Craig Hamilton Parker の予知:投票不正集計への抗議が発生し、パリ五輪が混乱
Craig Hamilton Parker がタイトルの趣旨の予知を語っているので記録しておく。
- 世界的に(反グローバリズムの)革命が進行する
17:00 パリ五輪が社会不安によって深刻な混乱に陥る
17:20 フランスで投票で票が正しく集計されなかったとして、騒動になる。
Craig Hamilton Parker の喋りの特徴のためか UK 訛のためか、Whisper では句読点が拾えていない。そこで
- Whisper → ChatGPT-4o による句読点復元(英文)→ ChatGPT-4o による和訳
を以下に添付す る
The Paris Olympics are going to be seriously disrupted by public unrest. I see disruption affecting the Paris Olympics. There's going to be serious problems there, and I feel that there's going to be quite a lot of violence happening in France as people begin to vote, but their votes don't count. This is what tends to happen when the dominance happens on the wrong side as well. Not the wrong side; there's no wrong and right side. What am I saying? But I mean if they feel that the wrong side is taken, their votes not being counted again, you know. And then, of course, it's easy to blame people and say Le Pen's just like Trump. She's inciting violence, which is not the case.
CHANGE IS COMING: Will there be a GLOBAL Revolution? | Coffee with Craig ☕
41,200 views Premiered Jul 2, 2024 #hamiltonparker #Nostradamus #Predictions Craig Hamilton-Parker, from is a renowned psychic medium hailed as 'the New Nostradamus' by the media. Tune in live as he delves into current affairs from a spiritual perspective. Engage with Craig as he provides commentary on modern culture, global happenings, potential crises, and beyond.
Today’s topic is: The global political, cultural and religious revolution. What is happening in the USA, UK France, Germany, Hungry, Netherlands and more… There is a change in the air. Can you sense it?