1966年、オーストラリア:巨大 UFO が高層ビルを通り抜けた(改定)
UFO 研究者の Sheryl Gottschall の講演からタイトルの件に絞る。巨大UFO が高層ビルと交差するように飛行したが、ビルにダメージを与えずに通過した事例。
Tweed City, Gold Coast. Australia 1996 画家が巨大(100m)UFO を目撃。その UFO がビルを通り抜けた。二人が目撃。

ET が壁や窓ガラスをすり抜けたという報告は多数、あるが UFO が物体をすり抜けたという事例は初耳。ただし、UFO の一部が無抵抗で地面に潜り込んだ…という事例を過去記事で取りあげた。
なお、Sheryl Gottschall 自身も寝室でグレイを目撃した体験を持っている。
(2024-09-28) 書式変更(FC2Blog → markdwon) 。文字起こし+和訳 用 AI ツールの改定。
(2024-03-03) 追加。 ❏ 1966年、オーストラリア:巨大 UFO が高層ビルを通り抜けた (全体)
(2018-03-27) 作成。 1966年、オーストラリア:巨大 UFO が高層ビルを通り抜けた。(途中:その1)
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
これは1996年、ゴールドコーストのトゥイード・シティにあるツイン・タウンズRSLの外で起きた事件だ。二人の紳士が夕方外でタバコを吸っていた。 そして彼らはこの物体が水の上に降りてくるのを見た。 (0:07:08)
そして、この紳士が芸術家であったため、かなり良いスケッチになった。 (0:07:13)
それで彼はその体験の後、家に帰り、見たものを詳細にスケッチした。 そして後でそれを絵にも描いた。 何種類かのスケッチをした。 その大きさは、少なくともフットボール場と同じくらいだった。 それにファセットがあった。 光に照らされると、たとえそれが黒くても、光が表面を照らすと銀色になった。 (0:07:40)
まだ少しあるが、基本的に彼らはそれを見ていた。 その表面は大理石のようで、まるで液体の大理石のようだった。 しかし、目撃の最後には、その物体は飛び立ち、高層ビルの間を通り抜けた。 そして彼の正 確な言葉は、バターのようにビルを切り裂いた。 UFOが実際に固体を通り抜けた良い例がここにある。 (0:08:10)
これは彼が見たものの別のスケッチだ。 彼はそれを黒のように黒いと言っている。 それは巨大なファセットで明るい銀色に輝いていた。 それは非常に良いケースだった。私はその件は調査していない。ゴールドコーストの担当者に送ったら、彼が調べてくれたんだ。 大きさの見当をつけるために、彼はゴールドコーストの新聞に掲載されたその写真の物体の大きさをスケッチしたんだ。 (0:08:41)
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
And this is a case that occurred in 1996 outside the Twin Towns RSL in Tweed City on the Gold Coast. And there are two gentlemen standing outside having a cigarette in the evening. And they saw this object come down over the water. (0:07:08)
And it's a pretty good sketch because it happens to be this gentleman was an artist. (0:07:13)
So after his experience, he went home and he sketched what he saw with great detail. And he also painted it later as well. And did a few different sketches. And he described it as being as large, at least, as a football field. And it had facets on it. And as the light, even though it was black as black, as the light shone down onto the surface, it was silvery. (0:07:40)
There's a bit more to it, but basically they watched it. It had a surface that was marbly-like, like it was liquid marble, and it would change while they were watching it. But in the end of the sighting, what happened was the object took off, and it took off through high-rise buildings. And his exact words were, it cut through them like butter. So here's a good example of something that is a UFO that actually went through solid matter. (0:08:10)
Here's another sketch of what he saw. And he talks about it as black as black. It shone bright silver in its massive facets. So that was a very good case. I didn't actually investigate that one. I sent it down to our rep down on the Gold Coast, and he looked into it. To give you an idea of the size, he sketched the size of the object in that particular photograph on the Gold Coast newspaper just to give us a correlation, I guess. (0:08:41)
その表面は大理石のようで、まるで液体の大理石のようだった。 しかし、目撃の最後には、その物体は飛び立ち、高層ビルの間を通り抜けた。 そして彼の正確な言葉は、バターのようにビルを切り裂いた。 UFOが実際に固体を通り抜けた良い例がここにある。 (0:08:10)
この "UFO" は直径 100m 以上なので、orb +大気の発光現象
bright silver の描写が orb で、surface that was marbly とか the surface it was silvery の描写が大気の発光現象のに相当
Sheryl Gottschall: The Many Mysteries of the UFO Phenomenon
4,000 views Jul 11, 2016
▼和訳 展開
1990年代の多くの研究者と同様、彼女はアブダクション現象に注目し、アブダクション研究者のバド・ホプキンスがブリスベンで講演したイベントに参加した。彼の訪問後、UFORQは接近遭遇に悩む人々から連絡を受けた。シェリルはその後、最初のUFORQ接近遭遇サ ポートグループを設立した。
▼原文 展開
Sheryl has always had an interest in things out of the ordinary and from the mid 1970s she started exploring the field of near death experiences which deepened over the next decade. In 1988, she became a member of UFO Research Queensland (UFORQ) and immediately joined the committee. Three years later she was elected President and held that position for five years before stepping down due to ill health. She was re-elected as President in 2004 and continues to hold that position today.
Sheryl was introduced to the UFO subject in 1980 by her father-in-law who had seen contactee George Adamski speak at Brisbane City Hall in the 1960s. Sheryl was already predisposed to the idea of other life in the universe as a child when she would watch the stars at night and wonder if life existed elsewhere in the universe.
The first UFO book she read was 'Inside the Spaceships' by George Adamski which led her to devour as many books about the 1950s & 1960s contactees as she could.
Like many researchers in the 1990s she give attention to the abduction phenomenon and attended an event where abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, spoke in Brisbane. After his visit UFORQ was contacted by people who were struggling with close encounters. Sheryl then established the first UFORQ close encounter support group.
Many of the people Sheryl spoke to had sought hypnosis for their missing time experiences but Sheryl was dissatisfied with the hypnosis techniques used to recall memories. Sheryl wanted to understand hypnosis more deeply so she enrolled in a two year course which she completed in 2000 and has worked as a professional clinical hypnotherapist ever since.
Sheryl is also the public relations officer for UFORQ and has had many media interviews, written for a wide range of UFO and new age magazines, presentations to community groups such as Rotary, Lions, Probus, VIEW, Australian Seniors, library groups and schools.
She has also given presentations on the UFO subject at public meetings, conferences and seminars.
Sheryl has had a near death experience, UFO sightings and a close encounter among many other paranormal experiences. In 2012 she established the Afterlife Discussions Group which explores death & dying experiences and the afterlife. She now studies shamanism and feels it is subjects like this that will give us more clues about the UFO phenomenon.
Sheryl is a Reiki teacher, colour therapist, and teaches classes in mindfulness meditation, art therapy and shamanic journeying.
Her website is: www.bodylight.com.au