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Stan Gordon: orb が畑に火を付けた事例 (差替)

· 13 min read


Stan Gordon が彼の近刊本の宣伝を兼ねて登場し、彼が収集した様々な事例を語っている。過去記事で取り上げた事例もあるが日本語訳をつけておくので有用な筈。

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)

つまり、あなたは、これは何だと思う?これについて何か推測していることはある?もう少し話を聞いてみたい。これは何だと思う?これはボールなのか?ボール・ライトニングではないだろう?自然現象か?そうは思わないね。 (0:10:35)

でも、こういうのってどれくらい続くんだろう?ボール・ライトニングは短時間のものだろう?この光の玉はどのくらい続くのだろう? (0:10:39)

数分間続くこともあるし、加速して遠ざかることもある。だから、ほんの数秒の出来事ではないんだ。このような状況は一年中あり、報告も寄せられるが、UFOは、これから具体的に話すように、奇妙な光の球体である。 (0:11:03)

天候に恵まれず、嵐もなく、明確な活動もなく、この種のものが出現する条件はない。そしてまた、これらの天体のいくつかは単なる光源ではなく、より強固で金属的に見えるケースもある。今年の4月、4月6日にも実に興味深いものがある。これはフェイエット郡で起きたもので、ジム・ブラウンが調査した。彼は事件発生から45分以内に現場に到着した。 (0:11:29)

ある男性とその妻が外にいて、これは午後3時ごろに起こった。彼らは畑に出て、一輪車を持って、表土を掘り、地面に穴を埋めていた。 (0:11:53)

そして、フェンスラインから10フィートほどしか離れていないその物体が、ゆっくりと彼らに近づいてくるのを見た。それがだんだん近づいてくるにつれて、彼らはこれが気球ではないことに気づく。しかし、かなり近づくにつれ、爆発したようだと彼らは言った。 (0:12:11)

そしてその物体から地面に小さな稲妻のようなものが放たれたという。小さな爆竹のような爆発音がして、火花のような音がした。火花は畑に小さな火をつけ、すぐに消し止めた。そして、その物体の通り道に沿って100フィートほど離れたところが、彼らに向かって移動していることに気づいた。それはまた別の小さな火で、彼らはそれを消しに行った。信じられないことだ。 (0:12:35)

すごいことだ。 彼らは唖然としていた。しかしジムは45分以内に現場に到着した。残留物も残骸も全くない。爆竹かマイラー風船が爆発したのなら、そこらじゅうに残留物があるはずだ。現場には何もなかった。 目撃者にはこれが固形物に見えたのだろうか?それとも光の現象のように見えたのだろうか? (0:12:56)

私の理解では、それは銀色で円形で、固形物のように見えた。そして、彼らがそれを見ているうちに、物理的に輝度が増していった。 でもその後、爆発したように見えた。 そう、そしてそれは僕にとっても非常に珍しいものだった。 火を噴いたんだ。火事になった。 数年前にも、そこから数キロ離れた場所で起きたんだ。 (0:13:24)

もちろん目撃者も違う。しかしこれは2019年の11月のことだった。メイソンタウンの近くだった。430年ごろのある男性が、自宅へ向かうために道路を走っていると、目の前に直径2フィートほどの球状の物体が地面に落ちているのが見えた。 (0:13:52)

そして彼は気づいた、そうか、これが何であれ、大きなボールのようだ。それなら外に出て、これを動かさないといけない。彼が車のドアを開け、突然それに向かって動き出すと、その物体は突然消え始め、消え去り、彼がそこにたどり着く前に消えてしまった。 (0:14:11)

信じられないような話だ。長年の研究で、このような話をいくつも読んだことを思い出す。一般的なUFOレポートを読んでいると、時折このような球体のレポートに出くわすことがある。 (0:14:24)



▼文字起こし 原文 展開

And, I mean, what do you, what do you think this is? Can I ask you what you're, have you speculated about this? I'd like to hear some more of these stories. But what do you think is, what is this? Is this a ball? This can't be ball lightning, can it? Like a natural phenomenon? I wouldn't think so. (0:10:35)

But how long do these things last? Ball lightning is a brief kind of a thing, isn't it? How long do these, do these balls of light last for? (0:10:39)

Well, sometimes it's for several minutes, so they move away, or sometimes they accelerate, or they go up into the sky, or they go off into the woods and just keep going. So it's not something that takes place just for a few seconds. And, and these types of conditions, we're having them in, again, all year round, reports come in, but UFOs, like we'll talk about specifically right now, these strange spheres of light. (0:11:03)

We don't have the weather conditions, there's no storms, there's clear activity, there's no conditions for this type of thing. And again, some of these objects appear not to be just light sources, but there's some cases where they appear to be more solid and metallic. But here's another really interesting one, April of this year, April 6th. And this, and it's up in Fayette County, and Jim Brown investigated. And he got on the scene of this case within 45 minutes after it happened. (0:11:29)

So it's, it's a nice day, a man and his wife are outside, this occurred around three o'clock in the afternoon, they're out in their field, they have their wheelbarrow, they're digging some topsoil, filling some holes in the ground, when suddenly they see about 50 feet away, what they thought at first was a mylar balloon, they see the silver circle object about two feet in diameter. (0:11:53)

And they watch this thing, it's only about 10 feet above the fence line, slowly moving towards them. And as it gets closer and closer, they realize this is not a balloon, this object is now getting physically brighter and brighter as it gets closer. But as it gets quite close to them, they said it like exploded. (0:12:11)

And they said there was like a small lightning bolt shot from the object to the ground. It's the explosive sounds like that of a small firecracker followed by a snap like a spark. The spark started a small fire in the field, which they immediately put out. And they noticed that about 100 feet away along the path of the object was moving towards them. It was also another small fire that they went and put out. That's incredible. (0:12:35)

That's amazing. They were stunned. But Jim gets out there within 45 minutes, he gets to the scene. There's no residue or debris at all. Had he had a firecracker or a mylar balloon exploded, there should have been residue everywhere. There was nothing whatsoever at the scene. Did this thing look like a solid object to the witnesses? Or did it look more like a light phenomenon? (0:12:56)

My understanding was that it was silver and circular and looked like a solid object. And it physically got more intense and luminosity as they were looking at it. But then it seemed to kind of explode, as it were. Yeah, and then that was a very unusual one for me, too. It started a fire. It started a fire, no less. Yeah, and there was another case a few years ago, up in several miles from there. (0:13:24)

Of course, different witnesses, too. But this was in November of 2019. And this was near the Mason Town area. And a man around 430, he was riding down the road to get to his home when in front of him, he sees this object about two feet in diameter on the ground, a spherical object on the ground. (0:13:52)

And he realizes, well, whatever this thing is, it looks like a big ball. Then I'm going to have to get out there and I'm going to have to move this thing. So as he opens the car door and he starts to suddenly move towards it, the object begins to suddenly fade away, vanish and disappears before he gets to it. (0:14:11)

These are incredible stories. I recall reading a number of these in over many years of research. You know, when you're reading about UFO reports in general, every now and then, one would come across these types of reports of these spheres. (0:14:24)

The ones that I recall reading the most were like a dull orange color frequently. And they're around, I think they're probably around the world. They're definitely around the United States. I recall reading several of someone driving along a California highway back in, I think, the 70s. That's a long time ago. (0:14:51)


Balls of Light, UFOs, and BIGFOOT - Interview w/Stan Gordon | The Richard Dolan Show


Dec 7, 2022 #Bigfoot Richard Dolan interviews Stan Gordon, one of the most experienced and respected UFO researchers in the world. Stan has spent more than 60 years actively studying UFOs and has operated perhaps the longest-running UFO hotline in the world in Western Pennsylvania. Stan is also a leading researcher of Sasquatch or Bigfoot and is not afraid to discuss potential connections between UFO and Bigfoot sightings. This interview discusses the phenomenon of seemingly intelligent balls of light and then moves into a deep dive into Bigfoot. Part two of this interview is available exclusively at

Visit Stan Gordon's home page:


(2024-10-12) 書式変換(FC2Blog → markdown:GitHub)。文字起こし+和訳の差替(最新版 AI)。

(2023-06-12) 追加。Google 謹製の文字起こしを破棄し、Whisper AI で差し替えた。❑ Stan Gordon : 直径 60cm の orb が畑に火を付けた(+差替)

(2022-12-12) 作成。 Stan Gordon : orb が畑に火を付けた