



Jeffrey Mishlove: 9.11 を夢で予知し、DoD に連絡した超能力者

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Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(new model)

このチャンネルで、私はクリストファー・ロビンソンという超能力者にインタビューしました。彼はツインタワーの夢を見て、この状況について米国政府と必死にコミュニケーションを取ろうとし、実際にペンタゴン高官と面会しました。 本当ですか? ええ、そうですね、ペンタゴンには、本当に多くの例があります。 (01:00:37)

You know, on this channel, I interviewed Christopher Robinson, who was a psychic who had a dream about the Twin Towers and was desperately trying to communicate with the US government about this situation and actually met with officials in the Pentagon. Really? Yeah, there are, well, there are a ton of examples of, you know, tons of people the Pentagon. (01:00:37)


Precognition and Creative Inspiration with Eric Wargo



3,100 views Jul 31, 2024

Eric Wargo, PhD, an anthropologist, is author of Time Loops, Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self: Interpreting Messages From Your Future, and most recently From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination. His website is https://www.thenightshirt.com/

Here he argues that precognition plays a significant role in all creative acts. He realizes that he is pushing his hypothesis to the extreme, and he offers many examples supporting this viewpoint.
