Kenneth Arnold のラジオ証言音声: UFOs は不規則に上下動していた
この UFO の機動について、"weaving" という表現をしている。"their movement to saucers skipping on water" (*1) という別の証言を考慮すると、脈動するようにあるいは不規則に、上下動する様子を表現している。
I climbed back up to 9,200 feet and I noticed to the left of me a chain which looked to me like the tail of a Chinese kite, kind of weaving and going at a terrific speed across the face of Mount Veneer.
Kenneth Arnold は更にまた、以下のようにも証言している。
- 9体の UFO は、あたかも電気的に作用しあって連結しているかのように同じように動いていた。
when they moved they seemed to move together so if a piece went down it seemed to affect them all so they were 42:26 almost connected even though he couldn't see anything that was connecting them electronically 42:32 the waves whatever it was they were one connected unit and he said it looked like they were sailing or jutting along 42:39 it wasn't like a smooth thing they were moving in this fashion
- 嵐の波間を漂う船のように上下に揺れていた。 and what they say here it seemed to have a wavering motion and swayed back 44:56 and forth in its course through the heavens like a vessel at sea in a storm it sounds 45:02 almost exactly like what rainier uh what arnold was saying about this craft 45:07 in rainier in 1947. um so 45:13 do they have a habit of showing up there is this where they're from what's
ref: Daniel Liszt : Kenneth Arnold の目撃した UFOs の挙動の詳細 → この UFO はたぶん自然現象 (2022-06-28)
"Arnold would state he likened their movement to saucers skipping on water"
ref: In an interview with CBS Newsman Edward R. Murrow on April 7, 1950, Arnold explained: "In the excitement of it all ... nobody knew just exactly what they were talking about ... They said that I said that they were saucer-like; I said that they flew in a saucer-like fashion", see: Sagan, Carl (1997), The Demon-Haunted World: Science As a Candle in the Dark, Ballantine Books, p. 70, ISBN 0-345-40946-9
ref: Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting - Wikipedia
Kenneth Arnold のタイトルの証言は重要。なぜなら、
❑ Norman Gagnon : 眼下に見えた「12個ほどの連なった orb」が蛇のように動き、ジェット旅客機の真横に飛来した (2023-07-20)
とも共通している。さらには、Steve LaPlume が 1981-01-09, UK で目撃した UFO の挙動(*2)とも共通している。
こういった証言は、これらの UFO が自然現象であることを強く示唆している。
別記事で参照するが、以下は注目に値する。まず、ラ・プルームとパーマーは空を上下に動く光を見た。それはまるでミシンの針のような速さだった。 (01:22:11)
First, La Plume and Palmer watched a light moving up and down in the sky. It was like a sewing machine needle moving that fast. (01:22:11)
ref: ❏ 1981-01-09, UK : Steve LaPlume の証言。基地司令が去った後に巨大 UFO が上空に出現(途中 3) (2024-03-29)
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
そして今日の午後、スタジオにケネス・アーノルドという人物をお招きすることができ、大変光栄に思っている。 (00:03:59)
ケネス、まずマイクに近づいて、昨夜、そして今朝もホテルの部屋で話してくれたように、そこで何をしていたのか、そしてこの事件がどのように始まったのかを、あなた自身の言葉で話してほしい。 どうぞ、ケネス。
さて、約2時15分、私はヤキマに向かう途中、ワシントンのチェハリスを離陸した。もちろん、ベニア山の近くの国の上空を飛ぶたびに、我々は発見されていない海兵隊機を探すのに1時間か2時間を費やす。 (00:04:36)
その地域はおよそ、あるいはその標高はおよそ10,000フィートに位置し、私はベニア山の近くを1回掃引し、峡谷の1つを下って、海洋船であることを証明するかもしれないあらゆる種類の物体のためにそれを引きずっていた。 その渓谷から15分ほどで、ベニア山から25マイルから28マイルほど離れていた。 (00:05:02)
私は9,200フィートまで登り返し、私の左側に、中国の凧の尾のように見える鎖が、ヴェネール山の山肌を横切って、ものすごいスピードでうねりながら進んでいるのに気づいた。 雁のように飛んでいたので、最初は雁かと思ったが、あまりの速さにすぐに気が変わり、編隊を組んだ新型ジェット機の群れと判断した。 (00:05:31)
飛行機がベニア山の端まで来て、南へ約160度で飛んでいた。その日はとても晴れていて、彼らの目的地がどこなのか分からなかったので、私は彼らの時計を計ろうと思った。しかし、彼らの時計を計るためにセントヘレンズ山とアダムス山があったという事実のために、私は彼らがどれくらいのスピー ドで飛んでいるのか見てみようと思った。 (00:05:58)
そして、彼らはまるで鏡のように太陽の下で反転し、点滅しているように見えた。 (00:06:04)
実際、僕はたまたま太陽からの角度にいて、プレキシガラスのフロントガラス越しに見ると、ほとんど目が見えなくなるような形で、この奇妙な形のものの上部に当たっているように見えた。 さて、私がかわいい秒針時計でそれらを見始めたのは、3時1分頃だった。 そして彼らを見続けながら、尾っぽを探し続けた。 (00:06:37)
しっぽはなかった。 私は思った、たぶん私の目がおかしいのだと。 飛行機の向きを変えて窓を開け、窓の外を見てみると、案の定、尾翼は見当たらなかった。 そして、この特別な船の観測は2分半も続かなかった。 彼らが翼を傾けたように見えたとき、あるいはそれが何であったにせよ、太陽が彼らを照らしたとき、私は彼らをはっきりと見ることができた。 (00:07:07)
パイ皿を半分に切ったような形をしていて、後ろが凸の三角形になっている。 私は、尾翼だけが緑か茶色か何かに塗られたジェット機だろうと思い、あまり深く考えずに彼らを見続けた。 まあ、彼らは我が軍で教えられるような通常の隊形では飛んでいなかった。 彼らは山頂の真上で織ったり消えたりしているようだった。 (00:07:36)
何度か渓谷に降りていったこともあったね。 しかし私は、レーニア山の雪を背に、そしてアダムズ山の雪を背に、彼らが閃光を放ち、レーニア山とアダムズ山の間にある高い尾根を背にしているのを見ることができた。 しかし、最後の1個がアダムズ山を通過するのを観測したとき、私はそこからレーニア 山に近い角度にいたが、時計を見ると1分42秒を示していた。 (00:08:12)
まあ、それでも、かなり速いな、と思ったし、2つの山の間の距離がどれくらいか考えるのを止めなかった。 ワシントン州ヤキマに降り立つと、アル・バクスターが出迎えてくれた。 でも彼は、もしかしたら僕が彼の知らない何かを見たのかもしれないと、ちょっと不思議そうな顔をしたんだ。 (00:08:38)
ペンドルトンに着くまで、そのことは忘れていたよ。地図を見て、寸法を測り始めたんだ。 レーニア山からアダムス山までの距離を2分くらいで走ると、1分間に25マイルくらいになるからだ。 (00:09:03)
私の知る限りでは、ドイツのロケット以外でこれほど速く飛ぶものはない。 (00:09:18)
これらは多かれ少なかれ、水平で一定の高度を飛んでいた。 上昇も下降もしなかった。 僕は笑って、当時のパイロットに、追い風が吹いていたに違いないと言ったんだ。 しかし、私の知識と記述の限りでは、それが私が実際に見たものであり、AP通信社に言ったように、聖書を手にして喜んで確認する。 (00:09:57)
この24時間、それが何なのか不思議に思って電話をかけてきたみんなと同じように、僕にとっても謎なんだ。 ケニス、どうもありがとう。 この24時間、あなたは確かに忙しかったと思う。私自身もあなたと一緒に時間を過ごしたことがあるし、AP通信やユナイテッド・プレスといった記者協会があなたの後をずっと追っていたことも知っている。 (00:10:25)
全米のAP通信と連合通信がこの記事を追いかけている。 すべてのニュース番組で放送され、私が知る限りすべての新聞に掲載された。 ポートランドのユナイテッド・プレスは、今朝、ここペンデルトンに、私にも、そしてあなたにも何度も電話をかけてきたし、ニューヨークからも、彼らはこの記事を追っていると聞いている。 (00:11:05)
私は、ユナイテッド・プレスが今、ニューヨークから陸軍と海軍と一緒にそれについてチェックしていることを理解している。 ケネス、スタジオに来てくれてありがとう。 今日の午後か夕方、ニューヨーク、シカゴ、ポートランド、そして全米のユナイテッド・プレスの視聴者と直接交信しているユナイテッド・プレスのテレタイプから何か情報が入れば、それを放送する。 (00:11:47)
The disk also appeared too flimsy to carry a man. Now, back to Taylor Grant in New York. There was important activity within the UN Security Council today. Newscaster and every newspaper across the nation has made headlines out of it, and this afternoon we are honored indeed to have here in our studio this man, Kenneth Arnold, who we believe may be able to give us a firsthand account and give you the same on what happened. (00:03:59)
Kenneth, first of all, if you'll move up here to the microphone just a little closer, we'll ask you to just tell in your own fashion, as you told us last night in your hotel room and again this morning, what you were doing there and how this entire thing started. Go ahead, Kenneth. Well, at about 2.15, I took off from Chehalis, Washington, en route to Yakima, and of course, every time that any of us fly over the country near Mount Veneer, we spend an hour or two in search of the marine plane that's never been found, that they believe is in the snow someplace southwest of that particular area. (00:04:36)
That area is located at about, or its elevation is about 10,000 foot, and I had made one sweep in close to Mount Veneer and down one of the canyons and was dragging it for any types of objects that might prove to be the marine ship. And as I come out of the canyon there, it was about 15 minutes, I was approximately 25 to 28 miles from Mount Veneer. (00:05:02)
I climbed back up to 9,200 feet and I noticed to the left of me a chain which looked to me like the tail of a Chinese kite, kind of weaving and going at a terrific speed across the face of Mount Veneer. I at first thought they were geese because it flew like geese, but it was going so fast that I immediately changed my mind and decided it was a bunch of new jet planes in formation. (00:05:31)
Well, as the planes come to the edge of Mount Veneer, flying at about 160 degrees south, I thought I would clock them because it was such a clear day and I didn't know where their destination was, but due to the fact that I had Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams to clock them by, I just thought I'd see just how fast they were going, since among pilots we argue about speed so much. (00:05:58)
And they seemed to flip and flash in the sun just like a mirror. (00:06:04)
And in fact, I happened to be at an angle from the sun that seemed to hit the tops of these peculiar-looking things in such a way that it almost blinded you when you looked at them through your plexiglass windshield. Well, it was about one minute to three when I started clocking them on my sweet second-hand clock. And as I kept looking at them, I kept looking for their tails. (00:06:37)
They didn't have any tails. I thought, well, maybe something's wrong with my eyes. I turned the plane around and opened the window and looked out the window and sure enough, I couldn't find any tails on them. And the whole observation of these particular ships didn't last more than about two and a half minutes. And I could see them only plainly when they seemed to tip their wing or whatever it was and the sun flashed on them. (00:07:07)
They looked something like a pie plate that was cut in half with sort of a convex triangle in the rear. Now, I thought, well, that maybe their jet planes with just the tails painted green or brown or something and didn't think too much of it but kept on watching them. Well, they didn't fly in a conventional formation that's taught in our army. They seemed to kind of weave in and out right above the mountaintops. (00:07:36)
And I would say that they even went down into the canyons in several instances, oh, probably a hundred feet. But I could see them against the snow, of course, on Mount Rainier and against the snow on Mount Adams as they were flashing and against a high ridge that happens to lay in between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams. But when I observed the tail end of the last one passing Mount Adams and I was at an angle near Mount Rainier from it, but I looked at my watch and it showed one minute and 42 seconds. (00:08:12)
Well, I still thought, well, that's pretty fast and I didn't stop to think what the distance was between the two mountains. Well, I landed at Yakima, Washington, and Al Baxter was there to greet me and he told me, I guess I better change my brand. But he kind of gave me a mysterious sort of a look that maybe I had seen something he didn't know. (00:08:38)
Well, I just kind of forgot it then till I got down at Pendleton and I began looking at my map and taking measurements on it. And the best calculation I could figure out, now, even in spite of error, would be around 1,200 miles an hour because making the distance from Mount Rainier to Mount Adams in, we'll say, approximately two minutes, it's almost, well, it'd be around 25 miles per minute. (00:09:03)
Now, allowing for error, we can give them three minutes or four minutes to make it and they're still going more than 800 miles an hour and to my knowledge there isn't anything that I read about outside of some of the German rockets that would go that fast. (00:09:18)
These were flying in more or less a level, constant altitude. They weren't going up and they weren't going down. They were just simply flying straight and level and I laughed and I told the pilot at the time, I said, they sure must have had a tailwind, but it didn't seem to help me much. But to the best of my knowledge and the best of my description, that is what I actually saw and like I told the Associated Press, I'd be glad to confirm it with my hands on a Bible because I did see it and whether it has anything to do with our army or our intelligence or whether it has to do with some foreign country, I don't know. (00:09:57)
But I did see it and I did clock it and I just happened to be in a beautiful position to do it and it's just as much a mystery to me as it is to everyone else who's been calling me the last 24 hours wondering what it was. Well Kenneth, thank you very much. I know that you've certainly been busy these last 24 hours because I've spent some of the time with you myself and I know that the press associations, both Associated Press and our press, the United Press, has been right after you every minute. (00:10:25)
The Associated and United Press all over the nation have been after this story. It's been on every newscast over the air and in every newspaper I know of. The United Press in Portland has made several telephone calls here to Pendleton, to me and to you this morning and from New York, I understand, they're after this story and we may have an answer for it before night because if it is some new type of army or navy secret missile, there will probably be a story come out on it from the army or navy asking, saying that it is a new secret plane and that will be all there is to it and they will hush up the story or perhaps that we will finally get a definite answer to it. (00:11:05)
I understand the United Press is checking on it out of New York now with the army and also with the navy and we hope to have some concrete answer before nightfall. We certainly want to thank you, Kenneth, for coming into our studio. We feel very pleased that this news, which is making nationwide news across the country, we are able to give our listeners over KWRC a firsthand report direct from you of what you saw and we urge our listeners to keep tuned to this station because any time this afternoon or this evening that we get something on it on our United Press teletype, which is in direct communications with New York, Chicago, Portland, in fact, every United Press viewer across the nation, we'll have it on the air. (00:11:47)
Invasion: UFO Encounters and Alien Beings
95,600 views Apr 26, 2012