Hoia Baciu Forest(ルーマニア): 世界で最も呪われた森:UFO/orb の目撃多数、missing-time も頻繁に発生 (書式変換)
UFO と missing-time に関する私の仮説を、昨日の過去記事
David Paulides : UFO と missing-time (書式変換)
で述べた。タイミングの良いことに、昨日の仮説に誂え向きの動画が本日付で up されていた。それが下の Hoia Baciu Forest の超常現象を短く紹介した動画。
直前の記事で取り上げた Hoia Baciu Forest の超常現象を手際よく要約して取り上げている。
(2025-01-03) 書式変換
(2021-12-21) 作成。 【編】 Hoia Baciu Forest(ルーマニア): 世界で最も呪われた森:UFO/orb の目撃多数、missing-time も頻繁に発生
世界一、呪われた森 : Hoia-Baciu Forest(ルーマニア)(書式変換)
- orb 多発 → 現場の電磁界異常が原因
- 方向感覚が無くなる → 脳神経系への影響 → missing-411 の原因
- 気がついたら見知らぬ場所に居た → missing-411 の原因
- 電池が空に、電子機器が誤動作 → 現場の電磁界異常が原因
- missing-time → 脳の海馬への影響が原因
- 頭痛、鼻血、体の痛み → 現場の電磁界異常が原因
- 幽霊/UFO/怪奇生物を目撃 → 脳神経系への影響が原因
- 見られている気配、謎の声が聞こえる → 脳神経系への影響が原因
- 植生異常、地表の焼け跡 → 現場の電磁気異常が原因
- 突然の眠気、OBE → 脳神経系への影響が原因
この森では昔から、バンパイヤ、幽霊、ghouls, などの目撃証言が多数。
誰かに見られている気配、パニックの感覚に襲われる。電池が切れる。電子機器が誤動作。頭痛、目眩、方向感覚が無くなる。突然の眠気、気づいたら全く別の場所にいた。途中の記憶なし。missing-time, 体に鋭い痛み、OBE 、声が聞こえる、
森の中で特に理由なしに鼻血、火 傷。写真に奇妙な姿が写り込む、実体の無い声が聞こえる。
TV カメラマンが腕に怪我。何かが飛んできて当たった。直前に女の声を聴いた。
if you go down to the higher battery 00:02 woods in romania you're in for a big 00:04 surprise 00:05 you won't find the teddy bears picnic 00:07 but you might find a whole lot of other 00:09 strange things 00:10 it is thought to be the most haunted 00:12 forest in the world and attracts 00:14 thrill-seekers from all over 00:16 people have seen things heard things 00:19 felt things felt that they were being 00:21 watched and experienced odd physical 00:24 sensations 00:25 could this be the home for the 00:26 paranormal 00:28 or perhaps aliens when you hear some of 00:30 these personal accounts you're bound to 00:33 quiver 00:34 come with me if you dare 00:37 for many people that go for daily walks 00:39 in the national forests around the world 00:41 it's just a normal day and routine for 00:44 them 00:45 but should you go through the same 00:47 forest at night it often has a whole new 00:49 feeling about it 00:51 the hoya batu forest in romania not only 00:54 is claimed to be the most haunted forest 00:56 in the world but is also associated with 00:59 a number of other strange occurrences 01:02 locals know not to venture into the 01:04 forest on their own 01:05 with many of its twisted branches the 01:08 forest is able to block the sun 01:10 strange noises from deep within the 01:12 forest can send a chilling sensation all 01:15 over your body 01:17 it will make you aware of every sound 01:19 possible and also strange howling sounds 01:22 emanate through the air to add to the 01:24 tense atmosphere 01:26 are there strange things happening 01:28 within our national forests or is it 01:30 just our imagination running away with 01:32 us 01:33 the hoya batu forest contains stories 01:36 about vampires ghouls and even 01:38 werewolves this place is also claimed to 01:41 be cursed 01:43 we've all heard scary things before but 01:45 is there any truth to these claims 01:48 the forest lies near a community where 01:50 lots of people take time out of their 01:52 day to visit this place 01:54 and the forest has seemingly attracted 01:56 visitors from all over the world 01:58 it has also attracted lots of 02:00 researchers who are fascinated with the 02:02 strange and profound so it's not 02:04 surprising that the history of this 02:06 forest talks about ghostly encounters 02:09 mysterious disappearances disembodied 02:12 voices ufo activity magnetic anomalies 02:16 and also people who report having had 02:18 side effects after visiting the forest 02:22 in 1996 the forest earned its nickname 02:25 the bermuda triangle of transylvania 02:28 which involves analyzing regions of 02:30 positive magnetic anomalies around the 02:32 planet in conjunction with strange 02:34 phenomena such as ufo sightings 02:37 paranormal incidents unusual 02:39 disappearances and even reports of 02:41 cryptid type encounters 02:43 at this time the evidence suggests there 02:45 are connections between these regions 02:48 and the phenomena it is said that a 02:51 sheep herder guided 200 sheep into the 02:54 forest and was strangely never seen 02:56 again along with the sheep they just 02:58 disappeared into thin air 03:01 the reputation of being haunted and also 03:03 cursed keeps the people of the region 03:05 from going anywhere near the forest 03:07 alone as it was considered bad luck to 03:10 even speak of it 03:12 upon entering the hoyabachu forest 03:14 people feel the fear within them a 03:17 feeling of unease panic and the sense 03:19 that someone is watching them 03:21 people who have traveled in with 03:23 electrical equipment say that they just 03:25 won't work properly 03:27 batteries are also suddenly and 03:28 mysteriously drained 03:30 some reports state that some visitors 03:32 tend to end up with severe migraines and 03:35 feeling disorientated along with 03:37 sickness and dizziness 03:39 this could be the effects of some 03:40 unusual electromagnetic energies some 03:43 have even claimed to have had lost time 03:46 and acute pains within various areas of 03:48 their body 03:49 several visitors to the forest have 03:51 reported falling asleep for no apparent 03:54 reason and when they awoke they found 03:56 themselves in a completely different 03:58 location with no recollection of what 04:00 had happened or in fact how much missing 04:03 time they had 04:04 some have encountered out-of-body 04:06 experiences where they're floating above 04:09 their body looking down as they're lying 04:11 on the ground to which their body jerks 04:13 them back to their physical form 04:16 some have gone on to say that when they 04:18 entered the forest they encountered nose 04:20 bleeds and burns for no apparent reason 04:24 the hoya battery forest apparitions are 04:26 often seen passing through the trees and 04:29 also hearing disembodied voices along 04:32 with high-pitched laughter 04:33 photos taken have strange faces in them 04:36 so distorted that it makes the hairs 04:39 tingle on your arms and neck 04:41 a black fog has been seen traveling 04:43 through the forest also 04:45 people have captured voices on their 04:46 phones to add to an ever growing list 04:49 to date there are thousands of reports 04:51 from those who have traveled to the 04:53 forest from every corner of the globe 04:55 so 04:56 what is going on there is it possible 04:59 that there is also poltergeist activity 05:01 in the forest according to the crew of 05:03 the tv show destination truth they were 05:06 subject to such activity which was 05:08 captured on an episode they were filming 05:10 when one of the crew members was 05:12 physically attacked by an unseen force 05:15 evan a cameraman was sitting down when 05:17 an object was thrown in the air to which 05:19 he noticed that he had scratches down 05:21 his arm 05:22 how was that possible when he was just 05:24 wearing a long sleeve shirt you may ask 05:27 he also claimed to have heard a woman's 05:29 voice just before the object was thrown 05:32 the episode was recorded and to this day 05:34 remains unexplained 05:37 of course this was a tv show geared at 05:39 entertaining their audience many 05:41 researchers find such incidents hard to 05:43 believe when featured on shows like this 05:46 however those who were with evan claimed 05:49 that this was a true account which shook 05:51 evan to the core
- 以下の話は初耳。(細部が欠落しているので事実とは思い難い)
05:53 when we look at disappearances within 05:55 national forests david paul eats is the 05:58 top field researcher in that area after 06:01 many years of being a police officer and 06:03 then going on to research and 06:05 investigate missing people this is a 06:07 complete career change and one that 06:09 opens up a whole new area of research 06:12 how on earth can anyone explain this 06:14 next missing person 06:16 a young woman goes missing for five 06:18 years only to turn up alive wearing the 06:21 exact same clothes and which were in 06:24 excellent condition by the way and 06:26 seemingly the child had not aged 06:29 once the young woman was questioned it 06:30 appeared that she had no memory she 06:33 thought that she had only been missing 06:34 for a few hours 06:36 it was also reported that five people 06:38 had disappeared in the forest under 06:40 similar circumstances
- この森は UFO が頻繁に目撃される場所でもある。
06:46 the higher battery forest is also well 06:48 known as a ufo hotspot 06:50 sightings of strange craft are frequent 06:53 back in 1968 when the forest gained its 06:56 reputation a biologist by the name of 06:59 alexandru sift was studying the many 07:01 anomalies and managed to take a series 07:04 of clear photographs of a disc-shaped 07:06 object 07:07 when alexandru sift passed away in 1993 07:10 all his photographs that were in his 07:12 possession suddenly a mysteriously 07:14 disappeared to this day no one knows 07:17 whatever happened to them 07:19 more photos soon appeared on august the 07:22 18th 1968 a man by the name of emil 07:26 barnier who was a construction 07:27 technician snapped some very clear disc 07:30 shaped objects too these sightings were 07:32 to go on well into the 70s in the hoya 07:35 battery forest 07:37 in 2002 in an adjacent city a couple 07:40 managed to video at least 27 seconds of 07:43 footage of what appeared to be a 07:45 cigar-shaped object they claimed this 07:47 object was around 164 feet in length and 07:51 was making its way above the forest 07:53 until it disappeared into thick cloud it 07:56 is said that with the amount of ufo 07:58 activity within the area this could be 08:00 the cause of missing people and also the 08:02 result of missing time
- 赤外や放射線も検出された場所が異常現象の中心地。
09:12 it also appears that further tests 09:14 carried out within that area provided 09:16 results that show infrared and 09:18 radioactive readings 09:20 it's believed by the locals that this 09:22 particular circular area is the center 09:25 of a lot of paranormal phenomena within 09:27 the forest 09:29 with the unexplained phenomena found at 09:31 hoya batu forest
- 解説者として登場した Stive Mera は現地には poral があるのではないかと(portal 説)。
11:00 音がこれらの現象の原因だという説も。だが、それで完全に説明できるわけではない。
WARNING - DON'T ENTER THIS FOREST! - You Might Never Return!
According to local legends, ghosts and spirits lurk among the crooked trees. One tale tells of a young girl who disappeared into the forest, only to reappear five years later unable to remember where she had been. Another legend speaks of a shepherd who, along with his sheep, vanished within the woods. And, with most places associated with the supernatural, there are also rumors of alien encounters and many UFO encouters. Even cryptid sightings. Could this forest be another location like Skinwalker Ranch?
All content on this channel is licensed, and or produced by Zohar Entertainment Group/Awakening Expo/Phenomena Magazine.