Lawrence "Larry" Warren の長時間インタビュー動画:文字起こし (途中 1)
Larry Warren については後述の過去記事(*1)で取り上げてきた。
多くの UFO 研究者は Larry Warren の証言を捏造だと批判し、擁護する UFO 研究者は James Bartley など少数。だが、彼の証言内容を支持する別人の証言もあり、混乱している。
そこで今回は Larry Warren 本人の長時間インタビュー動画を取り上げる。
このインタビューで Larry Warren 本人が何度も語っているようにかなり錯綜した体験なので単純な内容ではない。
以下のインタビュー動画の証言の全てを注意を払って聴くようなタフな UFO 研究者/ファン/マニア は US でもごく僅か。恐らく日本ではほぼ皆無。だが、重要な証言が含まれている。その意味を本人も聞き手も理解していないように見受ける。
以下では 文字起こし を付けておく。後日、和訳と分析を行う予定。
Larry Warren の証言動画(58分) (2013-12-14)
Rendlesham/Bentwaters 事件 : Charles Halt が軍に提出した報告書の内容 (2021-02-23)
Peter Robbins : 私の本の共著者が詐欺師と判明し、決別した。 (2021-03-05)
Sacha Christie : Larry Warren の捏造を告発 (途中1) (2021-03-05)
共著者を含む著名 UFO 研究者が Larry Warren の UFO 証言も捏造と判断 (2021-03-06)
COSIMO(出版社)が Larry Warren の本の取り扱いを停止 (2021-03-06)
James Bartley : 大勢が Larry Warren の証言を嘘だと批判しているが、私は彼を信じる (2022-05-23)
Steve LaPlume : Larry Warren の証言の一部を補強する証言 (2022-10-21)
Larry Warren の CNN ニュース番組での証言動画 (全発言+日本語訳) (2023-05-13)
❏ Charles Halt : Larry Warren の証言の矛盾を指摘 (2024-06-16)
Daniel Liszt による Linda Moulton Howe の長時間インタビュー:全発言(文字起こし+和訳) (2024-10-31)
The Rendlesham Forest Incident: A Firsthand Account From The Original Whistleblower
63,600 veiws 2017/05/11
そのわずか数週間後、ラリーはレンドルシャムの森で起きた遭遇事件に巻き込ま れ、後に「イギリスのロズウェル」とも呼ばれる「レンドルシャムの森事件」として知られるようになった。
ジュネーブ条約違反の核ミサイルが違法に保管されている2つのNATO基地の間の森で起こったので、こ れは核改ざんUFO事件であった。海軍情報部(ONI)と空軍保安部(AFSS)が基地にやってきて、軍の目撃者たちに説明し、今日まで続く秘密のベールをかぶせた。
The Rendlesham Forest is a large pine forest in Suffolk, England, about 130 kilometers northeast of London. Nearby are the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. At the time both bases were being leased to the United States Air Force and used as a secret nuclear weapons storage facility. What is important to note here is that storing nuclear arms was against the Geneva Convention rules that stated that no NATO bases could house nuclear missiles on a military base. Thus it has to be highlighted that The Rendlesham Forest Incident was an incident of international significance.
Larry Warren, a member of the US Air Force Security Police, was posted there on the 1st of December 1980, at the age of 19.
Just a few weeks later, Larry was involved in an encounter that occurred in the Rendlesham Forest, which later became known as, The Rendlesham Forest Incident, also referred to as 'Britain's Roswell'.
It is undoubtedly one of the best documented and most significant military encounters with Crafts of Unknown Origin, or UFOs. It is also a case that involved highly credible witnesses, trained United States Air Force observers and Security Police, like Larry Warren.
The incident spanned three evenings during Christmas of 1980.
Over the course of those three nights of Christmas 1980, several UFO incidents, including multiple-witness sightings by military personnel, with ground traces, and radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham forest, where RAF Bentwaters was located.
Night 1 was an Unidentified Craft landing in the forest witnessed up close by Sgt. James Penniston and U.S. Air Force police officer, John Buroughs.
Night 2 three depressions, 1 1/2" deep and 7" in diameter were found where the object had been sighted on the ground as well as peak radiation readings in the three depressions and near the center of the triangle formed by the depressions. Also, Lt. Bonnie Tamplin encountered phenomenon near RAF Woodbridge so terrifying that she refused to work night shift from that point onward.
Night 3 was an experience taking place in two different areas of the Rendlesham Forest. One was an encounter with beams of light shining down from an unidentified aerial craft witnessed by the most senior officer on the base, deputy base commander Lt Col Charles Halt, who wrote a memo to the UK Ministry of Defense summarizing the event.
The other involving multiple military personnel including Larry Warren as a security policeman.
Because this happened in the forest between the two NATO Bases where nuclear missiles were being stored illegally in violation of the Geneva Convention, this was a nuclear tampering UFO case. The (ONI) Office of Naval Intelligence and the (AFSS) Air Force Security Service came to the base to brief the military witnesses and impose a veil of secrecy that continues until this day.
If it were not for Larry Warren this story would be unknown to the world as it was a nuclear-tampering case involving Extraterrestrials. Larry both provided the information needed for the FOIA documents and leaked the Halt Memo to the Press.
EMN is proud to present the man responsible for bringing the story of “Britain’s Roswell” to public awareness. He will forever be known in the history of Ufology as the Whistleblower of the The Rendlesham Forest Incident.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
▼原文 展開
E.M.N. is proud to present the man responsible for bringing the story of Britain's Roswell to public awareness. He will forever be known in the history of ufology as the whistleblower of the Rendlesham Forest Incident. Larry Warren. October 1983. Your events, the events that took place at Bentwaters were over three days of Christmas. As I described earlier, there were three nights where different groups of military personnel reported seeing anomalous craft that they could not identify, even though they were an Air Force base, even though they were trained security people, who in their sleep they hear something, they know what country, what craft, what shape, what size that is. (0:00:53)
And yet on this base, nobody could say what that was. And that's significant. And also, as I stated earlier in the introduction, that it was a nuclear weapons storing facility, which was against the Geneva Convention, and that's why it was an international event. But now on October, if I'm just going to jump ahead, October 1983, the News of the World newspaper ran with the headline, quote, a UFO with three silver-suited aliens on board landed in Suffolk, unquote. (0:01:25)
Larry, can you tell us about that? Well, what Sid's talking about is how this kind of broke, and it's always kind of, that is not when the Bentwaters broke. This wasn't called Rendlesham Forest back then, it was the Bentwaters Incident. We didn't know the name of the damn forest. We didn't care. It separated our bases, so it was known as the Bentwaters. To keep it real, how it came out, it broke in the States first. (0:01:52)
How I went public, my family, I'm not from a UFO family at all, and I needed to talk. I came back a bit of a wreck after all this. PTSD, whatever they call it now, and just a train wreck of a person, so were other guys, because we were really messed with after this, chemically and other things, for real. (0:02:19)
You wonder how this comes out, I thought. You would think, I want to be famous, I'm going to go make a bullshit story up, or I heard something, so I'm going to just pretend it's me. People like that don't last a day, in life, a lie don't last, unless you're completely insane, because usually people that bullshit are in it for some personal gain. You know, your ego wears out, because all you do is get attacked anyway. (0:02:40)
I've never been a fan of UFOlogy, no offense, dear friends and all of it, but I'm not the darling of UFOlogy, I can tell you, and even my book is not favorable toward organized... I'm about witnesses, I'm an advocate for people that have lived this stuff, not just this crap. Everyone that's truly lived it, not bullshit artists that come out, and come out with these crazy stories. (0:03:05)
I've been expected to back myself... picture this, who's ever been in trouble in a courtroom? I have. Shit, yeah, I'm an old biker. But, you know, you sit there and the judge, blah, blah, blah, community, whatever you end up doing. Never a hard time, thank God, but the... I've been, if you feel, you know, a person in my position, and it just went that way, if you can imagine being prosecuted in the judge's stand for 34 public years, imagine it. (0:03:39)
Always justifying, evidence always being ignored, evidence that would win in a courtroom. This would happen to any of you, by the way. I'm not saying any of you, but I have a standard myself. If you're going to make amazing claims, you'd be expected to back it up to the... now, we're talking about something that, you know, that's pretty freaking amazing. (0:04:00)
Other life forms, another intelligence, which is real, it's here, I know it. I can't help other people who know it, who care less. I know it, don't know who they are, and I think there are many ways. I want to straighten out a few things here, because I don't know what you know, or what you think you know, or what you've read. (0:04:17)
I sat with Larry, and some months went by, and I thought, well, we'll do an FOIA, Freedom Information Act was very new at that time, and we'll see what we come up with. I go, I just feel better, I talk to people. By then, I'd spoken to my father, it's all recounted in our book. (0:04:36)
The great thing about Left at East Gate, is not that I'm a great writer, because I'm not. I wrote my parts, Pete wrote his, and yelled at me all the time for grammar and all that. You know Peter, if you know him. And thank God, because our book would never, I never would have had the book out, I had a different co-author at first, without Peter Robbins. And he was like the mediator with me, because I was a real wild boy back then, in them days, angry guy. (0:05:03)
For a lot of good reasons, and a lot of damage was done, man, I can tell you. So, I do have an axe to grind. So, I get a call, I come home from work in June of 83, and I get a phone call from Larry, and he says, Larry, we got him. (0:05:13)
And I go, what'd you get? He goes, we have an actual document describing the incident. And that is what you know as this Charles Holtz memo, Colonel Holtz memo. And the FOIA did not release it in the States, it was released by the government of Britain, by mistake. Thus Colonel Holtz has not been a big fan of mine for 34 years, at all. (0:05:38)
Now, because it affected him, you know, his name was forever hooked with this thing, and he wanted to, he would say he wanted to burn that memo. But they had to send it on to the MOD, and the rest is history. And that's when the cap was out of the bag, it started to escalate, and blah, blah, blah, and it was all by just me simply wanting to not be part of all this, not be writing books. (0:06:06)
But I lived it, it was real, I wasn't trying to be a joyrider, have a few minutes of FaceTime with a UFO public agent, or any of that crap. It was the last thing I wanted. I wanted to hit record maybe, you know. So, at the end of the day, that's how it came out in a nutshell. (0:06:23)
It was all an accident, it was simply because I wanted to talk to someone other than my family. I found my family very supportive as time went on. They wish I hadn't done it, because they've seen what it's done to me. If you ask my son what he thinks of the subject, you wouldn't get a nice answer, the way his dad's been treated. And that's a son for you. But that's how it started. (0:06:46)
Larry, I want to go back to that last night, where you had the sighting, and we saw you describe it in the field with Gary Hesselheim. So Larry, you tell me, in your own words, what happened? Well, we were brought out here from our air bent waters, didn't know why, thought it was an exercise. We got to a clearing back in the forest, and then we moved in through the trees, and came to this location where there were other personnel, and a ground mist that was lit. (0:07:29)
Describe to me the scene as you came into this field, exactly what you saw. There was a mist on the ground, it was about 50 foot in diameter. In what position to the ground was it located, how close to the ground? Yeah, it was part of the ground, the mist was part of the ground, about a foot in height. So literally about this, so this large piece of mist? (0:07:53)
Structured, had shape to it, and you could see through it at times, it was greenish yellow fog it looked like, but it had a light to it, it was lit. What is around this mist, anything? What's around the mist was a lot of security personnel, not far away, there were two cameras at that time. (0:08:14)
Immediately there would have been about 30, 34, there were a lot of off-duty people that were showing up. Then the British police, the Suffolk Constable area arrived. Okay, and in terms of, you're told to join the circle, is that right? At one point I was about 15 feet away, and at that point we could hear, I thought I heard helicopters, which would have been from the air rescue, in reality it was a red light out toward the North Sea. So we're in the field, you've said that you've been asked to join a number of officers, you've talked about that. (0:08:55)
Now, in terms of, you said that there was a red light, which direction would you say the red light came from? From the North Sea, so it was across that way. Where does it stop? Does it stop, does it fly on a what? This red light thing, this round sphere thing came in and stopped over the mist, about 30 feet above it, right in front of us. (0:09:15)
Cameras all went up, I saw them, they were on it, they were on snapping pictures were going off. Okay, hold it there, let's see if I understand this. So the object's coming from that direction, 300 feet high, and it's coming in and it stops over the yellow mist. Exactly. What happens next? Instantly, as soon as that's there, because you're saying, what the hell is this? There was a flash of light, as I recall it, that damaged my eyes and others, it was short, long things of light, I've tried to describe, no sound, no heat, no nothing, it was kind of a cold night I guess. (0:09:56)
But there was just this blinding flash of light and you could literally see sticks of light, I don't know how to describe it. What color was the light? Gold, blue, it was blue things in it and it was just that quick, like a flash of silver with gold and blue in it. Then what? Structured explosion, it wasn't all over the place, it was this pyramid. (0:10:21)
The next thing I saw in front of me, within 15 feet, was a structured, well, it looked structured to me, it was part of the ground, it was 20 feet at the base, it rose to about 15 feet at a rounded point at the top. It had three, what I saw of it, one part that came toward me, one part in a concave, and then another part came down on both sides, so it looked like a pyramid thing but with a front part coming off. (0:10:55)
It was all lit up, there were rainbow effects, it would change, if you caught a straight look at it, it would distort instantly. And what you're saying to me is, at this point where you see this thing, whatever it is, you're only 15 feet away. I was 15 feet away from it, maybe 20 at the most. I'm going to count out 5 paces, which is approximately 15 feet, a yard apace, and this is how close, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, so this is as close as you are to it. Right now, yeah. (0:11:25)
That's pretty close. That's too close, exactly. (0:11:28)
And all the other airmen are very close to it as well. Everyone else who was around, that close. Wow, that's amazing. Okay, there's this object there that you've given a really good description. What happened next? How many guys went forward? There was the guys with the radiac staff, there were two of them. Unfortunately, it was me and Sergeant Bustinzo, because we were told to go in and mark them, and we were that close, so probably at 1.5 feet from this object. (0:11:56)
Sergeant Bustinzo, what's his first name? Adrian Bustinzo. And in relation to where you are, how far away is Adrian? Where you and I are right now. So you're more or less stood right next to each other. I was here, he was there. So he's pretty close, and then what? It was like the surface of this thing was alive, which I've never really described it that way. (0:12:18)
I always try to kind of step away from this part of it, because you're trying to grasp something you actually can't. But I can see it, you know, but it's alive. It's a changing... but the shape of it and the structure to it was exactly never changed. It's a skeleton, it's outer exoskeleton. That was the same. Oh, so the outer structure, shape, remained the same, but within... It was just, you could not... it would distort. (0:12:48)
You'd start getting a grip and then it would all... there were kind of... picture this, this kind of... Was there anything else seen? Yeah. Tell me what about that. Well, on this delta thing, I describe them as these points that came off it, the big things, I mean, the structure of it. To the right of it, this thing moved out and this light came out. (0:13:15)
It was a goldish blue light. It was about a foot off the ground here and it just moved out. It was only about that big off the ground. So you're describing something that's appearing to come out. Separate, it came separate. It's just like it came off the fabric of this object. So it just appears? It just separated from the object. And what is this light? (0:13:33)
The light was very bright and started to dissipate and Bastinza said to me, there's kids, there's kids here, which you hear commonly in this subject. I've heard sin. And as it faded, you could see these three things that had... they were beings. Physically describe them, especially. They had white ghost kind of faces. (0:14:01)
You know, they're all bright and lit up, but they were separate. And then that light all split into three different lights. So these things were inside light. It wasn't like aliens walking around in the field. So one light that kind of divides into three separate things. The whole thing just split apart and there was one of them in each. (0:14:16)
And this thing like, you know, you blow a bubble off those rings and you blow the bubble. There's the bubble. (0:14:23)
That's how this thing came off the craft. How tall were these? Three feet. Three feet? Yeah. So it brought the whole thing up to about four feet. And in relation to the height from the ground that these... A foot off the ground. They weren't even off the ground. So literally, if these were three feet, they're about there. Visually. The tops of them? Well, then the light bulb... That's the bottom and they're three feet above that. (0:14:49)
Yeah, they're about here. But what effect was this having on you when you see these strange things? You know, we had some people do things to themselves afterwards. And you see him called Alabama, but it was because the guy actually had a real name and that was Jones, Russell Jones, and he committed suicide. So let me just say, see if I'm understanding what you're saying is that probably or possibly as a direct result of what he got involved in here, it affected him. (0:15:19)
One hundred percent. He was put back on the shift when he wasn't psychologically ready. Exactly. And you then responded after he had committed suicide as one of the first officers on the scene. Yeah. And after that night's events, the ONI in London and the, which is the Office of Naval Intelligence and the Air Force Secret Service... Security Service. They had a meeting with a group of witnesses from night three, which is your night. (0:15:50)
To explain the U.S. government's policy about things that had happened the previous night. So Commander Richardson of the Naval Intelligence Officer from London who came in, he said numerous civilian civilizations visit our planet and some have a permanent presence here. What do you think he meant by that? Well, can I correct a few things here? Not that you've done. The video you saw of me in the field, we shot that in New Yorkshire. It was for a project Sid was working on. (0:16:22)
So we kind of... Did you see the dog take a pee behind me, by the way? That's how it's been for 34 years, but that was in Yorkshire. And so that is just so everyone was saying, ah, see, he's making up locations. That was actually... That was for a pilot project called the UFO Detectives and Larry agreed to do it. To help Gary out. (0:16:46)
Our time frame was we couldn't go to the Renisham Forest on time. So I said, a forest is a forest is a forest. Let's do it there. It's the information and not the trees. Yeah, just so it's clear. We couldn't see the information through the trees. We couldn't, but we saw the dog take a pee. But at the end of the day, we had Armed Forces Security Services, never heard of them. (0:17:09)
They identified themselves as that. Office of Naval Intelligence ran the debriefs on these incidents. It's all verified by other witnesses. You're looking at the first person to ever say it. (0:17:21)
I didn't know what ONI was. I always say with Bentwaters or Renisham, it's always A-F-O-S-I. They had nothing to do with it. They were very low functionaries. The people that researchers that always bring them up don't know what they're talking about. Number one, because they weren't there. Number two, they keep spinning their web because it sounds good to people because they don't know these other agencies who actually run this stuff. (0:17:44)
Armed Forces Security Services, it's not Air Force, it's Armed Forces. And they are some kind of nefarious dark thing in the background. ONI, this guy identified himself. He was a Commander Richardson, the equivalent of a captain at that time. It turns out, because you can find out anything on the internet now, and it's not me doing it, I care less. That person named Richardson was running AFO, I'm sorry, ONI in London in 1980. You got to remember Jimmy Carter was president when this happened. (0:18:17)
It was the outgoing, he had a few weeks. Even in our book, I'd mess it up, but Reagan, it wasn't, it was Carter still. That's how old I am, so... And we sat in an office with 12 chairs, maybe. And it was a very little office, Quonset hut. And we were shown a film in this thing, in this room. And they did explain just what Sid said. (0:18:41)
He goes, as you know, he didn't explain. See, I assumed they explained the first night. But I thought it was just earlier than us. You know, oh, that's why we went out. And meanwhile, like this, what the hell has happened to us? This guy is in this handheld Bible next to me. But that's what happened. We were debriefed, blah, blah, blah, and all this. (0:19:00)
And, you know, I'll just, you know, stop me, because I can talk a lot and not know what I'm saying. But the officer actually said to you that there were numerous civilizations that visit our planet? Yes, that was said to us. A person in the room, and I don't remember exactly who it was. Who else was in the room? Twelve other guys. Who were there the night before? (0:19:21)
That were there hours earlier, because it was after midnight when all this happened. So why was he telling you that? Well, you see, this is the mind game. You see, we're under the UCMJ's, Uniform Code of Military Justice. So we're not under, like, civilian law or human rights laws. So, like, if they put a bullet in us, they'd find a reason. And basically, in a nice way, it was a bullet with a smile. (0:19:46)
But it was laying out real heavy twists. They didn't say aliens. They never used the word UFO, nothing. They said it was the need for security on this. As you heard about the letter to my mother, I've seen on the internet, I forged that. I have it with me, actually, if any of you want to inspect it. (0:20:03)
Please don't hurt it, but I have the actual letter and envelope in that bag there. And I'll lay it out, and you can inspect it yourself, because it is just as historic. We didn't know it, even when we wrote the book. It's in there, but we were so pressed just to get it out, you know. But it's here, and, you know, and that's exactly how it happened. (0:20:23)
So the first person I chose to lie to was my own mother. So you run with that psychology. So he was telling you that there were numerous civilizations that have visited our planet. Yep, they said that. And that they're here presently as a permanent fixture. Yep. Yes. So how do you respond to that when you heard that? Well, I didn't respond because I was in shock from... I had a metallic taste in my mouth. (0:20:48)
My eyes were watering profusely. I was medically... You know, you always hear about Burroughs and all this stuff and his payout. Well, we were all damaged, man. I have medical proof of all of it. Flash... how do I have it? I stole my medical records before I left the Air Force. I was supposed to hand-carry him from one building to another. A lawyer named Persky, colonel on the base, said... He knew what I went through. (0:21:10)
He goes, you'd be smart to just take a rest stop. And I go, what do you mean? He goes, take a rest stop and lighten some of your load, airman. And I went, take me a while, it's the Irish in me. And I go, oh, I hope he means this. And I just said... And I go over to CBPL and I go, here you go. (0:21:29)
And they go, thank you, airman. Gone. Out I went. And so when you hear about... And these documents are reproduced and left at Eastgate. And they're authentic. They're military... If you're military familiar, they all are. So what are they... So you say that you experienced physical... You didn't know? No, I know. You're just saying... I'm interviewing you. Oh, sorry. You didn't know? I know now. (0:21:55)
So you've experienced physical damage from seeing the crack. Yeah. What kind of damage was reported in your medical record about that? Well, the first thing I had massive... You see, when you're saying how I reacted in the debrief, we were all mentally fubar. We were, you know, if you know what that word means, we were mess. We were, what would you be? We don't know what just happened to us. (0:22:18)
It was surreal. I just found out last year from being with other witnesses, doing a radio show with Adrian Bastinza. I want you to hear some audio today. Now, say we say, oh, we'll lose the audience. You're not going to leave if you hear another witness back up everything I'm saying, would you? No, but we have you now. So we want to hear you. (0:22:36)
Yeah, but... There's time later we'll do it. (0:22:38)
Oh, later. It's so damn important. Just a couple minutes. Well, the bottom line is, is that I don't remember how I felt. I was numb. You know, I wanted to call my mother. That's what, I called my mother after that. And no, I didn't before. I can't remember if it was before or after, but it's that within hours I called my mother. And I was sick. (0:23:01)
The other guys with me, some guys, this guy was religiously challenged, thought it was Satan. I mean, sorry he did. And he's the guy that, do I hear how he killed himself? Because I was with a guy named Bud Steffens and I was in a vehicle patrol just after. And we got a call, and this is where I hold HALT and a lot of the command on that base. (0:23:24)
And this is why they're so nasty at me, because they're not accountable to someone's parents. And who knows what else? We had the highest suicide rate in NATO on our base, by the way. Is this after the UFO tanker or it's always been? It just had the highest rate. So it's not related to this? There's a lot of weird things about that base. (0:23:43)
There's things there that shouldn't be. And it affects people. So it's a window. And I think the people in power, the bases are closed now. So you're sitting in the office. Yeah. He's telling you civilizations have been there and they're still interacting. And what's going on in your head at that time? Nothing, just numbness. Numbness. Numbness, man. I wasn't like, well, you know, write a book one day about all this. (0:24:12)
I was absolutely wanting to call my mother. I wanted to go home. I wanted to get off the base. So what was his point? I don't know what his point was. His point was psychological warfare. So then at the end of that session... Lay this on you and say, bullets are cheap. I'm the guy he said bullets are cheap to. I've seen it attributed to other people. (0:24:30)
I'm the guy that said, what happens if we say... They were talking about base, you know, ComSec and security on phones, all this, you know. I was in the military, guys. You never know it on these shows. And calling or talking to anyone, you might be asked about things on the base. You'd be surprised how many people didn't even know this happened on the base. (0:24:51)
But it was a messed up place. It was a dark place. I knew it the first day I got there. Can't tell you why. And... Did you know it was a nuclear missiles warehousing environment? Oh, shit, yeah. My job was to protect... I wasn't security police as security specialist, 81130. Which means? That means I was a combatant. John Burroughs was a cop on the beat. (0:25:13)
Barney Fyfe? A and B? Jim Pennison, cop on the beat. A and B? (0:25:21)
Us? Trained killers. That's the difference, not young kids. We were in high school just a while back. We come home. Carrying a base, Rickenbacker 4001-73. Used to be owned by a guy in Triumph in Canada. I bought it from this Eddie guy over there. Wish I had it. Fortune. The carrying M16s, GAUs, M203 grenade launchers, M16s. M60 machine guns. You name it. And tactically trained to kill. (0:25:54)
We didn't shoot round targets. We shot silhouette targets of human beings. Center mass. This is the point where non-veterans and you think Air Force, well they must be all just office people. How did they get out there? But reality, we were like RAF regiments, whatever, Canada's equivalent of base defenders. We should go back to the film for one second. Where you're talking to Gary Heseltine and you're describing a mist on the ground. (0:26:26)
Can I just tell them about it? Yeah, I think we want to go back to that night. See if I match it. Even though that wasn't the field. That showbiz. And then we'll get your medical records which talk about what happened after that night on the field. We were all damaged by this. Not just John Burroughs. And none of us have had payoffs or anything like this. (0:26:45)
John's a very tall guy. Tall people have heart problems. These things, I'm not going to go after anyone. I've had it done to me. And if I may, what Larry's referring to is that last year, through legal intervention, it has been documented that there was damage to John Burroughs' heart from radiation, if I understand this correctly. And it was a radiation that they couldn't identify as coming from the kind of radiation they were exposed to on the base. (0:27:14)
It was another form of radiation. And that basically was the de facto admission that it came from a UFO. Unfortunately, there's many more people than John that had the exact same damage. You're looking at one of many others. And John went that way. In fact, I remember asking him, I go, you know, nice for you, isn't it? What about the rest of it? (0:27:34)
He goes, well, we don't need a class action lawsuit. But the way the feds have done it for years is that they, not me and a number of the guys, I have, there's numerous witnesses that just seen what's happened to me and they go, I wouldn't go near that. Screw them people. But unfortunately, you know... So tell us about that night on the field. (0:27:56)
They don't want us together in the same room. It would be too powerful. Well, it's happened a few times and bad things come from it then. Bad. So you're called out to the field on the third night. Do you know why you were called out? Well, I do. Oh, I do now. What happened on the first, on my night, I had been off duty and our shift deflight was coming back on rotation. (0:28:17)
We worked six days on, three days off. (0:28:19)
I had been on flight. We had two weeks of incoming security based familiarization and then assigned to law enforcement for a few days, run shotgun. I remember a big fight in the officer's housing when an officer was away with kids about my son's age. Holt's son was one of them. And they were all having a big wild party and trashing some officer's house. (0:28:40)
And we showed up with, I showed up with a law enforcement guy with a .38 sidearm and I walked in when they wouldn't listen to him with an M203 grenade launcher and they absolutely shit in. So, and they all ran home, out of their house. Yeah, those were the days. But, well, on that night, we were in a heightened state of readiness, an alert condition. (0:29:07)
I hear Burroughs saying we weren't, we were. I bought a camera early in the day, a Keystone 110 at our commissary. My camera had died two days in the bent waters. Cheap 110, do you remember them? You wouldn't. And I bought it and it was like 10 bucks, I don't know what it was. And I bought it and I went first picture, I tested it on. (0:29:30)
This is the morning before my shift starts. I wanted to go to Ipswich for the day with some brothers and check out an amplifier. It was a Sunday and everything in England was shot back then. So, we got the bus through Woodbridge, a free bus for the service, and went down to Ipswich. But before we did, I stopped at the main gate and took a picture of our main base, the sandbags and the entrance guard shack and, you know, the base. (0:29:58)
Just to test it and wind it. Then we rode down, Jim Harper was driving me, this guy, another security policeman, driving us to the bus on the other side of Woodbridge. Too far to walk. Driving along, and I say, I see an A-10 come off. We had A-10 tank killers, tank busters. We weren't nuclear capable with our aircraft at all. So you might be wondering, why do they have nukes? (0:30:20)
Well, I'll explain that. Off they went, and I see this plane bank over the forest. Not knowing the two previous nights, there's things going on out there. What I'm about to say is going to play into something I'm going to show you. It will below, you've seen it already, but you don't know you've seen it. And I see the plane, and I said, well, I'll try to catch that. (0:30:37)
It was real low, and I just went, click, and off that went. And I've had that picture for 36 years, almost. And I put it on my face, but I just never, I said, I don't want to throw it away, because it's really a nothing picture. I had no idea that it was way more than a nothing picture. So, we went off, went to Ipswich, came back. (0:30:59)
We were in the heightened state of readiness. (0:31:02)
There were things going on in Poland with the Solidarity Movement at the time, and Soviet tanks were massing to kind of crush Solidarity. So, we were ready to go to FOLs, forward operation locations, to, we were trained to, our planes killed tanks. That's what they did. And that's how the Ruskies would have rolled, is tanks right across into our area. And we came real close at that time. (0:31:24)
So, it was not a good thing. So, at the end of the day, well, I got on post. I don't need films to remind me. I was on post. I was assigned to Perimeter 18. It was at the NRA at Bentwater's flight line. It was only manned during an alert. So, that in case someone came down in a parachute, trying to disrupt the range lights and get onto the base. (0:31:49)
That was how they get you. The Russians were trained to come in at 30,000, 40,000 feet, and just come down and take a... You're naughty, you know something there. The average person doesn't know how things worked back then. I'm sure the military, I wouldn't even recognize it now. And so, you're watching the sky more than perimeters. That's what we did. Other people watching perimeters. (0:32:10)
Other people watching assets. You know, active aircraft areas. Then in the WSA, you had triple badges. Your security clearances had to be in. I never worked the WSA. I shadowed someone, because my full clearance to work in that hadn't come in. By the time of the incident. But my clearance to work assets and all the rest was in. Since the 15th of December. So, that clears that up. (0:32:35)
I hear all the stories. It's not true. And so, it was kind of a cold night. It was a moonless night. And I started to hear radio transmission. We call in every 15 minutes on our Motorola radios. Big things like this. And it was pretty boring. And we check in. I think I was Bravo 1 security that night. I think that was the thing. (0:33:00)
B1, Bravo 1. Radio check. Carry on airmen. And then people would belch every now and then. The shift commander would say, maintain bearing. Sure enough, I saw these deer. Jack deer we have. And back then, if you go to Bentwaters now, you'd say impossible. Because the fences are big, high fences. Concertina wire. But this is before the terrorist thing went on. Our threat comes from the air, remember, right? (0:33:29)
We have to be civil to our neighbors. We're guests in the country. So our fences are about 6 foot high. That's all on the perimeters. Not in the WSA. And these deer jumped. And they looked spooked. And ran across the flight line in front of me. So I was right where the planes would have landed. Far away from the forest. All of a sudden, I started hearing the radio. (0:33:49)
Those lights are back from the speak ads tower. (0:33:53)
The WSA observation tower. 80 feet tall. And whoever is up there is a guy named Rick Bobo. And three other guys. And they were controllers. Special training on ops. On the security areas. And the nukes. Hot row and all that. And you did not mention we had nukes there. I can just jump back when I'm at McGuire Air Force Base. In a bathroom. (0:34:17)
Ready to fly over on a commercial carrier. To Milton Hall. I'm standing there in disguise. We were peeing or whatever we did. And went to the sink. Full of officers and everything. And I go, hey Rick. Nice to meet you. Do we got nukes there? That whole bathroom went... And that is a true thing. And I'm like... So I was kind of setting my marks. (0:34:44)
Already. So we did have nukes. And so we get there. And I was on the post. And I'm looking at the lights. What are they talking about? No clue from two previous nights. And all of a sudden they are saying... Where are the lights? They are going out toward Woodbridge. They are at X amount of height. There is red, blue. There is something there again. (0:35:04)
And all of a sudden I get a call in. From Central Security Control. The controller. It says Airman Warren, deactivate your post. Lieutenant England is going to be picking you up in a GOV. Which is Government Owned Vehicle. They couldn't say pick up truck in the military. And Sergeant Vestenza was driving. Steve Longero, now retired police officer out of San Francisco. There is a name you never knew. (0:35:28)
It is on my Facebook. And at the end of the day. The pick up truck came. We went over the motor vehicle. And we picked up what is called light halts. I will just kind of abbreviate it for you. Because there is so much more than that incident. Light halts. They put them out near aircraft to refuel them at night. So they would light areas. (0:35:51)
We didn't know anything about them. We loaded them up. There were mechanical problems with them. And we left. A number of people were there. Then there was a bit of a convoy at the main gate of Fentwater. We entered out at Woodbridge. There were road guards. They stopped a civilian car. I am in the back talking about... I remember one of us. His parents were coming over for the New Year stay. (0:36:16)
And they were trying to find a B&B for him or something. We are just talking in the back. And I go, this must be an exercise. We weren't locked and loaded when we were on British property. But we had our weapons with us. We could go between the bases. If we were on duty. It was all kind of protocol. Because we are guests in the country. (0:36:33)
And so we were on duty. And there was a Ford Cortina. You remember them, right? (0:36:39)
And it was sitting there. And it was quite a common car. And the back gate of Woodbridge was not used at night often. Particularly at this time. And the security police had a woman stop there. A little girl was asleep on the seat next to her. And she was saying, why can't I get in the back gate? She was probably a dependent married to an Air Force guy. (0:36:57)
He goes, it was closed. We have a problem with unexploded ordnance. Potential unexploded ordnance. I'm like, what the hell, man? That's EOD. Why are we going there? And I go, it must be an exercise. I was the expert to everyone. Oh, it's an exercise. Great. When are we getting our blanks, right? So we get down. And why the title left at Eastgate? We get down and Lieutenant Bruce England, who was an ex-Marine at that time, he looks and he tells the guard down at Eastgate Road, because Burroughs and all them, two nights before that happened on Eastgate. Mine didn't involve Eastgate. Unfortunately, it was just beyond. (0:37:32)
He says, turn left after Eastgate. Thus, left at Eastgate. And I've had debunkers try to play with that. Well, it's not actually left. It's a little further than left. And a little kind of right and then left. It's like the magic bullet to these people. And we turn into the forest. And it was much different than when they show that certain witnesses go back and it happened here in the trees. (0:37:54)
It's impossible to do, because GPS didn't exist at that time and that forest that it happened in, though mine didn't happen in the forest, it happened in Capel Green, a field beyond it, and halts. That forest doesn't exist. It was wiped out in 1987 in a massive hurricane, something that destroyed it. And that forest will never have... When people go back, it happened here. (0:38:19)
Or when they build these silly things, these monuments to certain witnesses, that it's impossible because that forest does not exist and never will again. My tree I used as a marker, I'm about to describe, is still there because it's on the border of this field and it's a big solid oak, still there. And so we get there, there's a rise and I'm seeing things marked off. (0:38:42)
We had radio silence except one in our unit, Sergeant Bustin, the four-man groups. At the time, there was a song called Walking on the Moon by the police. If they ever made a film of this, the flashlights going through the woods, that song is the soundtrack. And off in the distance, watch those hot spots, that would have been Colonel Holt with the audio tape. (0:39:02)
Don't be walking all over them because they had radiac readings off ground things. This is why we were back out that night, these objects had come back. Not knowing anything, what I was walking into, we come out. Now mind you, we're all being observed. (0:39:15)
I know this now, I did not know that then. I don't think Colonel Holt knew it then. We get further in, this tree was lit up, broken up into a field, there was a farmer's house here, still there. A light on in the upper deck and there was a dog barking non-stop. On the ground was a 50-foot... I get jammed up in the incident because it's hard to describe and there's so much more tangible things to share with you, so don't let me get jammed up in this guys, because I write about it and I'll never do it justice. (0:39:42)
50-foot diameter, ground hugging, part of the ground, mist on the ground. Not a flying saucer, not an alien, it was a thing and it was definition to it. It was being filmed and photographed completely. We had base public affairs there, we had other units there that... I mean the government knew this was going on. They flew in teams on this thing. Did you see it form? (0:40:07)
No, it was there when I shot it. How long was it there before the craft arrived? The time gets weird on all of it, because there were other personnel, Robert Ball, my flight chief was there, another airman was messed up, something had gone on that I'll never know before I got there, I don't know what. By the way, Sergeant Burroughs was not on duty this night, though Sergeant Burroughs felt compelled to come back to the forest two days later. (0:40:34)
I mean it wasn't Sergeant then, Airman Burroughs at that time. And John was in civilian clothes next to a guy named Chris Armald who was sitting in a law enforcement car at this staging area of ours. We moved out and they wouldn't let Burroughs come forward, and you recognize John. We get on out there and sure enough there was this thing, this mist, this whatever it is. (0:40:57)
Now they try to blame this on the Orford Lighthouse, this guy Ian Ridpath in England, he still makes a career out of this, he's a moron. And it's actually south of that, a red light came in of the Orford Key from the North Sea, that direction. It did a downward arc, it was the size of a basketball, it was amber in color, everything was time. (0:41:18)
Listen, when you're in that close proximity to this, movement and time was not like I'm sitting here now. It's kind of surreal how I remember this and I still remember it clearly. Came in over this thing and you had no time and it did that explosion with shards of light, it was so bright it caused flash burns to mine and others retinas. Documented. We had radiac exposure, effects, all kind of things that are really dark. (0:41:47)
I'm still alive, I haven't grown a third eye yet or anything, but we all got affected by it. This is not a joke, this is not, no one put themselves in a microwave to look authentic. (0:41:56)
Because there were no words in our language, in any language, to affix to this stuff. See, it all comes out like a B science fiction. I'll tell you this, I saw a craft, I'm not going to, I can't, it's wrong man, but that was pretty covering up off the fabric. There were three non-human entities, not like ET, I've seen where they're like, hi, and the colonel came up and shook hand, none of that happened man. What did happen was this entity being things, but we didn't feel, I didn't feel myself, I can't speak for, I felt like I'm watching a film. (0:42:32)
It wasn't a film, I was watching something. It's all film, but everything was wrong man. I am an experiencer by the way, in all my life. Before, after, I didn't need this, but it was different than what I'm used to, what I'm used to everyday. It was different. It's a jammer, I hate it, because I can't do it. And I'm sick of doing it. (0:43:03)
But I saw a life form, it wasn't us, that seemed to be part of this object. I can't say it's a craft, because I never saw that in the air. There was one thing there and then there was something else. Did I miss something? I'm sure I did. What really gets me now, and I saw a wing commander, Halt was not the senior person on the base. (0:43:25)
Gordon Williams, our wing commander, was the senior person. He knew him well, he was his bodyguard at his change of command when he got his general start. March of 81. He wasn't involved. If you were the wing commander and this is going on, trust me, you're going to get involved. You're not going to say, well I heard something. These are people protecting their own assets, their pensions. (0:43:48)
All of them hate Halt, they all hate each other. See, this is the thing about Rendlesham, all the people that run around as experts don't tell you, is that lives were taken. Lives were ruined. Marriages ruined. Good people ruined just by being in proximity to any of us. I'm the one you see a lot, or you see boroughs of Penniston. Do you think their lives have been rosy? Trust me, not at all, man. (0:44:11)
Halt thinks it's been rosy? No way. At the end of the day, I turned away, I looked, I saw that. I didn't see a contact happen. I said, if there was contact, it would have had to have been non-verbal. These senior people were watching this. I saw it. And I walked away. Where were they watching it from? Well, I'm here, and Williams came in right where that wall is. (0:44:37)
And in relation to the beings, where were they? Where those two people are. Were they interacting with the beings? No, they were looking at them. So they, as if new to come out, meet these beings that came from the ground. (0:44:50)
No one met anyone. This is where it becomes the Roger Corman films. It's not your fault. Again, there's no word in the language. No one went to meet nothing. They responded, this thing is going on, and it was in real time, well, weird time. And what I will say, there seemed to be a protocol if something like this did happen, how they reacted. (0:45:13)
Right, because you weren't ordered to take your gun out and point. We weren't. We weren't armed. We weren't armed. I should have said, when we got to this area where the vehicles, the light all malfunctioned, they couldn't have gotten to the field anyway. The light all's malfunctioned, a lot of electrical problems, and our weapons were turned into a red hat, which is an armorer. (0:45:34)
We weren't allowed to have weapons off the base. So they were turned in. Each weapon is assigned to you. Mine was first issued at Tan Son Nhat Air Base in Vietnam in 1968. So there was no atmosphere of fear or concern when these came, as if it was a surprise attack type of thing? There was no attack on... Listen, I don't think there was any way to describe how you felt, because it was just numbness. (0:46:02)
And I've talked to other guys, and it was, I would love, I really pray I can play a part of an audio for you, because here's one guy telling you, I'd like to hear it from the freaking guy that was standing next to me who has never spoken in 35 years. A name you all know, if you follow this, you've never heard him say it, because he'll never come out from this stuff. (0:46:25)
I hear people, we have to have him at a conference, not in your life. I'll protect my brothers. No way. No one's messing with them like I've been dealt with. I took it for them, and that's the truth. I'm not a fan of this subject. This is nothing against you folks. I know it's real. I know it hurts people, or changes lives. It ain't about me. (0:46:49)
I just happen to be the guy, I follow the good lord, or whatever, put me in this role. But man, I'll tell you, baby, I'm not a fan of this subject. Without the witnesses, there would be no need for researchers. The research is damn well, damn well better. Better evolved, man. And treat witnesses with respect. Because they don't. That's why you don't get many of them doing what I do. (0:47:15)
So I'm trying to imagine what it's like for you to be there, before you describe it. You can't, man. The craft, something you say is a ball of light that comes, you don't see, but it turns into some kind of craft that's something... Well, all I say, I just say what I say. And you're not afraid seeing what you see? I didn't feel anything. (0:47:36)
I felt nothing. I felt like I'm watching a movie. (0:47:39)
And you weren't instructed with any protocol to guard or attack or anything? You just show up? There was no way to attack something that was like magic. So how long did this... I was on site for about... If you've got to be with time, I always say 45 minutes. It could have been 400 years in some weird dimension. I don't know. So did something shift in you is what I want to know? (0:48:06)
I can't tell you how I felt because I didn't feel. But what I can say, and the only thing that matters to me is when he's talking to his children one day, maybe he's my age, he'll say, your granddad stood for something and then I'd have done my job. Let's get a break, maybe. Sure, let's take a break. On KGRA radio in America, it's the internet thing with Ray Hobbs and John Burroughs now with Linda Howe, has a radio show called Phenomena. And so we had old Adrian on and it was the first time Adrian has ever spoken with his voice anywhere. (0:48:47)
He's made statements, paper, a few times. He was interviewed by Larry Foss in 1983, backing me up. That's conveniently ignored, as have other people been. He recently did it about four years ago. The same thing, I don't know what the buzz is. And sure enough, he finally, John convinced him to go on radio and on his show. Now John is not a radio person at all, and he never guided Adrian, so for a first hour Adrian was talking about his time in the military and all. (0:49:33)
It's on the YouTube thing and it's called Adrian Bustinza Full Radio Interview on the Rendlesham Incident. So you can listen to this at your leisure. But I'd like you to hear just briefly a few bits of the person that was standing next to me. And you hit the arrow, right? Yep, you hit the arrow. Right there. The Phenomenon Radio with our next guest, Larry Warren joining the show. (0:50:02)
Adrian Bustinza still on the line and here is John Burrow. This is historic when it comes to Rendlesham and it pissed off a lot of my enemies. Welcome to the show. Thanks, John. And where I want to go with this last half an hour is over the years there's been a lot of talk about different things that went on out there and I want to set the stage. (0:50:23)
Adrian had two different encounters with two different things. I want Adrian to start with talking a little bit. He's already talked a little bit about what happened with him and I but I want him to go a little bit more into detail about what he encountered at first before him and I went forward and then start having you go back and forth about what you saw and what went on. (0:50:43)
I'd like that. That'd be great. Do you remember those blue lights that were near the ground? (0:50:49)
Do you remember something about that? Was there something intelligent about all that with maybe a face? I'm just wondering. Or is that going too far for you? No. And that's part of the part of it that you and I experience that it's very hard for me at one time I mean it's confusing and the confusion is that I'm I don't want you to have any trauma with this, my brother. (0:51:28)
You've done me a great service. Unfortunately, you've caught yourself a bit of a problem. You see, now you've joined the ranks of the great Satan himself, me, Lord Admiral of the Fleet Peter Hill Norton, and now you're a good self, sir, for saying we have nuclear weapons which thus makes it extreme defense significance. You're getting a medal. Larry, you are referencing that glowing sphere that you told Ben Jamison and me about in 1986 that you could see what appeared to be two or three heads or faces with large black eyes in some sort of a spherical glowing something. I saw something off to the right of that thing that kept changing like Adrian's, the whitish rainbow thing, and you know it's hard off to the right and I did indeed and it broke into three parts like he described. (0:52:31)
He says five, but I kind of remember the three. I remember very clearly, well, what do I remember clearly? I don't even remember leaving the forest. The first time in stereo, Adrian has his memory that seems to resonate with what you described in the early 80s. Adrian, do you remember any of that? Yes, I do. And, you know, I've never come out and said this, but I recall that there was a point with Larry talking about where the amber light and the bright snowy pictures I'm telling you about, at one point, Larry myself, if I recall correctly, Larry walked around and I stayed put and what he's referring to, it was like a snowy picture and you could see a silhouette. (0:53:39)
Now, the silhouette that I was seeing, I think I had mentioned this to you before, John, that I couldn't tell if it was Okay, I'll just come out and say it. I could tell if it was a bee or if it was Larry, but then I saw the same thing with you when the light hit you. But going back to with Larry, you know, I mean, it was I can't tell you exactly how long, but on that instance, yes, we also, it appeared like Larry was in that you know, I know he walked like a distance from me, but when it broke, it's when the the haze or the little, the fuzzy snowy picture it just all congealed together and then just burst into different you know, into different parts, but you know, that's what I had difficulty with, is that did I did I see something? Or was it the silhouette from Larry and other people? (0:55:05)
But then I go back to your part when you got hit with a light and almost the same thing happened, but I know where you are, but I'm also seeing something else and I'm not sure if it maybe was a reflection of you, or was it a beast? (0:55:24)
Adrian, could I ask you a question, John? Adrian, do you mean that when John was out there and you were beside him and you went to the ground, did you think that maybe you saw some sort of a silhouette where John, where the red-orange light was coming over John as well? Yes, ma'am. And where was that silhouette possibly a being in relationship to John's head, torso? (0:55:56)
It was like, I don't want to use the word shadow because there's no shadow at night. Not in that instance, but it looked like I'm standing with an armed lens and I thought maybe it was a reflection of him because of how bright the light was, but you know, I mean, I couldn't make out you know, I couldn't make out hands or facial parts such as nose or eyes or anything. (0:56:25)
I just, it was like a snowy, the whole light area was snowy but then you could actually see you know, a body like, you know, a reflection but not quite a reflection and that's what Larry, I know what I saw exactly. Can I ask? Because I haven't had the chance in so long. Do you remember the beginning of guard math that night and he was our Sarge. I was new on post with a lot of my flight guys and Adrian, brother, can I just say because we're in the same game, you were a Sarge I was airman first class like John at that time. (0:57:10)
Do you remember, brother, that, you know, we had the two weeks incoming, your clearance comes in. I want to thank you, you inspired me to move on and I do. I'm just sorry it ever hurt any... Please listen to this because I don't want to tie up Sid's program. You've heard enough there where he's talking about joint experience with this, with beings and his perception but he says a great thing that really... This show has pissed off my enemies and I have many but I have more friends and brothers and sisters than they'll ever have is that Adrian says at one point John goes, were all those beings around me? He goes, well John, actually there were more around Larry which I wasn't comfortable with because I don't remember that and I could just hear John and his co-host kind of drop in some decibels and it has set a wave of crap out because when you hear people's voices so here's a little taste of it I'm not alone in what I say that man, if he sounds like, gee it's a little hard getting through it, he has never spoken on radio in his life The day after the third night you and Adrian were taken to a facility I think it's in your book where you say it's underground where, or it may not be but you were told that visitors were known by the US, UK USSR and Japanese governments Who were these visitors and what have you learned more about that in recent years? (0:58:37)
Okay, I'm glad you asked that On that radio show I did with Adrian, John asked about that This has been a point of contention Adrian chose to keep me out of that Way back years ago, this is the thing when I was very young, Adrian said all that happened to me, we got taken in a car It's all recounted and left at Eastgate. Now, Adrian thought that he felt bad that he had laid that all on me way back So he just said, well, it happened to me He thought he was protecting me. (0:59:10)
Remember, he's not hip on all this now So people are jumping on that I had no problem with it You heard, he has enough trouble He's a Catholic Mexican-American descent It's caused hell in his family Enough is enough He backed up whatever has to be backed up I felt betrayed years ago because he put it on me So I said, no, it happened to him There's no textbook to be a whistleblower in ufology when you're a young guy I'm glad you mentioned that I have a memory with of about 20 minute recall in a facility, which I assumed was under the base In reality, John Burrows and I went a few years ago, we were together Went to a facility not far away that does have an underground facility and it's defunct now We were chemically subdued by an agency If you look at my recall as I write it in real time You will think this is right out of a Men in Black scenario In reality, it was a car parked near our dorms We were called out, this is the next day Adrian did not live in my dorm In that show, he gets wrong He says, I ran into Larry in the hallway He wouldn't have, because he was two buildings away But to him, he doesn't spend his life in this It all bleeds together I'm sure I'd make something And at the end of the day, away from that I have a recall of the next day, we were told to meet a car at 5 o'clock at night, after our debriefings and all that I was off-duty, Stephen Plume says I was off the base for two days All I know is that when my thing ended, this thing I have a recall of We got near the car I said, hey, Buzz That's what we called him We had new housing being built in this field, which is now old housing And all the construction stuff was in our parking lot, near our dorms Security police dorms And this guy came around the side, and I heard a mist hit me Now I know there's exotic toxins that can render you physically not movable You can't resist, but your nose runs I've had people explain what that is It's a shellfish thing, or whatever They threw us in this car, and we're stuffed in It was an American car A black sedan, funny enough With New York state plates Yeah Well, you'd find American cars over there all the time, because we did ship them over Anyone stationed there But these were Federales of some sort Not men in black My image, though, I could hear things And then there's bits and bits Now, Bud Hopkins regressed me on this Colonel Halt tricked David Jacobs into giving him this tape And if Bud had been alive Bud wasn't a violent man I think he would have seen a pretty nasty reaction by Bud He tricked Dave Jacobs into giving him this audio And Halt, what he wanted was the five names of people in regression that I described in a very clinical setting Not a paranormal weird aliens telling us anything under a base It was much different And Halt wanted those names because Peter had the good grace because we protect people not to name them That whole transcript with Bud is in Left at East Gate Halt tricked someone to get the actual tape to get those names for whatever his purposes are Now, for a guy that he dismisses and all he sure spends a lot of time trying to get my personal business It's something to think about Bottom line is I have a conscious memory I'm very skeptical about it I'm not certain there is a base underground We had a wing intelligence thing that was semi underground But there was a lot of narcotic intervention In the clinical I will go with the hypnosis And I didn't believe in hypnosis by the way, I was very skeptical about it I think anyone close their eyes and make up anything personally, that's what I thought And I remember in the early 80's This is important, I don't mind sharing it with you This is what witnesses go through And you're almost forced to kind of like If you're not under, maybe I better do it I remember Larry took me to a guy named Fred Max He was a hypnotherapist for Yale University In Connecticut And I sat there and he put me under This is the early 80's And I'm thinking, these people are freaks I kept thinking they were going to have sex with me or something is going to go on here And they didn't And at the end of the day I remember this guy saying I hear dogs And he goes, are there dogs in the field? (1:03:50)
And I go, no, they're next to your house I had Larry Fawcett going I paid a lot for this And I started going, I see what these people are about I'm not going to be the monkey I ain't going to be no one's monkey But I was stuck in this thing already The only non-monkey I met was a guy named Peter Robbins Bottom line is I was skeptical with Bud I knew him for 30 years Peter was there, I think it was 96 Before our book came out, 95 I said, I want to explore And I'll only do it with Bud Because I trust him And I went in the studio And I was on the couch And Pete was there And we went through it But I said, the key is for me I don't want to remember what I tell you And then I'll know I was really Out or whatever you call it And I didn't remember And I never listened to the tape Never wanted to I still have never listened to the tape I read the transcript And Peter describes it great As saying, you could hear a guy at my age At that time, my 30s Be that 19 year old guy again And Peter knows me better All these bad stories you hear about me Do you think Peter Robbins put up with me for 30 years? (1:04:59)
Do you think that? (1:05:00)
No, he's never gone drinking with me though But at the end of the day I'm skeptical about it It's written in the book Because it's written in real time As I see things And as my experience, mind says But I would not put a lot of weight into it I think what it was Things were done to us And information imparted Talking about underground bases No one was talking about underground bases Until I did Then after you hear about Belsey I knew Alan Heineck guys He was a big supporter of mine He said to me before he died Keep doing what you're doing He had a brain tumor I did two conferences with him I knew Jacques Vallee I've been around a long time If I was a researcher I'd be one of the grand dames of the subject But I think I'm the bane of the subject But I'm skeptical about what you mentioned Listen, they had a lot of people to contain. They had a certain person here that called his mother. (1:06:00)
Got identified and caught for that. It's all recounted. I got fined. The government, the Air Force had the nerve in 1986 to still pursue the fine I got. They said, we're going to fine you. They didn't know what to do. In fact, it was so compartmentalized, even the guys that played the reel-to-reel back in communications didn't know what I was talking about. So, the Air Force sent me a thing saying, you have a fine to pay. (1:06:26)
Still, I was a civilian six years by then, five years. And I wrote back to the U.S. Air Force Department of Accounting and I said, fair play. If you can tell me how I incurred that fine in writing, I will happily remit the money. And I've never heard from the U.S. Air Force again. It's all in the book. The actual letters are in the book. (1:06:47)
And so on that, I would be saying that it was a very clinical thing, a containment operation, to, if any of us were to talk about what did happen, to talk about anything further, which we go into in the book, and pretty much you know this is what I'm saying to you now, is that it sounds so wacky that no one will give you a second look. (1:07:09)
And I saw that start happening more and more in the 80s underground bases, the Dulcey thing, people in jars. And I'm like, okay, do you have any evidence of this stuff? Any? Great stories. I've been to Mars. I'm a super soldier. Excellent. I've been held to account for 35 goddamn years. Why aren't these people, and they have thousands of disciples, why aren't they expected to show one inch of proof they're not? (1:07:40)
And that is offensive to the people that have been held to account, over and over. And that's one of the infections in this subject. I have only three questions left, and this again has to do with the underground base thing, which you're saying you're not really sure if it's an underground base, but you were brought somewhere. (1:08:00)
Yeah, I was brought somewhere, absolutely. That a being, speaking to you at this facility, said to you telepathically, Larry, in your life, strive to remember, unquote. Remember what? Is there more to this to elaborate on, now that some years have passed? Okay, I look at it this way, and I say we updated a book in 2006, and we will never do it again. (1:08:26)
The thing is... So who was this being who spoke to you telepathically? What I just said is that this is all part of this probably narco-induced scenario, done by medically trained people, which I saw in the regression. I saw numerous witnesses waiting to go through this thing. We were under a restrainment drug, and then they went to work with us, using sodium amethyl, which can be fatal, you need crash carts on it. (1:08:56)
And see, I understand this now. It wasn't sodium penethyl, it was sodium amethyl, where they can put things into your head. And so what you're describing there, I always say this. I have an image of sitting in a red seat. A few other people, Bustin's are there too, other people also. Holt knows their names. And this screen was there. Remember the large screen TVs back at that time? (1:09:23)
Well, I'm describing something like this. This is a mental image, they come and go, the imagery. It's a very drunken stone, weird acid trip, 20 minutes of recall. I know I was offline for two days. I knew I came out of this situation, just as described in the book. New Year's Eve was that night. Bought a bottle of champagne, two of them, hid one in a dumpster. (1:09:49)
Partied in some girl's room. Got thrown out because they had a curfew. Thrown out by Colonel Holt, by the way, hid in her refrigerator and he found me in it. This is true. And I walked out and said, oh, hell with it. Ran back, jumped through her open window and passed out on her floor. That was, welcome to 1981. The military really encouraged a lot of drinking. (1:10:15)
There was a lot of alcoholism. The first firefighter in the Air Force, female, was on my base, Joan Thompson was her name. And a young woman, 22 years old, stone cold alcoholic. And everyone, you could see, it just must be the nature of what went on. In general. The bottom line is what you're asking me, and it sounds like such a wonderful thing. (1:10:38)
And such an in-depth, oh, Larry, in your life, try to remember. That could have been a psychologist putting in a sci-fi scenario, untruth, into my head. That if I ever talked about it, and we qualify this in the book, I don't go, this happened. I wish it never happened. In fact, we debated, should it be in the book? But I said, this is a true story, so let's put it in. (1:11:05)
And we did. And we qualify it, Peter does a lot of his great work with it and balances it. (1:11:11)
And then at the end of the day, you're the judge, just like today, just like after anything. Only you can decide what works for you. And say, oh, that's familiar to me, or whatever, good luck. Bottom line is, I don't know a being, there was a shadow behind this opaque screen. Couldn't move my head to left or right. I was very, again, not in this state. (1:11:34)
There's a lot of out-of-state kind of situations here. Which is, someone would say, well, you can't really believe anything you say about the... Because there could be created fair play. Unfortunately, the medical effects... The site I described, by the way, my incident in Caple Green with Adrian, is the only site in Rendlesham Forest in these whole three-night events that have produced scientifically analyzed proof of a non-standard event taking place, scientifically backed by Springborn Environmental and other labs, numerous times. (1:12:11)
Historic. Do you think ufology, the golden gods of it, have ever embraced it? Not once. Had it been John Burroughs that happened there, let me tell you what, you'd know about it. People do know about it, but it ain't kosher, baby. So I worry about the witnesses. It's only good if they can use it. Or if they like you. I'm not in the like-me business. Odds are I probably don't like them either. (1:12:38)
But this is bigger than all of us. And it's ignored by the champions. Not all of them. And the ones that think it should be are so politically correct and afraid of not getting another goddamn conference that they'll remain silent. You know, a whole population of a country called Germany disappeared because people remained silent. And it can work that way. It's a different thing, but the psychology is the same. (1:13:09)
Self-preservation. Just to sell a little book at a conference. So I don't know if that's really... That's pretty bad that was done to us by our government. And it's proof that they suppress these things. Or, aliens have bases under existing U.S. air bases covering it up. I sat there, one of these beings or things or whatever this is, laid on stuff on my head because it knew things about me. (1:13:36)
I remember this, you know, fuzzily still. And that's the case. And I will live this life and die. And I will never know in this life. So I can't tell you. So for me, in reality, the essential truth of the Rendlesham Forest incident isn't about lighthouses in the forest that were shining your way. It's not about posturing stories from military personnel against one another. (1:14:03)
It's about a truth embargo that's being imposed upon the illegal warehousing of nuclear missiles on a NATO facility that were engaged by ETs. And all this drugging of you and everyone fighting against each other. It's part of the design that makes sense. Yes, so in your opinion, is it more about the fact that the nuclear weapons were leaked out? (1:14:35)
Or was it the truth embargo about the ET connection associated with that? Well, I got to say, I don't know if this is an extraterrestrial event. Off Earth. That could be in extra dimension. I don't know. I don't know. I have my own views, because I've had a lifetime of these. I don't need bent water at all. And my point on this is that people should know, and this you've never heard of before, but you're looking at a person for doing just what I'm doing now. (1:15:08)
When I did, I'm the first one that said we had nukes. Because I got sick of the Brits saying these events were of no defense significance. The admiral of the fleet, Lord Peter Hill Norton, he was the head of NATO in 1973, the commander of the naval forces of Great Britain, was one of my huge allies in his lifetime. And he took our book onto the floor of the House of Lords, and demanded questions from Her Majesty's government, and you can read all of the wonderful answers from Her Majesty's government, not blaming the Queen. And in the end, you're looking at a person here, you're going to go, what? (1:15:49)
I did that in Sheffield. These people were saying, you know, we were at a conference long before our book came out. Pete and I were both there. And I sat there and someone said, you know, well, you know, no defense significance. I go, you know, I'm sick of that. We had tactical nuclear weapons on our base. The delivery system were F-111s that were based in Lake and Heath. They would fly in. You never keep your asset with the delivery system separate. (1:16:14)
They weren't ICBMs. They were tactical bombs. You know, this guy there knows something there going on. You know military men are people who are very knowledgeable in it. And the assets. I will tell you that Charles Halt, when we met with him in 1993 in Washington, D.C., with my co-author, Peter Robbins, and a researcher who we don't hear much from now, who was absolutely entertaining and brilliant in his day, was Bob Exler. And he started to really demonstrate Bob on how the phenomenon was infiltrating advertisements and media and subliminal kind of get ready kids. (1:16:51)
And Bob just kind of vaporized. And I think he's on my Facebook, but he doesn't say anything. And the bottom line is I sat with Charles Halt. I went to see him. All these interactions with Peter and all are all in our book transcribed. We sat there. Peter turned the tape recorders off a few times. Bob did not turn his off. I didn't know that until after. (1:17:15)
And what Charles Halt told us, he's called Peter a liar too, and if you know Peter, he's not a liar, is he said to me, sitting right across from me, in the food court at Pentagon City, because he worked near it, were you aware the ordinance was adversely affected by the beams? (1:17:33)
And I go, I did not know that. A researcher in Canada, via another country somewhere in Europe, found out the exact strength of nuclear weapons we had on that base. It was 100,000 kilotons of tactical nuclear explosives. And it took a Canadian to expose it. Give yourselves a hand. And that was years of it. Larry, on behalf of Earth Mystery News, and my partner Claude Limburger, who is the editor-in-chief, it's been great having you come over and visit and share your story, and the way only you can share it. (1:18:10)
And we thank you greatly. It's the honor of my life, and thank you, Canada. And thank all of you, really. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. (1:18:19)