

UFO 関連


Preston Dennett:着陸した小型 UFO に触れた事例

· 約161分


Preston Dennett の解説動画から。

case 1 と case 5 が「着陸した小型 UFO に触れた事例」に相当する。

この動画から幾つかの事例を既に過去記事で取り上げたが、DeepL の和訳性能がかなり向上したので、ついでに動画全体の和訳も記録しておく。


case 1



case 5


20240730_ufo_touch_case5.jpg 20240730_ufo_touch_charles_cozens_case5.jpg

Preston Dennett による要約


case 2


case 3


case 4


case 6


case 7


case 8


case 9


case 10


case 11


case 12





"A UFO Landed Right Next to Me!" Twelve True Cases


10,900 views Jul 22, 2023


One of the rarest kinds of UFO encounters is when a craft lands on the ground. But the fact is, there are thousands of cases on record like this. They reach back decades up to the present day. They come from all over the world. Many have multiple witnesses and a wide variety of physical evidence including animal reactions, landing traces, EM disturbances, medical effects and more. These cases make it clear that UFOs are technological advanced machines. Here are a dozen cases of this kind which show just how strange and fascinating the UFO phenomenon can be.

case 1

APR 7, 1950, AMARILLO, TX: When David Lightfoot (age 12) and his cousin Charles Lightfoot (age 9) went fishing by their home, they saw an odd object zoom overhead, circle around, and then land next to them. It was only a few feet wide. David ran up to the craft and touched it as it took off. Afterward, his arms and face were red and covered with welts.

case 2

NOV 3, 1960, PRICE COUNTY, WI: Two eight-year-old boys (Douglas Fox and Mr. Gehring) decided to test their new bow and arrow out in the wilds near their home. Hearing a weird noise and feeling a blast of heat, they looked up and saw a flying saucer land on the hill next to them. They ran up to it, at which point it took off. The ground at the site was still hot.

case 3

JUL 19, 1965, VAUCLUSE BEACH, NSW, AUSTRALIA: Denis Crowe was taking a walk along the beach when he saw a glow ahead and heard barking dogs. As he approached, he saw that the light was a silver saucer-shaped craft resting on short landing legs. He got to within 60 feet, at which point it shot upwards, leaving burned marks on the ground.

case 4

MAR 1, 1966, CARSON CITY, MI: Two seven-year-olds were walking in a field near their home when they came upon a huge, silver, cigar-shaped craft. Heat waves were coming off it. As they walked up to it, it took off in a weird zigzag maneuver. On the ground they found crushed, burned grass and strange holes.

case 5

MAR 29, 1966, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA: Charles Cozens (age 13) watched in awe as two strange craft landed directly behind the local police station. He approached one of the craft and actually touched it. It felt smooth and metallic, but as he touched it, an electric arc three feet long zapped him on the hand, causing a burn.

case 6

MAR 29, 1966, ANCHORAGE, AK: It was many years after the incident when a young man remembered his childhood encounter with a UFO that landed on the street right in front of his house. The craft was about 50 feet wide and had a little ladder leading down to the ground. Unknown to the witness, his own brother watched from the house.

case 7

AUG 26, 1968, GLEESON, AZ: Pearl Christensen was driving home when she saw two large craft landed on the peak of the nearby 7200-foot-high Brown’s Peak. She watched them through binoculars for almost 4 hours. Another witness also saw them. Later, researchers went to the landing spot and found landing marks and burned vegetation on the site.

case 8

MAR 13, 1975, MELLEN, WI: The Baker family could hardly believe their eyes when they saw a classic, silver flying saucer with colored lights and a dome on top landed on the street right next to their home. They called the police, but the craft departed. But the next few days, the craft returned and was seen by many people, including police officers.

case 9

Nov 10, 1978, KUWAIT: Seven oilfield workers got the shock of their life when a UFO landed next to the Al Sabriyah oil pumping station, knocking it off-line. It was as big as a jumbo jet and remained there for 7 minutes. An investigation revealed sightings both before and after. One man even photographed the UFO. The case went to the highest levels of govt.

case 10

Nov 27, 1978, LEEDS, ENGLAND: Lynsey Tebbs and Susan Pearson (both age 14) were walking near their homes they saw a UFO hover overhead and then land right next to them. They turned to run, but the craft took off. They stopped and watched it land again. Researchers arrived and discovered strange landing traces. Then the govt showed up!

case 11

MAR 30, 1995, TRANSVAAL, SOUTH AFRICA: Jan Pienaar was driving along a country road when he came upon a landed UFO right in the middle of the road. His truck engine failed, and he became paralyzed. The craft, he saw, had a gaping hole in the side. Shortly later, the craft took off, leaving behind scorched marks. Other people in the area also saw UFOs.

case 12

APR 10, 2002, CROSSVILLE, TN: A teacher woke up early in the morning and saw a 20-foot-wide metallic craft floating on the surface of the lake. She watched it for one minute, then went to get her husband. When they returned, the craft was gone. Later she saw an object exit the lake, and further events revealed that she was having direct contact.

These cases show that UFOs are physical machines utilizing an advanced technology far beyond our own. These cases leave no doubt that we are being visited. They are only a small sampling of the huge number of cases involving UFO landings.

PRESTON DENNETT WEBSITE: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/

Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(new model)

皆さん、こんにちは。プレストン・デネットです。UFOと超常現象の新エピソードへようこそ。 今日のエピソードは、UFO着陸事件についてです。 そして、実際に私は、UFOが私のすぐ隣に着陸したと表現しています。 ここで注意点を述べておきます。私が「私のすぐ隣」と言う場合、ほとんどの場合、200フィート以内のことを意味します。 (00:00:22)

なぜなら、もしUFOがあなたのすぐ隣に不時着したら、おそらくあなたは完全に焼け焦げてしまうでしょう。 これらのケースでは、人々は不時着したUFOに遭遇し、実際に着陸するのを目撃し、駆け寄りました。そして、これらのケースの多くでは、着陸を目撃しただけでなく、離陸も目撃しています。 これらは本当に興味深いケースで、UFO現象について多くのことを語っていると思います。 (00:00:47)

興味深いのは、これらのうちのいくつかは地球外からのものではないのではないか、むしろ、おそらく秘密裏に行われている政府によるリバースエンジニアリングの産物ではないか、と私は疑っているからです。 この件については、皆さんご自身で判断していただければと思いますが、私はこれらの事例は重要であり、UFO現象の本質、そしてリバースエンジニアリングについて重要な洞察を与えてくれると考えています。 これらの事例は、1950年代から2000年代までさかのぼります。 (00:01:23)

つまり、何十年にもわたっているのです。私はさまざまな場所を取材するのが好きなので、これらの事例は世界中から集まっています。 これは世界的な現象であることを示しています。つまり、これらの事例は、アメリカ、カナダ、アフリカ、ヨーロッパ、オーストラリアなど、世界中から集まっているのです。 地理的にも広範囲にわたっています。 これらのケースの中には、もちろん着陸の痕跡や、場合によっては生理的な影響を示す物理的証拠が含まれているものもあります。実際、これらのケースのいくつかでは、生理的な影響が見られます。 (00:01:56)

実際、これらのケースのいくつかでは、人々が実際に宇宙船に触れそうなほど近づいたこともあります。本物のUFOであろうと、リバースエンジニアリングされた宇宙船であろうと、私が推奨するものではありません。確かに、人々がUFOに近づいたケースでは、ショックを受けたり火傷をしたりしたため、後悔しています。 つまり、私が言っているのは、これらのケースは本当に興味深いということです。 これらは、空に浮かぶ異常な光を単に目撃した以上のものです。 (00:02:24)

これらは、人々が誤認するはずがないほど近くにあります。 UFOはすぐそばにいて、ほとんどのケースでは、これから見るように典型的な空飛ぶ円盤であることが確認できます。

case 1

では、さっそく始めましょう。私は12のケースを持っています。たくさんの情報があります。 その中には非常に興味深いものもあり、最初に話したいのは、テキサス州アマリロでのUFO着陸です。 (00:02:53)

私はこの事件が大好きです。1950年代に起きた初期の事件だからです。複数の目撃者がいます。 興味深い生理的影響があることが後でわかりますが、これは実際にアメリカの航空機を逆アセンブルしたものかもしれないという理由で、かなり物議を醸しています。 しかし、結論は皆さんご自身で判断してください。この事件は1950年4月7日に起こりました。 主な目撃者は、12歳のデイビッド・ライトフットと9歳の従兄弟のチャールズです。 (00:03:26)

つまり、彼らの両親は兄弟姉妹同士です。 (00:03:30)

デイビッドとチャールズは、家の近くで釣りに行くことにしました。 2人のうち1人はリバーロードに住み、もう1人はブルーボネットロードに住んでおり、これはテキサス州アマリロ北部です。 午前11時頃でした。 釣り始めたばかりの2人は、上空に風船が飛んでいるように見えました。 しかし、それが近づいてくると、風船ではないことが分かりました。 それは小さな円盤でした。 実際に速度が減り、2人の頭上をかなり低い位置で通過しました。 (00:04:01)

実際に速度が減り、彼らの頭上をかなり低い位置で通過しました。彼らは、頭上わずか数フィートのところで1周回って、小さな丘の向こうに消えたと言いました。 そのとき、2人の兄であるデイビッドが叫んだのです。「あれはきっと空飛ぶ円盤だ。チャールズ。追いかけてみるよ。」 デイビッドは兄で、かなり体が大きかったのです。 彼はより速く走ることができ、この丘を駆け上がって、その物体が実際に着陸したことを確認しました。 (00:04:26)

彼はそれを青灰色の色だと説明し、上部と下部セクションの間にある空間を除いて、開口部などは一切見られなかったと語りました。 彼自身の言葉で言えば、それは普通の自動車のタイヤほどの大きさで、私のひざ、あるいは30センチほどの高さでした。 (00:05:03)

私ははっきりとそれを見ることができました。 最初にはっきりとそれを見たとき、下部は静止していましたが、上部は非常に高速で回転していました。回転している部分の上部には、紡錘のような突起がありました。スピンドルも動かなかったのです。 スピンドルは底の部分につながっていたのでしょう。 丘を越えてきたとき、それはほんの少し離れたところにありました。私は少し走って、それに飛びつきました。 (00:05:32)

私の指がそれに触れたとき、それはツルツルしていて、蛇のような感触でした。熱かったのです。 私がそれに触れる前に、上部が高速で回転し始め、笛のような音を立てて、温まることもなく飛び立ちました。 まるで糸で吊るされているかのように、飛び立ったのです。ぐらつくこともありませんでした。 (00:05:57)

ですから、それが地上にあったのは1分以上ではありませんでしたが、それが飛び立つと、目撃者はそれがガスかスプレーを噴出したように見え、それがすぐに彼の肌を刺激したと語っています。彼は、それが腕と顔に赤い腫れを起こさせたと言っています。 ですから、2人の少年たちは非常に驚いていました。 彼らは家に駆け込み、両親に話しました。父親たちは、少年たちが実際に非常に興奮していたことを確認し、また、息子の怪我についても確認しました。 (00:06:28)

父親が言うように、今朝家を出たときは、彼の腕は真っ白でした。 今朝はほとんど太陽が照っていませんでしたが、少年たちがUFOについて話しながら家に走って帰ってきたとき、私が最初に気づいたのは、彼の腕と顔が赤く、腫れがあったことです。 (00:06:49)

それで、彼は腕と顔にスキンバームを塗りました。腫れはすぐに治りましたが、赤みは治るのにかなり時間がかかりました。 彼らは新聞記者にインタビューされました。かなり注目を集めました。 しかし、事件から数年後、著名なUFO研究家であり科学者であるジェームズ・マクドナルド博士がデビッドにインタビューを行い、彼らが物体にどれくらいの距離まで近づいたのか、実際に着陸したのか、それとも地上に浮かんでいたのか、そして、もし触れたとしても、その証言にはかなり重大な矛盾があると述べています。そのため、彼はこの事件に少し懐疑的になりました。 (00:07:34)

しかし、確かに興味深い事件です。そう、 ジェームズ・マクドナルド博士は、この事件を否定する可能性があるほどでした。私はそうは思いません。 ライトフットの従兄弟であるこの2人は、確かに何かを目撃したことは明らかです。 つまり、彼らの父親は、この子供が腕と顔に赤みが出ていた事実を確認しており、子供たちは見たものに非常に興奮し、少しトラウマを抱えていたのです。 (00:08:04)

これは確かに興味深い事例です。彼らがそれに近づいた方法、彼らがそれを描写した方法、そしてそれが非常に小さかったという事実を考えると、これは逆エンジニアリングされた航空機である可能性が非常に高いと私は疑っています。 私は分かりませんが、これは確かに興味深い事例です。

case 2

次に私が話したい事例は、ウィスコンシン州プライスシティへの着陸です。 これは非常に興味深いケースで、2人の少年がボウハンティングに出かけ、着陸したUFOを目撃しました。 (00:08:38)

実際に着陸するのを目撃し、離陸するのを目撃しました。 着陸の痕跡、すべてです。 これからご覧いただくように、本当に興味深いケースです。1960年11月3日午後4時頃、8歳の少年2人が、父親からプレゼントされた新しい弓矢を試すために田舎に出かけました。これはシャーリフ・ゲリングです。もう一人の少年はダグラス・フォックスです。 (00:09:05)

丘を越えてくると、彼らは丘を登り、丘を下りていきました。そのとき、彼らは甲高いうなり声を耳にしました。彼らは、その音を電気モーターの音に非常に似ていると表現しました。また、背後から熱風を感じたとも述べています。 背後から聞こえてきたので振り返ると、金属製の大きな物体が、彼らがいた場所の後ろの小さな丘に落下しているのが見えました。 (00:09:33)

そして、彼らがこの物体を説明すると、それは典型的な円盤型で、頂上にドームや丸屋根が付いていました。 彼らは、船窓のようなもの、円周上にいくつか四角形または四角に近い形の窓があるのを見たと言いました。そして、これは普通ではないとわかったので、2人ともその物体のほうに走っていきました。 彼らはすぐにその物体が飛び去ってしまう前に、あまり近づかなかったのですが、飛び去った後、少年たちは着陸地点まで走っていき、地面に倒れこみました。 (00:10:01)

そして、まだ温かいことに驚きました。 彼らはミトンをはめていましたが、ミトン越しに熱を感じることができました。その日はとても寒かったので、彼らは本当に驚きました。少年たちは家に駆け込み、両親にこの出来事を報告しました。そして、そのうちの1人はプライス郡の保安官だったので、ガイガーカウンターを持って現場に戻りました。 (00:10:25)

彼は地面に痕跡も放射能も発見できませんでしたが、少年たちは熱を感じたと言いました。ですから、これは着陸の痕跡の一種だと思います。 しかし、少年たちにインタビューした後、空中現象研究機関の調査員アール・グルメットは、彼らの証言をある程度関連付け、この物体は直径20~25フィート(約6~8メートル)の間にあると推定しました。 少年たちの両親によると、2人とも空飛ぶ円盤について聞いたこともなく、UFOという言葉も使っていなかったそうです。彼らはただ、見たことのない何かだと思っただけだったのです。 (00:11:08)

明らかに、着陸痕跡の件では本当に重大なことが起こりました。そして、そのうちの1人の少年が、実は地元の保安官の息子だという事実。 この件については、信憑性があると思います。しかし、間違いなく、広く知られる価値のある興味深い事例です。

case 3

このコレクションの事例の中で、次に紹介する事例は、私のお気に入りの一つです。 (00:11:33)

私はこれを、オーストラリアのヴォークルーズビーチへのUFO着陸と呼んでいます。 この事例で私が気に入っているのは、主な目撃者が非常に信頼性があることです。 彼は航空機の設計に精通しており、航空会社に勤務していました。 ですから、奇妙な航空機を識別できる人物は、この目撃者しかいないでしょう。 デニス・クロウが着陸したUFOを目撃したのは、午後5時過ぎのことでした。そして、再び着陸したUFOを目撃しました。 (00:12:05)

そして、彼は理想的な目撃者です。なぜなら、彼はイギリスの航空会社の技術アーティストとして勤務していたからです。 彼は航空機の形を知っており、どのように描くかも知っています。これはこの事件に関する本当に素晴らしいことの1つです。 そう、彼はヴォークルーズビーチを散歩していて、彼の目の前で光る物体がビーチに着陸するのを目撃しました。 (00:12:30)

彼が近づくと、近くの犬たちが激しく吠えているのが聞こえました。 さらに近づいていくと、これはただの光ではないことが分かりました。 これは円盤状の物体で、短い脚のようなものがついていました。デニスが自分の言葉で語っているように、その直径は約6メートルでした。 底面から突き出ている脚の部分を含めて、高さは約3メートルと推定されます。 (00:12:59)

縁は緑がかった青に光り、上半分と下半分は鈍い銀灰色でした。 上半分にはガラスドームがあるようにも見えました。 彼は航空機についてよく知っています。この飛行体が非常に珍しいものであることはすぐに分かりました。彼は非常に興味をそそられました。 そこで彼はゆっくりと近づいていき、60フィート(約18メートル)まで近づいたところで、この飛行体が上昇したと言います。そして、非常に素早く、約10秒で、60フィートの距離まで近づいたときに、この物体が上昇しました。 (00:13:30)

そして、非常に素早く、約10秒で、それは上空に消えていきました。そして、デニスが言うように、それは風船から強制的に放出された空気のような音を立てて飛び立ちました。 その音は、ジェットエンジンが発する音とは全く違いました。 私が見たものを見た人がいるかもしれないと思い、辺りを見回しましたが、私と一緒にいたのは10数匹の犬だけでした。 (00:13:53)

物体が静止している間は、犬たちは一斉に物体に吠えていました。しかし、物体が飛び去った後は、犬たちは一斉に静かになりました。 彼はこれを目撃した後、帰宅してすぐに、ご覧のようなスケッチを描きました。 しかし、彼は報告するのをためらいました。人々が彼の話を信じるかどうか分からなかったのです。彼自身が言うように、最初は自分が目撃したことを話すべきかどうか迷いました。 (00:14:19)

ほとんどの人は私を気違い扱いするかもしれませんが、私は黙っていられませんでした。目撃したことを話す道徳的義務を感じました。 そして彼は報告しました。公式に報告し、この件は大きな注目を集めました。 実際、地質学者が着陸地点を調査し、この物体の証拠を発見しました。 (00:14:45)

報道によると、物体が着陸した場所の植物は、高温にさらされたために枯れてしまっていました。 この着陸に関する報告書は、オーストラリア空軍という政府機関にまで届いていました。 それを否定しようとした人物は、デニスが竜巻を宇宙船と間違えたのではないかと言いました。 ばかばかしい話ですが、もちろんデニスはそれを完全に否定しています。 (00:15:17)

デニス氏の体験談は地元紙に掲載され、先程申し上げたように、彼自身の体験談を共有した読者から多くの称賛の声が寄せられました。デニス氏自身も、電話が鳴り止まなかったと語っています。多くの人が彼自身のUFOの目撃報告をするために電話をかけたり、彼が目撃したことに興味を示したりしました。彼には手紙も届きました。 ですから、彼は間違いなく自分の目撃について公に話しましたし、彼自身の言葉どおり、また首を突っ込んでいるのでしょう。 (00:15:47)

しかし、ラテンアメリカなどの場所から報告された目撃例を鑑みると、恐怖を感じた際に指示を与える国際的なグループが存在する可能性はないのでしょうか? つまり、人々がすぐに発砲し、これらのうちの1つが破壊された場合、おそらく100年間戻ってこないでしょう。 私は、それは興味深いコメントだと思いました。 もちろん、その当時から、これらの物体を研究し、もし見かけた場合の対処法に関する指針を示すために、懸命に努力している多くの団体があります。 (00:16:22)

ですから、この事件の目撃者であるデニス・クロウ氏に称賛を贈らなければなりません。 勇気を出して名乗り出たのです。私はこれまで多くの人々にインタビューをしてきましたが、自分の体験を公に報告する勇気を持つ人はほとんどいません。 特にUFOが着陸したというような劇的な出来事であればなおさらです。 しかし、彼はそれをしました。私はこの事件を、他にもいくつかの理由で気に入っています。着陸の痕跡もあります。しかし、彼はそれをしました。そして、私はこの事件を他の多くの理由からも愛しています。 (00:16:47)

着陸の痕跡もあります。動物の反応もありました。そして、結果として、彼は本当に良い反応を得ました。 彼の不安は、ある程度根拠のないものでした。彼が話した人々は皆彼を信じていました。新聞記事が掲載されたときにも、彼は非常に良い反応を得ました。そして、他の人々も彼ら自身の遭遇を報告しました。 (00:17:06)

これが、人々が勇気を出して何が起こったのかを話すことが重要な理由のもうひとつです。 なぜなら、他の人々も同じような経験をしていることは間違いないからです。

case 4

そして、私の主張を証明するもうひとつの事例があります。これはミシガン州カーソンシティのUFO着陸と呼んでいます。 これはMUFONの事例です。かなり短いですが、目撃者の直接的な引用が長く、目撃者が直接見たものを描写しているので気に入っています。 (00:17:34)

かなり短いですが、目撃者の直接的な引用が長く、目撃者が直接見たものを描写しているので気に入っています。このケースはごく短いものです。繰り返しますが、これは1966年3月1日に起こった出来事です。目撃者の言葉をそのまま引用します。目撃者の証言によると、 「快晴の日、いとこと私は7歳でした。 私たちは町の端にある小さな囲まれた場所に入りました。


これはミシガン州カーソンシティで、地面に不審な物体を目撃しました。 竜巻による木の列に沿って、金属製の豚小屋のような破片がいくつかありました。 最初はそれが何かの破片だと思いました。 それに近づくと、ジグザグに急上昇しました。 銀色で、熱波のようなきらめきがありました。特徴を覚えていません。あっという間の出来事でした。 (00:18:28)

母は、私たちはひどく動揺して戻ってきたと言っています。 それで、母は様子を見に行き、コーヒー缶を地面に押し込んだような穴が開いた、平らな焼け跡を見つけました。 怖かったという記憶はありませんが、その後、脚付きの燃料油タンクが怖くて、ずっと平らな鶏小屋の後ろの夢を見続けました。 私は絵を描いて、ずっと前に作成したレポートを更新することにしました。ええ、それがこのケースの本当に興味深いところです。この写真を見ればわかるように、着陸の痕跡がありました。 (00:19:05)

この事件について、もっと証拠があればいいのですが、現実はこうです。 そして、これは間違いなくUFO着陸の優れた報告です。 ええ、非常に短い事件ですが、それぞれの事件がここで何が起こっているのかについての知識を増やすので、重要だと思います。 そして、着陸事件はたくさんあります。 ここでは12件を紹介していますが、実際には何百件、何千件もあります。 (00:19:28)

私は以前、UFO着陸痕跡事件についてすでにエピソードを放送しています。 その内容は繰り返しません。UFO着陸に興味がある方は、ぜひそちらもご覧ください。 しかし、これは別のケースで、これは非常に興味深いものです。というのも、目撃者が実際に着陸する宇宙船を目撃し、それに近づいて触り、ひどいショックを受けたので触ったことを後悔し、それが離陸するのを見たという別のケースだからです。 (00:19:56)

case 5

これはよく調査されたので、非常に興味深いケースです。 これは本物のUFOだったのか、それともリバースエンジニアリングされた宇宙船だったのかという疑問が残ります。 私は後者ではないかと思っていますが、断言はできません。 私はこのケースを紹介するだけですので、皆さん自身で判断してください。 (00:20:19)

この事件は1966年3月29日に、再びカナダのオンタリオ州ハミルトンで発生しました。 主な目撃者はチャールズ・カズンズです。彼は13歳です。 彼は、2つの奇妙な小型の船が、カナダのオンタリオ州ハミルトンのハミルトン警察署の真後ろ、アッパーウェリントン通りの野原に着陸するのを目撃したと語っています。 こちらでご覧いただけます。1966年当時は、この地域はそれほど開発されていなかったと推測されます。 (00:20:56)

しかし、チャールズ・カズンズ氏は、午後9時15分頃にフェンスの後ろに走り、警察署の裏の空き地に、引用符で囲まれた「空飛ぶ船」が降りてきて、その後ろに別の船がすぐについて来たのを見たと言っています。 彼は、その飛行体は白く発光しており、長さは約8フィート、幅4フィート、高さは3フィートで、縁に赤、青、緑のライトが取り付けられており、コンピューターのように明滅していたと語っています。 (00:21:27)

チャールズによると、その物体は周囲の草を照らし、ブーンという音を立てていたそうです。 彼は実際に手を伸ばして触ってみたところ、硬く、触ると異常に滑らかだったと語っています。 彼が言うように、私は熱くも冷たくも感じなかったので、体温程度だったに違いありません。 これらの物体のうちの一つにはアンテナのようなものがありました。 (00:21:55)

そして、チャールズが言うように、それは根元が太く、先端は5セント硬貨ほどの細さになっていました。 彼が手を伸ばしてその物体を触ると、これはお勧めできませんが、彼はアンテナに触れてしまい、かなり強烈な電気ショックを受け、3フィート(約90センチ)の閃光が発生し、手を後ろに弾き飛ばされました。 そこで彼はすぐに家に駆け帰り、両親にその出来事を話し、父親は彼の手に一種の湾曲した火傷があったことに気づきました。 (00:22:31)

チャールズの父親はジェームズのいとこで、チャールズは警察に通報しようと思いましたが、父親のジェームズは、警察に通報するのは重大な問題だと警告しました。しかし、ジェームズが息子のことを言うように、チャールズは断固として譲らず、揺るぎませんでした。 そこで警察に通報し、アーノルド・リード巡査が自宅に呼ばれ、チャールズの手の火傷跡を確認しました。そして、他にも目撃者がいたことが判明しました。 (00:23:02)

他の目撃者2人、10代のラバーンとオーウェン・エメリーは、同じ時間に同じ場所でUFOを目撃したようです。 彼らの父親によると、2人とも見たものに非常に動揺し、その物体は航空機とは全く異なる、うなり声を上げるような音を立てたそうです。 この事件はかなりの注目を集めました。 実際、研究者のジェームズ・マクドナルドはチャールズに直接インタビューを行い、この事件について語りました。 (00:23:37)

ジェームズ・マクドナルドが言うように、私がこの事件について気に入っているのは、実際にUFOが着陸した目撃者は1人だけだったものの、同じ日にUFOを目撃した目撃者が他にもいたことです。彼らは皆、非常にショックを受けており、この事件が深刻な問題であることを非常に懸念していました。 (00:24:06)

つまり、彼らは皆、これが深刻な問題であるという事実に非常に懸念を抱いていたのです。 (00:24:11)

同じ夜、同じエリアでUFOを目撃した目撃者が他にもいました。 これは、UFO遭遇の結果として生じる生理的影響の特に良い例として、研究者ジェームズ・マクドナルドによっても確認されています。 ですから、私がこのケースを取り上げたかったのはまさにそのためです。

case 6

そして、これは私が「UFO アンカレッジ着陸」と呼ぶもう一つのブリーフケースです。 (00:24:41)

そして、これはいくつかの理由で興味深いケースです。 それは非常に簡潔です。 私は、これは単なる着陸以上の何かが関係しているのではないかと疑っています。 しかし、これから分かるように、本当に興味深い記憶の問題があります。 このケースでは、目撃者は何年もそれを完全に忘れていましたが、弟から確認を得ました。弟もそれを見たことが判明しました。 この事件で私が気に入っているのは、UFOが家の前の道路に、大勢の人々の目に触れるはずだった場所に、正確に着陸したことです。 (00:25:17)

ただし、これは午前2時か3時頃の話です。 おそらく、みんな寝ていたでしょう。 しかし、ご覧の通り、非常に奇妙な事件です。 この事件は、まだ解明されていないので非常に興味深いのです。 これは1966年3月29日に起こりました。 目撃者は、郊外の道路の真ん中に着陸したUFOに出くわしたと語っています。 道路の両側には家が立ち並んでいました。 近くに小学校もありました。 (00:25:46)

空港もそれほど遠くない場所にありました。 この目撃は午前3時頃に行われました。 そして、ここからが本当に興味深いところです。 目撃者は、何十年もの間、その出来事を完全に忘れていたと語っています。 彼の言葉をそのまま引用します。 目撃者はこう語っています。「私の記憶では、冬の真夜中に家の真ん中に立っていた。 早朝だったに違いない。 周りに人はおらず、とても静かだった。 (00:26:15)

雪が降ったばかりで、雪に反射した街灯の光がとても明るかった。 私は家の真前に立っていた。 外に出た記憶はありません。 しかし、私の目の前には、おそらく50~60フィート(約15~18メートル)離れたところに、円盤型の宇宙船がありました。 それはゆっくりと回転する上部砲塔を持っていました。 大きさは、およそ3フィート(約90センチ)の直径、2~3フィート(約60~90センチ)の高さでした。 (00:26:40)

その部分には、8角形だったかもしれない窓がいくつかありました。 その飛行機の形は、ティーポットの蓋に似ており、上部は小さく円筒形でした。 脚で支えられていたと思います。 3本だったと思います。中央の下側から地面まで梯子があり、地面までの距離は約4フィートでした。 飛行機の全長は、横が約12~15フィート、高さが約6~7フィートだったと思います。 (00:27:11)

ほとんど音を出さなかった。 彼が本当に覚えているのはこれだけなのです。 これは、彼の中に突然蘇った記憶なのです。 彼はそれがどのように始まったのか、どのように終わったのか知らないのです。 しかし、目撃者は後に、彼の兄弟も同じことを覚えていることを知りました。 彼は兄弟を見たことを覚えていませんが、寝室からこの物体を眺めていたのです。 (00:27:34)

そして、この事件にはもうひとつ興味深い点があります。 この目撃者は、自分の子供時代の記憶がほとんどないと言います。 7年生になる前のことはほとんど覚えていないそうです。 これは彼の家族もよく知っています。家族も説明できませんでした。 家族は皆、彼の子供時代や自分たちの子供時代の記憶を持っています。 しかし、彼にはありません。おそらく、それがこの事件と何らかの関係があるのかもしれません。 しかし、確かに非常に興味深い着陸事件です。 (00:28:04)


case 7

しかし、常に別の事件があります。 私が本当に気に入っている別の事件があります。 私はこれをアリゾナ州グリースンでのUFO着陸と呼んでいます。 (00:28:32)

これはそれほど近くではありません。彼らのすぐ隣に降り立ったとは言えません。 しかし、十分近くで見ることができたでしょう。 私がこのケースで気に入っているのは、これらの飛行体が何時間も地上に留まっていたことです。 目撃者が双眼鏡でそれらを見ることができたのであれば、目撃者は彼女一人だけではありませんでした。複数の目撃者がいました。 そして、彼らは着陸の痕跡も持っていました。 そして、このケースはプロの研究者によって調査されました。 (00:29:00)

この事件には、本当に興味深い点があります。 着陸したのは1968年8月26日のことです。 グリースンという町は、人口わずか数百人の小さな鉱山の町です。 今ではゴーストタウンと化しています。 しかし、当時71歳だったパール・クリスチャンセンがグリースンにある自宅に向かって車を走らせていた午後8時前、標高2,200メートルのブラウンスピークの南側に銀色の円盤のようなものが着陸するのを目撃しました。 (00:29:37)

パールが直接話した内容を引用します。私は自宅の道路のチェーンゲートを下ろしたところ、それを見ました。 私はチェーンをくぐり、5分間車の中に座って、どうしたらいいのか考えました。 私はそれを見ましたが、一側から光の列が続いていました。 トンプソンまで行って報告すべきでしょうか? (00:30:04)

いいえ、そのうち消えてしまうだろうと思って、そのまま運転しました。 しかし、それは消えませんでした。 別のゲートを通ったとき、2つ目の物体が光って金色に見えました。 それは静止していました。 そして時折、2つとも同時に光ることもありました。 パールは研究者たちと話をし、自分の視力は悪くないと主張しました。また、お酒も飲んでおらず、実際に双眼鏡を使って物体を観察することもできました。 (00:30:33)

そして彼女はさらに詳しいことを話してくれました。 彼女は、2つ目の物体は円周上に鮮やかなピンクの帯があり、もう1つの帯は赤から紫、そして金色へと色が変化していたと語りました。 彼女は、物体は少しぼやけて見えるようでも、とても明るく、本当に輝いていたとも語りました。 パールが自分の言葉で語っているように、その明るさを見るのも目が痛かったです。 (00:31:02)

しかし、私はその美しさに興奮していました。 (00:31:05)

私は決して怖くありませんでした。 恐怖心はなく、ただ興奮していただけでした。 興味深いのは、これらの物体が驚くほど4時間近くそこに留まり、パールにそれらを見る十分な時間を与えたことです。 彼女が言うように、真夜中数分前に、それらは消えました。 それらは山頂の背後の谷に後退したように見えました。 もちろん、調査官はパールに事情聴取を行い、近くのフォート・フアチュカ陸軍基地にも問い合わせましたが、基地側は「空軍がその責任を負うべきだ」とだけ述べ、コメントや調査を拒否しました。 (00:31:44)

しかし、パールだけが目撃者ではなかったことは分かりました。 メイフィールド夫人も光に気づいていましたが、最初はそれがガラス戸に反射した明るい光だと考えていたため、あまり気に留めていませんでした。 パールが見たものについて知った後で初めて、彼女は本当に不思議に思ったのです。 パールがメイフィールド夫人と一緒にその場所を訪れたのは、目撃から2日後のことでした。 (00:32:13)

メイフィールド夫人のウィルヤード・メイフィールド氏も同行し、調査したところ、確かに焼け跡が見つかりました。 非常に高い熱にさらされたような跡で、ウィルヤード・メイフィールド氏が言うように、酸のような奇妙な臭いがしました。 それは、私たちが知っているガソリンやディーゼルの匂いとは全く違いました。 山頂の岩も熱く、手に触れられないほどの熱さでした。まるで熱い鉄のようでした。 (00:32:48)

そこで彼らは、この写真をよく観察しました。この写真は研究者が撮影したもので、現場にあったサボテンが根元はひどく焦げていましたが、不思議なことに上部は焦げていませんでした。 直径4~8インチの非常に特徴的な焼け跡を目撃しました。 しかし、この目撃で本当に興味深いのは、これがカッパーベル鉱山のすぐ近くであり、特にアリゾナでは鉱山の上空でUFOが目撃されるケースが多いことです。 (00:33:21)

私は、それが本物のUFOの着陸だったのではないかと疑っています。なぜなら、アリゾナ州には銅鉱山がたくさんあり、特に銅鉱山の上空にUFOが飛来する事例が数多く報告されているからです。実際に、私は「銅鉱山の上空に飛来するUFO」というテーマで1つのエピソードをすべて制作しました。銅鉱山の上空に現れたUFOについて、私はこのエピソードも取り上げるつもりでしたが、この件については知らなかったのです。しかし、これはすごいケースですね。着陸した痕跡から、この地面が過熱していたことがわかります。これは本物のケースのように思えます。 (00:33:54)

case 8

そして、これは本当に興味深いもう一つの事例です。ウィスコンシン州メロンでのUFO着陸事件と呼んでいます。これは驚くべき事例です。なぜなら、一家全員が、自分たちの家の車道に降り立った物体を目の当たりにしたからです。彼らは、その物体をわずか数百フィートの距離から見る事ができ、その物体が十分に長い時間そこに留まったので、その物体をよく観察する事ができたのです。 (00:34:24)

これは本当に驚くべきケースです。1975年3月13日の夜、15歳のジェーン・ベイカーは、いつもと同じように猫たちをガレージに連れて行くことにしました。すると、彼女は奇妙な甲高い音と引用を耳にし、通りを見下ろすと、円盤が見えました。それは典型的な円盤で、色は銀色、周縁部には黄色がかった白の点滅する赤と緑の 円周に沿って黄色がかった四角い光が点滅し、機体の側面には黄色がかった四角い光が点滅していました。



家の中でそれを見ていたのは彼らだけではありませんでした。16歳のモンティと12歳のジョン・ベイカー、そしてもちろん妻のミス・ベイカーが窓からそれを見ていました。数分間それを見ていた後、フィルとジェーンは、 それにかなり近づいていたフィルとジェーンは家に戻って警察に通報しました。


彼女は家の中に駆け込み、コートを手に取り、外に出て呼ばれると、 近づこうとしましたが、犬がキャンキャンと泣き叫び、耳を引っ掻くので、犬を家の中に入れました。外に出ると、犬の姿はありませんでした。ここからさらに興味深い話です。

ベイカー夫妻は、最初に目撃した夜、少なくとも4つの異なる近隣の郡の6人の警察官が、正確に、そして実際に、パトカーの1つの上空を低く旋回し、 ラジオが故障した事実を、保安官ジョージ・リーの下でアッシュランドが確認しました。そして、実際にベイカー家の通報に対応したのは彼でした。彼は着陸船を目撃しませんでしたが、他の保安官に会うために立ち去り、運転中に彼と他の保安官は、4つの物体が飛び交い、色を変えるのを目撃しました。


ベイカー氏の事件は、最終的にレナード・ニモイが司会を務める大人気テレビ番組『In Search Of』で放送されました。レナードは、この事件を特に説得力のあるものとして具体的に引用しました。つまり、多くの目撃者がいるかなり重要な事件だったのです。スポック、レナード・ニモイは、 これは非常に印象的な事件であり、UFO現象に真実があるということを確信させる事件であると述べました。



case 9

しかし、これらの他の事件については、そうだと思います。そして、次にご紹介する事件については、本当に不思議に思います。私はこれを「クウェートへのUFO着陸」と呼んでいます。クウェート、と聞こえましたね。この事件は、報道で大きく取り上げられ、実際にクウェートだけでなく、アメリカ政府の最上層部まで 政府だけでなく、アメリカ政府も関心を寄せました。



巨大なUFOが着陸しました。彼らはそれを円柱形で、上にドームがあり、赤いライトが点滅し、ジャンボジェット機ほどの大きさの物体を説明しました。この物体は、石油ポンプステーションから約25 0ヤード離れた石油ポンプステーションに不時着しました。この物体が着陸すると同時に、電気も通信も完全に遮断されました。この物体が着陸すると、完全に無音だったと作業員たちは言いました。




写真の撮影結果は公表されていませんが、現在、ここにその写真があります。あまり印象的ではありませんが、白い光です。目撃者に話を聞いた上でこれを分析した人々によると、これは航空機であり、報告書によると、 真ん中にドーム状の突起がある円盤で、ネオンサインや蛍光灯のように全体が光っていたそうです。ええ、目撃は11月10日に初めて起こっただけでなく、1979年の1月まで続きました。


case 10



それは全く音を立てず、彼女たちはそれが普通の航空機ではないことにすぐに気づき、非常に恐くなりました。彼女たちは、それを見た瞬間、それは螺旋状に落下する葉の動きをしたと言いました。それは確かに、このようなケースで多く耳にするものです。同時に、彼女たちは、それが下降するにつれ、甲高いうめき声を出し、下降速度を緩め、甲高いうめき声がうなりのような音に変化し、 地面から約30フィートの距離に止まりました。この時点で、少女たちはあまりにも怖くてショックを受けて、動くことすらできませんでした。

彼女たちは、この物体は小型車ほどの大きさで、金属のような灰色に見えたと言っています。2人とも、この物体の内部で誰かが自分たちを観察していると感じ、とても怖くなったそうです。そこで、少女たちは退散することを決め、近くの壁に沿って進み、その影に隠れました。着陸地点はここです。それから少女たちは走り出し、約150フィート走ったところで振り返り、興味津々で その物体が地面から上昇しているのが見えました。





その中央には奇妙な円形の穴がありました。この場所付近で、円錐形の氷の破片を見つけたので、それを拾い上げて穴に入れました。氷の円錐形は明らかにその宇宙船によって引き出されたもので、これは着陸の痕跡として有力なケースです。調査の後、マークとグラハム・バーズソーは、その夜、同じ地域であらゆる点で同じ物体を目撃したと報告した救急車の運転手2人を見つけました。もちろん、運転手は着陸を目撃していませんでしたが、彼らはT.A.ハットフィールド氏と彼の妻にもインタビューしました。 (00:50:08)

T. A. Hatfieldとその妻も、その夜その地域でUFOを目撃したと述べています。この事件には興味深い余波がありました。というのも、後に政府高官が予告なしに現れ、少女たちに事情聴取を行ったところ、彼女たちは目撃について詳しく語ったのです。その後、リンゼイの父親トニー・テッブスが政府高官と話し、他の人も同じものを見たことがあるかと直接尋ねました。すると、高官は「はい、確かにいます」と答えました。


彼らが真実を話していないなら、私は気づいていたでしょう。」父親のトニーが尋ねました。「彼らは何を見たんだ?」政府関係者は答えました。「現時点では何だったのかは言えませんが、あなたと娘たちがこれ以上そのことについて話さないのが一番です。私たちは二度とあなたたちに迷惑をかけたりしませんから、脅しや何かというわけではありませんが、 もし黙っているつもりなら、間違いなくそれは提案です。



case 11


主な目撃者はヤン・ピーナーという農夫で、彼は午前8時30分頃、南アフリカのトランスバール州にあるカリニーとブラーク・スプラウトを結ぶ田舎道を車で走っていました。すると、道路の真ん中に着陸したUFOを発見したのです。ヤンは素晴らしい証言をしてくれるので、彼の言葉を引用したいと思います。言葉と引用 私は道路のカーブを曲がったところで、黒い男が腕で顔を覆い、何かを避けようとしているのを目撃しました。

ちょうどその時、私の新しい小型トラックのエンジンが止まりました。私は顔を上げると、信じられない光景を目にしました。道路の80メートルほど先に、3つの着陸ポッドに支えられた巨大な宇宙船が立っていたのです。それは道路の幅いっぱいに広がり、高さは8~9メートルほどありました。宇宙船全体は半透明で まるでステンレス鋼でできたかのように光沢があり、2つのスープ皿を逆さまにしたような形をしており、その上にプリンボールのようなものが乗っていました。この上層部には7つの窓か舷窓があるように見え、どこからか赤紫、緑、黄色の光が放たれて船体を照らしていました。


数分後、落ち着きを取り戻したヤンは、 トラックを始動させましたが、通常通り始動しました。彼は、自転車で全力で走り去っていくもう一人の目撃者を目撃しました。この時点で、ヤンは最も近い近くの農場に行き、警察に通報しました。警察は、前夜からその同じ地域から実際に多数の報告があったことを彼に伝えました。その後、ヤンは別の農夫と一緒に着陸の正確な現場に戻り、着陸地点がひどく焦げており、実際にまだ触ると熱く燃えているのを目撃しました。また、彼らは、空気中にクロロホルムのような奇妙な臭いが漂っているのを感じました。


case 12

さて、最後のケースです。私はこれをテネシー州クロスビルの着陸と呼んでいます。これはMUFONに報告されたもので、匿名の目撃者からの情報ですが、彼女は教師で教育水準が高く、 これらのケースの多くに見られるように、これは一度きりの出来事ではありません。目撃者が語った内容から判断すると、彼女が直接接触した可能性も十分にあります。私が主に話したいのは、彼女が何を見たかということです。私はこのケースが好きです。何が起こったかを正確に表したイラストがあり、興味深い点もあります。 (00:56:59)

2002年4月10日午前5時30分頃、教師がUFOの着陸を目撃するという信じられない出来事に遭遇しました。彼女はMUFONに報告しましたが、匿名の教師であり、また午前5時30分頃でした。 (00:57:17)

目撃者は鹿を見たいと思っていたのですが、代わりに 彼女は青銅色の金属のような八角形の物体を目にしてショックを受けました。それはかなり幅広で、彼女は20フィートの幅があったと言っています。そして、それは実際に湖の表面に静止していました。ええ、それは着陸のようなもので、彼女はそれを1分間ずっと見ていましたが、その間、それは音も動きもしませんでした。

彼女は、この宇宙船の縁の周りに8つの暗い円のようなものが見えたのを見ました。この船の縁に8つの暗い円と中央にドームのようなものが見えました。1分ほどそれを見ていた後、彼女は夫を呼びにいきました。しかし、彼らが戻ってきたときには、その物体は消えていました。非常に短い目撃でしたが、物語の終わりではありません。なぜなら、約1か月後の午後7時30分 (00:58:10)


単なる着陸以上の何かがあった可能性もありますが、間違いなく興味深い着陸事例です。さて、それでは、これが UFO着陸事件は12件あります。私がこれらの事件について気に入っているのは、何十年もさかのぼるということです。世界中から報告があり、その多くは複数の目撃者がいる事件です。誰かがUFOの着陸を目撃するというのは、空に光が見えるという単純な目撃とはまったく違います。

これらの事件では、すべて明らかに金属製の航空機であり、冒頭でも述べたように、少なくとも2件は、私の判断ではおそらく 政府によるリバースエンジニアリングされた機体だと思いますが、それは確かなことは言えませんが、絶対に注意する必要があります。なぜなら、それは完全にあり得ることであり、私たちが持っている膨大な数の内部告発者の証言から判断すると、少なくともある程度は、この技術をリバースエンジニアリングしています。




▼原文 展開

Hello everyone, my name is Preston Dennett and welcome to a new episode of UFOs and the Paranormal. This episode today is all about UFO landing cases. And in fact, I call it a UFO landed right next to me. Now let me just put a caveat here. When I say right next to me, I mean within, in most cases, a couple of hundred feet. (00:00:22)

Because let's face it, if a UFO landed right next to you, you would probably be fried to a crisp. So in these cases people either came upon a landed UFO, actually saw it land and ran up to it, and in a good number of these cases, not only saw it land, but take off as well. These are really interesting cases, which I think do have a lot to say about the UFO phenomenon. (00:00:47)

I think it's also interesting because it's, I suspect that a few of these are not extraterrestrial craft, but are instead reverse engineered craft from our own perhaps secret governments. You can decide for yourself on that, but I think these cases are important and do have some important insights into the nature of the UFO phenomenon and for that matter, reverse engineering. These cases do date all the way back to the 1950s, all the way up to the 2000s. (00:01:23)

So they span many decades. They come from across the world, as I love to cover different places. It shows that this is a worldwide phenomenon. So these are cases from across the United States, Canada, Africa, across Europe, Australia. So over a widespread geographic area. Some of these cases do involve physical evidence, of course landing traces, and in some cases physiological effects. In fact, in a couple of these cases physiological effects. (00:01:56)

In fact, in a couple of these cases people got close enough where they actually touched the craft. Not something I would recommend, whether it's a genuine UFO or a reverse engineered craft. Certainly in the cases where people walked up to it, they regretted it because they did get shocked or burned. So yeah, that's what I mean by these are really fascinating cases. These are much more than a simple sighting of a distant anomalous light in the sky. (00:02:24)

These are close enough where people cannot possibly misperceive these things. They are right next to them and can see these craft, which in most cases are classic flying saucers as we shall see. But let's just get right to it. I've got a dozen cases. It's a lot of information. Some of these are super fascinating and the first case I'd like to talk about I call UFO landing at Amarillo, Texas. (00:02:53)

I love this case because it's a very early case from the 1950s. It's got multiple witnesses. It has some interesting physiological effects as we shall see and it's also quite controversial because I think this might actually be a reverse engineered US craft. But again, you can decide for yourself. This case occurred on April 7, 1950. The two main witnesses are David Lightfoot, age 12, and his cousin Charles, age 9. (00:03:26)

So their parents are siblings of each other. (00:03:30)

David and Charles decided to go fishing near their homes. One of them lived on River Road and the other on Blue Bonnet Road, and this is in North Amarillo, Texas. It was around 11 a.m. And they had just started fishing when they saw what they first thought was a balloon flying overhead. But as it approached they saw that it wasn't a balloon. It was a small disc. It actually decreased in speed, came right over their heads, quite lowIt was a small disc. (00:04:01)

It actually decreased in speed, came right over their heads, quite low they said, only a few feet above them, circled overhead once and then disappeared over a small hill. And that's when David, the older of the two, shouted out, I'll bet that's one of those flying saucers, Charles. I'm going after it. So David was quite a bit bigger. He could run faster and he ran right up this hill and saw that the object had actually landed. (00:04:26)

He described it as blue-gray in color and it showed no openings whatsoever except for a space between the top and bottom sections which glowed as he said, quote, real red, like it was on fire in there or something. So I just like to quote Charles Lightfoot directly because he gave a pretty good long testimony about what they saw. As he says in his own words, It was about as big around as a regular automobile tire and about as high as my knee, maybe a foot and a half. (00:05:03)

I could see it good. When I first saw it good, the bottom was still but the top was spinning around real fast and on the top of the part that was spinning around there was a little peak that had kind of a spindle sticking out of it. The spindle was still too. It must have been connected to the bottom part. When I came over that hill, the thing was only a little ways away from me and I ran a ways and dived at it. (00:05:32)

My fingers barely touched it and it felt slick, sort of like I guess a snake would. It was hot too. Before I could get a hold of the thing, the top began revolving faster and it made a sort of whistling noise and took off without warming up or anything. Boy, it just took off like it was on a string or something. It didn't wobble or anything. (00:05:57)

So it wasn't on the ground for more than a minute, but as it took off, the witness said it seemed to emit a gas or perhaps a spray which immediately irritated his skin. He says it raised red welts on his arms and face. So both boys were quite alarmed. They ran home and told their parents and the fathers confirmed that the boys were in fact very excited and also confirmed his son's injuries. (00:06:28)

As the father says, when he left the house this morning, his arms were just as white as could be. There wasn't hardly any sunshine this morning and when the boys came running home talking about this flying saucer, one of the first things I noticed was that his arms and face were red and there were welts on them. (00:06:49)

So he applied a skin balm to them and the welts healed pretty quickly, but the redness did take quite a bit longer to heal. They were interviewed by newspaper reporters. It got quite a bit of attention. However, years following the incident, Dr. James McDonald, a prominent UFO researcher and scientist, interviewed David and says that there were some pretty significant inconsistencies in his testimony as to how close they were to the object, whether it had actually landed or just hovered above the ground and even if they had touched it. So he came away a little skeptical of the case. (00:07:34)

But yeah, certainly an interesting case. So yeah, Dr. James McDonald went so far as to possibly just dismiss this case. I'm not willing to do that. It's clear to me that these two cousins, the Lightfoot cousins, did see something. I mean their father verified the fact that this kid did have redness all over his arms and face and that they were very much excited and even a bit traumatized by what they had seen. (00:08:04)

So it's certainly an interesting case and I do suspect that it's quite possible this was a reverse engineered craft, given how close they got to it, given how they described it, and the fact that it was so small. I don't know, but it's certainly an interesting case. And the next case I'd like to talk about is landing at Price City, Wisconsin. And this is a very interesting case where two young boys were out bow hunting and came upon a landed UFO. (00:08:38)

Actually saw it land, saw it take off as well. Landing traces, the whole deal. A really interesting case as we shall see. It was around 4 p.m. on November 3rd, 1960, when two eight-year-old boys went out into the country to try out their new bow and arrow, given to them by one of the boys fathers. This was Sheriff Gehring. The other boy was Douglas Fox. (00:09:05)

So coming over a hill, they climbed up it and then came down it and this is when they heard a high-pitched humming sound, which they described as being very much like an electric motor, and they also felt a blast of heat behind them. So this was coming from behind them and turning around, they saw that a metallic object, quite large, had landed on the small hill behind them, exactly where they had just been. (00:09:33)

And their description of this object was a classic saucer shape with a cupola or a dome on top. They said they saw portholes, several square or squarish windows around the circumference, and they could see this was unusual, so they both ran towards it. Now they didn't get very close before this object promptly took off, and after it took off, the boys ran up to the landing site and fell to the ground. (00:10:01)

And they were amazed to feel that it was still warm. They were wearing mittens, they could feel the heat through their mittens. This was a very cold day, so that really impressed them. The boys ran home and told their parents, and again, one of them was the local sheriff of Price County, and he returned to the scene with a Geiger counter. (00:10:25)

He found no marks on the ground or any radiation, but again, the boys said that they did feel heat, so that is a form of landing trace, I guess. But after interviewing the boys, the investigator from the aerial phenomena research organization, Earl Grumet, sort of correlated their testimonies together and estimated that this object was somewhere between 20 to 25 feet in diameter. And according to the boys' parents, neither of them had even heard of flying saucers, so they weren't even using the word UFO. They just thought it was something that they had never seen before. (00:11:08)

Clearly, something really profound did happen in that case with the landing traces, and the fact that one of the kids is in fact the son of the local sheriff. I think that does lend some credence to all of this, but certainly an interesting case worthy of being well known. Now of all the cases in this collection, I have to say that this next one is one of my favorite. (00:11:33)

I call this one UFO landing at Vaucluse Beach, Australia. And what I love about this case is the main witness is very credible. He is actually someone very familiar with aircraft design, worked at an aircraft company. So if anyone should be able to identify a strange craft, it would be this witness. It was just after 5 p.m. when Dennis Crowe came upon a landed UFO. And again, came upon a landed UFO. (00:12:05)

And again, he's an ideal witness because he was employed as a technical artist for an English aircraft company. He knows what aircraft look like, and he knows how to draw them, which is one of the really cool things about this case. So yeah, he's just taken a walk along Vaucluse Beach, and up ahead of him he noticed a glowing object landed on the beach itself. (00:12:30)

And as he got closer, he could hear that the nearby dogs were barking up a storm. And as he got even closer, he could see that this was more than a light. This was actually a saucer-shaped object resting on short landing legs. And as Dennis says in his own words, its diameter appeared to be about 20 feet. I estimate its height at 9 feet, including what appeared to be legs protruding from the bottom. (00:12:59)

The rim was glowing a greenish blue, while the top and bottom halves were a dullish silver gray. A hollow in the top could have been a glass dome. So he knows aircraft. He could see this one was very unusual. He was very much intrigued. So he slowly approached it, and he says he got to about within 60 feet of it when this object rose up. And very quickly, in about 10 seconds, 60 feet of it when this object rose up. (00:13:30)

And very quickly, in about 10 seconds, it disappeared off upwards into the distance. And as Dennis says, it took off with a noise like air forcibly released from a balloon. The noise was quite unlike any made by jet engines. I looked around, hoping to see someone else who saw what I saw, but my only company was about a dozen or so dogs. (00:13:53)

While the object was stationary, they were all barking loudly at it. After it took off, they were all strangely silent. So after he saw this, he went home and immediately sketched the object as you can see here. But he was reluctant to report it. He wasn't sure if people would believe him. As he says, At first I wondered whether I should say anything about what I had seen. (00:14:19)

The natural reaction of most people might label me as a crackpot, but I could not keep silent. I felt a moral obligation to speak of what I had seen. So he did. He reported it. He made an official report and this did get a lot of attention. In fact, a geologist came to inspect the landing site and did find evidence of this object. (00:14:45)

Reportedly, the plant life where the object had landed was now dead, apparently exposed to high heat. So this was a very interesting case because the report on this landing made it all the way to the top of the government, the Royal Australian Air Force. Who tried to debunk it and said, get this, that Dennis may have mistaken a tornado for the craft. Now that's ridiculous and of course Dennis dismisses this completely. (00:15:17)

So Dennis's account was published in local newspapers and as I said, he received many commendations from readers who shared their own stories and Dennis himself says his phone rang off the hook. A lot of people were calling to report their own UFO sightings or had interest in what he had seen. He received letters as well. So yeah, he was definitely public about his sighting and as he says in his own words, I suppose I'm sticking my neck out again. (00:15:47)

But in the light of all the sightings reported from places like Latin America, couldn't there be some sort of international group to give instruction in the event of a fright? I mean if people became trigger happy and one of these things got smashed up, they possibly wouldn't come back for a hundred years. I thought that was an interesting comment. And of course, there are many groups who are trying very hard even at that time to study these objects and provide guidelines on what to do if you should see one. (00:16:22)

So I really have to give kudos to the main witness in that case, Dennis Crowe, for having the courage to step forward. I know from personal experience having interviewed a lot of people, most people don't have the courage to report their experience publicly. Especially if it's something as dramatic as a UFO landing. But he did and I love this case for a number of other reasons. There's landing traces,But he did and I love this case for a number of other reasons. (00:16:47)

There's landing traces, animal reactions as well, and he got a really good response as it turns out. His fears were somewhat unfounded. All the people he told did believe him and even when the newspaper accounts were published, he got a very good reaction and other people reported their own encounters. (00:17:06)

This is another good reason why it's important for people to just find the courage and talk about what happened. Because you can bet other people out there are having these same sorts of experiences. And here's another case that proves my point. This one I call UFO landing at Carson City, Michigan. This is a case from MUFON. It's fairly brief, but I like it because I have a long direct quote from the witness andThis is a case from MUFON. (00:17:34)

It's fairly brief, but I like it because I have a long direct quote from the witness and a first-hand eyewitness illustration of what they saw. This case is quite brief. Again, it occurred on March 1st, 1966 and I am just going to quote the witness directly. As the witness says, On a clear day, my cousin and I were both seven years old. We entered a small enclosed field on the edge of town. (00:18:00)

This is Carson City, Michigan again and saw the craft on the ground. There were some pieces of metal pig hut along the tree line from a tornado. And at first I thought it was one of those. We approached it and it zipped up in a zigzag manner. It was silver and had a little bit of a heat wave shimmer. I don't remember any features. It happened quickly. (00:18:28)

My mother says we came back very quote wound up. So she went to look and found a flattened burnt area with holes like a coffee can shoved into the ground. I don't remember being afraid, but I was scared of the fuel oil tank on legs after that and kept dreaming about a long flat chicken coop back there. I just painted a pic and decided to update a report I made a long time ago So yeah, that's what's really interesting about this case. As you can see this picture of it and it did have landing traces. (00:19:05)

I wish there's more evidence on this case, but it is what it is. And it's certainly a good report of a UFO landing. Yeah, a very brief case, but I think it's important because each case does add to our knowledge of what's going on here. And there are so many landing cases. I'm just presenting 12 here, but the fact is there are hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds. (00:19:28)

I already did a previous episode on UFO landing trace cases. I'm not repeating any of those, but if you're interested in UFO landings, you might definitely want to check that one out. But here's another case and this one is super interesting because this is another case where a witness actually saw the craft land, walked up to it, touched it, regretted touching it because he got a terrible shock, watched it take off as well. (00:19:56)

It was well investigated, so it's a very interesting case. This one does have some questions to it as to whether or not this was a genuine UFO or a reverse engineered craft. I suspect the latter, but can't say for sure. I will just present the case and you can make up your own minds about it. (00:20:19)

This case occurred on March 29, 1966, again in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The main witness is Charles Cousins. He's 13 years old. He says that he saw two small, strange, quote, ships land in a field, of all places, directly behind the Hamilton Police Station on Upper Wellington Street in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. You can see that here. I suspect that this was much less developed back in 1966. (00:20:56)

But Charles Cousins said he ran behind a fence at around 9.15pm to the open grade that was behind the police station after seeing this, quote, flying ship come down, closely followed by another. He said the craft were white and luminous and he says about, quote, 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet high with red, blue, and green lights set into the rim and flickering like a computer. (00:21:27)

So Charles said the objects, quote, lit up the grass around and were making a buzzing sound. He said that he actually reached out and touched them and that they were hard and unusually smooth to the touch. As he says, I could not feel hot or cold, so they must have been about body temperature. Now one of these objects had what looked like an antenna. (00:21:55)

And as Charles says, it was thicker at the base and narrowed to the size of a nickel at the top. Now when he reached out and touched this object, again I wouldn't recommend this, but he touched the antenna and he received a pretty gnarly electric shock and a 3 foot flash of electricity occurred, flinging his hand back. So he immediately ran home and told his parents about the experience and his father noted that he did have a sort of curved burn on his hand. (00:22:31)

Now his father was James' cousin and Charles wanted to call the police but his father James warned him that this was a serious matter to call the police but as James says about his son, Charles was emphatic and could not be shaken. So they did call the police and police constable Arnold Reed was called to the home and he verified the burn mark on Charles' hand and it turned out that there were other witnesses. (00:23:02)

Two other witnesses, teenagers Laverne and Owen Emery, had apparently seen a UFO in the same area at the same time. Their father said that both of them were quote, extremely shaken up by what they had seen and that the objects made a quote, a whirring noise, not at all like an aircraft. So yeah, this case did get quite a bit of attention. In fact, researcher James MacDonald interviewed Charles first hand and he had something to say about this case. (00:23:37)

As James MacDonald says, Now what I do like about that case is while there was only one witness to the actual UFO landing, there were other witnesses in the area who saw a UFO on the same day and they were all quite shocked and they were all quite concerned and they were all quite concerned about the fact that this was a serious matter. (00:24:06)

So they were all quite concerned about the fact that this was a serious matter. (00:24:11)

There were other witnesses in the area who saw a UFO on the same night, in the same area. It was also verified by researcher James MacDonald who cited it as a particularly good example of a physiological effect as the result of a UFO encounter. So that's really why I wanted to include this case. And here's another briefcase which I call UFO Landing at Anchorage, Alaska. (00:24:41)

And this is an interesting case for a number of reasons. It is quite brief. I suspect this does involve more than just a landing. But as we shall see, there's some really interesting memory problems. With this case, the witness completely forgot about it for years but did get verification from his brother who, as it turns out, saw it too. And what I like about this case is this UFO landed right on the street, right in front of the house, in what should have been in full view of a lot of people. (00:25:17)

Though again, this was around 2 or 3 AM. So probably everyone was asleep. But yeah, as we shall see, a very bizarre case. This case is very interesting because it's not complete. It occurred on March 29, 1966. But the witness says he came upon a landed UFO in the middle of the street in the suburbs. Houses lined both sides of the street. An elementary school was nearby. (00:25:46)

The airport wasn't that far away. Now this sighting did take place around 3 AM. And here's where it's super interesting. The witness says that he forgot about it completely for decades. And I'll just quote him directly. The witness says, My memory has me standing in the middle of my street in the wintertime. It must have been in the early morning hours. There was no one around and very quiet. (00:26:15)

It had just snowed and the reflection of the streetlights on the snow made it very bright. I was standing directly in front of my house. I had no recollection of going outside. But there in front of me, perhaps 50 or 60 feet, was this saucer-shaped craft. It had an upper turret that rotated slowly. It was approximately 3 feet across and 2 to 3 feet high. (00:26:40)

That part had some windows that might have been 8-sided. The shape of the craft was similar to a lid on a teapot, the top being small and cylindrical. It was supported by legs, I think 3. It had a ladder from the center underside down to the ground, a distance of approximately 4 feet to the ground. The total size of the craft was 12 to 15 feet across and maybe 6 or 7 feet high. (00:27:11)

It made little or no sound. So that's all he really remembers. This is just an isolated memory that came back to him. He doesn't know how it began or how it ended. But the witness later learned that his brother also remembers this. He doesn't remember seeing his brother, but he watched this object from the bedroom window. (00:27:34)

And here's another interesting aspect to this case. This witness says that he has huge gaps of memory from his entire childhood. He remembers almost nothing before the 7th grade. Now this is well known to his family. They could not explain it. They all have memories of his childhood and their own childhood. But yeah, he doesn't. So perhaps that's related to this somehow. But certainly a very interesting landing case. (00:28:04)

Now given that the witness in this case, who is anonymous, really has a lot of memory problems surrounding the whole event and his entire childhood for that matter, I think that's a huge red flag here that this could be more than just a landing. But there's always another case. Here's another one that I really like. I call this one UFO Landing in Gleason, Arizona. (00:28:32)

This one isn't super close. I wouldn't say it landed right next to them. But certainly close enough to see. What I do like about this case is these crafts stayed on the ground for hours. And if the witness was able to view them through binoculars, she wasn't the only witness. There were multiple witnesses. And they had landing traces as well. And this case was investigated by professional researchers. (00:29:00)

So yeah, some really interesting aspects to this case for sure. This landing took place on August 26, 1968. Now the town of Gleason is just a little mining community with only a few hundred people. It's practically now a ghost town. But it was just before 8pm when Pearl Christensen, who was then 71 years old, was driving to her home in Gleason and saw a large silver saucer landed on the south side of the 7,200 foot high Brown's Peak. (00:29:37)

And I'll just quote Pearl directly as she says, I had just lowered the chain gate on the road to my house when I saw it. I drove across the chain, sat in the car for five minutes and wondered what I should do. I looked at it, though there were a train of lights trailing from one side. Should I drive to Tombstone to report it? (00:30:04)

No. I thought maybe it would disappear, so I drove on. But it remained. When I went through another gate, I saw a second object, very shiny and gold. It was stationary. And once in a while, both would glow simultaneously. So Pearl did talk to researchers and she insisted that she had good eyesight, she didn't drink, and in fact, she was able to watch the objects through binoculars. (00:30:33)

And she got more detail. She said that the second object had a bright pink band around the circumference and another band around the circumference which changed in color from red to purple to gold. She said the objects also seemed to be slightly blurred in appearance but were very brilliant, really bright. As Pearl says in her own words, It also hurt my eyes to look at its brightness. (00:31:02)

But I was happily excited about the beauty of the thing. (00:31:05)

I never was afraid. I had no fear, just excited. So what's interesting about this is these objects amazingly remained there for almost four hours giving Pearl plenty of time to watch them. As she says, A few minutes before midnight, they disappeared. They seemed to back off into the valley behind the peak. Now investigators, of course, interviewed Pearl and they did contact nearby Fort Huachuca an army base and they refused to comment or investigate saying only, quote, the Air Force has that responsibility. (00:31:44)

But they did learn that Pearl was not the only witness. Also seeing the light was Mrs. Mayfield and she didn't really pay too much attention to it because she assumed at first that it was just a bright light reflecting off of her glass door.

(以下 32:00 の offset)

And it wasn't until she learned about what Pearl saw that she really wondered. So two days after the sighting Pearl drove up there with Miss Mayfield's husband, Mr. Willard Mayfield, to investigate. And they did find a burned spot. It looked like it had been exposed to a very high heat. And they also smelled a weird odor, which as Willard Mayfield says, it was queer, acid like. It was nothing like our fuels smell, gasoline or diesel, or at least nothing like. (00:00:37)

It was nothing like our fuels smell, gasoline or diesel, or at least nothing like we know of. Rocks on the peak were also hot, a terrific heat. You couldn't hold your hands on them. It was like a hot iron. So they got a good look at this. Photographs were taken by researchers. And they could see that the cactus plants at the site were badly charred at the base, but weirdly not on the top. And plants at the site were badly charred at the base, but weirdly not on the top. (00:01:02)

And they saw really specific burn spots about four by eight inches in diameter. But what's really interesting about this sighting is this is very near the Copper Bell Mine. And there are many sightings of UFOs over mines, particularly in Arizona. I do suspect that that was a genuine UFO landing. As we have seen, there are a lot of cases involving UFOs over mines, copper mines particularly in Arizona, which is filled with copper mines. In fact, I did a whole episode on UFOs Arizona, which is filled with copper mines. (00:01:37)

In fact, I did a whole episode on UFOs over copper mines. I would have included this one, but I didn't know about it. But wow, what a case. And judging by the landing trace evidence, where they could see that this ground was super heated, yeah, it looks like a genuine case to me. And here's another really fascinating case, which I call UFO landing at Mellon, Wisconsin. And this is an amazing case because the whole family viewed this Wisconsin. (00:02:08)

And this is an amazing case because the whole family viewed this object, which landed right on their road, right towards the end of their driveway. They were able to see this thing from only a few hundred feet away. And it stayed there for long enough that they got a really good look at it.

This is a real doozy of a case. It occurred on March 13, 1975. And it was in the evening real doozy of a case. (00:02:32)

It occurred on March 13, 1975. And it was in the evening when 15-year-old Jane Baker decided to take the cats out into the garage for the evening, something she normally does. And that's when she heard a, quote, strange high-toned noise. And looking down on the street, they could see a saucer. It was a classic saucer, silver in color, with a domed top, and it glowed saucer. (00:02:56)

It was a classic saucer, silver in color, with a domed top, and it glowed yellowish-white. There were flashing red and green lights around the circumference, and a yellowish square along the side of the craft. So Jane ran inside and got her father, and the two of them walked to the end of their driveway and approached to about within 300 feet of this object. But they could hear sort and approached to about within 300 feet of this object. (00:03:18)

But they could hear sort of a weird banging sound of metal on metal coming from inside this object. Now her father, Phil Baker, was very much impressed by this not being anything conventional. And as he says in his own words, I didn't believe what I was seeing. (00:03:37)

It was circular, about 12 feet across, with red and bluish-green lights running around the outside. In the center was a door with a brilliant light coming from inside. It made a whining sound, a sound I'd never heard before. So they weren't the only ones seeing it. Back in the house, 16-year-old Monty and 12-year-old John Baker, and of course the wife, Miss Baker, watched from the window. And after John Baker, and of course the wife, Miss Baker, watched from the window. (00:04:09)

And after a few minutes of watching this craft, Phil and Jane, who were pretty close to it, went back into the house to call the police. And as Phil spoke on the phone, there was a loud boom, and the craft was gone. So the next day they went out to look at the landing site, and looking over the swampy area of pine trees in the area, she saw, Jane, what appeared to be the same object hovering at treetop level. This time it had no lights or glow or any sound at all. She ran inside, level. (00:04:44)

This time it had no lights or glow or any sound at all. She ran inside, grabbed her coat, was called out, brought the family dog out. The craft was still there. She tried to get closer, but the dog began yelping and whining and pawing at its ears. So she took the dog back into the house, and when she went back outside, it was gone. Now, here's where it gets even more interesting. The Bakers outside, it was gone. (00:05:05)

Now, here's where it gets even more interesting. The Bakers later found out that the night of their first sighting of this landing, at least six police officers in four different neighboring counties described what appears to be the exact same craft. And in fact, it swooped low over one of the patrol cars, causing the radio to go dead, a fact which was in fact confirmed by Ashland Under Sheriff George Reeve. And he was the one who actually responded to Ashland Under Sheriff George Reeve. (00:05:34)

And he was the one who actually responded to the Bakers' call. Now, he didn't see the landed craft, but as he left and drove to meet the other deputies, he and other officers saw, get this, four objects darting around and changing colors. The police witnesses said that they were bright enough to light up the area like day. And these objects would dart, stand bright enough to light up the area like day. (00:05:57)

And these objects would dart, stand still, and zigzag across the sky. Meanwhile, numerous witnesses were calling the police. In fact, Ashland County Sheriff Joe Crotead said, quote, telephones were ringing off the hook. So a final interesting end note to this case is the Bakers' case was eventually aired on the very popular television program In Search Of, hosted by Leonard Nimoy. And Leonard actually cited this program In Search Of, hosted by Leonard Nimoy. (00:06:27)

And Leonard actually cited this case in particular, specifically, as one that he found particularly convincing. So yeah, quite a case with a lot of witnesses. So there you go. Spock, Leonard Nimoy even thought that this was a super impressive case. And he stated it as one that really convinced him that there is something true to the UFO phenomena. Another really amazing thing about this case is they weren't the only witnesses. (00:06:54)

While they were the only ones who saw it on the ground, in that evening, so many police officers saw this craft darting all over the place. Again, with some of these, this could be reverse-engineered craft. We cannot rule that out, given that no humanoids were seen. And this was not too far from a military base, so it's entirely possible. I can't say for sure, but I think we have to be really careful entirely possible. (00:07:24)

I can't say for sure, but I think we have to be really careful when we're judging these cases and calling them extraterrestrial craft, because they might not be. However, some of these other cases, I think, yes. And this next one, I really wonder about, which I call UFO landing in Kuwait. Now, you heard me, Kuwait. This got a lot of attention in the press, and in fact, went to the highest me, Kuwait. (00:07:49)

This got a lot of attention in the press, and in fact, went to the highest levels of government, not only in Kuwait, but in the United States. We have the government documents, as you shall see, that prove this. And I think the reason is because this landed right next to the oil fields, actually shut them down, the processing plant. It's very good evidence, a lot of witnesses, a lot of activity, processing plant. (00:08:14)

It's very good evidence, a lot of witnesses, a lot of activity, both before and after this landing, even to the point where this craft was, or a similar craft, was photographed. So yeah, there's a lot to learn from this incident. (00:08:27)

Moving along, this case occurred on November 10, 1978. Yeah, in Kuwait. And in fact, according to seven workers, one of who you can see right here, of the Kuwait Oil Company, they were working in the Al Sibriya oil fields. This is about 90 miles outside of the Kuwait capital of Umm Al Aish, when a gigantic UFO landed. Now, they described it as cylindrical, with a dome on top, and flashing red lights, and huge, about as big as a jumbo jet. They said it landed about 250 yards away from an oil about as big as a jumbo jet. (00:09:10)

They said it landed about 250 yards away from an oil pumping station, which was totally knocked offline, with no electricity or communications, as soon as this object landed. They said it was totally silent. The workers said that they were, quote, frozen with horror, and were at first too afraid to approach it. But the object remained on the ground for several minutes, about seven minutes, they estimate. And they started to walk towards it, and minutes, about seven minutes, they estimate. (00:09:38)

And they started to walk towards it, and this is when it took off, totally silent. And as soon as it was gone, the pump station automatically went back online. So this got a lot of attention from high levels of government. In fact, according to Kuwaiti Security Chief Brigadier General, Mohammed Al Hamad, it was the first UFO ever sighted in Kuwait. I'm not sure I would go that far, but certainly the first to get a lot of attention like this. And the sighting, as I said, went all the way to the top of the Kuwaiti this. (00:10:11)

And the sighting, as I said, went all the way to the top of the Kuwaiti government. The Minister of State, Abdul Aziz Hussein, told reporters that they were forming a committee of scientists, aviation officials, and ministry representatives to study the encounter. And they soon learned that this was not a singular event. There were numerous sightings in the area, including both before and after the landing. And they took this very seriously. And in fact, before and after the landing. (00:10:40)

And they took this very seriously. And in fact, officials provided the oil workers with camera equipment. And according to the Arab Times newspaper, and I quote, one man who had been given a camera by the oil company to record just such a reoccurrence, managed to take a number of photographs of the object as it flew over a 20-foot water tower and hovered in the area for 30 minutes. As with previous sightings, all long-distance in the area for 30 minutes. (00:11:10)

As with previous sightings, all long-distance communications were disrupted, but internal phones continued to operate, enabling oil company employees to contact their supervisor, who rushed out in time to witness the object. Results of the photography have not been disclosed. Well, they have now. You can see the picture here. It's not super impressive, just a white light. But yeah, according to people who analyzed this and talked to just a white light. (00:11:37)

But yeah, according to people who analyzed this and talked to the witness, this was a craft. And the report says, it's a disc with a dome protruding in the middle, and it completely lit up, rather like a neon sign or a fluorescent tube. So yeah, not the only sighting. The initial one occurred on November 10, but sightings continued all the way into January of 1979, and they did get a lot of press attention. In fact, the US government 1979, and they did get a lot of press attention. (00:12:06)

In fact, the US government investigated it quite thoroughly, as we now know from documents released through the Freedom of Information Act. So UFOs do seem to show an interest sometimes in technological installations. That could be what's going on here. I don't think that this was a reverse-engineered craft, given how our governments reacted to it. (00:12:30)

Again, hard to say for sure, with no humanoids being seen. But yeah, it put a lot of people on high alert, and really went to the highest levels of government, which I think is super significant. And here's another case, which was very nearly covered up by the witness's parents. I call this one UFO landing in Leeds, England. I like this one because, again, it's a multiple landing in Leeds, England. (00:12:58)

I like this one because, again, it's a multiple witness case. They were really close to this craft. It affected them quite a bit emotionally. It's clear they're absolutely sincere about it. And it's also interesting, because as is true in many of these cases, there were landing traces which were verified by investigators. This case occurred on November 27, 1978, and the actual specific location is Woodhouse Ridge. This is in the Meadwood and the actual specific location is Woodhouse Ridge. (00:13:29)

This is in the Meadwood Valley, on the outskirts of Leeds, England. And it was a snowy evening around half past six, when the two witnesses, both 14 year old girls, their names are Lindsey Tebbs and Susan Pearson. They were out sledding when they noticed a cluster of lights hovering about 100 feet overhead. And looking up, they saw three green lights in a row, and beneath that a brilliant red light. They were shining lights in a row, and beneath that a brilliant red light. (00:13:57)

They were shining down onto the snow, and were so bright that the girls could just barely make out an oval shape, with sort of fins behind the lights. It made no noise whatsoever. They realized instantly this was not any normal aircraft, and they became quite afraid. It seemed to sense their presence, they said, because as soon as they saw it, this object began to descend in a spiraling, falling leaf motion, which is certainly what we hear in a lot of these types of cases. At the motion, which is certainly what we hear in a lot of these types of cases. (00:14:28)

At the same time, they said it emitted a shrill whining noise. As it came down, it slowed its descent, and the shrill whining noise changed to a sort of humming noise, and it settled on the ground, only about 30 feet away. At this point, the girls were too frightened and shocked to even move. They said this object was about the size of a small car. It appeared to be metallic gray. Both felt that there was size of a small car. (00:14:58)

It appeared to be metallic gray. Both felt that there was someone inside this object observing them, and that freaked them out. They decided to retreat, and they edged along a nearby wall, hiding in its shadow. You can see the landing site here. Then they ran, and after running for about 150 feet, they turned around, curious, and saw that this object was now rising off the ground. They could see its lights flickering, and the object then actually ground. (00:15:26)

They could see its lights flickering, and the object then actually moved towards them, and got to within, they think, about a hundred feet, making a wide sweeping turn, and then descended down the edge of the slope, and disappeared from view. Now, they became very curious at this point, and overcoming their fear, Lindsey and Susan crept forward and saw that the object had actually landed again, and it was now sort of perched on a steep incline, about 90 feet away. They watched it for two minutes, at which point it began to 90 feet away. (00:15:59)

They watched it for two minutes, at which point it began to wobble. It rose smoothly upwards, and continued its ascent until it was just a speck in the sky, and was gone. So they ran quickly to Susan's aunt's house and inside, and said, we've seen this object. They told her aunt, her name is Judy Pearson. It was some flying thing. It landed right near us. It weren't a Pearson. (00:16:23)

It was some flying thing. It landed right near us. It weren't a helicopter, and it weren't an airplane. Now, Judy thought they were kidding, but it quickly became clear that they were sincere, so she separated them, and had them sketch a drawing of what they saw. The drawings were nearly identical, so she told the girls to show her where it happened. And Judy Pearson went out there. (00:16:44)

She didn't see any evidence at first, but word did spread. Now, the father didn't want this well-known, but investigators Mark and Graham Birdsaw heard about the case. They were alerted to it, and they arrived, and went with the girls to the landing location. And they said that they did, in fact, find a half-circular depression on the hard ice, along the edge of the path where the girls believed the UFO had first landed. Now, they couldn't be entirely sure if this believed the UFO had first landed. (00:17:17)

Now, they couldn't be entirely sure if this was caused by the object, but when the girls showed them the second landing spot, the Birdsaws did find an E-shaped depression, or cavity, in the snow, with a strange circular hole in the middle. Now, near this spot, they found a conical piece of ice, so they picked it up, and placed it in the hole, and it fit perfectly. So, this little cone of ice was clearly pulled out by this craft. These perfectly. (00:17:46)

So, this little cone of ice was clearly pulled out by this craft. These are good landing trace cases. Now, they did the research, and later, Mark and Graham Birdsaw did find two ambulance drivers who reported seeing what was apparently the same object, in the same general area, on that night. Though, of course, the drivers didn't see it land. They did also interview Mr. T. A. Hatfield, course, the drivers didn't see it land. (00:18:07)

They did also interview Mr. T. A. Hatfield, and his wife, who also described seeing a UFO on that night, in that area. Now, there was some interesting aftermath to this case, because later, a government official showed up unannounced, to question the girls, and they did describe the sighting. Now, Lindsay's father, Tony Tebbs, spoke with this government official, and asked him directly, have other people seen these things? The official said, oh yes, I can assure you they have. Tony asked him, things? The official said, oh yes, I can assure you they have. (00:18:41)

Tony asked him, do you believe what the girls say? The government man said, I can assure you they've seen something. The father asked, what makes you so sure? The government guy said, I can tell by their answers to the questions I asked. I'd have found out if they weren't speaking the truth. And the father, Tony, asked, what did they see? And the government guy said, I can't say at this state what it was, but it will be best if you and the girls don't discuss it further. We won't be bothering you best if you and the girls don't discuss it further. (00:19:17)

We won't be bothering you again. So, not really a threat or anything, but definitely a suggestion, if you will, to keep quiet. And they don't know who this government man was. So, that in itself is a little unusual. But, Lindsay is absolutely convinced she saw a genuine UFO. And as she says, I still keep looking, but I have seen nothing as dramatic, I UFO. (00:19:41)

And as she says, I still keep looking, but I have seen nothing as dramatic, I believe. Yeah, quite an interesting case. So, I don't know. Genuine alien craft, reverse-engineered, you can make up your own minds about it. One of the things I wonder about, you know, given the possibility that these are reverse-engineered, is why are they flying around places where people can see them so easily? I don't know. But this next case, I think we have a good reason why this craft landed. This know. (00:20:09)

But this next case, I think we have a good reason why this craft landed. This one I call UFO landing at Transvaal, South Africa. And this witness actually was driving around a corner and came upon a landed UFO. And he could see instantly why it had landed, because it had a giant hole in the side. It was apparently damaged. So, this is an interesting case in that regards only. (00:20:33)

But yeah, also had some other witnesses. Some really interesting aspects to it in terms of, I believe, landing traces, as we shall see. This case occurred on March 30th, 1995. And the primary witness is Jan Pienaar. He's a farmer. And he was driving around 830 AM along a country road between Caligny and Braakspruit. This is in Transvaal, South Africa. And he came upon a landed UFO right in the center of the Transvaal, South Africa. (00:21:05)

And he came upon a landed UFO right in the center of the road. And I'll just quote Jan extensively, because he does give a really good testimony. And as he says in his own words, and I quote, I came around a curve in the road and saw a black man shielding his face with his arm, as though he wanted to ward off something. At that exact moment, the engine of my brand-new he wanted to ward off something. (00:21:30)

At that exact moment, the engine of my brand-new small truck stopped. I looked up and saw the most incredible sight. Roughly 80 meters on the road in front of me stood the huge craft that rested on three landing pods. It extended over the entire width of the road and was about eight to nine meters high. The entire unit was translucent and lustrous, as though it nine meters high. (00:21:56)

The entire unit was translucent and lustrous, as though it had been fabricated from a type of stainless steel. It had the form of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top. It appeared as though this upper level had seven windows or portholes. A red, violet, green, yellow glow emanated from somewhere and illuminated the hull. In the sheen of the light, I was emanated from somewhere and illuminated the hull. (00:22:23)

In the sheen of the light, I was able to recognize that the flying craft had problems, because there was a dent with a hole of a little less than two feet on the seam around the edge. I could not see any beings in the vicinity, only the strange craft, which buzzed like a gigantic electric beater. I got out of my small truck, but suddenly I could not gigantic electric beater. (00:22:47)

I got out of my small truck, but suddenly I could not make another step. It was as though a magnet held me on the same spot. I stood like this for three to four minutes when the craft suddenly rose into the air. (00:22:59)

First, it lifted up like a helicopter high into the sky, and then it sped away like lightning on a course towards heaven. After a few minutes of composing himself, Jan started his truck. It started normally. He saw this other witness bicycling away as fast as he could on his bicycle. At this point, Jan went to the closest nearby farm and called the police, who told him that in fact there had been numerous reports from the night before in that same area. So then Jan had been numerous reports from the night before in that same area. (00:23:35)

So then Jan returned with another farmer to the exact scene of the landing and saw that the landing site was badly scorched and was in fact still burning hot to the touch. They also smelled a weird odor like chloroform lingering in the air. Yeah, it is interesting in that case that when he tried to approach, it took off. We do see that in a lot of these cases. So yeah, I don't know what happened to that craft, see that in a lot of these cases. (00:24:05)

So yeah, I don't know what happened to that craft, but clearly it was damaged and it's truly an interesting and very well verified case. Now I get to the last case of the bunch, which I call landing at Crossville, Tennessee. And this was reported to MUFON. It comes from a good witness, although she is anonymous, she is a teacher, so well educated. And this case is not a she is anonymous, she is a teacher, so well educated. (00:24:31)

And this case is not a one-off, as we've seen a number of these cases. There are events following the major event, so judging from what the witness said, it's entirely possible she's having direct contact. But what I'd like to talk about mostly is what she saw. And yeah, I like this case because there is an illustration showing exactly what happened and there's some interesting aspects to it as well. It was exactly what happened and there's some interesting aspects to it as well. (00:24:57)

It was around 530 a.m. on April 10, 2002, when a teacher had her really incredible encounter involving a UFO landing. She did report this to MUFON. She's anonymous, a teacher. And it was again, yeah, around 530 a.m. and the witness was hoping to see some deer on the lake behind her house. And instead she was shocked to see a bronze colored metallic looking octagon shaped object. It was quite wide, a bronze colored metallic looking octagon shaped object. (00:25:29)

It was quite wide, she said, 20 feet wide. And it was actually resting on the surface of the lake. So yeah, that is kind of a landing. And she watched it for a full minute, during which time it made no sound or movement. She saw what looked like eight darker colored circles around the edge of this craft and a dome in the center. (00:25:53)

After watching this for just a minute or so, she went to get her husband, but by the time they got back, the object was gone. So a pretty brief sighting. However, not the end of the story, because it was about one month later, 730 p.m. May 3rd, when she saw a weird light coming right up out of this little lake behind her house. And they went to bed that night. She heard the coyotes outside howling. (00:26:24)

She heard some weird banging against the house. She said that following this, she had a weird poltergeist-like activity. And she also noticed a weird scoop mark on her leg of unknown origins. So possibly more than just a landing, but certainly an interesting landing case. All right, there you go. That's 12 UFO landing cases. And yeah, again, what I like about these cases is they reach back landing cases. (00:26:53)

And yeah, again, what I like about these cases is they reach back decades. They're coming from all over the world. Many of these are multiple witness cases. And when someone sees a UFO landing, this is so different from a simple sighting of a light in the sky. These are all clearly metallic craft in every single case. And as I said in the beginning and throughout, I think there every single case. (00:27:16)

And as I said in the beginning and throughout, I think there are a couple of them, at least two, which in my judgment are probably reverse engineered government craft. But again, that's something that we just can't say for sure. But absolutely, we need to watch out for. Because it's entirely possible and judging from the huge number of whistleblower accounts, we have reverse engineered this technology at least to a certain extent. But yeah, these cases engineered this technology at least to a certain extent. (00:27:46)

But yeah, these cases coming from all over the world, multiple witnesses, animal reactions, electromagnetic effects in some cases, landing traces in a number of them, and physiological effects. So it's certainly not resting solely on eye witness testimony, as skeptics would have you believe. And what I find interesting about these cases is our governments are completely ignoring them. They're just talking about simple sightings and saying, we don't know what these are. (00:28:16)

I think they do. I think that this is just a diversionary tactic by talking about sightings. They're ignoring all the landing cases, cases of direct contact. (00:28:29)

And people are not talking about the possibility of crash retrievals. So that's important because this does, again, point to the possibility that we have reverse engineered this technology. So yeah, that's the episode for today. I really want to thank you for watching. I truly appreciate it. Hope you learned something and also found it interesting. But until next time, thanks very much. And as I like to always say, keep searching for answers. Keep looking forAnd as I like to always say, keep searching for answers. (00:29:00)

Keep looking for the truth. And please do make an effort to keep having fun. Bye for now. (00:29:11)

Mayfield's husband, Mr. Willard Mayfield to investigate and they did find a burned spot. It looked like it had been exposed to a very high heat and they also smelled a weird odor which, as Willard Mayfield says, it was queer, acid-like. It was nothing like our fuel's smell gasoline or diesel or at least nothing like we know of. Rocks on the peak were also hot a terrific heat you couldn't hold your hands on them it was like a hot iron. (00:32:48)

So they got a good look at this photographs were taken by researchers and they could see that the cactus plants at the site were badly charred at the base but weirdly not on the top. And they saw really specific burn spots about 4 by 8 inches in diameter. But what's really interesting about this sighting is that this is very near the Copper Bell Mine and there are many sightings of UFOs over mines particularly in Arizona. (00:33:21)

I do suspect that that was a genuine UFO landing as we have seen there are a lot of cases involving UFOs over mines copper mines particularly in Arizona which is filled with copper mines in fact I did a whole episode on UFOs over copper mines I would have included this one but I didn't know about it but wow, what a case and judging by the landing trace evidence where they could see that this ground was super heated yeah, it looks like a genuine case to me. (00:33:54)

And here's another really fascinating case which I call UFO landing at Mellon, Wisconsin and this is an amazing case because the whole family viewed this object which landed right on their road right towards the end of their driveway and they were able to see this thing from only a few hundred feet away and it stayed there for long enough that they got a really good look at it. (00:34:24)
