Eric Ouellet:EMF と脳は、互いに双方向に影響している
Eric Ouellet はカナダの社会学者で
Eric Ouellet, "Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological", Anomalist Books, 2015
という「UFO はポルターガイスト現象だ」という趣旨の著書(*1)も出している。彼のインタビュー動画からタイトルの件に絞る。
「社会学者として、UFO目撃者として、さらに超心理学研究者として、エリック・オイエレットは、私が40年にわたるUFO調査の現場で遭遇した好奇心のバガテルを理解するためのすべての条件を満たしている。- ジェニー・ランドルズ、『マインド・モンスター』の著者
ERIC OUELLETは、カナダ王立陸軍大学およびカナダ軍大学(カナダの統合幕僚学校および陸軍大学)の国防学教授である。ヨーク大学(カナダ・トロント)で社会学の博士号を取得し、超心理学協会のカナダ担当連絡官を務める。オーストラリアン・ジャーナル・オブ・サイコロジー』、『エッジサイエンス』、『会報Métapsychique』に超心理学的研究を発表している。その他の研究テーマは軍事社会学と戦争研究である。
What if UFO experiences are the result of large-scale, unconscious, psychic forces?
Parapsychology and UFOlogy are like oil and water. They just don't mix, despite the decades-long efforts of some highly respected researchers to call attention to the paranormal or parapsychological aspects of UFO events. In Illuminations, sociologist Eric Ouellet offers a novel approach to a phenomenon that has thus far resisted all other efforts to explain it, be it as extraterrestrial craft, time travelers, secret government projects, or natural phenomena.
Combining research in parapsychology, sociology, and UFOlogy, Ouellet provides a thought provoking reassessment of several well-known UFO cases, including the Washington, DC, UFO wave of 1952, the Betty and Barney Hill abduction of 1961, the Rendlesham UFO incident of 1980, and the Belgian UFO wave of 1989-1991. While not claiming to have the final solution to the UFO mystery, he offers much food for thought and a refreshing outlook on a stubbornly elusive phenomenon.
"Parapsychological approaches in this field are rare: your contribution is precious, and it is very timely." -Jacques Vallée, author of The Invisible College
"As a sociologist and a UFO witness, plus, importantly, a parapsychological researcher, Eric Ouellet ticks all the boxes to appreciate the bagatelle of curiosities that I have encountered in the field during 40 years of UFO investigation." - Jenny Randles, author of Mind Monsters
ERIC OUELLET is professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, and at the Canadian Forces College (Canada's Joint Staff and War College). He has a Ph.D. in sociology from York University (Toronto, Canada), and he is the liaison officer for Canada with the Parapsychological Association. He has published parapsychological work in the Australian Journal of Psychology, EdgeScience, and the Bulletin Métapsychique. His other research works focus on military sociology and war studies.
ref: Amazon | Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event | Ouellet, Eric | Occult
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
では、UFOに関係する電磁気学について話そう。 これはどのように関係するのだろうか? まあ、過去に行われた研究は、超心理学的な能力は、通常、無意識的な精神的プロセスと結びついていることを示しているようだが、なんというか、電磁気学はある場面で、私たちが意識変容状態と呼んでいるものを作り出す。 (00:51:37)
つまり、ちょっとしたトランス状態、あるいはオフの状態だ。 そして、意識はある種傍らにあり、無意識はある種前の席に行くから、超心理学的な能力がより効果的に起こる可能性があるんだ。 そういう側面もある。 もう一つは、人間の心は電磁気システムと相互作用することができるようだ。 (00:52:05)
ポルターガイスト現象では、電気機器がある特定の行動をとることに気づく。 例えば、電球が破裂する。 また、ポール・デ・リューの研究によると、彼は地球の光を非常に近くから見たという。 そして、ある特定の方向に行こうと考えていたら、実際にその特定の方向に行ったという。 (00:52:44)
あるいは、ある行動を取ると思っていたら、その行動を取り始めた。 つまり、電磁気には双方向性があるということだ。 つまり、電磁気は私たちの脳に影 響を及ぼしてトランス状態にさせ、幻覚を見せることもあるのだ。 (00:53:01)
でも、電磁気システムに影響を与えることもできるようだ。 この現象全体に対する非常に興味深いアプローチだね。 UFOの報告中に車がエンストしたりするのと同じ理由だと思う? そうだと思う。 それと大いに関係があると思う。 特に地球の光があると、電気系統が電磁気によって妨害されるんだ。 (00:53:28)
あるいはサイコキネシスかもしれない。 関係者が電気系統に影響を与えるんだ。
So today's, it's hard to assess if there's more UFOs because of the capacity to assess the reporting is weaker now than it was in the past. Okay, let's talk about the electromagnetism that's connected with UFOs. How does this play in? Well, the research done in the past seems to indicate that parapsychological abilities, which are usually linked to unconscious mental processes, are more, how can I say, electromagnetism in some occasions creates what we call altered states of consciousness. (00:51:37)
So you're a little bit in trance or you're off. And because your conscious mind is kind of on the side and your unconscious mind kind of goes to the front seat, then there's a possibility that those parapsychological capacities more effectively happening. So that's one aspect. The other one also is that it seems that the human mind is able to interact with electromagnetic systems. (00:52:05)
We notice in poltergeist events that the electrical equipment seems to behave in certain ways that, let's say, angry because the person, the focus person is angry. So you will have light bulbs bursting, for instance. Also, Paul De Rue in his research said that he saw one of those earth lights from very close. And when he was thinking of it to go in a particular direction, it was actually going that particular direction. (00:52:44)
Or if he was thinking of it having a certain behavior, it started to have this behavior. So it seems that the electromagnetism has a two-way street. So they influence our brain to make us go into a state of trance, and then we may have some hallucinations. (00:53:01)
But also, it seems that we can influence those electromagnetic systems. So that's a very interesting approach to the whole phenomenon. So you think this would be the same reason like cars stall out during UFO reports and such? I think so. I think that has a lot to do with that. And especially if you do have earth light, the electrical systems will be disturbed by the electromagnetism. (00:53:28)
Or it could be a psychokinesis. So the person involved does influence the electrical system.
UFO's and Poltergeists with Eric Ouellet - July 11, 2024
1,700 views Jul 15, 2024 2024 Shows Originally aired on April 2, 2016
Since I reference this book a lot, I felt it was time to remaster and re-upload this show, with it's short Patreon segment as well.
Eric Ouellet joins me for a fascinating discussion of his new book, Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event. He proposes that we should examine the UFO Phenomenon as we would a poltergeist case. It's a novel way of looking at it, and may ultimately play a part in solving this enigma.
ERIC OUELLET is professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, and at the Canadian Forces College (Canada's Joint Staff and War College). He has a Ph.D. in sociology from York University (Toronto, Canada), and he is the liaison officer for Canada with the Parapsychological Association. He has published parapsychological work in the Australian Journal of Psychology, EdgeScience, and the Bulletin Métapsychique. His other research works focus on military sociology and war studies.