1975-08-13, New Mexico : Charles L. Moody の abduction 事例(Web 記事和訳)
この事例に関する Web 記事の中で目についたものを 3件まとめて和訳しておく。
Web 記事1
Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody Alien Abduction Case https://anomalien.com/air-force-sergeant-charles-l-moody-alien-abduction-case/
和訳 DeepL(2024-07 model)
チャールズ・L・ムーディ空軍軍曹 エイリアン誘拐 事件

彼は、自分が実際に船に乗せられたことを思い出した。しびれが身体を襲ったとき、彼は車に座っていた。次に、彼は何人かの 「存在 」が船か ら降りて、彼の車に近づいてくるのを目撃した。


情報源 Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena: 「UFOs and Aliens」 by Preston Dennett
Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody Alien Abduction Case Jake Carter 4–5 minutes
On the evening of August 13, 1975, approximately at about 1:20 a.m., a veteran Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody (32) drove out into the desert of Alamogordo, New Mexico, to watch a meteor shower that was due to occur.
However, he got much more than he bargained for. As he was watching for shooting stars, a glowing fifty-foot-long with eighteen to twenty feet wide, metallic, saucer-shaped craft landed about seventy feet away from him. Moody could hear a high-pitched humming sound.
He also noticed a rectangular window in the craft through which he could see shadows resembling human forms. Frightened, Sergeant Moody jumped into his car and attempted to drive away. But for unknown reason, his car would not start. Then, his entire body became numb. Just when his fear increased, the object suddenly took off. Sergeant Charles L. Moody
Moody raced home to tell his wife. He was shocked to find it was already 3:00 a.m., and that two hours had passed. Had he been taken onboard? Within a few days, a rash broke out over his lower body.
Upon the recommendation of a physician, he began to practice self-hypnosis in an effort to recall what had occurred during the lost time period. At first he didn’t remember, but over the next few days and weeks, he eventually recalled everything that had happened.
He remembered that he was, in fact, taken onboard. He was sitting in his car when the numbness came over his body. Next, he had observed several “beings” exited the craft and approaching his car.
Says Moody, “The beings were about five feet tall and very much like us except their heads were larger and hairless, their ears were very small, eyes a little larger than ours, nose small and the mouth had very thin lips.
“I would say their weight was maybe between 110–130 pounds. They have speech, but their lips did not move. Their type of clothing was skintight. I could not see any zippers or buttons at all. The color of their clothes was black except for one of them who had a silver-white looking suit on.”
The alien leader asked Moody telepathically if he was prepared to behave peacefully. When Moody agreed to do so, the leader applied a rodlike device to his back which relieved the paralysis.
Later, Moody was taken into a very clean room with white, rounded walls and indirect lighting. One of the beings examined him and told him, “I will not hurt you. We are not meant to hurt you.” Moody asked if he could see the engine room. They agreed and took him to a lower level.
He saw a complex machine involving long metallic rods and large, crystal-like spheres. The E.T.s explained that the ship operated using the principle of positive and negative magnetic poles.
They told him that they had a much larger mother ship, and that there were many other races of E.T.s who were also observing and studying the planet. They warned him against the use of nuclear weapons. He was promised a future meeting with the E.T.s but warned that closer contact with Earth men would not be attempted for another twenty years.
They also said that one day reveal their existence publicly to the world. Finally, he was told that it was time for him to go and that he wouldn’t remember what happened until a few days afterwards. Moody was then placed back in his car, where he watched the UFO take off.
After remembering the onboard part of his experience, Moody realized how important his story was, and he contacted local UFO investigators. However, a thorough investigation by investigator named Jim Lorenzen, revealed a couple of contradictions in Moody’s accounts about the incident. Today, Moody’s case remains undisputed.
Sources: Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena: “UFOs and Aliens” by Preston Dennett
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Web 記事2
1975, UFO Encounter; Abduction of Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody, UFO Casebook Files https://www.ufocasebook.com/moody.html
和訳 DeepL(2024-07 model)
ニューメキシコ州アラモゴードは、1975年8月13日、チャールズ・L・ムーディ空軍軍曹がUFOに遭遇した場所である。 午前1時15分頃、砂漠で流星群を観察していたムーディは、約300フィート離れた地面に向かって落ちてくる、光り輝く金属製の円盤状の物体を見た。
それから数週間後、ムーディはその出来事をほぼ完全に思い出すことができた。ムーディーのその後の回想によると、1975年8月13日にしびれに襲われた後、彼は自分の車に近づいてくる2体の生物を目撃した。 身長約180センチ、黒い服を着ていた。彼らとの短い格闘の後、彼は意識を失った。彼は船内の板の上で目を覚ました。手足は鉛のように硬く、動かせない。彼の隣にはエイリアンのリーダーが立っていた。
エイリアンはムーディに、2週間後までこの出来事を覚えていないと告げた。リーダーはムーディーの頭の両脇に手を置き、再び意識を失った。 心理的ストレス評価装置の共同発明者であるチャールズ・マックイストンによるムーディーの主張の分析は、彼が真実 を語っていることを示していた。しかし、ジム・ロレンツェン調査官は、ムーディーの証言にいくつかの矛盾点があることに疑問を呈している。初期の証言では、エイリアンの母船は地球の400マイル上空にあったという。
(編集:B・J・ブース) マーガレット・サックス UFO百科事典: Perigee Book, Putnam's Sons, New York 1980, p.10 参考文献 ロレンツェン、コーラル、ジム、「誘拐された: 第4種接近遭遇」(ニューヨーク:バークリー出版社、1977年)
Web 記事3
Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2011/02/sgt-charles-l-moody-alien-abduction.html
和訳 DeepL(2024-07 model)
The Sgt. Charles L. Moody Alien Abduction Lon Strickler 7-9 minutes
テレパシ ーでムーディに従うかどうか質問し、肯定的な回答を得た後、ムーディは麻痺を取り除いた。
さらなる詳細 1975年8月13日、チャールズ・L・ムーディ空軍軍曹はニューメキシコ州アラモゴルドの砂漠で流星群を観察していた。午前1時15分、ムーディは約300フィート離れた地点に、光り輝く金属製の円盤状の物体が落ちてくるのを目撃した。ムーディは、その物体の長さを約50フィート、直径を18フィートから20フィートと推定した。UFOは下降するにつれてぐらつき始めた。物体が彼に向かって動き始めたので、ムーディは非常に怯えた。
UFOが去ったとき、ムーディは車を発進させることができた。まだ恐怖で震えていたが、彼は砂漠から走り去り、ついに家に着いた。家に入り、今が午前3時であることにショックを受けた。どういうわけか、彼は1時間半ほど時間が足りな かったのだ。翌日から、腰に激痛が走るようになった。数日後には全身に発疹が出た。医師に相談すると、失われた1時間半を取り戻すために、一種の自己催眠を試すように言われた。
まもなく、ムーディはUFOの別の場所に運ばれ、そこでエイリアンのドライブ・ユニットを見せられた。このドライブには長い棒と、ガラスで覆われた3つの穴があった。両端に棒のついた水晶のようなものがあった。ムーディはエイリアン船の短い見学の間に、地球の上空にはもっと大きな母船が待機していると聞かされた 。異星人のリーダーはまた、今後20年間は地球人との接触がないことを告げた。また、ムーディが解放された後、数週間は記憶を失うという。その後、エイリアンはムーディーを再び意識不明にした。
注目すべき矛盾点 ムーディーの主張の妥当性を評価するのは非常に難しい。ジム・ロレンツェン調査員は、ムーディーの主張のいくつかに異論を唱えた。ムーディは2つの証言で、地球から母船までの距離を2つの異なる距離としている。また、ムーディは宇宙人は身長6フィートの頑丈な生き物だと主張したが、同時に 「虚弱 」とも呼んだ。
Sachs, Margaret - 'The UFO Encyclopedia' - 1980 Lorenzen, Coral and Jim - 'Abducted: Close Encounters of a Fourth Kind' - 1977 ufos.about.com www.abovetopsecret.com www.abduct.com Good, Timothy - 'Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence' - 2007 Hopkins, Budd - 'Missing Time' - 1981
The Sgt. Charles L. Moody Alien Abduction Lon Strickler 7–9 minutes
SUMMARY: At 1:15 a.m. August 13, 1975, Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico, to observe a meteor shower. A silver glowing object separated itself from the brilliant flashes far above and began to descend to the desert floor a few hundred feet from the startled serviceman. At a height of twenty feet or so, the UFO, approximately the size of a city bus and now emitting a high pitched whine began to move in his direction.
He desperately tried to start his car, giving up after repeated attempts produced no response. The strange craft finally stopped a few feet from Moody and hovered, shadowy figures vaguely visible through a rectangular widow. The serviceman felt a numbness steal through his body followed by a sense of lethargy.
The next thing he remembered was the object rising back into the heavens and disappearing. Upon his arrival home he was astonished to find it was 3 a.m., an hour and a half was missing.
Over the following few days physical problems began to appear, namely a lower back pain and a lower body rash. His physician believing it to be psychosomatic, possibly stress related, advised him to try self hypnosis/hypnotic regression as an aid in remembering the missing time.
Evidently the advice met with some success, Moody remembering the events that followed the UFO's descent and the numbness and lethargy that followed its approach.
Two beings about six feet in height had approached his car and rendered him unconscious, when he awoke he was inside the craft, on his back, and paralyzed; standing next to him was an alien dressed in a silver suit with whitish grey skin and a bald head who though somewhat shorter than the others exuded authority and was apparently the leader.
After telepathically questioning Moody as to whether he would be compliant and receiving a positive response he removed the paralysis.
Moody was then apparently given a tour of the ship, shown its drive unit and informed the vessel was only a landing craft, the mother ship was in orbit 400 miles away. The leader then purportedly rendered the Air Force sergeant unconscious again, crew members carrying him to his car.
FURTHER DETAILS: On August 13, 1975, Air Force Sergeant Charles L. Moody was in the desert of Alamogordo, New Mexico, observing a meteor shower. It was 1:15 AM when he saw a glowing, metallic, saucer-shaped object lowering to the ground approximately 300 feet away. Moody estimated the object's length at about 50 feet, and its diameter at eighteen to twenty feet. The UFO began to wobble as it descended. Moody was extremely frightened as the object began to move towards him.
Moody tried to run from the object, but when he tried to start this car, the engine would not respond. He could now hear a high-pitched sound as the object came to a stop in mid-air about 70 feet away from him. He could make out a window in the UFO, and see shadows of a human-like form. The high-pitched sound came to a stop, and as it did, he could feel his body going numb. His last conscious memory would be of the UFO rising back up into the sky, and finally flying away. Moody's description of the windows and humanoid forms are very similar to the description in the Betty and Barney Hill abduction.
As the UFO left, Moody was now able to start his car. Still trembling with fear, he sped away from the desert, finally arriving home. As he entered his house, he was shocked to see that it was now 3:00 AM. Somehow, he was missing about one and one-half hours. The next day, he began to have physical problems, starting with severe pain in his lower back. A rash would break out all over his body in the next few days. Taking his problems to a physician, he was told to try a type of self-hypnosis to recover the lost one and one-half hours.
It seems that the self-hypnosis was working. Within a couple of weeks, Moody began to recall bits and pieces of his desert encounter, and felt that he had a fairly good account of what had happened to him. He now believed that after his body became numb, he had seen two beings coming towards him. The creatures were about six feet tall, and wearing skin-tight black clothing. He had tried to fight them off, but was overcome with the numbness and went unconscious. He remembered waking inside of a craft on a table. He could not move his arms or legs. An alien creature stood by him.
This alien was much shorter than his two abductors. He also wore a silvery suit, instead of black. He had no hair on his head, like the other two creatures. His brow protruded outward, and he had round eyes, small ears and nose, and his lips were extremely thin. This "leader" as Moody saw him, began to communicate telepathically. Moody was asked if he would stop fighting his abduction, and cooperate. With Moody's compliance, the alien used a rod-like device on his back which stopped the paralysis.
Soon, Moody was transported to a different part of the UFO, where he was shown the alien drive unit. This drive had a long rod, and three holes in it which were covered by glass. There was a crystal-like object with a rod on both ends. During his short tour of the alien ship, Moody was told that there was a larger mother-ship which was waiting above the Earth. The alien leader also told him that no future contact with earthlings would be made for twenty years. Also, Moody's memory would be lost to him for several weeks after he was released. The alien then rendered him unconscious once again.
Noted Discrepancies: It is very difficult to make an assessment of the validity of Moody's claims. Investigator Jim Lorenzen took exception to some of his claims. In two separate accounts, Moody gave the distance of the mother-ship from Earth as two different amounts, and he also claimed that the aliens were robust six-foot-tall creatures, but also called them "frail."
On the other hand, Moody was examined by Charles McQuiston, inventor of the Psychological Stress Evaluator, which allegedly proves if a person is telling the truth. McQuiston determined that Moody was indeed being truthful about his encounter.
NOTE: Alamogordo, New Mexico is where Holloman AFB is located and has been a hotbed of UFO / extraterrestrial lore since the end of WWII. You may want to review the following links that reference historic activity at this location:
Sources: Sachs, Margaret - 'The UFO Encyclopedia' - 1980 Lorenzen, Coral and Jim - 'Abducted: Close Encounters of a Fourth Kind' - 1977 ufos.about.com www.abovetopsecret.com www.abduct.com Good, Timothy - 'Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence' - 2007 Hopkins, Budd - 'Missing Time' - 1981