1994, イタリア : 小人に遭遇、数年前には翼のある人型生物にも遭遇
Preston Dennett 自身の要約
case9 奇妙な2体のヒューマノイド 1994年冬のある夜、イタリアのムセイ郊外の田舎道をバイクで走っていた2人の若者が、大きな目と尖った耳を持つ身長1フィートのヒューマノイドが目の前を横切っていくのに出くわした。その数年前、目撃者とその家族は、翼のあるヒューマノイドとさらに恐ろしい遭遇をしている。
TWO VERY STRANGE HUMANOIDS. One night in Winter 1994, two young men were riding a motorbike on a rural road outside Musei, Italy when they came upon a 1-foot-tall humanoid with large eyes and pointing ears crossing the road in front of them. Years earlier, the witness and his family had an even more frightening encounter with a winged humanoid.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
もう1つのケースは、実際に2つの異なるヒューマノイドを2つの別々の機会に見た紳士が関与しています。 (0:47:56)
一人は超背が低く、もう一人には 翼がある。そう、私はこれを2体の奇妙なヒューマノイドと呼んでいる。最初のケースは1994年の冬にイタリアのミュゼで起きたもので、この目撃者が関与しているこれらの事件は両方とも、実際には複数の目撃者が遭遇している。この奇妙なヒューマノイドを見たのは彼だけではない。次の事件は、イタリアの研究者ピエール・ジョルジョ・メルギアによるもので、彼の著書『Aliens in the Land of Neurages』に掲載されている。これは英語とイタリア語で書かれている。これは複数の目撃者がいる事件で、最初の事件には2人の目撃者がいる。 (0:48:39)
さて、この事件はイタリアのサルデーニャ島にあるムゼーという町で起こった。主な目撃者はシモーネ・サバで、このとき22歳だった。1994年の冬のある晩のことだった。満月だった。シモーネと彼の友人はシモーネの家に車で向かっていた。ミュゼ郊外の田園地帯で、未舗装の道を走っていると、突然、バイクのヘッドライトがとても小さな人型を照らした。 (0:49:13)
この人影は身長が1フィート(約1.5メートル)にも満たないように見え、二人にはそれが人間によく似ていることがわかったが、いくつかの顕著な違いがあった。 第一に、頭は体の割に大きかった。髪の毛は非常に薄く、耳は尖っていた。体も非常に細かった。 (0:49:34)
その存在は服を着ていないように見えた。運転していたシモーヌが最初にそれを見て、すぐに友人に知らせた。その存在は道路を横切って歩いていたが、バイクのヘッドライトに照らされて立ち止まった。 それは目撃者2人を少し見た後、すぐに道路を歩き続け、茂みの中に消えた。 (0:49:56)
さて、この遭遇から数日後 、シモーヌは犬と同じルートを旅し、そのたびに犬は立ち止まり、この存在が茂みに消えた場所の匂いを興奮気味に嗅いだ。この遭遇から間もなく、この地域で火事が発生した。火事とは関係ないが、草木がまったくない地形になった。 (0:50:16)
(0:50:16) -------------- そしてその時、シモーヌはビーイングが消えた場所と同じ場所に、奇妙な丸い穴を発見した。彼はこの小さな穴が、もしかしたらビーイングが遭遇した夜に来た場所、あるいは逃げた場所なのではないかと考えた。シモーネが遭遇したのはこれだけではなかった。その15年前、彼がまだ7歳のとき、彼は本当に恐ろしい遭遇をした。そして他にも目撃者がいた。当時、彼と彼の家族は借家に住んでいた。 (0:50:46)
同じミュゼの町である。その家には鍵のかかった屋根裏部屋があり、探検する機会はなかったが、いつも中に何があるのか不思議に思っていた。1979年の秋のある晩、シモーヌと2歳の妹ダニエラ、そしてもう一人の幼なじみが家の外で遊んでいたとき、この家の屋根裏部屋の鍵のかかった窓に動きがあるのに気づいた。 (0:51:10)
そして、それが窓のそばにしばらく留まっていたので、シモーネは父親のアントニオを呼んだ。アントニオも出てきて、この奇妙な翼を持った存在を見た。この時、その存在は空中に飛び上がり、しばらくその場に留まり、数瞬羽ばたいた後、夜の闇の中に飛び去っていった。パニックと恐怖に陥った4人の目撃者は家の中に駆け込んだ。 父親のアントニオはその光景に圧倒され、感極まって涙を流した。 (0:52:11)
彼らは二度とこの翼のある存在を見ることはなかった。とても、とても奇妙だ。繰り返しになるが、この2体のヒューマノイドを地球外生命体だと決めつけることはできないだろう。あの背の低い小人は、エルフやノーム、あるいは小人、あるいは多くの異なる文化圏で見られる小人の呼び名に近いかもしれない。 (0:52:37)
この翼のある存在に関しては、私も不思議に思っている。数年前、バージニア州ポイントプレザントのモスマンによく似ている。ユニークな描写ではない。有翼の存在については、私も不思議に思っている事例がかなりある。どちらの事件でもUFOが目撃されていないのは重要なことで、おそらくあの翼のある存在は異次元の生物だったのでしょう。 (0:53:03)
しかし、このようなケースを記録しておくことは重要だと思う。これを無視するのは非科学的だ。あまりに多くの事例、あまりに多くの目撃者、あまりに多くの証拠があり、これらすべてをデマ、幻覚、誤認、精神病として説明することはできない。 (0:53:37)
▼原文 展開
Here is another case, which involves a gentleman who actually saw two different humanoids on two separate occasions, and both are very, very unusual. (0:47:56)
One's super short and the other has wings. So yeah, I call this one two very strange humanoids. The first case occurred in winter of 1994 in Musee, Italy, and both these incidents involving this witness are actually multiple witness encounters. So he's not the only one who saw these very strange humanoids. This next case involves two separate incidents, both of which come from Italian researcher Pier Giorgio Merghia, and were published in his book, Aliens in the Land of Neurages. This is both in English and in Italian. This is a multiple witness case, and the first incident involves two witnesses. (0:48:39)
Now this took place in the town of Musee, located in Sardinia, Italy. The main witness is Simone Saba, who at this time was 22 years old. It was one evening in the winter of 1994. It was a full moon. Simone and his friend were driving to Simone's house. They were in the rural countryside on the outskirts of Musee, heading along a dirt road, when suddenly the headlight of the motorbike that they were riding illuminated a very small humanoid figure. (0:49:13)
This figure appeared to be less than one foot tall, and they could both see that it looked very much like a person, but with several marked differences. First, its head was oversized for its body. It had very thin hair, pointed ears. The body also was very thin. (0:49:34)
The being did not appear to have any clothes on. Now Simone, who was driving, saw it first and immediately alerted his friend, who also saw this strange being. This being had been walking across the road, but stopped when the headlights from the motorbike shone on him. It looked briefly at the two witnesses, then quickly continued walking across the road and disappeared into the bushes. (0:49:56)
Now in the days following this encounter, Simone traveled the same route with his dogs, and on each occasion the dogs would stop and excitedly smell the area exactly where this being had disappeared into the bushes. It was not long after the encounter that a fire broke out in this area, not related, but it left the terrain bare of any vegetation. (0:50:16)
And it was then that Simone discovered a strange round hole in the ground exactly where the being had disappeared. He wondered if perhaps this little hole was where the being had come from or escaped to on the night of his encounter. Now this turned out not to be Simone's only encounter. Fifteen years earlier, when he was only seven years old, he had a really frightening encounter. And there were other witnesses. At that time, he and his family lived in a rented home. (0:50:46)
This is the same town of Musée. The home had a locked attic, which they had never had the opportunity to explore but always wondered what was in it. Now one evening in autumn of 1979, Simone, his little sister Daniela, who was two years old, and another child friend were playing outside the house when they noticed movement at the locked attic window of this house. (0:51:10)
And looking up, they could see a strange humanoid figure perched by the window. They said it was about four to five feet tall, had an abnormally long neck, a human looking face with a kind of lumpy oversized forehead, glowing red eyes, and dark black skin. But most strikingly, this figure had huge wings, similar to those of a bat, with a wingspan of about six feet. (0:51:39)
And as it lingered by the window for a few moments, Simone called out his father Antonio, who came out and also saw this strange winged being. At this point, the being leapt upwards into the air, hovered there momentarily, fluttering for a few moments, and then flew off into the darkness of the night. Panicked and afraid, the four witnesses rushed into the house. Antonio, the father, in fact, was so overcome by the sight that he actually wept with emotion. (0:52:11)
They never saw this winged being again. Very, very strange. Again, I'm not sure that we can label both of these humanoids as, quote, extraterrestrials. That short little guy could very well be, again, more on the lines of an elf or gnome or, you know, dwarf or whatever you want to call these little people that we see in so many different cultures. (0:52:37)
As far as this winged being, I wonder about that, too. Very much kind of like the Mothman of Point Pleasant, Virginia, years ago. Not a unique description. There are quite a few cases of winged beings, which I wonder about, too. I think it is significant that no UFO was seen in either of those incidents, so perhaps that winged being was an interdimensional creature. (0:53:03)
Still lots of questions surrounding all of this, but I think it's important that we document these cases because clearly something is going on. It would be wholly unscientific to ignore them. There are far too many cases, far too many witnesses, far too much evidence to explain this all away as hoaxes, hallucinations, misperceptions, or mental illness, which is exactly what our governments have tried so hard to make us think. (0:53:37)
It's not true. These things are real.
4,700 views Mar 8, 2025