Raymond Moody : 人生の危機→自殺願望→接神体験→現実がどれほど悲惨でも、結局のところ全ては OK だと悟った(原文復元+和訳)
Raymond Moody が最近のインタビューでタイトルのような見解を述べている。彼自身の接神体験で得た「悟り or 神からのメッセージ」のエッセンスらしい。
率直に言うが、Moody のこの発言はイカれている。
彼の本、God is bigger than Bible
15:10 結局のところ、全ては OK
Raymond Moody on 'Life after Life' - COAST TO COAST AM - March 15, 2021
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Yes, George, and this is just so paradoxical. I realize, but oddly enough, I was on board with God, you know, years before I kind of finally came to the realization, about five years ago, that, to my astonishment, there is an afterlife. I mean, I guess I sort of talked to God often in prayer and such, but I thought, well, you know, in terms of life after death, I don't know what God has in mind for us. You know, is it conscious experience after death? I just didn’t know.
But I was really down. I mean, you know, I guess severe midlife crisis—this was, I think, in '91 in the summer—and I had just sort of given up on life. I wanted to die, but I didn’t. You know, I just figured suicide is not the route, but I was just really desperate.
Alright, hold on, hold on right there, Raymond. We’re at a break. We’re going to come right back, and we’ll pick it up right there. I want to hear about that incredible story. I never knew that you were at that point, that you know, you were kind of despondent. We’ll find out a little bit more about that when we come back.
And welcome back to Coast to Coast, George Noory with you with Dr. Raymond Moody. His new book is called God is Bigger than the Bible, which we’re going to get into in a big way. But he was telling us a story years ago about how he was a little despondent. Raymond, I’ll let you pick it up from there. What happened?
Yeah, well basically, that was kind of midlife. I think I was 45 or so and had been through a divorce, and was living in a new house. I was just really, really despondent. Maybe, you know, when you’re in a state like that, you’re not exactly sure what the whole picture is, but I was, you know, just so despondent and hopeless. Yet, I had learned from people with near-death experiences who had attempted suicide, but that's not the way—you know, that’s not going to work. So there I was, just not knowing what to do.
And all of a sudden, George, I mean, you know, people with these mystical experiences and encounters with God, they’ll tell you, no matter how articulate they are, as you know, they say, “I just can’t describe it to you.” Well, that’s the wall I’m up against. But all of a sudden, it was like something from above descended on me, and, you know, the most compassion that you cannot even begin to describe—even if—and just beyond words of complete compassion and understanding. Nothing like the judgmental God that, you know, some of the fundamentalists want to portray to us, but just complete understanding.
And, you know, I used to kind of—I heard when religious people would talk about kneeling down to God, I thought, you know, how ridiculous. I mean, it works! It works, yeah. That it would somehow flatter God, or you know, trying to get on God’s good side by kneeling to flatter him or whatever. But I realized what that was all about. You can't stand up. I mean, I was sitting in a chair, and as soon as the presence of God came over me, I just collapsed to the floor. It's kind of like George Ritchie once told me. He said, "It’s kind of like you're being fiercely hypnotized."
And so it was. Yet, there was a darkness to it—I don’t mean in the negative sense—but in the positive sense that even though it was somebody who knew everything about me, every detail, there was still a mysteriousness to it, an impenetrability. But what you see makes you realize that it’s a kind of experience where you would happily be in that state forever, absolutely, in the presence of God.
But then, the kind of idea came that I had had this vision of, in Virginia, a blonde mop of—you know, I saw this woman’s blonde mop of hair from behind, and in a blue silk dress of a very specific blue color. And I immediately was drawn to this person. Well, the thought came that everything was going to be alright. I mean, you know, there's always trouble in life, but that—and—and I just, this feeling of complete love and compassion, and the idea also that, you know, this life is full of ups and downs and travails, but eventually, everything does come out alright.
So, that sort of shaped me up, and I got back in shape. About a year and a couple of months later, in September of 1992, I was in Florida, in St. Petersburg, and I was giving a program down there. And, you know, as typical as it is when you travel around, you go to TV studios to be interviewed.
And so it never occurred to me. I got into the car that they had sent. When I went into the studio, I was sitting all alone in the green room, and this presence swept in. I saw the big mop of blonde hair with that very blue silk dress, and she threw her arms out as though she were declining to her throng of thousands. She said, “Well, I’ve been divorced for two years. I don’t know if anybody's going to be sexually interested in me again.” And, you know, I mean, I immediately picked up—
You raised your hand right away, right?
That’s right! Like, I mean, this was just a wacky sense of humor. I realized she was just—you know—so immediately, there was this bond with Cheryl, whom you’ve met.
That's amazing.
Then, about a year later, we got married. So that was, you know, that was my experience with God. And, you know, subsequently, I have felt the presence of God on a number of occasions. And God brought us two wonderful kids, whom we adopted at birth. Carter is Mexican-American by birth.
ようこそ、Coast to Coast へ。ジョージ・ノリーです。今日はレイモンド・ムーディ博士を迎えています。彼の新しい本『神は聖書よりも大きい』について大々的に話す予定ですが、彼が数年前に少し落ち込んでいた話をしていました。レイモンド、続きを話してくれないか?その時、何が起こったんだ?
そうだね、まあ、あれはちょうど中年期くらいだったと思う。たしか私は45歳くらいで、離婚して新しい家に住んでいたんだ。本当に、絶望的な気分だった。そういう時って、全体像がはっきりしないものだけど、とにかく絶望と希望がなくて。でも、死にかけた人々や自殺未遂を経験した人々から学んだんだけど、それは違う、そう いう方法じゃ解決しないってね。だから、私はただ、どうしたらいいかわからなかった。
このコンテンツは利用規定に違反している可能性があります。 この指摘に誤りがある場合、この回答に「よくないね」を押してお知らせください。
復元原文 → DeepL(2024-07 model)
上の和訳が 検閲(or token limit) でカットされているようなので DeepL のを和訳を以下につけておく。
ジョージ・ヌーリーがレイモンド・ムーディ博士とお送りします。彼の新著は『神は聖書よりも偉大である』(原題:God is Bigger than the Bible)です。しかし、彼は数年前、少し落ち込んでいたときの話をしてくれました。レイモンド、そこから先は君に任せるよ。何があったんですか?
そして突然、ジョージ、つまり、神秘的な体験や神との出会いをした人たちは、ご存知のように、どんなに口が達者でも、「うまく説明できない 」と言うんだ。それが私の壁だった。でも突然、天から何かが舞い降りてきたような、たとえ言葉では言い表せないような、完全な憐れみと理解という言葉では言い表せないような憐れみを感じたんだ。一部の原理主義者が私たちに描きたがるような、裁きを下す神のようなものではなく、ただ完全に理解してくれた。
宗教家が神にひざまずくことについて話しているのを聞いて、なんてばかげたことだろうと思ったものだ。でも、それは効果があるんだ!そうだよ。ひざまずいて神様にお世辞を言ったり、お世辞を言うことで神様のご機嫌を取ろうとか、そういうことだ。でも、それがどういうことなのか気づいたんだ。立ってはいけないんだ。つまり、椅子に座っていたのに、神の臨在が私を支配したとたん、私は床に倒れこんでしまったんだ。かつてジョージ・リッチーが私に言ったようなことだ。ジョージ・リッチーに言われたんだ。「激しい催眠術をかけられているようだ 」ってね。
contactee/abductee が UFO の中で ET から受け取るメッセージは、精神世界信者が チャネリングで download する教えと以下の点で共通している。
(a) このままでは世界は大惨事に巻き込まれる。人類の意識を変える必要がある。
(b) 意識の目が開けると「全てはひとつ」で、「無条件の愛」に包まれていることが観えてくる。
(c) 現実がどれほど悲惨でも、結局のところ全ては OK だ。「善悪は本当は存在しない。全ては舞台の役柄のようなもの」だから。悲惨な役柄を演じているだけ。舞台が終われば全ては一座の芝居だったと気づく。
この (a) と (c) は互いに真正面から激しく矛盾しあっているのだが、Raymond Moody を含め、精神世界信者はだれも気づかないでいる(or 矛盾から目を逸している)。(a) と (b) も互いに矛盾しあっている。
つまり、(a) が正しければ必然的に (b) と (c) は虚偽となる。(b) や(c) が正しければ、(a) は虚偽となる。両立はしない。
要するに、上記のような ET の教え、精神世界のチャネリング・メッセージ、宗教的な悟りは、どれもその根幹に虚偽や欺瞞を含んでいる。
❑ Richard Martini:虐殺の被害者ですら、その人生を自ら選択して生まれてきた (途中 2) (2023-09-30)
精神世界信者の「我々は人生を計画し、同意した上で生まれる」説は完全に矛盾している。(途中:その2) (2020-08-16)
・Raymond Moody が対面した神は、彼について全てを知悉していたという。
it was a somebody 14:01 knew from everything about me every 14:04 detail 14:05 and yet still there's a mysteriousness
禅が 不立文字だの、言詮不及 だの、可及其智 不可及其 愚 などと主張するのは、そもそも右脳が文字通り言葉や論理を知らないことが根本的な理由だろう。言語や論理を超越(*2)しているわけではない。
京都学派の連中が 「絶対無の「場所」」 だの 「絶対自己矛盾的自己同一」 といったタワゴトにかぶれたのも、右脳(空間認識が得意)に特有の論理を欠落させた認知方式を絶対化したためだろう。
この不可逆性の大悟には、左脳の一部機能の永続的な抑止(or 遮断)が伴っているのではないか。左脳の一部機能の抑止によって、ニルバーナの実感が以後も永続し、死や人生の苦から脱却したと実感するのだろう。
数週間だか数か月だかに渡って左脳が侵され、後に回復した女医(脳神経科の専門医)がその期間、ニルバーナに浸っていたという TED 講演での証言(過去記事で紹介したかも?)がこの仮説の補強材料になる筈。彼女は左脳機能が回 復した途端に、ニルバーナが終了し、人生の苦しみも再開したと述べていた1。
元動画が消えているので、まともな文字起こしができない。そのため、Google 謹製の句読点が欠落した音声書写: transcript ではあるが、復元する前のデータとして一応残しておく。
09:55 yes george and this is so just so 09:58 paradoxical 09:59 i realized but oddly enough i was on 10:02 board with god 10:03 you know years before i kind of finally 10:06 came to the realization of about five 10:10 years ago that 10:11 to my astonishment there is an afterlife 10:14 i mean i guess i sort of 10:16 talks to god often in prayer and such 10:19 but i thought well you know in terms of 10:21 life after death i don't know what god 10:22 has in mind for us 10:24 you know is it conscious experience 10:27 after death and i just didn't know 10:29 but but i was um 10:32 really down i mean you know i guess 10:35 severe midlife crisis this was i think 10:38 in 91 in the summer and i had just sort 10:41 of given up on life i 10:43 i wanted to die but i didn't you know i 10:47 just figured suicide is not the route 10:50 but i was just 10:51 really desperate all right hold on hold 10:53 on right there 10:54 uh raymond we're at a break we're going 10:56 to come right back and we'll pick it up 10:58 right there 10:58 i want to hear about that incredible 11:00 story i never knew that you were at that 11:02 point that 11:03 you know you were kind of despondent and 11:06 we'll find out a little bit more about 11:07 that when we come back 11:10 and welcome back to coast to coast 11:11 george dory with you with dr raymond 11:13 moody his new book is called 11:15 god is bigger than the bible which we're 11:16 going to get into in a big way 11:18 but he was telling us a story and years 11:20 ago how he was a little despondent then 11:23 raymond i'll let you pick it up from 11:24 there what happened 11:26 yeah well basically i that was kind of 11:28 midlife i think i was 11:30 45 or so and uh had been through a 11:33 divorce 11:34 and was living in a new house and 11:37 i was just really really despondent 11:40 maybe you know when you're in a state 11:42 like that you're not exactly 11:43 sure what the whole picture of or is but 11:47 i was you know i was just so despondent 11:50 and hopeless and yet had learned from my 11:53 people with 11:54 near-death experiences who had attempted 11:56 suicide but that's not the way you know 12:00 that's not going to work so there i was 12:04 just not knowing what to do 12:06 and all of a sudden george i mean you 12:08 know people with these 12:10 mystical experiences and so on and 12:13 encounters with god they will 12:14 they'll tell you no matter how 12:15 articulate they are as you know they say 12:18 i just 12:19 can't describe it to you well that's the 12:21 wall i'm up against but 12:23 all of a sudden it was like something 12:25 from above 12:26 descended on me and um 12:30 you know the most compassion that you 12:34 cannot even begin to 12:37 describe even if and just 12:40 just beyond words of complete 12:44 compassion and understanding 12:48 nothing like the judgmental god that you 12:51 know some of the 12:52 fundamentalists all want to portray to 12:55 us but 12:56 just complete understanding and 13:00 and um you know i used to kind of 13:04 i heard when religious people would talk 13:06 about kneeling down to god i thought you 13:08 know what uh 13:10 you know how ridiculous i mean 13:13 it works it works yeah that's right 13:17 it would it you know that that it would 13:19 somehow flatter god or you know trying 13:21 to get on god's 13:23 good side by by kneeling to 13:26 flatter him or whatever but i realized 13:29 what that was all about 13:30 is you can't stand up i mean i was 13:33 sitting in a 13:34 chair and i just as soon as the presence 13:38 of god came over me i just 13:40 collapsed to the floor it's kind of like 13:42 george richie once told me he said it's 13:44 kind of like 13:45 he said like you're being fiercely 13:47 hypnotized 13:49 and so it was just and yet there was a 13:53 darkness to it i don't mean in the 13:55 negative sense but then the positive sin 13:58 was that even though it was a somebody 14:01 knew from everything about me every 14:04 detail 14:05 and yet still there's a mysteriousness 14:08 to it the impenetrability but 14:10 what you see makes you realize that you 14:13 it's a kind of experience where you 14:15 would 14:15 happily be in that state forever 14:18 absolutely and the presence of god 14:20 but the kind of idea came was i had had 14:23 this vision 14:24 of in virginia a um 14:29 a blonde mop of you know that i saw this 14:33 woman's blonde mop of hair from behind 14:35 and in a 14:37 blue silk dress of a you know a very 14:40 specific 14:41 blue color and i immediately was drawn 14:45 to this person 14:47 well the the sort of thought came that 14:49 everything was going to be all right 14:51 i mean you know there's always trouble 14:53 in life but that 14:55 and and i just 14:58 con this feeling of complete love and 15:02 compassion 15:03 and the idea also that you know this 15:06 life is full of 15:07 ups and downs and travails but 15:09 eventually everything does 15:11 come out all right so that sort of 15:14 shaped me up and i got back in shape 15:17 about a year and a couple of months 15:20 later 15:20 in september of 1992 15:25 i was in um florida in saint petersburg 15:29 and i was given a program down there 15:33 and you know as typical as you know when 15:36 you travel around you get 15:38 you go to tv studios to be interviewed 15:41 sure and so it never occurred to me i 15:43 got into the car that they had spent 15:45 when i 15:45 went into the studio i was sitting all 15:48 alone in the 15:49 green room and this 15:53 presence swept in i saw the big mop of 15:56 blonde hair with that very blue silk 15:58 dress 16:00 and she threw her arms out as though she 16:04 were declining to 16:05 her throng of thousands she said well 16:09 i've been divorced for two years i don't 16:10 know if anybody's gonna be sexually 16:12 interested in 16:14 me uh again and you know i mean 16:17 i immediately picked up the you raised 16:19 your hand right away right that's right 16:23 like i mean this was just a wacky sense 16:25 of humor i realized she was 16:27 just you know so immediately there was 16:30 just 16:31 this bond with cheryl whom you've met 16:34 and um that's amazing then about a year 16:36 later we got married 16:38 so that was you know that was my 16:40 experience with god 16:41 and you know and and subsequently have 16:44 felt the presence of god 16:46 um and on a number of times and 16:50 and uh god brought us two wonderful kids 16:53 who we adopted at birth 16:55 uh carter is mexican-american by birth
(2024-10-23) 書式変換。差し替え(原文復元+和訳)
(2021-03-27) 追加。タイトル変更。コメントと音声書写(自動生成)追加。 Raymond Moody : 人生の危機→自殺願望→接神体験→現実がどれほど悲惨でも、結局のところ全ては OK だと悟った。(全体)
(2021-03-19) 作成。Raymond Moody : 現実がどれほど悲惨でも、結局のところ全ては OK (途中1)