
2018-07, ミシガン州 : 森の中で怪物に遭遇 ⇒ この謎を推測する

· 約14分

Preston Dennett 自身の要約

case12 異星人に突撃される 2018年7月のある夜7時半ごろ、「ジェイコブ」はミシガン州ニューアイゴの田舎で孤立した地域にある祖父母の家の庭で遊んでいた。木の陰の動きが彼の目に留まった。衝撃的なことに、大きなハゲ頭、大きな目、灰色の肌をした背の高い痩せた生き物が這い出てきて、立ち上がってじっと見つめた後、突然彼に向かって襲いかかってきたのだ。


CHARGED BY AN ALIEN. Around 7:30 pm one evening in July 2018, “Jacob” was playing in the yard of his grandparents' home in a rural and isolated area of Newaygo, Michigan. Movement behind a tree caught his eye. To his shock, a tall, skinny creature with a big bald head, large eyes and gray skin crawled out, stood up and stared, then suddenly charged right at him.

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)


さて、このコレクション最後のケースに移ろう。超面白いし、実際、目撃者にとってはかなり怖い。私はこの事件を「宇宙人による告発」と呼んでいる。これは2018年7月のある晩、10代の若い目撃者に起きた。彼の年齢は正確に記述されていないが、ミシガン州ニューアゴの田園地帯で発生したこのケースでは推測されるようだ。本当に珍しいヒューマノイドだ。このような説明は聞いたことがない。 (1:01:38)

おそらく典型的な灰色のバリエーションであるように見えるが、決して典型的なものではない。このケースは研究者であり著者でもあるナサニエル・ブリスリンによるもので、彼の著書『クローラーズ』(決定的なケースブック)に掲載されている。目撃者は匿名で、ジェイコブと呼ぶことにする。彼と家族がミシガン州ニューアゴ郊外の超田舎に住む祖父母を訪ねたのは、2018年7月のある晩の午後7時半ごろだった。実際、最も近い他の家は1マイル以上離れており、とても田舎だった。 (1:02:20)

そして問題の夜、ジェイコブは家の前で、家の隣の牧草地にゴルフボールを打ち込んでいた。ゴルフボールを全部打った後、彼はボールを集めに牧草地に出かけた。敷地内には犬が入れないようにゲートがあり、彼はゲートを閉めてその向こうへ行った。彼はほとんどのボールを牧草地に集めたが、牧草地を越えて端の森林地帯に何個か打ったことを知っていた。 (1:02:48)

そこで彼はそれらを回収しに行った。その時、背後から葉の間から足音が聞こえ、奇妙な音も聞こえた。しかし奇妙なことに、その音は始まったり止まったりした。 (1:03:05)





そして驚いたことに、それは四つん這いになって出てきた。彼はまず、その細長い腕を見た。大きなハゲ頭、黒くて大きな丸い目、鼻の穴が2つ、口のスリットが長く、あごが長く誇張されているのがわかった。そして木の陰から完全に這い出てきたという。その時、彼はその手足の細さに感動した。 (1:04:07)

その生き物はほとんど飢えているように見えた。その皮膚は黒っぽく、濡れて光っていたという。その胴体はほとんどねじれて奇形に見え、彼はそれをまるで整理されていない肉塊のようだと表現した。その手と足は普通の人よりもずっと長いことに彼は気づいた。この時、この生き物は振り返ってジェイコブを直視した。そしてこの時、先ほど聞いた奇妙な水のような音がこの生き物から出ていることに気づいた。 (1:04:47)

さて、彼はこの生き物にかなり近づいていた、約75フィート(約1.6メートル)の距離だ。鼻の穴が開いているのが見えたという。この時点で、その存在は立ち上がり、身長は約6.5フィートに達した。彼は、それが不自然に見える方法で首を動かし、再び目撃者を直視したと言った。 (1:05:04)

ジェイコブはその場に凍りついたまま、ただショックと恐怖で見つめていた。 ジェイコブは唖然とし、驚いた。ジェイコブは唖然とし、驚きすぎて何も反応できず、ただこの対決に備えようとした。しかし、この生き物は彼にぶつかるどころか、彼のすぐそばを走り抜け、森を抜けて姿を消した。 (1:05:28)

ジェイコブは振り返り、それが走り続けるのを見た。四つん這いで走るのと二本足で走るのを交互に繰り返した。そしてまた、ジェイコブはこの生き物の体が歪んでいて、不自然で、彼が引用したと言ったように、ずれているように見えた。 想像できるように、ヤコブは恐ろしくなり、野原を飛び出して家に戻り、門を閉めた。 (1:05:58)

そして驚いたことに、祖父は以前にも同じ生き物を見たことがある、と言ったのだ。なんと奇妙なことだろう。背が高くて、やせっぽちで、ちょっと不格好なその生き物が、自分のほうに向かって走ってくるなんて想像できる?それは誰にとっても怖いことだと思う。 というわけで、また興味深い事件が起きた。 (1:06:25)

▼原文 展開

Now let's move to the last and final case in this collection, which is super interesting and quite scary, actually, certainly for the witness. I call this one, Charged by an Alien. This occurred one evening in July of 2018 to a young teenage witness. His age isn't described exactly, but that does appear to be inferred in this case, which occurred in a rural area of Newago, Michigan. It's a really unusual humanoid. Can't say I've heard one described quite like this. (1:01:38)

Does appear, perhaps, to be a variation of the typical gray, but not typical by any means, as we shall see. This case comes from researcher-author Nathaniel Brislin, and was published in his book, Crawlers, a conclusive casebook. The witness is anonymous, I'll call him Jacob, that's a pseudonym. It was around 7.30 p.m. one evening in July 2018 that he and his family went to visit his grandparents, who lived in a very rural area outside of Newago, Michigan. In fact, the closest other house was more than a mile away, so a very rural area. (1:02:20)

And on the evening in question, Jacob was in front of the house, hitting golf balls out into the pasture next to the house. After hitting all the golf balls, he ventured out into the pasture to go collect them. Now the property was gated to keep the dogs contained, so he went beyond the gate, closing it behind him. He collected most of the balls in the pasture, but he knew that he had hit a few beyond the pasture and into the forested area at the edge. (1:02:48)

So then he went to go collect those. It was then that he heard footsteps among the leaves coming from behind him, and also a weird sound, which he said was kind of like water dripping off of someone who had just stepped out of the shower. But the strange thing was, the sound would start and stop. (1:03:05)

So Jacob speculated that perhaps it was the wind blowing water from the leaves on the trees. Collecting what he thought was the last golf ball, he turned and started to walk back, and this is when he saw a tall figure step behind a tree. (1:03:17)

He only caught a brief glimpse of movement, so he couldn't discern what it was at this point, but he knows he saw something. And very curious, he remained still and intently watched the area where he had seen this figure disappear. And his patience was rewarded, because after just a few moments, this figure came out from behind the tree. (1:03:42)

And to his amazement, it was crawling out on all fours. He first saw its long skinny arms, followed by its head. You could see that it had a large bald head, large dark round eyes, two holes for a nose, a long slit for a mouth, a long exaggerated chin. And he said it crawled completely out from behind the tree, at which point he was impressed by how skinny its arms and legs were. (1:04:07)

It gave the creature an almost starved appearance. He said its skin was dark and glistened with wetness. Its torso looked almost twisted up and malformed, how he described it was like an unorganized mass of flesh. Its hands and feet, he noticed, were much longer than a normal person's. It was at this point that this creature turned and looked directly at Jacob. And this is when he noticed that that strange watery sound that he had heard earlier was coming from this creature, and it seemed to be coming from the being's nostril holes. (1:04:47)

Now, he was pretty close to this thing, about 75 feet away. Close enough, he said that he could see its nostrils flaring. At this point, the being stood up, reaching a height of about six and a half feet tall. He said it moved its neck in a way that seemed unnatural, and again looked directly at the witness. (1:05:04)

Jacob remained frozen to the spot, just stared in shock and fear, when suddenly this creature did something totally unexpected. It charged right at him, running right towards him. Jacob was too stunned and surprised to react in any way, just tried to prepare himself for this confrontation. But instead of hitting him, this creature ran right by him, through the woods, and disappeared. (1:05:28)

Jacob turned and watched as it kept running, and it alternated between running on all fours and on two feet. And again, Jacob had the impression that this creature's body looked contorted, unnatural, and as he said, quote, off. Now, he was afraid, as you can imagine, so he ran out of the field, back to the property, closed the gate behind him, and at first he didn't tell his grandfather what he had seen, but later he did. (1:05:58)

And to his surprise, he received confirmation, because his grandfather said that he had seen this same creature before, while walking through the trails in the woods around the property. How weird is that? Can you imagine seeing the very tall, skinny, kind of misshapen being like that, and have it run directly towards you? That would be scary, I think, for anybody. So, another interesting case. (1:06:25)




4,700 views Mar 8, 2025


この怪物の正体は祖父(or 祖父の家に同居していた祖父の家族)が扮装したもの。少年をからかった。



と言って、ダメ押しをした。アメリカ人は、このような手の込んだ 悪ふざけ が大好き。そういう国民性。
