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Joseph McMoneagle : ICBM 基地上空に出現した全長 100m の UFO を軍が偶然写真撮影。その UFO の遠隔視を行った (差替)

· 29 min read



私は任務として公式に UFO を遠隔視した唯一の Star Gate Program のメンバーだ。

ICBM 基地上空に出現した 100m の UFO を軍が偶然、写真撮影した。4 000 マイル/時、14000 ft 上空、直角に方向を変化させた。

軍は、私(Joseph McMoneagle)にその正体を遠隔視するように依頼した。

私が行った遠隔視の結果と軍の UFO 観察情報は一致した。UFO の形状は斜めにギザギザが見えた。

遠隔視で、その UFO 内部に ET がいるのが見えた。

58:00 彼ら(の本当の姿は)は(グレイなどのような) ET ではない。彼らは外部環境保護服(environmenttal protective suits)を着ているから(グレイのような) ET に見える。それを私は skin suit (皮膚服)と呼んでいる。

その UFO 内部を何度か、繰り返し遠隔視して、見えたのが下の光景。


この光景について 3か月も考えていたが、ある夜中、気づいた。それは空の箱の角だと。UFO 内部の ET が遠隔視をしている私に気づき、わざと私に空の箱の角を見せたのだと。それに気づいてからは、UFO の内部の他の光景も断片的に見えてきた。


UFO の内部を遠隔視したら、その内部にいた ET に(未来から)遠隔視していることを気づかれた…という他の証言は下の過去記事でも取り上げた。

・Courtney Brown がインタビューで語った話の中から興味を惹いた部分のみざっと紹介する。いまさらインタビュー動画を見返す気はないので、既に曖昧になりつつある記憶だけが頼り。なので信頼度はそれなり。気になるひとは動画を観るべき。

  • 1997年にアリゾナ州上空に出現し、大勢が目撃した巨大 UFO を遠隔視した。その遠隔視では UFO 中の ET がいるのが見えた(上のホワイトボードのスケッチを参照)。この ET は遠隔視実演者の存在を感知し、遠隔視実演者の視線へ姿勢を向きあわせた。そして遠隔視実演者と(テレパシーで?)コミュニケーションを行った。ET は遠隔視実演者の質問に答えて UFO の移動方法などを教えてくれたと。

  • 遠隔視の対象が人間の場合、遠隔視実演者の存在を(遠隔視されている人間が)感知することはかつて一度も起きたことがない。だが、ET の場合には過去にも同様のことが起きている。

  • 重要な事は、遠隔視を実演したのは 2015年で、遠隔視の対象となった UFO の中の ET は 1997年だったという事。そしてこの 1997年当時の ET は 2015年の未来から遠隔視されていることを理解していた(遠隔視実演者に理解している事を告げた)。

ref:「1997年3月13日、アリゾナ州の大勢が目撃した巨大 UFO」を遠隔視したら… (+追加2) (2015-09-30)


このような(UFO の内部の ET が未来から遠隔視されていることに気づいた)事例は、たぶん事実ではない筈。遠隔視は、それが十分に機能している時は、ある種の変性意識状態(=意識機能が正常状態から逸脱している状態)になっている。それゆえに、事実とはかけ離れた夢想的シーンを見たのだろう。


退行催眠中の abductee に、ET に対して質問をさせることで過去の abduction 体験内容それ自体が(時間を遡って)変化した…そう Grant Cameron は主張してる。


Kerry Cassidy:Phoenix Lights の UFO の中の ET と Courtney Brown らが通信した件 (途中:その2) (2017-09-03)

Grant Cameron は Barbara Lamb や Mary Rodwell の証言を元にタイトルの主張をしているが、ほぼ間違いなく彼らの認識は間違っている。

つまり、Barbara Lamb や Mary Rodwell が退行催眠中に投げかけた質問によって

  • (a) 過去の出来事が実際に変化した…のではなく、

  • (b) 以前には無かった ET の反応という「偽の記憶」を生じさせた


ref: Grant Cameron : 退行催眠で abductee の過去の体験内容を時間を遡って変更することができた。 (途中:その3) (2020-11-09)

▼音声書写(自動生成) 展開

i was the only 52:46 the only remote viewer in the stargate 52:48 program 52:49 formally tasked with remote viewing 52:52 a ufo that was accidentally photographed 52:57 by overhead 53:00 tasked with photographing an icbm site 53:04 an intercontinental ballistic missile 53:05 site 53:07 during the photographing of that 53:08 particular target 53:10 they caught a vehicle uh 53:14 approximately 300 feet across flat as a 53:17 pancake 53:18 that made a 90 degree turn at over 4 000 53:22 miles per hour 53:24 at 14 000 feet over that particular 53:26 target 53:28 they have no idea that particular agency 53:30 has no idea what it is 53:32 and so they decided to task us with it 53:36 to see if we would see it or have a 53:38 response to it 53:40 i was asked to do the remote viewing 53:43 and uh i did and i did an excellent 53:46 remote viewing of the icbm site 53:48 the intercontinental ballistic missile 53:50 site and at the same time 53:54 um noticed at some point in the viewing 53:57 that something had passed 53:59 in front of my face i had been asked to 54:03 describe and draw the target which was 54:06 the icbm site 54:08 they said please please draw or describe 54:11 your target 54:12 from an altitude of approximately 14 54:15 000 feet looking obliquely at the ground 54:19 target 54:20 that's the way i was asked to respond 54:23 and that's the way i 54:24 did and at some point said i had a sense 54:27 that something passed in front of my 54:29 eyes 54:31 uh my remote viewing monitor who was 54:34 also blind to what we were working on 54:37 thought 54:38 at that point that i had probably seen 54:42 the top secret vehicle that had taken 54:44 the pictures of the icbm site 54:47 so he thought it would be really cool 54:50 if i was to describe or draw 54:54 this highly classified 54:57 whatever that had taken the photographs 54:59 of the icbm 55:00 site so he asked me to do that 55:05 and what i basically drew was a 300 foot 55:10 disc oblique with 55:14 serrated edges that 55:17 i described as making a 90 degree right 55:20 turn at approximately 3990 miles per 55:25 hour 55:26 at about 13 500 feet which match their 55:30 data 55:33 the other thing that that i said is that 55:36 it was manned and that the 55:40 uh the entities manning it uh 55:43 were unaffected completely unaffected by 55:46 the turn 55:48 by the speed or by their the movement of 55:50 their vehicle 55:52 which meant that they were probably 55:53 traveling in some form of singularity 55:58 and i had some other experiences later 56:00 when i attempted to 56:02 retarget the vehicle 56:06 i was i was distracted by 56:10 some things for instance i was asked to 56:14 [Music] 56:15 to retarget the vehicle i'm gonna try 56:18 something here 56:20 and what i initially got 56:24 i'm gonna draw it hold it up to the 56:26 camera so you can see it 56:28 so the audience can see it i was asked 56:32 to draw 56:33 my perception and i got this 56:37 and it took me approximately three 56:39 months to figure out what that 56:42 is i kept getting it over and over and 56:45 over 56:45 repetitively and after three months 56:49 i woke up in the middle of the night 56:51 knowing suddenly exactly what that was 56:54 it's what i believe to be the inside or 56:57 outside corner of an empty box 57:00 so these entities i believe know when 57:04 they're being targeted 57:05 psychically and they give us something 57:07 to play with 57:08 which is basically an empty box 57:11 and the reason i can say that with some 57:13 authority 57:15 is because since i've come to that 57:17 realization 57:19 what i get when i'm retargeted on that 57:21 particular 57:22 target now is boxes 57:25 i don't get the corners anymore i've 57:28 grad 57:28 graduated to the boxes 57:32 but what i also don't talk about is 57:35 once in a while 57:39 i catch them unawares so i get a glimpse 57:42 once in a while of different things bits 57:45 and pieces 57:46 of the interior of the vehicle and the 57:49 entities within it 57:51 and i've been collecting that material 57:53 for quite some time now 57:55 and i can safely say that 57:58 what we in our experience see 58:02 is not really aliens when there's an 58:05 interaction when someone has an 58:07 interaction with these aliens and 58:09 and they all describe basically the same 58:11 thing 58:12 the reason they're describing the same 58:15 thing 58:16 is because they're not seeing the aliens 58:18 they're seeing them dressed in their 58:20 environmental protective 58:22 suits they all wear 58:25 an environmental protective suit for 58:28 when they're in our environment 58:30 and part of that are lenses to protect 58:33 the eyes they 58:36 cover the mouth the nose the ears 58:40 or at least most of the those 58:43 appendages to the point that they don't 58:47 appear to be fully functional and 58:50 i call them skin suits or protective 58:52 suits 58:54 and i've come to that conclusion based 58:57 on collecting the information over many 59:00 years 59:01 [Music] 59:03 some of the other things that um 59:06 become apparent to me as well with 59:09 regard to 59:12 these possible crash vehicles and


Tracking The Extraterrestrials... Remote Viewing The E.T. Presence on Earth! 2021-02-08

(2021-02-12 end)

(2024-10-14 begin)

既に上の動画は消されている。そこで Google が自動生成した音声書写を元に、AI (ChatGPT-4o)で句読点を復元し、それを和訳したものを以下に添付する。なお、DeepL(2024-07 version)でも試したが実用にならなかった。

▼DeepL(2024-07 version) 展開

私はスターゲイト・プログラムの唯一のリモート・ビューワであった その特定のターゲットの写真撮影の間に、彼らはパンケーキのように平らで、その特定のターゲットの上の14 000フィートで、時速4000マイル以上で90度のターンをしたおよそ300フィートを横切っている車両を捕らえた 彼らは、その特定の機関がそれが何であるか見当がつかず、それで そのため、私たちがそれを見たり、それに対する反応を見たりできるかどうかを確認するために、私たちにその任務を課すことにした。私はリモート・ビューイングを依頼され、それを実行した。そしてある時、目の前を何かが通り過ぎたような気がした、と言った。遠隔視認モニターもまた、私たちが取り組んでいることが見えない状態だった。私が基本的に描いたのは、鋸歯状のエッジを持つ300フィートの円盤で、時速約3990マイルで、高度約13500フィートで90度右旋回すると描いた。例えば、車両を再ターゲットするために [音楽] を要求されたとき、私はいくつかのことに気を取られた。それは空っぽの箱の内側か外側の角だと私は信じている。その実体は、自分が精神的に狙われていることを知っていて、基本的に空っぽの箱である何か遊びをくれると私は信じている。そして、私たちの経験上、私たちが見ているものは本当のエイリアンではないと断言することができる。彼らは皆、我々の環境にいるときのために環境保護スーツを着ている。その一部には目を保護するレンズがあり、口や鼻、耳、あるいは少なくともそれらの付属器の大部分を覆っている。

AI による句読点復元+和訳

以下は Youtube の動画から Whisper で英語話者の発言を文字起こししたものです。句読点が欠落しています。この句読点が欠落した文字起こした英文から句読点を復元した上で、和訳して。


i was the only the only remote viewer in the stargate program formally tasked with remote viewing a ufo that was accidentally photographed by overhead tasked with photographing an icbm site an intercontinental ballistic missile site during the photographing of that particular target they caught a vehicle uh approximately 300 feet across flat as a pancake that made a 90 degree turn at over 4 000 miles per hour at 14 000 feet over that particular target they have no idea that particular agency has no idea what it is and so they decided to task us with it to see if we would see it or have a response to it i was asked to do the remote viewing and uh i did and i did an excellent remote viewing of the icbm site the intercontinental ballistic missile site and at the same time um noticed at some point in the viewing that something had passed in front of my face i had been asked to describe and draw the target which was the icbm site they said please please draw or describe your target from an altitude of approximately 14 000 feet looking obliquely at the ground target that's the way i was asked to respond and that's the way i did and at some point said i had a sense that something passed in front of my eyes uh my remote viewing monitor who was also blind to what we were working on thought at that point that i had probably seen the top secret vehicle that had taken the pictures of the icbm site so he thought it would be really cool if i was to describe or draw this highly classified whatever that had taken the photographs of the icbm site so he asked me to do that and what i basically drew was a 300 foot disc oblique with serrated edges that i described as making a 90 degree right turn at approximately 3990 miles per hour at about 13 500 feet which match their data the other thing that that i said is that it was manned and that the uh the entities manning it uh were unaffected completely unaffected by the turn by the speed or by their the movement of their vehicle which meant that they were probably traveling in some form of singularity and i had some other experiences later when i attempted to retarget the vehicle i was i was distracted by some things for instance i was asked to [Music] to retarget the vehicle i'm gonna try something here and what i initially got i'm gonna draw it hold it up to the camera so you can see it so the audience can see it i was asked to draw my perception and i got this and it took me approximately three months to figure out what that is i kept getting it over and over and over repetitively and after three months i woke up in the middle of the night knowing suddenly exactly what that was it's what i believe to be the inside or outside corner of an empty box so these entities i believe know when they're being targeted psychically and they give us something to play with which is basically an empty box and the reason i can say that with some authority is because since i've come to that realization what i get when i'm retargeted on that particular target now is boxes i don't get the corners anymore i've grad graduated to the boxes but what i also don't talk about is once in a while i catch them unawares so i get a glimpse once in a while of different things bits and pieces of the interior of the vehicle and the entities within it and i've been collecting that material for quite some time now and i can safely say that what we in our experience see is not really aliens when there's an interaction when someone has an interaction with these aliens and and they all describe basically the same thing the reason they're describing the same thing is because they're not seeing the aliens they're seeing them dressed in their environmental protective suits they all wear an environmental protective suit for when they're in our environment and part of that are lenses to protect the eyes they cover the mouth the nose the ears or at least most of the those appendages to the point that they don't appear to be fully functional and i call them skin suits or protective suits and i've come to that conclusion based on collecting the information over many years [Music] some of the other things that um become apparent to me as well with regard to these possible crash vehicles and




I was the only remote viewer in the Stargate program formally tasked with remote viewing a UFO that was accidentally photographed by overhead, tasked with photographing an ICBM site—an intercontinental ballistic missile site. During the photographing of that particular target, they caught a vehicle, uh, approximately 300 feet across, flat as a pancake, that made a 90-degree turn at over 4,000 miles per hour at 14,000 feet over that particular target. They have no idea—that particular agency has no idea—what it is, and so they decided to task us with it to see if we would see it or have a response to it.

I was asked to do the remote viewing, and, uh, I did, and I did an excellent remote viewing of the ICBM site, the intercontinental ballistic missile site. And at the same time, um, I noticed at some point in the viewing that something had passed in front of my face. I had been asked to describe and draw the target, which was the ICBM site. They said, "Please, please draw or describe your target from an altitude of approximately 14,000 feet, looking obliquely at the ground target." That’s the way I was asked to respond, and that’s the way I did. And at some point, I said I had a sense that something passed in front of my eyes.

My remote viewing monitor, who was also blind to what we were working on, thought at that point that I had probably seen the top-secret vehicle that had taken the pictures of the ICBM site. So he thought it would be really cool if I was to describe or draw this highly classified, whatever that had taken the photographs of the ICBM site. So he asked me to do that, and what I basically drew was a 300-foot disc, oblique with serrated edges, that I described as making a 90-degree right turn at approximately 3,990 miles per hour at about 13,500 feet, which matched their data.

The other thing that I said is that it was manned, and that the entities manning it were unaffected—completely unaffected—by the turn, by the speed, or by the movement of their vehicle, which meant that they were probably traveling in some form of singularity. And I had some other experiences later when I attempted to retarget the vehicle. I was distracted by some things.

For instance, I was asked to [Music] retarget the vehicle. I'm gonna try something here, and what I initially got—I'm gonna draw it, hold it up to the camera so you can see it, so the audience can see it. I was asked to draw my perception, and I got this, and it took me approximately three months to figure out what that is. I kept getting it over and over and over, repetitively. And after three months, I woke up in the middle of the night knowing suddenly exactly what that was: it’s what I believe to be the inside or outside corner of an empty box.

So these entities, I believe, know when they're being targeted psychically, and they give us something to play with, which is basically an empty box. And the reason I can say that with some authority is because since I’ve come to that realization, what I get when I'm retargeted on that particular target now is boxes. I don’t get the corners anymore—I’ve graduated to the boxes. But what I also don’t talk about is once in a while, I catch them unawares, so I get a glimpse once in a while of different things—bits and pieces of the interior of the vehicle and the entities within it. And I’ve been collecting that material for quite some time now.

And I can safely say that what we, in our experience, see is not really aliens. When there’s an interaction, when someone has an interaction with these aliens, and they all describe basically the same thing, the reason they’re describing the same thing is because they’re not seeing the aliens. They’re seeing them dressed in their environmental protective suits. They all wear an environmental protective suit for when they’re in our environment, and part of that are lenses to protect the eyes. They cover the mouth, the nose, the ears, or at least most of those appendages to the point that they don’t appear to be fully functional. And I call them "skin suits" or "protective suits," and I’ve come to that conclusion based on collecting the information over many years.

Some of the other things that, um, become apparent to me as well with regard to these possible crash vehicles and...










(2024-10-14) 書式変換、文字起こし+和訳 の差替

(2021-02-12) 作成。Joseph McMoneagle : ICBM 基地上空に出現した全長 100m の UFO を軍が偶然写真撮影。その UFO の遠隔視を行った。
