1966-04-22, Massachusetts: 高校の上に出現した 3機の UFO
Preston Dennett の「学校に出現した UFO 事例の特集」講演から。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
この事件のすぐ後、1カ月ほど経った1966年4月22日、マサチューセッツ州ビバリーで大規模な校庭での出会いがあった。この事件を調査したのは、レイモンド・ファウラーという非常に有名な調査官だった。この13歳の少女、ナンシー・モドゥーニョが寝室の窓から外を見たのがすべての始まりだった。彼女はビバリー高校のすぐ隣に住んでいて、通りを車が走っていると思った。 (00:30:52)
しかしそれは車ではなかった。それはフットボールのような形をした光る物体で、道路から3メートルほど浮いていた。上部に赤いライト、周囲に白いライトがあり、彼女に は窓が見えなかった。その物体はただのんびりとビバリー高校に向かっていた。彼女は悲鳴を上げ、階段を駆け下り、父親に言った。父親は彼女が何を言っているのか理解できなかった。 (00:31:17)
母親は隣の家を訪ねていた。お母さんは隣の家に遊びに行っていた。どうしたんだ?UFOだよ。 さっき通り過ぎたんだ。すぐそこにいる。誰も信じなかった。彼らはこう言った。彼女の母親と二人の友達は、外に出て見ようと決めた。それで彼らは外を見た。 (00:31:33)
そしてナンシーが最初に階段を駆け下りた時、ビバリー高校の前の野原に実際に着陸しているのを見た。ナンシーの両親、母親と友達は外に出たが、それを見なかった。しかし、彼らは通りを歩き、丘の上から高校のある場所まで行き、見上げると3機の空飛ぶ円盤を見た。 (00:31:59)
そしてそれらは、2つはかなり高いところにあった。ひとつはもっと低いところで、それぞれが旋回しながらホバリングしていた。明るい楕円形の物体だった。 彼らはそれを見ていた。なんてこった、これは普通じゃない。目撃者の1人が手を伸ばし、そのうちの1つに手を振った。その時、その物体は旋回を止め、あっという間に彼らの方へ急降下してきた。あまりの驚きに2人が逃げようとした。一匹は走った。 (00:32:25)
もう一匹は逃げなかった。なぜならそれを見ていたブレンダが、「止まれ」と言ったからだ。もうそれは僕らの頭の真上だ。もう一人は走ろうとして、上を見上げたら、そうだった。それは3メートルほど上だった。 それで十分だった。彼女は走った。二人の女性が走り、一人はそこに残った。そして友達が走っていないことに気づいた。 (00:32:47)
彼らは振り返って見た。彼女は今、こうやって両手を頭の上にやって、叫びながら地面にうずくまっていた。なぜならこの物体は彼女の頭上3メートルのところにあったからだ。 彼女はひどく怯えた。彼女は思わず小便をした。非常に恐ろしい体験だった。 彼らは逃げろ、逃げろ、逃げろ、と言った。そしてついに彼女は耳を傾け、走った。
娘のナンシーが言った。見たの?それで彼女たちは見た。警察を呼び、家中と近所の人たちを集めて、最初に見たナンシーを含む10人ほどのグループが高校まで歩いて戻った。 (00:33:36)
バスケットボールの試合が行われていた。だから、学校にはこれを見ていない人が大勢いて、この物体の一つが学校の上空をどんどん下ってきて、本館の上空約30フィートで止まってホバリングしていることを知らなかった。 (00:33:52)
その時、警察が現れ、そこに立っている人々を見た。と聞くと、「冗談で言ったんだ。警察官はそれを見て、本当に驚いて車から飛び降りた。そこでレイモンド・ファウラーが調査したところ、当時その地域でそれを見た人が他にも大勢いることがわかった。そしてこの事件の後、これは飛び立ち、北へ向かった。 (00:34:23)
、そのまま近くの別の大学、ウェンハムカレッジに向かい、急降下して四つ角の前の楕円形の上をホバリングした。 (00:34:50)
Shortly following that case, like a month later, on April 22, 1966, there was a huge schoolyard encounter in Beverly, Massachusetts. This was investigated by Raymond Fowler, a very well-known investigator. And it all began when this 13-year-old girl, Nancy Modugno, looked out her bedroom window. She lived right next to Beverly High School and saw what she thought was a car driving down the street. (00:30:52)
But it wasn't a car. It was a glowing football-shaped object floating about five feet over the road. It had red lights on top, white lights around the perimeter, no windows that she could see. And it was just moving leisurely along, heading towards Beverly High School. And she screams, goes running downstairs and tells her dad. And he's not understanding what she's saying. (00:31:17)
The mom was visiting the neighbors next door. She comes rushing in with the neighbors and they're like, what's wrong? What's wrong? She's like, it's a UFO. It just drove by. It's right over there. And she's like, no one believed her. They said, I'll tell you what. Her mother and her two friends decided we will go outside and look. And so they looked outside. (00:31:33)
And when Nancy first ran down the stairs, she saw this thing actually landing in the field in front of Beverly High School. When her parents, her mom and her friends got outside, they didn't see it. But they walked down the street and over the hill to where the high school was and looked up and saw three flying saucers. (00:31:59)
And they were, two are pretty high up there. One was much lower and each of them were circling and hovering and circling. They were bright oval shaped objects. And they're watching them. Oh my gosh, these are not normal. When one of the witnesses reaches up and waves at one of them. And at that point it stopped circling and come swooping down right towards them very quickly. It startled them so badly that two of them turned to run. One did run. (00:32:25)
The other didn't because Brenda, the one who's watching it, said stop it's already right over our head. And the second one was about to run looked up and it was. It was about 20 feet up. And that was enough. She ran. So there's two women ran and one stayed there. And they realized their friend was not running. (00:32:47)
They turned around and looked. And she was now cowering on the ground screaming with her hands over her head like this. Because this object was 10 feet over her head. Scared her very badly. She involuntarily urinated. It was an extremely frightening experience. And they're like run, run, run, run. And finally she listened and she ran. And all three women ran down the street back into the house. (00:33:17)
Their daughter Nancy is saying did you see it? Did you see it? So they did. They called the police and then they gathered the entire household and all the neighbors and a group of about 10 people, including Nancy who first saw it, walked back to the high school and these objects were still there. (00:33:36)
Mind you there was a basketball game going on at the time in the building. So there was a lot of people in the school who weren't seeing this and had no idea that one of these objects was coming lower and lower and lower over the school and it stopped and hovered about 30 feet above the main building. (00:33:52)
And that's when the police showed up and saw the people standing there and they're like all right who called about the plane? And they're like jokingly we did and it's right there. And the police officers saw it, got really shooken up, jumped out of their car, at which point this thing slowly lifted up and took off. So Raymond Fowler investigated this and did some research, found that there was a lot of other people who saw it in the area at that time. And following this incident, this thing took off and went north. (00:34:23)
It went straight to another college nearby, to Wenham College, came barreling down and hovered over the oval there in front of the quadrangle and scared the living daylights out of the people there who saw this thing come at about a hundred feet altitude, stop, make a right degree turn and dart off into the sky and up and gone. So again, clearly targeting the school. (00:34:50)
Preston Dennett (05-21-19) Aliens at School
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