1975-08-13, New Mexico : Charles L. Moody の abduction 事例
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
チャールズ・L・ムーディ米空軍軍曹チャールズ・L・ムーディは、1975年8月13日の早朝、ニューメキシコで素晴らしい流星群を見ていた。約1時15分、彼は自分のいる場所から300フィート離れた空に、明るく光る金属製の円盤を発見した。 (00:07:26)
それは長さ約50フィート、幅18から20フィートで、地面にぶつかる直前で止まった。 地上15フィートから20フィート上空に浮き、少しふらついてからムーディーの方へ移動した。何が起こっているのか気づいたとき、彼は車に駆け寄り、逃げようとしたが、車はエンジンがかからなかった。 物体は彼から50フィートも離れていないところで止まり、甲高いハミング音を発した。 (00:07:53)
長方形の窓から人影が見えた。ハミング音が止んだとき、彼の全身がしびれた。 しばらくして、UFOはすばやく空に上昇し、姿を消した。 彼は1時間半の時間を失ったが、それがどこに行ったのか見当もつかなかった。 (00:08:15)
それから数日後、チャールズは下半身に発疹が出始め、医師の診察を受け、ロスタイムの経験も含めて何が起こったかを説明した。 彼は自己催眠を試すように言われ、それを実行し、その後数週間かけて、失われた時間の間に何が起こったかをまとめることができた。 (00:08:41)
彼はもがき、彼らを撃退しようとしたが、やがて意識を失った。 気がつくと、彼は無菌状態の部屋にいて、テーブルのようなものの上に横たわっていた。 彼は手足を動かすことができず、クリーチャーが彼の上に立っていた。 背が低く 、金属製のスーツを着ており、丸い目、突き出た眉、頭には毛がなく、小さな鼻と耳、そして非常に薄い唇を持っていた。 (00:09:08)
その生き物はチャールズにテレパシーで話しかけ、行動する準備ができているか尋ねた。 同意した後、彼は再び動けるようになり、別の場所に連れて行かれ、そこで彼は船のコントロールセンターを見たと言った。 そこにはガラスで覆われた3つの穴がある長い棒があり、その近くには両端に2つのクリスタルがある別の棒があった。 そして、彼らの母船は地球から400マイル離れた場所にあり、20年経つまで再び人間に接触することは禁じられていると告げられた。 (00:09:39)
彼らはさらに、いつか自分たちの正体を全人類に明かすだろうと言った。 (00:09:44)
目撃者は彼だけだったので、彼の話を裏付けるものは誰もいない。 しかし、将来有望なキャリアを持つ空軍軍人が、なぜこんな作り話をするのだろう? 彼は決して金目当てで話を売ったわけではないし、嘘発見器のテストを受けても、彼は真実を語っていると答えた。 人物の描写が明らかに変わったことから、彼の話には矛盾があると言う人もいるし、そもそもエイリアンが何の目的で彼を連れて行き、船内を案内したのか疑問に思う人も多い。 (00:10:13)
- Sgt. Charles L. Moody U.S. Air Force Sgt. Charles L. Moody was watching a fantastic meteor shower in New Mexico during the early morning hours of August 13, 1975. At approximately 1.15, he spotted a bright glowing metallic disk in the sky 300 feet away from where he was. (00:07:26)
It was around 50 feet long and 18 to 20 feet wide, and just before it hit the ground, it stopped. Now floating 15 to 20 feet above the ground, it wobbled a bit before moving towards Moody. When he realized what was happening, he rushed to his car and attempted to get away, but his vehicle wouldn't start. The object stopped no more than 50 feet from him, and it emanated a high-pitched humming sound. (00:07:53)
He could see a figure through a rectangular window in the craft. The humming sound stopped, and that's when his entire body went numb. A moment later, the UFO quickly rose into the sky and disappeared. His car then started, and as he raced home, he noticed that it was 3 a.m. He had lost an hour and a half's worth of time, but had no idea where it went. (00:08:15)
Over the next few days, Charles began to develop a rash on his lower body, and went to a physician explaining what happened, including his experience with lost time. He was told to try self-hypnosis, which he did, and over the next few weeks was able to piece together what happened during his lost time. Soon after his body went numb, two humanoid figures wearing black, skin-tight clothing approached Charles in his car. (00:08:41)
He struggled and tried to fight them off, but eventually fell unconscious. When he came to, he found himself in a sterile-looking room lying on top of some sort of table. He couldn't move his arms or legs, and a creature was standing above him. This was different from the previous creatures in that it was shorter, wore a metallic suit and had round eyes, a protruding brow, no hair on its head, small nose and ears along with very thin lips. (00:09:08)
The creature spoke to Charles telepathically, asking him if he was ready to behave. After agreeing, he was able to move again, and said he was whisked away to another area where he saw the craft's control center. It had a long rod with three holes covered in glass, and another rod nearby that had two crystals on both ends. He was then told their mothership was situated 400 miles away from Earth, and that they were forbidden to reach out to humans again until after 20 years had passed. (00:09:39)
They went on to say that one day, they would reveal themselves to all humans. (00:09:44)
Since he was the only witness, there's no one to corroborate his story. But why would an Air Force serviceman with a promising career make something like this up? He never sold his story for money, and he even took a lie detector test which said he was telling the truth. Some say there were contradictions to his story as he apparently changed descriptions of the figures, and many wonder what purpose would the aliens have taking him in the first place and showing him around the ship. (00:10:13)
We most likely will never get the answer or even know if this is in fact something that actually happened, but nonetheless, it remains a very interesting story of an alien abduction.
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