Preston Dennett の講演:学校に出現した UFO 事例の特集:文字起こし+和訳
学校に出現した UFO 事例の特集は珍しい。この講演から幾つか事例を個別記事で取り上げたいところ。この講演では、当時の TV ニュースの動画も挿入されている。
1994年9月、ジンバブエのルワにあるアリエル小学校の50人以上の生徒が、学校の隣にUFOが着陸するのを目撃した。二人の地球外生命体がUFOから降りてきて、何人かの生徒と交信を始めた。この出来事はUFOコミュニティに衝撃を与え、国際的な見出しを飾った。これはユニークな出来事のように聞こえるかもしれないが、そうではない。実は、UFOは50年以上も前から私たちの学校を訪れているのだ。単なる目撃談ではない。ほとんどの場合、目撃は何時間も、あるいは何日も続く。多くの場合、UFOは実際に着陸している。ヒューマノイドが目撃されるケースもある。 政府や軍の関係者が関与するほど強烈な訪問であることも多い。UFOはアメリカ国内だけでなく、イギリス、スコットランド、フランス、オーストラリアなど世界各地から目撃されている。
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Preston Dennett (05-21-19) Aliens at School
6,300 views Jun 17, 2019
On September 1994, more than fifty students at Ariel Elementary School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe witnessed a UFO land next to their school. Two apparent extraterrestrials exited the craft and began to communicate with some of the students. This event electrified the UFO community and made international headlines. This may sound like a unique encounter, but it is not. The truth is, UFOs have been visiting our schools for more than fifty years. These are not simple sightings. In the vast majority of cases, the sightings last for hours or even days. In many of the cases, the UFOs actually land. In some of the cases, humanoids are seen. Often the visitations are so intense that government and military officials become involved. The sases come from across the United States and the world, including such countries as England, Scotland, France, Australia and more.
In this presentation, Preston Dennett will reveal the startling details of more than a dozen extensive school-UFO encounters both famous and unknown. Why are UFOs visiting our schools? How are the ETs influencing our children?
Supported by firsthand eyewitness testimonies, drawings and photos, these unique cases will forever change how you view the UFO phenomenon.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
こんばんは。UPARSロサンゼルスへようこそ。私はスティーブ・ムリーロ。UPARS LAのディレクターだ。2019年の5月だ。旧友が来てくれた。まあ、彼は年寄りではなく、若いのだが、私たちと一緒にここにいる。彼は友人だ。彼の名前はプレストン・デネットだ。プレストン・デネットは1986年、家族や友人、同僚が説明のつかない劇的な遭遇をしていることに気づき、UFOや超常現象の調査を始めた。 (00:00:31)
それ以来、彼は何百人もの目撃者にインタビューし、さまざまな超常現象を調査してきた。彼はMUFON(MUFONネットワーク)の現地調査員として訓練を受け、現在も活動を続けている。ゴーストハンターであり、超常現象の研究者であり、UFOと超常現象に関する20冊以上の著書と100本以上の記事がある。プレストンは、それらの本の多くをここに持ってきて、みんなと共有しているので、ぜひチェックしてみてほしい。 (00:00:56)
彼の記事は、Fate、Atlantis Rising、MUFON UFO Journal、Nexus、Paranormal Magazine、UFO Magazine、Mysteries Magazine、Ufologistなど、数多くの雑誌に掲載されている。彼の著作は、ドイツ語、フランス語、ポルトガル語、ロシア語、アイスランド語、シュメール語など、さまざまな言語に翻訳されている。 ジミー・チャーチの『Fade to Black』、アート・ベルの『Midnight in the Desert』、『Coast to Coast』、ヒストリーチャンネルの『Deep Sea UFOs』、『UFO Hunters』など、数多くのラジオやテレビ番組に出演している。 (00:01:31)
彼の研究はLAタイムズ、LAデイリーニュース、ダラスモーニングニュース、その他の新聞で紹介されている。また、様々な超常現象に関する授業や講演を全米で行っている。現在はここに住んでいる。彼は地元の少年だ。両手を合わせて、プレストン・デネットに拍手を。 今夜、君たちと話すのがとても楽しみだ。 (00:01:58)
僕の話を聞きに来てくれて本当にありがとう。約60枚のスライド、写真、ドローイング、そしてとても興味深いビデオも上映する予定だ。さっそく飛び込もう。私がどのようにしてUFO研究に携わるようになったか、すでにご存知の方も多いと思うので、少しだけ簡単に説明しよう。 (00:02:21)
1986年、UFOを見たパイロットのニュースを聞いて、私の家族の多くがUFOに遭遇していることを知った。それはまるでレンガのような衝撃だった。私にとって良いニュースではなかった。とても懐疑的だった。そして、このテーマにとても興味を持つようになった。 そして私は人々にインタビューをし、それについて書き始めた。 (00:02:42)
UFOグループにも参加したし、振り返ることもなかった。興味深いことに、私の最初のヒューマノイドのケースは、家族の誰かがスタッグ・ストリート小学校の前でETを見たというものだった。 それで私は興味を持ったんだ。それが私の最初の校庭UFO事件で、それが今夜お話しするテーマなんだ。 (00:03:08)
それがきっかけでUFOに興味を持つようになったんだ。私はいつもそのような事件に目を光らせていた。何年もの間、そのような事件が見つかってきた。本当に有名な校庭UFO事件は4つか5つあると思う。最も有名なのは、おそらく皆さんも耳にしたことがあるだろう、ルア・ジンバブエ事件だ。学校の空中遭遇について聞いたことがある人はどれくらいいるだろうか?そうだね。 (00:03:35)
かなり多くの人が知っている。全員ではない。それは1994年にルア・ジンバブエで起こった。小学校にヒューマノイドが着陸したんだ。それ以前にも、学校を狙ったUFOの長い歴史がある。2016年、MUFONオーストラリアのナショナル・ディレクターであるロジャー・スタンコビッチ博士は、フェイスブックでこんな質問を投げかけた。遊び場に宇宙人?過去50年にわたり、UFOは世界4大陸の様々な学校の校庭に白昼堂々と散発的に出現している。 (00:04:21)
そして彼は目撃談のトップ4を挙げている。一つはルア・ジンバブエ事件である。もうひとつは、オーストラリアのメルボルンで起きたウェストール事件で、高校の外にUFOが着陸した。もうひとつは、1977年にウェールズのブロードヘイブン小学校で起きた非常に有名な事件である。そして、フロリダ州オペリカで起きた事件もある。 (00:04:52)
クレストビュー小学校でもUFOが学校に着陸した。1966年にミシガン州ヒルズデールの大学の外にUFOが着陸した。これらは本当によく知られている4つか5つのケースだ。オペリカの事件を聞いて、私は、学校はUFOに狙われているのだと思った。 (00:05:20)
学校はUFOの誘引装置と呼ぶべきものだ。墓地や空軍基地、ロケット発射場、地雷、金属鉱山などだ。このような場所では、UFOとの遭遇が不釣り合いに多い。 (00:05:47)
そして、これはUFO調査員にとってはニュースではない。1966年、ミシガン州デクスター、ヒルズデールでの目撃の後、APROの先駆者であるジムとコーラル・ローレンゼンは、ミシガン州の事件の後、学校が標的にされた多くの事件があることに気づいた。 (00:06:12)
(00:06:12) -------------- そしてレイモンド・ファウラーは、おそらくマサチューセッツのベティ・アンドレアソン事件を調査したことで最もよく知られているが、彼はまた、特にマサチューセッツのビバリー高校で起こった、本当に信じられないような学校での出会いを発見した。その後、彼は自分の事件を見直し始め、過去20件のうち8件が標的となった学校であることに気づいた。 (00:06:46)
つまり、これは間違いなくあることなのだ。UFOは私たちの学校を標的にしている。これらの事例を見直し、集めているうちに、4つか5つ、本当に有名な事例があると思った。今、私は少なくとも40か50のこの種の事例を持っている。これらのケースには、一般的な目撃例とは大きく異なる特徴があるからだ。 (00:07:11)
つまり、平均的な目撃例というのは、夜、おそらくかなり高い高度で、頭上を飛んでいく異常な光に短時間遭遇するというものだ。 私がほとんどの人から聞くのは、そのような遭遇である。一方、校庭での遭遇は、一般的な遭遇とは根本的に大きく異なる点がいくつかある。まず第一の違いは、校庭での遭遇はほとんどが日中に起こるということだ。 (00:07:37)
昼間の出会いは比較的まれだが、校庭での出会いとなると、それがほとんど普通だ。それに続いて、それは長い間続く。平均的なUFOの目撃時間は2、3秒、1分、2分、5分くらいだ。超長時間の遭遇はあまりない。校庭での遭遇となると、一般的には少なくとも5分、10分、30分、1時間、3時間と続く。 (00:08:06)
数日間に及ぶケースもある。このように、UFOとの遭遇は様々な意味で長時間かつ広範囲に及ぶのである。もう一つの違いは、ほとんどのUFOは非常に高い高度で目撃されるが、校庭での遭遇はそうではないということだ。校庭での遭遇はそうではない。UFOは学校の真上に降りてくる。 (00:08:34)
もっと一般的なのは、1,000フィート、500フィート、100フィート、場合によっては30フィート、10フィート、学校のすぐ近くだ。これらは、私がフライオーバーと呼ぶものでもない。これらのケースは、学校が特にターゲットにされている。 (00:08:51)
UFOが学校を目指して空から舞い降りてきて、そこで止まる。そして、それは私がケースに入り始めるにつれて、より明白になると思う。そう、実に興味深い違いがたくさんある。これらのケースの多くは着陸を伴うもので、物体は実際に学校のすぐそばや運動場そのものに着陸する。 (00:09:12)
これらのケースの多くにはヒューマノイドも含まれており、その数は不釣り合いなほど多い。これは本当に重要で根本的な違いである。もうひとつ気づいたのは、こうした遭遇の多くが、政府や軍の対応を必要とするほど大規模なものだということだ。これは決して珍しいこと ではない。少なくとも地元の新聞に掲載され、しばしば全国的あるいは国際的な見出しを飾る。 (00:09:44)
このように、校庭での出会い頭のケースの大部分で見られるパターンがある。このようなパターンを念頭に置きながら、話を進めていこう。それでは、今夜皆さんにお見せしたいことがたくさんあるので、さっそく飛び込んでみよう。 (00:10:06)
これはスコットランドのグラスゴーにある。夏のことだった。午後4時頃で、学校はちょうど下校したところだった。目撃者の一人、彼女の名前はジョーン・トーランス、13歳で、下校中だった。彼女の後ろには先生がいた。用務員もいて、彼女の友達もいた。 (00:10:45)
みんなが叫び始めた時、彼らはこの学校の前の運動場を横切って歩いていた。100人以上はいたよ。そして叫びながら、この建物のてっぺんを指さしたんだ。小さな尖塔が見えるだろう。巨大な物体が尖塔の上空約100フィートでホバリングしていた。完全に静止していた。少し斜めに傾いていた。 (00:11:10)
そして回転していた。それは30フィートか40フィートくらいの大きさで、ソンブレロみたいな形をしていて、金属製だった。ただそこに座っていた。目撃者は、どのくらいそれを見たのかと尋ねられた。彼女はこう言った。まるで時が止まっているかのようだった。UFOに遭遇した場合、それは確かに重要な要素である。 (00:11:28)
アブダクションの兆候はない。どのくらいかはわから ないが、しばらくして、突然、スイッチが入ったようだったと彼女は言う。そいつは大声で鳴き始め、持ち上がって、学校からグラスゴーの町の上空まで、かなり素早く移動した。もちろん、子供たちはみんな家に帰り、両親に話した。 (00:11:51)
翌朝、新聞がこの話を報道するまで、彼らの多くは信じなかった。このUFOはグラスゴー上空を直進し、多くの人がそれを見たことがわかった。 (00:11:56)
これが私が見つけることができた最初の本当の校庭での遭遇のようなものだ。この後、かなり定期的に発生するようになった。その2年後の1954年10月22日、オハイオ州メアリスビルのジェローム小学校で、別の事件が起きた。とても興味深い事件だ。 50人の子供たち、幼い子供たちが運動場にいた。普通の出会いと校庭での出会いの違いという点で、少し話を戻そう。 (00:12:39)
校庭での出会いでは、平均50人、場合によっては100人、200人、あるいはそれ以上の目撃者がいる。これは非常に珍しいことだ。また、目撃者のほとんどが子どもであることも珍しい。子供というのは、想像力が豊かで、UFOが何であるかという本当の概念を持っていないとも考えられる。つまり、それは彼らを悪い目撃者にするとも言える。 (00:13:01)
実際、彼らの心は汚染されていないから、良い目撃者になると思う。彼らはUFOが何であるかについて偏見を持っていない。彼らは見たままを話すだけだ。そして、もしあなたが、子供は信用できないと思っているのなら、校庭での遭遇の大部分は、高度な教育を受けた教師が目撃しているのだ。だから、これは他の多くの普通の出会いとの重要な違いだと思う。 (00:13:24)
ここは1954年、オハイオ州のジェローム小学校だ。運動場には40~50人の小学生がいた。そして突然、この物体が空から急降下し、約1,000フィート上空から学校の真上にやってくるのを見た。それは金属製だった。楕円形かフットボール型だった。とても明るく、周りにライトか窓があった。 (00:13:49)
あまりに明るかったので、彼らはどちらか分からなかった。少しホバリングした後、そいつは学校の周りを何度も何度も旋回し始めた。分後、誰かが先生たちを呼んだ。先生たちは教師の一人であるワーウィック先生に大声で呼びかけた。彼は後で記者団に、ああ、金属的だった。それが何なのかはわからない。 (00:14:11)
太陽の下でキラキラと光っていた。そんなに高いところではなかった。どんどん低くなっていった。彼はそれを見て、それが何なのか理解しようとしていた。そして、これは本物のUFOだと気づき、もっと先生を呼ぼうと中に駆け戻った。そして、もう一人の教師、ディミック先生が駆け出してきて、彼女は外に出て見上げると、それは消えていた。 (00:14:35)
まさにその瞬間、それは飛び去った。しかし彼女は別のものを見た。誰もがそうだ。突然、空全体が雪のような小さな白い粒子でいっぱいになった。それは本当に美しかった。それは空全体を覆っていた。エンジェルヘアーと呼ばれるものだ。綿菓子のような、クモの巣のような物質だ。これはエンジェル・ヘアに関する非常に初期の事件である。 (00:14:59)
その量は半端ではなかった。それは45分間降り続き、運動場全体、学校全体、そしてその周りの校庭すべてを完全に覆った。大勢の子供たちがそれをすくい上げ、先 生たちのところに持ってきて、処理している。すぐに分解されるのだが、あまりに量が多かったので、かなり長い間残っていた。 (00:15:24)
ディミック先生もワーウィック先生もそれをすくい上げ、小さなボール状に丸めて扱っていた。そしてそのあと、二人とも自分の手が緑色になっていることに気づいた。 (00:15:35)
緑色のシミがついていて、ディミックさんは本当に心配になり、急いで洗い流しに行った。しかし、もう一人の男、ワーウィック氏はこう言ったんだ。そして、本当に何も起こらなかった。彼の手は冷たくなり、しめつけられるようになった。しばらくすると、彼の手は普通の感覚になり、緑色のシミは消え、どうやら蒸発して落ちたようだ。 (00:15:59)
そしてこの事件の後、彼らは学校を去ろうとしたが、エンジェルヘアーが学校を囲む3マイルの範囲に広がっていることがわかった。木々を覆い、車を覆い、電線を覆い、道路に廊下ができるほどだった。 (00:16:25)
つまり、本当に驚くべき校庭での事件で、膨大な量の天使の髪の毛だったのだ。さて、この事件については先に触れたので、あまり深入りしないことにしよう。この事件は1964年4月29日に起こった。ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキにあるローウェル小学校にいたシャロン・スタルは、校庭にUFOが舞い降りてきた。 (00:16:53)
UFOを見たのは彼女一人だったようだが、光線が彼女を直撃した。彼女は病院に運ばれなければならなかった。視力に問題があった。度熱傷と診断された。そして、この事件から数日後、数週間のうちに、彼女は半足以上伸びるほどの加速的な成長を遂げ、非常に成熟し、本当に成熟した 概念について話し始め、大人がするようなことを普通にするようになった。 (00:17:22)
かなり物議をかもす事件だ。空軍はそれを調査したが、デマだとした。調査していたジムとコーラ・ロレンツェンは、母親のスタル夫人が自分の話を聞かせることに対して金銭を要求してきたため、後に調査を中止した。しかし、これは正当な事件であり、このような校庭での事件とよく似ていると思う。 (00:17:50)
さて、この事件の中でも最も古い事件の一つ、1966年3月21日にミシガン州のヒルズデール大学で起きたヒルズデール事件を取り上げたい。 女子寮の女子学生たちが、学校の外、つまり学校の前の、沼地のような野原地帯に明かりが灯っているのに気づいたのが始まりだった。そして彼女たちは叫び、その数は10人で、突然大勢の人々が窓に殺到した。 (00:18:18)
人々が外に殺到し始めたのは、この物体が300フィートほど離れていて、とても大きかったからだ。 最初の目撃者の一人はバーバラ・コーンであり、彼女の言葉を引用すると、その物体の周りには光があり、光は脈動しているように見えた。物体は上へ、そして右へ、左へとごくわずかに動いているように見えた。そしてそれに続いて、予測不可能な動きをし始め、あちこちを飛び回った。 (00:18:47)
ある時点で、それは着陸するように見えた。別の目撃者であるテレサは、それは夕方だったと言った。みんな中間テストの勉強をしていた。樹木園に面した部屋にいた生徒が私たちに声をかけ、彼女の窓から、樹木の上を巨大な円盤がホバリングしているのを見た。それはメタリックゴールドで、中央に赤橙色の光、横に青白い光が2つあった 。 (00:19:05)
それはおそらく75フィート(約1.5メートル)の大きさで、私たちから100ヤードの範囲内にあった。私たちはそれが私たちから遠ざかり、前進し、後退し、やがて横に動くのを見ていた。多くの人がミシガン州ヒルズデールの事件を知っていると思うが、多くの人が知らないのは、これが実際に学校の目の前に着陸したということだ。 (00:19:30)
そうなったとき、男子寮にいた大勢の人たちがそれに向かって野原に走り出した。そしてまた上へ飛び立った。 (00:19:36)
この時点で警察が呼ばれ、彼らもこの物体を見た。つまり、約87人の生徒と大勢の教職員が見たということだ。本当に驚くべき事件だ。 この事件の後、確かに警察には知らされていたし、プロジェクト・ブルーブックにも知らされていた。J.R.ハイネックは当時ブルーブックの一員だった。 (00:20:12)
彼は天文学のコンサルタントだった。彼は調査のために呼ばれたのだが、以前は調査の機会がなかった。記者会見が招集され、動物園のような記者会見で、彼は「これは何だと思うか」と質問された。そのうちのひとつは沼地ガスではないかと推測していた。 (00:20:37)
(00:20:00)そしてこれが新聞に取り上げられ、基本的に空軍はUFOを沼地ガスと断定している。彼はそのことでかなり動揺した。彼のキャリアの中でも最低の出来事で、完全なサーカスだったと彼は言った。彼はその後すぐにプロジェクト・ブルーブックを去ることになったが、大騒動を引き起こした。 (00:20:58)
当時、フォード大統領は大統領ではなく州議会議員だった。彼は調査を要求し、その結果、UFOに関する最初の議会調査が行われることになった。フランク・マナーのUFOは4時間以上彼の沼の上空に留まった。彼の子供たちも、義理の両親も、地域の住民も、警察も見た。 (00:21:23)
誰もそれを写真に撮らなかったが、保安官事務所のニューウェル・シュナイダー巡査部長はそれを絵に描くほどよく覚えていた。 いや、それはどんなスピードでも、いや、どんな方向へでも、とても速く動いた。 なぜかというと、少しもためらうことなく、右に行ったり左に行ったり、横切ったりすることができたからだ。 何だと思う?まあ、空飛ぶ円盤と言われればそうなんだけどね。 (00:21:44)
40マイル先で、また別の沼地で、また別のUFOが目撃された。ここはヒルズデール、ヒルズデール大学の女の子たちは忘れられない夜を過ごした。双眼鏡で窓の外を見ていたとき、12時頃だったと思うけど、それが見えたの。2つの赤い光が見えて、パイのような形をしたものが見えた。 (00:22:09)
正面が見えて、丸い正面と、両側のライトが見えた。そして赤い光が全体を照らしていて、丸い円盤のように見えた。最初は、他の女の子たちが話しているのを聞いても、あまり信じられなかった。 自分の目で見たことがなかったから。 (00:22:33)
でも、それを見たとき、ただ魅了された。怖くはなかった。ただそこに留まって、目を釘付けにしていたかった。離れられなかった。僕は見たんだ、でも......つまり、僕は見たんだ、でも僕は......。見たとは思うんだけど、非現実的な感じがして、理解できないんだ。 (00:22:46)
ヒルズデールの葬儀屋で民間防衛の責任者であったウィリアム・ヴァン・ホーンもUFOを目撃し、翌日ガイガーカウンターを持って、UFOが目撃された謎の真円を調べていた。ヴァン・ホーンはここで放射能を発見しなかったが、2つの光を放つホバリングする乗り物を見たという確信は揺るがなかった。多くの人が、なぜ暗闇の中でUFOのすぐそばまで行かなかったのかと彼に尋ねる。私は、死んだ英雄になるより、生きている臆病者になる方がずっといい。 (00:23:15)
そして、この不確かな領域で、どうやって知ることができるのだろう・・・もしかしたら、これらの乗り物の1つから放射されている電流、電荷があるのかもしれない。音はまったく聞こえなかった。音は少しも聞こえなかった。空軍は、UFOに関する主任科学コンサルタントであるJ. (00:23:43)
アラン・ハイネック教授をミシガンでの目撃情報を確認するために派遣した。ハイネック博士は、ミシガン州の善良な市民が湿原で何かを見たということに同意した。ハイネック博士は、ミシガン州の市民が湿原で何かを見たことに同意した。最初の報告を持ち込んだミシガン州の農夫フランク・マナーは、その渦中に巻き込まれた。彼は怒った。さて、皆さんにお見せしたいスライドがたくさんあるから、この辺で止めておいてくれ。 (00:24:10)
では、元に戻そう。これはミシガン州ヒルズデールの事件で、本当に最初の校庭での出会いだった。でもその後、本当に素晴らしい出会いがいくつかあった。 実際、その2週間と2日後に、地球史上最大の校庭での出会いがあった。 (00:24:39)
これは1966年4月6日、オーストラリアのメルボルンにあるウェストール高校でのことだ。推定200~300人の子供たちと数人の教師が運動場にいた。そのときUFOが現れ、運動場の上空を非常に低い速度で急降下し、運動場のすぐ向こうに行き、この木立の上をホバリングして着陸し始めた。 (00:25:11)
多くの人がそれを見た。それは一瞬にして混乱と大混乱を引き起こした。実際に最初に駆け寄ったのはテリー・ペックだった。彼女はこう言っている。私たちは楕円球場でスポーツをしていた。子供たちの一人が叫んだ、空を見てごらん。空飛ぶ円盤だよ。みんなで空を見上げると、それは本当に空飛ぶ円盤だった。それは丸い銀色の円盤で、学校の上空をとても低く飛んでいるように見えた。 (00:25:33)
そして子供たちが叫び、家の中に逃げ込んだのを覚えている。たくさんの目撃者がいた。大人になった今でも事件を覚えている目撃者たちがいる。左側にいるジョイ・クラークがその場にいて、この少年が走ってきて、グリーンウッド先生、グリーンウッド先生、空にこんなものがあるんです、と言ったそうだ。 (00:26:02)
彼はヒステリーを起こしていた。引き戸にもたれかかって叫んでいた。楕円形の中に空飛ぶ円盤があったんだ。もちろん、みんなはドアの方に向かい始めた。数分後、ベルが鳴り、みんなは楕円形の中に飛び込んでいった。 (00:26:23)
彼女がそこに着いたとき、彼女はそこにいた最初の人たちの一人だった。 一人が触っていて、彼女の友達のターニャが先に着いたんだけど、気絶しちゃったんだ。 何人かの子供たちが泣き叫び、パニックになっていた。先生たちは完全にパニックになっていた。子供たちがドアから2列に並んで学校から出てきて、フェンスまで駆け寄ってきて、これを見ようとフェンスを飛び越えて行ったんだ。 (00:27:03)
そして、何人かがそれに辿り着いた。そしてテリー・ペックは実際にこの飛行機が上昇し、横を向いて飛び立つのを見た。空には何機もの飛行機があった。4、5機の小さな飛行機が、どうやらこいつを追って学校まで来て、近づこうとしていたようだ。そのたびに、この飛行機は彼らの周りを飛び回り、まるでまだ空にいるかのように去っていった。 (00:27:23)
だから、多くの人がこの物体を見た。ケビン・ハーリーも見た。ケビン・ハーリーも見た。 これは目撃者の一人が描いたものだ。この物体は近づくと熱を発していた。 これが物体の実際の写真かどうかはわからないが、インターネットを見ればそうだと広く信じられている。 (00:27:57)
確認はできないが、確かに人々が述べたいくつかの記述と一致する。これが着陸の痕跡だ。木立の中から離陸した。だから、これはほとんどすべての学校で見られた。この事件の直後、警察が呼ばれ、到着した。まもなく報道陣も到着した。 ジョーイ・クラークを含む何人かの生徒が報道陣のインタビューを受けていた時、オーストラリア軍が迷彩服を着た兵士を乗せたジープで現れ、インタビューを即座に打ち切り、子供たちにそのことを話すなと言い、学校中を行進し、教師たちにそのことを話すなと言い、教師たちは生徒たちに話すなと警告しながら廊下を歩いた。 (00:28:52)
実際、特別集会が開かれ、子供たちを別室に連れてきて、見たものを説明させ、見たと思ったものは見なかったと言わせた。ヘリコプターか気象観測気球だったに違いない、と子供たちは否定し、そのことは話すなと言われた。 その日、彼らは特別集会を開き、基本的に、君たちが見たと思うものは見ていない、君たちはただヒステリーを起こしているだけだ、忘れてしまえと言われた。何も起こらなかった。 (00:29:21)
そしてこの事件はかなり効果的に隠蔽された。いくつかの記事は出たけど、その後何年も何年も、誰もそのことを話題にしなかった。そして今、もちろん、これは大きな事件となった。 オーストラリアの歴史上、最も広く見られたUFO事件とされている。 本当に驚くべき事件だ 最近、オーストラリアの研究者であるKeith Basterfieldは、それはおそらく気象観測気球であり、これは多くの目撃者をひどく怒らせたものであると思うと語っている。 (00:30:00)
、合理的な説明とは思えない。着陸の痕跡や、飛行機を出し抜くことができた方法、その他多くの詳細が説明できないのは確かだ。そう、気象観測気球ではないのだ。だから、これは驚くべき事件であり、唯一の事件ではないのだ。 (00:30:14)
この事件のすぐ後、1カ月ほど経った1966年4月22日、マサチューセッツ州ビバリーで大規模な校庭での出会いがあった。この事件を調査したのは、レイモンド・ファウラーという非常に有名な調査官だった。この13歳の少女、ナンシー・モドゥーニョが寝室の窓から外を見たのがすべての始まりだった。彼女はビバリー高校のすぐ隣に住んでいて、通りを車が走っていると思った。 (00:30:52)
しかしそれは車ではなかった。それはフットボールのような形をした光る物体で、道路から3メートルほど浮いていた。上部に赤いライト、周囲に白いライトがあり、彼女には窓が見えなかった。その物体はただのんびりと ビバリー高校に向かっていた。彼女は悲鳴を上げ、階段を駆け下り、父親に言った。父親は彼女が何を言っているのか理解できなかった。 (00:31:17)
母親は隣の家を訪ねていた。お母さんは隣の家に遊びに行っていた。どうしたんだ?UFOだよ。 さっき通り過ぎたんだ。すぐそこにいる。誰も信じなかった。彼らはこう言った。彼女の母親と二人の友達は、外に出て見ようと決めた。それで彼らは外を見た。 (00:31:33)
そしてナンシーが最初に階段を駆け下りた時、ビバリー高校の前の野原に実際に着陸しているのを見た。ナンシーの両親、母親と友達は外に出たが、それを見なかった。しかし、彼らは通りを歩き、丘の上から高校のある場所まで行き、見上げると3機の空飛ぶ円盤を見た。 (00:31:59)
そしてそれらは、2つはかなり高いところにあった。ひとつはもっと低いところで、それぞれが旋回しながらホバリングしていた。明るい楕円形の物体だった。 彼らはそれを見ていた。なんてこった、これは普通じゃない。目撃者の1人が手を伸ばし、そのうちの1つに手を振った。その時、その物体は旋回を止め、あっという間に彼らの方へ急降下してきた。あまりの驚きに2人が逃げようとした。一匹は走った。 (00:32:25)
もう一匹は逃げなかった。なぜならそれを見ていたブレンダが、「止まれ」と言ったからだ。もうそれは僕らの頭の真上だ。もう一人は走ろうとして、上を見上げたら、そうだった。それは3メートルほど上だった。 それで十分だった。彼女は走った。二人の女性が走り、一人はそこに残った。そして友達が走っていないことに気づいた。 (00:32:47)
彼らは振り返って見た。彼 女は今、こうやって両手を頭の上にやって、叫びながら地面にうずくまっていた。なぜならこの物体は彼女の頭上3メートルのところにあったからだ。 彼女はひどく怯えた。彼女は思わず小便をした。非常に恐ろしい体験だった。 彼らは逃げろ、逃げろ、逃げろ、と言った。そしてついに彼女は耳を傾け、走った。
娘のナンシーが言った。見たの?それで彼女たちは見た。警察を呼び、家中と近所の人たちを集めて、最初に見たナンシーを含む10人ほどのグループが高校まで歩いて戻った。 (00:33:36)
バスケットボールの試合が行われていた。だから、学校にはこれを見ていない人が大勢いて、この物体の一つが学校の上空をどんどん下ってきて、本館の上空約30フィートで止まってホバリングしていることを知らなかった。 (00:33:52)
その時、警察が現れ、そこに立っている人々を見た。と聞くと、「冗談で言ったんだ。警察官はそれを見て、本当に驚いて車から飛び降りた。そこでレイモンド・ファウラーが調査したところ、当時その地域でそれを見た人が他にも大勢いることがわかった。そしてこの事件の後、これは飛び立ち、北へ向かった。 (00:34:23)
、他にも多くのケースについて話すことができる。1966年3月9日に実際に撮影された、ホッチキス校上空での一連の目撃例もある。イリノイ州モリーンの聖心小学校が狙われた。40人の生徒と1人の警察官、2人の修道女が目撃した。警察官は仕事のために持ち歩いていた8ミリカメラでこの物体 を撮影することができた。 (00:35:26)
よし、ちょっとビデオを流そう。もう少しやってみよう。 (00:35:33)
これは2分間のビデオだ。オーストラリアで最も永続的な謎の一つであり、世界で最も不可解なUFO事件の一つである。1966年、ここウェストールで実際に何が起こったのかを明らかにするために、目撃者のグループが初めて集まった。 当局はそれを気象観測気球だと主張したが、50年経った今、目撃者たちはそう確信していない。 私はその場に釘付けになり、人生で見たこともないような驚くべきものを見た。 (00:36:07)
自分が見ているものが何なのか理解するのに時間がかかった。3つあった。近かったのは、ただ空にあって、そこに座っていた。そして降りてきて、上がってきて、横にバンクして飛び立った。 (00:36:35)
本当に、本当に速かった。離れていった。楕円形から浮き上がって、私たちから遠ざかっていった。僕らはただびっくりしたよ。僕と彼女はフェンスの上に座り、フェンスに登って、ただそこに座って泣いた。この世の終わりかと思ったよ。 (00:36:50)
子供たちがこの土地を見ていたパドックに降りてきた。パドックの草は膝の高さくらいだった。おじさんと一緒に自転車を押しながら通り抜けると、20人くらいの集団が身を寄せ合って地面を見ていた。 (00:37:10)
直径4、5メートルくらいだろうか。円の縁は完璧に形成されていた。牛や他の動物、あるいは子供たちが入ってきて、ただ転げ回るようなことはできなかった。あまりにも完璧だった。つまり、僕が見たものは完璧だったんだ。 (00:37:28)
そして実際、彼らが僕の言うことを信じてくれるとは思 っていないんだ。私が見ていたものはありえないものだった。 そう、ウェストール事件は大きかった。その直後にビバリー高校の事件が起きた。そして次に話したい事件は、文字通りウェストール事件の1年後に起こった。 (00:37:56)
これはまた、4つの最も有名な校庭UFO遭遇事件の一つで、フロリダ州オペリカのクレストビュー小学校で起こった。それは4月6日に始まった。教師の一人であるアプフォール先生が、休み時間が終わって生徒全員を学校に戻そうとしていたとき、6人を除くほとんどの生徒を学校に戻した。と男の子が腕を引っ張った。 (00:38:30)
、1つはとても大きく、2つはもっと小さく、そのうちの1つは着陸しようとしているように見えた。 (00:39:05)
彼らは10歳、11歳、12歳の若い小学生だった。みんなが学校の北の端にあるフェンスに駆け寄って、この4つの物体を見たのが始まりだった。それぞれ端が白い光で照らされていた。そして1つの物体は、そのエリアを旋回していた飛行機と猫とネズミのゲームをしているように見えた。 (00:39:35)
そして3つ目の物体が学校の裏の木立に着陸してきた。これも私がずっと見ていたパターンだが、これらの物体が着陸するときは、いつも木立の中に着陸する。ここでもそうだった。ジミー・ハンメル、彼は11歳で、着陸しようとする物体を見た。 (00:39:51)
そして彼は、それが実際に木立の中に隠れようとしているという印象を持った。ジョー・コーンブリット、11歳、彼は外で騒動を聞き、彼が見たものを、木々の真上でホバリングしている車くらいの大きさの白い銀色の楕円形の物体だったと描写している。彼はそれが小さくなり、消え、また別の場所に現れるのを見た。 (00:40:17)
これを見ていたリンダとジョン・マクレアリーという兄弟姉妹がいたが、二人ともそれを観察し、一種のハブキャップのような形をしていたと述べている。彼女の兄ジョンによると、少なくとも4つの物体が木の周りをうろうろしていて、信じられないような動きをしたという。 (00:40:38)
ある教師、デビッド、または生徒、デビッド・ボネフィーは、彼は5年生だった。彼は言う、私たちの教師は私たちにちょっとしか見させてくれなかった。でも、彼は学校の近くに住んでいて、彼の両親が同時にこれらの物体を見たことを知ったんだ。 (00:40:55)
そして教師たちは何も言わないことになっていた。話さないように言われていた。 でも話した。でも、先生たちは言ったんだ。学校の隣に何かが落ちたんだ。この時、その地域では目撃情報が相次いだ。この数日前にも多くの目撃情報があった。だから多くの人がこれを見たんだ。 (00:41:41)
もう一人の目撃者、スティーブもこの事件を覚えている。彼はUFOを見たことを覚 えていないと言う。彼の頭の中には奇妙な空白がある。しかし、学校が閉鎖され、軍隊がそこにいたことは覚えている。その場にいた誰もが軍隊のことは覚えている。これらの物体は完全に無音で、時には非常に素早く飛び回った。 (00:42:08)
そしてアプフェル氏は再びそれを見た。そしてその日のうちに戻ってきたとき、つまり、これらの物体はかなり長い間そこに留まっていた。 (00:42:14)
彼はブラインドを閉め、誰も外に出させなかった。もう見たくなかったんだ。 校長もかなり動揺していた。彼はそのことを話したくなかった。だから、200人か300人くらいの人が、実際に松の木に着陸するのを見たんだ。 ここに生徒の一人が描いた絵がある。 (00:42:39)
一番上の絵は先生で、一番下の絵は生徒の一人が描いたものだ。彼は先生よりも上手に描いたと思う。でも、何人かの先生がこれを見たんだ。何人かの教師がこれを見た。学校が終わると、何人かの子供たちがあそこに行って着陸の痕跡を見ようとしたんだけど、その時には軍が封鎖していたんだ。 (00:43:01)
そしてどうやら物体はまだそこにあったようで、彼らは双眼鏡を出してそれを見ていた。 それは金曜日のことだった。このUFOは木曜日に来て、金曜日に来た。そして土曜日にもやってきた。 (00:43:22)
オーパロッカ校は空港から4、5マイルほど離れており、それほど遠くないが、超近 くもない。 この生徒たちは、空港よりもずっと近く、明らかに飛行機ではない何かを描写した。そして、教師であるアフテル氏は、記者団にはっきりと、いや、それは空飛ぶ円盤だった。 飛行機ではなかった。ヘリコプターでもない。気球でもない。このようなものではなかった。 (00:44:11)
事件後、着陸の痕跡は実際に焼き払われた。 ウェストール事件では、彼らは写真を撮ったが、その写真のフィルムは軍によって撮影されたものだった。そのため、この事件よりも効果的に隠蔽された。フロリダ州オーパ・ロッカのクレストビュー小学校での事件だ。 (00:44:48)
かなり注目すべき事件だ。この事件にはヒューマノイドはいなかった。しかし、これらの事件の後、ヒューマノイドが頻繁に現れるようになった。初期の事件でヒューマノイドを見かけなかったからかどうかはわからないが、この事件の後、ヒューマノイドを見かけるようになった。オーパ・ロッカ事件の新聞記事をもう一つ紹介しよう。 (00:45:15)
さて、1967年にテキサス州ダラスのスプリング・クリーク小学校で起きた事件について少し話したい。これは興味深い事件で、UFOが運動場の上空に現れた。大勢の子供たちがそれを見て、UFOは銀色の円盤を放出した。円盤はくるくると回転して通りを横切り、また回転して円盤に戻り、飛び立った。 (00:45:38)
これを覚えているのはたった一人の子供だけだった。彼は数年後、実際に学校を回って、この事件を覚えている者がいないか尋ねたんだ。 (00:45:43)
そして一人だけ覚えていた。もう一人の子で、彼は少し違った風に覚えていた。 彼は最初、あれは農作物散布の飛行 機で、学校の上空をとても低空で飛んできたのだと思った。みんな最初は農作物散布の飛行機だと思ったが、それには翼がなかった。尾翼もなく、金属的だった。 (00:46:05)
そして銀色の円盤の代わりに、彼はこの円盤が赤い粒を放ち、それが学校の上に降ってきたのを覚えている。彼が本当に覚えているのはそれだけだ。でも2人とも同じ事件だと思っている。つまり、ETによって隠蔽され、誰も覚えていなかったが、2人は覚えていた。そしてその子供たちは覚えていなかった。 (00:46:26)
1967年5月、ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグのピーブルズ小学校で、とても奇妙な出会いがあった。用務員が彼女に手を振り、見せたいものがあると言って地下室に連れて行き、そこで彼女は灰色のエイリアンを見た。 彼女は友人の方を見た。友人は意識を失って気絶していたが、彼女はそうではなかった。 そしてその異星人は彼女に話し始め、「私たちは、あなたが誰であるかを思い出させるためにここにいるのです」と言った。 (00:47:03)
そして彼女はその意味がわからなかった。でも彼女は本当に知りたいと思った。そして彼女は、学校の地下にある典型的な灰色のETを見た。そして、本当に驚くべきことに、工芸品もあった。それはとてもとても小さくて、ほら、小さな小さなスポーツコンパクトカーのようで、地下室にギリギリ入る大きさだった。 (00:47:30)
とても軽かった。ある種の電磁エンジンを使っていた。これは非常に珍しいケースだが、私が何度も繰り返し見ているこのパターンに合致し始めた。これらは非常に、非常に接近した遭遇であり、拉致や行方不明の時間を含むものもある。 (00:47:56)
1967年10月18日、カリフォルニア州サニーベールのサニーベール・スクールで起きた別の出会いもある。カリフォルニア州サニーベールのパトリック・ヘンリー中学校だ。リン・シャノン(12歳)と他の50人ほどの生徒が、高さ250フィート(約15メートル)ほどの6つの卵のような物体が、ここカリフォルニアの学校の上空にやってくるのを目撃した。それらはとても低かった。 (00:48:29)
それで学校が終わった後、彼女は果樹園に行って、それがまだそこにあるかどうか確かめた。彼女が覚えているのはそれだけだ。気がつくと、何時間も、2時間も経っていて、彼女は家に着いていた。そして、その失われた時間の間に何が起こったのか、彼女にはわからない。これはニューヨークのウェストモアランド高校である。シェーン・クルツという名の女性が関与している。 (00:49:09)
彼女は何が変だったのかよく覚えていないが、一種未来的というか、普通の服ではなかった。そして彼は奇妙な催眠術のような目をしていて、彼女の心を見透かすようで、とがった耳をしていて、とても青白い肌をしていた。そして意味不明な質問を彼女にし始めた。 (00:49:49)
彼は、君はここで何をしているんだい?彼女は、ああ、バレーボールをやっていることは知っているよ。彼は、バレーボールって何?彼は基本的な質問の答えを知らなかった。そして彼女に少し、数分間質問した後、彼は自分の白い車が駐車してあるグラウンドまでついてきてくれないかと頼んだ。 (00:50:06)
そこは畑で、道はない。彼女は賢明にも、ノー、ノー・サンキューと言った。そして引き返して、学校に戻ろうとしたんだ。すぐに引き返すと、男はいない。ありえない。あんなに早くいなくなるはずがない。彼が行く場所はなかった。 (00:50:20)
それで彼女は本当に怖くなった。気のせいだろうか?どうしたんだ?この事件の直後、大勢の生徒が彼女に近づいてきて、「あの変な男と話してたのは誰?彼女は「全然わからない」と言った。彼女は後日、コンビニで彼か、彼そっくりの人を見かけたそうだ。 (00:50:41)
そして、彼女は後にアブダクションの体験をし、催眠術の下でUFOに乗っていたこの同じ人物を見たことを思い出した。そう、彼らは時々学校に直接近づいてくるのだ。これはニューハンプシャー州アントリムにあるナサニエル・ホーソン大学である。1970年4月30日、学校にいた少年たちが、頭上を移動する巨大な三角形の物体を目撃した。 (00:51:13)
彼らは最初、ただの3つの光だと思ったが、空が頭上から消えていくのを見て、これはとても大きな三角形の物体だと気づいた。彼らは完全にパニックになった。というのも、この前日、女子寮の女性たちが、UFOがこの前日にやってきて、実際に芝生に着陸したと主張していたのだが、誰も信じなかったからだ。 (00:51:38)
だからこの事件の後、彼女たちはもちろん信じるようになった 。そしてまた、これらの物体が特別に学校を追跡した別のケースである。警察がやってきて事情聴取を行い、当時はかなりの評判になったが、歴史の中に消えていった。これはニューヨーク州ブロンクスの公立小学校 (00:52:09)
54。1970年5月、50人か100人以上の生徒が、スクールバスほどの大きさの銀色のピラミッド型の物体が頭上30メートル上空をホバリングするのを目撃した。これはニュージーランドのリッチモンド小学校である。 このようなケースは世界中で起きている。 (00:52:31)
1970年5月17日、400人の子供たちがグラウンドで遊んでいたが、突然先生たちが子供たちが遊んでいないことに気づいた。音もなかった。彼は辺りを見回し、子供たちは皆空を見上げていた。空には巨大な穴のようなものがあった。 (00:52:51)
空の半分くらいを覆っている。それは真っ黒で、近づいてきて、彼らは、いや、それは穴ではなくて、ある種の巨大な翼のない物体だと気づいた。近くに空港があり、飛行機が着陸したり離陸したりしていたが、どうやらこの物体は見えなかったようだ。この学校の生徒400人以外は誰も見ておらず、10分から15分ほどそこに留まっていたが、やがて飛び立ち、遠ざかっていった。 (00:53:18)
ここはバージニア州ミドルバーグにあるフォックスクロフト・ボーディングスクール。女性と他の50人の若い生徒が、この飛行機が非常に低いレベルで頭上を移動するのを見た。 これはまた日中であった。それは頭上数百フィートになるまで、より近く、より近く、下方に浮かんでいた。そして生徒たちの真上に到達したとき、ドアが開いたか、何らかの開口部が出てきて、大きな明るい 光線が降り注いだ。 (00:53:56)
この事件には恐怖はなかった。彼らはそれを素晴らしいと思い、とても気に入った。そして今、ちょうど半分を過ぎたところなので、ちょっと休憩を取りたい。これから、ETとの遭遇にまつわる本当にエキサイティングな話に入り、ルア・ジンバブエ事件や他のいくつかの事件についても話していこうと思う。 (00:54:18)
では、本当に興味深い事件をいくつか紹介しよう。ますます面白くなってきた。 (00:54:23)
僕はとても個人的な理由から、これらのケースに魅了されている。次にお話ししたいのは、ローズミードの学校での事件である。学校の近くを車で通りかかった2人の警察官が、完全にフェンスで囲われた学校のテニスコートに明かりが灯っているのに気づいたのが始まりだった。 (00:54:55)
ゲートがあり、ゲートは施錠されていた。2台の車かバイクのようなものが、ぐるぐると旋回しながら走っているのが見えたが、ヘッドライトはなく、赤いテールライトのようなものが見えただけだった。それはとても奇妙なもので、それらが飛び立つまでほんの少しの間続き、近くにある地元のガソリンスタンドの2人の警備員も、近くの丘の上でホバリングしている奇妙な光を見た。 (00:55:25)
学校の校長はすぐ隣に住んでいる。彼は窓から外を見ると、光のビームが降りてきてテニスコートに当たっているのが見えた。 (00:55:50)
それで翌朝、彼は直接そこに行って調べてみると、案の定テニスコートは破壊されていた。彼がその晩寝たときには問題なかったのに、とても奇妙なことに、フェンスは問題なかったのに、テニスコートは完全に引き裂かれていた。 (00:56:12)
全く壊れていなかった。門はまだ鍵がかかっていて、彼は引き裂かれた地面を見ている。タール片のようなものはひとつひとつひっくり返っていなかった。フェンスに大きな破片が落ちていた。 警察を呼んだんだ。 (00:56:28)
警察が調査したところ、少し離れた丘の上にこのテニスコートの破片がいくつか見つかった。それで多くの人を呼んでこの物を見てもらったんだけど、誰も何が起こったのかわからなかった。ある科学者は「竜巻に違いない」と言ったが、明らかに竜巻ではなかった。 (00:56:47)
しかし、テニスコートのすぐ横の木にいくつかの被害が見つかった。ブルーゴムの木は、幹の根元の緑の新芽がすべて枯れて焼けてしまっていた。 (00:57:04)
ここで何が起こったのかを正確に言うのは難しいが、UFOのようなものがテニスコート、南アフリカのローズミードにある学校のテニスコートに着陸したようだ。これは1974年12月1日、ノースカロライナ州のクラヒ大学の女子寮の7階だ。 (00:57:31)
寮の一帯が真っ白な光で照らされ、大勢の人々がとても驚いた。それはとても鮮やかで、少なくとも7階の女子寮の内部全体を照らしていた。慌てて外に出ると、空高く明るい光が見えた。 (00:57:48)
これを見た人が少なくとも10人いて、彼らは空でこの物体を眺めていたんだけど、それが上に上に持ち上がって、5つくらいの球体を放ち始めた。彼らはもちろん学校の警備員に駆け込んだが、警備員は彼らを信じなかった。 (00:58:11)
これが本当にフォールズ小学校かどうかは分からない。限りなく近い。他のスライドは実際に起こった学校だ。このスライドは、1970年代半ばから後半にかけて、カリフォルニア州グリーンバレーで起こったものだ。 (00:58:24)
リンダと呼ぶ女性が幼少期を通してこの学校に通っていたが、成長するにつれて奇妙な記憶を持ち始めた。彼女は学校にいる間、灰色のエイリアンと遊んだ記憶を持ち始めた。最初は子供としてそれを見続けていたが、彼女はその変装を見破り始め、それが実際には灰色の地球外生命体であることを知った。 (00:58:49)
そしてそれは彼女に奇妙な質問をし続け、彼女が理解できないようなことを話し続け、学校の裏の木立に行くように言い続けたが、彼女はそれを拒否した。しかし、どうやら何人かの子供たちは行ったようだ。というのも、彼女はETに連れ去られた人々の記憶をこの木立の中に持ち始めたからだ。その木立の中で何人かの子供たちが怪我をしたり、トラウマになるような事件を起こしたりして、結局その木立は閉鎖されることになったんだ。 (00:59:19)
しかし彼女は、少なくとも5年以上にわたって繰り返し遭遇し、この学校の生徒の多くが誘拐されたのだろうと感じ、大人になった今でもこのことに取り組んでいるという。これはブロードヘイブン小学校の地図である。ここはウェールズにある。1977年、ウェールズで目撃情報が相次ぎ、少なくとも3つの学校が標的にされた。 (00:59:52)
そのうちの2つの学校では、木の高さだけでなく、まるで着陸しようとするかのように木の中まで物体が学校の上空をホバリングするという、非常に低レベルでの遭遇があった。これらのケースは全く公表されなかった。それは1977年2月のブロードヘブン事件で、十数人の生徒がこの物体が実際に学校のすぐそ ばに着陸するのを目撃した。 (01:00:24)
それは長さ40フィート(約15メートル)ほどの物体で、上部に赤い光がついていた。彼らは人影を見た。工芸品の中央でドアが開き、人影が出てきた。この時、彼らは小学生だった。何人かはとても怖がった。彼らは泣き出し、集団でこの物体から逃げ出し、ETは彼らを信じなかった教師のところへ直行した。 (01:00:45)
子どもたちは確かに見たと主張し、揺さぶられることはなかった。そこで教師たちがしたことは、子供たちを引き離し、見たものの絵を描かせることだった。この絵は、彼らが見たものを実に忠実に描いており、いくつかの驚くべき共通点がある。この生徒たちはETからのメッセージを受け取っていない。彼らは、実際にETが彼らに接近する前に、その場を立ち去ったのだ。 (01:01:33)
しかし、彼らはこの奇妙な人影の20-30フィート以内にいた。ここに彼らの絵がいくつかあるが、驚くほどよく似ているのがわかるだろう。彼らのほとんどは、チーズの中に着陸したこのドーム状の物体を描写している。全員が実際にETの姿を見たわけではない。 (01:01:53)
怖くて見なかった人もいる。他の人たちはただ見なかった。 でも、彼らの絵は本当によく似ているのがわかる。右上に出ているアンテナを見て。それは別の子の絵にも描かれている。中央の右側にドアがある。これもクローズアップだ。いずれも木立の中に着陸している。実に興味深いことだ。 (01:02:24)
私はこのような子供の絵が大好きで、またこのような子供たちは素晴らしい証人になると思う。私は、幼い頃にUFOを見た大人を何人インタビューしたかわからない。一般的に、幼少期にUFOとのコンタクトを繰り返すと、親はそれを信じないものだ。 (01:02:48)
。だから、これは本当に重要なタイプの遭遇で、私たちはもっと注意を払わなければならないと思う。なぜなら、一般的なルールとして、教師も生徒がみんな泣いていて、みんな同じ話を報告していて、裏をとっていないことに気づくまでは、生徒を信じないからだ。というのも、一般的に教師は、生徒がみんな泣いていて、同じ話をし、裏付けがないことに気づくまで、生徒の話を信じないからだ。 (01:03:13)
この事件は大変な騒動になった。警察が呼ばれ、子供たち全員が証言した。彼らは調査を求める嘆願書をまとめたが、どうやらそれは実現しなかったようで、政府は「調査などしていない」と言ったが、研究者たちは後に政府が嘘をついていたことを知り、彼らは実際にここブロードヘイブンで起きたことを個別に調査した。 (01:03:44)
この日以前にもこの日以降にも目撃情報はあったが、ETを見たのはこの学生たちであり、今日に至るまで彼らはそのことがトラウマになっている。彼らはこの話題に取り憑かれている。彼らはそのことを調査し続けている。これは、他のケースでも見られるパターンだが、人々はこのような遭遇から立ち去り、その後の人生を大きく変えてしまうのだ。 (01:04:03)
ここはスコットランドのグラスゴーにある聖マルコ学校だ。1978年、ユアン・ライリーは、学校 の上空約20フィートでホバリングしている銀色の金属製の物体を見た数十人の生徒の一人で、彼らはしばらくそれを見ていて、教師に知らせに行った。 (01:04:38)
ノースカロライナろう学校である。1979年3月に起こった非常に興味深い事件で、この物体は、今この学校は低い谷間に位置している。この物体は、学校に向かって直接近づいてくるのが目撃され、どんどん低くなり、上昇しなければ実際に学校にぶつかりそうなところまで下がってきた。 (01:04:57)
そしてそれは学校のすぐそばまで来て、持ち上がって学校の上にやってきて、ウーウーウーウーウーという非常に大きな太鼓のような音を立てていた。学校の子供たちは耳が聞こえなかった。それでもまだ聞こえていた。それはとても大きく振動していたので、彼らは皆、自分の体の中でそれを聞き、このものを見ようと外に飛び出してきた。 (01:05:17)
これはETが意図的にやったことなのか、そうでないのか。わからない。 でも、とても興味深いケースだった。というのも、彼らはとても耳が遠いのに、実際にこの音を聞くことができたんだ。そしてこの物体は、ビルにぶつかるんじゃないかと思うほど低空からやってきて、ビルを乗り越えて移動したんだ。 (01:05:40)
そして程なくして、その日の夜、子供達が皆寝静まった後、それは戻って来て、この建物と隣の病院の間をホバリングしているのを大勢の人が目撃した。これは地元の事件だ。これは、先に述べた家族の事件である。私が調査した最初のヒューマノイド事件だ。彼女の名前はメリッサで、当時大学生だった。 (01:06:09)
彼女はスタッグ・ストリート小学校の隣に住 んでいて、学校のすぐ前を犬と散歩していた。夜の11時頃、ここヴァン・ナイスから5マイルほど離れたところだ。1982年頃のことだ。彼女が学校のすぐ前の中庭を歩いているとき、大きなライトがあった。 (01:06:38)
看板のすぐ横にある、投光器だ。投光器の下に2人の子供が立っている。夜11時のことだ。彼女はこう言った。夜中に何をしているんだろう? 身長は3、4フィートしかないように見える。
彼女は、それはもっと奇妙だ。マスクをしているように見える。ハロウィンじゃないんだから。どうしたんだ?そして、彼女は彼らのすぐそばまで歩いていった。 彼女は3メートルほど離れたところにいた。彼女の犬もだ。犬はまったく反応しない。彼女は振り返って彼らを見る。 (01:07:17)
そして彼らは振り返って彼女を見る。そして彼女は、彼らは実際に地面から少し浮いているようだったと言う。本を開くような感じだった。彼らはただ旋回し、回転し、彼女と視線を合わせた。そして彼女は、まるで目が覚めているときに起こされたようだったと言った。なぜなら、これは彼女が今まで見たことのないものだったからだ。 (01:07:32)
彼女が言うには、彼らはとても背が低かった。オリーブグリーンのジャンプスーツにマンダリンカラーだった。とても大きな頭で、頭蓋骨のてっぺんに分離したようなものが あった。肌はチョークホワイトだった。人間だったら死んでいただろう。真っ白な肌と、黒く光る巨大な目だった。 (01:08:20)
そして視線が合ったとき、彼女は彼らから10フィートほど離れていた。彼女は何のメッセージも聞かなかった。彼女はただ恐怖で信じられないようなスリルを感じ、こう決めた。パニックになりたくなかったから、逃げようとはしなかった。 (01:08:32)
それで彼女は、出来るだけ早く歩いて家に戻った。時間がなかったと彼女は言う。UFOは見ていない。(01:08:55)彼女はUFOを見なかったが、プレストンを知っているように、この学校はUFOを簡単に隠すことができた。 (01:08:55)
そして彼女は、もしかしたらその物体は実際に小学校の中に着陸したのではないかと推測している。私はそれを否定しない。可能性は十分にある。 でも、それは私にとって最初のヒューマノイドケースで、地元で、小学校でETに遭遇したものだった。学校がターゲットにされるケースは、ほとんどが小学校なんだ。 (01:09:19)
しかし、中学校、小学校、高校、大学も含まれている。これは珍しいことで、大人が職場や工場、オフィスビル、レストランなどに集まっているところでは見られない。つまり、学校には何かがあり、子供たちがETを引き寄せているのだと思う。これはテキサス州グランドプレーリーにあるアダムス中学校だ。 (01:09:45)
1982年10月、アリソンと数十人の生徒、教師、行政関係者が学校のダンスに参加し、学校の前で迎えを待っていた。彼らは明らかにディスプレイをしていた。それらは直角に動き、三角形、四角形、様々な幾何学的な形を形成していた。 (01:10:17)
彼 らはとても低い位置に来て、ある時彼女は静電気が彼女のドレスや髪にまとわりつくのを感じた。多くの人がこの非常に強い静電気の感覚について報告している。彼女は学校で事務員として働いていたが、翌日、空軍が現れ、何が起こったかについて慎重に問い合わせを始めたとき、彼女は事務室にいた。 (01:10:49)
さて、彼女はとても詮索好きな人で、調査を始めた。彼女は今、米軍の情報将校で、あらゆる種類のライトショー、ライトショーを行う人々、あらゆる種類の説明を探し回った。 だから、他にもたくさんの事例がある。 (01:11:17)
1991年5月にあった事件で、場所はわからないけど、大勢の人が学校の校庭にいて、空にリングのような、丸い虹のようなものがどんどん低くなっていくのを見たんだ。この子はそれをじっと見ていて、いつもは一番に並んでクラスに入るのが好きなんだ。 (01:11:33)
気がつくと時間が経っていて、彼は最後尾に並んでいた。そしてみんなが彼を本当に奇妙な目で見ていて、彼はその理由がわからない。そしてこの事件の後、彼はUFOに乗せられる夢を見た。そこで彼は、遊び場にいた他の生徒たちが、物体を使ったテレキネシスの方法について様々なテストを受けているのを見た。 (01:11:56)
箱を取って形を変え、どの方向に動かすべきか見つけろと言われ、答えは裏返しに動かすというものだった。彼はようやくそれを理解し、次の部屋に連れていかれ、別の精神テストを行った。両手を後ろで縛られ、精神的に棒を動かさなければならなかった。そして彼は、他の生徒たちがこれをやっているのを見た。 (01:12:24)
これはかなりトラウマになり、彼はその経験全体について良い気分ではなかった。でもこれは、単なる目撃や着陸や対面での遭遇ではなく、実際に機内で起きた事件だということを示すもうひとつの例だ。1994年にアリエル小学校で起きたルア・ジンバブエ事件だ。 (01:12:52)
The Ariel Phenomenaという映画が今年公開されると思う。この事件は多くのメディアで注目されているが、完全には解明されていない。何年か前に起きた事件だが、目撃者の多くは今でもそのことを話している。 (01:13:19)
ある人はハゲだと言い、別の人は違うと言った。長い黒髪で、ヒッピーみたいだった。 (01:13:44)
だから、そこには様々な描写がある。とても怖がっている人もいれば、そうでない人もいた。何人かの人たちはETのすぐそばまで来て、ETは彼らのそばまで来て、学生たちにテレパシーでメッセージを伝え始めた。そのメッセージはほとんど一様だった。どの生徒も同じようなメッセージで、それは地球の未来や、進行中の環境破壊についてだった。 (01:14:15)
公害について警告したり、技術的な問題について警告したり、技術の悪用について警告したり、そういうことだった。 森林や、基本的に環境に関するメッセージだ。 これがこの事件が起きた実際の運動場だ。 これを見た小学生たちだ。こちらはエミリー・トリム。 彼女は非常に率直な目撃者で、この事件についてかなり語っている。彼女に深い影響を与えた。 彼女はメッセージを受け取った一人だ。 (01:14:57)
すべての生徒がそうだったわけではない。受け取ったのは5人か10人くらいだった。彼女は確かにその一人だった。そして彼女は、この体験をした他の何人かの生徒と同じように、この体験の後、家庭や生涯を通じて訪問を受けるようになった。この訪問の結果、明らかにアブダクティーになった。そのため、この体験は彼らの人生に様々な形で大きな影響を与えた。 (01:15:25)
その周りを歩いている実体を見た人もいる。ある者は、実体の1つが工芸品の上を歩いているのを描写した。そして、多くの場合、生徒のすぐそばまで来た。彼らは少し浮いているように見えた。生徒の何人かはとても怯えていた。 邪悪な目をしているように見えた。他の生徒たちは、この出来事にすっかり魅了されていた。 先生たちは誰も見ていない。教師は誰も何も見ていない。 (01:16:16)
、その物体の上にいるのが見える。とても興味深いケースだ。まだ完全に調査中だ。これらのETは、特にメッセージを伝えるために来たようだ。そして、これがここで起きていることだと思う。子供たちがオープンマインドであることを知っているから、彼らは学校に来ている。 彼らはとても早く学ぶ。 (01:17:19)
大人が簡単に影響を受けたり、感銘を受けたりしないような方法で、知識を吸収することができる。 (01:17:32)
そう、彼らが見た宇宙船やETの驚くべき絵だ。この講義の締めくくりに、目撃者たちが見たものについて話している5分ほどのスライドを流したい。では、さっそくセットアップしてみよう。 1994年9月、ジンバブエのハラレ郊外にあるこの学校の60人以上の子供たちが、いくつかの物体が着陸し、2体の生物が飛び出してくるのを目撃した。 (01:18:10)
それからちょうど2ヵ月後、ジョンとドミニクが現場にやってきて、子どもたちやその両親、そしてまだショックに苦しんでいる教師たちと行動を共にした。本来は児童精神医学を専門とするジョンは、子どもたちとの面接に多くの時間を割いた。何か怖かったんだね?そうだ。何が怖かったんだ?騒音だ 何の音だ?空中で聞こえた音だ
そうだ。どんな音だった?轟音のような、ブーンというような、ハムというような、どんな音だった?誰かがフルートを吹いているようだった。自分でも怖かった。自分で何かを見たから怖かった?そうだよ。 小さな物体がホバリングしているのが見えた。実際にはかなり大きくて、それから小さなものが丸くなっていた。 (01:19:05)
何か銀色のものが見えて、すぐに丸太のところに走ったら、銀色のものが見えて、その横に男の人が立っていた。彼があなたを見ていたとき、どんな感じがした? 怖いと感じた 怖いと感じた?何が怖かったんだ? あんな人を見たことがなかったから、怖く感じた。
どんな目だった?あんな感じだった。 とがった部分はどこだった?とがった部分はここだったか、それともあそこだったか?目を見たときはどんな感じだった?怖かった。 何が怖かったんだ?なぜだ?何が怖かったのか?目が邪悪に見えた 邪悪?それのどこが邪悪だったんだ?邪悪とはどういう意味か言ってごらん。私をじっと見ていたから邪悪に見えたんだ。 (01:20:08)
何を?まるで何をするかのように?何をするかのように?まるで私たちを奪いに来たかのように。 まるで君を連れて行こうとするかのように。そう感じたのか?君を連れて行こうとした 一緒に行きたいと感じたか?いや、そう感じた......一緒に連れて行かれたいと感じたとき、どんな影響を受けた?ただ立ち去り、泣き始めたよ。 (01:20:36)
彼らはパニックになってここまで走ってきたんだ。僕らが演出したとしても、あんな風に一斉に走ることはできなかった。何回練習したかわからない。 私たちはスタッフミーティングをしていたんだけど、彼らの叫び声が聞こえてきたんだ。 (01:20:56)
僕も最初はとても懐疑的だった。彼らが何かを見たということは信じていたけれど、それが超自然的なことだとか、そういうことを受け入れる準備はできていなかった。 (01:21:07)
しかし、今までの一貫した経過を見る限り、それは僕が最初に認める用意をしていた以上のものだったと思う。 2人とも走っていた。一人は木の間を走り、もう一人は船の上を走っていた。 ふむふむ。 目は頭の中心に向かってより尖っていた、そうだ ろ? (01:21:32)
いや、もっと円形だ。そしてこれは真っ黒だった。 真っ黒だ。今度は瞳孔を作った。実際に瞳孔はあったのか? 白だった。瞳孔はあのように白かった。 真ん中が白かった? そう、そんな感じだ。 彼は銀色の物体の近くにいたのか、それとも遠くにいたのか? 上にいた。 銀の物体の上にいた 彼を見たか?
あなたを見た? ええ、でも気味が悪くて、見るのをやめたわ。 ゾッとした?実際、あなたのデッサンでは、彼を立たせて描いていたね? 座っている姿は描けなかったから、立っている姿を描いたんだ。 世界が終わるんじゃないかと思ったんだ。世界が終わると言っているのかもしれない。 (01:22:17)
なぜ僕らを怖がらせたいんだと思う? たぶん、僕たちが地球や空気をきちんと手入れしていないからだと思う。 私たちが地球や大気の面倒をきちんと見ていないというのは、以前から抱いていた考えなのか?それとも、この経験をしたときに思いついたのかい? 私がこの経験をしたときだ。 この経験から、どのようにその考えが浮かんだのか?ちょっと難しいけど、一緒に考えてくれる?この経験をしたとき、どうしてその考えが浮かんだんだい? (01:23:11)
ただ心の中が恐ろしくなった。 恐ろしいと感じたんだね。どの時点でそう感じた?クラフトを見たとき?それとも夜家に帰ったとき? 家に帰った時だ。 家に帰ったとき、恐ろしさを感じたのか? そうだよ。 その恐ろしい感覚についてもっと話してくれ、リサ。どんな感じだった? 世界が、すべての木が倒れ、空気がなくなり、人々が死んでいくような感じだった。 (01:23:45)
その ような考えが浮かんだが、この体験の前にそのような考えがあったのか? いいえ。 いいえ。そのような考えはどのようにして浮かんだのか?機内からか、それとも機外からか? 男からだ 男だ あの男は君にそう言ったのか?どうやって君に伝えたんだ? 彼は何も言わなかった。ただ顔が、目がそうだったんだ。 (01:24:17)
その目から何を感じた? 彼は興味を持っていた。 彼らは、まるで人が自分の身に起こったことについて話すように、こうした経験や出来事を説明するんだ。精神病患者が何かを話していて、それが妄想で、本当に起こったことではないと感じるとき、私にはわかる。つまり、これはその人が私に信じさせようとしているか、怯えているか、何らかの方法で現実を歪めているんだ。 (01:25:01)
ここにはそんなものはない。(01:25:01)そんなことはない。彼らは健全な精神の持ち主で、私が自分のことを気違いだと思うかもしれないことを知っていて、だから私に話すことを少し心配している。 (01:25:30)
それは本当に魅惑的だった。見た瞬間、これは別の惑星から来た何か、あるいはこの世のものとは思えない空間から来た何かだと思った。 (01:26:09)
人々は、そこに何か別のものがあることを知る必要がある。 そう、とても素晴らしいことなんだ。これらの校庭でのUFO遭遇から私が思うことは、そう、UFOは私たちの学校を標的にしているということだ。それは間違いないと思う。これらは非常に広範囲な遭遇である。ここで紹介したもの、私が集めたものは、おそらく 氷山の一角に過ぎないと思う。 (01:26:56)
主要なケースが4つか5つあるのは知っている。私は40か50を見つけた。今度、子供たちが校庭から走ってきて、「UFOが校庭に着陸したんだ」と言ってきても、笑ったりしないで、調べに行こう。 (01:27:23)
このような出会いは、今でも子供たちに影響を与えている。それが目的だと思う。だからETはやっているんだ。彼らは人々に影響を与え、彼らが若く感受性豊かなうちに捕まえて、このような考えを伝えているのだ。誰かが宇宙船に乗せられたとき、最も一般的なのは身体検査を受けることだ。しかし、もし船員が人に話しかけた場合、船員はメッセージを伝え、一般的に3つのカテゴリーに分類される。 (01:27:46)
一つは代替エネルギーについてだ。彼らは人々をエンジンルームに連れて行き、その仕組みを見せてくれる。 ヒーリングやスピリチュアリティ、前世とのチャネリング、体外離脱、ハンズオン・ヒーリング、こういったもの、サイキック能力開発についてのメッセージを伝える。 しかしそれとは別に、人々が受け取るメッセージで最も多いのは、ここルア・ジンバブエの子供たちがまさに言っていることだ。地球の環境破壊についてのメッセージだ。 (01:28:16)
彼らはこのメッセージを人々に伝えることにとても熱心なようだ。大人が耳を傾けないのなら、子どもたちが耳を傾けるだろう。これは間違いなく、彼らが地球上、アメリカ全土で定期的に行っていることだ。カナダ、イングランド、ウェールズ、フランス、南米、アフリカ、オーストラリア、ロシアにもある。昨日、中国でも多くの事例を見つけたが、ここで詳しく説明する時間 はなかった。 (01:28:49)
しかし、これは世界的な現象だ。心配はしていない。悪意はないと思う。彼らはただ、若いうちに地球を大切にすることが大切だというメッセージを人々に伝えようとしているだけだと思う。そして、それが学校を監視する彼らの本当の目的なのだと思う。憶測の域を出ないが、これが生徒から伝わってくるメッセージなのだ。 (01:29:12)
だから、今度あなたの子供が学校にいる間にUFOを見たと言って駆け込んできたら、信じられないように聞こえるかもしれないが、これは間違いなく地球上で起こっていることなのだ。 プレストン、素晴らしいプレゼンテーションをどうもありがとう。 ありがとう。 (01:29:27)
Good evening. Welcome to UPARS Los Angeles. My name is Steve Murillo. I am the director of UPARS LA. This is May 2019. We have an old friend with us. Well, he's not old, he's young, but he's here with us. He's a friend. His name is Preston Dennett. And Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. (00:00:31)
Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is trained as a field investigator for MUFON, MUFON Network, still going strong. He's a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of more than 20 books and over 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. Preston has brought many of those books here to share with you guys, so go check it out. (00:00:56)
His articles have appeared in numerous magazines, including Fate, Atlantis Rising, the MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, the UFO Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist, and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages, including German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Icelandic, and Sumerian. He's appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Fade to Black with Jimmy Church, Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast to Coast, and also the History Channel's Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters. (00:01:31)
His research has been presented in LA Times, the LA Daily News, Dallas Morning News, and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures all across the United States. He currently resides here. He's local, he's a local boy. Put your hands together and give it up for Preston Dennett. I'm super excited to speak with you guys tonight. (00:01:58)
I want to thank you very much for coming to hear me speak. I've got an exciting presentation, which I think you're really going to enjoy, with about 60 slides, photographs, drawings, and some really interesting videos that I hope to play. And let's just dive right into it. Many of you probably already know how I became involved in UFO research, so I'll go over it just a little briefly. (00:02:21)
I found out in 1986, after hearing a report in the news about a pilot who saw a UFO, that many members of my family were having encounters. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was not good news for me. I was very skeptical. And it got me very interested in the subject. And I started interviewing people, writing about it. (00:02:42)
I joined all the UFO groups, and kind of never looked back. Interestingly, one of my... actually, my very first humanoid case was someone in my family who saw ETs in front of Stagg Street Elementary School. And that really piqued my interest. It was my first schoolyard UFO case, which is the subject of what I'm going to be talking about tonight. (00:03:08)
And that sort of really got me interested in... I've always been keeping an eye out for cases like that. And they have turned up over the years. There's probably four or five really famous schoolyard UFO cases, is what I call them. And the most well-known, by far, is probably one you've heard of, the Rua Zimbabwe case. How many of you have heard of the aerial school encounter? All right. (00:03:35)
Quite a number of you. Not everyone. That occurred in 1994 in Rua Zimbabwe. It involved a landing in humanoids at an elementary school. Prior to that, there's actually a long history of UFOs targeting schools. In 2016, Dr. Roger Stankovic, the National Director of MUFON Australia, posed this question on Facebook. He said, aliens on the playground? Over the past 50 years, UFOs have appeared in broad daylight sporadically at various school grounds over four continents around the world. (00:04:21)
And he lists the top four sightings. One is the Rua Zimbabwe case. Another is the Westall case in Melbourne, Australia, in which a UFO landed outside of a high school. There's another very famous case which occurred in 1977 in Wales at the Broadhaven Primary School. And then there's another case which occurred in Opelika, Florida. (00:04:52)
The Crestview Elementary School also experienced a UFO landing right there at the school. And to those four cases, I would add definitely the Hillsdale, Michigan case in 1966, in which a UFO landed outside of a college in Hillsdale, Michigan. So these are four or five really well-known cases. And after hearing about the Opelika case, I thought, oh my gosh, schools are being targeted by UFOs. (00:05:20)
Schools are what I would call a UFO attractor. I've written about these sort of things in some of my other books, the Not From Here series, areas that attract UFOs, places like graveyards or Air Force bases or rocket launches, mines, our metal mines. These sort of things have a disproportionately high number of UFO encounters, and that's certainly true with schools. (00:05:47)
And this is no news to UFO investigators. Way back in 1966, following the Dexter, Michigan, the Hillsdale sightings, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, who were pioneers of APRO, they realized that after the Michigan case, that they had amassed a number of cases where schools were targeted. (00:06:12)
And Raymond Fowler, who's probably best known for investigating the Andreasson affair, Betty Andreasson in Massachusetts, he also found some really incredible school encounters particularly the one at Beverly High School in Massachusetts. And following that, he started reviewing his cases and realized that the last 20 cases he had, 8 involved schools that were targeted. (00:06:46)
So this is definitely a thing. UFOs are targeting our schools. And as I was reviewing and collecting these cases, I thought, you know, there's a few, four or five really well-known ones. I have now got at least 40 or 50 of these types of cases. And it's really remarkable because these cases have a feature that is kind of much different than your average sighting. (00:07:11)
By that, I mean the average sighting I would describe as a brief encounter of an anomalous light flying overhead at night, perhaps at a pretty high altitude. That's kind of the encounter I hear from most people. Whereas schoolyard encounters have several really major fundamental differences from your average encounter. And the first difference I think is that most schoolyard encounters occur during the day. (00:07:37)
Daylight encounters are relatively rare, but when it comes to schoolyard encounters, it's pretty much the norm. Following that, they last a long time. The average UFO sighting is maybe a couple of seconds, a minute, two minutes, you know, five minutes. There's not a whole lot of super long encounters. When it comes to the schoolyard encounters, generally they last at least five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, an hour, three hours. (00:08:06)
In several cases, they occur over a period of days. So these are prolonged and extensive encounters in a number of ways. Another difference is most UFOs are seen at very high altitudes, not so with schoolyard encounters. They come down right over these schools to a level of 3,000 feet would be high. (00:08:34)
Much more common would be like 1,000 feet, 500 feet, 100 feet, in a few cases 30 feet over these schools, 10 feet, real close to these schools. And these are not what I would call flyovers either, which did happen at some schools, but I discarded those. These are cases in which the schools are specifically targeted. (00:08:51)
UFOs come swooping down in the sky aiming for the school and that's where they stop. And I think that will become more obvious as I start to go into the cases. So yeah, there's a lot of really interesting differences. A lot of these cases involve landings, where these objects actually land right there next to the school or on the playground itself. (00:09:12)
A number of these cases also involve humanoids, a disproportionately large number. So these are some really important and fundamental differences. Another thing I noticed is that many of these encounters are so extensive that they generate a government or military response. That's certainly not unusual. Also not unusual is that they generate a lot of publicity and these encounters are published in local newspapers at the least, often receiving national or international headlines. (00:09:44)
So these are some patterns that pretty much exhibit themselves in the vast majority of the cases of schoolyard encounters. So as we go through them, just keep mind of these types of patterns. So let's just dive right into it because I got a lot of stuff I want to show you guys tonight. (00:10:06)
I found some really early cases. There was one from like 1835 over a college of this weird light. But really most of the cases didn't begin until the modern age of UFOs after 1947. The earliest case I could really find that was substantial occurred in 1952 at this school, the Elder Park Primary School. (00:10:28)
And this is in Glasgow, Scotland. And it was during the summer. It was around 4 p.m. School had just let out. And one of the witnesses, her name is Joan Torrance, she's 13 years old, was leaving the school. Behind her was one of her teachers. There was the janitor, all her friends. (00:10:45)
They were walking across the playground here in front of the school when everyone started screaming. There was well over a hundred people there. And they were screaming and pointing up at the top of the building here. You can see these little steeples. There was this giant object hovering about 100 feet over the steeple. It was perfectly still. It was tilted slightly at an angle. (00:11:10)
And it was rotating. And it was about 30, 40 feet across and shaped like a sombrero and metallic. Just sitting there. The witness was asked, how long did you see it? She says, you know, I lost track of time. It was as if time stood still. She's not sure how long she saw it, which is, you know, a significant factor when it comes to UFO encounters for sure. (00:11:28)
No indication of any abductions. After a few moments, we're not sure how long, suddenly, she says, it was like a switch was turned. This thing started whining really loudly, lifted up, and moved off pretty swiftly away from the school and over the town of Glasgow. All the children, of course, went home and told their parents. (00:11:51)
Many of them were not believed until the next morning when newspapers broke this story. It turned out this UFO had gone straight over Glasgow and a lot of people saw it. (00:11:56)
So this is sort of the first real schoolyard encounter that I could find. And following this, boy, they occurred pretty darn regularly. Another case occurred two years later, on October 22nd, in 1954, over Jerome Elementary School in Marysville, Ohio. It's a very interesting case. All, you know, 50 children, very young children, were on the playground. Oh, this is another thing I wanted to mention, too, going back a little bit in terms of, you know, the differences between a normal encounter and a schoolyard encounter. (00:12:39)
With schoolyard encounters, we have 50 witnesses on the average, 100, 200 in some cases, or more. So that's very unusual. Also unusual is the fact that most of the witnesses are children. Now, children could be considered, you know, imaginative and not having a real concept of perhaps what UFOs might be, which could go either way. I mean, you could say that that makes them bad witnesses. (00:13:01)
I think it makes them good witnesses, actually, because their minds are not polluted. They have no prejudiced ideas about what UFOs are. They just tell it like they see it. And if you think, well, kids aren't reliable, the vast majority of schoolyard encounters have teachers who are seeing this as well, who are highly educated people. So this is an important difference, I think, from a lot of other normal encounters. (00:13:24)
So here we are at Jerome Elementary School in Ohio in 1954. And there's 40, 50 schoolchildren, elementary school age, on the playground. And suddenly they see this object swoop down out of the sky and come right over the school about a thousand feet up. It was metallic. It was oval or football-shaped. It was very bright and it had lights or windows around it. (00:13:49)
They weren't sure which because it was so darn bright. And after hovering a bit, this thing starts circling around the school over and over and over. After about five minutes, someone had the presence of mind to call in the teachers. They shouted out to Mr. Warwick, who was one of their teachers, and he comes running out and sees this thing and is shocked. He later told reporters, yeah, it was metallic. I don't know what it was. (00:14:11)
It was glinting there in the sun. It wasn't that high up. It had come lower and lower. And he's looking at it, trying to figure out what it is, and realizes this is a genuine UFO and runs back inside to call some more teachers. And another teacher comes running out, Ms. Dimmick, and she runs out and looks up and the thing is gone. (00:14:35)
It darts away at that exact moment. But she sees something else. Everyone does. They're all looking up when suddenly this entire sky fills with these little tiny white particles, like snow. It was really beautiful. It covered the entire sky. It's what's actually known as angel hair. It's sort of this cotton candy, spiderweb-like substance. This is a very early case involving angel hair. (00:14:59)
And there was a lot of it. It fell for the next 45 minutes, completely coating the entire playground, the entire school, and all the school grounds around it. A bunch of children scooped it up and brought it to the teachers, and they're handling it. It disintegrates very quickly, but there was so much of it that it was staying around for quite some time. (00:15:24)
Ms. Dimmick and Mr. Warwick both scooped it up and were handling it and rolling it up into little balls, which became sort of like these gelatinous sort of globs that slowly dissolved and disappeared. And after they did that, both of them realized their hands were now green. (00:15:35)
Had these green stains on them, which really concerned Ms. Dimmick, and she rushes to go wash it off. But the other guy, Mr. Warwick's like, you know what, I'm going to leave it on, see what happens. And nothing really happened. His hands became cold and clammy, and after a while his hands felt normal and the green stains disappeared, apparently just evaporating off. (00:15:59)
And following this incident, they were leaving the school and they found out that the angel hair was spread over a three mile range surrounding the school. It was so thick it was draping over trees, over cars, over telephone wires, to the point where it created an actual corridor over the road that they were in, like, you know, a covered hallway down the road that they were driving. (00:16:25)
So it was an enormous amount of angel hair in a really remarkable schoolyard case. Now, I did mention this case earlier, so I won't get too far into it. This occurred on April 29th, 1964. This is Sharon Stull, who was at the Lowell Elementary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when a UFO came swooping down over the playground. (00:16:53)
She's apparently the only one who saw it, but struck her with a beam of light, which caused real problems. She had to be rushed to the hospital. She was having vision problems. She was diagnosed with second-degree burns. And in the days and weeks following this incident, she experienced accelerated growth to the point where she grew over a half foot in over a period of weeks and became very mature and started talking about all these really mature concepts and was doing things normally that adults would do. (00:17:22)
It's a pretty controversial case. The Air Force did investigate it, but labeled it a hoax. And Jim and Cora Lorenzen, who were investigating it, later stopped because the mother, Mrs. Stull, was demanding money for having her story told. I think it's a legitimate case, though, and really fits right in with these schoolyard cases. (00:17:50)
All right, now I want to get to one of the granddaddy of the cases, the Hillsdale, Michigan case, which occurred on March 21st, 1966, over Hillsdale College in Michigan. And it started when a bunch of the ladies in the girls' dorm, the females' dorm room, noticed some lights outside of the school, in front of the school, in this very swampy field area. And they screamed, there was 10 of them, and suddenly a bunch of people rushed to the windows. (00:18:18)
People started rushing outside because this object was about 300 feet away, was very large. One of the first witnesses was Barbara Cohn, and she says, and I'm quoting, there was a glow around it, and the lights appeared to be pulsating. The object seemed to move up, and then to the right, and left very slightly. And following that, it began to move unpredictably, darting around. (00:18:47)
At some point, it appeared to be landing. Teresa, another witness, said it was an evening. We were all studying for midterms. A student in the room that faced the arboretum called to us, to her window, to see a huge disc hovering over the tops of the trees. It was metallic gold, and it had a red-orange light in the center, and two blue-white lights on the side. (00:19:05)
It was perhaps 75 feet across, and within 100 yards of us. As we watched it move forward and backward, and eventually sideways, away from us, it then landed in a grassy clearing. I know a lot of people are familiar with the Hillsdale, Michigan case, but what a lot of people don't know is this thing actually landed there, right in front of the school. (00:19:30)
And when that happened, a bunch of the people in the boys dorm started running out in the field towards it. It took off upwards again. (00:19:36)
At this point, the police were called, and they also saw this object. So it was viewed by about 87 students is the number, and a bunch of school faculty. It's a really remarkable case. And following the case, actually, certainly the police were informed, and so was Project Blue Book. J.R. Heineck was a part of the Blue Book back then. (00:20:12)
He was the astronomical consultant. He was called to investigate, and didn't really have a chance to investigate before. They called a press conference, and during this press conference, which was kind of a zoo, he was asked what he thought these things were. And he started listing several theories of what it might be, one of which he speculated could be swamp gas. (00:20:37)
And this is what the newspapers seized upon, and basically said the Air Force identifies the UFO as swamp gas, which isn't what he said. And he became pretty upset about it. It was a low point in his career, he said, and a complete circus. He ended up leaving Project Blue Book shortly afterwards, but it caused a huge uproar. (00:20:58)
At the time, President Ford, he wasn't president, he was a state representative. He called for an investigation, and this eventually did lead to a congressional investigation, in part because of this, the first congressional investigation on UFOs. Frank Manor's UFO remained over his swamp more than four hours. His children saw it, his in-laws saw it, residents of the area saw it, the police saw it. (00:21:23)
No one photographed it, but Sergeant Newell Schneider of the Sheriff's Office remembered it well enough to draw it. No, it moved very rapidly at any speed, or rather any direction it wanted to go. Why, it could change and go to the right or the left, or go crossways without hesitating a bit. What do you think it was? Well, if they call it a flying saucer, that's what it is. (00:21:44)
Forty miles away, another swampland and another UFO sighting. This is Hillsdale, and the girls at Hillsdale College had a night to remember. Well, when I was looking out the window with binoculars, I guess it was about 12, I saw it, and I saw two red lights, and I saw what looked to be shaped like a pie. (00:22:09)
I could see the front of it, and I just saw the round front, and I could see the lights on either side. And then the red light was sort of casting a glow over the whole thing, so it looked like a round disk. At first when I'd heard the other girls talk about it, I didn't really... I believed them, yet I couldn't really make myself comprehend it because I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. (00:22:33)
But then when I saw it, I just was fascinated. I wasn't afraid. I just wanted to stay there and keep my eyes glued to it. I couldn't leave. I know I saw it, but... and I mean, I know myself I saw it, but I don't... I believe I saw it, but I can't fathom it because it seems so unreal. (00:22:46)
William Van Horn, Hillsdale's undertaker and civil defense director, also spotted the UFO and was out with his Geiger counter next day, checking a mysterious perfect circle where the UFO had been seen. Van Horn did not find any radioactivity here, but this did not shake his certainty that he had seen a hovering vehicle with two lights. Many people ask him why he did not go right up to the UFO in the dark. I'd much rather be a live coward than a dead hero. (00:23:15)
And with the area of uncertainty that we have here, how do I know but what... maybe there's a current, an electrical charge which is being radiated by one of these vehicles which would electrocute you if you got within a certain area of it. There was no sound whatsoever. I could not hear a bit of sound. The Air Force sent its chief scientific consultant on UFOs, Professor J. (00:23:43)
Alan Hynek, to check the Michigan sightings. Dr. Hynek agreed that the good citizens of Michigan had seen something in the marshlands. He thought they had seen marsh gas. Frank Manor, the Michigan farmer who had brought in the first report, was caught in the middle. He was mad. Well, you can stop it there because I've got a lot of slides I want to play for you guys. (00:24:10)
So let me just get this back to normal. So yeah, that's the Hillsdale, Michigan one, the really first schoolyard encounter that got a lot of publicity. But following that, there were some really amazing encounters. And in fact, it was two weeks and two days after that, that one of the biggest schoolyard encounters in the history of our planet occurred. (00:24:39)
And this is at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia on April 6, 1966. This bunch of people were on the playground, an estimated 200-300 children and several teachers, when a UFO showed up and came swooping down very low over the playground, went just beyond it and started to hover over this grove of trees and come in for a landing. (00:25:11)
A lot of people saw it. It caused instant chaos and pandemonium. Among the first to actually run up to it was Terry Peck. And she was up... well, here's what she says. We were out playing sports on the oval. One of the kids yelled out, look, look up in the sky. It's flying saucers. And I remember we all looked up and it really was a flying saucer. It was a round silver disc and it seemed to be very low over the school. (00:25:33)
And I remember kids screaming and running inside. There was a lot of witnesses. These are some of the witnesses who as adults have still remembered the incident. Joy Clark here on your left was there and she said this boy came running in and he said, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Greenwood, there's these things in the sky. (00:26:02)
He was hysterical. He leaned up against the sliding door screaming. There was a flying saucer in the oval. And of course everybody started to head toward the door and the teacher said, sit down. A few minutes later the bell went off and everyone just took off into the oval and in time to see it taking off from the oval. (00:26:23)
It was probably 50 feet or more at that stage. One of the witnesses earlier who I mentioned, Terry Peck, she actually ran right up to it with a group of other girls. (00:26:28)
When she got there, she was one of the first people there, there was some boys there walking around it. One was touching it and her friend Tanya actually arrived there first and fainted dead away. There were several children who were crying and screaming and freaking out. Teachers were completely freaking out because these kids were just pouring out of the school in two lines out of the doors and rushing up to the fence to see this thing and hopping over the fence to try and get to it. (00:27:03)
And several did get to it. And Terry Peck actually watched this thing rise up, turn sideways and take off. Now there were a number of planes in the sky, four or five small planes which apparently followed this thing to the school and were trying to get close to it. Each time they did, this thing would just dart around them and leave them as if they were still in the sky. (00:27:23)
So a lot, a lot of people saw this thing. Kevin Hurley, he saw it. He saw also the landing traces this thing left. Here's a drawing from one of the witnesses. This object radiated heat as you got close to it. This, I'm not sure that this is an actual photograph of the object, but it's widely believed to be if you go on the internet. (00:27:57)
Can't verify that, but it certainly does match some of the descriptions that people have put forth. This is the landing trace. It did leave in the grove of trees. So this was seen by almost all the school. Following this incident, immediately following it, the police were called and they arrived. Shortly later, the press arrived. Reporters from various newspapers, literally within about 15 or 20 minutes, some of the students, including Joey Clark, were being interviewed by the press when the Australian army showed up in jeeps with soldiers wearing camouflage and shut down the interview immediately, told the kids not to talk about it, marched through the school, told the teachers not to talk about it, had the teachers go through the hallways warning students not to talk. (00:28:52)
They held a special assembly, actually, and they brought kids into the office separately, had them describe what they saw and said that they didn't see what they thought they saw. Must have been helicopters or a weather balloon, which the kids denied and they were told not to talk about it. They held a special assembly that day and were basically told that you didn't see what you think you saw and that you were just hysterical and forget about it. Nothing happened. (00:29:21)
And this incident was pretty effectively covered up. There were a few articles that did come out, but no one talked about it for years and years afterwards. And now, of course, it's a huge case. It's considered Australia's most widely viewed UFO event in the history of that country. So it's really a remarkable case. Recently, Keith Basterfield, an Australian researcher, says he thinks it was probably a weather balloon and this is something that seriously offended a lot of the witnesses. (00:30:00)
And I don't think it's a reasonable explanation. It certainly doesn't account for the landing traces or how this thing was able to outmaneuver planes or a number of other details. So yeah, not a weather balloon. So that was an amazing case and not the only one. (00:30:14)
Shortly following that case, like a month later, on April 22, 1966, there was a huge schoolyard encounter in Beverly, Massachusetts. This was investigated by Raymond Fowler, a very well-known investigator. And it all began when this 13-year-old girl, Nancy Modugno, looked out her bedroom window. She lived right next to Beverly High School and saw what she thought was a car driving down the street. (00:30:52)
But it wasn't a car. It was a glowing football-shaped object floating about five feet over the road. It had red lights on top, white lights around the perimeter, no windows that she could see. And it was just moving leisurely along, heading towards Beverly High School. And she screams, goes running downstairs and tells her dad. And he's not understanding what she's saying. (00:31:17)
The mom was visiting the neighbors next door. She comes rushing in with the neighbors and they're like, what's wrong? What's wrong? She's like, it's a UFO. It just drove by. It's right over there. And she's like, no one believed her. They said, I'll tell you what. Her mother and her two friends decided we will go outside and look. And so they looked outside. (00:31:33)
And when Nancy first ran down the stairs, she saw this thing actually landing in the field in front of Beverly High School. When her parents, her mom and her friends got outside, they didn't see it. But they walked down the street and over the hill to where the high school was and looked up and saw three flying saucers. (00:31:59)
And they were, two are pretty high up there. One was much lower and each of them were circling and hovering and circling. They were bright oval shaped objects. And they're watching them. Oh my gosh, these are not normal. When one of the witnesses reaches up and waves at one of them. And at that point it stopped circling and come swooping down right towards them very quickly. It startled them so badly that two of them turned to run. One did run. (00:32:25)
The other didn't because Brenda, the one who's watching it, said stop it's already right over our head. And the second one was about to run looked up and it was. It was about 20 feet up. And that was enough. She ran. So there's two women ran and one stayed there. And they realized their friend was not running. (00:32:47)
They turned around and looked. And she was now cowering on the ground screaming with her hands over her head like this. Because this object was 10 feet over her head. Scared her very badly. She involuntarily urinated. It was an extremely frightening experience. And they're like run, run, run, run. And finally she listened and she ran. And all three women ran down the street back into the house. (00:33:17)
Their daughter Nancy is saying did you see it? Did you see it? So they did. They called the police and then they gathered the entire household and all the neighbors and a group of about 10 people, including Nancy who first saw it, walked back to the high school and these objects were still there. (00:33:36)
Mind you there was a basketball game going on at the time in the building. So there was a lot of people in the school who weren't seeing this and had no idea that one of these objects was coming lower and lower and lower over the school and it stopped and hovered about 30 feet above the main building. (00:33:52)
And that's when the police showed up and saw the people standing there and they're like all right who called about the plane? And they're like jokingly we did and it's right there. And the police officers saw it, got really shooken up, jumped out of their car, at which point this thing slowly lifted up and took off. So Raymond Fowler investigated this and did some research, found that there was a lot of other people who saw it in the area at that time. And following this incident, this thing took off and went north. (00:34:23)
It went straight to another college nearby, to Wenham College, came barreling down and hovered over the oval there in front of the quadrangle and scared the living daylights out of the people there who saw this thing come at about a hundred feet altitude, stop, make a right degree turn and dart off into the sky and up and gone. So again, clearly targeting the school. (00:34:50)
A lot of other cases I could talk about. One case involving a series of sightings over Hotchkiss School where they actually photographed this thing on March 9th, 1966. The Sacred Heart Elementary School in Moline, Illinois, was targeted. There was 40 students and a police officer and two nuns who saw this thing. The police officer was actually able to capture some film of this object on his eight millimeter camera, which he carried around for his job. (00:35:26)
All right, I want to play a little video. Let's see if I can get this done more. (00:35:33)
This is a two minute video which... It remains one of Australia's most enduring mysteries and one of the world's most baffling UFO cases. And for the first time a group of witnesses have come together to shed light on what really happened here in Westall in 1966. Authorities claimed it was a weather balloon, but five decades on these witnesses aren't so sure. I stood there absolutely transfixed and saw the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life. (00:36:07)
And it took a while for me to sort of comprehend what I was actually looking at because I'd never seen anything like that before. There was three. The one that was closer was just in the sky, just sitting there. And then it went down, came up, and then banked on its side and took off. (00:36:35)
Really, really fast. It was moving away. So it had lifted off the oval, okay, and it was moving away from us. And we just were gobsmacked. Started chasing it, and my girlfriend and I sat on the fence, climbed up the fence, and just sat there and cried. We thought it was the end of the world. (00:36:50)
I came down into the paddock where the kids had seen this land. The paddock grass was about knee high. And as I walked through with pushing my bike with my uncle, I saw a group of about 20 people all huddled around looking at the ground, all looking at a circle, perfect circle. (00:37:10)
It was probably about four or five meters in diameter. The edge of the circle was perfectly formed. It wasn't as if you could, you know, cows or any other animals, or even the kids had come in and just rolled around. It was too perfect. I mean, I know what I saw. (00:37:28)
And in fact, I don't expect them to believe me, because when it happened, I didn't believe what I was seeing, because it wasn't possible. What I was seeing wasn't possible. So yeah, the Westall incident was huge. And the Beverly High School incident happened directly after that. And the next incident I want to talk about occurred literally one year to the day after the Westall incident. (00:37:56)
And this is also one of the four most famous schoolyard UFO encounters, which occurred at Crestview Elementary School in Opelika, Florida. And it began on April 6th, when Mr. Apfall, one of the teachers, was herding all the students back into the school after recess, and gotten pretty much all of them except for six of the kids back in, when one of the boys tugs on his arms like, what's that up there in the sky? And he looks up and he sees this metallic disk. (00:38:30)
And they're all looking at he and the six students when it just flits away. He's like, I don't know what that was. And they went back inside. And it was the next day, actually, when everything just went crazy. People were in school when suddenly someone shouts out, there are flying saucers outside. And they go rushing out. And sure enough, there's not one, not two, but four different objects hovering outside of the school. (00:38:57)
And one's very large, two are much smaller, and one of them looks like it's coming in for a landing. (00:39:05)
These were young elementary school kids, you know, 10, 11, 12 years old. And it began when everyone rushed to the fence there on the north end of the school and saw these four objects. Each were lit up on the end with a white light. And one object appeared to be playing cat and mouse games with this plane that was also circling the area. (00:39:35)
And a third object came in for a landing in the grove of trees behind the school. This is another pattern I kept seeing, that when these objects would land, they'd always land within a grove of trees. And that's what happened here. Jimmy Hummel, he was 11 years old, he saw the craft coming in for a landing. (00:39:51)
And he had the impression that it was actually trying to hide within the trees. Joe Kornblit, age 11, he heard all the ruckus outside and he describes what he saw as a white silvery oval-shaped object about the size of a car hovering directly above the trees. He watched it shrink down, disappear, and it reappeared in another place. (00:40:17)
There was brothers and sisters who were watching this, Linda and John McCleary, both of whom observed it, and described it as sort of a hubcap-shaped thing. Her brother John said that there were at least four of these objects all milling around the trees and performing all these incredible maneuvers. (00:40:38)
One teacher, David, or student, David Bonefee, he was in fifth grade, and he says, our teacher only let us look for a moment, so I had, I saw the oval-shaped craft, but I had to sit down so I did not see the cigar-shaped UFOs. But he lives near the school and he found out his parents were actually saw these objects at the same time. (00:40:55)
There's some controversy surrounding exactly what happened, because at this point the military showed up and began walking through the school. They closed the school down and sent people home early, and as some of these students were marching out of the school, these objects were still in the sky. And parents were very upset. They wanted to know why their kids were being sent home, and they kept calling the school. (00:41:18)
And the teachers weren't supposed to say anything. They were told not to talk about it. But they did. They're like, well, something landed. You didn't hear it from me, but something landed next to the school. And at this time there was actually a huge wave of sightings going on in the area. There was a lot of witnesses a few days prior to this. So a lot of people saw this. (00:41:41)
Another witness, Steve, he recalls the incident as well. And he says he doesn't remember seeing the UFOs actually. It's a weird blank in his mind. But he does remember the school closing down and the military there. Everyone who was there does remember the military. These objects were completely silent and darted around very quickly at times. (00:42:08)
And Mr. Apfel, he saw it again. And when it came back later in the day, I mean, these objects were staying there for quite a while. (00:42:14)
He closed the blinds, wouldn't let anyone go out. He didn't want to see it anymore. The headmaster was pretty upset too. He didn't want to talk about it. So there was about 200, 300 people who saw this thing as it actually went and landed there in the pine trees. Here's a drawing from one of the students. (00:42:39)
The top drawing is the teacher actually, and the bottom drawing is from one of the students, who actually I think did a better drawing than the teacher, which I find interesting. But yeah, several teachers saw this. They went over and saw landing traces as well. When the school day ended, some kids tried to run over there and look at the landing traces, but by then the military had cordoned it off. (00:43:01)
And apparently the object was still there because they had binoculars out and they were looking at it, but they weren't venturing out into the field and they were not letting anyone else go there. Now that was on a Friday. So this UFO came on a Thursday, it came on a Friday. Well, it came back on Saturday as well. (00:43:22)
Over 40 adult witnesses saw this thing hovering in the same grove of trees. And of course the military did interview a lot of the witnesses at the school, including children and teachers, and didn't specifically necessarily tell them that they couldn't talk about it, but told them that what they saw were in fact helicopters. Now here's a map of the school. (00:43:48)
It turns out that Opa-locka school is about four or five miles away from an airport, which isn't, you know, that far, but it's not super close either. And these students described something that was much closer than the airport and clearly not a plane. And the teachers, Mr. Afthel said flat out, he told reporters, no, it was a flying saucer. It wasn't a plane. It wasn't a helicopter. It wasn't a balloon. It wasn't anything like this. (00:44:11)
Following the incident, the landing traces were actually burned over. In the Westall incident, they took photographs that those film from the photographs was taken by the military. So that was more effectively covered up than this one, which did generate a lot of publicity and articles about the event. So yeah, that's the Crestview elementary school encounter in Opa-locka, Florida. (00:44:48)
It's a pretty remarkable case. And there were no humanoids in that one. But following, you know, these incidents, humanoids started to appear more often. I don't know if it's because these were early cases that we don't see humanoids, but following this, we started to see them. So here's another newspaper article from the Opa-locka case. (00:45:15)
And now I want to talk a little bit about what happened at Spring Creek elementary school in 1967 in Dallas, Texas. This is an interesting case because this UFO showed up over the playground. A bunch of kids saw it and it released all these silver discs, which spun around and went across the street and spun around and then went back into the disc and it took off. (00:45:38)
And the thing is only one kid remembers this. And he was going through the school a couple years later, actually, and asking if anyone remembered this incident. (00:45:43)
And only one person did. Another kid, and he remembered it slightly differently. He thought at first it was a crop dusting plane and that it came very low over the school. They all thought it was a crop dusting plane at first, but it had no wings. It had no tail and it was metallic. (00:46:05)
And instead of silver discs, he remembered this disc releasing red pellets, which rained down over the school. And that's all he really remembers. But they both think it's the same incident. So apparently it was covered up by the ETs who no one remembered it, but two people, where it was actually viewed by quite a number of people who, they remember people being there and specifically asked them. And these kids did not remember it. (00:46:26)
A very strange encounter occurred in Peebles Elementary School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in May 1967. And when the janitor waved her over and said, I want to show you something, and took her into the basement where she saw a gray alien who started to speak to her telepathically. She looked over at her friend. Her friend was now passed out, unconscious, and she wasn't. And this ET started to speak to her and said, we are here to remind you who you are. (00:47:03)
And she does not know what that means. She doesn't to this day, but she really wants to know. And she saw what she recognizes now as a typical gray ET in the basement of the school. And what's really remarkable is there was also a craft. It was very, very small, you know, like a tiny little sports compact car, just barely big enough to fit in the basement. (00:47:30)
It was very light. And she had an instant impression of how this thing actually operated, which was using some sort of electromagnetic engines. It's a very unusual case, but it starts to fit this pattern that I keep seeing over and over again, where these are not normal encounters. These are very, very close encounters, some involving abductions and missing time. (00:47:56)
There was another encounter which occurred in October 18th, 1967, at the Sunnyvale School, or in Sunnyvale, California. I'm sorry, it's the Patrick Henry Junior High in Sunnyvale, California. Lynn Shannon, age 12, and about 50 other students saw six egg-like objects about 250 feet high come over the school here in California. They were very low. (00:48:29)
They were completely white, featureless, and freaked everyone out. The teachers freaked out and made everyone go inside. She was one of the last students to go inside. And as she did, she saw that one of these objects was coming lower and lower and lower and actually landed in the orchard behind the school. (00:48:44)
So after school was out, she went to the orchard to go see if it was still there. And that's all she remembers. The next thing she knows, it's many hours, two hours later, and she's arriving home. And she has no idea what happened during that missing time. This is Westmoreland High School in New York. This is another case which I have mentioned earlier in some of my presentations involving a lady by the name of Shane Kurz. (00:49:09)
Back in 1967, she and her mother saw a UFO by their home and had a couple of sightings. And following that incident, she was coming into school and was about to enter into school when this gentleman approaches her. And he was a very strange looking gentleman. He was very thin. He was wearing weird clothes. (00:49:32)
She can't quite remember what was weird about them other than that they were kind of futuristic or not in normal clothes. And he had strange hypnotic eyes that seemed to look right through her, pointy ears, very pale skin. And he started to ask her all these questions that really didn't make sense. (00:49:49)
He's like, what do you, what do you do here? And she's like, oh, we know we play volleyball and stuff. He's like, well, what's volleyball? He did not know the answers to basic questions. And after questioning her for a little, for a few minutes, he asked if she would follow her to the field where his white car was parked there. (00:50:06)
It's a field, there's no road. And she's, you know, wisely said no, no thank you. And turned around and was about to walk back into school when she realized that was really weird. Turns right back around and the guy's gone. It's impossible. He could not have disappeared that quickly. There was no place for him to go. (00:50:20)
So that really freaked her out. And she's like, am I imagining things? What's going on? When a bunch of students approached her right after this incident and said, who is that weird looking guy you were talking to? And she's like, I have no idea. She saw him later at a convenience store, him or someone that looked just like him. (00:50:41)
And she later had an abduction experience and under hypnosis recalled seeing this same figure aboard the UFO. So yeah, they sometimes approach schools directly. This is the Nathaniel Hawthorne College in Antrim, New Hampshire. On April 30th, 1970, a group of boys who were at the school saw this huge triangular-shaped object moving overhead. (00:51:13)
They first thought it was just three lights, but as they saw that the sky was disappearing overhead, this was at night actually, they realized this is a very large triangular-shaped object. And they completely freaked out. This was right in front of the school because the day before, a bunch of ladies in the women's dorm claimed that a UFO had arrived the day before this and actually landed on the lawn, but nobody believed them. (00:51:38)
So following this incident, they were, of course, believed. And again, it's another case where these objects specifically track schools. Police did come and interview the people and it did create, you know, quite a bit of publicity at the time, but faded into history. This is Public Elementary School No. (00:52:09)
54 in Bronx, New York. In May 1970, 50 or 100 students or more watched a silver pyramidal-shaped object about the size of a school bus hover 100 feet overhead and was seen by the vice principal, the teachers, and much of the school staff. This is Richmond Elementary School in New Zealand. These cases occur all over the world. (00:52:31)
On May 17, 1970, there was 400 kids out in the field playing when suddenly the teachers noticed the kids were not playing anymore. There was no sound. He's looking around and all the kids are staring up into the sky and there is this giant kind of like hole in the sky. (00:52:51)
It's covering about half the sky. It's black and it comes closer and they realize, no, it's not a hole, it's a some sort of giant wingless object. There was an airport nearby and planes were landing and taking off and not apparently seeing this thing. No one else saw it except for these people at this school, 400 students, and it stayed there for a good 10-15 minutes before just taking off and moving away. (00:53:18)
This is Foxcroft Boarding School in Middleburg, Virginia. A woman and 50 other young students saw this craft moving overhead at a very low level. This was again during the day. It floated downward closer and closer and closer until it was just a few hundred feet overhead. And as it reached right over the students, a door opened or some sort of opening came out and a big bright beam of light came down and all the students jumped up like it's a flying saucer and they started running after it saying, take me with you, take me with you. (00:53:56)
There was no fear involved with this incident. They thought it was amazing, they loved it and this thing just slowly kind of meandered off and took off. And now I want to take a quick break because I'm just over halfway through and we're going to get to some really exciting stuff at this point involving some of the ET encounters and talk about the Rua Zimbabwe case and a few others. (00:54:18)
Now let's get to some really interesting cases. They just get more and more interesting. (00:54:23)
I'm just fascinated by these cases for a very personal reason because someone within my family had a very close encounter at a school. The next case I would like to talk about is the Rosemead school. It began when two police officers driving by the school noticed lights in the school tennis court which is completely fenced off. (00:54:55)
There's a gate, the gate is locked and they saw what looked like two cars or bikes driving around circling and circling but there were no headlights just red tail light type things but there was no noise. It was very peculiar and lasted for just a few moments before these things took off and nearby two guards of the local petrol station there also saw these weird lights hovering over a nearby hill. (00:55:25)
The principal to the school lives right next door. He looked out of his window and saw these beams of light coming down and hitting the tennis courts and he actually and got up and went out and the beams of light were gone but he walked up to the tennis courts and he saw that a bunch of the asphalt had been torn up. (00:55:50)
So the next morning he went directly there and inspected it and sure enough the tennis courts were destroyed and it was very strange because they were fine when he went to bed that night and now they were just completely torn up in a very peculiar way because the fence was fine. (00:56:12)
It wasn't torn up at all. The gate was still locked and he's looking at the the ground there where it's all torn up and every single piece of like tar was not flipped over at all. It was all just kind of broken up and laying there. There was a big piece of it on the fence. They called the police. (00:56:28)
The police did an investigation and they found some pieces of this tennis court on a hill some distance away. So they brought in a lot of people to take a look at this thing and no one could figure out what happened. One scientist was like well it must have been a tornado and which it clearly wasn't. (00:56:47)
But they did find some damage to the tree right next to the tennis court. A blue gum tree had all the green sprouts at the base of the trunk were all withered and burnt off and it had lost a bunch of trees and the tree just kind of withered away following this incident. (00:57:04)
So it's hard to say exactly what happened here but it looks as though a UFO of some kind landed right there on the tennis courts, the school tennis courts in Rosemead, South Africa. This is the Kulahi University in North Carolina on December 1st, 1974 on the seventh floor of the girls dorm. (00:57:31)
A bunch of people became very startled when the entire dorm area lit up with a brilliant white light. It was so brilliant it actually lit up the entire interior of the girls dorm at least on the seventh floor. And they went rushing out and saw these bright bright lights pretty high in the sky. (00:57:48)
There was 10 people at least who saw this and they're watching this object in the sky and it lifted up up up and started releasing about five orbs which darted around in various ways and then took off. And they of course ran to the security of the school who did not believe them. (00:58:11)
All right, I'm not sure if this is actually Falls Elementary School. It's as close as I could get. All these other slides are the actual schools where they did happen. I'm not entirely sure about this one but this took place in Green Valley, California in the mid to late 1970s. (00:58:24)
A lady I'll call Linda went to this school throughout her childhood and started having some weird memories as she grew up. She started having memories of playing with a gray alien while at school. And at first she kept seeing it as a child but she started to see through its disguise and that it was in fact a gray ET. (00:58:49)
And it kept asking her all these weird questions and telling her all this stuff she didn't understand and kept asking her to go into the grove behind the school which she refused to do. But apparently some kids did go because she started having memories of people being taken by ETs into this grove and this caused a ruckus at the school. There were some children who were injured or had some sort of traumatic incident in the grove and they ended up closing this grove down. (00:59:19)
But she says she had repeated encounters over a period of five years at least and she feels like a lot of the students in this school were probably abducted and she's still grappling with this as an adult. Now this is a map of Broadhaven Primary School. This is in Wales. In 1977 there was a wave of sightings over Wales and at least three schools were targeted. (00:59:52)
Two of the schools had very low level encounters where these objects hovered over the school right down to not only tree level but within the trees as if coming in for a landing. And those cases were not publicized really at all. It was the Broadhaven incident on February 1977 where more than a dozen students saw this object actually land right next to the school. (01:00:24)
It was about a 40 foot long object with a red light on top. They saw a figure, a door opened up in the center of the craft and a figure emerged. And at this point these were elementary school kids. They became very frightened some of them. They began crying and they ran as a group away from this object and the ET straight to the teachers who did not believe them. (01:00:45)
And the teachers went outside. The UFO was gone by this time. It turned out one of the teachers did in fact see the object depart but she decided not to tell anyone because she was the only one who saw it and she didn't want to be ridiculed. Later she did reveal to investigators that she did in fact see this craft fly over the school. (01:01:05)
The children certainly insist that they saw it and would not be swayed. So what the teachers did is separated them and had them draw pictures of what they saw. And it's really interesting because these drawings show really closely what they saw and have some really remarkable similarities. So these students didn't get any messages from the ET. They left pretty much before it actually approached closely to them. (01:01:33)
But they were within you know 20-30 feet of this strange figure. And here are some of their drawings and you'll see that they're remarkably similar. Most of them describe this sort of dome shaped object which landed in the cheese. Not all of them actually saw the actual ET figure. (01:01:53)
Some were too frightened to look. Others just didn't see it. But you can see that their drawings are really really similar. See the antenna coming out up on the upper right there. That appears in another child's drawing. You see the door in the center there on the right there and also on the lower drawing. Here's another close-up. In each of these cases they're landing right within a grove of trees. I find that really interesting. (01:02:24)
I love these child drawings and again I think these children make great witnesses. I can't tell you how many adults I've interviewed who saw UFOs as very young children. That's generally a rule when someone has repeated contact that starts very early in childhood and as a general rule their parents don't believe them. (01:02:48)
So I think this is a really important type of encounter that we have to start paying closer attention to because as a general rule the teachers don't believe the students either until they realize that they're all crying and they're all reporting the same story and they're not backing up. So each of them drew pictures of what they saw and you can see how remarkably similar they really are. (01:03:13)
The incident caused quite an uproar. Police were called and the children all testified. They put their a little petition together asking for an investigation which apparently never happened and the government said no we never did one but researchers later found out that the government was lying and they did in fact do discrete inquiries into what happened here at Broadhaven and at that time it turned out there was a wave of sightings going on in the area. (01:03:44)
There were sightings before this day and and after this day but it was these students who saw these ETs and to this day they have are traumatized by it. They're obsessed with the subject. They're continuing to investigate it and this is a pattern we certainly see in other cases that people come away from these encounters profoundly changed for the rest of their lives. (01:04:03)
So this is St. Mark's School also in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1978 Ewan Riley was one of dozens of students who watched a silver metallic object hovering about 20 feet above the school and they watched it for some time and went to go alert the teachers at which point this thing took off very quickly. (01:04:38)
This is the North Carolina School for the Deaf. A very interesting case which occurred in March 1979 where this object, now this school is located in a low valley, this object was seen approaching the school directly towards it coming down lower and lower and lower to the point where it was actually going to hit the school if it did not rise up. (01:04:57)
And it came right up to the school and lifted up and came over the school and was making this very loud woo woo woo woo woo drumming noise. Now the children were deaf in the school. They could still hear it. It was vibrating so loudly that they all heard it within their bodies and came running out to look at this thing. (01:05:17)
I'm wondering if this was something that ETs did intentionally or not. I don't know. But it was a very interesting case because they were able to actually hear this thing even though they're profoundly deaf. And this thing came so low they were sure it was going to hit the building, comes over it and moves on. (01:05:40)
And it wasn't long later, later that evening after all the children had gone to bed, it returned and was seen by a bunch of people hovering between this building and the hospital next door. So this is a local case. This is one I mentioned earlier which occurred to a family member. The first humanoid case I ever investigated. And her name is Melissa and she was a college student at the time. (01:06:09)
She lived next to Stagg Street Elementary School and was taking a walk with her dog right in front of the school. This is around 11 p.m. in the evening here in Van Nuys, gosh five miles away from here about. And this was around 1982. And as she's walking by the school right in the front courtyard there, there is a large light. (01:06:38)
You can see it here right next to the sign, a floodlight. She's like, well that's strange there's two children standing under the floodlight. This is, you know, 11 o'clock at night. She's like, well that's weird. What are they doing out at night? They look like they're only three or four feet tall. And as she's getting closer and she's like, she realizes they're bald. (01:06:58)
She's like, well that's even weirder. She's like, they look like they're wearing masks. And she's thinking, well it's not Halloween. What's going on? And she walks right up to them. And she's about 10 feet away. So is her dog. Her dog doesn't react really at all. And she turns and she looks at them. (01:07:17)
And they turn and look at her. And she says that they were actually like floating slightly off the ground. And they kind of like opening a book. They just swiveled, turned, and they locked gazes with her. And she said it was exactly like being woken up when you're already awake. Because this was something she had never seen before. (01:07:32)
Back then there wasn't a whole lot of talk about gray aliens. Certainly she'd never heard of them. She's an artist. She's, you know, a very great observer. She's got an eidetic memory. She can remember things of entire TV shows. She can recount word for word practically. Amazing memory. And she's telling me all these details of these ETs that she saw right in front of the school. (01:08:01)
She said that they were very short. They had olive green jumpsuits with mandarin collars. Very large heads with sort of a separation at the top of their skull. Their skin was chalk white. If they were humans they would have been dead. It was just completely white skin and huge dark dark glistening eyes. (01:08:20)
And she was about 10 feet away from them when they locked gazes. She didn't hear any messages. She just got this real incredible thrill of fear and decided, you know what, I'm gonna keep walking. She didn't want to run because she didn't want to panic. (01:08:32)
And so she just walked as quickly as she could back home. She says she had no missing time. She doesn't think she did. She didn't see any UFO but she's like, you know Preston, this school could probably hide a UFO pretty darn easily because it had this sort of enclosed playground area which was surrounded by buildings. (01:08:55)
And she speculates that maybe the object had actually landed with inside the elementary school. Which I wouldn't discount. It's entirely possible. But yeah, that was my first humanoid case and it was right here locally and involved ETs at an elementary school. Most of these cases where schools are targeted are in fact elementary schools, which I find interesting. (01:09:19)
But they also include middle schools, primary schools, high schools, and colleges. And this is unusual and we don't see this where adults are gathering, you know, at their work, their factory, or office buildings, or restaurants, or any other sort of thing. So there's something about schools, which I think it's the children actually, which is attracting these ETs. This is Adams Middle School in Grand Prairie, Texas. (01:09:45)
In October of 1982, Allison and dozens of other students, teachers, and administration officials had just entered a school dance and were in front of the school waiting to get picked up and leave the area when these multi-colored orb lights started darting around a much larger oval object. They were putting on what was clearly a display. They were moving at right angles, forming triangles, squares, and various geometric shapes. (01:10:17)
They came so low that at one point she could feel the static electricity cling to her dress and her hair. A number of people reported on this very strong static electric feeling. She worked as an office assistant in the school and the next day she was in the office when the Air Force showed up and started making discreet inquiries about what happened and had the principal make an announcement that day that what the people saw last night was nothing, was just a light show. (01:10:49)
Well, she was a very inquisitive person and started doing an investigation. She's now an intelligence officer within the U.S. military and she searched everywhere for any sort of light show, people who put on light shows, any sort of explanation, and she could find no one or no information about what this might have been. So there are a lot of other cases. (01:11:17)
There was one case in May 1991 where I don't know the location of it, but a bunch of people were on the school playground and they saw what looked like a ring, a round rainbow, in the sky getting lower and lower and lower. And this kid was staring at it and normally he likes to be first in line and get into the class. (01:11:33)
Next thing he knows some time has passed and he's last in line and he doesn't understand it. And everyone's looking at him really strangely and he doesn't know why. And following this incident he had these dreams where he was taken on board a UFO. He saw a bunch of the other students from the playground there and they were being given various tests on how to do telekinesis with objects. (01:11:56)
They were told to take a box and change its shape, find which direction it should be moved, and the answer was to be moved inside out. So he finally figured it out and they took him to the next room and did another mental test where they threw these fiery like brands or sticks right at him. His hands were bound behind his back in some way and he had to move these sticks mentally. And so he saw other students doing this. (01:12:24)
This was pretty traumatic and he did not feel good about the entire experience. But it's another example of where I think these aren't just sightings or landings or face-to-face encounters but actual on-board incidents. And now I want to talk about really the main case that I came here to talk about which is the Rua Zimbabwe case at Ariel Elementary School which occurred in 1994. (01:12:52)
There's a film coming out called The Ariel Phenomena which I believe is being released this year. I can't wait to see it because this incident has received a lot of media attention but has never really been fully explored. It occurred some years ago and a lot of the witnesses today are still talking about it. (01:13:19)
And what happened was about 50 or 40 students were on the playground and saw this thing. Some didn't see it. This object which came and landed right next to the school within a grove of trees. A bunch of people ran up to it and two entities came out. And they were described as having a black uniform or being dark in color and having... (01:13:39)
some said they were bald, others said no, they had long dark hair, looked like a hippie. (01:13:44)
So you get some varying descriptions there. Some were very frightened, others weren't. And some of the people came right up to these ETs and the ETs came up to them and started delivering telepathic messages to the students. And the messages were pretty much uniform. For each student it was the same sort of message which was about the future of our planet, the environmental destruction that is going on. (01:14:15)
And they warned people about pollution, they warned people about technological problems, misusing technology, and this sort of thing. Forests and basically environmental messages. Here's the actual playground where this incident occurred. Here are some of the school children who saw this thing. This is Emily Trim. She is a very outspoken witness who has talked quite a bit about this. It affected her deeply. She was one of the ones who received a message. (01:14:57)
Not all students did. There was about five or ten who did. And she was certainly one of them. And she, as several of the other students who had this experience, following this experience, began having visitations at home and throughout their life. Became abductees apparently as a result of this visitation. So this has had a profound effect on their lives in multiple ways. (01:15:25)
And I want to show you some of the drawings of what they saw because they're just amazing. This is one of my favorite things about schoolyard encounters is all these drawings that have come out of them. And you can see that they're very similar in each of these cases. They just draw these craft that are dome-shaped, have windows, a dome on top. And some saw, you know, always within these grove trees. (01:15:52)
Some saw entities walking around it. Some described that one of the entities walking on top of the craft. And came right up to the students in a number of cases. They seemed to float a little bit. Some of the students were very frightened. They looked like they had evil eyes. Others were just completely entranced by the entire incident. And none of the teachers saw this. None of the teachers saw anything apparently. (01:16:16)
And following the incident, they went running back to the teachers in a group, screaming like, we just saw this, we just saw this. And they're describing what happened. And as with other incidents, the teachers separated them and had them draw what they had seen. And they all told substantially the same story. And drew these various pictures that you're seeing here of this object that had landed in the trees. (01:16:49)
And you can see here the entity right on top of the craft up there. And so yeah, it's a very interesting case. It's still being fully explored. And it looks like these ETs came specifically to deliver messages. And I think this is what's happening here. They are coming to schools because they know that children are open-minded. They learn very quickly. (01:17:19)
They're kind of vulnerable in a way that allows them to soak up knowledge in a way where adults aren't as easily influenced or impressed, I guess would be the better word of saying it, on these various ideas that are trying to get across. (01:17:32)
So yeah, some amazing drawings of all these craft and ETs that they saw. And I do want to play for the closing part of this lecture a little slide, or I mean I'll slide a little five-minute segment of the witnesses speaking about what they saw. So let's just see if I can get this set up real quick. In September 1994, over 60 children from this school in the suburbs of Harare, Zimbabwe, witnessed several objects landing and two beings coming out. (01:18:10)
Just over two months later, John and Dominique came to the scene to work with the children, their parents, and the teachers still suffering from shock. John, who essentially specialized in child psychiatry, devoted a great deal of time to interviewing the children. Something scared you, is that right? Yes. What scared you? The noise. What noise? The noise that we heard in the air. You heard a noise in the air? (01:18:34)
Yes. What was it like? Like a roar, or a buzz, or a hum, or what kind of a noise? It was like someone was playing a flute. It was scaring myself. It was scary because you saw something yourself? Yes. I saw a little object hovering. It was quite big actually, and then there was little ones all rounded. (01:19:05)
We saw something silver, and then we quickly ran to the logs and we saw a silver thing, and we saw a man standing next to it. What did it feel like when he was looking at you? I felt scared. It felt scared? What was scary about it? I felt scared because I've never seen such a person like that before. Did you see the eyes? (01:19:25)
What did they look like? They were like that. Where was the pointy part? It was the pointy part in here, or was the pointy part up there? And what was the feeling when you looked at the eyes? It was scary. And what was scary? Why? What made it scary? The eyes looked evil. Evil? And what was evil about them? Say what you mean by evil. It looked evil because it was just staring at me. (01:20:08)
With what? Staring at you as if what? As if to do what? As if it wanted to come and take us. As if it wanted to come and take you. That was the feeling you got? That it wanted you to go with it? Did you feel like you wanted to go with it? No. Did you feel... what was the effect on you when you felt it wanted to have you go with it? I just walked away and I started crying. (01:20:36)
They came running up here in such a panic and I mean even if we had staged it they could not have run all together like that. Even if we practiced it I don't know how many times. They came up here like a living snake and they just came, we were in a staff meeting and we just heard them screaming, screaming, and then they were here, you know, and a child can't make that up. (01:20:56)
I was very sceptical in the beginning as well. I believed that they'd seen something but I wasn't prepared to accept that it was anything supernatural or anything like that. (01:21:07)
But I think the consistency of what's been going on indicates that it was more than I was prepared to admit in the beginning. Both of them were running. One was running in the trees and the other one was running across the ship because there were also trees here. Mm-hmm. The eyes were like more pointed as they came in toward the center of the head, is that right? (01:21:32)
No, more circular. And this was all black. All black. Now you made pupils. Did they actually have pupils or? White. The pupils were white like that. You saw white in the center? Yes, like that. Was he near the silver object or was he far from it? He was on top. On top of the silver object, okay. And did you look at him? Yes. (01:21:56)
Did he look at you? Yes, then he gave me the creeps and I stopped looking at him. Gave you the creeps. Actually in your drawing you showed him standing up, didn't you? Yes, I had to draw him standing up because I couldn't draw him sitting. What I thought was maybe the world was going to end. Maybe they were telling us the world's going to end. (01:22:17)
Why do you think they might want us to be scared? Maybe because we don't look after the planet and the air properly. Is this an idea that you have had before, that we don't look after the planet properly and the air? Or did this idea come to you when you had this experience? When I had this experience. And how did that idea come to you from this experience? This is a little hard but try to be with me here, okay. How did this idea come to you when you had this experience? (01:23:11)
I just felt all horrible inside. You felt horrible. At what point did you feel that? When you saw the craft or when you got home at night? When I got home. You had that horrible feeling when you got home? Yes. And say more about that horrible feeling, Lisa. What was it like? It was like the world, all the trees will just go down and there will be no air and people will be dying. (01:23:45)
And those thoughts came to you, had you had those thoughts before this experience? No. No. And how did those thoughts come to you? Did they come to you from the craft or from? From the man. The man. And the man, did the man say those things to you? How did he get that across to you? Well, he never said anything. It's just that the face, it's the eyes. (01:24:17)
What was the sense you got from those eyes? He was interested. They describe these experiences or these events like a person talks about something that has happened to them. And when you're talking with a psychotic who's telling you something and it's a delusion and you feel that it really didn't happen, I can tell. I mean, I know this is something that a person wants me to believe or they're frightened or they're distorting reality in some way. (01:25:01)
There's nothing like that here. These are people of sound mind by and large telling me something that's very, they know that I might think they're crazy and so they're a little concerned about telling me and they're very full of questioning themselves and doubt and I mean the way and then they describe something very real and intense, a light or something happened to their body or it's the whole quality of the way they talk about it is the way a person talks about experience that happened to them. (01:25:30)
All of a sudden it was just like imaging going through my head of a message, trying a communication I describe it as I guess a telepathic communication. There was no talking. I remember being very captivated by the eyes and in that moment, however long it was because I have no idea of the time frame, it was just it was mesmerizing. (01:26:02)
It was absolutely captivating. As soon as I saw it I knew that this was something from another planet or something from out of this worldly space. (01:26:09)
People need to know there is something else out there. So yeah, pretty amazing stuff. What I think the takeaway from these school yard UFO encounters is, is that yes, UFOs are targeting our schools. I think there's no doubt about it. These are very extensive encounters. I think the ones I've presented here, the ones I've collected, probably just the tip of the iceberg. (01:26:56)
I know there's four or five major cases. I found 40 or 50. I'm guessing there's probably several hundred that we haven't heard about and hopefully that we'll become more aware of this and next time children come running in from the school yard and saying that there's a UFO landed on the playground, we don't laugh at them and we go check and look. (01:27:23)
These encounters are affecting these children still to this day. I think that's the purpose. This is why ETs are doing it. They're influencing people, catching them while they're young and impressionable and getting these ideas across. The number one message when someone is taken on board a craft, the most common thing that happens is being physically examined. But if the do talk to a person, they give messages and they generally fall into three categories. (01:27:46)
One is about alternative energy. They'll take people to the engine room and show them how it works. They will give messages about healing or spirituality, channeling past lives, out of body experiences, hands-on healing, this sort of thing, psychic development. But aside from that, the single most common message that people receive is what exactly these children here at Rua Zimbabwe are saying. Messages about the environmental destruction of our planet. (01:28:16)
They seem to be very intent on getting this message across to people. And if the adults aren't going to listen, maybe the children will. And so this is definitely something that they're doing very regularly all over the planet, all across the United States. I've got cases in Canada, England, Wales, France, several in South America, Africa, Australia, Russia. Found a bunch of cases just yesterday in China, which I didn't have time to stick into here. (01:28:49)
But yeah, it's a worldwide phenomena. And I'm not worried about it. I don't think there's anything nefarious about this. I think they're just trying to get the message across to people while they're young that it's important that we take care of our planet. And I think that's what their real agenda is for hovering over schools. I'm speculating here, but this is what the messages that are coming across from the students. (01:29:12)
So yeah, next time your kid comes running in and says they've seen a UFO while they were at school, as incredible as it might sound, this is definitely a thing that's happening all over our planet. Preston, thanks so much for a great presentation. Hey, thank you. (01:29:27)