Eric Wargo: 9.11 を予知した画家(David Mandell)
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ロンドンに、デイビッド・マンデルという画家がいました。彼はまだ生きているかどうか分かりませんが、彼の名前はデビッド・マンデルでした。その時点ではすでに画家を引退していて、美術教師をしていましたが、彼の名前はデビッド・マンデルでした。 (01:01:00)
その時点ではすでに画家を引退していたか、美術教師をしていました。とにかく、彼は夢を描いていました。IRAの爆破テロや飛行機事故など、予知夢をたくさん見ていました。しかし、1996年9月11日、9月11日の5日前、5年後のその日、彼はニューヨークのツインタワーが崩壊する夢を見ました。そして、それを絵に描き、地元のバークレイズ銀行に行き、日付印を押してもらうために、この絵と一緒に 日付時計の下で写真を撮りました。彼は日付印を押してもらうために、日付時計の下で、すべての絵をこのようにしました。 (01:01:33)
彼は予知能力があると思っていたので、そういった予知能力的な出来事を頻繁に経験していました。とにかく、この絵はオンラインでも見ることができます。そして数ヶ月後、彼は同じような出来事の夢を見ました。しかし、今回は飛行機がビルに衝突する夢でした。 (01:01:48)
And there's a, there's a painter in, in London. I doubt he's still alive, but his name was David Mandel. He was already a retired painter at that point, or art teacher at but his name was David Mandel. (01:01:00)
He was already a retired painter at that point, or art teacher at that point. Anyway, he would paint his dreams and he had many precognitive dreams about IRA bombings and plane crashes, stuff like that. But on September 11th, 1996, so five days, five years to the day before 9-11, he has a dream about the Twin Towers in New York crashing down and he painted it and he went to the bank, his local Barclays Bank and had himself photographed with this painting under the date clock in order to have a date stamp, essentially. He did this with all of his under the date clock in order to have a date stamp, essentially. (01:01:33)
He did this with all of his paintings that he thought might be precognitive because he was so, he was having these things so frequently. Anyway, so you can even find a picture of this online. And then a few months later, he had another dream about, about the same event, but involving planes crashing into the buildings. (01:01:48)
Precognition and Creative Inspiration with Eric Wargo
3,100 views Jul 31, 2024
Eric Wargo, PhD, an anthropologist, is author of Time Loops, Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self: Interpreting Messages From Your Future, and most recently From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination. His website is
Here he argues that precognition plays a significant role in all creative acts. He realizes that he is pushing his hypothesis to the extreme, and he offers many examples supporting this viewpoint.