1969-05-20, ブラジル : 庭に着陸した UFO に連れ込まれ、目に酷い炎症
Preston Dennett の解説動画から。
Preston Dennett による要約
case2 : ufoで幻惑され、混乱しました: ホセ・ペレイラ・サクラメントのオンボードufo遭遇。1969年5月20日の夜に、Jose Pereira SacramentoはVila Operaria、ブラジルの彼の家の外で騒音を聞きました。調査に行った彼は、裏庭に着陸したUFOを見て衝撃を受けた。彼は突然UFOの中に引きずり込まれ、そこで奇妙な円筒の中に立って未知の言語を話す背の低い存在に出会った。部屋は痛いほど明るい光で満たされ、彼はその場に凍りついた。突然、彼はベッドに戻ってきた。彼の目はひどく炎症を起こし、1年間ふらつきに悩まされた。
DAZED AND CONFUSED IN A UFO: THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF JOSE PEREIRA SACRAMENTO. On the night of May 20, 1969, Jose Pereira Sacramento heard a noise outside his home in Vila Operaria, Brazil. Going to investigate, he was shocked to see a UFO landing in his backyard. He was suddenly pulled inside it where he met short beings standing in weird cylinders, speaking an unknown language. He was frozen in place as the room filled with painfully bright light. Suddenly he found himself back in bed. His eyes were badly inflamed, and he suffered from lightheadedness for a full year.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
さて、次は、私が「UFOの中の眩惑と混乱」と呼んでいる、ホセ・ペレイラ・サクラメントの機内でのUFO遭遇に移りましょう。この事件は1969年5月20日にブラジルのヴィラ・オペリアで起こりました。重要な事件です。 (0:07:44)
今まで聞いたことのないような、本当に珍しい詳細が書かれています。ええ、かなり説得力があると思いますよ。この事件はブラジルの出版物『SBEDV会報』に掲載されている。目撃者は1人です。男の名前は Sr. ジョゼ・ペレイラ・サクラメント ヴィラ・オペリアのパードレ・エウスタキオ通り190番地に住んでいる。ここはブラジルのミナスジェライス州のノバ・リマにある。午前1時頃、彼はモータースクーターの音で目を覚ました。 (0:08:27)
最近、裏庭で飼っていたニワトリが盗まれたばかりだったので、彼は警戒を強め、急いで玄関の外に出て調べた。しかしスクーターはまだそこにあった。しかし、今度は裏庭で飼い犬のラッシーが吠える声が聞こえた。裏庭に出ると、犬がかなり興奮しているのが見えた。そしてすぐに、明るい光の輪が地面を照らし、航空機のサーチライトのように動き回っているのに気づいた。 (0:08:53)
そして見上げると、頭上約1500から3000フィート上空に光る物体が見えた。それはすぐに大きくなり、実際に降下し、彼に向かって移動していることがはっきりしたという。すべて完全な静寂の中だった。この時点で、彼は家に駆け戻って他の人に知らせようと思ったが、動くことも声をかけることもできないことがわかった。 (0:09:19)
彼は、彼らが大きな頭と日本人のような目を持っていると言った。彼らの頭と体の残りの部分は、ぴったりとした、柔軟で透明な、プラスチックのようなジャンプスーツで覆われていたため、彼が見ることができたのはこれだけだった。スーツの下の顔に膨らみが見えたが、それは鼻の位置のようで、口の位置には線があった。 (0:10:18)
さて、彼らはそれぞれシリンダー型の装置の中にいた。それはかなり狭く、直径3フィート、高さ約15インチで、それぞれのシリンダーの端には湾曲した板があり、それにレバーのようなものがついていたと彼は言った。 (0:10:30)
これらは2列に並んでいて、その間に廊下のようなものがあった。彼のスケッチはここで見ることができる。 さて、ホセによると、その存 在たちは奇妙な、意味不明の言語で自分たちの間で言葉を交わしており、彼はそれを、豚のうなり声のような、甲高い、引用符のような、短い音を繰り返し、しわがれたように繰り返していたと述べている。 それから4、5分、彼はその場に凍りついたままだった。左側にいた人間の一人がコントロールを操作し始めるまで。 (0:11:05)
これによって部屋の照明が徐々に明るさを増し、ホセが実際に意識を失うほどまで明るくなった。次に彼が気づいたのは、どうやってそこにたどり着いたのかわからないまま、ベッドで目を覚ました時だった。どのくらいこの中にいたのかもわからない。 (0:11:25)
さて、彼の妻は彼が寝室を出たことは覚えているが、戻ってくるところは見ていない。彼女は眠ってしまった。朝起きると、彼の目は赤く、ひどく炎症を起こしていた。焦点を合わせるのが難しかった。この状態は丸1カ月続いた。肩がかなり痛むことにも気づいた。最後に、彼は頭がボーッとして、空虚な感じもした。集中するのが難しく、この状態は丸1年続いた。 (0:11:52)
そのため、この出来事全体が彼をかなり長い間ショック状態に置き去りにし、非常に深い影響を与えた。非常に興味深いケースである。 確かに、彼の言うETはグレイによく似ている。このケースで重要なのは、彼が遭遇した後、偽りがたい生理学的な影響を受けたということです。 これは、多くの事例がある中で、信憑性を高めるものだと思います。 (0:12:19)
このような体験を報告する人が地球上に10人、20人、あるいは100人いたとしたら、私たちは懐疑的になる理由があると思います。しかし、それよりもずっとずっと多いのだ。数千人、数千人であり、数百万人に上るという十分な証拠もある。 そう、UFOとの遭遇に関する私たちの理解に、またひとつ重要なことが加わったのです。
Now, let's move to the next one, which I call Dazed and Confused in a UFO, the onboard UFO encounter of José Pereira Sacramento. This one occurred on May 20, 1969 in Vila Operia in Brazil. It's an important case. (0:07:44)
It's got some really unusual details to it that I don't think I've heard before. Yeah, I think you'll find it quite compelling. This case comes from the Brazilian publication, the SBEDV Bulletin. It's a single witness case. The man's name is Sr. José Pereira Sacramento. He resides at 190 Padre Eustaquio Street in Vila Operia. This is in Nova Lima in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. It was around 1 a.m. when he was awakened in his home by a sound which he first assumed was his motor scooter. (0:08:27)
He had recently had his chickens stolen from his backyard, so he was on high alert and he rushed outside the front door to investigate. But he saw that his scooter was still there. But now he heard his dog, Lassie, barking in the backyard. So he went out into the back, he saw that the dog was quite agitated, and almost immediately he noticed a bright circle of light shining down on the ground, moving around like a searchlight from an aircraft. (0:08:53)
And looking up, he saw this glowing object about 1,500 to 3,000 feet overhead. He said it quickly grew in size and it became clear to him that it was actually descending and moving towards him. All of this was in perfect silence. At this point, he wanted to run back into the house and alert the others, but he found that he was unable to move or call out. (0:09:19)
Now the object, which he described as enormous, landed right next to him. He said he was immediately, quote, pulled through an opening and he found himself inside this craft. Actually, he found himself in what appeared to be a small elevator, which rose upwards and into a brightly lit compartment with circular walls and a curved ceiling. He estimates it was about 45 feet in diameter, and he was immediately greeted by six very short entities, each about three and a half to four feet tall. (0:09:51)
He said that they had large heads and Japanese-like eyes. This was all he could see, as their heads and the rest of their bodies were covered by a close-fitting, flexible, transparent, plastic-looking jumpsuit, which he said was light cream in color. He did see a bulge on their faces underneath their suits, which looked to be where their nose was, and a line where their mouths were. (0:10:18)
Now, each of them being inside a cylinder-type device, which was quite narrow, three feet in diameter, about 15 inches high, and at the end of each cylinder was a curved plate, he said, with a kind of lever on it. (0:10:30)
These were situated in two rows, with a kind of hallway between them. You can see his sketch here. Now, per Jose, the beings spoke verbally among themselves in a strange, unintelligible language, which he describes as repetitive, high-pitched, quote, short sounds, repeated shrilly, like pigs grunting. Now, for the next four or five minutes, he remained frozen there, until one of the beings on the left side began to manipulate a control. (0:11:05)
This caused the illumination in the room to slowly increase in brightness, to a point where it became so bright that Jose actually lost consciousness. The next thing he knew, he was waking up in bed with no idea how he got there. He has no idea how long he was in this craft. (0:11:25)
Now, his wife does remember him leaving the bedroom, but she didn't see him come back. She fell asleep. Waking up in the morning, his eyes were red, badly inflamed. He had trouble focusing. This was a condition which lasted for a full month. He also noticed that his shoulder was pretty painful. Finally, he also felt lightheaded and, quote, empty. He had difficulty concentrating, and this was a condition which lasted a full year. (0:11:52)
So this whole incident left him in a state of shock for quite a long time, and affected him very profoundly. Another very interesting case. Certainly, the ETs that he describes do sound very much like Greys. I think what's important about this case is he did have some hard-to-fake physiological effects following his encounter. This is something that I think adds a level of credibility to it, and there's so many cases. (0:12:19)
If there were just 10 or 20 or even 100 people across the planet reporting this kind of experience, I think we would have reason to be skeptical. But it's far, far more than that. It's thousands upon thousands, and there's some good evidence that this actually numbers in the millions. So yeah, another important addition to our understanding of onboard UFO encounters.
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