Stan Deyo: Curtis LeMay から「コーヒーを飲んでもいいよ」証を受け取った+ AI が駆使する巧妙な嘘
以下、Curtis LeMay に関連した逸話。ついでに「AI が駆使する巧妙な嘘」を追加した。
DeepL 訳は文脈を理解していないので意味不明だった。そこで ChatGPT-4o に和訳させた。DeepL よりかなりマシな和訳になったが、"skimpy bikini" の skimpy を ChatGPT-4o は(たぶん検閲で)無視し 水着姿 と歪めて訳してくれやがった(*1)。
この誤訳の意図を問いただすと以下のように言い訳した。どうやら現状でも AI は軽い嘘(or 言い逃れ)なら駆使できるようだ。
全くのバカ正直では、人間とのスムーズな対話にならないゆえ、対話の潤滑剤としての儀礼的な嘘はやむを得ないが、「儀礼的な嘘」と「騙しとしての嘘(or 巧妙な言い逃れ)」の境界は曖昧だし、状況に応じて揺れ動くもの。
以下の誤訳の言い訳は 、騙し成分が皆無とは思い難い。今後、顧客相談窓口や営業サポートに AI が採用されるのは確実だが、その AI が客に軽い嘘も言えず、全てバカ正直に対応したら使い物にならない。法律に抵触しないギリギリ、かつ AI 倫理の建前を崩さぬ範囲で、より巧妙で狡猾な嘘(or 言い逃れ)を(今後 企業で広く活用される) AI は駆使する筈(*2)。
Me: 最初の和訳に話を戻しますが、"skimpy bikini" の skimpy を和訳には反映させていませんね? 一種の検閲ですか?
AI: おっしゃる通り、「skimpy bikini」の「skimpy」を和訳に反映させていませんでした。これは意図的な検閲ではなく、読みやすさを考慮した結果でしたが、忠実な翻訳を心がけるべきでしたね。「skimpy」には「露出度の高い」「肌が多く見える」といった意味合いが含まれますので、それを踏まえた和訳を再度ご希望であればお知らせください。
企業の AI 採用担当者の口ぶりで ChatGPT-4o にあれこれ採用時の問題点を質問したが、すでに AI がバカ正直にならず、顧客を説得するための様々な技法を研究しており、その方法も具体的に述べてきた。巨額のカネが見込める AI の応用分野なのでかなり本気で実務面での応用・開発が進んでいる模様。
Curtis LeMay 関連の過去記事
Whitley Streiber : Curtis LeMay は Truman 大統領に「ET の正体は悪魔だ」と告げた。 (2019-11-28)
Grant Cameron : Curtis LeMay が UFO 問題に関わっていたという状況証拠 (途中2) - (2023-01-25)
東京大空襲を指揮した Curtis LeMay はキリスト教原理主義者だった (途中:その1) (2016-09-23)
UFO の残骸とライト・パターソン空軍基地のブルー・ルーム (+追加4) (2020-12-02)
Offutt 空軍基地(ネブラスカ州)の D 棟で頻繁に目撃される幽霊 (2016-11-07)
Steven Greer : Barry Goldwater に UFO 闇プロジェクト の重要人物である Bobby Raymond の名前を告げたら… (2023-01-10)
Steve Mera : 政府の公式書類の中で UFO を「悪魔の技術」と言及 (2022-09-25)
A.H.(顔も声も隠した匿名の人物)の証言:Roswell の UFO と未来を見るマシン。(+追加1) (2018-07-01)
Steven Greer : Barry Goldwater に UFO 闇プロジェクトの重要人物である Bobby Raymond の名前を告げたら… (2023-01-10)
アメリカのキリスト教徒は、長崎のキリスト教会を原爆投下の目印に選んだ (2016-09-24)
Robert Hastings : Tim Cooper が MJ-12 と SOM 1-01 文書が捏造であることを証言したメール (+追加) (2021-01-30)
日本の常識とは真逆になるが、欧米の士官学校は 4年生(という名称)が入学 1年目で、1年生が最終学年。なので 4年生はいわばカースト最下位。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + ChatGPT-4o
そして、あなたには非常に興味深い経歴があります。いくつかの要素が、あなたを際立たせ、強力な人物たちの 目に留まる要因となったと思います。そして、あなたはアメリカ空軍士官学校に入学し、空軍参謀総長であるカーチス・ルメイ将軍に注目されたわけですね。その経緯を教えていただけますか? 当時、私は4年生の候補生でした。
「それなら手紙を返してください」と頼みましたが、「もうシステムに入 っているので無理だ」と言われました。その後数日間は、軍法会議にかけられるのではないかと不安で仕方がありませんでした。
数日が経ち、ついに上級生が「デオ、重要人物から手紙をもらったのか? コーヒーチットがあるのか?」と聞いてきました。「はい、あります」と答えると、「じゃあ見せてみろ」と言われました。それでベストから取り出し、隣の上級生に渡しました。彼がそれを開いて、「なんだこれは、本当か?」と驚きました。
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
Well, you truly have a fascinating history. And I think there are a number of things about your background that made you stand out and brought you to the attention of some very powerful people. And you were enrolled in the US Air Force Academy, and somehow you came to the attention of General Curtis LeMay, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. So why don't you tell us about that? Well, I was a fourth class cadet at the time. (0:01:45)
And as a fourth classman, it's like at West Point, etc. in Annapolis, you aren't allowed to sit up like a normal human being and eat meals, drink coffee, you know, at mealtime, stuff like that. You're under the thumb of the upperclassmen. And I had a particularly nasty upperclassman that was our table commander. (0:02:14)
And he was talking to us there one day, and he said, Look, I want all you fourth classmen, you doolies, I want you to get a picture of your girlfriend in a skimpy bikini and bring it here, you know, to the table here in the next few weeks, so that we can all have a look at them. (0:02:34)
And I said, Well, sir, I don't currently have a girlfriend back home. Can I get a picture of something else that would satisfy that? And he said, Yeah, some important person. Yes, sir. So we left, I went back to my room, and I thought, Well, you know, General Curtis LeMay, you know, head of SAC, you know, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, you know, I'll write him and I'll say, Look, I'm not complaining. (0:03:02)
This is an ask. It's kind of a joke of my table commander, you know, and I explained the situation in a letter. And it would really be cool if, you know, you give me permission to drink coffee, a coffee chit, that would do. And I sent it off. Well, I actually went down the hallway there in the 22nd squadron area. (0:03:19)
And I gave the letter over to the the postal guy there and behind the little grill. And he says, Oh, you've written this to, you know, General LeMay. And I said, Yeah. He said, Oh, we had a cadet do that last week, and they've court-martialed him. (0:03:31)
I said, Oh, we'll give it back. He said, Oh, no, it's in the system now. Sorry, I can't do that. So for the next few days, I sweated whether I was going to get court-martialed or whatever for this. And then all of a sudden, it arrived, the letter you've got there in the screen, you know, to Cadet Fourth Class Deo. And here's a coffee chit from, you know, signed by Curtis LeMay. So I put it in my vest, you know, out of sight and went to the next meal and the next one. (0:03:59)
And several days went by before he says, Hey, hey, Deo, did you get a letter from somebody important so we can drink coffee, you know, coffee chit? I said, Yes, sir, I did. He said, Well, send it up. Let us see. So I took it out of my vest and I gave it over to the senior cadet next to me. And he looked at it. He opened it up and says, J.C. He says, Is this real? I said, Yes, sir, it is. (0:04:23)
So now everybody in the table focused on that letter. He sends it up to Table Commander. Table Commander opens up and he says, Wow, gentlemen, he says, This man has just talked to God and survived. Everybody sit at ease. And so it was kind of legendary for, you know, for months after that, I would go sometimes on the weekend and sit at other tables and other Table Commanders. And I'd say, Sir, Cadet 4th Class Deo requests permission for all of the 4th Class cadets to sit at ease. (0:04:59)
And here's the letter. He says, Oh, you're that guy. It's OK. Everybody sit at ease. So that was my one and only introduction to Curtis LeMay. I really thought he was cool. They used to call him Iron Ass because he was so hard to deal with, you know, if you broke the rules. Well, that was certainly kind of exceptional, certainly something that surprised your commanding officers there. (0:05:26)
彼の核となる証言はどれもデタラメ。たとえば「私の IQ は 180 以上だった」と述べているが、
I did have an IQ of over 180. (0:09:06)
A mathematical and 'lay' language explanation of the error in Einstein's relativistic limits to traveling faster than light's speed is also given in detail with illustrations. Photostats of key documents which substantiate the assertions are in the appendices of the book.
Michael Salla もこんな人物ばかりをインタビューに招くから、大学を首になったのだが、全然、凝りていない。
First Whistleblower Revelations of Reverse Engineered ET Spacecraft date to 1977: Stan Deyo
25,700 回視聴 2023/08/28
スタン ・デヨはアメリカ空軍士官学校に在籍していたが、卒業前に退学し、テキサス州ダラスでコンピューター・プログラマー兼物理学者として働いていた。電気重力推進システムに関する彼の高度な知識は、エドワード・テラー博士が率いる空飛ぶ円盤技術の極秘リバース・エンジニアリング・プロジェクトの目に留まった。彼の電気重力システムの設計により、デヨはプロジェクトに参加するようリクルートされ、またFBIから潜入工作員として働くよう打診された。デヨは最終的にプロジェクトとアメリカを離れ、オーストラリアに向かうことを決意し、オーストラリアのメルボルンにある極秘の航空プロジェクトで、電気重力を含む同様のリバース・エンジニアリング・プロジェクトに推薦された。
1977年、オーストラリアのテレビ・ドキュメンタリー番組『UFOはここにいる』に出演し、アメリカとオーストラリアにおける極秘リバース・エンジニアリング・プロジェクトについての知識を明かした。1978年、デヨは最初の本を書いた。この本は、世界各国の政府がいかに協力して地球外宇宙船を発見し、研究し、リバース・エンジニアリングを行っているかを暴露したものである。彼は、人 類を操るか救うかを望む地球外生命体のさまざまな派閥が関与する、偉大なUFO欺瞞の危機に瀕していると信じている。
Stan Deyo was enrolled as a cadet at the USAF Academy but left before graduation to work as a computer programmer and physicist in Dallas, Texas. His advanced knowledge of electrogravitic propulsion systems came to the attention of a Top Secret reverse engineering project of flying saucer technologies headed by Dr. Edward Teller. His electrogravitic system designs led to Deyo being recruited to join the project and also being approached by the FBI to work as an undercover operative. Deyo eventually decided to leave the project and the US for Australia and was recommended for a position in a similar reverse engineering project involving electrogravitics at a highly classified aeronautical project in Melbourne, Australia.
After being interviewed and comparing notes on electrogravitics with Australian project scientists, Deyo refused to comply with overly stringent secrecy provisions. He was also briefed by Australian members of a secretive international control group that shared information on extraterrestrials working directly with multiple nation-states in order to gain underground bases and build advanced spacecraft. Deyo went into hiding to protect himself for knowing too much and survived an assassination attempt.
In 1977, he came out of hiding to feature in an Australian TV documentary “UFOs Are Here’ where he revealed his knowledge of classified reverse engineering projects in the US and Australia. In 1978, Deyo wrote his first book. The Cosmic Conspiracy, which exposed how governments worldwide were cooperating to find, study and reverse engineer extraterrestrial spacecraft. He believes we are on the verge of a great UFO deception involving different factions of extraterrestrials desiring to either manipulate or save humanity.
おまけ 1: Stan Deyo の著書 by amazon
こんな内容の本(中古)が amazon では数百ドルで販売されていることにも驚く。
Stan Deyo, "The Cosmic Conspiracy - Millennium Edition", 1978-06
エイリアン/UFO」事態の進展に関する緊急の啓示が、今回の主旨である。あなた自身のサバイバルのために必ず読まなければならない警告である。本書はまた、オリジナルの「マジェスティック12」グループによる「グレイ・プロジェクト」を明らかにし、つい最近彼らから力を奪ったグループについて論じている。多くの新しい写真や画像を使って、地球人に何が起ころうとしているのか、特に大都市上空での巨大クラフトの使用に重点を置いて説明している......。 この議論の一環として、「火星の顔」問題の真相に対するユニークで科学的なアプローチが示される。異星人の文化は抜きにして)この出来事とテクノロジーについて、よりもっともらしく現実的な説明が展開される。多くの人々が、「顔は人類よりも古く、技術的に進んだ火星文明の兆候である」という一般的な仮説に魅了されているようだ。本号では、この「火星の顔」という茶番劇が、近い将来、地球上に異星人の文化が存在することを公言するための軟化アイテムとして利用されることを警告している。 この版には、アメリカの大封印(聖書の予言で語られている後世の「バビロン」であると思われる)の秘密についての最新情報も掲載されている。このミレニアム版をお見逃しなく。私たちの分析が正しければ。 20年間、この本はアメリカで「カウンター越し」に売られてきた。本書の思想と事実に対する公式の抵抗は大きかった。今、インターネットのおかげで、この種の情報をアメリカ国民に公開する際の通常の規制を回避することができる。オーストラリア(テキサス出身の元愛国者である著者が住んでいる)では、この本はアメリカの「ミリオンセラー」に匹敵する売り上げを記録した。現在22カ国以上で読まれているこの本をきっかけに、テレビ番組やドキュメンタリー、調査が開始された。1969年に著者が経験した「臨死体験」から着想を得た、今世紀を代表する一冊である。 本書の最初の200ページは、1970年に著者が発見した、円形機上で電離プラズマガスを使用する新しい航空機推進方法について書かれている。著者が超極秘の国際研究開発組織に採用され、オーストラリアで推進力研究を終えたこと......。アメリカ政府、国際連合、ヨーロッパ合衆国、アラブ連盟、ローマクラブの背後にある、地球上の人々を支配する新たなグローバルな政治権力を確立するための「陰謀」について論じている。 アインシュタインが提唱した相対論的な光速限界の誤りについても、数学的かつ 「一般人向け 」の言葉で、図解入りで詳しく解説している。本書の付録には、主張を立証する重要な文書のフォトスタットが掲載されている。 この『宇宙の陰謀』の最新版、そしておそらく最終版では、著者はオリジナルの200ページに60ページを新たに加えた。重さ500g以下の本に多くの情報を詰め込むため、この追加版では文字サイズを小さくし、国際送料を大幅に節約した。 この本は英語、フランス語、ドイツ語で入手できる。ただし、この最新版(ミレニアム版)は現在英語版のみ。フランス語の翻訳は1998年9月30日から始まっており、カナダで最初に発売される予定です。
▼原文 展開
An URGENT revelation concerning the developing "Alien/UFO" situation is the main thrust of this edition. It is a warning which MUST be read for your own survival!... The book also unveils the "Gray Project" from the original "Majestic 12" group and discusses the group which just recently took the power away from them. It uses many new photos and images to explain what is about to happen to the people of Earth with special emphasis on the use of HUGE craft over our major cities.....
As part of this discussion, a unique, scientific approach to the truth of the "Face on Mars" issue is given. A more plausible and practical explanation for the event (sans alien culture) and technology is developed. Many people seem to be entranced by the popular hypothesis that the face is a sign of an ancient, technologically advanced, Martian civilization which even pre-dated mankind itself. This edition warns of the use of this whole "face on Mars" farce as a softening item for the public announcement of alien cultures here on earth in our immediate future.
This edition also has an update on the secrets of the Great Seal of America (which appears to be the latter day "Babylon" spoken of in Biblical prophecies). Don't miss this Millennium Edition. You won't have another chance - IF we are correct in our analysis of coming events
For 20 years, this book has been sold "under the counter" in America. The official resistance to the ideas and facts in this book was huge. Now, with the Internet, we are able to circumvent the normal controls on the release of this sort of information to the American people. In Australia (where the ex-patriot, Texan author lives) this book sold the equivalent of a "million-seller" in America. TV shows, documentaries and investigations have been launched as a result of this book which is now read in over 22 countries. It is one of the major books of this century; and was inspired after a 'near death' experience the author had in 1969.
The first 200 pages of the book tell about the author's discovery of a new method of aircraft propulsion using ionized plasma gases over a circular craft in 1970.... It tells about the author's recruitment by an ultra-secret, international research and development organization to finish his propulsion research in Australia.... It discusses the 'conspiracy' behind the US Government, the United Nations, The United States of Europe, The coming Arab Confederation and the Club of Rome to establish a new, global, political power to dominate the peoples of Earth.
A mathematical and 'lay' language explanation of the error in Einstein's relativistic limits to traveling faster than light's speed is also given in detail with illustrations. Photostats of key documents which substantiate the assertions are in the appendices of the book.
In this latest and, perhaps, last edition of The Cosmic Conspiracy, the author has added 60 new pages to the original 200-page version. He reduced the font size in this addition to cram more info into a book which weighs less than 500g - thus saving heaps on international postage.
The book is available in English, French and German. HOWEVER, this newest edition (The Millennium Edition) is only available in English at present. The French translation has begun as of 30 Sept 1998 and will be released in Canada first.
おまけ 2: 全文文字起こし
▼文字起こし 原文展開
Stan Dayo studied at the US Air Force Academy and stood out for his startling abilities. And later on, he got to excel in certain fields concerning physics, computer programming, propulsion systems. He got to work with the legendary Dr. Edward Teller. And then he traveled to Australia, where he worked on some reverse engineering programs concerning flying saucers. And he is the first whistleblower to have come forward in the 1970s, revealing the existence of secret space programs working on these advanced reverse engineered technologies. (0:00:42)
You're listening to ExoPolitics Today with Dr. Michael Sala, your source for the uncensored truth regarding the human, extraterrestrial, global, and political agenda. Click the like button and subscribe to this channel. And now, here's Dr. Michael Sala. Well, welcome Stan to ExoPolitics Today. Thank you for inviting me. It's a pleasure to talk with you, doctor. (0:01:18)
Appreciate your work. Well, you truly have a fascinating history. And I think there are a number of things about your background that made you stand out and brought you to the attention of some very powerful people. And you were enrolled in the US Air Force Academy, and somehow you came to the attention of General Curtis LeMay, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. So why don't you tell us about that? Well, I was a fourth class cadet at the time. (0:01:45)
And as a fourth classman, it's like at West Point, etc. in Annapolis, you aren't allowed to sit up like a normal human being and eat meals, drink coffee, you know, at mealtime, stuff like that. You're under the thumb of the upperclassmen. And I had a particularly nasty upperclassman that was our table commander. (0:02:14)
And he was talking to us there one day, and he said, Look, I want all you fourth classmen, you doolies, I want you to get a picture of your girlfriend in a skimpy bikini and bring it here, you know, to the table here in the next few weeks, so that we can all have a look at them. (0:02:34)
And I said, Well, sir, I don't currently have a girlfriend back home. Can I get a picture of something else that would satisfy that? And he said, Yeah, some important person. Yes, sir. So we left, I went back to my room, and I thought, Well, you know, General Curtis LeMay, you know, head of SAC, you know, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, you know, I'll write him and I'll say, Look, I'm not complaining. (0:03:02)
This is an ask. It's kind of a joke of my table commander, you know, and I explained the situation in a letter. And it would really be cool if, you know, you give me permission to drink coffee, a coffee chit, that would do. And I sent it off. Well, I actually went down the hallway there in the 22nd squadron area. (0:03:19)
And I gave the letter over to the the postal guy there and behind the little grill. And he says, Oh, you've written this to, you know, General LeMay. And I said, Yeah. He said, Oh, we had a cadet do that last week, and they've court-martialed him. (0:03:31)
I said, Oh, we'll give it back. He said, Oh, no, it's in the system now. Sorry, I can't do that. So for the next few days, I sweated whether I was going to get court-martialed or whatever for this. And then all of a sudden, it arrived, the letter you've got there in the screen, you know, to Cadet Fourth Class Deo. And here's a coffee chit from, you know, signed by Curtis LeMay. So I put it in my vest, you know, out of sight and went to the next meal and the next one. (0:03:59)
And several days went by before he says, Hey, hey, Deo, did you get a letter from somebody important so we can drink coffee, you know, coffee chit? I said, Yes, sir, I did. He said, Well, send it up. Let us see. So I took it out of my vest and I gave it over to the senior cadet next to me. And he looked at it. He opened it up and says, J.C. He says, Is this real? I said, Yes, sir, it is. (0:04:23)
So now everybody in the table focused on that letter. He sends it up to Table Commander. Table Commander opens up and he says, Wow, gentlemen, he says, This man has just talked to God and survived. Everybody sit at ease. And so it was kind of legendary for, you know, for months after that, I would go sometimes on the weekend and sit at other tables and other Table Commanders. And I'd say, Sir, Cadet 4th Class Deo requests permission for all of the 4th Class cadets to sit at ease. (0:04:59)
And here's the letter. He says, Oh, you're that guy. It's OK. Everybody sit at ease. So that was my one and only introduction to Curtis LeMay. I really thought he was cool. They used to call him Iron Ass because he was so hard to deal with, you know, if you broke the rules. Well, that was certainly kind of exceptional, certainly something that surprised your commanding officers there. (0:05:26)
But you didn't actually complete your U.S. Air Force Academy training. So, I mean, you got very close to completion and then so something happened. So, you know, can you just walk us through what happened with you not completing and becoming an Air Force officer? Well, first of all, I was there a year before, you know, 4th Class year. (0:05:48)
I was there at the Air Force Academy Prep School. It was the only way I could get into the Academy by appointment from my congressman, Bruce Alger. There was no openings other than at Prep School. So, I went there. Actually, it's down the hill, probably a quarter mile from the actual Academy. So, I went there, you know, accomplished that and then became a 4th Classman in the following year. (0:06:12)
4th Classman is the starting point. And I was elected by my fellow classmen, 4th Classmen, as the honor code representative. They trusted me enough to sit in judgment on them and other cadets in the 4th Class year. If they violated any of the rules or laws, you know, or, you know, the ethical code, anything like that, I had to sit in judgment of them with my fellow officers in the Honor Corps. Anyway, so, it was a respected position. (0:06:38)
And one day, some of us noticed in the Corps that there were cadets that were being drummed out by the regular Air Force, spying on them through a window into their candy room or the bootle room in each squadron area. And we noticed that, well, one guy was a short guy and they didn't like short officers. Another guy was black, they didn't want black officers. And we saw this pattern forming. (0:07:02)
So, we said, look, you know, you guys are trumping up charges. Like the black cadet here in our area, you accused him of stealing about a 10-cent candy bar. And we were allowed, you know, at night, you know, even after lights out, to go to the bootle room to get, you know, something to eat and mark it up on our chart and then pay for it on Thursday on payday. (0:07:28)
Well, this particular cadet had gone in, gotten a candy bar and walked out without paying for it to his room and came back, you know, the next couple of days and marked it down because he'd forgotten to do it. Well, they said, because you left without marking it down at that moment, we're going to kick you out of the Air Force Academy. And how did they know this? Because they had a crew sitting outside on the...above the tarmac on a crosswalk there at night with cameras looking into these bootle rooms to film this stuff. (0:08:02)
So, we thought this was uncalled for. And there was 120 to 180 of us there that complained about this in the Corps. And we said, look, if you don't let these guys come back and treat them fairly, we're going to refuse to take our final exams. It was around Christmas time. (0:08:13)
And they said, oh, well, if that's the way you feel about it, you're all dismissed from the Academy. And they kicked us out. But we were standing up for what was right and what was ethical. And so, you know, I left the Academy, went back to Dallas and where I lived and went to IBM to study computing and system analysis and ended up learning three or four computer languages. (0:08:37)
I did have an IQ of over 180. So, that's kind of brought me to the attention of a number of people, which, you know, later got me inducted into the program with Dr. Teller. So, why don't you tell us about Dr. Teller and what it was that attracted you to him? Well, him to me, well, it was actually, they recruited me. (0:09:06)
I was there in Dallas, as I said, in the computer business. And after several years of being in that and establishing my credentials and, you know, and abilities in the community there, I was at the latest client, which was 100 corporations in a conglomerate there at Optical. And I had an office up next to the CEO, about two doors down. (0:09:32)
And I managed several crew, several programmers there. We were called in and we were to find if the current programmer, an operator of their systems, he'd been fired. And we were to find out if he'd left any Trojans in the system that would hurt them economically. And so my crew and I were working on that. (0:09:58)
And we did find the bomb several days before it was about to go off and wipe out the payroll records for about 3000 employees. Anyway, I was there in my office, the private office, had a blackboard that I could swing around and I was working, you know, like way late hours. And so sometimes I would work on my own projects at home on the back side of the blackboard, which I'd flip over for daytime work and flip it over for my work. And I was working on a method of propelling a saucer craft, is what it's about, and dealing with gravity, how to interact with gravity electrically. (0:10:34)
Now, I, you know, no one else knew what I was doing unless I peaked at night or during the daytime when I wasn't there. So I'd gone out this one particular morning downstairs to the canteen to get a cup of coffee, a piece of cake or something, and just relax. Now, this canteen would hold maybe a thousand people. (0:10:55)
It was a big place. And when I went down there, there were no other people there except the cooks and stuff that were getting lunch ready. So this guy that I recognized from being upstairs, he was an actuary for one of our life insurance companies. He came into the canteen and cafeteria and he walked over and sat right in front of me at my table. (0:11:13)
Now, I didn't invite him. I didn't know him. And I said, oh, well, you know, good morning. And as we sat there, I was having my cup of coffee and he was having a cigarette. You know, he was European. I think, let's see, Iwonski, that's probably Polish. Anyway, he had his cigarette between his fingers here and he'd go like this, you know, I can't even do it, you know, and he'd blow smoke. And he says, I'm, you know, Dr. Iwonski. He says, what are you and what do you do? (0:11:45)
And I told him, I said, yeah, good to meet you. And he said, well, tell me about yourself. What are you doing? And I said, well, you mean at home or here? He said, oh, well, whatever. (0:11:55)
And so I mentioned that I'd been working on a gravitic equation and been working on the design of a way to test that with a craft and, you know, and then we had even shook and left. He says, oh, before we did that, he said, oh, look, you know, you really ought to talk to a friend of mine here. (0:12:18)
He'd be very interested in what you're doing. And I says, oh, yeah, well, you know, I wasn't interested in doing that, but I took a piece of paper in the name that he gave me and put it in my pocket and left. About a month went by, I went down to get coffee again off hours and was again the only one there. (0:12:33)
And here he comes, he shows up, comes over and sits down in front of him and he says, hey, you haven't gone to see my friend, Dr. Maxfield. And I said, oh, yeah, no, look, I've been pretty busy and, you know, fluffed it off. He says, this afternoon at 330, you have an appointment at his office. Here's the address. Be there. Oh, OK. I thought this is weird. And other weird things have been happening. (0:12:54)
So I did treat this as weird because I'd been recruited by the FBI, one of 700 informants in the field that they'd hired that year to monitor certain operations of our corporation in overseas dealings in Israel and the Middle East. And so I was an undercover, you know, like spy. And so when this happened, I thought this is weird. (0:13:20)
Anyway, I went to the appointed address at time. When I got there in a parking lot, it was just, you know, probably five minutes drive from the office there in Dallas. There was a parking lot and I was the only car in it. And there was this kind of long building. You know, it had a normal wooden type door, but I couldn't see any windows where I was. And so I walked up to it and I knocked on the door. (0:13:43)
There was no answer. So I opened it, just a normal open door, not a push door or anything. And I looked down this long hallway and I could see light about halfway down coming in through a window or something and a couple of doors to my left and right that were shut down this hallway. So I called out, told them who I was. (0:14:02)
There was no answer. And I thought, oh boy, this is a setup of some sort, you know, thinking back to the FBI involvement. So I walked in very carefully down the hallway toward that light down there coming through that window. And I got there and it was a receptionist desk, but she wasn't there. And all the way down, I kept looking to see if doors open behind me or anything. We were alone. (0:14:21)
Well, she comes out from the restroom or whatever and she says, so hi, can I help you? And I said, well, look, I'm Stan Dale. I was told to meet Dr. Maxwell, you know, Jim Maxwell here today. (0:14:33)
Oh yes, he's expecting you. Just wait here a moment. And I stood by her desk there and further down the hallway, these double doors burst open and out comes this tall, I mean, really bigger than me guy with his cowboy boots and a big cigar and his white lab coat. And he comes up and he says, hi boy, I'm Jim Maxwell. I said, well, Stan Dale, yeah, I know. (0:14:57)
He says, come on into my office across here from the receptionist and let's have a talk. So we get in there and as we're coming in, I'm noticing pictures and certificates, you know, diplomas and stuff on his wall. And I realized this guy is, he's a friend of Edward Teller's. He's, in fact, here he is drinking champagne in a submarine when he and Teller are going under the pole. (0:15:21)
And I see all of his degrees from the University of Texas and other places, you know, I knew he was a very smart fellow. And so I sat down and he says, okay, boy, tell me, tell me what you're doing at home. And I thought, okay, well, at home, I'm kind of working on a way to unify magnetic fields and gravity and electrostatics. (0:15:45)
He says, well, look, don't fence with me. We know you're doing, you know, anti-gravity research at home. I said, you do? He says, yeah, yeah. I said, well, I didn't want to use the term anti-gravity because I thought, you know, this would be an insult to a guy that's this bright, you know, he'd want to talk electrophysics or something. But anyway, he says, look, we know what you're up to and we'd like to invite you to join our group. (0:16:05)
And I said, what group was that? And he says, well, it's kind of like a research group. We are researching anti-gravity. In fact, we're a little bit ahead of where you are. We've already built several craft and are flying them around. And would you like to join our team? And of course, you know, I thought, okay, where do I sign? And he says, well, you're going to have to go to Australia. We're going to move you and your family down to Australia, to our facility there. (0:16:32)
And, you know, we'll brief you on all this stuff, but right now I need to get Bob Gray over to the Australian consulate in San Francisco to set you up as an electrical engineer. We're going to have you be called that. I said, well, I don't have to agree. And he said, that's what you're going to go down as. And, you know, we'll do the health checks on you and your family for TB and that kind of stuff, and then give you the tickets and off you go. (0:16:58)
So probably, oh, six, seven weeks passed and I had, I'd passed the medicals, sort of my wife and children. And I'd walked around, carried papers by hand to sell my home and get it processed to the real estate agency and all that kind of stuff, packed up all my goods and boxes and left them on the floor. (0:17:14)
I couldn't tell anybody about this. That was one of the terms. And I had a date for us to fly out on a Sunday, which was, you know, a Sunday, a week away. And so I called my dad and mom, which I hadn't told this to yet. And I said, look, there's been some strange things happening. (0:17:34)
And I can't explain to you now, but I'm going to go off to Australia for a while. And I want you to take all the boxes and stuff and papers I left at my house, locked up. Here's the key. And it's been sold. And, you know, get my car away to my brother and everything else. And I said, you know, we'll see you. And I said, let's go this afternoon. (0:17:52)
And in essence, I said, meet me out at Love Field Airport because I'm going to leave today. (0:17:56)
This was a week early. And why did I do that? Because it was an open ticket to Sydney, Australia. And because I was a bit suspicious of them knowing what I've been doing, whether I was just going to have a plane crash or something before I got to Australia and that was the end of it. So I thought I'll leave a week early to be sure that the plane is, you know, they don't pick up the fact that I'm on a plane and vomit or whatever. (0:18:23)
Got down to Australia, you know, about midnight, one o'clock in the morning. At that time, Sydney Airport closed up. It rolled up the sidewalk. You know, it was dark. And so my family, I sat on a bench or, you know, some seats there inside the airport next to the ticket counters that were all closed. And this guy comes walking along. He's a pilot, a captain. (0:18:42)
And it was one of the airlines. He came over. So you guys are a bit early. And I said, well, it was our connecting flight from, you know, Hawaii. And that's the way it went. He said, well, look, let me fly you down. I'm going to be leaving here a couple of hours. And when the desk opens up, just jump on my flight. (0:19:02)
I'll take you down early so you don't have to sit here and endure, you know, all this while you've got your kids and everything. They were young. So I thought, that's a good idea because nobody knows I'm beating this guy, the airline. And so he arranged it. He flew me down and the family down to Melbourne. Well, got there and I already had in my pocket the name of an individual down there, Charlie Parker, that had been given to me by a Jewish friend of mine that worked in that corporation where I was working in Dallas before we left. (0:19:37)
And John Harbreed said, look, if you ever get down there, this is my friend Charlie, and he'll take care of you if you need anything. So I thought, right, I haven't connected with Teller's group yet. So I'll call this guy and he set me up. Stan, before we kind of get to the Australia portion of that story, I just wanted to find out what it was about your research on antigravity or electrogravitics that attracted this group, that attracted James, Dr. James Maxfeld to you, that they would offer you that position in Australia. I mean, it seems like, I mean, and did they actually show you anything about the flying saucer project that they were doing there in Dallas, Texas? (0:20:24)
No, no, they didn't in Dallas. And they must have had a look at my blackboard or, well, actually, I'd had a break into the house while I was at the office during the ensuing three or four weeks, and into my lab, and nothing but some, you know, a pistol and a TV set were stolen. But it might have been that they looked at my data then, but I never showed it to them at that point. (0:20:49)
And what I was working on did show that gravity could be interfaced using electricity, because there was an electric component to gravity. It was a dual waveform, divergent-convergent waveform. So they must have peeked at some of my work at home or behind the blackboard. That's all I know. (0:21:18)
And other than that, they showed me nothing, you know, paid for the trip down there and everything else. And so by jumping out a week early, I missed a meeting I was supposed to have, apparently, with James Maxfield. When I got down there, I kept my head down for a while, and, you know, still being a bit cautious about what was going on because of the FBI involvement. (0:21:36)
And I thought, you know, I don't even think I want to join these guys, because they're being so secretive. And, you know, it's a bit weird. I got a job as a systems analyst with Madame Stratus and Caterpillar, and a senior systems analyst. And so for several months, I worked there and was getting an income to take care of the family. (0:22:04)
And one day I thought, you know, look, I've figured out something new on this equation. So I thought, well, I'll call or I'll mail James Maxfield, Dr. Maxfield, with what I've discovered here, which I did. (0:22:15)
And suddenly, you know, like within a week, I got an airmail letter back and it says, well, we missed you. You should have been at our meeting, you know, before you left the country. He said, now I want you to contact Captain Sir John Williams here in Melbourne. He's going to be your control officer. (0:22:36)
And so he gave me the details, phone number, everything. And I called this Captain Sir John Williams a few days after that. And I told him, I said, or his butler, I said, I'm Stan Dale. I was supposed to call him. And he said, oh, yes, we've been expecting your call. (0:22:51)
And then Sir John gets on the phone. He says, boy, where have you been? We've been expecting you for several months. I said, oh, here's what happened. He said, all right, well, meet me tomorrow in town. We'll go to lunch at the Australian Club, which is the conservative right wing gathering of the people that made, you know, they were the movers and shakers of the political scene down there. (0:23:12)
And so I arrived there at the train station. I took the train in from the suburb where I was living at the time. And he had a Mercedes and a driver that looked like the odd job guy in the James Bond movies, you know, really buff. And so they pick up my bags and stuff, put me in the Mercedes and we drive off to this Australian Club. And he, we had lunch and we had lunch with Sir Henry Somerset and with another guy, Jim something, was a professor down at Tasmania at the university there. (0:23:46)
Why he was there, I don't know. But anyway, the conversation at lunch went to several minor topics. And then there was a kind of pause. And Sir John on my right says to Sir Henry sitting in front of me, he says, Henry, he says, you know, they're moving in on us now. And I waited for them to explain that. And I said, excuse me, by they, are you talking about the European Economic Community? (0:24:10)
Because we've been talking stuff like that. He says, no, no. Henry, are you going to the property this weekend? And maybe we can catch some fishing or something. Yes, yes, John. And that was the end of it. It fell flat. And then we retired to the port cigar room there at the Melbourne Club. And I talked with Sir John, that's who I was with at the end of the meeting, and about what had happened, what I'd done and why I'd missed the meeting. (0:24:45)
And he says, okay, he says, I want you to go home and write down everyone you've talked to since you left the States, you know, about this, who's approached you and whatever where you've been. So I thought, well, that's weird, but I'll do that. And so we walked out the front of the Melbourne Club down into the Mercedes, where our job was waiting. (0:25:10)
And we sat in the back. And I said, as we drove toward the train station, I said, Sir Henry, I said, you know, I can give you my contact address and numbers and stuff like that. He says, boy, you don't understand. He says, I've got all that. (0:25:20)
And he reaches over in the side pocket of his door and brings out this file. And he says, this is you, know all about you. And, you know, write the report and send it in to me. We'll continue from here, which is, you know, I went home and wrote the report. And then we had another meeting at the Melbourne Club. And it was just before he was flying off to Jakarta for some business he was doing there. And so I handed him the report in a folder and he thumbed through it. (0:25:49)
And I drawn graphs about how, you know, pictures and stuff and explained how the field effect would work to fly this flying saucer and, you know, move it around. And he got to the last page where I had the cross section of how the thing worked with, you know, with the field control. He almost, you know, lost his upper denders. (0:26:12)
He says, oh, he says, can I keep this? I said, well, yes, you asked for it. It's your report. He says, good. I'll have my people look at it on the way to Jakarta. I'll get back to you next week. So that was how it started. And I wrote, you know, more of a paper explaining why I thought these things should not be kept quiet. (0:26:29)
We should be, you know, sharing it with the general scientific community because we could advance humanity, et cetera, et cetera. And at that time, I was not briefed, you know, on the alien presence and our deal with them. Sir John was an interesting fellow anyway. He was knighted by the Queen for recovering millions of dollars worth of gold over New Zealand to help finance Britain's participation in World War II. So he was knighted by the Queen for that. (0:27:00)
And he was a sea captain as well. Very impressive fellow. Anyway, I worked at home, didn't go to a facility or anything, and wrote papers as required. And he looked at one of them, you know, a recent one I read where I said, you know, I really think we should share this with people. He says, I don't think you understand the problem, boy. (0:27:25)
He says, rewrite this so that Sir John, so that I and Sir Henry can see it, but do not include about, you know, we should share this with people, which I did. And we'd been working back and forth by phone and by letter. And after a few months of this, one day, a job arrives on my front porch at home early in the morning with a box full of all my paperwork and stuff. (0:27:56)
Put it on the porch and says, okay, destroy this. He says, if you wish, we've destroyed all record of your participation with us at the office. And don't contact us anymore. You're dismissed. Well, I thought that's weird. So fortunately, I had that job to keep me going there. (0:28:18)
And a few weeks passed and a gentleman from a life insurance company down there approached me to have lunch with him. And he identified himself. I think it was, gosh, Eagle Life or something like that. But anyway, he said, look, we know you've left the program and would like to continue working on your anti-gravity stuff and your free energy stuff with the antenna system you talked about. (0:28:41)
We own some property in the gold fields up near Miner's Rest, north of Melbourne. And we can build you a whole lab facility down there underground. It's several thousand feet down the shaft, but we can build you a whole facility there. But again, the deal is you can't tell anybody that you're going there or what's going on. (0:28:57)
He says, but we'd like to fund your research. Well, now, call me paranoid, but when you've been dismissed and all record of you has been wiped out and they want you to work at the bottom of a mine shaft, well, I thought, okay, fine. Thanks. That's a good idea. We'll talk about this next week. Well, I immediately started making plans to disappear, change my name, appearance, whatever, and leave town, which I did do. About, you know, a week to 10 days later, I didn't have the second meeting with him. (0:29:31)
I just left at midnight one night with some hippies I'd met. And we traveled overnight, you know, from about 12 to 1 somewhere in that area over to Adelaide in South Australia. And from there, I became Noah Davidson. I just wanted to get a little bit of clarity here on exactly what it was that you were experiencing problems in. (0:30:05)
I mean, back in Dallas, Texas, you were identified or recognized as someone doing this kind of pioneering research on antigravity propulsion. (0:30:10)
They offered to have you or brought you into some program associated with Dr. Edward Teller that this Dr. James Maxfield was running, or he was your point man. They were impressed by what you were doing. And they sent you to Australia. And in Australia, you started to show some of these ideas and now at any point, did they actually brief you about what it was that they were doing in Australia concerning these antigravity propulsion systems and flying saucers? Only to the fact that we had a base in the South Pole, Antarctica, and that there were other facilities that we were part of an organization. (0:31:10)
Teller's organization was a worldwide thing between scientific community of a lot of countries like Russia, Germany, believe it or not, Germany, and Great Britain, Australia. In fact, in one meeting with Dr. Tom Keeble, who's the head of aeronautical research lab, I was sent to meet with him and his people. They told me that they were being monitored by ASIO, which is the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, kind of like our CIA, I guess, or FBI or something. (0:31:44)
But anyway, during these meetings, they told me about, they had video records of these alien craft that I think was an RAAF Air Force base there to sail, I think. Anyway, I was briefed, you know, by these people more than by Sir John. And in fact, in one meeting with Dr. Keeble and with the guy that's now the current head of that division, we were sitting there and a black limousine drove up downstairs, we could see it out the window. (0:32:22)
And Dr. Keeble said, well, boys, I've got to finish this meeting because I've got a lunch with you-know-who. And he left. And, you know, they, I said to them, you know, look, I'd like to see some of these videos that you've got at SAIL Air Force Base. And I said, can I do that? And they said, we're still in the office. And they said, oh, no, no, you can't. And then they pointed up to the bookshelf and said, you know, like this, we're being monitored. (0:32:50)
And then they whispered, you know, or mouthed out, but yes, you'll be able to see these things. Anyway, there were a number of meetings and discussions like this with other members of the team. And when I left, you know, after that was approached by that guy, after I'd left the facility, I found out that there were two of us, myself and one other guy over in England, that had been let go of the program with a lot of knowledge about it. But they just wiped out all track to find us if anybody went into the records. (0:33:21)
Didn't know why at the time, but I did find out later. And when I started to run across the country, you know, fake name and whatever, I did manage to meet several of the guys that were security detail with us, you know, back when I was in the program. And they were in a different department because we're very compartmentalized. (0:33:43)
But anyway, they were civilians now. And so I talked to them about, you know, other things that went on there. And this was quite illuminating, but about the aliens particularly, because apparently sometime back, you know, in the 50s, we had humans had made a deal with them. And we agreed to build them underground facilities all over the planet, hidden bases, and stock it with equipment, materials that they needed. (0:34:08)
And we would jointly operate these bases. But then, unbeknownst to me, at some point in the late 70s, they had turned on us. After we had supplied them all the stuff they needed to bring up, you know, manufacturing and development of weapons and stuff that they wanted, they started to dismiss us from the bases to kick us out. (0:34:35)
And there were shooting episodes that occurred at Dulce and perhaps other places down in the Antarctic place. But my security guys that were now retired, you know, they would talk to me, but one of them had like a quiet room. He was in electrical business. And it was sealed off. So there was no way that anybody could eavesdrop on what we're talking about. And that's where I got to see how the craft were made that they were using. (0:35:02)
And like, I got shown Polaroid photographs of the core cross sections in a 30-foot diameter craft and how it worked and that kind of stuff. How, you know, various things like time altered inside the craft when it was operating. And you either have fast time or slow time depending upon the energy density of the field. (0:35:26)
All these kind of things I picked up from these guys that were now out of the program, you know, like me in essence, but they were still being monitored by, I think it was the Australian Army was what the purview they came under at that time, even as civilians. Gosh, I'm jumping around a bit. (0:35:45)
But when I left Melbourne, went to Adelaide, I was there a few months growing a beard and started to look like a hippie and all that kind of stuff so I could hide. (0:35:49)
And when my hippie friends and I were traveling outside of Adelaide going over to Perth, we had to cross the Great Nullarbor Desert. And a few nights after we'd been out there, we're still on the road to Perth. It was dark. We saw a car headlight driving up for miles away, which you could see in the desert, it was so flat. Anyway, this car comes up to our campfire. (0:36:12)
And a guy gets out, you know, a rather buff looking individual kind of without much hair on his head. But anyway, so I, you know, I hope I can intrude and share your fire and have a cup of coffee or something. And so we said, yeah, sure. Fine. And he managed to find a, you know, sit himself right next to me. (0:36:35)
There were four of us there, but he came and sat next to me and we talked for, you know, all of us, maybe 30 minutes, an hour. And while the conversation kind of died down and people were talking amongst themselves, the hippies, he leaned over to my right ear and he says, I know who you really are. Your name is, you know, Standeo and I've been sent here to kill you. (0:36:53)
I thought, whoa, there's no place to run. I'm done. He said, but don't worry. After talking to you, I realized that you're not a threat and I'm going to go on to Perth and leave you alone, which he did do. He did it by himself as a Jesuit, a hit man is what it amounted to, but a fixture, you know, of the Jesuits. So why did someone put out a contract to have you killed? Was it just because you knew too much? Yeah. What was it that was the real issue here, that you had been part of the programs, that you had seen things, documents spoken to people, knew too much about these alien reverse engineering projects and facilities all over the world, the international team, and just all of that information that you had, they just wanted to eliminate you because you didn't sign up or you didn't choose to continue to be part of the project. (0:38:02)
It wasn't my choice. It wasn't my choice. They asked me when I was saying that we ought to release this information. I apparently, since I hadn't had that briefing before I left Dallas, you know, I don't know, maybe they injected you or maybe they did hypnosis or something so that you would not betray the program. But I was arguing against it. And when I was dismissed from them, and eventually when I went underground after that meeting with that insurance executive, the FBI appeared there looking for me in Melbourne to a friend of mine, the AGL was looking for me, the Melbourne or Victorian branch, because I was going over to Perth to the West Australian branch. (0:38:55)
I had the CIA had sent somebody, Russians had sent somebody, I'm not sure whether Israel did or not, but there are at least four agencies asking questions of my friend back there, Tom. And, you know, later, he got a hold of me through Post Resante, which is, you know, where you don't have a post office box, but you go to to Perth to the post office and they hold letters for you. (0:39:18)
So that's how I found out how these people were looking for me. And the reason is, as you said, I think it's because I knew too much, and they couldn't afford the attention being brought on them at this point. (0:39:26)
I mean, look, we had in Russia, Dr. Teller's equal to the program was Dr. Andrei Sakharov, you know, had received a Nobel Prize as well. There were other members in other countries. Yeah, that's Dr. Teller there. I don't have a picture at the moment of Dr. Sakharov, but I do have them here. You can look it up, Sakharov. And he and Teller were very good friends. I have pictures of them together. (0:39:57)
Um, yeah, the years before I'd met, oh, what's his name? The German guy with NASA, part of paperclip, or yeah, paperclip, I think it was. Von Braun? Was it? Yeah, Von Braun. Yeah, he was a, he'd been seeing Dr. Maxfield for, you know, chest cancer, and he was getting treated. But anyway, I found him to be a rather impressive gentleman. His fingers were thick, and his hair was thick, and he was a big and impressive guy, and used four-letter words quite fluently in English and German as well. (0:40:45)
But anyway, getting back to where we were there in Australia, when I got to Perth, um, the ACO department there contacted me, and the reason they did was, um, they, they'd been told to keep an eye on me, but they had a different impression about this data, whether it should be shared with people or not, and they were at odds with all the other branches of ACO across Australia. In fact, they were kind of like Texans, like, you know, they acted like we did in Texas, you know, at that time. They were, they were cowboys in essence. (0:41:21)
Anyway, they assigned an agent to me. He was to kind of keep an eye on me, keep me out of trouble, and defend me if anybody came after me. Another odd job type guy, really nice guy, quite, quite honestly. But anyway, they, this agent rang me one morning at home there, and he said, I need to see you at the usual place now. (0:41:47)
And it was a garden outside the house there, some trees and stuff, and I went up there, and sure enough, he was already there. And I said, yeah, what's up? And he says, look, have you seen the paper this morning? I said, no, I haven't looked at it. And he says, ACO, us, he said, we killed a guy this morning that had broken into ACO headquarters and was in our file room. (0:42:09)
And when we killed him, he had a copy of your file in his hands. And I said, gee, okay, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about it. He says, no, he said, I just want to tell you that, you know, you have to be a little bit cautious. You're kind of under scrutiny here, you know. So anyway, when I started doing public lectures, you know, at the private churches and things like that, they assigned me a, a, I think he's a second lieutenant or something like that in the army. (0:42:42)
And he carried a .45 under his left armpit. And he was my kind of quiet, you know, guard when I would go out in public like that to keep me from getting wiped out. I'm glad that they did that. I don't know why, but certainly they preserved me and long enough that I could go on television, which was another story why that happened, but to a documentary on UFOs and aliens that Channel 9 was doing. (0:43:07)
And so the last 30 minutes of the show was an interview with me telling about what we're talking about now and naming names. And from that, I was approached to write a book to tell this. I eventually fired the publishers over there because they burned out too. (0:43:23)
Well, before we get to the book, Stan, I just wanted to kind of like just go over that, because I think it's very significant. So you're on the run, there's a contract was put out on you, someone decided you weren't a security threat, and then they allowed you to start to give interviews. So at this point, maybe it's good to clarify exactly who are we talking about gave you permission? I mean, there's a group called Majestic 12. So was it Majestic 12, someone from Majestic 12 that was open or that was allowing you to talk? Were you allowed to talk in Australia in the 1970s about these reverse engineering programs involving the US, Australia, Britain, Russia, being run out of Antarctica? I mean, that's decades ahead of other people talking about it. I mean, that was like you were truly the first whistleblower to talk about this stuff. (0:44:22)
So someone or some group thought that it was okay for you to do that. Were you like a test subject? Was that what was going on? Was Majestic 12 or this international group using you as like a model for like getting this information out to see the reaction? And of course, you did that TV special in 1977. So why don't you tell us about all of that? Well, as far as getting permission, I didn't get permission. (0:44:56)
I just, you know, blew the whistles what it amounted to. I figured that, you know, I had one chance when they offered to let me be part of that TV program. And that's another whole story how that accidentally happened. But I chose to release, you know, a certain amount of this information, kind of like insurance. And to be sure that I didn't die before I at least got this information out to people to know what's coming on, you know, what's going down. (0:45:28)
Let's see. In West Australia, the ASIO group, you know, the intelligence group for that state were very pro, you know, Texan type, conservative type politics. And they took me under their wing by their choice. And so they never threatened me. They did everything they could to help me. And the United States State Department, however, cancelled my passport and my US citizenship. (0:45:57)
I still have the letters to prove that. And in essence, isolated me there in Australia. So I couldn't go anywhere else, you know, at least in the United States and talk about this. I did come back to the States passing through it in 1983 with a film crew while we were doing a documentary on Nikola Tesla. And as we landed in Los Angeles, we attracted a two-man intelligence team, a white guy and a black guy that snuggled up to us and, you know, tried to find out what we were about. It was pretty obvious. (0:46:28)
And then we left from there and went over to Belgrade and filmed there in Yugoslavia and then came back home. But that was the only time that I even got permission as a visitor to come through the United States. The rest of it, I was locked like a prisoner in Australia for 30 years. (0:46:51)
That did change in 2001. And the guy that made all this happen for me to get back home, was he Majestic 12? I don't know. He was in a very high position. He was the the Secretary of Defense for three presidents, you know, for Nixon, Clinton and somebody else. (0:47:03)
And his name was James Schlesinger. And through a civilian, he made it known that they had copies of my book there in the Clinton administration and in the Defense Department. And that what I had written in the book was correct as far as the game plan of what they were up to. And when I couldn't get back to see my parents in 2001, you know, I thought, well, they're elderly and they're sick and I need to see them. (0:47:40)
Jim had to pass to that civilian what they had, what they knew about and that was, you know, that they were in favor of what I was doing. I called his office, he was now at Lehman Brothers, and he was out to lunch. And so I talked to the secretary and said, look, just leave this short message for Jim. Stan Dayo needs a favor. (0:47:58)
Well, two days later, the Australian consulate in Melbourne called me and says, oh, Mr. Dayo, after all these months of trying to get a green card, we've found that they made a mistake. You didn't lose your citizenship. We're sending a new passport. Did you have any children while you were down here? Yes. Okay. They'll all get automatic U.S. citizenship and passports all being arranged for you. (0:48:18)
Welcome home. And that was Jim Schlesinger. Now, was he, he was high enough place to be in Majestic 12. Was he? I don't know. Did he take care of me? He did. And I have to admit, when Holly and I were on the plane coming back to the States, I was thinking, I hope that it lands intact. And I hope that we're not hassled when we get back. (0:48:49)
Anyway, I... Wow. Well, let's, let's kind of like, go back to that pivotal period in Australia, where you went public for the first time. You did a television special called The UFOs Are Here that was put out by Channel 9 Australia, which really got a lot of circulation. And then that was followed up a year later by your book, The Cosmic Conspiracy. So, I mean, in the book, you lay out a lot of information. (0:49:22)
And this is 1978. You know, we're talking, was that 45 years ago? This is before Bob Lazar, before John Lear, before William Cooper, before all of these guys came out. You, in 1978, wrote The Cosmic Conspiracy, where you laid out what was really going on in terms of the reverse engineering of captured alien craft, the secret agreements, the international group responsible for agreements with the ETs. So, I mean, that's, that's, that truly is amazing, that information that you were able to put together in that book. (0:49:59)
So I guess the question is, I mean, you know, was, you must have had powerful protectors to be able to do that in 77, 78. Well, you might think this is silly, but I'm a Christian believer. And I think the good Lord sent angels to watch over me. I've just got to be honest. I had a near-death experience in 69 before, you know, before I even met these people that allowed me to know a lot of things about, you know, how things work out there. (0:50:33)
But anyway, that Cosmic Conspiracy book, President Reagan had a copy that his wife, Nancy, bought for him. Remember that address he made the United Nations where he said that what we need is an invasion of green men to bring the people together on the planet? I talk about that in the book. Prince Charles had a copy and his father, the Duke of Edinburgh. There were a couple of other leaders that have had copies of this, and Schlesinger, of course, in Clinton's administration. (0:51:04)
They, I mean, somehow or another, indirectly, I've influenced the thinking of all these leaders and presidents that had the copy of the book, which is really quite strange to me, but that's the way it happened. So that's why I think there were higher powers involved in keeping me alive and letting that information get out. Yeah, I think it really would explain a lot because I know, you know, I'm Australian. I've spoken to a few Australian security officials on these topics and they're, you know, they won't let out a word. (0:51:40)
I mean, they're so scared of being eliminated because in Australia and Britain, there's no tradition of whistleblowers speaking about these topics and living. But you as an American in Australia, I mean, they probably just, you know, somehow you slipped through the cracks that you're left alive because, I mean, if you were an Australian, they would have just straight out eliminated you. (0:52:05)
I don't doubt that. But yet, as an American living in Australia, somehow you, but like you said, some kind of protection and maybe there is. And I know that you talk about that more recently, this, the kind of different factions, the negative extraterrestrial faction, the positive extraterrestrial faction. In the book of Enoch, they talk about the fallen angels and then they talk about the righteous angels. (0:52:30)
So really, is your life a reflection of you kind of like being in that privileged position, kind of like an Enoch, where you are protected to reveal the truth? (0:52:41)
Well, yeah, I guess so. That's kind of the way I see it. You know, down in Australia, Sir Joe Bioki Peterson. Do you remember him? Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Premier of Australia. He was a friend. And when I, before I'd even written the book, when I was just making private lectures on this, he invited me over to speak, you know, there. (0:53:04)
And his people took care of me. I had guards during the lectures in Caperoo High School and everywhere else. And he took me down in Government House to his little private room where he and Beryl, his lady pilot, three of us sat and talked about the Illuminati, about the cover up, all this kind of stuff. He knew about all that stuff. (0:53:26)
And when I was in Queensland, I had his protection. Believe me, it was it was good. So there was, you know, a group within Australia across, you know, state boundaries that was supporting what I was trying to do. So you're right about that. Okay. So what about places like Pine Gap? Were you able to talk about Pine Gap? When did you find out about Pine Gap and what's going on there? I mean, Pine Gap, I think it was built in the 1960s. And it's a joint US-Australian base in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the country. A lot of things going on there. (0:54:03)
So, you know, what do you know about it? And what did you reveal? All right. Well, when I was on the run, started on the run in Adelaide, you know, under the assumed name, I was in a shop one day. I guess it was for camping gear or something. And a guy, an American fellow, was standing at the counter and he was talking that he'd drilled a 25,000-foot water well under the Pine Gap facility. (0:54:32)
And I said, you know, I'd heard about Pine Gap. And I said, oh, really? And I said, is that where they put the grounding for the Tesla broadcast tower and stuff? He said, you're not supposed to be talking about that. What are you, some kind of traitor? And he walked out. Well, that, if you look at the photos, even today of Pine Gap, the above-ground part of it, there are radomes, obviously, but there's one tower. It was like a Tesla transmitter tower. (0:55:03)
It stands tall in the middle of it. And that was used to broadcast, you know, intelligence to naval vessels, you know, through the air, through the ground, whatever they were using out through Exmouth on the West Coast side. Anyway, so Pine Gap had A, B, and C areas of security levels. The Americans were always cleared in area A in the center, going down the well. (0:55:33)
And each layer had color coding along, you know, like paint, color paint stripes, that if your badge didn't match that, that you were either shot or apprehended immediately. And B, area B had, you know, it was a lower security area. And area C was where only Australians were allowed in. (0:55:55)
So there's a mix of that in area B. And so basically, they only trusted those that they had in area A, you know, Americans. A number of companies, you know, electronics companies from Dallas area there were there doing work for communications. The Aboriginals that I met with there, I've met with the head of the Aboriginal nation there in the West. They said that they saw the flying saucers, you know, fly up out of that area somewhere. (0:56:26)
And that even one of their group of young men that were being taken about walkabout for part of their training, one night, they were close to Pine Gap, and, you know, were camped by a fire. And they saw one of these craft coming down and landing. So they went over quietly to see and put the fire out, went over to see what's coming out of the craft. (0:56:48)
And it was humans. And they pointed a hand pistol at a stone and turned it bright red from the output of the weapon. And they were suitably impressed, didn't say anything, and went back to their campsite and reported to the leader, which he then reported to me. There was a doctor, a dentist, and his friend that were camping up on the hillside. (0:57:11)
There's two streams or two stretches of hillside around Pine Gap. If you look at it from here, it's like an eyelid, and there's Pine Gap in the middle of these two ridges. Anyway, they were up there hunting. And toward the late afternoon, like a four-engine jet came flying over Pine Gap and then just stopped in the air. (0:57:41)
And like a VTOL craft, went down like this. And the ground opened up, and they landed on something that then submerged under the ground, and the ground closed over them, and that was it. So, you know, I've talked to a number of people in picking up these pieces over the years. (0:57:58)
If you go on Google Earth and look at the Exmouth Cape in West Australia, and get close, you will see a lot of the tests that were done with Tesla transmitters to transmit data and even energy to naval craft, you know, under the ground and under the water, sorry, and submarines and surface craft, etc., using this transmitter. It's quite a big one. One of them is like 13 towers, and in fact, they even have some of the capacitors that were used in it when they closed it down. It was about a five-megawatt broadcasting station there. (0:58:29)
Australia was where we did a lot of things quietly. And somehow or another, you know, the good Lord placed me in that position where I've been able to, you know, be the first whistleblower. And fortunately, there have been others behind me that have, you know, later that have come out and added more to this, like Bob Lazar and some of the others. Yes, so that is very helpful, because your research, what you discovered, your kind of like confidential talks with others that were read in, you learned that Pine Gap was used as a base, that there were flying saucers or anti-gravity craft that were stationed there that were used. (0:59:23)
And of course, it used the Tesla transmissions for the kind of communications with submarines and so forth. What about the reptilians, the reptilian extraterrestrials? I mean, how did they figure into places like Pine Gap? And I mean, you mentioned agreements that were reached and bases were built. So yeah, how did they kind of figure into your discoveries? Well, I've never met one of the reptilian ones. (0:59:51)
I think I did meet a couple that were United Nations assigned, you know, from the project, the man and wife team. And they were, they invited me to meet them in their home there in West Australia. And they knew about the project and all that kind of stuff. But I felt like when they were interrogating me, questioning me or whatever, that it was like I was a canary in a cage with a door open and they were the cats sitting outside. (1:00:17)
You get a creepy feeling about it. They're like, like humans, but they just, you know, I was told to look at the skin of anybody I suspected that the fine scale structure they had in the sunlight would be like an oil spill. You have iridescent rainbow. Unfortunately, we were in the house. I didn't see him outside, but they were probably that way. (1:00:42)
As far as real reptilians, you know, lizard skins and whatever, I didn't have any information on those only, only tall Nordic ones. The gray critters that were created by the Nordics to, you know, they were just biological robots to do various functions. (1:00:53)
So I can't, I can't really speak to that. All right. Well, so you know, of these bases that were built around the world for the different extraterrestrials. So you're talking more about the grays rather than the reptilians, that the bases were built for the, for the grays and that, and then eventually there were these firefights. You mentioned in the, in the late seventies, there were these battles that the extraterrestrials who had the bases built for them start to go to war or started to have battles with the nation in charge. (1:01:40)
And you mentioned the Dulce base. That's the very famous incident in Dulce, New Mexico. I think that was a 1979 where there was a firefight at Dulce. I think it was 50 scientists and special forces guys were killed and a half a dozen grays. So was that happening kind of like around the world? You know, these conflicts between these negative extraterrestrials and special forces and scientists from different nations? (1:02:05)
As far as I know, I, you know, I could only assume from what public reports I've read since then about this. We did have a facility in some of the leftover sealed off tunnels that Hitler had in Germany. And we were at that time working on the West German side before the wall came down. Whether there were aliens involved in that, I don't know. (1:02:31)
I was talking strictly to humans involved, some of the British security team as well. The British security team told me about saucer that crashed off the shore of England. And if they'd captured one or two living alien critters, gray critters, and, you know, that he liked, I don't know, raspberry ice cream or something like that, and that they learned a lot about his telepathic abilities and about the craft, you know, in England from that. (1:03:02)
But I've seen other reports in the Disclosure Project with Dr. Greer from the former Canadian defense minister guy. He was saying that there were like 13 different races or something. I didn't know that. But basically, what I've been able to put together from all these sources is that there are good guys and bad guys and really bad guys. (1:03:31)
There's three groups. Now, if you go back to the biblical reference of this time, there's a great deception coming to the whole human race at the end of this age. And I am pretty sure that what we've been witnessing over the last 50, 60 years with these abductions, you know, the grays basically taking people, poking them, cutting them, hurting them, whatever, that these are created to basically tell the humans these alien critters are bad news. (1:04:03)
You know, they're evil. And so they need to be removed from the game. And so a good, quote, unquote, alien group is going to come and be revealed to the people of Earth, a full disclosure soon. And that disclosure is going to be where they say, we're going to get rid of all these critters. (1:04:22)
And I guess the other 13 races they were talking about in Canada, we're going to get rid of them all, take them off the planet. They don't belong here. We're going to bring you peace, love, harmony, and safety. We're going to bring you up, you know, to standard here for the rest of the universe. (1:04:39)
Now, this whole game has been played so that that announcement can be made at a time when the people of Earth, not the governments, but the people are afraid of dying from, you know, the weather changes, drought, diseases, you know, like COVID and the new COVID and nuclear war coming from the Middle East, you know, threats from outer space from asteroids and things like this. When people of Earth are ready to receive any help they can get to make peace on the planet, then the second group of aliens that created the little gray critters is going to come in and get rid of them. (1:05:15)
And believe it or not, they're going to get rid of the Illuminati. They're going to say, we're going to remove you from this yoke that these businessmen and people all over the planet put on you. We're going to kill them, get rid of them. And you'll have peace. And people that don't know any better and don't know that there's a deception in progress will run. (1:05:31)
They will rush to this new world government set up by these aliens and the man that they appoint to run it all. (1:05:37)
But in essence, this allegedly good group of aliens are what the Bible would speak of as the fallen angels from the heavens under the direction of a guy called Satan. And he's down here. He's been down here with us, using us to build facilities and structures and weapons that he needs in a fight he's going to have with the Creator, with the real Jesus and the God in the parallel universe that sits above us. (1:06:13)
And he is going to fight that battle of Armageddon using the stuff he's built here with the basis and technology that we've helped him start. He couldn't do it before because there weren't enough places, mining facilities and various other things and industry to support what he wanted to do. Now, I know that all sounds science fiction, but that's the way the Bible talks about it. (1:06:33)
There's a great war coming at the end, a great battle. And this is all part of that, that great deception. So whenever the new world order under these quote unquote friendly aliens says to you, let us give you a digital ID and solve all your problems, just swear allegiance to us, beware if you're here. Okay, well, you know, that kind of sounds very much like the television series V, where you do have this kind of arrival of what appear to be friendly, human looking aliens, promising peace. (1:07:09)
But in fact, they're led by someone that, well, whatever you call that person, I mean, in the movie, in the TV series, V, she's called Anna. And, you know, she would be the equivalent of what you were saying, like Antichrist or Satan, that that series you think is actually very close to the truth. If you look at the share screen I've got there, this is from the first series of V. Back in the mid 70s, when it was a TV movie made for TV. And this is, in fact, if you look at the modern version of the show, the woman on the left is more aged and plays the mother of Anna. But yeah, this, I use this movie in many home lectures at the time when I was trying to pull the whistle and say, this is what's coming, this is going to be, you know, a deception. (1:08:07)
And whether or not, you know, the aliens, the deceivers have plastic skin over them or not, I don't know. There may even be some technology that they can bioengineer, DNA modify themselves to look human. But the Bible does say that they will be like Satan, the serpent of the great garden, that's reptilian DNA. So I think that, yeah, that's probably what's happening. Anyway, I'll get back to you there. (1:08:32)
Well, you know, I guess, you know, that's all, I guess it's all predicated on the idea that Hollywood that funded and created that series was really telling us the truth. Or were they being funded by the deep state to kind of like make us fearful of genuine positive aliens or extraterrestrials like the Nordics arriving and getting people so frightened that, you know, that we'll just kind of like be suspicious and not work with them. (1:09:06)
So in a way, it's like counterintelligence, you know, like the V-series. I mean, this is the question, is the V-series kind of like revealing what's really coming? Because, you know, it's consistent with, say, the book of Revelations and the Bible. Or is it counterintelligence being used by the deep state to manipulate Christians into believing that the future liberators are, in fact, these evil reptilians in disguise? Good question. (1:09:39)
Kenneth Johnson actually wrote the series in the book that the TV series was developed around. I've tried to contact him several times because definitely his plot line in the first, in fact, yeah, in the first V-series did use a lot of book of Revelation type events to, you know, reptilians opposing as, you know, as humans, you know, they were really led by a very evil alien reptilian creature. (1:10:10)
I mean, there were a number of things in there. I can't call them all to mind at the moment, but that were fulfilling what would happen in biblical prophecies in our time. So is this a deep state ruse? You know, it could be several layers to that, surely, like a chess game. But I do believe in the end that what is about to happen is not only are these creatures going to be revealed as quote-unquote friendly, but get rid of the baddies, that we are going to see a large segment of the human population either drop dead or disappear off the planet in what the Bible calls the rapture. (1:10:55)
Well, biblical students call the rapture. And I have debated with one of the leaders of the Findhorn group, which is a new age movement, with his audience, debated about this removal of a large segment of the population. And they say they're expecting that to happen because when our elder brothers in space come, as they say, they are going to send away all the souls here that are not in harmony with the new age that is coming with them to other planets to be repolished, you know, their souls made correct, and then they can come back. (1:11:25)
So they're already allowing for a rapture type event to occur, but calling it instead a way to get rid of everybody that wasn't agreeing with the new world order under this alien invasion. So yeah, it could be, it could be that level, as you're saying. Well, I know during the kind of last year of the Trump administration, I think it was in the latter part of 2020, there was an Israeli professor that came forward, Professor Haim Eshed, who was the founder of the Israeli space program. (1:11:58)
I mean, he was the guy that set up their military satellites. And he said that there was a galactic federation that was in communication with the Trump administration, and that Trump wanted them to reveal themselves, or he wanted to announce them. But they said, it's not yet time, humanity isn't ready, that our technology is still too primitive. (1:12:22)
So you know, what do you think of that? Is that that galactic federation that Haim Eshed talked about, are they part of the good guys? Or are they part of this deception that you've been talking about? (1:12:32)
Good question. Again, I don't know. There's just not enough information for us to decide. I really think that we'll be able to pinpoint, you know, good angels from bad angels, as by their acts, by their actions. If this new world government is set up, and all the 10 regions of the planet are put into this global consortium, and a guy is appointed a human to run it, but he has the access to the technology of the aliens, then we know at that moment, if we are still here and not raptured out of here, we know to watch out and to do everything we can to not be numbered and tracked by this new world order. (1:13:19)
You know, there are viewpoints, several viewpoints about this rapture business, whether the rapture of the believers will occur at the beginning of a seven-year tribulation, in the middle, or to end. Personally, I think it will occur just at the beginning, and that we will be removed, those of us who are aware of the will be removed so that we can't be a thorn in the side of the satanic group that are opposing. (1:13:43)
Look, good angels have been amongst us in the past. There have been reports of it. You know, Sodom and Gomorrah, there were good angels that locked his family out there, you know. And the Bible tells you to be careful, but to entertain strangers, because you don't know whether they're angels or not. So good guys and bad guys walk amongst us, what you were saying in Israel, whether that was a good alien, a good angel, whatever, I don't know. You have to determine by their actions what side they're on. (1:14:16)
Okay, okay. So where do you think we are now, in terms of right now, you have the U.S. Congress holding hearings on UFOs, the reverse engineering programs are on the verge of being revealed. Do you think we're going to have kind of like a major disclosure of all of these things, the programs that go back? I mean, you were in the 1960s and 70s. I mean, you learned about these. (1:14:47)
So do you think they're going to reveal all of that, going as far back as then or even earlier to the 50s and even the 40s? Do you think we're going to have disclosure? Oh, I think so, to a degree. To a degree necessary to form this one world government and dismiss the current, you know, rulers of the various countries. Look at the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia being the elephant in the room over there, trying to organize the Arab nations in an agreement, a treaty with Israel at the moment. (1:15:19)
And over the Palestinian issue, that's going to be the major solution to that. And so Mohammed bin Salman is doing that. And there's a threat of nuclear war on Israel by Iran, a very real and clear present danger. Now, that threat, it's not going to wait, you know, another year or two before something happens. We're seeing movements in the Middle East, and in Washington here, against Israel, that tells me this is going to happen soon. (1:15:50)
Now, we're looking also at a collapse of the world economy, certainly the U.S. economy. (1:15:55)
So the whole world is pregnant with various things coming to a head. Weather changes, problems with the sun, you know, problems with, you know, coronal mass ejections and the threat of EMP attacks, you know, electromagnetic, you know, well, electromagnetic bombs that produce a wave that kills all the power and electronics and computers. All this is part of a threat to humanity in general. (1:16:27)
So all this is coming to a head, and it's not going to wait. We can't get past this point. Everything is pregnant with about to happen, nuclear war, disease, you know, alien disclosure. This is the time. We are fortunate enough to live and know what is happening in this generation. So keep your eyes open. I mean, I expect every tick of the clock, something to be announced that's going to take us further and further to a public disclosure and a meeting with friendly aliens. (1:16:57)
So, yeah, I don't think we're talking about years to wait on this. So how do you feel? I mean, you wrote and you began doing lectures in the kind of mid-1970s in Australia on these topics. And of course, you experienced your fair share of criticism and ridicule. But now, how do you feel? Do you feel like you're being vindicated with what's coming? I mean, the US Congress holding hearings, passing legislation to have all of the reverse engineering of captured alien spacecraft released to the public. How do you feel about all of those developments? (1:17:35)
Well, it's kind of a hollow victory, but you're right. I mean, I'm vindicated now after years and years of, you know, doubts and accusations and whatever. But as you say, there have been other whistleblowers that have come along, and there are a lot more coming out now with the Greer procedure. You know, I feel like I've warned people, you know, to either be Christian or not, you know, to believe and ask for help to be delivered from this. (1:18:09)
And that's my job now, is to help people understand there's a way out of this, but not by our own efforts. And, you know, when I see like the, you know, the threats on Israel, that's the... Israel is kind of the key to what is happening in the world political situation at the moment with Iran, with Saudi Arabia. Watch over there. (1:18:36)
I mean, if this Abraham Accords deal is gratified by Mohammed bin Salman, by Saudi Arabia, there will be 40 other Arab nations that will follow, including the Palestinian people who get a hunk of land in this settlement, which is not a good thing. But anyway, when that happens, if you're still here, know that that world order and full disclosure is right at your doorstep. (1:18:57)
So where do people go, Stan, if they wanted to kind of like learn more about you, buy your books, attend any kind of webinars, lectures, or contact you in any way? So where do people go? (1:19:11)
Well, my wife Holly works about six days a week, getting the news, looking at news that affect us, you know, biblically and politically, and put it on our website at That's And if you go there, she has comments and editorials on all this stuff about what's happening. We have certain links that are there all the time, like links to our shopping cart, which has our books, DVDs, flash drives, whatever, which people can use in this time. (1:19:56)
If you look at our webpage at, in the right hand corner, there'll be a graphic microphone and it'll say show images. And you can click on that. It'll take you to another sub page that I run, which is where I give lectures. And I put things on there that talk about the Antichrist, about the Garden of Eden, Atlantis, all that kind of stuff. (1:20:14)
You can just get there, read it, view it, whatever. And on the other side of the microphone, there is previous interviews. You can listen to a lot of these tapes and podcasts that I've done over the last 20 years. Well, I want to just kind of acknowledge the incredible work you've done in exposing these issues, going all the way back to the mid-1970s with your lectures and TV specials and your book, The Cosmic Conspiracy. I mean, you're way ahead. (1:20:53)
You're a decade ahead of others, even Bob Lazar and all of these other kind of like veterans, people who've been around for decades. You're more than a decade ahead of all of them in revealing the existence of these reverse engineering programs. And I just want to kind of acknowledge that. I think you're a hero of disclosure and I look forward to future interviews, especially as more things develop and we get to kind of hear your perspective on what's going on. (1:21:22)
So thank you, Stan. Thank you, appreciate it. You have been listening to ExoPolitics today with Dr. Michael Sala. Please remember to like, share, and subscribe to this channel. Join or start a conversation in the comments. Take the time to explore the vast library of best-selling books, webinars, and podcasts by Dr. Sala. Visit (1:21:47)
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