John Alexander: Joe Macmoneagle が焼損した UFO を遠隔視?
John Alexander の講演(2022-06) から、タイトルの件に絞る。言及がごく短いので詳細不明だが、記録しておく。
原文は下。この another story について言及がないので文脈が不明。
I was with Joe McMoneagle, Remote Viewer 001, just literally a week ago, and talking about, first of all, he had a UFO experience and it physically got burned from another story.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
UFO調査やUAP調査のためにリモートビューイングを利用することは可能だと思いますか? (1:14:29)
そしてその時、彼は、それが信頼できるビジネスの方法かどうか、そんなことに疑問を抱いているんだ、と言った。 (1:14:39)
それについてはどうお考えですか? うーん、興味深いですね。 つい1週間前、ジョー・マクモニーグル(Remote Viewer 001)と一緒だったんだけど、まず、彼はUFOを体験して、別の話から物理的に燃やさ れたんだ。
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
And I remember asking a question, something about, you know, basically, do you see that there's any possible use of remote viewing for UFO investigations or UAP investigations? (1:14:29)
And at the time, he said, well, you know, he was questioning whether or not it was a reliable way of doing business or something like that. (1:14:39)
What is your take on that? Well, it's interesting. I was with Joe McMoneagle, Remote Viewer 001, just literally a week ago, and talking about, first of all, he had a UFO experience and it physically got burned from another story.
UFOs UAP Enigmas and Complexities
6,700 views 2022/11/20 The 2022 SCU AAPC was held in Huntsville, Alabama on June 3-5 at the Rocket City Tavern & Conference Center. Virtual attendees also had the opportunity to join us. Dr. John Alexander (COL, Retd.) provided us with a broad background perspective about UAP.