んだ結果としてUFO体験をしている。彼女のルームメイトや友達もだ。彼女は私に2回UFOを見せてくれた。私を連れ出して、この巨大なUFOを見なかったことにしてくれた。だから、この女性は本物で、私は彼女にとても感銘を受けた。彼女はアブダクションに関わる深い経験をしていて、ある時、それにとても動揺して、もうこんな恐怖は感じたくない、と言ったんだ。 (01:02:51)
(01:03:10) 彼女は手を伸ばし、叩いて壊した。
彼女は手を伸ばしてそのエイリアンを殴り、首を折った。誰かが恐怖のあまり暴れたり、正直言ってエイリアンがベッドサイドに現れて人々を怖がらせるようなことはあってはならない。で も彼女は恐怖を乗り越え、その結果、スピリチュアルなこと、チャネリングやヒーリングなど、さまざまなことを教わった。
そして彼女自身、本当に驚くべきUFOヒーリングを受けている。ある時、彼女は胸に嚢腫があった。(01:04:06)UFOのヒーリングは、本当に驚くべきものだった。 (01:04:06)
彼女の記憶の多くはまだ記憶喪失に覆われていて、全てではないけれど、何かが部屋に入ってきたことだけは覚えている。彼女は「わからない」と言った。手術したんだね。 (01:04:25)
彼女は、いいえ、手術してないわ、と言う。すると医者は、そうだ、これがその証拠だ、と言うんだ。彼女はそれを否定し、医師たちは彼女が嘘をついていると感じ、彼女が真実を話したがらないので、とても動揺した。医師たちは彼女を診察し続け、レントゲンを撮って、これはおかしい、体内のここに液体がある。明らかに手術を受けた後だ。 (01:04:52)
そして彼女はそれを否定し続けた。他の患者でも同じようなことがあった。だから個人的には、主治医に何が起こったかを話すことをお勧めする。でも、このようなケースはたくさんある。彼女によれば、彼女が関わったエイリアンは様々なタイプで、あれはそのうちの一つだったそうだ。 (01:05:25)
彼女にとって、彼らはとても感情的で愛情深いことが多い。彼女が一定の意識と自制心のレベルに達するまで、だそうだ。 (01:05:34)
さて、こちらはビル・ハミルトンという非常に有名な研究者で、何冊も本を書いているが、今話したケースと同じものを発見した。この事件には、南カリフォルニアのモルガナ・フォン・クラッセンという女性 が関わっている。これはペンネームだ。とにかく、モルガナは乳房に嚢胞性の腫瘤があると診断され、医師がレントゲンを撮って、手術を受けることになった。 (01:06:05)
光と活動があった。彼女はそれが何だったのかよく覚えていない。でも翌日、彼女は医者に行った。嚢腫の痕跡はない。私たちの思い違いに違いない。そして、これは彼らがよく思いつく説明である。誤診だ。自然寛解だ。確かに自然寛解は病院ではかなり定期的に起こっている。 (01:06:48)
そしてその説明はあまり多くない。おそらくこれもそのひとつだろう。 なるほど。彼は、要求に応じてUFOを呼び出すことができることで非常によく知られるようになり、メディアのために何度もそうして、その結果、非常に強力で評判のよいUFO運動を起こした。そして、多くの人々が彼のグループ、確かラマ・グループと呼ばれるものに加わった。 (01:07:17)
そして彼は様々な地域を回り、UFOを墜落させた。1988年5月、彼はニューヨークのセバゴ・キャビンズでこれを行った。そこに100人くらいのグループを連れてきて、瞑想やいろいろなことをやって、UFOを墜落させたんだ。そのUFOは、この100人ほどのグループだけでなく、周囲の住民全員に目撃された。 (01:07:43)
これは何度も聞いた話だ。目が覚めたら毛布が丸められていて、ベッドにぴったりくっついていた。私は3、4件そういうことがあった。奇妙なことだ。服が後ろ向きに着せられていたり、自分の服じゃなかったり。 (01:08:24)
で、パジャマの裾を脱がされ、目が覚めたら足は大丈夫だったと言う。彼の症状は説明されていないが、プロのダンサーとしてのキャリアを諦めなければならないほど深刻だったらしい。そしてこの経験の後、彼は問題なく踊れるようになった。さて、こちらはビリー・マイヤーだ。手を挙げて、ビリー・マイヤーを支持する人は何人いるだろうか?多くはないだろう。 (01:08:49)
面白いね。でも何人かはいる。私は彼のケースを支持する傾向がある。実際、他のどの事件よりも多くの証拠があると思う。もちろん、賛否両論ある写真だけでなく、着陸の痕跡のケース、金属片のケース、音声記録、フィルム記録、そして私にとって最も説得力があるのは、彼の目の前でUFOを見た200人以上の目撃者だ。 (01:09:20)
多くのUFOコンタクティがそうであるように、フロリダのエド・ウォルターズ事件やこのビリー・マイヤーの事件のように、大きな事件であればあるほど、彼らはより広く攻撃される。彼らは素晴らしい主張をしているのだから、そうあるべきだ。しかし、このケースを客観的に見れば、非常に印象的だと思う。 (01:09:43)
そして彼は3回ヒーリングを受けたと言う。ひとつは彼が子供の頃、肺炎から突然回復した時だ。誰もが彼は死ぬと思っ たが、一晩で回復した。数年後、彼はそのことを知った。彼が接触していた宇宙人が、彼らが彼を治したと告げたのだ。またある時、彼は自宅のリビングルームで人々に囲まれていたが、閃光の中で姿を消した。 (01:10:07)
その様子を2人の人が見ていた。その時、彼はただの風邪だと思っていたが、肺炎だった。肺炎だったことがわかった。そしてETたちは、彼が死の淵に立たされていることに非常に憤慨したという。そして彼らは彼を癒し、次は医者に行くように言った。 (01:10:19)
またある時、彼はコンタクトに行く途中で原付から落ちて肋骨を折った。そのときは、折れた肋骨に衝撃を与える器具を使って治したそうだ。これは私たちの病院でも実際に使っている処置で、骨折を治すために電気刺激を使うのだ。 (01:10:36)
さて、これはエディス・フィオーレの本『エンカウンター』から引用したケースだが、リンダという名の女性が、彼女と彼女の妹のシェリーとともに、驚くべきヒーリングを何度も受けている。 彼女たちは催眠下でその出会いを思い出したが、催眠下では船内に連れて行かれたことを思い出し、その出会いはトラウマになるようなものではなかった。実際、それはとても友好的なもので、何人もの人々が船に乗せられ、癒しの処置を施されていたという。 (01:11:13)
人々は様々な症状を癒されていたという。そして彼女の番が来たとき、彼らはイースト菌感染症を癒した。彼女はまた、弱った肝臓のために定期的な治療を受けたという。子供の頃、ジャングルジムで転んで肝臓を痛め、感染症にかかりやすい体質だった。そのために治療を受けていたという。またある 時は、乳がんであることを告げられた。 (01:11:41)
これが彼女が見ているETのタイプだ。彼らは彼女に、君は乳がんだ、治療が必要だと言った。主にこの器具を使い、彼女に押し当て、他の器具も使った。実際、かなり痛い手術だったと彼女は言う。 (01:12:02)
この講義の最後に、癌の症例についてもう少し話す。しかし、このような癌の手術には決まりがあるようだ。耐え難いものだ。彼女も彼女の妹も何度もヒーリングを受けた。 実際、そんなカジュアルな雰囲気だった。一度だけ、彼女がヒーリングを受けているとき、異星人たちに「胸を大きくする手術はするのですか」と尋ねたことがある。と聞いたが、彼らは答えなかった。 (01:12:24)
これはおそらく私の2番目に好きなケースで、アルゼンチンで1972年12月30日に起きた、ヴェントゥーラ・マシアスという名の紳士に関するものだ。彼は夜警だ。これは、UFOがアブダクションやこのようなことで、メディアでかなり一般化される前のことだ。確かにUFOヒーリングはまったく知られていなかった。ヴェンチュラは当時73歳だった。 (01:12:57)
彼はUFOからの光線に打たれた。ミシュランマンのようなコスチュームのETを見たという。そのコスチュームはミシュランマンのようだった。このケースを裏付ける証拠はたくさんある。この地域の非常に背の高いユーカリの木のてっぺんも燃やされていた。 (01:13:14)
この物体がホバリングしていたすぐ近くの小川で、ナマズの死骸が大量に発見された。ヴェンチュラは、この物体が彼の上空を通過した直後、光線で彼を打った。彼は機内で接触したのかもしれない。不明だが、どうやらそうではなか ったようだ。いずれにせよ、彼は頭痛、吐き気、嘔吐、下痢、疲労感、皮膚の膿疱や小さな腫れ物など、放射線病と思われる症状に苦しんだ。 (01:13:47)
実際、彼のケースは非常によく調査された。彼はあらゆる種類のUFO研究家、警察官、政府捜査官、あらゆる種類の役人からおしかけられた。すべてが終わったとき、彼は60人以上の医者や役人から事情聴取を受けたが、彼のケースを説明することはできなかった。最も驚くべきことは、彼がこの光線に打たれてから約1ヵ月後、3本目の歯が生え始めたことだ。 (01:14:21)
UFOに衝突された結果、歯が生え揃ったというケースは、私が知る限りこのケースだけである。歯は、毛髪、皮膚、歯と爪、そして目の一部である。UFOが人々の内臓器官を癒した例はたくさんある。 (01:14:41)
これはおそらく、最もよく調査された、あるいは最も信憑性の高いものの一つであろう。 先ほども言ったように、病院で起こったケースはいくつもある。 フレッド・ホワイトという電子工学の発明家であり専門家であった紳士が関与している。彼はイギリスのダラムに住んでいる。この事件の4年ほど前、彼は釣りをしているときにUFOを見た。 (01:15:14)
それはこの湖の上でホバリングしていた。舷窓があった。彼はその人影が彼を見ているのを見た。彼は、これは奇妙だと思った。UFOは飛び去った。年後、彼は肺に穴が開いていると診断された。肺が潰れたのだ。非常に深刻な状態だった。先天性の穴だったようだ。 (01:15:40)
彼らは確信が持てなかった。彼はひどく苦しんでいた。息をするのもままならず、痛みに苦しんでいるところに、見知らぬ医者が現れた 。その医者は、私があなたを治してあげると言った。フレッドは、ああ、素晴らしい、わかった。だからここに来たんだ。彼はその時、この医者が人間かどうか、あまり深く考えなかった。なぜなら、その医者は人間に見えたからだ。しかし、彼はその男がちょっとエキゾチックな顔つきで、目が斜めになっていて、白人ではないことに気づいた。間違いなく異国の人だった。 (01:16:12)
彼はまた、文字盤のない腕時計をしていた。光り輝く時計だったが、数字も文字盤も腕も何もなかった。彼はそのことに気づき、その人物はフレッドの体の上を行ったり来たりしながら、手を動かして彼を癒した。 たちまち彼は呼吸が楽になり、痛みも引いた。 (01:16:38)
そしてこの紳士は、電子工学の研究に興味があったので彼を癒したと言った。私は誰がなぜ癒されるのか、そのパターンを探していたので、これは本当に面白いと思った。そして、基本的に3つのカテゴリーに分けられることがわかった。ヒーリングを受けている人の30%はコンタクティで、友好的な宇宙人とコンタクトがあると主張している人たちだ。 (01:16:58)
30%は誘拐された人。そして30%は、UFOとはまったく関係のない人たちだ。そして残りは、コンタクティやアブダクティの友人である人々である。だから、誰がなぜ癒されているのかを分けるのは難しい。女性よりも男性の方が多いようだ。女性よりも男性のコンタクティが多いからかどうかはわからない。 (01:17:28)
確かに、アブダクションを報告しているのは女性の方が多いようで、ヒーリングを報告しているのは男性の方が多いという事実とはちょっと矛盾している。つまり、 発明家、医者、警察官、ソーシャルワーカー、俳優、ダンサー、エンターテイナーなどだ。 (01:18:00)
これが僕が見つけた唯一の本当のパターンで、超強力ではなかったが、そこにあった。 (01:18:07)
これは、UFOヒーリングで僕が一番好きなケースだ。いや、ちょっと遅かったかな?15分くらいで手短に終わらせて、もっと深刻なケースと癌のケースを取り上げたい。しかし、ジョナサン・サルターについてはここでじっくりと話したい。 (01:18:32)
彼は息子と一緒にリッチランド・センターで誘拐体験をした。彼らは車で移動中にUFOを見た、典型的なUFOだった。その時、彼らは何も覚えていなかった。催眠状態には入らなかったが、それから数週間後、二人とも何が起こったかを自然に思い出した。 トラウマになるような体験ではなかったという。 (01:18:54)
彼はUFOに乗せられたことを思い出した。二人ともテーブルの上に寝かされた。そしてそれぞれが、特にジョン・サルターが、彼の名前は今はジョン・ハンター・グレイになっている。彼はネイティブ・アメリカンの血筋を尊重するために名前を変えたのだ。 二人ともテーブルの上に寝かされ、特に父親のジョン・ソルター・ジュニアに注射を打たれた。 (01:19:22)
注射は興味深い場所に打たれたそうで、そのほとんどが彼の様々な腺、腺部分、リンパ節、戦略的な部分に打たれた。 そしてそれらは返された。不快な経験ではなかったという。医者の診察によく似ていた。そして彼は、それがトラウマになることはまったくなかったと言う。というのも、すぐに生理学的な改善が見られ始めたからだ。 (01:19:50)
まず、彼はヘビースモーカーだった。彼はすぐに禁煙した。欲望がなかったのだ。彼はそれを出会いのおかげだと思っている。それが禁煙のひとつの方法だ。 彼はまた、すぐに肌の調子が良くなったとも言っている。切り傷の治りが早くなったという。シワがいくつか消えた。体重が減った。彼は自動車事故で顔に怪我をした。これはすぐに治り、消えた。 (01:20:18)
他にもいくつかある。髪と爪が伸びた。また5時方向の影ができ始めた。というのも、UFOからの光線に打たれた人が、その後、本当に大きく成長したケースがいくつもあるからだ。非常にまれなことだが、実際にあることなのだ。 彼は現在70代で、まだ健康である。 (01:20:48)
彼はいくつかのエピソードに苦しんでいるが、いつも医者を驚かせるような方法で回復している。そしてここからがキッカーであり、私にとっては本当にショッキングなことである。この経験をする前、彼の足のサイズは11だった。今は17号だ。なるほど。 エディス・フィオーレの著書『エンカウンター』からの引用だ。この紳士は子供の頃、血管腫に苦しんでいた。血管腫は静脈の血管の奇形で、通常、麻痺、失語、失行、そしてしばしば死に至る。 (01:21:24)
非常に重篤な場合もあり、彼の場合もそうだった。彼はうまくいっていなかったが、ある日突然、症状が劇的に改善した。その後、大人になってから、彼は一連の深遠なUFO体験をするようになり、催眠状態に入り、子供の頃にUFOに乗せられ、血管腫が治ったことを思い出した。 (01:21:51)
彼によると、基本的に何が起こったかというと、頭頂部を切除してレーザー光線を照射し、奇形だった血管を正常な大きさまで 縮めることができたのだという。これは本当に驚くべきケースで、宇宙人が慢性的、あるいは致命的と思われる症状を治した多くのケースのひとつである。 (01:22:16)
そして、エイリアンが人を殺すために使う道具がある。興味深いことに、人々はしばしばこれらの道具について、完全に困惑しているように説明する。円筒形をしていて、そこから光が出ていて、奇妙な形をしている。さて、これが彼を癒したというETだ。 (01:22:39)
さて、いろいろな種類があるようだね。私は、そのようなものを見た人と話したことはない。1980年代に、研究者のヘルガ・モロがロシアで調査したいくつかの事例が発表された。トビリシという地域で一度に起こったのだから、実に深い。発音できない。 (01:23:06)
T-B-I-T-B-L-I-S-Iという本に書いてある。オーケー、ありがとう。トビリシだ。しかし、どうやら十数件のUFOヒーリング事例があったようで、その中には実際にETからコンタクトを受け、治療法を授けられた医師も含まれている。心臓発作の被害者、肝臓病の人、膝に問題を抱えた人など、さまざまな症状のヒーリングがあった。これはカタリーナ・ウィルソンで、オレゴン州の自宅の外にいたとき、雷に打たれそうになった。 (01:23:38)
そして家に駆け込み、自分がどれほどひどい怪我をしているのか気づかなかったが、すぐにUFOに乗っていることに気づいた。彼女は膨大な数のコンタクトを経験し、それについて素晴らしい本を書いた。宇宙人は彼女に、あなたは心臓を傷つけていると言った。あなたの心臓は落雷でひどく損傷した。私たちはあなたの心臓を修復している。 (01:24:02)
そして彼らがしたことはまさにそれだった。そして彼女は、この器具がどのようなものかを正確に説明するために、ここにこの絵を描いた。そして、それはとても素早い手術だった。翌朝目覚めたとき、彼女はかなり痛がっていたが、この近接落雷による明らかな怪我はなかった。これは本当に奇妙な事件だ。本当に考えさせられるので、この本はお薦めだ。 (01:24:27)
これはオレゴン州に住む家族で、人間のようなETと接触したと主張している。当初、彼らは彼らが非常に灰色のタイプであったと記憶していたが、時間が経つにつれて、彼らは記憶を取り戻したと言えるかもしれない。そうして彼らは何度も船内に連れて行かれ、あらゆる種類のヒーリング体験や深遠なスピリチュアル体験も与えられた。 (01:24:53)
父親はUFOに乗っているときにつまづいて背中を痛め、エイリアンが円筒形の装置を使ってそれを治してくれたと言っている。私は、その円筒形の器具が人の背中に使われたという説明を他の何人かの人から聞いたことがあり、それは彼のケースをより信憑性のあるものにするための裏づけのようなものだと思った。彼の子供は喘息が治った。その母親は、帝王切開をした後に病室を訪ねられ、ETが彼女の治癒を早めることができたと言い、医師や看護師が帝王切開の傷跡の回復の早さに驚き、とても早く退院できたと言った。 (01:25:33)
つまり、この一家は合計で7回のヒーリングを受けたことになる。 (01:25:40)
これは実に興味深いケースで、ウェンデル・スティーブンスの本の中で初めて明かされた。 これはジャエル・ヴァレリオという名の男に関するもので、彼と彼の息子がコンタクティであ る。 このコンタクティが住んでいる町に、脳動脈瘤を患った子供がいた。 (01:26:15)
この子供は町の人気者で、この町の誰もがジャエル・ヴァレリオがコンタクティであることを知っていて、この子供を助けられないか宇宙人に頼んでくれと頼んだ。ジャエルはやってみると言った。エイリアンは、この薬を飲ませなさいと言った。これが彼が見たエイリアンで、これがその薬だ。 (01:26:34)
見た目も成分も粗糖にとても似ていて、濃い茶色か薄い茶色で、鋭い結晶があると説明された。宇宙人はそれを足の裏にすり込むように指示し、彼らはそれを実行した。それは体温で溶けて子供の皮膚の中に消え、すぐに血管が修復し始めた。 (01:27:01)
彼は脳動脈瘤から完全に回復した。脳死状態になるかと思われたが、完全回復した。ありがたいことに、化学分析のためにこの薬のサンプルを取っておいてくれた。非常に高価な化学分析で、あらゆる種類の物質を検査したが、既知の物質とは一致しなかった。結局、化学的にユニークであるとしか言えなかった。 (01:27:30)
たいして役には立たないが、それでも興味深い。 たとえば、1979年にウィスコンシン州のスタージョンベイで起きたこの事件では、ディーン・アンダーソンという男が、母親と一緒にこのUFOに乗っていた子供を見たと言った。 (01:27:55)
その子は筋ジストロフィーを患っていて、歩くのもやっとだった。彼女の病状は深刻で、彼らは彼女をこのテーブルの上に寝かせ、光線を照射して治療した。彼女はテーブルから飛び降り、治った。カーラ・ターナーによって調査されたもう一つのケースは、フレッドという名の男性に関する もので、彼はUFOに乗せられ、何人もの人々がテーブルの上に寝かされているのを見たと言った。異星人たちはレーザーのような器具を持ち、人々をジッパーで開き、臓器をいじくり回し、彼らが何をしていたのか知らないが、スタートレックに出てくるようなレーザーで人々をジッパーで閉じた。 (01:28:34)
そういったケースはいくつもある。というのも、私たちが持っているヒーリングの中で、おそらくこれが最も一般的なカテゴリーだと思うからだ。確かに、宇宙人はさまざまな病気や症状について触れてきたが、ガンは何度も何度も出てくるし、世界中でかなりの数の人々が命を落としている。だから、ガンの症例が多いのは当然なのだ。 (01:29:07)
ヘレンXという名の女性のケースについて話したい。このケースはティモシー・グリーン・ベックリーによって初めて明らかにされた。彼によると、ヘレンはアリゾナ州の住民で、1974年5月に腰骨のガンと診断され、医師が摘出した。最初は元気だったが、再検査のために戻ったところ、ガンが腰骨から乳房、肝臓、腎臓、膵臓、脾臓に転移していたことが判明した。 (01:29:45)
全部取り出そうとした。でもできなかった。できる限りのことをしたが、基本的には余命数カ月と言われた。彼女の容態は急速に悪化し、起き上がるのもやっとなほど衰弱し、皮膚はオレンジ色になっていた。ある晩、彼女はここで誰かが自分の名前を呼ぶ声で目を覚ました。 (01:30:00)
彼女はベッドから身を起こした。彼女は強い衝動に駆られ、それに抗うことができなかった。これは誘拐事件で何度も出てくる。彼女は車に乗った 僕は何をしてるんだ?こんなこ としちゃいけない。私はとても具合が悪くて、彼女は少し郊外まで車を走らせた。 (01:30:23)
彼女はアリゾナの小さな町に住んでいて、ある野原に入ると、そこにはUFOが停まっていて、外にはエイリアンがいた。彼らは背が低く、銀色のメタリックなスーツを着ていて、彼女を乗せ、あなたはガンだと言った。彼女は、ああ、そうだ、と言った。そして彼らは、あなたを治療します、と言った。彼らは彼女に、あらゆる種類の器具や光やこういったものを使った、とても長く痛みを伴う手術を施した。 (01:30:48)
家に車で帰ったことは覚えている。ベッドに入り、翌朝目覚めて、これは夢だったに違いないと思った。息子は、いや、間違いなく夢だったに違いない、と言った。 彼女はこう言った。私は夢だとは思わない。連れて行かれた思い出の場所に行ってみたい。 (01:31:07)
すると息子は、だめだめ、あなたは病気すぎる。彼女は「行く」と言った。そして息子は彼女をその場所まで連れて行った。その場所には、草が焼けただれた大きな丸い地面があった。それは彼女にとって本当に深い証拠で、この時点で彼女の容態は悪化した。彼女は病院に運ばれ、医師が最後の儀式を施した。 家族にも連絡がいった。 (01:31:29)
数時間以内、間違いなくその日のうちに死ぬだろうと言われ、彼女は持ちこたえた。ETは彼女を解放する前に、「もう薬は飲むな。何をするにしても、医者が出すものは何も飲むな。 ただ水を飲め。そう彼女に言った。だから、彼らはもっと薬を飲ませようとした。彼女は拒否した。 (01:31:49)
彼女は水をくれと言った。それで彼らはそうした。そして彼女は水を飲み、 頑張り始めた。彼らは信じられなかった。彼女は1日持ちこたえ、翌日も持ちこたえ、改善し始めた。そしてついに、彼女は健康になった。ガンがないかどうか調べ、開腹手術もしたが、ガンは見つからなかった。 (01:32:09)
本当に深いケースだ。そしてこれは、このようながんタイプのヒーリングの典型的なケースである。 ペルーのトラック運転手のケースもある。これはジャック・ヴァレによって調査されたと思う。このトラック運転手は胃がんを患っていたが、胃の大部分を切除することになるため手術を受けたくなかった。 (01:32:39)
そして道路を運転していて、この旅では、痛みがあまりにひどかったので、もうだめだ、手術するしかないと思った。そしてUFOが現れた。ナイスタイミングだ。UFOは光線を投げかけてきた。この事件はあまり注目されなかった。というか、詳細がわからなかった。 (01:33:02)
ともあれ、このUFOが去った後、彼の痛みは消え、医者に行って手術を受けたが、ガンは見つからなかった。とても典型的な例だ。 (01:33:07)
もう一つ非常によく似たケースが、ここロサンゼルスを拠点にしているリシア・デビッドソンに起こった。彼女はガンを患い、あっという間に転移した。医師は彼女に致命的だと告げた。 彼女はETに拉致されたのだが、そのETはずっと彼女を悩ませていた。まるでそれが彼女にとってニュースであるかのように。そして確かにそうだった。そして彼らは彼女にとても耐え難い手術を施した。 (01:33:34)
彼女はひどかったと言ったが、すでに人間の医者と経験したことよりは悪くなかった。そして手術は終わり、ガンは消えていた。彼女は医 者に行ったが、その痕跡は見つからなかった。 その後、彼女は軍隊から多くの嫌がらせを受けた。これだけでなく、彼女のすべての出会いの後にね。 (01:33:55)
「ETはそれほど彼女を悩ませていない。彼女が恐怖を感じ、我慢できず、放っておくのは軍だ」と書いてある。 そういうケースはいくつもある。おそらく私が話したい最も有名なガン治療のケースは、ブラジルの有名な政治家の子供に起こった。これは1957年10月25日に起こった。この子供は胃がんで瀕死の状態だったが、ETが裏庭に着陸し、それを家族全員が目撃した。 (01:34:32)
そして最近、ある研究者がこのケースについて話している。しかし、そのメイドが最初にそれを明らかにした。そして、これは実際に明らかにされた最初のUFOヒーリング事件の一つである。私が間違っていなければ、彼らは緑色の肌のETだったと思う。とにかく、彼らは典型的なタイプではなかった。 (01:34:53)
彼らは奇妙なジャンプスーツに身を包んだ非常に背の低いヒューマノイドで、ひどい苦しみを味わい、死を予期していた娘も含め、皆がその場にいる中、リビングルームに入ってきて、彼女に手術を施そうとした。彼らはまず、彼女の胃を透明にする器具をかざし、家族全員が彼女の体内の黒い塊が癌であることを見ることができるようにした(01:35:21)。 (01:35:21)
それから、様々な器具で吸い上げたり、切り取ったり、ライトで照らしたりしながら切除を進め、彼女の背中を閉じ、50錠の錠剤が入った金属球を与え、毎日1錠ずつ食べるように言った。するとガンは寛解し、彼女は二度とガンに苦しむことはなかった。彼女は生きた。驚くべき癌の症 例のひとつである。 (01:35:44)
他にも深刻な病気はある。1979年8月3日、ケベック州のジーン・サーという陸軍将校が、自宅の外でUFOを目撃し続けた。彼は空港の近くに住んでいた。その地域にはUFOを見た人がいた。彼の家族もUFOを見ていた。彼は目覚めると体に奇妙な傷跡があったりした。 彼はとても深刻な病気に苦しんでいた。 (01:36:23)
筋ジストロフィーだったと思う。ああ、ここに書いてしまった。いや、すまない、多発性硬化症だ。この一連の出会いの後、彼は多発性硬化症に悩まされなくなり、やがて完全に消えたと言う。 (01:36:36)
そういったケースはたくさんある。私が見つけた最も古いUFOヒーリングのケースは1930年のもので、ある紳士がUFOに乗せられたと言った。彼は当時それがUFOだとは知らなかった。70年代になってから、彼はUFOに関する報告を耳にするようになった。彼は光で満たされた円筒に入れられ、結核が治った。 (01:36:57)
彼はその後、自動車が列車に轢かれるという致命的な自動車事故も治した。 そろそろ終わりにしよう。これは最後の症例のひとつで、本当に驚くべきものだ。リン・プラスケット、彼女は現在フロリダ州スマーナ・ビーチの市議会議員である。このケースは本には載っていない。 (01:37:22)
今夜私が話したケースの中には、本には載っていないものがいくつもある。タトゥーの感染症がいやされた。私はあれもこれも癒された。 このケースは、ガンが治った女性に関するものだ。彼女は20代半ばのとき、非常に進行性の末期ガンと診断された。
医師が言ったように、彼女は死ぬように見えた。ある晩、彼女が目を覚ますと、窓が開いていて、フリスビーが飛んできた。それはフリスビーではなかった。フリスビーの周りには小さなライトがついていて、回転しながら彼女の体の上を飛んでいた。彼女はこの時点で麻痺した。ブーンという大きな音がして、寝室の外にいた人たちがそれを聞いて、あれは何だ?調査に行こう。 (01:38:22)
いや、なぜかやらなかった。とにかく、この物体は彼女の体を何度か上下し、やがて消えた。そのとき彼女は、これはいい知らせだ、と思って、深い幸福感を覚えた。これは私にとって良いことだ。そしてその通りになった。彼女のガンはすぐに寛解し、再発することはなかった。 (01:38:46)
ヴァージニア・アロンソンの本には、彼女のケースについて詳しく書かれている。ヴァージニア・アロンソンの本には、彼女の事件が詳しく書かれている。そして癌が治った多くの人々の一人である。 (01:39:01)
さて、先ほども言ったように、誰が治ったのか?そこには多くのパターンはない。私が見つけた最も近いパターンは、あなたの職業に関するものだった。ジョン・サルターのようなソーシャルワーカーなら、彼は非常に影響力のあるソーシャルワーカーで、数々の賞を受賞しているし、イギリスのフレッド・ホワイトのような電子機器発明家、あるいはグッド副保安官のような警察官、ダンサー、俳優、医者などだ。 (01:39:28)
こういう人たちが、ほとんどの場合癒されている。私が見つけた唯一のパターンだ。宇宙人は友好的なのか?エイリアンが友好的であることを証明することは、人類が慈悲深い種であることを証明する以上にできない。エイリアンの善意とは対照的に、人間の善意を証明するのはかなり難しいと思う。しかし、私がインタビューした人々のほとんどは、宇宙人との遭遇を止めてほしくないと思っている。 (01:39:53)
服の着方が間違っている。それが何度も何度も繰り返された。ある夜、彼女はニュージャージーのワサッチ山脈をバイクで走っていて、バイクを壊し、キックスターターを捻じ曲げ、バイクを動かせなくした。しかもここは田舎道だった。 (01:40:31)
真夜中だった。彼女は立ち往生していた。どうすればいいのか見当もつかなかったが、友人と呼ばれる人たちが現れたという。サングラスをかけ、帽子をかぶっていれば人間と見分けがついたという。しかしそうでなければ、彼らの肌はとても青白く、目はとても大きく、黒い部分がとても大きかったからだ。 (01:40:53)
彼らは何も言わなかった。彼らはただ彼女のすぐそばまで歩いてきて、バイクを修理したいと言った。彼女は後ろに下がった。彼らはバイクを持ち上げた。そのうちの一人がかがみ込み、キックスターターをまっすぐにし、直したと彼女は言う。彼らは後ろに下がった。 彼女はバイクに飛び乗り、この時点でちょっとパニックになりながら飛び立った。
しかし、そうではないケースにも遭遇する。だから、ETが善意でやっているのか、そうでないのかを判断するのは難しいんだ。私は 目撃者自身に語らせるようにしているが、目撃者のかなりの割合が、善意でやっていると感じている。また、そうではなく、設備のメンテナンスのようなものだと感じている人もいる。 (01:41:33)
偶発的な副作用だと感じている人もいる。ベルカーブ全体がそうだと思う。 ETが支援したもう一つのケースを紹介しよう。南太平洋で観測史上最悪の暴風雨に見舞われ、20隻以上のボートが沈没した。偶然にもラムサ号と呼ばれていた、人でいっぱいのこの1隻のボートが沈もうとしていたとき、その真上に非常に明るい光が現れた。救助隊はボートを見つけることができなかった。 (01:41:59)
そしてこの明るい光が現れ、その結果救助隊はこの人たちを抱き上げることができたが、抱き上げた直後にボートは沈んでしまった。つまり、これもまた、ETが人々を助けているように見える、奇妙で興味をそそるケースのひとつなのだ。 そしてまた、肉体的な癒しだけでなく、精神的な癒しという点でも、非常に強い癒しのテーマがある。 (01:42:26)
2番目か3番目に多いのは、人々がヒーリングのやり方を教えられたり、ヒーリングについて教えられたりすることだ。ETは、サイキックであったり、代替的なヒーリング方法に携わっている人々に非常に興味を持っている。 これは南カリフォルニアの砂漠にあるインテグレーターだ。 (01:42:48)
ホイットリー・ストリーバーは、最も影響力のあるUFOライターの一人である。彼は、全盛期には1日に20通以上の手紙を受け取っていた。そ して、何千、何万、何千という手紙を、宇宙人にヒーリングしてくれるように頼む人々から受け取っていた。 (01:43:37)
そして、彼は明らかにそれができない。私たちはみな病気に苦しんでいるが、彼も例外ではなく、癒されていない。ETはすべての人々を癒してはいない。 では、なぜ癒されないのか?ヒーリングが行われていることは間違いない。何百もの事例があり、おそらく200の事例が記録されている。 (01:44:01)
つまり、ヒーリング・ケースは限定的に行われているのだが、ETたちはそのほとんどを放任主義で行っているように思える。彼らはほんの少ししかやっていない。実際、あるカップルがこのことについてETに尋ねたところ、ETはこう言った。 (01:44:30)
この話をしたカップルは、アリゾナのセドナで深いコンタクト体験をした。そして彼らは結局ハワイの代替ヒーラーになり、彼らのコミュニティではとても有名な人たちだ。だから、ETがなぜ人々とコンタクトを取るのか、その理由を説明するのは難しい。壊滅的な打撃を受けるだろう。 (01:44:54)
もし突然、軍隊にヒーリング技術が与えられたら、彼らがそれを使って何をするか分かるだろう。言う必要もないだろう。彼らはそれを使って、戦場から戻ってきたボロボロの兵士たちを癒すだろう。足が吹き飛ばされようが、何が起ころうが関係ない。 (01:45:08)
彼らはすぐに縫合して、すぐに送り出すだろう。壊滅的な打撃を受けるだろう。人口過剰の問題もあるだろう。こういったことが、おそらく公式な接触がない理由の一部だろう。また、異なる人々に対する偏見のせいでもある。もし私たちが宗教や肌の色の違いで誰か に偏見を持っているとしたら、ETに対してどう感じるか想像してみてほしい。そして私たちは、先進的な文化が先進的でない文化に遭遇したときに何が起こるかを知っている。 (01:45:39)
先進性の低い文化は吸収されてしまう。これは人類の歴史を通して起こってきたことだ。そしておそらく、ETが公式な接触をしなかったもう一つの理由もある。しかし、癒しが行われているというのが私の評価であり、結論である。一部のETは実に友好的である。ETの中には我々と同じような姿をしているものもいる。それは人類の起源について重大な疑問を投げかけるものだと思う。 (01:46:05)
そして、もし彼らが一度にすべての人を治療し、このようなものを手渡すよりも賢明なのであれば、私たちは自分たちで答えを見つける必要がある。だから彼らは賢明だと思う。公式な接触は避けられないと思うし、私たちが思っているよりも早く訪れるかもしれない。そして、それは明らかにUFO研究の最も不安定な分野の一つである。 (01:46:21)
それと、政府の隠蔽工作は大失敗で、もう終わりつつある。政府による隠蔽工作は大失敗で、もう終わりつつある。私はロズウェルの工芸品を博物館で見たい。それが私の願いであり、今夜ここに来た理由のひとつでもある。聞いてくれた皆さんに感謝したい。 (01:46:40)
ありがとう。 (01:46:41)
My name is Steve Murillo. I'm the State Section Director for MUFON LA. We have an interesting program tonight. Preston Dennett. Preston Dennett's book on ET healings was the first book to ever examine accounts of physiological improvement resulting from UFO encounters. While researching for his book, Preston studied 110 cases of people who were cured of illnesses and diseases by UFOs, ranging from the common cold to cancer. (00:01:15)
The cases in question were investigated and verified by UFO investigators, doctors, and other officials. In his presentation tonight, Preston is going to give us an overview of his dramatic and interesting ET healing cases. Preston Dennett began his investigative work on UFOs and the paranormal in 1986. After discovering that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He's a field investigator for MUFON, for the MUFON network. (00:01:48)
He's a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and an out-of-body explorer and author of 10 books. And he's got them all out there, so I'd encourage you to go see him at the end of this. Articles he has written have appeared in numerous magazines, including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus Paranormal Magazine, and UFO Magazine. His writing has been translated into several languages, including German, Portuguese, Chinese, and Icelandic. He's appeared on numerous radio and television programs, and his research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News, and hopefully soon in Studio Patch. He's taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States, and he currently resides in Canoga Park. Would you please put your hands together and give a warm welcome to Preston Dennett. So I'm just going to get right to it, because I've got a lot I want to say. (00:02:48)
Thank you Steve for that glowing introduction. Yeah, I started out actually very skeptical of UFOs. It was in 1986, I heard a sighting, about a sighting in Alaska by a Japanese airliner. You may remember it, Captain Tarochi, he sighted a large walnut-shaped UFO over the Arctic area, or the ice cap in Alaska. And he actually saw two UFOs, and it did appear on his onboard radar, and it was confirmed by the FAA on their ground radar, though they later denied it and called it a split image. (00:03:23)
And none of this was in the news when I heard it. It was all very tongue-in-cheek, and the newscasters joked nervously about it, and I didn't believe it for a second. I thought this guy is hoaxing, he's hallucinating, he's misperceiving. UFOs are not real. And I was sure, because they would have been taken more seriously in the news, they would have been taught in school. (00:03:44)
This is what my thinking was. So I was really skeptical and ready to tell anyone who thought they saw a UFO that they were basically full of crap. So I was really rude about it, I'm afraid. So this kind of intrigued me, though, and I made the mistake of asking my family and friends what they thought of this ridiculous pilot. And one by one, they came forward with these amazing stories. (00:04:02)
My brother said he chased a UFO across the valley here on Reseda Boulevard, actually, with his two friends. (00:04:09)
And my sister-in-law said she and her two friends saw a UFO hovering over Van Nuys Air Force Base, and later she saw what appears to be your typical gray-type extraterrestrial, and this was at 11 o'clock at night in the 70s in front of Stagg Street Elementary School, of all places. (00:04:36)
So this hit home for me. I found two co-workers who had had really profound encounters, and one had a missing time encounter on the way home from the library in a Korea town, and I had two friends who had missing time encounters. So this is what started it for me. (00:04:55)
I started interviewing these people. I joined every UFO group I could find. I joined MUFON right away. That was back when there was about seven members in MUFON LA, and we met in a bank. So yeah, I became pretty much obsessed with the subject and wrote this article for the local newspaper, which was how it really all began for me. (00:05:12)
Since then, I did a lot of radio. I started writing books. I've written eight UFO books so far, with two more upcoming, and several on other paranormal subjects. So yeah, this subject, once it grabs you, it kind of doesn't let go. Let's see if this works. There we go. I'm just going to do a little shameless self-promotion here of some of my UFO books. (00:05:38)
This was actually the first one I wrote, and it covers a number of local cases, mostly here in the Valley and throughout California, and some out of state. This is UFOs over Topanga Canyon, which covers a wave of sightings, actually, from 1992 to 1994, and other cases. It's a very active area. I'm going to call it probably one of the most active areas locally here. (00:06:04)
This is extraterrestrial visitations, which covers probably the ten most extreme cases I had investigated up to that time, all involving either an on-board case or face-to-face encounter, and only a few cases involving hypnosis, by the way. I've only rarely... I've probably talked to a couple of hundred people who've had really profound abduction experiences, at least. (00:06:34)
I have only rarely referred them to a hypnotist if they're really dead set on doing it. So any cases of... any explanations of false memory syndrome or hypnotically induced memories can be pretty much laid to rest. This is UFOs over California, which covers pretty much... I wanted to write a historical type UFO book in the hopes that I could reach some skeptics out there. (00:07:03)
This is the Coronado Island UFO incident, which I co-wrote with Mike Evans, who's a major... he's one of the main witnesses in this case. It involves a group of people who went down to San Diego and where they experienced a really profound and extreme close encounter case. So I believe ten people had one encounter on that night. So it involves quite a bit of physical evidence as well. (00:07:28)
It's one of the few multi-witness abduction cases. This I wrote actually for children. I didn't, you know, dumb it down at all. I laid it all out there. And it's doing really well. It's one of my later books. (00:07:39)
And this is UFOs over New York, which follows up UFOs over California. And I'm hoping to do every state. It should take me about 50 years. And this is what I want to talk about tonight, UFO healings. And this was actually one of the first books I wrote. And I had heard about these types of cases in the literature, but I noticed that they weren't getting much attention. And in fact, there had been a few articles written about it, but no books at all. So I thought, well, you know, this might be an interesting article. (00:08:13)
And I soon collected over 50 cases in just a brief survey of the literature. So I realized, you know, this is a big idea, and I'm going to have to do a lot of research on this, which is exactly what I did. It took a couple of years, and I collected over 100 cases of UFO healings. Now, a UFO healing can be defined as a UFO encounter in which the recipient experiences some improvement to their health. (00:08:38)
And this can be an on-board experience, or this can be just the near presence of a UFO. And these healings are, of course, conducted in different ways, which I'll get a little bit more into. But as Steve said, this is the first book ever to be published on this subject. And I, of course, did a lot of publicity writing for various magazines, like the MUFON Journal. And I found that UFO healings have not gotten a whole lot of attention in the UFO community. (00:09:14)
And in fact, they were kind of relegated to the trash heap. And a lot of people, even researchers, kind of, I'm going to say that they were a little bit prejudiced against these types of cases, because obviously they're hard to believe. And UFOs not only come with a... I mean, we have UFOs, but they're a package deal involving levitation and a lot of other paranormal type phenomena. (00:09:36)
And I think a lot of researchers shied away from the UFO healing aspect. So this is why I think it took so long for it to be even recognized. This is Virginia Aronson. She is a Florida-based UFO researcher who wrote Celestial Healings, which is kind of a follow-up of my book, UFO Healings, and covered a bunch of new cases. And she also interviewed me for the book and interviewed a lot of other witnesses. (00:10:05)
Here's another book about friendly UFO encounters. I think that since the literature has dominated, and pretty much the encounters, for that matter, are dominated by accounts of gray type extraterrestrials and kind of scary abductions, we didn't hear a lot about these friendly type of cases as well. Beer sells. Beer is much more attractive, often, to the media. And people who have traumatic encounters often seek help in therapy, whereas someone who has a healing doesn't necessarily seek help and might be less inclined to reveal their case because of the ridicule factor. (00:10:47)
That's another reason, I think, why these types of cases have been ignored. (00:10:52)
This is Adrian Devere, and he wrote a book which was called Healing Entities and Aliens. His type of research involves more mediums and people who are in contact with UFOs who are able to do a healing, sort of as a second party or channeling the aliens, if you will. There's been some attention paid to this, finally. Now the first person to actually pay any attention at all to UFO healings is a researcher by the name of Gordon Creighton. He was the former editor of the Flying Saucer Review. He's now deceased, but he's the first researcher to ever write anything and recognize that these types of cases may be rare, but they're certainly a consistent feature that turn up again and again in not only very close encounter cases, abductions and on-board experiences, but people who have UFO fly-by, flying over their car, for example. (00:12:05)
Bud Hopkins, arguably leading UFO abduction researcher, has written a number of books, including Missing Time, Intruders, Witnessed, and others, and has done an enormous amount of research into abductions. He has never written a word, as far as I can find, about UFO healings, but I did corner him at a lecture in San Diego at a convention and asked him if he had ever run across these types of cases. (00:12:31)
He said, oh yes, absolutely, that he does run across them pretty rarely, but they do turn up, and he feels it's kind of sad because a lot of his clients are suffering from pretty severe illnesses and conditions and are not being healed. On the other hand, he says he does not feel the ETs are evil or bent on destruction, and they seem to be most interested in the human aspects of us and the good parts of us. So he kind of takes a benevolent view towards the whole thing. (00:13:00)
Whereas David Jacobs, not so much. His book, Secret Life and the Threat, paints a pretty scary picture, I think, of ET encounters, and I think part of the reason for that is because he's focusing on those types of cases, which are pretty scary. In spite of that, he's uncovered a number of really dramatic healing cases of diphtheria and other serious diseases, cancer. (00:13:29)
So he absolutely admits that we do run across these cases, and he's written about them a little bit. But as far as his opinion is, that these are probably more akin to what he calls equipment maintenance, and some of his clients call it equipment maintenance. Rather, they're being treated like a lab rat, and don't feel that there's any altruism on the part of the aliens for being healed. (00:13:51)
Instead, they're just maintaining an experiment. Now, you get both kinds from the whole UFO researcher field. I've contacted some researchers who feel that absolutely some ETs are benevolent, and some obviously feel not so much. And you get the same bell curve, I think, with experiencers. Well, that's one thing I always ask someone I interview, or when I'm researching their case, is, do you feel the ETs are evil? And no one, pretty much without exception, feels this, of the people that I've talked to. (00:14:26)
Some feel that they're very unemotional, profoundly rude even, uncaring. But there's no evidence of what I would call sadism, or Nazi-like torture. (00:14:34)
So as far as comparing them to humans, they seem to be more benevolent than your average human, as far as the bell curve falls. John Mack is the only Pulitzer Prize winner, I believe, to write a book on UFOs, and he suffered for it as a result. But the book was very well received in the UFO community certainly, and he did a follow-up. And in both of these books he did reveal some healing cases, including a case of pneumonia, one of leukemia, and muscular dystrophy as well. (00:15:19)
So absolutely, he is another major researcher who recognized these types of cases. The point I'm trying to make is these cases may be rare, but every single major abduction researcher has run across these, almost without exception. Here's Edith Fiori, she's the first PhD to write a book on abductions. She says that fully half of the people that she researched experienced a UFO healing, and she feels that it's a major indicator, in fact, that you are having encounters. (00:15:50)
Barbara Lamb has spoken here before probably several times, and she and I got involved in this field close to around the same time. She started out hypnotizing people to remember past lives, and doing other marriage, family, and child counseling, this type of thing, and sort of transformed into the whole UFO investigations. And is now arguably one of the leading, I don't want to call it abductions, researchers in the world, contact researchers. (00:16:24)
And she did contribute a few cases to the UFO healing book as well. Brad Steiger, he's been around forever writing stuff, hundreds of books, and has uncovered, obviously, being involved in this field so closely, several UFO healing cases. Yvonne Smith as well, a California-based UFO researcher, she revealed that she had one gentleman who told her that he tested positive for AIDS, and after an encounter, tested negative. (00:16:52)
She was not able to confirm this, but it's one of many intriguing cases that I keep hearing about. And Wendell Stevens, of course, recently deceased. He has written a number of books, or co-written, and published a number of books, in which healing encounters take place. A lot of these encounters are not necessarily in the United States. Some are, but he's uncovered cases in South America, Africa, throughout Europe. In a lot of these cases, they're human-like aliens, and some they're not, which is an interesting statistic. (00:17:35)
I found that the type of aliens that are doing the healings are right through the entire spectrum, excluding, perhaps, the reptilian. I was not able to uncover any cases of reptilian healings, but otherwise, we have cases involving praying mantis-type ETs, gray-type ETs, human-looking ETs, and sort of a catch-all category of different types. This is Richard and Lee Boylan, who wrote one of the first full-length books on positive close encounters, and uncovered several healing cases. (00:18:13)
He sent me a letter at my request, in which he went into some detail on a couple of them, which I'll talk more about. (00:18:15)
Now, I want to talk a little bit, before I get into the actual healing cases, about why aliens make good doctors. The reason, I think, that they do make good doctors is because of all the number of abduction cases. I'm one of those people who believe that abductions are probably very common, close to 1 in 50, as the Roper poll says, which is certainly what I found in my group of family and friends and co-workers. So I believe that they're pretty common. (00:18:56)
And according to Thomas Bullard, who did a survey of 300-plus on-board UFO cases, the one thing that varies the least, that most people experience when taken on-board, is being physically examined. It turns up in case after case after case, I've heard it enough times where I can pretty much predict the details, a lot of them, of what a person is going to say to me as they explain their on-board experience. (00:19:19)
They're examined much as our doctors examine people. A patient's clothes are removed, skin scrapings are taken, hair samples, saliva, blood, all of these things. This is a very, very prominent feature in UFO encounters. Doing research for this book, I kind of came to look upon UFOs almost as floating hospitals, because this is the first thing that people think of when they're taken on-board a UFO. This is the second point I want to make as to why I think aliens make good doctors, is because people describe these interiors of UFOs as being very hospital-like. In fact, Travis Walton, when he was struck by a beam of light in Snowflake, Arizona, woke up and thought he was inside a hospital, when in fact he was on-board a UFO. That turns up again and again. (00:20:14)
It turned up in the Tonga Canyon contacts. They described the whole interior of the UFO as being very hospital-like. Several of Bud Hopkins' clients also described the same thing. One of them, Michael Burchard, actually went to a doctor and described what the aliens had done to him. The doctor was amazed, because he said, only someone with advanced medical knowledge could be telling me the things you're telling me. (00:20:36)
Clearly, these ETs have a great interest in the human body and know quite a bit about it. I wouldn't be surprised, honestly, if they know more about it than we do. They make excellent doctors. How do these healings take place? These healings take place in a number of different ways. Probably the most common feature I ran across in surveying these cases is light beams. (00:21:02)
Obviously, these are not normal light beams like we have, like this one shining into my eyes, but rather coherent light beams or light beams that are very difficult for the witnesses to describe, because sometimes they seem to disobey the laws of physics. There's an inverse square law of light, and these are not following these laws. Sometimes these beams of light move very slowly, and these beams of light have different functions as well. (00:21:31)
They can render a person paralyzed. They can levitate a person. They can actually communicate knowledge as well and heal people. Our understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum is not nearly as complete as these guys is. The majority of healings are done usually using some aspect of light. Of course, that's not the only method. All these illustrations tonight, most of them, are done by my sister-in-law, Kisara, who unfortunately couldn't be here tonight, but I want to give her credit because we've worked closely together for many years. These are her drawings. (00:22:09)
There are some cases where people are given alien medicine. It's pretty rare, actually. (00:22:15)
The most common method of healing, honestly, is surgery, but there are other methods as well. There are a few cases where aliens use what appears to be mind power or a hands-on healing, and there's also a couple of cases where sound is used, but for the most part, it's surgery and instruments and light beams. (00:22:44)
Now, I want to talk a little bit about medical evidence. Medical evidence can make or break a case, and in fact, often it's the only evidence, the only physical evidence we have, other than, say, maybe a photograph or a possible landing trace or multiple eyewitnesses, but medical evidence is actual physical evidence and it can be very profound. (00:23:08)
These are slides taken from Bud Hopkins' book, Missing Time, which show scars that have appeared on people's bodies as a result of a procedure performed during an on-board UFO experience, and that's probably one of the most common forms of medical evidence. This is slides of Mike Evans, who experienced a great deal of medical issues as a result of his encounters in Coronado Island and in his home in Simi Valley, and in fact, as this next slide shows, he's a nurse, and he's able to get access to a number of medical equipment and pull whatever strings necessary to get some MRIs done, which showed foreign objects in his brain, and certainly he's not the only one who has this going on in his life. (00:24:01)
He's one of many people, and it seems to be more the rule than the exception that abductees, in particular, experience this kind of thing. So, probably one of the most common types of medical evidence is burns of some kind. This is a slide of Elaine Thomas, Mona Stafford, and Louise Smith, who in 1976 in Kentucky had an encounter with a UFO, which chased them down the road, and they tried to outrun it. They were not successful, and the next thing they recall is being pulled up into this thing. (00:24:38)
And that's all they really recall, other than being set down, having missing time and being set down, at which point all three suffered pretty severe symptoms, including severe eye irritation, burns, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss. They all had some recall of being taken into this thing. It was not a pleasant experience. They did go under hypnosis and relived it, and for them it was very harrowing, in fact. (00:25:03)
But the point I wanted to make here is that it was a really strong medical evidence case. Here's another case from England, actually, revealed by Timothy Goode in his book Above Top Secret. Denise Bishop here was outside her home in England when she saw a UFO pretty high up in the sky. (00:25:27)
It sent on a pencil-thin beam of light, which struck her hand, rendering her paralyzed. Just temporarily, the beam retracted, and she went rushing inside, and her hand started to hurt. Over the next two days, this burn became much worse. It was an odd reaction. (00:25:39)
Normally you burn yourself, you blister right away. This took two days to become really painful. She went to the doctor, and he's like, well, that's odd. You have a laser burn. Were you messing around with lasers? She says, no. This came out of the sky. A lot of these people are often reluctant to tell doctors what happened to them. That's particularly true in UFO healing cases. Sorry, I didn't mean to jump to that. (00:26:08)
This is another medical evidence case, which involves a man by the name of Stephen Myshalik, who on May 20, 1967, in Falcon Lake, Canada, got too close to a landed UFO. It took off and sent this blast of heat, which burned him severely. He immediately started feeling ill, was rushed to the hospital, and over the next few months, weeks and months, suffered many symptoms, including fainting, weight loss, headache, diarrhea, swelling of joints and hands, severe eye irritation. (00:26:48)
He lost 22 pounds, and his blood lymphocyte count went from a normal 25% to a very dangerous 16%. He was examined by over 27 doctors who were baffled by his symptoms and could only conclude that he had some form of radiation sickness, which is another common, well not common, but as far as medical injuries, that is one of the more consistently reported injuries. (00:27:15)
John Schussler, who headed MUFON for a while, wrote a book about all these cases back in the 90s and uncovered 400 or so injury cases. Likely there are a lot more injury cases as well as UFO healing cases. There are only a few cases where people have died as a result of a UFO. It does happen. There was a number of very alarming cases like this one in Brazil. That's where it seems a lot of these cases come from. (00:27:51)
These seem to be outlier type of cases and certainly not the norm. One really famous case of this type of thing is Jao Prestes Filho. I wasn't able to get the exact date for this case, but it did occur in Brazil and involved a gentleman who said he was struck by a beam of light from a UFO and immediately suffered all these symptoms of radiation sickness and was rushed to the hospital where basically he died instantly as his flesh was so cooked it kind of fell off the bones. (00:28:20)
So there are a few of these cases which are very alarming, but for the most part I think that UFOs don't affect people. A physiological reaction as a result of a UFO encounter is relatively rare in UFO encounters, but it does happen. So let's get right to some of the healing cases. Now I broke down the healing cases into four major categories and I did it locationally actually. (00:28:56)
I found that about 22% of healing cases take place actually in people's homes, usually in their bedrooms. So aliens do do house calls, although today's doctors often don't. Now as far as the most common category by far is on board UFOs at about 49-50% of people who are healed experience their healing right there inside the UFO. Another category which is about 20% involves people who are outside and often this involves driving their vehicle and often this is at night. (00:29:34)
But not always, they can be out in their backyard or walking along the beach or what have you. (00:29:38)
But that's another category that I was able to find. And finally, and this blew me away frankly, I was really shocked, is about 9% of the UFO healing cases take place in a hospital. And I know how that sounds and for someone who is skeptical of this kind of phenomenon, it doesn't help to talk about this kind of thing, but the truth is ETs can appear everywhere. (00:30:06)
I've had abductions reported by people who were in hotels, in the Marriott Hotel in Woodland Hills for example on like the 7th floor or in a crowded condo in Arlita or Pacoima or the dense suburb of Reseda. So absolutely these cases can take place anywhere. And so it's not that unlikely they could take place in a hospital as well. (00:30:31)
In fact, here is an actual case which occurred in British Columbia. This is a Koh Isan Hospital. And on January 1, 1970, this nurse, Doreen Kendall, was actually in the hospital when she saw this UFO hovering right outside the children's wing. And she gave a description. There is what she looks like looking at this object. It's a really interesting case and I think one of only many cases out there where UFOs have been seen hovering over hospitals. So you have to wonder what they are doing hovering over these hospitals. (00:31:03)
And this is the exact area where the UFO hovered, right over the children's wing there. So pretty intriguing. Now UFOs, they have healed all kinds of illnesses, conditions, diseases, injuries, everything from colds to cancer, chronic conditions even. In fact, I think the fact that they are healing chronic conditions has a lot to say about our own understanding of medicine. (00:31:37)
Meaning that there really is no such thing as a chronic condition. Chronic really is another word for we don't understand. Because the ETs are healing chronic conditions. But what I want to first talk about is some of the less dramatic cases. Some of the cases, for example, of healing of flesh wounds. One of the most common cases that's been often quoted in a number of different major UFO books, is the case of two police officers who were from Damon, Texas. Their names are Deputies Robert Good and Bill McCoy. And in Damon, Texas, on September 3rd, 1965, they were on their way home from a high school football game. (00:32:26)
And when they saw a UFO rising up from the side of the road, it was very large, about 150 feet across, 50 feet wide, football shaped, and was sending down these violet beams of light. They were amazed and a little bit frightened when this beam of light came towards them and struck their car. Now, Deputy Robert Good had his arm outside the window at the time, outside his cruiser. (00:32:50)
And he said he could actually feel this beam of light hitting his arm. It felt a little warm, a little tingly, and they became frightened and took off. Now, Deputy Robert Good had actually been bitten by an alligator. (00:33:01)
It was his son's pet baby alligator, and it bit him on the finger. But this was a pretty serious wound. It was bandaged up. It was painful. It was swollen and recent. And he says instantly it stopped hurting. And as soon as they had a chance to pull over, they pulled him to a diner and started discussing what they had seen. (00:33:25)
And he whipped off this bandage and the cut was gone. There was not even any evidence of it. And this was confirmed by his partner, Deputy McCoy. And the case generated quite a lot of attention. In fact, they were later interviewed by an Air Force colonel who also expressed interest in the case. So it's one of the more famous UFO healing cases. Now, this is a slide of Jerry Wills from Kentucky. As a child, he had several sightings of these darting objects outside his home. (00:34:04)
And he would often watch them kind of as a pastime. And he says that one night out of the forest comes this human looking person who says, I'm the guy from these UFOs that you're looking at. And he proceeded to have many conversations with him over the next few years. He's what I would call a contactee. Now, some researchers feel like contactees are not real. (00:34:28)
And in fact, in the 1950s, there was a whole slew of contactees. You may be aware of them, George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci, these types of people who claimed to have contact with human looking aliens, often beautiful, always friendly, giving them tours on board UFOs. And they were very well received throughout the 1950s and a little bit beyond that. (00:34:51)
But as abduction stories started to surface, these accounts kind of fell into disrepute. And there were many allegations actually of hoaxing. And a lot of major researchers kind of pushed these aside and don't research them or disbelieve them. Not all. Timothy Goode is actually a supporter of George Adamski and other contactees. And I have come to the conclusion that the contactee movement never stopped. (00:35:14)
It was just kind of pushed underground because I'm getting more and more reports of people who are really embarrassed to say that they have had contact with human looking aliens. They're really afraid of being disbelieved. And Jerry Wills is one of these people who has actually come forward and he says that as a child he had a very bad fever and was actually taken on board a UFO outside his home. (00:35:42)
And was surprised he didn't see the human looking aliens. Instead there were gray type ETs. They proceeded to give him an injection in each arm and returned him to his bedroom. And the next morning his fever broke. So he feels that he was treated for his illness. Here's another contactee. Richard Rilke from New Jersey. These are both contactees. (00:36:09)
Their stories were from George Randazzo's book, Contactee, which is actually pretty rare and difficult to find. But Richard Rilke says that he also was in contact with human looking aliens who healed him on several occasions. He says in the early 1950s he had a sled accident where as a result his ear became infected and he lost his hearing. (00:36:27)
And he says the ETs came up and using no instruments at all, but rather just holding their hands up to his head, were able to cure him and reduce his inflammation to the point where the pain stopped. And he was later treated with penicillin which brought back his hearing. And he said also as a young man he was working in a factory which involved forklifts and heavy equipment and he crushed his finger. (00:36:53)
He went rushing to the nurse and said, oh, my God, this is way beyond my expertise. You might lose that finger if you don't go to the hospital right now. He went to the hospital and he says that while he was in the emergency room waiting to be treated, a doctor walked in and it was one of his ET friends, he says. And I can't vouch for these cases, obviously, but for what it's worth, he's one of the people who says he was healed inside a hospital and through mind power and he returned to work the next day and the nurse apparently was very upset and thought he would have lost that finger and couldn't understand how it now showed no trace of any injury. (00:37:31)
So he's had a number of healings like this. He said he was cured of a tumor and also he said he had a very bad fatal auto accident and the ETs told him that he was not supposed to die in this accident, which I found really interesting because I uncovered two other cases just like that. And one lady I was able to interview extensively who said that she had an auto accident in Georgia in which she actually died. (00:38:03)
Under hypnosis, years later, she recalled leaving her body and finding herself inside a UFO where her body was and there it was with her face was completely torn up, her brain stem was broken and the ETs told her you weren't supposed to die in this accident, but karmically we're going to have to leave some of these injuries on you and we're going to return you to the scene of the accident after we finish healing you. (00:38:28)
And she says they took lights and she watched as her own body was healed by these lights and she was returned to the scene of the accident. They laid her out on the pavement in front of the car and when the ambulance came, they never could figure out how she had apparently been thrust through the windshield and there wasn't a mark on her face. So it was always a baffling mystery and finally that mystery was solved. (00:38:48)
This is a case taken from Bob Teeth's book, West Virginia UFOs. These cases occur across the world, across the United States and many different countries. And this case took place in West Virginia to a man by the name of Daniel D. who had been having contacts pretty regularly throughout his life where he would be taken on board, examined by gray type ETs who would do various procedures on him that were for the most part a mystery to him. (00:39:20)
One time he was at home actually and he had an impacted wisdom tooth that was really bothering him. It was inflamed and swollen and infected and he had no insurance and he didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't have enough money and he kind of meditated asking the aliens if they would possibly heal him. (00:39:42)
It was just kind of a lark. He didn't really expect anything of it and I think it's like the only case I could find where there was any connection where someone actually provoked a UFO healing or asked for one and got one. (00:39:50)
And that's exactly what happened. He was taken on board this craft and he says the ETs stuck various things in his mouth and the pain went away and was no longer inflamed and when he was returned his wisdom tooth was no longer impacted. So alien dental work. Now I know he's not an accomplished artist but it does give you an idea of the type of ETs he saw and it's the same ones I hear most often. (00:40:22)
Of all the people I've interviewed, you know the hundreds and hundreds of people who have told me that they've seen aliens or been on board a UFO, I'm going to say about 70%, maybe a little more, have seen some variation of the greys. Meaning no hair, large dark eyes, short, 3 to 5 feet, maybe a little taller. No apparent clothes or if there are clothes it's a very tight uniform. (00:40:47)
And just a very similar description. Though it appears that there are different types of greys because some people will tell me that these ETs, and that's what I'm going to call them because I think that's what the evidence best shows is that these are extraterrestrials. Most of them seem to, I mean you get the whole pattern of some that are not very emotional, but there are a couple where the witnesses have told me that the ETs are very emotional and very loving. Greys even. (00:41:20)
But for the most part they seem to be pretty kind of clinical and much like a doctor doing his job or maybe a military officer doing his job. Very objective and just out there to do his work. All right, here's another case that I just, I love this case because it's just so hard for me to understand why it took place. (00:41:40)
And this is Leonard Stringfield who's probably most famous for his research into UFO crash retrievals, but did an enormous amount of work on abductions and sightings as well. And wrote a really amazing book called Situation Red, The UFO Siege. And he revealed a case which occurred to a young man by the name of Chuck Doyle who was 13 years old in Florence, Kentucky when he walked out into his backyard and saw a manta ray shaped UFO hovering over the neighbor's yard. (00:42:11)
And the neighbor had a pool and this UFO was just maybe 10, 20 feet up and it was sending down this little beam of light which was playing across the surface of the pool. And Chuck Doyle became alarmed when he realized that this beam was sweeping back and forth and coming closer and closer to him. (00:42:30)
And he's like, oh my, it's going to get me. And so he turned to run. And that's when the beam of light hit him. And he was in such a position where he would have fallen if this beam of light was not holding him up. So it rendered him instantly paralyzed and kind of half levitated. (00:42:44)
And he says at that moment it felt like he had been struck by a bucket of ice water. It just chilled him to the bone. And he says a series of images and formulas appeared in his mind. Strange landscapes, weird colors, geometric shapes, numbers and strange hieroglyphic type figures, this type of thing. And it all went pretty much over his head. He couldn't really remember a lot of it other than to describe it. (00:43:11)
And after a few seconds, this beam retracted and he fell to the ground, went running inside and told his mom. They ran outside. There was no evidence of this thing. It was gone. (00:43:22)
But at the time, Chuck was suffering from a severe head cold. He was stuffed up and very congested. Immediately after being struck by this beam of light, there was no sign of the cold at all. It wasn't like a slow healing or a quick healing process, rather. It was healed instantly. (00:43:45)
And what I like about this case as well is not only being researched by a major UFO researcher, but they rushed him to the doctor the next day. And the doctor examined him. They told the doctor what happened. And the doctor says, well, I don't know what to tell you. (00:43:59)
You're no longer sick. You have a clean bill of health. So it's a pretty interesting case. What intrigues me about this case is why would aliens fly, let's say, the closest stars four light years away, four light years, to heal someone of a child, no less, of a head cold? I don't know. Perhaps they're much closer around and they're not flying light years. Perhaps they're just out there zapping people with UFOs for fun or with beams of light. It's hard to say. But it could possibly be that this was just an accidental side effect. (00:44:29)
Which is entirely possible. But in some cases, these healings are obviously purposeful. Jacques Vallée is a major UFO researcher. One of the top 20, I'm going to say. At least top 100. There's a lot of UFO researchers out there lately. But he's written a number of books. And he's kind of retired a little bit from the UFO field lately. But certainly he's had a profound effect on the whole field. (00:44:57)
And what's interesting about his research is he has concentrated a lot on the more paranormal or unusual aspects of UFOs, including healings. And one particular case, which he did a great deal of research on, involved a medical doctor by the name of Dr. X. The man is anonymous. He resides in the French Alps, the doctor does. And on November 2nd, 1968, this doctor was in his home when he was woken up by flashes of light. (00:45:29)
And he rushed up and went to his son's bedroom where these lights were coming from and saw two disks that were hovering there outside the field behind his house. And as he watched, these two disks, they were like white on top and red on the bottom, came and combined into one disk and turned towards him and flashed a powerful beam of light which struck him on the head and chest. (00:45:51)
It very badly dazzled him. He was disoriented and kind of stumbled, confused, to his bedroom where he went to sleep. And the next morning woke up and found this triangular mark on his abdomen. His son had an identical mark on his abdomen as well. But what was most profound and to me pertinent here and interesting was the physiological effects were not only this rash, but this doctor had been in the Algerian war and as a result of his injuries was partially paralyzed on half of his body. (00:46:21)
It was severe enough where he had to give up his piano playing and he was quite an accomplished musician, a pianist. After this beam of light hit him the next morning, all traces of his paralysis were gone and he was able to start taking up piano playing again. (00:46:39)
This had a profound effect on his life. Not only that, he is one of many people I uncovered in this book and my research who have had more than one UFO healing. That seems to be a pattern. If you have one UFO healing, chances are much greater you are going to have another. Often these occur at the same time, which is what happened in Dr. X's case. (00:47:02)
A few days earlier he had been chopping wood outside his home when the axe slipped and he badly gashed his ankle. Well, the next morning after he was struck by this beam of light from a UFO, the gash on his ankle was gone. No trace of it. So this is another really amazing case of a healing of a flesh wound. (00:47:27)
Timothy Greenbeckley, he has been around for years and years doing UFO research. He is definitely one of the pioneers of this whole UFO movement and he has uncovered a number of healing cases. One that was particularly interesting occurred on July 8, 1974 to a New York communist by the name of Brandon Blackman. I was not able to find Brandon Blackman and I did try. (00:47:54)
But at any rate, according to Beckley, Blackman was in Prospect Park with a number of other people on that evening when they were watching a UFO and it was hovering and doing kind of these falling leaf movements that we often hear described by witnesses. I didn't think much of it. It was very unusual. It was a UFO sighting. (00:48:17)
He was like, wow, I saw a UFO. He went home and on the way home discovered that his finger, which had been cut, was no longer painful. Pulling off a bandage he found that the cut had been healed. There was no trace of it at all. Another one of these weird instant healings. (00:48:33)
Actually there was a good portion of cases where people were healed in a manner that they have no idea how it occurred other than to be in the close presence of a UFO. So generally I would advise people not to run up to a UFO. But in some cases just being next to one apparently can affect a healing. (00:48:50)
An interesting side note or end note to this case is that when Brandon Blackman returned to his apartment, he couldn't get in. It was locked, which was odd because he had locked it. You can't lock it unless you have the keys. So after going through this whole rigmarole of getting the spare key from a friend and going in there, he found his keys right there on his bed, which he obviously didn't place in there. (00:49:14)
He feels, well, there was a very unusual event that occurred just an hour before that and it must have something to do with that UFO sighting. But he has no idea what. Speaking of which, there are some similar cases like that. In that earlier case I mentioned with Mona Stafford and Louise Smith, one of the rings was taken off, which they found later in an unusual place. (00:49:40)
So these things do happen. I've heard that with jewelry and other objects as well. (00:49:41)
Eye cures. There are alien eye doctors as well. They know quite a bit about the whole ocular structure. There are some really interesting eye cure cases. One of the most famous ones occurred to an anonymous Peruvian customs official way back in December 9th, 1968. He was out on his balcony when he saw a very small UFO quite high up in the sky, typical saucer shaped. As he's watching it, it sends down this purple beam of light, again purple. (00:50:16)
You get all different colors really, blue, white, purple, not much red or green, but you do get all the different colors of these beams of light. It struck him on the head and chest and dazzled him. He had myopia. He was very badly nearsighted. He noticed that he couldn't see with his glasses. (00:50:40)
He took them off and his vision was normal. It had been healed that instantly. He also suffered from rheumatism, which is an inflammation of the systemic disease actually, an autoimmune disorder which involves inflammation. He had rheumatism and suffered from it in his joints and says that as a result of being struck by this beam of light, it cleared up over the next few days and never returned. (00:51:06)
It's only one of several cases where people were cured of rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis. Here's another contactee, Howard Menger. Again, I cannot say whether or not this case is true or one way or the other. I tend to think that a lot of these contactee cases are true and in fact the evidence is just as persuasive as abductees. (00:51:34)
If you look at the cases in an objective way, they're not terribly different. A lot of these contactees were given warnings of nuclear disaster and environmental disasters or pollution, overpopulation, things like this. It was a very common theme in the 50s. Well, that theme has never stopped and in fact is the second most common experience when you're taken on board a UFO. According to Thomas Bullard's study that I mentioned earlier, first is an examination but the second is being told messages about nuclear proliferation and this type of thing. (00:52:09)
And the third is also I think really profound here is being given information about healing or psychic kinds of things, past lives, how to do out-of-body exploring, how to do hands-on healing, how to do channeling. This type of thing turns up again and again in cases where people have really profound contact and have moved beyond sort of the fear barrier and are trying to get the best that they can out of their experiences. (00:52:41)
But Howard Menger is your typical contactee who said that E.T. spoke English, they were absolutely beautiful, and he was given rides basically aboard flying saucers is what it amounts to. And he spoke widely about this and wrote a book about it as well and said that he experienced a UFO healing when he was stationed in Okinawa. This was back during 1945 in April when shrapnel, during an attack, shrapnel exploded and he was hit by it and it infected first one eye and he became blind in that eye and then very quickly the other eye became infected and he became totally blind. (00:53:20)
And he was placed in an army tent hospital and was being treated as best as they could and while he was there he kept being visited by this mysterious nurse who no one could identify and he eventually did see her when his sight returned and she said, I will see you on another occasion. (00:53:44)
And it was later, after he started having contacts, at that point he did not know he was a contactee or had not been having contacts and UFO sightings, he met this lady on board a UFO. So for what it's worth, there's that case and certainly these healings are pretty consistent in the contactee accounts. (00:54:01)
But they're there in the abductee accounts as well and here's a good example. Anna Jamerson and Beth Collings, together they wrote a book called Connections. It's an amazing book. I highly recommend it. It's published by Wildflower Press and their case took place back east. I forget the exact location. I believe it was Virginia or around that area. At any rate, Anna, I'm sorry, Beth Collings, the tall one, was having really profound experiences with UFOs and in 1992 had a very harrowing abduction experience. (00:54:43)
And immediately as she was returning to her car, she noticed her vision was normal. And she thought she had her glasses on, but she didn't. Her vision had, for some reason, improved until she could see perfectly. And this was one of her strong indications that something really strange had happened because she had a close-up sighting and some disorientation, possible missing time, but she wasn't sure. (00:55:12)
And it was around this time that her friend, Anna Jamerson, also her eyesight dramatically improved. Anna did not have any memories of any encounters at the time, but there was such a dramatic improvement in her eyesight that was correlated at the exact time, or similar time, to her friend there that she thought, well, gosh, maybe something is happening to me too. (00:55:33)
And sure enough, under hypnosis, they uncovered both a lifetime of contact. And it appeared, as has been shown in other cases, that they were manipulated to a certain extent by the ETs to come together and remembered having had encounters together in childhood, even though they only met as adults. So the ETs are very neck deep in our affairs, even though it might not appear that way. (00:55:58)
This is a case, very interesting, from England involving a police officer by the name of Alan Godfrey, who reported seeing a UFO. He was actually called out to investigate a herd of missing cows, of all things, which kept appearing and disappearing and appearing in different places. And he finally found them in a place where it looked like they were dropped out of the sky. (00:56:23)
There were no tracks around them. They were in an enclosure where they shouldn't be. So it was very odd. And he's driving around trying to figure out what is going on when he comes upon this dry spot, or actually a UFO. It was drizzling and raining at the time, and this UFO was hovering over the road. (00:56:40)
And he quickly drew it, which is great advice. He sat there and drew this thing as he watched it and thought it was just a sighting, but it turns out he had missing time. And the police officers, they rushed back there to the site after the UFO disappeared. The road was dry and they had no explanation for that. (00:57:00)
Despite that and other evidence, he was ridiculed mercilessly by his fellow officers and eventually his car was taken away and he was given a bicycle, which is not the only police officer who has suffered as a result of this, or other professionals for that matter, of going public with their encounter. But significant here is he was infertile due to a bar fight. (00:57:23)
He had been kicked very severely and as a result lost his ability to have children. So after this encounter, a few months went by and his wife became pregnant and he accused her of sleeping around. And she's like, no, I'm not. I have not slept around. And he thought for sure she had because she's pregnant and he is infertile. (00:57:44)
So he went to the doctor and the doctor is like, well, this is amazing. I don't know how to tell you this, but your condition has been reversed. You're no longer infertile. In fact, you're fine. So this is one of three or four cases like this in the book that I found. Other researchers have uncovered these types of cases, including Barbara Lamb and Brad Steiger. One of my favorite cases is this one, which occurred to a man by the name of Carl Higdon in 1976 outside Rollins, Wyoming. It's a really amazing and extensive case involving a great deal of evidence. (00:58:25)
He was out there elk hunting actually and had spotted an elk and shot at it when the bullet left the gun very slowly and then dropped to the ground. He was like, well, this is not normal. And he looked around and there was a strange looking figure with spiky hair and a weird belt and kind of a jumpsuit, human looking, who floated over a little pill and Carl Higdon, not knowing why, swallowed it. And this alien motioned him on board a UFO, which was pretty small. (00:58:55)
But inside it was much larger. He saw some other people in there. He saw other aliens. He saw a whole group of animals that were in glass enclosures. He was examined or had some other procedures given to him. It appears at one point he may have actually been taken to another planet, though this is not clear. (00:59:18)
But it was a really profound experience. While this is all going on, there are other people out looking for him because he's missing. And this UFO drops him back. His truck is found in a different location from where it had been. And he was very dazed. He was very upset, very traumatized. A couple of people who were looking for him saw the UFO as it darted away. (00:59:42)
And he was found and immediately taken to the hospital and examined. And his condition was confirmed by everyone who was around him, including his wife and his people who were searching for him. So it's a really amazing case. And it's not a very well-known case, and what's even less known about it is the fact that he had two profound healings. (01:00:03)
He had suffered from tuberculosis and had to go to the doctor every year to make sure it wasn't progressing and that his lungs, which were badly scarred, were okay. And when he went to the doctor next, they were like, well, this is impossible. You have no scarring in your lungs. All those tubercular scars are gone. And we have no way to explain this. (01:00:25)
And the only explanation he could find is that it was his encounter with a UFO. And incidentally, at the same time, he was suffering from kidney stones, a bad case of it, and he would have frequent flare-ups. He never had a flare-up after that and went to the doctor and there was no sign of his kidney stones either. (01:00:47)
So it's an amazing case, and I think one of the ones that shows that there is, you know, positive aspects to these UFO encounters. We hear so much about how scary abductions are. Certainly they can be, but there are positive aspects to it. (01:00:55)
Jim Sparks, he's going to be speaking at this upcoming convention, which hopefully a lot of you will go and hear him speak because he is amazing. I interviewed him once when I was doing a radio show and I read his book, of course, and he's one of the few people who is a conscious abductee. He remembers his experiences without the aid of hypnosis. (01:01:16)
And it's amazing because as I'm interviewing him, I'm like, have you read Betty Andreassen's book? And he's like, no. And I'm like, well, you're saying stuff that I've heard in that book. And he says, no, I've stayed away from all the books, I haven't read anything, and yet the stuff he's saying is corroborated by a number of other different witnesses. And he says he had an amazing experience. (01:01:41)
He was a heavy smoker for a while. And the ETs warned him against it, actually, and said that they were going to give him a gift. And they took him on board a UFO and they showed him a clear box filled with this black goo. And they said, this is your gift. (01:01:57)
And he's like, what is that? And they said, we pulled this out of your lungs. So, it's a lung cure. He didn't really, he wasn't sick at the time, but certainly they improved his health. Or he feels that way. This is the case involving Alicia Hanson, who I mentioned earlier, who had an auto accident in Georgia in which she was actually killed and apparently brought back to life by the ETs. She's had profound UFO experiences her whole life. (01:02:27)
Her neighbors have UFO experiences as a result of living next to her. Her roommates, her friends. She showed me a UFO twice. Took me out and damned if we didn't see this giant UFO. So, this lady is for real and I'm very impressed by her. And she's had profound experiences involving abductions and at one point just became so upset with it, said, I don't want to feel this fear anymore. (01:02:51)
In the middle of an abduction she woke up and she says, you put me back in my house right now. I'm not going to allow this. And they're like, you woke up? Oh, alright, sorry. And they basically put her back in her bedroom. Another time she woke up frightened to see these gray type aliens next to her bed. (01:03:10)
She reached out and struck it and broke its neck and later learned that she had actually killed it. One of several cases I've heard of just like that where someone lashes out in fear and frankly the aliens shouldn't be appearing like that by people's bedsides and frightening the wits out of them. But she got over her fear and as a result got a number of really profound experiences in which she was taught all kinds of stuff about spirituality mostly, channeling and healing and she really does profoundly channel healing energy. I've had her do it to me and you can actually feel it and it's quite amazing. (01:03:43)
And she's had some really amazing UFO healings herself. On one occasion she had a cyst in her breast. It was diagnosed and she was set up to have surgery and in fact was going to have surgery the next day when she had an encounter that night and doesn't remember a lot of what happened. (01:04:06)
A lot of her stuff is still covered in amnesia, not all of it, but she just remembered that something came into her room, the ETs were there, they were doing stuff and she went to the doctor the next day and they're like, this is odd, what are these scars here, these laser scars? She's like, I don't know. And they're like, well you had surgery. (01:04:25)
She says, no I didn't. And they're like, well yes you did, here's the evidence. And she denied it and the doctors became very upset because they felt she was lying and she didn't want to tell them the truth, which is something I've run across over and over again. And they continued to examine her and they took x-rays and were like, well this is odd, there's fluid here inside of her body which is present only after having surgery. So clearly you've had surgery. (01:04:52)
And she continued to deny it. And I've run across this with other patients as well. So I would personally recommend telling your doctor what happened because that's profound evidence and they may be able to provide some insight, certainly. But that's one of many cases like that. She says the aliens she's been with have been many different types and that was one type. (01:05:25)
For her, they're very emotional and loving often, though they weren't in the beginning. Only until she reached a certain level of awareness and self-control, she says. (01:05:34)
Now, this is Bill Hamilton, a very well-known researcher who's written a number of books and uncovered a case identical to this case I just discussed. The case involves a lady by the name of, also of Southern California, Morgana von Klassen. That's a pseudonym. At any rate, Morgana was diagnosed with a cystic mass in her breast and doctors had the x-rays and she was scheduled for surgery. (01:06:05)
I believe it was the day before surgery again. She was driving with her son and a UFO started following their car. Her son said, look mom, it's a UFO. I think this is going to be a good sign. You're going to be all right. She didn't know. She's had not necessarily pleasant experiences all the time with these UFOs. But that evening something came into her room. (01:06:27)
There was lights and activity. She doesn't remember exactly what it was. But the next day she went to the doctor and they're like, well, this is odd. There's no trace of your cyst. We must have been mistaken. And this is an explanation they often come up with. Well, misdiagnosis. Spontaneous remission. And certainly spontaneous remission does occur pretty regularly in hospitals. (01:06:48)
And there's not a whole lot of explanations for it. And perhaps this is one of them. Okay. This is Sisto Paz-Wells, a contactee from Peru, actually, who became very well known for being able to call down UFOs on demand and did so numerous times for the media and as a result had a very powerful and well-received UFO movement. And lots of people joined his group, the Rama group, I believe it was called. (01:07:17)
And he would go touring various areas and bring down UFOs. And he did this up in Sebago Cabins, New York, in May of 1988. Brought a group of a hundred or so people there and they did these meditations and various things like this and brought down a UFO. And it was seen not only by this group of a hundred or so people, but by all the surrounding residents. (01:07:43)
And it put on a pretty profound light show for everyone involved. And that evening, when everyone retired to their cabins, one gentleman, an anonymous dancer, says that something came to his room last night and it lit up. And he doesn't remember exactly what happens, but he woke up and his pajama bottoms had been removed and were on the floor. (01:08:04)
This is something I've heard many times. People will say that they wake up and their blanket is rolled up and tucked in very tightly so that they're stuck to their bed. I've had three or four cases like that. Weird stuff. Or people's clothes are put on backwards, or not their clothes even, though that's pretty rare. (01:08:24)
So he says his pajama bottoms were removed and he woke up and his legs were fine. The condition he had wasn't described, but apparently it was severe enough where he had to give up his career as a professional dancer. And after this experience, he was able to dance fine. Now, this is Billy Meyer. By show of hands, how many of you support Billy Meyer? Not a whole lot of you. (01:08:49)
Interesting. There's some though. You know, I tend to support his case simply because it's got so much evidence. In fact, I think it might have more evidence than any other single case. Not only the photographs, which of course are controversial, but landing trace cases, metal fragment cases, audio recordings, film recordings, and most, for me, most convincing are the 200 plus eyewitnesses who have seen UFOs in his presence. (01:09:20)
Like a lot of UFO contactees, the more, I think, big a case is, like the Ed Walters case in Florida, or this Billy Meyer's case, the more widely they are attacked. And certainly that's the way it should be because they're making fantastic claims. But I think if you look at this case objectively, it's quite impressive. (01:09:43)
And he has had three instances of healings, he says. One was when he was a child and when he suddenly recovered for some reason from pneumonia. Everyone thought he was going to die, but overnight he recovered. Years later he found out, the aliens told him that he was in contact with, told him that they had cured him. On another occasion, he was in his home, in the living room, surrounded by people, when he disappeared in a flash of light. (01:10:07)
It was viewed by two people who watched it happen. And at the time he was very ill with what he thought was just a cold. It turned out it was pneumonia. And the ETs were very upset with him, they said, that he was on the edge of death. And they healed him and told him to go to the doctor next time. (01:10:19)
On another occasion, he fell off his moped on the way to a contact and broke his rib. And he says that was healed with an instrument which sent kind of shocks into his broken rib and healed it that way. Which is a procedure we actually use at our own hospitals, using electro-stimulation to cure broken bones. (01:10:36)
Now this is a case which I took from Edith Fiore's book, Encounters, involving a lady by the name of Linda, who she and her sister Sherry have had a number of amazing healings. They recalled their encounters under hypnosis, but under hypnosis they recalled being taken on board and the encounters were not traumatic. In fact, it was quite friendly and they said that there was a number of people being taken on board and who were all being given procedures which were healing procedures. (01:11:13)
People were being healed of a wide variety of conditions, she says. And when her turn came, they healed her of a yeast infection. She also said that she was given regular treatments for a weak liver. As a child, she had fallen and injured her liver on the jungle gym and was very prone to infections. They said that they were treating her for that. On another occasion, they told her that she had breast cancer. (01:11:41)
This is the types of ETs that she is seeing. They told her, you have breast cancer and we need to cure you. And that is exactly what they proceeded to do, using this instrument primarily, pressing it up against her and other instruments as well. She says it was actually a pretty painful operation. (01:12:02)
I will talk more a little at the end of this lecture in just a bit about some of the cancer cases. But that seems to be a rule in some of these cancer operations. They are excruciating. She and her sister both had numerous healings. In fact, it was such a casual atmosphere. Once when she was being healed, she asked the aliens, do they do breast enlargements? They did not respond. (01:12:24)
This is probably my second favorite case involving a gentleman by the name of Ventura Macias, which occurred on December 30th, 1972 in Argentina. He is a night watchman. This is back before UFOs were pretty much popularized in the media in terms of abductions and things like this. Certainly UFO healings were not very well known at all. Ventura was 73 years old at the time. (01:12:57)
He was struck by a beam of light from a UFO. He actually saw these ETs, which he drew there looking a little bit like the Michelin Man, their costumes. A description I have heard before actually. There is a lot of evidence to support this case. The tops of the very tall eucalyptus trees in the area were also burned. (01:13:14)
A bunch of catfish were found dead in the local stream right where this object was hovering. Ventura, immediately after this object, went over him, struck him with a beam of light. He may have had on-board contact. It is unclear, but apparently not. At any rate, he suffered a number of symptoms including headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, pustules or little boils on his skin, and all these other symptoms that seemed to indicate radiation sickness. (01:13:47)
Actually, his case was very well investigated. He was descended on by all kinds of UFO researchers, police officers, government agents, officials of all kinds. When all was said and done, he was interviewed by more than 60 different doctors and officials who could not explain his case. What was most amazing about it was about a month after he was struck by this beam of light, he started to grow a third set of teeth. (01:14:21)
It was just the only case I have where someone is growing an extra set of teeth as a result of being struck by a UFO. Teeth are part of the integumentary system, hair, skin, teeth and nails, and part of the eyes. There are a lot of cases where UFOs have healed people of the integumentary system. (01:14:41)
This is probably one of the most, the best investigated or most credible. As I mentioned earlier, there are a number of cases which do take place in hospitals. This is one which I thought was kind of intriguing, involving a gentleman by the name of Fred White, who was an electronics inventor and specialist. He lives in Durham, England. About four years prior to this incident, he had seen a UFO while fishing. (01:15:14)
It was hovering over this lake. There were portholes. He saw these figures looking out at him, human looking kind of. He thought, well, that's odd. The UFO darted away. Four years later, he is diagnosed with a hole in his lung. It collapsed his lung. It was a very serious condition. It was apparently congenital hole. (01:15:40)
They weren't sure. He was suffering very badly from it. He could not catch his breath and had a lot of pain when in walks this strange doctor. This doctor says, I'm going to heal you. Fred is like, oh, great, okay. That's why I'm here. He didn't think really much of it at the time, whether or not this was a human or not, because he looked human, but he did notice the guy was kind of exotic looking with kind of a slant to his eyes and was not Caucasian. He was definitely some exotic person. (01:16:12)
He was also wearing a watch which had no face to it. It was just this glowing time piece of some kind, but there was no numbers, no dials, no arms or anything. He did notice that and this figure proceeded to heal him using kind of a passage of his hand over Fred's body, back and forth. Instantly he was able to breathe better and the pain receded. (01:16:38)
And this gentleman said he had healed him because he was interested in his research in electronics. And I thought that was really interesting because I had been looking for patterns as to who is being healed and why. And I found that it goes basically in three categories. 30% of people who are being healed are contactees, people who claim to have contact with friendly aliens. (01:16:58)
30% are abductees. And 30% are people who have no prior relationship with UFOs at all. And the rest are people who are friends of a contactee or an abductee. So it's hard to break down who is being healed and why. It seems there's a few more men than women. I'm not sure if that's because there are more male contactees who have gone public than women. (01:17:28)
Certainly there seems to be more women reporting abductions, which is kind of at odds with the fact that more men are reporting healings. So it's hard to say, but the one pattern I certainly did find, and this was confirmed independently just recently, not by me, by another person, is that people who are doing good work for humanity, and by that I mean inventors, doctors, police officers, social workers, actors, even dancers, entertainers, things like this. (01:18:00)
This is the only real pattern I found and it wasn't super strong, but it was there. (01:18:07)
This is my favorite case, hands down, of UFO healings. And I'll get shortly... no, I'm running a little late, am I? I'll wrap this up pretty quickly here in like 15 minutes and I'll just cover the more serious cases and the cancer cases. But I want to talk about Jonathan Salter here at length because it's such a profound case. (01:18:32)
He had an abduction experience in Richland Center with his son. They were driving along and they saw a UFO, a typical UFO, and had missing time. And at the time, they didn't remember anything. They didn't go into hypnosis, but over the next few weeks, both of them recalled spontaneously what happened. And they said it was not a traumatic experience. (01:18:54)
He recalled being taken on board a UFO. They were both laid out on tables. And each of them, but particularly John Salter, his name is actually now John Hunter Gray. He changed it back to honor his Native American heritage. Both of them were laid out on tables and given injections, particularly John Salter, Jr., the father, rather. (01:19:22)
And he said the injections were in interesting locations in that they were mostly in his various glands, glandular areas, lymph nodes, and sort of strategic areas. And they were returned. He says it was not an unpleasant experience. It was much like a doctor's visit. And he says he was not traumatized by it at all. In fact, just the opposite because immediately he started noticing a number of physiological improvements, which had numbered up to 20 at this point, or beyond that. (01:19:50)
The first thing was he was a heavy smoker. He stopped smoking immediately. He just did not have the desire. He attributes that to his encounter. That's one way to quit smoking, you guys. He also says that he experienced immediately an improvement to his skin tone. He says his cuts started healing faster. Several of his wrinkles disappeared. He lost weight. He had a facial injury as a result of an auto accident. This quickly was healed up and went away. (01:20:18)
Several other things. His hair and fingernails grew. He started getting 5 o'clock shadow again. He grew two inches, which I find really fascinating because there are a number of cases out there where people have been struck by a beam of light from a UFO and suffered really profound growth afterwards. It's very rare, but it does happen. He is now in his 70s and still in good health. (01:20:48)
He has suffered some episodes, but always recovers in a way that seems to amaze doctors. And here's the kicker, which is really kind of shocking to me. Before his experience, his feet measured size 11. They now measure size 17. Go figure. Here's a case from Edith Fiore's book, Encounters. This gentleman suffered from angioma as a child. Angioma is a malformation of the blood vessels in the vein, which leads usually to paralysis, loss of speech, loss of facilities, and often death. (01:21:24)
It can be very severe and was in his case. He was not doing well when suddenly his condition improved really dramatically very quickly. Later on, when he was an adult, he began having a series of profound UFO experiences and went under hypnosis and recalled as a child being taken on board a UFO and cured of his angioma. (01:21:51)
He says basically what happened was they removed the top of his head and took a laser beam and put it right up against the blood vessels that were malformed and doing so were able to shrink them down to their normal size. So it's a really amazing case and one of many cases in which aliens have cured people of supposedly chronic or even fatal conditions. (01:22:16)
And there's the tool that these people use, these aliens use to kill people. It's interesting because people will often describe these tools in a way that they're completely baffled by them. They have no words to describe them other than to say that they're cylindrical often and have lights coming out of them and just look strange. Now, this is the ET that he says healed him. (01:22:39)
Now, I see you get all kinds. I have never talked to anyone who's seen anything like that. A number of cases came out in the 1980s, which I'll just mention briefly because I'm running out of time, in Russia as investigated by Helga Moro, a researcher. It was really profound because they all occurred at once in this one area called Tbilisi. I can't pronounce it. (01:23:06)
It's in the book T-B-I-T-B-L-I-S-I. Okay, thank you. Tbilisi. But apparently there was more than a dozen UFO healing cases, including some doctors who were actually contacted by ETs and given treatment methods. And these were healings of heart attack victims, of someone who had liver disease, someone who had knee problems, a wide variety of conditions. This is Katarina Wilson, who was outside her home in Oregon when she suffered a near lightning strike. (01:23:38)
And running into her home and not realizing how badly she was injured, but immediately found herself on board a UFO. She's had a huge number of contacts and has written an amazing book about it. And the aliens told her, you damaged your heart. Your heart was badly damaged in that lightning strike. And we are repairing your heart. (01:24:02)
And that's exactly what they did. And she drew this drawing here to describe exactly what this instrument looked like. And it was a very quick operation. And as she woke up the next morning, she was pretty sore there, but suffered no apparent injury as a result of this close lightning strike. This is a really bizarre case. I'd recommend this book just because it really makes you think. (01:24:27)
This is a family up in Oregon who claimed to have contact with human-like ETs. Initially they remembered them being very gray type, but as time went on they kind of recovered their memory, I guess you might say, and recalled seeing them much more human-looking. And so they were taken on board many times and given all kinds of healing experiences and profound spiritual experiences as well. (01:24:53)
The father says that he was tripped while he was on board the UFO, hurt his back, and the aliens healed it using a cylindrical device. I've heard a description of that cylindrical device being used on people's backs from several other people, which I thought was kind of a corroboration to make his case more credible. His child was cured of asthma. The mother said that she was visited in her hospital room after having a C-section, and that the ETs were able to speed up her healing, and that the doctors and nurses were amazed at how quickly her C-section scar healed up, that she was able to be released very quickly. (01:25:33)
So this is one family who have had a total of seven healings between them. (01:25:40)
This is a really interesting case, which was first revealed in one of Wendell Stevens' books. It involves this man by the name of Jael Valerio, and this is him and his son who are contactees. What happened was, there was a child in this town where this contactee lives, who suffered a cerebral aneurysm. (01:26:15)
This child was very popular in the town, and everyone in this town knew that Jael Valerio was a contactee, and asked him to ask the aliens if they could help this kid out. Jael said he'd try, and that's exactly what he did. The aliens said, give him this medicine. This is the aliens that he saw, and here is the medicine. (01:26:34)
It was described as being very similar to raw sugar in appearance and composition, kind of dark or light brown with sharp crystals. The aliens instructed them to rub it into the soles of his feet, which they did. It melted at body temperature and disappeared into the kid's skin, and immediately his blood vessels began to repair. (01:27:01)
He recovered, made a full recovery from a cerebral aneurysm, which is not supposed to be recoverable. They thought he was going to be brain dead, but no, he made a full recovery. Thankfully, they did save a sample of this medicine to take for chemical analysis. It was a very expensive chemical analysis that was run on it, and they tested for all different kinds of substances, and were not able to match it to any known substance. At the end, all they could say was it was chemically unique. (01:27:30)
It doesn't help a whole lot, but interesting nevertheless. Now, there have been several cases where people have not been healed themselves, but have viewed healings on board a UFO, such as this case, which took place in Sturgeon Bay in Wisconsin in 1979, to a man by the name of Dean Anderson, who said he saw a child who was on board this UFO with her mother. (01:27:55)
The child suffered from muscular dystrophy and could barely walk. Her condition was severe, and they put her up on this table and sent a beam of light on her and cured her. She hopped off the table, cured. Another case investigated by Carla Turner involves a man by the name of Fred, who was taken on board a UFO and said he saw a number of people being laid out on tables, and the aliens were taking these laser-like, these instruments, and they were zipping people open, fussing around with their organs, doing whatever it is they were doing, and then they'd zip them up with this laser, straight out of Star Trek, and you could not tell that there had been any cut there at all. (01:28:34)
So, there are a number of cases like that. I want to talk about now, wrap it up, and talk about the cancer cures, because I think this is probably the most common category out there of all the healings we have. Certainly, aliens have touched on a wide variety of illnesses and conditions, but cancer comes up again and again, and certainly kills quite a number of people in the world. So, it's no surprise that there are a number of cancer cases. (01:29:07)
One case I'd like to discuss involves a lady by the name of Helen X. This case was first revealed by Timothy Green Beckley, who says that Helen told him that she was a resident of Arizona, and in May of 1974, was diagnosed with cancer of the hip bone, and doctors removed it, and she was well at first, but returned back for another check, and it turns out that the cancer had spread from her hip bone to her breast, her liver, her kidney, her pancreas, and her spleen. (01:29:45)
They tried to get it all out. They couldn't. They did the best they could, and basically said she's got a few months to live. Her condition worsened very quickly, to the point where she was so weak she could barely get up, and her skin had become the color orange, and one evening she woke up to someone here calling her name. (01:30:00)
She pulled herself out of bed. She had such a strong impulse that she could not resist it. This turns up again and again in abduction cases. She went into her car. She's like, what am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. I'm very ill, and she drove out of town a short distance. (01:30:23)
She lived in a small town in Arizona, and came into this field, and there was a UFO parked there, and there were these aliens outside. She said they were short, dressed in shiny silver metallic suits, and they took her on board, and they said, you have cancer. She said, oh, yeah, I know. And they said, we're going to cure you, and they proceeded to give her a very lengthy, painful operation involving all kinds of instruments and lights and things like this, and she doesn't recall exactly what happened. (01:30:48)
She recalls driving home. She recalls going to bed and waking up the next morning and thinking, well, this must have been a dream. And her son's like, no, it definitely must have been a dream. She's like, but you know what? I don't think it was. I want to go visit this spot where I remember being taken. (01:31:07)
And the son's like, no, no, no, you're too sick. And she's like, we're going. And he drove her to this spot, and in this spot, there was a big circle of crushed grass, burned ground. So it was really profound evidence for her, and her condition worsened at this point. She was rushed to the hospital, and doctors gave her last rites. They called her family. (01:31:29)
They said she's going to die within a couple of hours, definitely within the day, and she hung on. The ETs, before they released her, told her, don't take any more medicine. Whatever you do, don't take anything the doctors give you. Just drink water. This is what they told her. So they tried to force more medicine into her. She refused. (01:31:49)
She said, give me water. And that's what they did. And she took water, and she started, she hung on. They couldn't believe it. She hung on for a day, and then the next day, and she started to improve, and very dramatically improved after a week or two. And then finally, she was healthy. They searched her for cancer, opened her up to an exploratory operation, and could not find any cancer. (01:32:09)
So it's a really profound case. And this is typical of these cancer-type cases of healings. Another case involves a Peruvian truck driver. This was investigated by Jacques Vallée, I believe. And this truck driver had stomach cancer, and didn't want to have an operation because it involved the removal of a large portion of his stomach, which is obviously very severe. (01:32:39)
And was driving down the road, and on this particular trip, the pain was so severe that he's like, that's it, I've got to have the operation. And boom, a UFO shows up. Nice timing. And it casts on a beam of light, and whether he had missing time is not described. This case was not given a whole lot of attention. I couldn't find a lot of details about it, I mean. (01:33:02)
At any rate, after this UFO left, his pain disappeared, and he went to the doctor to have the operation, and they couldn't find any cancer. Very typical. (01:33:07)
Another very similar case occurred to Lysia Davidson, who is actually based here in Los Angeles. She had cancer, and it spread very quickly. The doctors told her it was fatal. She was abducted by these ETs who had been bothering her her whole life, and they said, you have cancer. As if it was news to her. And it certainly wasn't. And they proceeded to give her a very excruciating operation. (01:33:34)
She said it was awful, but it was no worse than what she had already gone through with human doctors. And they returned her, and the cancer was gone. She went to the doctor, and they could not find any traces of it. She had a lot of military harassment afterwards. Not only this, but after all of her encounters, for that matter. (01:33:55)
It says that the ETs don't bother her so much, it's the military who she's terrified of, and can't stand, and would leave her alone. There are a number of cases like that. Probably the most famous cancer healing case I want to discuss took place to a child, actually, of a politician, a famous politician in Brazil. This occurred on October 25, 1957. This child was dying of stomach cancer when ETs landed in the backyard, and this was witnessed by the entire family. (01:34:32)
And recently, there's a researcher making the whole talk circuit now discussing this case, and one of the people there has also been discussing it. But the maid was the first one who revealed it. And this is one of the first UFO healing cases actually ever revealed. I believe they were green-skinned ETs, if I'm not mistaken. At any rate, they were not your typical type. (01:34:53)
They were very short humanoids dressed in strange jumpsuits, came into the living room while everyone was present, including the daughter who was suffering horrendously and expected to die, and proceeded to do an operation on her. They first held up an instrument which rendered her stomach transparent so that the whole family could see inside her body the black mass that was the cancer. (01:35:21)
Then they proceeded to remove it, sucking it up with various instruments and cutting it out and shining it with lights and closed her back up and gave her a metallic sphere filled with 50 pills and told her to eat one every day, which she did. And the cancer went into remission and she never suffered from it again. She lived. One of many amazing cancer cases. (01:35:44)
There are other serious diseases too. I'll just mention real briefly, on August 3rd, 1979, an Army officer, Gene Sir of Quebec, that's C-Y-R, Gene Sir, kept seeing UFOs outside his home. He lives near an airport. There were people in the area seeing UFOs. His family was seeing UFOs. He started waking up with weird scars on his body and things like this. He suffered from a very serious disease. (01:36:23)
I believe it was muscular dystrophy. Gosh, I wrote that down here. No, I'm sorry, multiple sclerosis. He says after these series of encounters, he stopped suffering from multiple sclerosis and it eventually disappeared completely. (01:36:36)
So one of many cases like that. The earliest UFO healing case I found was from 1930 when a gentleman said he was taken on board a UFO. He didn't know it was a UFO at the time. It wasn't until the 70s that he started hearing reports about it. And he was placed into a cylinder which was filled with light and he was cured of tuberculosis. (01:36:57)
He was later cured of a fatal auto accident when his auto was hit by a train. I'm going to wrap it up now. This is one of the final cases I want to discuss, which is really amazing. Lynn Plaskett, she is currently a city councilwoman in Smyrna Beach, Florida. This case is not in the book. (01:37:22)
There are a number of cases I've discussed tonight which are not in the book because so many people have contacted me saying, oh, I was healed of deafness. I was healed of an infection of a tattoo. I was healed of this or that. This case involves a lady who was cured of cancer. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer, a very aggressive form, when she was in her mid-20s. She had just gone in there to a doctor to get birth control and they found a lump and took a biopsy and found this very aggressive cancer and she quickly started to suffer from it and her case went downhill. (01:37:56)
It looked like she was going to die, like the doctor said, when one evening she woke up and her window was open and this frisbee comes flying in. It wasn't a frisbee. It had little lights around it and it was spinning and it was hovering over her body. She became paralyzed at this point. It was making a loud buzzing noise, which the people outside her bedroom heard and they were like, what's that? We should go investigate. (01:38:22)
Nah, they didn't do it for some reason. At any rate, this object goes up and down her body several times and then disappears. She had this profound feeling of well-being at the time thinking, this is good news. This is good for me. And it was. Her cancer quickly went into remission and never appeared. (01:38:46)
She is still a city councilwoman, which is nice considering she did go public with her encounter and appeared on a number of TV shows and was written about in Virginia Aronson's book. It has a whole detail of her case. And one of many people who were cured of cancer. (01:39:01)
Now, as I mentioned earlier, who is being cured? Not a whole lot of patterns there. The closest pattern I could find was related to your profession. So if you're a social worker, like John Salter, who was a very influential social worker and has won numerous awards for it, or an electronics inventor like that guy in England, Fred White, or a police officer like Deputy Good out there doing the beat, or a dancer or an actor, doctor. (01:39:28)
These are the kinds of people who are being healed for the most part. That's the only pattern I could find. Are aliens friendly? I could not possibly prove that aliens are friendly any more than I could say that humans are a benevolent species. I think it would be a lot harder to prove human benevolence as opposed to alien benevolence. But as I said, most of the people I've interviewed do not want their encounters to stop. (01:39:53)
Some have had some very harrowing encounters and still feel that the ETs are not evil. And most feel at the worst that they're uncaring. This lady I interviewed had a number of encounters when she had missing time. Marks would appear on her body. She'd find twigs in her bed. (01:40:11)
Her clothes would be on wrong. This went on over and over and over. And one night, she's taking her motorcycle through the Wasatch Mountains in New Jersey when she wrecks it and twists up the kick starter to the point where this bike could not be started. And this was a rural road. (01:40:31)
This was the middle of the night. She was stranded. She had no idea what she was going to do when she says, what she calls her friends showed up. She says they could have passed for a human if they wore sunglasses and a hat. But otherwise, no, because their skin is very pale white and their eyes were very large with very large dark parts to them. (01:40:53)
They didn't say anything. They just walked right up to her and indicated that they wanted to fix the motorcycle. She stepped back. They lifted it up. One of them bent down and straightened out the kick starter, she says, and fixed it. They stepped back. She hopped on the motorcycle and took off, kind of freaked out at this point. So this is the kind of case you're thinking, well, that seems friendly. (01:41:13)
But then you run across other cases which maybe not so much. So it's really hard to say whether or not ETs are doing this out of their goodwill or not. I try to let the witnesses speak for themselves and certainly a good percentage of witnesses do feel that it is being done as an act of goodwill. Others feel, no, it's more like equipment maintenance. (01:41:33)
Some feel it was an accidental side effect. So I think you get the whole bell curve there. Here's another case where ETs helped out. This was during one of the worst storms in the South Pacific in recorded history, which sunk upwards of two dozen boats. This one boat filled with people, it was called the Ramtha by coincidence, was about to sink when this very bright light appeared right over it. The rescuers could not find the boat. (01:41:59)
And this bright light appeared and as a result the rescuers were able to pick these people up and shortly after they picked them up the boat sank. So this is another one of those weird intriguing cases where ETs are seeming to help people. And again there's a very strong healing theme that comes across not only in terms of physical healings but spiritual healings. (01:42:26)
It's the second or third most common thing is people being told how to do hands-on healing or being taught about healing. And that seems to be another pattern that turns up again and again is ETs are very interested in people who are psychic or who are involved in alternative healing methods. This is the Integratron in Southern California here out in the desert. (01:42:48)
And this was a building which was allegedly designed by ETs or upon ET specifications, which was supposed to rejuvenate the human body. It was never completed but one wonders if perhaps it was, what would have happened and would it have worked? (01:43:04)
Whitley Striever, one of the most influential UFO writers certainly, and I included him as my last slide because I think he illustrates what's problematic with this whole UFO healing subject. He receives upwards of 20 letters a day or did during his heyday and certainly has received thousands upon thousands upon thousands of letters from people begging him to ask the aliens to heal them. (01:43:37)
And he obviously can't do that. We all suffer illnesses and he's no exception and he has not been healed. And these ETs are not healing all these people. And so that begs the question, why not? The healing is taking place, there's no doubt about that. There are easily hundreds of cases, probably 200 cases now on record and I'm going to say there's 10 times more than that because these cases are vastly underreported. (01:44:01)
So healing cases are taking place on a limited basis but it seems to me that the ETs are for the most part laissez-faire about it. They're only doing it a little bit. In fact one couple I talked to asked the ETs about this and the ET said, we can only help people who are helping themselves and we can help you out a little bit but we can't give you the answers. (01:44:30)
The couple that they told this to had a profound contact experience in Sedona, Arizona. And they ended up being alternative healers in Hawaii and are very well known in their community. So it's hard to say why ETs are contacting people and I think the reason they're not healing everyone, because can you imagine the consequences? It would be devastating. (01:44:54)
If suddenly our military was given healing technology, you know what they would do with it. I don't think I even need to tell you. They would take it and heal the soldiers who come back out of the battlefields all torn up. I don't care if your legs have been blown off or what's happened to you. (01:45:08)
They'll stitch you right up and send you right back out. It would be devastating. We would probably have overpopulation problems. These are things that are probably some of the reasons that there's not open official contact as well. Also because of our own prejudice against people who are different. So if we're prejudiced against someone because of their religion or the color of their skin, imagine how we would feel about ETs. And we know what happens when an advanced culture encounters one that's less advanced. (01:45:39)
The less advanced culture gets absorbed. This has happened throughout human history. And maybe another reason why ETs have not had open official contact. But it's my assessment and my conclusion that there is healing taking place. That some ETs are very friendly indeed. Some ETs look just like us, which I think raises serious questions about human origins for that matter. (01:46:05)
And if they're wiser than to go and cure everybody at once and hand us this stuff, we need to find the answers for ourselves. And so I think they're wise about that. I think open official contact is inevitable and could be coming sooner than we think. And it's obviously one of the most volatile areas of UFO research. (01:46:21)
That and the government cover-up, which is a disaster and is ending. They're leaking like a sieve and I expect that to be through in our lifetimes. I want to see that Roswell craft in a museum. So that's what I'm hoping for and that's one of the reasons I'm up here tonight. And I want to thank you all for listening and I hope you've enjoyed it. (01:46:40)
Thank you. (01:46:41)