Brent Raynes : Uri Geller の能力を調査した海軍の科学者が一日だけ心的映像の送受信能力を保有 (差替)
海軍の科学者(S)が Uri Geller(を招いて彼の)の能力を調査した。すると S は心的映像(mental image)の送受信が可能になった。S が家に帰ってもその能力は消えず、妻を相手にそれが発揮できた。だが、翌日にはその能力が消えた。
Visitors from Hidden Realms with Brent Raynes: Part 2 - June 13, 2020
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
ユリに会って、彼の行動を見た人たちと話したことがあるんだ。そのうちの一人がニューヨークにいたハリー・ベライルだった。ニューヨークにいたとき、彼のオフィスに入ったことがあるんだけど、彼はUFOアップデートの編集者兼発行人だった。彼は『UFOアップデート』の編集者兼発行人だった。 (1:02:17)
でも、ユリ・ゲラーの話になり、彼はあるとき彼のオフィスを突然訪ねたと言った。そして彼の机の上に動くものがあった。それは、彼の掲示板にある、小さなピンが飛び出すようなものだった。そして彼は言った、彼は植え付けをする機会がなかったと。 (1:02:44)
彼が来るのは初めてだった。そして突然、彼はそこに立っていて、いろいろなことが始まったんだ。だから彼はかなり感動していたよ。それから、海軍科学者でゲラーを研究していたエルドン・バードにインタビューしたんだ。彼はゲラーと一緒に仕事をしていた。彼らはしばらく文通をしていて、ゲラーはこれから起こることを 彼に話していた。 (1:03:09)
イスラエルの諜報機関がゲラーに協力していて、ゲラーに質問したり、ゲラーに何かをさせようとしたりしていたんだ。それで彼はバードに電話で、こういうことが起こるから気をつけろ、と言ったんだ。そしてその多くは、もちろんこの本に書かれていることだが、実現した。 (1:03:28)
私が一番興味を持ったのは、彼がサイコキネシスだけでなく、ゲラーとのテレパシーにも取り組んでいたことです。そしてゲラーは、彼がゲラーの前にいるとき、彼を何らかの形で充電していた。 (1:03:46)
科学者である彼は突然、ゲラーから心的イメージを受け取り、それを彼に送信することができるようになった。それはまるで、緑のメンタル・フィールドのようだった。そしてその後、彼は当時の妻のもとに帰り、二人でそれを行った。そして同じことが起こった。しかし翌日には、彼はその能力を失っていた。 (1:04:16)
しかし、ゲラーと一緒に仕事をしたからこそ、このようなことが起こったのだと彼は言った。それから、彼はイギリスにいて、ゲラーと、たぶん他の人たちと一緒に、あちこちを回っていたそうだ。 (1:04:43)
すると突然、大勢の人たちやスタッフが出てきて、ああ、お会いできて嬉しいです。デモンストレーションをお願いできますか?ゲラーは、はい、はい、と答えた。 そのうちの一人が中に入って大きなナイフを手にした。エルドン・バードに聞いたんだけど、ゲラーは指の一本でナイフに触れただけだったそうだ。 (1:05:03)
そして彼は、私が見ているとナイフが曲がり始めたと言った。そして彼は指を離したが、ナイフは曲がり続けた。 ビリー・グラハムのような人にテレビに出てもらい、君が今したことをやってもらうことだ。そうすれば世界は納得するだろう そしてゲラーは、いや、もし私が本当にこんなことをできるとみんなが信じたら、私の人生には5セントたりとも価値はないだろう、というようなことを言ったそうだ。 (1:05:42)
彼は、今のままがいいんだ、と言った。なぜなら、私には知的な、ほら、彼には彼を影で支え、彼の能力を使いたがっている諜報部員がいたからだ。そして、彼は自分の能力を持て余すようになっていたんだ。そうだね。すごいね。でも、確かに彼は魅力的なキャラクターだよ。さっきも言ったように、長い間、彼をどう評価したらいいのか分からなかったんだ。 (1:06:04)
でも、彼について知れば知るほど、彼はかなり研究されていることがわかったし、ライブやそういうことをやっているときは、多少トリックを使っているとしても、本物だと思えるんだ。でも、さっきも言ったように、そうしないと大失敗するような気がするんだ。大舞台で何かをするときは、失敗は許されないんだ。そうだね。キット・グリーンが言ったことかもしれないけれど、誰かが言ったんだ。 (1:06:51)
そして彼は言ったんだ、彼は僕らと一緒に一度だけそれを試したことがあるんだけど、それはとても、とてもひどい出来で、誰も騙せなかっただろうって。彼は言った。 彼はある能力も持っていて、私たちの研究でやったようなことは、実際にその能力を持っていなければできるはずがないと言っていました。 (1:07:12)
そして私は、研究において彼をそれほど疑っていない。彼をステージに立たせたとき、私は彼を疑うんだ。そうだね。でも、とにかく、彼がハリー・ベライルのオフィスに入ってきて、いろいろなことが起こったときに、私もそのオフィスにいたかった。 (1:07:39)
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
And I think somewhere between Geller and perhaps Ingo Swann, they're the reason why. And they even got Vallee to come on board. I mean, I found this out from Vallee some years back. I had no idea, but he said that they were so perplexed by so many of the remote viewers they were using, telling about how they had UFO encounters that they thought, well, they asked Vallee to come on board on a confidential basis at first to go ahead and talk to these people, see if this was somehow a component of the situation, which they're still trying to figure out to this day. (1:00:43)
Yeah, yeah. And I think a lot of people are familiar with Geller because of the TV shows. I know that's how I first heard of him, when he would do the TV shows, you know, demonstrating his psychic abilities. You'd have Randy on there debunking everything he did. And at the time, I mean, when I looked at that, I figured if you're performing on TV, you're probably faking it, you know, at least to some degree, because you don't want to fail on live television. (1:01:18)
And this stuff is notoriously, you know, difficult to put in that sort of performance space. But I also found it, you know, it bugged me when the amazing Randy would sit there and say, well, look, I can duplicate what he's doing with sleight of hand. And I'm like, but that doesn't prove that what Geller's doing is using sleight of hand. (1:01:35)
You know, it's the analogy I always use is just because you can watch a movie and you find out, oh, those punches in that movie are fake. It doesn't mean all punches in real life are fake, you know? Right. And I, you know, I've talked with people who met Uri and saw him doing things. And I know there was one of them was Harry Belisle, who was in New York City. I walked into his office when I was in New York once, and he was the editor and publisher of UFO Update. And it was a psychic magazine that he published whose name escapes me at the moment. (1:02:17)
But we got talking about Uri Geller and he said he made a surprise visit to his office one time. And there was something on his desk that moved. And it was like these, on his bulletin board, there were these little pins that started popping off. And he said now, he said he had no opportunity to have planted, you know, got this place prepared because he had never been to his office before. (1:02:44)
This was the first time he'd ever come. And suddenly, you know, he's standing there and all this stuff starts going on. So he was pretty impressed. And then I did an interview with Eldon Byrd, who was a naval scientist and studied Geller. And, you know, he worked with Geller. They corresponded for a while and Geller would tell him things that were going to happen. (1:03:09)
And, you know, that the Israeli intelligence was working with him and they would question him and have him try to have him do things. And so he'd tell Byrd on the phone, you know, watch for such and such to happen, you know. And a lot of this, you know, and this is in this book here, of course, came to pass. (1:03:28)
What interested me most was how he was, you know, not only working on the psychokinesis, but telepathy with Geller. And Geller sort of, when he was in Geller's presence, he sort of charged him up somehow. (1:03:46)
He suddenly himself, as a scientist, was capable of receiving mental images from Geller and then transmitting them to him. And it was like, you know, a green mental field. And so then he went home to his wife at the time afterwards, and they did it. And the same thing occurred. But by the next day, he had lost this ability. (1:04:16)
But it was because of working with Geller, he said, that this occurred. And then he said he was over in England, and they were going around, he was with Geller and I think some other people, and they stopped at a little cafe, street cafe, and one of the waiters recognized Geller and went in. (1:04:43)
And suddenly a whole bunch of people, staff came out, you know, oh, so good to meet you. And can you give a demonstration? And Geller says, yes, yes. And so one of them goes in and gets a big knife. And Eldon Byrd told me that, because I interviewed him about this, and he said that Geller just touched it with one of his fingers. (1:05:03)
And he said, as I watched it, the knife began to bend. And then he took his finger away, and it continued to bend. And he says, he grabbed Geller after that and says, what you need to do is get somebody like Billy Graham to go on TV with you and do what you just did. And the world will be convinced. And he said that Geller told him something like, no, then my life wouldn't be worth a plug nickel if everybody believed I could really do this. (1:05:42)
He said, it's better the way it is, you know, because he said, I have intelligent, you know, he had intelligence people who were shadowing him and wanting to use his ability. And he was getting to the point where he just had too much. Yeah. Wow. But yeah, he's definitely a fascinating character. And like I said, for a long time, I never knew what to make of him. (1:06:04)
But the more I learned about him, the more I realized that he was studied pretty heavily and, you know, seems to be the real thing, even if he is using some trickery when he's doing live shows and things like that. But like I said, I feel like if you don't, you're setting yourself up for major failure. You know, like you got to make sure those, you know, when you're doing something on a big stage, it can't fail, you know? Yeah. And I remember reading about how, and it might have been Kit Green that had said this, but somebody says, you know that Geller fakes stuff. (1:06:51)
And he said, well, he did try that with us one time and it was so, it was so badly done, it wouldn't have fooled anybody. He said, you know, we caught it right off. Uh, he also has an ability and he said it's, you know, there was no way he could have performed some of the things that he did in our studies, unless he actually had those abilities. (1:07:12)
And I'm sure, I don't doubt him so much in the studies. I doubt him when you, when you put him on the stage, you know? Yeah. But, uh, anyway, he, um, I would love to have, you know, had like been in that office of Harry Belisle when he was, uh, walked in and all these things were happening, but that must've been quite something. (1:07:39)
Uh, one of the things you talk about in the book that somehow I've missed from Valet is the idea of an associative universe. Do you want to explain that a little bit? (1:07:48)
Well, from what I had gathered, you know, he said it was very similar to, uh, the way a computer retrieves information by an association key or something, some keyword or code. And, um, that remote viewing and precognition, um, all this quantum physics stuff, I guess, you know, spooky action at a distance, all that stuff may happen in a similar, similar way. (1:08:22)
And, um, so I guess it's something like that. Um, Hmm. And, uh, like information is interconnected. Yeah. And of course he, he helped the remote viewing people by coming up with, uh, you know, using coordinates to various things, different, different sites. Um, and that way it wouldn't, uh, give away any, um, any information or clues to the, to the remote viewer, what the target was, unless they had all this memorized, what the coordinates were. (1:09:03)
Um, but, uh, yeah, I think it's, it's, um, you know, I can't say beyond that really, you know. Okay. All right. That's good. Um, almost out of time here. Uh, one of the things that you talk about in there that I was not familiar with at all was something called Zendra. Yeah. And, and in fact, I, I not long ago, um, I found out from, uh, uh, Joseph Brooks has, uh, been an ER physician over in LA and he, he works with, uh, with free and CCRI is a medical doctor. (1:09:37)
And he's been, um, very involved in a lot of the, uh, CE5, you know, experiments for a number of years. And he informed me that there was a, um, a mission Rama group over in California that, uh, had, had actually, uh, a few years ago experienced a very spectacular event, similar to what was in, in my book, um, which was the Sixto Paz contactee down in Peru, who was, uh, back in 2002, I think was maybe the first time this happened. (1:10:23)
Um, down in Chile, it was a, like a blue arc of light that appeared low to the ground and some 24 people reportedly walked under it. And, um, some saw like rogue ball-headed humanoid beings. And, uh, some of the people standing by saw some of these people walking under it sort of become transparent, maybe even disappear. And, um, and there were a number of these stories. (1:10:52)
Um, I wrote to one researcher down in Peru who said that it was (1:10:52)
おまけ 1
Brent Raynes も Uri Geller は TV 番組の中では時にイカサマをしていたと語っている。 Uri Geller の超常能力を認める他の研究者もそれを認めている。どんな状況でも常に超常能力が 100%発揮できるわけではないのに、TV 番組では失敗が許されない。だからイカサマを用いることもあったのだと。
都合のよい弁護だと批判することも可能だし、ありえ そうな話だと判断することも可能。
おまけ 2
あなたが話していた中で、私は全く知らなかったのですが、ゼンドラというものがありますね。そう。ジョセフ・ブルックスはLAでERの医師をしていて、彼はフリーとCCRIで働く医学博士なんだ。 (1:09:37)
そして彼は、CE5の実験に何年も深く関わってきた。そして彼は、カリフォルニアのミッション・ラマ・グループが、数年前に、私の本に書かれているのと同じような、とても壮大な出来事を経験した、と教えてくれました。 (1:10:23)
チリでは、青い弧のような光が地面すれすれに現れ、24人ほどがその下を歩いたと報告されています。そして、何人かは、不正なボールヘッドの人型のようなものを見た。そして、そばにいた何人かの人々は、その下を歩いていた何人かが透明になるのを見た。そのような話がいくつもありました。 (1:10:52)
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
Uh, one of the things that you talk about in there that I was not familiar with at all was something called Zendra. Yeah. And, and in fact, I, I not long ago, um, I found out from, uh, uh, Joseph Brooks has, uh, been an ER physician over in LA and he, he works with, uh, with free and CCRI is a medical doctor. (1:09:37)And he's been, um, very involved in a lot of the, uh, CE5, you know, experiments for a number of years. And he informed me that there was a, um, a mission Rama group over in California that, uh, had, had actually, uh, a few years ago experienced a very spectacular event, similar to what was in, in my book, um, which was the Sixto Paz contactee down in Peru, who was, uh, back in 2002, I think was maybe the first time this happened. (1:10:23)
Um, down in Chile, it was a, like a blue arc of light that appeared low to the ground and some 24 people reportedly walked under it. And, um, some saw like rogue ball-headed humanoid beings. And, uh, some of the people standing by saw some of these people walking under it sort of become transparent, maybe even disappear. And, um, and there were a number of these stories. (1:10:52)
(2024-10-16) 書式変換、文字起こし+和訳 の差替
(2020-09-06) 訂正。Uli --> Uri
(2020-07-21) 作成。Brent Raynes : Uri Geller の能力を調査した海軍の科学者が一日だけ心的映像の送受信能力を保有
共鳴認知という闇鍋に何でもかんでもぶち込んでいると批判されそうだ。 ↩