Jeffrey Mishlove:作家が描写した病に作家自身が未来に罹患
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さて、私が言及しているのは、非常に人気の高い著書『ホログラフィック・ユニバース』の著者であるマイケル・タルボットです。マイケルは私の友人でした。彼は数十年も前に珍しいタイプの白血病で亡くなりました。彼はまだ若かったのです。私は彼が病床にある時に病院を訪ねたことを覚えています。 (00:06:14)
当時、彼は30代後半から40代前半だったと思います。それは悲劇的な損失でした。彼の著書は今でも人々から非常に高く評価されています。しかし、『ホログラフィック・ユニバース』を執筆する前、彼はいくつかの小説を書いています。そのうちの1つは、実際、人気小説で、吸血鬼小説でした。彼は、吸血鬼を珍しいタイプの白血病として描きました。 (00:06:44)
そうですね。その後、彼自身もまれな型の白血病にかかりました。 (00:06:53)
このような例はたくさんあります。フランツ・カフ カもその一人です。彼は40代前半で亡くなる数年前に結核を患いました。 結核は主に肺に影響を与えます。飢えによって命を落とす病気ではありません。 しかし、彼が書いた物語の多くでは、登場人物が飢えによって命を落としています。死の数ヶ月前には、感染が喉にまで広がりました。結核の非常にまれで恐ろしい結果です。 (00:07:36)
Now, I'm referring to Michael Talbot, who is the author of a very popular book, The Holographic Universe. Michael was a friend of mine. He died several decades ago of a rare form of leukemia. He was a young man. I remember visiting him in the hospital at his final illness. (00:06:14)
At the time, I think he could have been in his late 30s, early 40s. It was a tragic loss. His book is still regarded very highly by people. But before he wrote The Holographic Universe, he wrote some novels. One of his novels, which was actually a popular novel, was a vampire novel in which he wrote about vampirism as a rare form of leukemia. (00:06:44)
Right. Then he was struck by a rare form of leukemia himself. (00:06:53)
There are so many examples of this. Franz Kafka would be another example. He ultimately contracted tuberculosis several years before he died in his early 40s. Tuberculosis really mainly affects the lungs. It's not a disease that you starve from. But in multiple stories, he wrote about characters dying of starvation. A couple months before his death, his infection spread to his throat. A very rare and dreaded outcome of tuberculosis. (00:07:36)
It prevented him from eating. He was literally starving to death when he was correcting the proofs of his story, The Hunger Artist, in a sanatorium outside Vienna. It's just stunning the way his works prefigured his own death.
Precognition and Creative Inspiration with Eric Wargo
3,100 views Jul 31, 2024
Eric Wargo, PhD, an anthropologist, is author of Time Loops, Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self: Interpreting Messages From Your Future, and most recently From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination. His website is
Here he argues that precognition plays a significant role in all creative acts. He realizes that he is pushing his hypothesis to the extreme, and he offers many examples supporting this viewpoint.