
Skinwalker ranch : 「怪奇現象に付随する硫黄の臭い」と硫化水素の検知

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Skinwalker ranch でもそれが生じているという。 その硫黄の臭いが、

  • 現場の硫化水素ガスによるものか
  • 脳内の幻覚なのか


(蛇足:Whisper+DeepL はミスっている。硫酸水素 →硫化水素 )



❏ UFO/MIB/Bigfoot/妖精 の出現時になぜか共通して硫黄臭 ⇒ この理由を推測 (2023-10-30)

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)

そうだね。でも、スキンウォーカーランチで経験したんだ。硫黄の匂いがした (1:18:37)

そう。それは... そうだ あそこではよくあることだ。 よくあることだ。 悪魔か何かのしるしだ。 そうだ そうだ そして、私は人生で最悪の月を過ごした。そしてその月の終わりに、私は神に救われたような気がした。


、1ヶ月間ずっと祈り続けた。ひどかった。毎日毎日、まるで、ひどく奇妙な...。うわー。暗いエネルギーの渦の中にいるようだった。 それで... それで...カメラに、私がただ率直に、何か変な臭いがする、硫黄のような臭いがする、と言っている映像が残っている。 硫黄のような匂いがしたんだ そうなんですか? (1:19:10)

いや、これは硫酸水素ガスモニターなんだ。 そう。硫黄の臭いがするんだ。 そう。だから、誰かが「何か臭う」と言ったら、それが本当にガスなのか、それともここで何かが起きているのか、分かるようにこれをつけているんだ。 というのも、そのような経験をした人は... 何か出てきた? (1:19:33)

Yeah. But I had like an experience at Skinwalker Ranch. I smelled sulfur there. (1:18:37)

Yes. And that's a... That's right. It's common there. It's common there. Yeah. It's a sign of like the devil or whatever. It is. Yes. And I proceeded to have the worst month of my life. And then at the end of the month, I felt like I was saved by God. Like God swooped in and saved me. (1:18:56)

And I prayed the whole month. It was horrible. Like every day, like some gnarly weird... Wow. It was like in a dark energy vortex. Mm-hmm. And it... and there's... on camera, there's a video of me just candidly being like, I smelled something weird and it smells like sulfur. It smelled like sulfur or whatever. Oh, really? You don't know what hydrochloric acid is? (1:19:10)

No. So this is a hydrogen sulfate gas monitor. Yeah. And because, you know, like in mines and things like that, that gas, people smell sulfur smell. Yeah. So I wear this so that if someone says that they smell something like that, we know whether it's really gas or if it's something happening up here. Because people that have had instances... Is anything coming up? (1:19:33)


UFOs & Religion: Vatican Reveals Hidden Link (ft. Diana Pasulka)



874,500 views Dec 12, 2023

Diana Pasulka is a religious studies professor at UNC Wilmington who has written three books: Heaven Can Wait, American Cosmic and Encounters (links below). The first was about Catholic purgatory and when Pasulka began documenting historical accounts of “divine” or “angelic” visitations in the Catholic tradition she started to notice commonalities among them and modern alien and UFO experiences. Thus began her documentation of the modern religious aspects of the UFO phenomenon along with her journey into classified secret aerospace work in the United States. Her book Encounters served to destigmatize “disclosure” as a global, transhistorical phenomenon that transcends our myopic western frame.

It was an honor and a privilege to have her on American Alchemy!
