
Whitley Strieber の認識: ET と人類の関係

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Whitley Strieber が「ET と人類の関係」について彼の認識を語っている。Linda Moulton Howe が聞き出し役。

いつもなら「ET と人類の関係」のような本質的な問題に関しては、Whitley Strieber は曖昧かつ抽象的な文学的表現で含みを持たせつつ逃げるところだが、先輩格の Linda Moulton Howe が聞き出し役であることもあってか、この動画では率直に彼の認識を語っている。



Richard Doty の件も含めて、騙されやすいことでは定評のある Linda Moulton Howe は仕方ないとして…。

Whitley Strieber は古参のベストセラー作家なんだから、少しは独創性なり洞察力を期待できそうなものだが、全くの期待外れ。

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)


1985年以来、別の知性との交流を重ねてきた一人に、作家のホイットリー・ストリーバーがいる。私は今、彼の『Communion, a True Story』という非常に重要で貴重な本の表紙を持っている。この本は1987年2月に出版されました。今から40年近く前ですが、当時と変わらず現在も読み継がれています。この表紙は、世界中の何千人もの人々に初めて声を上げさせるきっかけとなり、この顔が、何人かの人々の体験の中にある、自分たちの隠された異星人との秘密の出会いと一致することに驚かされた。 (0:05:00)

1987年2月以来、ウィットリーはさまざまなタイプの灰色の宇宙人との継続的な遭遇について、さらに多くの本を制作してきた。彼はまた、金髪碧眼のノルディック・タイプや身長5フィートのカマキリにも出会っている。表紙を飾っているのは3体の灰色のヒューマノイドで、ウィットリーによれば身長は約1.5メートル、頭は人間よりずっと長いという。 (0:05:31)

彼らの大きく丸い黒いガラスのような目が読者をまっすぐ見つめる一方で、ホイットリーは1987年当時、ほとんど知る人もいなかった疑問を探っている。なぜ彼らは私たち人間に興味を持つのか? (0:05:47)

それは私たちの魂なのか?彼らは臨死体験と何らかの関係があるのか?彼らは、地球が急速に気候変動する中で、人類の生存は保証されないと警告し続けている。 ここで、テムについての議論が始まった。 まず、1987年の聖体拝領の表紙の青白い肌の存在と、2023年のThemの表紙の奇妙な姿の存在を見ていただけますか?


この2つの表紙は2つの異なることを反映している。最初の表紙は、私が見た目の力を伝えている。目は生き生きとしていた。 (0:06:35)



そして、鼻の穴がもっと小さくて、小さな穴が開いている存在がいます。目の上の部分が大きくて、あごがとても小さい。何年もかけて2つの異なる存在を見ているようだ。 (0:07:09)



そうだね、80年代は誘拐されて、かなり乱暴された。 今の関係はもっと微妙で複雑だ。1985年のあの夜、彼らがしていたことは基本的にひとつだった。 (0:07:41)





ええ、背の高い人がいると思う。聖体』の表紙を飾った人とは知り合いになった。 (0:08:13)




とても古代の意識を感じました。背の高い存在です。彼女は身長1メートル以上ありました。 でも、彼女と一緒にいた他の人たちはとても小さくて、それに比べるととても周辺的な存在だった。 (0:08:36)



さて、これは私がこの本を読んだときにノートに書き留めた最初の質問のひとつにつながる。それは、この本に書かれていたあなたの言葉、「ここにいる人は誰でも、私たちの記憶の中で、つまり私たちの集団的想像力の中で、自分自身についての演劇的なプレゼンテーションを作り出している。 (0:09:28)



そうですね。その考えが最初に浮かんだのは、数年前、妻のアンがUFO現象についてコメントしたときでした。空に浮かぶ光や物体は、訪問者が空に劇場を作っているのだと。 (0:09:51)





私はそう思う。それが、この問題の大部分だと思う。だから彼らは、私たちが絶滅することを望んでいないのでしょう。 (0:10:19)

そして、彼らの行動を見れば、彼らが私たちの生存を望んでいることがわかる。彼らが成功しているかどうかはわからないが、努力はしている。利他主義からだけでなく、農夫や羊飼いが自分の羊が病気になったり、狼に食べられたり、餓死したり、喉が渇いて死んだりするのを望まないのと同じ理由からだ。 (0:10:46)

羊が繁栄することを望んでいるのは、羊が自分の富であり、命であるからだ。なぜなら、羊を使って服を作り、羊毛を売り、自分の全生活を羊に依存しているからだ。 (0:10:52)




私たちは生成者だと思います。 私たちは斬新な経験を生み出す。エネルギーを生み出す。 (0:11:23)

私はその瞬間を、まるで今も起きているかのように追体験した。それほど鮮明だった。そして、まるで今の大人の意識と意識を持ったまま赤ちゃんの体に戻り、その意識の中で最初の一歩を踏み出したときの赤ちゃんの体にいるかのようだった。もしそれができれば、その人の人生の膨大なすべてにアクセスできることになる。 (0:11:57)


私の2冊の本、『Glimpses of Other Realities(他の現実を垣間見る)』の第2巻には、106ページにわたって、私がインタビューした人々のイラストが載っています。 (0:12:26)

そして彼らは、魂が分離されるまでの非常に特定の期間、生まれた時の容器の中に魂を入れておくことが重要だと言われる。そして、灰色カマキリとカマキリのグループは、人間やETが入ったこのチューブを何百、何千本も使って、この保存プロセスを行っていたという。ビーイングたちは、チューブに入れられた自分の体を見せられたメスの一人に、自分たちが彼女を連れて行き、心臓病で早死にする可能性があるリューマチ熱を患っていたため、彼女を生かしておくために何かをしようとしているのだと説明しようとした。 (0:13:12)

すべてがとてもポジティブに思えた。しかし、これらの体験について私に話してくれた人たちは皆、現在の体内から工芸品に乗ったこれらの体のひとつに移され、何が起こっているのか正確に理解できずに混乱していました。あなたの新著『Them You Wrote』の142ページで、もし訪問者が、実在するが私たちがその存在すら知らない魂をコントロールしているのだとしたら、つまり人間はほとんどの場合、魂とはあまり関係がないのだとしたら、そしてもし彼らが魂に影響を与えることができるテクノロジーを所有し、そうする動機を持っているのだとしたら、私たち人間がこのことを理解することが急務なのだと。 (0:13:59)


その通りだ。なぜならこれには捕食者的な側面があり、良い農家と悪い農家、羊飼いと泥棒がいるかどうかは誰にもわからないからだ。このような現象がまったく一様でないことは、あらゆる証拠が証明している。私たちは非常に密度が高く、時間の流れに完全に組み込まれているため、このエネルギー、この望ましい生命エネルギーを創造する特別な能力を持っているのかもしれない。 (0:14:28)

そして私たちはそれを自然に行っている。私たちにとって、どの瞬間も常に新しい。それは新しいものではないかもしれないし、私が知る限り、これはすべて地図に載っていることかもしれない。でも私たちはすべての瞬間を新しいものとして経験し、あたかもそれが新しいものであるかのようにそのエネルギーを得る。もし誰かがやってきて、私たちから取ってはいけないものを取ってしまったら、例えば羊飼いの例えで言うと、羊の毛を刈る代わりに羊を食べようと決めたら、もちろんすべての賭けは外れる。 (0:15:02)

そしてそれは突然、まったく異なる種類のゲームになる。そして私たちは、自分たちが誰とどこにいるのかを理解するレベルに入らなければならない。そのためには2つのことが必要だ。ひとつは魂への気づき、そして魂のレベルに注意を向けること。そして2つ目は、誰がここにいるのかを正確に理解し、彼らが何を望み、何を持つべきで、何を持つべきでないかをよく理解することである。 (0:15:36)

つまり、私たちは自分の置かれている状況や居場所を理解する必要がある。そうして私たちは、群れの中の羊から、私たち全員が共に歩む旅の仲間へと変わるのです。それが交わりなのだ。私たちはまだそこに到達していないが、私たちの側が理解と洞察力をもって自力を発揮するまでは、決してそこに到達することはないだろう。 (0:16:03)


そして194ページで、あなたはこう書いている。「軍はこのような状況に対処しているのかもしれない。 軍は隠された紛争に従事しており、何年もそうしてきたが、国民に否定する盾の後ろにそれを隠している可能性があるようだ。そうしようとしたかどうかは別として、無秩序な接近遭遇や拉致を防ぐことはできていない。 (0:16:33)

遭遇現象の真相が明らかになったのは、聖体拝領が発表された後、アンと私に何十万通もの手紙が届いた時だけだ。私たち一般人が何も知らないような高度な兵器を軍が保有していることは確かだが、彼らがこの奇妙な、影に取り憑かれた戦場を支配しようとしても支配できないことは明らかなようだ。 (0:17:02)



それはとても虐待だと思う。 (0:17: (0:17: 33)

もしハリー・トルーマンのような賢明な大統領がいれば、兵士や兵士を科学的に支援する人たち、兵器製造者や飛行機製造者やエンジン製造者、そういった人たちを招集することはなかっただろう、 人類学者、社会学者、哲学者、宗教指導者、神学者、そして軍隊である肉体の防衛に携わっていた人たちを招集しただろう。 (0:18:16)

しかし残念なことに、それはまったく違う方向に進んでしまった。そしていつの間にか、私たちは彼に発砲していた。そのことは、この本の中ではっきりと示している。私が秘密の知識を持っているというわけではまったくない。新聞の切り抜きを読めば、起こったことが一貫していること、本当のストーリーが明らかになることがわかる。 (0:18:41)



そうです。そして、あなたはこう書きました。「軍によって密かに真剣に受け止められていたUFOやETが、一般大衆に与えられたものは非常にばかばかしいもので、UFOやETについて推測することさえ、誰かに愚か者の烙印を押すようなものだった」という文化的なシグナルが、一般大衆に浴びせられ続けた。 (0:19:13)



そうだ。そこが間違っていたんだ。 (0:19:51)

そして我々はまだそこにいる。そして今、国防総省はますます反抗的になる議会に対して、必死に一線を保とうとしている。それが成功するかどうかはわからない。というのも、来訪者たちはこの件を最初から画策していたのだと思うからだ。そして彼らはいつも私に、地球が新しい気候体制の末期段階に入り始めたら、それは多くの、多くの、多くの人命を失うことになるだろうと語っていた。 (0:20:34)

そして彼らは様々な形で出現している。そのうちのいくつかはまだ公表されていないが、非常に素晴らしいものになるだろう。私たちがクラッシュしたディスクを数多く持っていることは、今や一般の人々も知っている。次の段階は、私たちが死体を持っていることを認めることでしょう。そしてそれは、私たちの世界についての考え方をまったく変えてしまうような、衝撃的な考古学的要素を持っていることが判明するでしょう。 (0:21:05)

地球には、私たちが何も知らない部分が膨大にある。私たちが知っているのは地表と地下の限られた部分だけで、深海についてはほとんど何も知らない。しかし、もっと重要なことは、彼らは長い間この世界の一部であったということである。 (0:21:38)

▼原文 展開

One person who has had many interactions with another intelligence since 1985 is writer Whitley Streber. I'm holding up right now the front of his very important and valuable book, which is Communion, a True Story. It was first published in February of 1987. That's nearly 40 years ago, and it's as current today as it was then. This cover provoked thousands of people worldwide to speak up for the first time, astonished that this face matched their own hidden secret encounters with alien beings in some of these people's experiences. (0:05:00)

Since February in 1987, Whitley has produced more books about his ongoing encounters with a variety of gray alien types. He has also met a blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic type and a five-foot tall praying mantis, and now he has released this new book simply called Them. On the cover are three gray humanoids that Whitley says are about five feet tall with much longer heads than humans have. (0:05:31)

Their large round black glassy eyes stare straight ahead at the reader while Whitley explores questions that few ever knew enough to even ask back in 1987. Why are they interested in us humans? (0:05:47)

Is it our soul? Are they linked somehow with near-death experiences? They continue to warn that human survival is not guaranteed as Earth rapidly changes climate. Here now is where our discussion about Them began. Could you please start by looking at the 1987 pale-skinned entity on the communion cover versus the strange-looking beings on the cover of Them in 2023? The two covers reflect two different things. The first cover communicates the power of the eyes that I saw. The eyes were vividly alive. (0:06:35)

And the second cover is intended to communicate the strangeness of the experiences people are having. And there are beings that have much smaller nostrils, little holes, and another type is what you have in Them. It's a huge upper above the eyes and a very small chin. It's like I'm looking at two different beings over all these years. (0:07:09)

That's why I wondered, is there a distinct difference between the way they've handled you or how you telepath or anything compared to what happened back in the 80s? Well, back in the 80s, I was kidnapped and roughed up considerably. The relationship I have now is much more nuanced and complex. What they were doing on that night in 1985 was basically one thing. (0:07:41)

They were extracting semen from my body. And that the ones from the 1980s that were interacting with you in Accord, New York, 100 miles north of Manhattan, they are a different type, perhaps, overseeing those today on the cover of Them? Yeah, I think that there are tall ones. And the one who was on the cover of Communion, we got to know her. And it was definitely a woman. (0:08:13)

In terms of the female figure, in later writings, I think you referred to you having a sense that one of the beings played a role in Samaria or Assyria or Anunnaki. I sensed a very ancient awareness. And this is a tall being. She was over five feet tall. But there were others with her who were very small and who were very peripheral by comparison. (0:08:36)

I've seen the Nordics. I've never, to my knowledge, seen the tall whites. I have never, to my knowledge, seen the mantis beings except one time, but it wasn't large. It was about five feet long, which is big enough for praying mantis when you're in a room alone. Well, this leads to one of my first questions that I wrote down in a notebook when I was reading them. And it was your words in the book, quote, whoever is here is creating a theatrical presentation about themselves in our memory and therefore in our collective imagination, close quote. (0:09:28)

I felt you are penetrating a truth here, but could you flesh this out for a general audience exactly what you mean? Yeah. The first time that idea came into my mind was years ago when my wife Anne commented with regard to the UFO phenomenon, the lights and objects in the sky, the visitors were creating a theater in the sky. (0:09:51)

This whole thing, it is definitely theater and story that animates the whole close encounter movement. That something else, non-human intelligences, is actively trying to harvest something from us humans on this planet on a regular basis. I think so. I think that's a great deal of what this is all about. And I think it's probably why they don't want us to go extinct. (0:10:19)

And we know they want us to survive by the way they're acting. And I'm not so sure that they're being successful, but they are trying. And they don't want us to go extinct, not only out of altruism, but for the same reason that a farmer or a shepherd doesn't want his sheep to get sick or to be eaten by wolves or to starve to death or to die of thirst. (0:10:46)

He wants them to thrive because they are his wealth and his life because he uses them to make his clothing and to sell the wool and to make his whole life depends on them. (0:10:52)

I made a note on page 56 of them, quote, if the secret of missing time is that souls may be traded out of bodies, then what are we humans? Close quote. I think that we are generators. We generate novel experience. We generate energy. And I've been taken by the visitors, by the lady we were talking about a minute ago, all the way back to the moment I first walked. (0:11:23)

I relived that moment as if it was still happening. It was that vivid. And it was as if I had returned to my baby body with a present adult consciousness and awareness and was in the baby body as I took my first steps in this awareness. And if they can do that, then they have access to the whole vast array of a person's life. (0:11:57)

You know, in my two volume, Glimpses of Other Realities, in volume two, I have 106 page chapter with illustrations that were done by people I interviewed in which people in a craft with a variety of beings, greys, praying mantis, and small greys and others, that there are tubes and they're seeing bodies, some human, some extraterrestrial, in preservation tubes. (0:12:26)

And they are told that it is important to keep the soul inside of the container it was born in for a very specific length of time before they were separated. And that the grey and praying mantis group had this preservation process with hundreds, maybe thousands of these tubes with humans and ETs in them. The beings tried to explain to one of the females who was shown her body in a tube and that they were going to take her and they were going to do something that would keep her alive because she'd had rheumatic fever and she could die early from heart disease. (0:13:12)

It all seemed very positive. But each person that told me about these experiences of being transferred from inside their current body into one of these bodies in a craft, they were confused about exactly what was happening. And in page 142 of your new book, Them You Wrote, if visitors are in control of a soul that is real but which we don't even know exists, meaning humans for the most part don't relate to souls very much, and if they possess technology that can affect the soul and have motives for doing so, it is urgent that we humans understand this. (0:13:59)

Absolutely, because there is a predatory aspect to this and who's to know if there are some good farmers and some bad farmers, some shepherds and some rustlers who steal. There's every evidence that this is not at all homogeneous. And we may have this extraordinary ability to create this energy, this life energy that is so desirable, because we are very dense and totally embedded in the stream of time. (0:14:28)

And we do it naturally. For us, every moment is new, always. It may not be new, this may be all mapped out for all I know, but we experience every moment as new, and we get the energy of it as if it was new. If somebody comes along and takes from us what they shouldn't take, say from the shepherd analogy, instead of shearing the sheep, they decide to eat the sheep, then all bets are off, of course. (0:15:02)

And it's suddenly a very different sort of a game. And we have to get into a level of understanding where we are with who we are with. We need two things to do that. One is an awareness of the soul and the penetration of the attention into the soul level. And two is an understanding of exactly who is here and a good idea of what they want and should have and should not have. (0:15:36)

In other words, we need to understand our situation and where we are. So we convert ourselves from being sheep in a flock to being companions on a journey that we are all taking together. And that is communion. We're not there yet, but until our side of it is self-empowered with understanding and insight, we'll never be there. (0:16:03)

And on page 194, you wrote, quote, the military may well be dealing with this kind of situation. It seems possible that it is engaged in a hidden conflict and has been for years and is concealing it behind a shield of denial to the public. Whether it has tried to do so or not, it has not prevented uncontrolled close encounters and abductions. (0:16:33)

The only time the true extent of the encounter phenomena emerged was when Anne and I received hundreds of thousands of letters after communion was published. I'm sure that the military possesses advanced weapons that we in the public know nothing about, but it seems pretty clear that they can't dominate this strange, shadow-haunted battlefield, even if they are trying. (0:17:02)

Close quote. I thought that summed up the last 80 years, and I wondered what your perspective is right now in July of 2023 about the internecine warfare still ongoing in the Pentagon, while the rest of us are saying humans deserve the truth. To not tell the world the truth is an abuse. I think it's very much an abuse. (0:17:33)

What should have happened had we had a wise president and Harry Truman, not a frightened one, and he would have called together not soldiers and the scientific support for soldiers, the weapons builders and the airplane builders and the engine builders and all of those people, which is what happened, but he would have called anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, religious leaders, and theologians, as well as those engaged in the defense of the body, which is the military, because these other people would have become engaged in a new kind of defense, which is the defense of the soul. (0:18:16)

But unfortunately, it went in a completely different direction. And before you knew it, we were shooting at him. And I show that very clearly in the book. And it's not that I have secret knowledge at all. If you read the newspaper clippings, you can see that what happens is consistent, that the real story comes out. (0:18:41)

And then a little while later, a substitute story comes out that explains it all away in usually a fairly puerile manner, a ridiculous manner. Yes. And you wrote, quote, the public continued to be bombarded with cultural signals that these UFOs and ETs, secretly taken seriously by the military, were so absurd, meaning what was given to the public, were so absurd that even speculating about UFOs and ETs would brand someone a fool. (0:19:13)

The UAP interests could and did ruin careers. The people who might have been able to understand were locked in an invisible prison of lies. And their only response, meaning our government at the time, was to shoot at unknown craft that violated their rules with no way to know whoever was controlling the craft was even aware of those rules or able to understand them, or even if they could receive the radio warnings that were routinely transmitted, meaning from the United States. Yep. And that's where we went wrong. (0:19:51)

And we're still there. And right now, the Defense Department is frantically trying to hold the line against an increasingly restive Congress. And whether they will succeed or not, I don't know. I doubt that they will, because I think that the visitors are engineering this and have been from the beginning. And they always told me that when the planet began to go into a terminal phase of the new climate regime, which is going to lead to the loss of many, many, many human lives, they would emerge. (0:20:34)

And they are emerging in many ways. And some of them haven't come public yet, but are going to be extraordinarily amazing. The public now knows that we have numerous crashed disks. The next step will be the admission that we have bodies, and that will turn out to have a shocking archaeological component that will change the way we think about our world entirely. (0:21:05)

There's a huge amount of the Earth that we don't know anything about. We only know about the surface and limited parts of the subsurface and almost nothing about the deeps of the oceans. We have to understand that this is not only something coming from above, but maybe more importantly, they have been part of this world for so long that we might consider ourselves the newbies on the block, that this might be more their world than it is ours. (0:21:38)


Feb 14 - REBROADCAST - What Does She and Them Want from Humans?

