1978-03, Italy:UFO を数回目撃、さらに UFO と 妖精に似た ET が出現
Preston Dennett による要約
UFOグノーム 1978年3月下旬、コンスタンティーナ・インビボスと彼女の夫は、イタリアのヴィッラマーレ・ディ・サプリにある自宅の裏でUFOを目撃し始めた。数回の目撃の後、1978年4月25日、コンスタンティーナは別のUFOを目撃し、その数秒後、オレンジ色のスーツと尖った帽子をかぶった奇妙なノームのようなヒューマノイドを目撃した。それはノームのように跳ね回っていた。やがて、さらに多くのUFOが目撃されるようになり、ノームのようなものも目撃されるようになった。






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そして次は、私にとって非常に魅力的なもう1つの事件だ。 私はこれをUFOノームと呼んでいる。 (00:40:37)
この事件におけるETの説明は実に興味深い。というのも、妖精やノーム、エルフ、その他世界中の小さな人々に関する多くの報告と、ある意味で類似しているからだ。 この事件は1978年3月から6月にかけてイタリアのヴィア・マール・ディ・サプリで起きた一連の事件である。 複数の目撃者がいる。 着陸の痕跡がある。 (00:41:04)
電磁気の影響もある。 この事件の妥当性を確認するものはたくさんあると思う。 この非常に珍しいケースは、イタリアの研究者ウンベルト・タラリコとマウリツィオ・ヴェルガによるものである。 この事件は多くの出版物に掲載され、主に26歳のコンスタンティーナ・インビーボに起こった数ヶ月間にわたる数々の奇妙な出来事を含んでいる。 しかし、他の目撃者や非常に興味深い証拠も含まれている。 1978年3月20日午後5時30分頃、コンスタンティーナと彼女の夫が、オレンジ色の横帯があるように見える白い円錐形の物体を目撃した。 (00:41:59)
ここはイタリアのサレルノ郊外である。 そして彼らが見ている間、この物体は少し旋回した後、いくつかの木の陰に消えていった。 しかし、ちょうど1週間後の1978年3月27日、彼らは家にいたが、突然理由もなくすべての電気が消えた。 数分後、明かりが戻り、直感で外に飛び出したコンスタンティナは、確かにその下に脈打つような白い光を放つドーム状の物体を見た。 (00:42:35)
しばらくすると、この物体は下方に移動し、地面に向かって消えていった。 そして消えた後、この奇妙な霧かミストが残り、それは非常に素早く霧散した。 事件はまだ終わっていなかった。 というのも、1ヵ月後の1978年4月25日、コンスタンチナが家の裏の木々の上に巨大なオレンジ色の球体がホバリングしているのを目撃したからだ。 (00:43:06)
彼女が最初にそれを見たとき、それはほとんど家の大きさだったという。 しかし一旦縮むと、そこから人型の人影が出てきたという。 そしてそれは奇妙だった。 実際、この人影はいろいろな意味でノームを思わせた。 顔はほとんど人間のようだったが、とても明るく、唇がとても薄かった。 彼女はまた、その頭に引用円錐 形の構造物、あるいは帽子のようなものがあることに気づいた。 (00:43:47)
奇妙なオレンジ色のスーツを着て、黒いブーツを履いていた。 コンスタンチーナが見ていると、このノームのような人影はあたりを見回し、頭を前後に動かしてわずかな動きをした。 そして奇妙に飛び跳ねるように動き始めた。 手足がとても細く、ノームを連想させるような飛び方だったという。 その間、この球体は完全に消えるまで縮み続けた。 (00:44:15)
この小さな存在は飛び回り続け、ある時はコンスタンティナの150フィートまで近づいた。 そしてそれは彼女を正視した。 この時、彼女はかなり怖くなり、夫を呼んだ。 すぐに、その存在はトラックの後ろにしゃがみこみ、わずかな霧の中に消えていった。 残念ながら、彼女の夫はこのノームのような存在を見るのに間に合わなかった。 (00:44:44)
しかし、事件はまだ終わっていなかった。 ちょうど1ヶ月後の1978年6月9日、コンスタンティナは奇妙な形をした3つの物体が地面のすぐそばでホバリングしているのを目撃した。 そして衝動的に、彼女はテレパシーでメッセージを送った。 もう一度見ると、物体は消えていた。 しかし翌日、彼女と彼女の夫や他の人たちがこの地域に出かけたところ、物体があった場所の草が黄色くなっており、物体そのものの形をしていた。 (00:45:22)
その月の後半、コンスタンティナはまた目撃した。 彼女は、15個以上の円盤状の物体が空から降りてきて、近くの丘に素早く着地し、霧を残して飛び立つのを見たという。 また、直径1.5メートルほどの小さな青い球体も見たという。 ある時、オリーブの木の枝に触れ、葉 がしぼんで乾いてしまったという。 (00:45:54)
その程度である。 コンスタンチーナのUFOノームのような存在に関連して、1978年4月23日、わずか2日前に起きた、驚くほどよく似た人型の目撃談がある。 これもイタリアであるが、北にあるセレトという町で目撃されたもので、UFOの飛行速度からすればそう遠くはない。 この事件は研究者モレノ・タンボリーニによって調査され、その夜、多くの目撃者がV字型に光る物体が街の上空を飛ぶのを見たと報告した。 (00:46:34)
しかし、その日の夜、セサリーナ・カンピオーニが寝る支度をしていたとき、裏庭で奇妙に光る光に気づいた。 (00:46:46)
調査のために外を見ると、彼女は、光沢のあるメタリックなゆったりとした服を着て、全身を覆う服を着た身長3フィートの人影を2つ見た。 腰には黒っぽいベルトをしていて、顔の部分にバイザーのついた、とがった円錐形の帽子かヘルメットのようなものをかぶっていたという。 前の目撃者コンスタンティナが見たものとよく似ている。 (00:47:15)
さて、セサリナの好奇心が恐怖に変わったのは、この奇妙な存在たちが、小声の金属音のような意味不明の言語で大声で話しているのを聞いたときだった。 彼らはまた、コンスタンティナが言っていたように、奇妙に飛び跳ねながら動き回ったと彼女は言う。 そして、彼らは飛び回り、最後には近くのオリーブ畑に消えていった。 奇妙な事件だ。 目撃者たちが、ET(地球外生命体)と思われる彼らのことを、これほど詳細に描写していることに驚かされる。 (00:47:52)
背が低くて、先の尖った帽子をかぶっていて、ノームのように跳ね回っていた。 おそらくこれらはノームや妖精だと誤解されたのだろうが、実際はETだったのだ。 あるいは、何か別の理由があるのかもしれない。 何とも言えないが、だからこそ研究が重要なのだと思う。真実が明らかになり、地球上で何が起きているのかがさらに解明されることを期待しているからだ。 (00:48:25)
And now we move to another one, which is super fascinating to me. I call this one the UFO gnome. (00:40:37)
The description of the ETs in this case is really interesting, because it in some ways parallels the many reports we have of fairies, and gnomes, and elves, and other little people all across the world. This is actually a series of events which occurred through March and June of 1978 in Via Mar di Sapri in Italy. And it is a multiple witness case. It does have landing traces. (00:41:04)
It also has electromagnetic effects. There's a lot to, I think, confirm the validity of this case. This very unusual case comes from Italian researcher Umberto Tallarico and Maurizio Verga. It appeared in numerous publications, and it involves numerous strange events over a period of months, occurring primarily to 26-year-old Constantina Imbibo. But it does also involve other witnesses and some very interesting evidence. Events began at around 5.30pm starting on March 20, 1978, when Constantina and her husband observed a white conical object, which appeared to have orange horizontal bands, and it was hovering just above the ground not far from their home in Via Mar di Sapri. (00:41:59)
This is outside of Salerno, Italy. And as they watched, this object swung around a little bit, then disappeared behind some trees and was gone. But it was just one week later, on March 27, 1978, that they were in their house when suddenly all the lights went out for no apparent reason. A few minutes later they came back on, and acting on her intuition, Constantina rushed outside and sure enough she saw this dome-shaped object emitting a pulsating white light underneath it. (00:42:35)
After just a few moments, this object moved downwards and seemed to disappear towards the ground. And after it was gone, it left this strange fog or mist, which very quickly dissipated. The events weren't over yet. Something really interesting was about to happen because one month later, on April 25, 1978, the events came to a climax when Constantina saw a huge orange sphere hovering above the trees behind her house. (00:43:06)
She grabbed a camera and tried to take a picture, but she was too frightened, she wasn't able to do it. And as she watched, this sphere appeared to shrink down to a diameter of 4-5 feet. (00:43:20)
When she first saw it, it was almost the size of a house, she says. But once it shrank down, she says a humanoid figure came out of it. And it was strange. In fact, this figure reminded her of a gnome in a number of ways. His face looked mostly human, but it was very bright and had very thin lips. She also noticed that there was a quote conical structure, or what looked like a hat, on its head. (00:43:47)
And he was wearing this weird orange suit and black boots. And as Constantina watched, this gnome-like figure looked all around, darting its head back and forth, making slight movements. And then it started to move in this weird hopping around. She said it had very thin limbs and was hopping in this way that reminded her again of a gnome. Meanwhile, this sphere continued to shrink until it completely disappeared. (00:44:15)
This little being continued to hop around, at one point coming as close as 150 feet to Constantina. And it looked right at her. So at this point, she became quite frightened and called her husband. Immediately, the being squatted behind a truck, quote, disappearing in a slight fog, which persisted a few seconds. So unfortunately, her husband did not come out in time to see this gnome-like being. (00:44:44)
But events weren't quite over yet. Just over one month later, on June 9, 1978, Constantina saw three strangely shaped objects which were hovering very close to the ground. And on impulse, she sent out a telepathic message, thinking to herself, if you hear me, disappear. She looked again, and the objects were gone. But the next day, she and her husband and others did go out to this area, and they saw that the grass where one of these objects had been was now yellowed, and it was in the same shape of the object itself. (00:45:22)
Later that month, Constantina had another sighting. She said she saw no less than 15 disc-shaped objects descend from the sky, land very quickly on a nearby hill, and then take off, again leaving this fog which dissipated quickly. She reported also seeing smaller blue orbs about a half foot in diameter. She said on one occasion she saw one of these orbs, which actually touched the branch of an olive tree, causing the leaves to shrivel and dry up. (00:45:54)
And that's the extent of it. Now perhaps related to Constantina's UFO gnome-like being is this remarkably similar humanoid sighting which occurred, get this, only two days earlier, on April 23, 1978. This is also in Italy, but in a town of Cereto, which is to the north, not far in terms of how fast a UFO can fly. This case was investigated by researcher Moreno Tambolini, and on that evening, numerous witnesses reported seeing a V formation of glowing objects fly over the city. (00:46:34)
But it was later that same evening, Cesarina Campioni was getting ready for bed when she noticed a strange glowing light in her backyard. (00:46:46)
Looking outside to investigate, she saw two three foot tall figures which were wearing shiny metallic loose fitting clothes, an outfit that covered their entire body. She said that they had a dark belt around their waists and also wore sort of a pointy cone shaped hat or helmet with a visor where the face would be. So very much like what the previous witness Constantina saw. (00:47:15)
Now Cesarina's curiosity turned to fear when she heard these weird beings speaking out loud with this sort of guttural metallic sounding unintelligible language. And she says they also moved around with strange leaps and bounds, very much like Constantina had described. So they bounded around and finally disappeared into a nearby olive grove. Such a weird case, that one. It's amazing that the witnesses described these ETs, apparent ETs, in such similar detail. (00:47:52)
Being short and having these pointed hats and bouncing around like gnomes definitely makes you wonder about the earlier reports throughout history of other little people. Perhaps these were misinterpreted as being gnomes or fairies when in fact they were ETs. Or perhaps there's something else going on here. Hard to say, but I think this is why research is so important because it will hopefully lead to the truth coming out and further clarification on what is going on here on planet Earth. (00:48:25)
ASTOUNDING: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
29,900 views Aug 17, 2024
プレストン・デネット ウェブサイト:https://prestondennett.weebly.com/
Few experiences are as astounding as a direct face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial humanoid from another world. And yet, the number of cases is far greater than most people think. They have been reported for well over a hundred years and probably into antiquity. Cases come from all over the world. This video presents ten little known cases, each one adding to our knowledge of ET contact. There are far too many cases to be explained away as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misperceptions.THE ETS AND THE SAUCER. On the afternoon of May 5, 1954, eight-year-old Arnaldo Ribeiro de Freitas was goat-herding near his home in Fregim, Portugal when an odd sound alerted him to two UFOs hovering nearby. One flew off, but the other remained, and Arnaldo could see two big-headed humanoids sitting inside it. And one was looking right at him! After it departed, it left weird landing traces on the ground.
ANOTHER ALIEN MICHELIN MAN. One afternoon in May of 1960, Professor Miguel Timermans Ceballos was driving his motorcycle near Cadiz, Spain. Looking ahead, he saw a strange humanoid figure which looked very much like the famous Michelin Man. Seconds later, a second figure appeared. Both walked clumsily across the road before disappearing into the brush. Miguel was convinced they were not human.
IT WASN’T ANYTHING HUMAN. Late in the evening of October 23, 1963, Robert W. Smith drove in a rural area of South River, NJ when he saw something odd in the beams of his car headlights: three very short humanoid figures dressed in tight-fitting, silver, one-piece suits. They darted across the road far faster than a human could move. Robert was too frightened to stop. It was an experience he would never forget.
THE FLOATING HUMANOID OF COFICO. On July 2, 1968, numerous residents of Cofico, Argentina observed UFOs and/or humanoids hovering overhead. Three witnesses at one home described a glowing humanoid figure floating in the air. Another witness described a 9-foot-tall robotic figure, also floating in the sky. Another witness in a different home described the same thing. Even policemen witnessed strange activity.
THE JAY-WALKING ALIENS. In early May of 1969, numerous residents in Rockville, Virginia started seeing UFOs darting around overhead. But on the night of May 11, 1969, Mike Luczkowich saw actual humanoids. Driving along Route 622, he saw what he first thought were two deer. Instead, he realized they were four-foot-tall humanoids with giant heads. They crossed the road in front of him, followed by a third one.
THE DUMBBELL ETS. On the night of October 24, 1976, Romeo Lucarelli and his young daughter were driving to their home in Hobling, France when a brilliant light appeared ahead of them. It zoomed towards them and revealed itself to be a dumbbell-shaped object with two humanoid figures inside. To Romeo’s fear, the craft followed them home. His wife ran out just in time to see the UFO dart away.
IT DIDN’T SEEM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. On the night of January 21, 1977, Juan Pedro Hernandez of Camuy, Puerto Rico was shocked to see an ET craft hovering at low altitude overhead. Inside he saw a skinny figure with a big head and dark eyes looking at him. Suddenly he was struck a beam of light from the UFO. The beam retracted and the UFO departed. Juan followed, but govt agents appeared, blocking his way.
THE UFO GNOME. In late March of 1978, Constantina Imbibos and her husband began seeing UFOs behind their home in Villamare Di Sapri, Italy. After several sightings, on April 25,1978, Constantina saw another UFO, and seconds later, a strange gnome-like humanoid wearing an orange suit and pointed hat. It bounced around like a gnome. Soon more UFOs would be seen, and more gnome-like entities.
AN 8-FOOT-TALL GRAY. On the night of July 31, 2018, a military veteran with a Top Secret clearance was driving on State Route 13 just north of Mount Vernon, Ohio when an eight-foot-tall, incredibly thin, hairless humanoid crossed the road in front of him. It had black eyes, a small mouth and four fingers on each hand. It was not human. Truly frightened, the witness decided not to stop.
I SAW SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET. Around 5am on July 16, 2020, Paul Froggatt was bicycling home from work in Warwick, UK when a UFO appeared. He snapped two photos with his camera, but became frightened when the craft seemed to follow him. Moments later he came face-to-face with a 7-foot-tall, praying mantis humanoid. He was so frightened he began to cry. He fled the area, thoroughly traumatized.
As hard as it might be for some people to believe, the growing number of cases involving humanoid encounters make it undeniable that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. Thankfully, as the government UFO coverup collapses, and as more people reveal their encounters, the truth is coming out. ETs are real! And it’s time that all of humanity knows it.
Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/