

UFO 関連


1987, UK:lkley Moor で撮影された ET の写真

· 約31分



後日、これらの写真をもとに、この ET の正体をについて推測した記事を記載する予定。


現地(Ilkley Moor)の写真が下。

Moje wycieczki w Yorkshire i nie tylko: Wrzosowiska w Ilkley, Ilkley Moor http://mojeyorkshire.blogspot.com/2016/02/wrzosowiska-w-ilkley-ilkley-moor.html


The 1987 Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph - Ghost Theory https://www.ghosttheory.com/2015/03/13/the-1987-ilkley-moor-alien-photograph

原文+和訳(DeepL new model)

1987年イルクレイ・ムーア・エイリアン写真 - 幽霊説


1987年、イルクレイ・ムーアで撮られたエイリアンの写真 - ゴーストT イングランドにある寒く荒涼としたムーア(湿原)として知られるイルクレイ・ムーアは、日が沈んだら立ち入りたくない場所です。凍えるような寒気が地面を包み込み、辺りが暗くなると、不気味な霧が立ち込めます。何キロにもわたる湿った孤立した土地を蛇行する危険な小道があり、奇妙な光が報告されている場所です。1987年の冬、元警察官が試験用小道で前方に立っている奇妙な生き物に出くわした場所。人型生物に驚かされたフィリップ・スペンサーは、なんとかその生き物の写真を1枚だけ撮ることができた。以下は、イルクレイ・ムーア・エイリアン写真の未解決の謎についての物語である。

The 1987 Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph

The cold and dreary moorland in England known as Ilkley Moor is a place in which you don’t want to get stuck after the sun goes down. When a freezing chill begins to sink low to the ground and the surrounding darkness is met with an encroaching menacing fog. A place where hazard-friendly trails snake through acres of wet, isolated land and where strange lights have been reported. A place where in the winter of 1987 a former police officer encountered a strange creature standing up ahead on a trial path. Startled by the humanoid being, Philip Spencer managed to snap a single photograph of the creature. What follows is the story of the unsolved mystery of the Ilkley Moor Alien photograph.






The Sighting

Philip Spencer is a pseudonym for the former police officer who early one December morning decided to hike across the moor to visit his In-laws. Having heard stories of strange lights that have been spotted near the Ilkley Moor, Spencer took with him his camera to capture them on film. He had also taken with him a compass to help him navigate through the early morning fog.

Coming upon a small hill he noticed something odd moving just up the trail ahead of him. As Spencer looked on, he realized that the mysterious figure looked humanoid. He raised his camera, pointed and clicked.

Just then the being raised its arm, as if waving him away, and then began to move down the trail. Disappearing out of Spencer’s sight. Curious, the former police officer started to make his way up the narrow path in chase of the mystery creature.

Just as he reached was reaching the top of the trail he stopped in his tracks. In the close distance, a large dome topped craft lifted up from the moor and rose out of sight into the morning sky. He did not take a second photograph, Shocked at what he had just seen, Spencer quickly made his way to the nearest village.




Lost Time

About half hour after the sighting, Spencer made it to the village. Along the way he had noticed that his compass was broken. It pointed south instead of north, which was the complete opposite of where Spencer was. Thinking nothing of it, he continued into the village only to stop again when he glanced at his wrist watch. It was an hour behind of what he knew the time should have been.

A whirlwind of worried thoughts swirled through Spencer’s head as he began to question his sanity. What had he seen out in the lonely moorland that morning and what happened to the missing time?










The photograph


When Spencer developed the photograph he was shocked to see that he had captured exactly what he claimed to have encountered out in the moor. A short human-like creature with a bulbous head and long, thin arms.

Spencer contacted Peter Hough, a well known UFO researcher, and told him of his experience that December morning. Immediately upon examining the print, Hough thought of it as intriguing enough to be studied. He sent the photograph to the Kodak laboratories in Hemel, Hempstead for further analysis. Of which the only conclusive result was that whatever the creature or object is, it is definitely in the original photograph. Meaning it was not proven to be a superimposed image.


Hough examined the compass next. He did not find anything out of the ordinary about it so he decided to have the compass checked for radiation at a local University. The results came back negative. As far as everyone was concerned, there was nothing wrong with the compass.


The above photograph shows UFO researcher Arthur Tomlinson standing in the exact spot where the ‘creature‘ stood.





The Nightmares & Hypnosis

Shortly after the sighting, Spencer began to tell Hough about strange “starry dreams” that he was experiencing. Hough, being familiar with abduction cases and missing time, suggested to Spencer that he go under hypnosis. A session was scheduled on March 16th, 1988 with Dr. Jim Singleton and UFO researcher Arthur Tomlinson.

What follows is part of the transcripts and commentary (in parenthesis) from Peter Hough from the session that night:


S– 去年の12月1日に荒野を歩き出したときのことを思い出してください。そのときのことを思い出して、もう一度体験してください。体験したことを話してください。

Spencer– 荒野を歩いていると、風が強く吹いている。雲がたくさんある。木に向かって歩いている。


ああ!身動きがとれない。その生き物はまだこちらに向かってくる。 身動きがとれないし、何もかもがぼやけて見える。 宙に浮いているような感じだ。下に降りたい!

でも降りられないし、そんなの嫌だ。 角を曲がると、緑のものが目の前にある。

ああ、神様!下に降りたい!(長い沈黙)(呼吸が速くなる) そこには、大きな銀色の円盤のようなものがあり、その中にドアがある。


JS - 何も見えないと言ったのですか?

スペンサー - うーん!何も見えないし、何も聞こえない。

(短い間)今、明るい光が見える。 どこから来ているのかわからない? 変な部屋にいる。恐れることはない、という声が聞こえる。

もう恐くはない。 まだ緑のものが見えるが、もう恐くはない。

テーブルの上に置かれている。 動きたいと思えば動けるが、もう怖くはない。ポールのような梁が頭上にあるが、こちらに向かって上がっている。







JS– 今何が起こっているか教えてくれる?

Spencer– ドアに向かって歩いている。まだ明るい光がある。周りが光でいっぱいだ。どこから来ているのか知りたい。周りがとにかく明るい。

廊下を歩いていると、窓がある。 うわっ、嘘だろ!(驚きの声)本物なのか? (ため息) (間) (恐怖の表情) ここにいたくない、下にいたい?

また声が聞こえる。恐れることはない、と言っている。 きれいだけど、こんなにきれいだとは思わなかった。

(ジョンが窓から見ていたのは、アポロ宇宙飛行士が宇宙から眺めたのと同じ、宇宙から高い位置から見た地球だった。 窓を通り過ぎ、今、廊下を歩いている。 (長い沈黙)

JS– 今何が起こっているの?

Spencer– 廊下の端まで来た。 そこに穴が開いているので、そこを通ることができる。大きな部屋にいる。大きな丸い部屋で、壁際の台の上にいる。

カメラとコンパスが僕から離れようとしている。 ボールに向かっていく。


JS– 今何が起こっているの?

Spencer– また廊下を進んでいる。 とても明るい。どこから光が出ているのか知りたい。



JS– この時点で何が起こっているのか教えてくれる?

Spencer– 壁の絵を見ている。(長い沈黙)

JS– 壁の写真?

Spencer– うーん。生き物たちは、その被害に懸念を抱いているようだ。


私は「はい」と答えた。もう時間だ。 すべてが真っ暗になった。 私は再び湿原を歩いている。 いくつかの木の近くを歩いている。 何かが動いている。何かが見える。

緑の生き物だ。私はそれに叫んだ。 それは振り返った。それが何なのかわからない。

私はそれを写真に撮ろう。今振り返った。 それは素早く動いている。それが何なのか知りたい。



JS– 今何が起こっているの?

Spencer– 家に帰ります。 町役場の時計は10時を指しています。 8時だったとは信じられない。

JS– あなたは緑の生き物について話していましたね。 どんな生き物なのか説明してもらえますか?

Spencer– かなり小さいです。 大きなとがった耳をしていて、目は大きいです。


手はすごく大きい。 腕も長い。 足は変な形をしている。

JS– 変な足?

Spencer– 2本の親指がV字型になっているような形をしているんだ。 歩くのは大変だろうね。

彼は歩くというより、よちよち歩く感じだ。 見た目は奇妙だけど、怖いとは思わない。

JS– 手が大きいと言ったね。 それについて、もっと詳しく教えてくれる?

Spencer– ソーセージみたいに、3本の大きな指があるんだ。 ビッグソーセージ。 とにかく大きいんだ。 僕の手よりも大きい。

JS– これらの生き物の身長はどのくらいだと思いますか?

Spencer– 120センチくらいです。お腹のこぶしくらいの高さです。 私のお腹と同じくらいの高さです。

JS– わかりました。他に質問してもいいですか?映画についておっしゃっていましたよね?

Spencer– 映画は2本ありました。

JS– 2本?

Spencer– 1本目はニュースのような破壊のシーンがたくさんありました。 川に流れ込む大量の廃棄物や、飢餓に苦しむエチオピアの人々など、多くの場面を見ることができます。 あまり良い内容ではありません。

JS– その映画について、何か他に言いたいことはありますか?

Spencer– 内容はほとんど同じですが、少し違います。

JS– では、もう一方の映画についてはどうですか? それについて話してもらえますか?

Spencer– 話してはいけないことになっています。

JS– それについてはあなたにすべてお任せします。そのことについて何か言いたいことはありますか?

Spencer– 他の映画については誰にも話してはいけないことになっています。彼らに知られてはいけないことなのです。

JS– 他に何かありますか?

Spencer– いいえ。


S– I want you to cast your mind back to the 1st December last year when you set off across the moor. I want you to clear your mind back to that and I want you to re-experience that. I want you to tell me what you experienced.

Spencer– I’m walking along the moor, oh! its quite windy. There is a lot of clouds. Walking up towards some trees.

I see this little something, can’t tell, but he’s green it’s moving up towards me.

Oh! I’m stuck I can’t move and the creature still coming towards me. I’m stuck and everything gone fuzzy. I’m, I’m floating along in the air I want to get down!

I still can’t get down and I don’t like it. I’m going round this corner and this green thing is in front of me.

Oh God! I want to get down! (long pause) (breathing faster) There’s a there is a big silver saucer thing there’s a door in it.

And I don’t want to go in there. (worried sound in his voice) (sigh) Everything gone black now. (pause).

JS– you say everything gone black?

Spencer– Mmm! I can’t see anything like I’m asleep, can’t hear anything.

(short pause) There’s a bright light now. Can’t see where it’s coming from? I’m in a funny sort of room I can hear this voice saying don’t be afraid.

I don’t feel afraid anymore. I can still see this green thing but I’m not afraid anymore of it.

I’m being put on a table. I can move now if I want to, but I don’t feel frightened any more and there’s a beam like a pole it’s above me it’s moving up toward me.

It’s got a light in it like a fluorescent tube. It’s coming up from my feet I can hear that voice again saying “we don’t mean to harm you and don’t be afraid.

” Makes me feel warm as it moves up me it’s coming up over my stomach towards my head.

Close my eyes I don’t want to look at it in case it hurts my eyes.

It’s gone! (pause) there is something my nose feels funny (shows movement of nose) that’s gone as well, I’m standing up now I don’t know how I got stood up?

I can see a door there is one of these green creatures motioning for me to come with him.

Don’t really want to go with him. I’d rather stay here I don’t feel afraid in here (pause).

JS– Can you tell me what’s happening now?

Spencer– I’m walking towards a door there is still a bright light there is light all around want to know where its coming from its just bright all around.

Walking down a corridor there is a window. Oh! God!(sounds shocked)is that real? (deep sigh) (pause) (sounds afraid) don’t want to be up here want to be down there?

I can hear that voice again saying you’ve got nothing to fear. Its pretty though didn’t realize it looked so pretty.

(What Jon was looking at through the window was the earth seen from high in space just like the Apollo astronauts saw. I’ve gone past the window now I’m walking down a corridor. (long pause)

JS– What’s happening now?

Spencer– Come to the end of the corridor. There’s a hole opened in it so I can walk through. I’m in a big room-a big round room, I’m on a raised platform against the wall.

My camera and compass are trying to get away from me. Going towards the ball.

It’s difficult to pull them back down again, and this balls moved round with strange its got some blocks on it he says we cant stay in here to long he wants us to go out again the holes closed in the wall its gone strange he says I’ve got nothing to fear but Id still like to go home (pause) its got such big hands.

JS– What’s happening now?

Spencer– Going down a corridor again. Its very bright still I wish I knew where the light was coming from.

And there is another door, going through a door it’s an empty room two of those green creatures have come with me.

There’s a picture ,it’s starting to move on the wall wonder how they get the pictures?

JS– Can you tell me what’s happening at this point?

Spencer– I’m looking at the pictures on the wall. (long pause)

JS– Pictures on the wall?

Spencer– Mmmm. Creatures seem concerned at the damage that its doing.

Picture changing now there’s another picture, another film he’s asking me a question he says do you understand?

I said yes. It’s time to go. Everything gone black. I’m walking up the moor again, I’m walking near some trees. Some movement – I can see something.

A green creature. I’ve shouted to it. It’s turned round. I don’t know what it is.

I’ll photograph it it’s turned around now. It’s moving quick want to know what it is.

I’m running after it, it’s gone round a corner, I can’t see it now.

There’s … There is a saucer (laughingly), big silver saucer! It’s disappeared? I’m walking on down gone past the trees.

JS– What’s happening now?

Spencer– I’m going home. It’s ten o’clock on the town hall clock. Can’t really understand it was only eight o’clock.

JS– You mentioned some green creatures. Would you try to describe them to me?

Spencer– It’s quite small. He’s got big pointed ears, it’s got big eyes.

They’re quite dark, he hasn’t got a nose he’s only got a little mouth.

And his hands are enormous. And his arms are long. He’s got funny feet.

JS– Funny feet?

Spencer– They’re like a V shape like two big toes. Must be difficult to walk like that.

He shuffles rather than walks. I don’t feel afraid of him although he looks odd.

JS– You mentioned big hands? Can you say anymore about the hands?

Spencer– It’s got three big fingers, like sausages. Big sausages. They’re just very big. Bigger than my hands.

JS– About how tall would you say these creatures are?

Spencer– It’s about four foot. Comes to the lump on my stomach. He’s about as high as – just a bit bigger than my stomach is.

JS– Okay. Now I wonder if I can ask you another question? you mentioned a film?

Spencer– There were two films.

JS– Two films?

Spencer– One was lots of scenes of destruction like on the news. Can see lots of waste going into the river, and people like Ethiopians who are starving. It’s not very good, it’s not very nice.

JS– Want to say anything more about that film?

Spencer– It’s much of the same thing, only different.

JS– What about the other film then? Do you want to tell me about it?

Spencer– I’m not supposed to.

JS– I’ll leave that up to you entirely, do you want to say anything about that?

Spencer– I’m not supposed to tell anyone about the other film, it’s not for them to know.

JS– Is there any thing more?

Spencer– No.


スペンサー氏が1987年に体験したことは、典型的な誘拐事件であったと推測せざるを得ない。 失われた時間、磁気障害、繰り返し起こる悪夢は、すべてそのことを示すものであるようだ。スペンサー氏の不気味な証言と、その日見たものの写真証拠があるという主張を合わせると、宇宙人による誘拐事件として完璧なシナリオだ。


Real or Hoax?

We’re left with the assumption that what Mr. Spencer experienced in 1987 was a typical case of abduction. The missing time, magnetic disturbances and reoccurring nightmares all seem to be indicative of that. Combined with Mr. Spencer’s eerie account and his claim of photographic evidence of what he saw that day, it’s a perfect recipe for an alien abduction case.

However just because a laboratory from Kodak determines that the original photograph does not show signs of superimposing or any other photo manipulation it does not mean that it’s proof positive of the existence of alien creatures on our planet. For all we know Mr. Spencer might have been a crafty man with a lot of spare time, hoping to pull one over on the world.
