
PDF 資料 "The Pirassununga Landing" : OCR+和訳 (途中1)

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1969-02-06, Brazil : UFO/ET が農場に出現、後に同様の事件が続発し大勢が目撃 (途中1)

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Nigel Rimes

ブラジルにおけるFLYING SAUCER REVIEWの代表者が、ネッド・S・マルティンス、レジナルド・ダ・シルヴァ、そして彼自身によって1969年2月8日に実施された調査について詳細な報告をしている。










土曜日の朝、サンパウロを出発したチームは、S.B.E.D.V.のネッド・S・マルティンス、個人調査(彼はサンパウロの原子炉研究所で働いている)のレジナルド・ダ・シルヴァ、そしてFLYING SAUCER REVIEWとS.B.E.D.V.の私で構成されていた。













この時、Sr. レストランのオーナーであるアントニオの兄がやってきた。幸い、アントニオさんはお客さんの応対に出かけたので、私たちは同じ質問を繰り返すことができた。物体の大きさ以外はすべて確認できた。目撃者は、その物体を見たときは回転する光しか見えなかったので、大きさはわからないと言った。しかし、「ディスコ」がそれほど大きいとは思わなかったという。何が起こっているのか理解するやいなや、彼は電話に駆け寄り、高速道路警察に通報した。パトカーが最初に到着し、その警官も光の目撃者だった。



リメイラ市民警察もこの事件を調査していたが、町に入る時間がなかったことも明らかになった。 警察が 「船着き場 」付近を調べたが、異常の痕跡はなく、木々も損傷していなかった。フォルクスワーゲン・コンビの運転手の名前はわからなかったが、ネッドはリメイラから25キロ離れたリオ・クラロに住んでいるので、できる限りのことをすると約束してくれた。





「最初にはっきりさせておきたいのは、私は空飛ぶ円盤が存在し、地球にやってくると信じているということだ。結局のところ、もし我々が月に行けるのであれば......他の惑星の人々がここに来れない理由はない。しかし、ティアゴ・マチャドが語ったこの話は絶対に信じないし、病院で少年を診察した友人のヘンリケ・フェレイラ医師も信じない。すべては幻覚にすぎない。この少年は朝、双眼鏡を持って空飛ぶ円盤を探しに出かけた。その日は暑い日で、探しているうちに空飛ぶ円盤を見たいという欲求が高まった。そして空飛ぶ円盤を見た彼は、暑さと興奮のあまり気を失った。... 少年は犯罪者とは言わないが、町の一番悪いところから来ている。そこの人々は皆、事実上文盲で信用できない。少年はSFと西部劇が好きだ。彼がテレビを持っていないのは認めるが、近くのバーにテレビがあるので見に行くことができる。彼は貧困家庭の出身だが、双眼鏡を持っている!そして、そんな少年が双眼鏡を持って一体何をしているのだろう?なぜ「ディスコ」が着陸したときに双眼鏡を持っていたのだろう?(その後、双眼鏡のことで大騒ぎになった)......。もしこの話が科学者のような信頼できる目撃者によって語られたのなら、私はそれを信じただろう。



ここピラスヌンガには科学者がいる。彼は川の魚の回遊を研究している。もし彼が、地上で円盤を見たと言ったら、私は彼を信じただろう。しかし、ティアゴという少年は違った。彼はバプテスト教会に所属している。... 警察官としての長い経験で、私は大多数の人々が信頼できない目撃者になることを知っている。私の事務員でさえ、ゴキブリを見たら空飛ぶ円盤を見たと思うだろう。ネルソン兵はもっとひどい。(空飛ぶ円盤が飛び立つのをこの2人が見たと新聞は報じていた。しかし、私たちの誰もそのことには触れていなかった)。この時点で、私たちは警察署長にいくつかの質問をすることを企てた。

質問です: 失礼ですが、報道陣は地面に何か跡があると言っていましたが、あれは......。


Q .: 少年は定規や巻き尺を持っていましたか?


Q .: その結果を知っていますか?




Q .: 他に目撃者はいましたか。

Dr. T : 多くの人が何かを見たと主張しています。しかし、彼らが見たのはT6(ノースアメリカン・ハーバードT6練習機)だけでした。この辺りでは曲技飛行をよくやっていて、太陽が翼に当たると、丸い物体と見間違えるほどです。最近、アメリカはベトナムで丸く見える(?)新しい飛行機を使っている。私は空飛ぶ円盤を信じていることをはっきりさせておきたい. では、運転手に少年に会わせましょう。









図1. (A)高さ約1.50mの機械、(B)蝶番で開いた扉、(C)アルミニウムのような金属製のドーム、(D)2つの窓、(E)直径4mの円盤、(F)円盤の縁。直径4m、(F)地上30cmの縁、(G)渦を巻いた草




手のひらが地面から20センチほど浮いたとき、小包は彼の手の中に浮き上がった。手を太ももに近づけると、包みは消えた。ポケットも何も見えず、ただ消えてしまったのです」。質問です: 彼らの服装は?




Nigel Rimes

The representative of FLYING SAUCER REVIEW in Brazil gives a detailed report on an investigation carried out on February 8, 1969, by Ned S. Martins, Reginaldo da Silva and himself.

BEFORE dealing with the Pirassununga landing, I will give in brief outline several other events which made the headlines towards the close of January, 1969.

On January 28, Ultima Hora, of São Paulo, reported that the Brazilian Air Force had been investigating a flying saucer landing in the suburbs of Jales, a small town of some 20,000 inhabitants, 584 kms. from São Paulo, in the north-western corner of the state. No date was given in the report, but it was stated that the object landed on a roadside at 10.30 p.m. Two occupants were seen. They were 1.50 metres tall, dressed in white, bare headed and apparently normal human beings in all respects. The disc itself stood on a single column. It left a crater half a metre deep.

The same paper reported that a flying saucer had been seen and photographed near Campinas at 5.30 p.m. on Saturday, January 25. The object, which was like a luminous cylinder, passed the photographer at a distance of some 30 metres. It was making a loud humming noise.

On Sunday night, a similar luminous object chased a car from near Campinas, 91 kms. north-west of São Paulo to km. 146.5, where the driver pulled into a petrol station to escape from the thing. The object landed some 800 metres from the road in full view of a considerable number of witnesses.

On the same day, a taxi, travelling from Presidente Prudente to Ourinhos, was followed by a brilliant light for over three hours. This chase started at 3.30 a.m.

According to Diario da Noite of January 27, a number of people in Lins watched an object "as big as a large car" take off from the middle of the Lins football stadium, at 4.00 a.m. on Saturday, January 26.

Another object was seen at Lins on January 31, this time hovering one metre above the ground. It was about 1.50 metres in diameter and looked like a couple of plates, one inverted on the other.

In spite of all this exciting activity, it had been impossible to get away from São Paulo for on-the-spot investigations, but eventually, on February 6, a friend of mine, Ned S. Martins, and I decided that we could at least go to Limeira on the following Saturday to look into the landing at km. 146.5. We had also heard of another case in the same region, so we would be killing two birds with one stone.

The next day, the news of the Pirassununga landing broke. As the place is only 62 km. further on along the Via Anhangueira, it was an obvious must and plans were modified accordingly.

On Saturday morning, the team which left São Paulo consisted of Ned S. Martins, for S.B.E.D.V., Reginaldo da Silva, personal research (he works in the São Paulo nuclear reactor laboratory), and myself for the FLYING SAUCER REVIEW and S.B.E.D.V. My business partner, Mr. Ian Lister, also came along for the ride.


Our first stop was at km. 146.5 on the Via Anhangueira, where there is a restaurant, petrol station and puncture repair workshop. The town of Limeira lies some 3 kilometres to the west of the highway on the other side of a shallow valley. About 200 metres from the petrol station is the Limeira municipal water reservoir, a large rectangular concrete structure and pumping station.

High tension electric cables cross the valley from the town to this pumping station. The ground falls away steeply to a small wood some 300 metres away, and then rises again to form a small hill covered with scattered trees and bushes. The UFO had landed on this hill about 800 metres from the filling station.

The first person I questioned was the owner of the puncture repair workshop. He had not seen the object himself, but his son was the only person to see the UFO go in to land. The young man was not there, but his father was able to give me some details. The object, which was about 4 metres in diameter-the size of a car-came down over the municipal reservoir and landed among the trees.

As it descended it was a bright light yellow, so dazzling that the witness was unable to make out the shape. As soon as it landed, the luminosity faded until there were only a number of small yellow lights visible. Then these lights vanished and a brilliant searchlight came on which started to revolve.

This light continued to turn for some 15 minutes and then went out. After that, nothing more was seen. We next went over to the filling station. Luckily the owner was there and was able to give several more details. He told us that at about 9.15 p.m. on the Sunday night, a Volkswagen Kombi (mini-bus) pulled into the pumps with an extremely agitated driver at the wheel.

With him were his wife and three children. The 15-year-old girl was weeping with terror. The younger children did not seem so upset. The driver told how a brilliant luminous object had appeared in the sky soon after they had left Campinas on their way home to São Joaquin da Barra. It came down very low and started to follow the car, keeping very close to the vehicle, matching its speed to that of the car all the time.

Eventually, and now badly frightened, the driver swung into the petrol station and told his story. In the meantime the object had been seen to land, and cars were pulling up with the occupants pouring out to see what was going on. Sr. Antonio went on to tell us of his own impressions.

He did not actually see the object land, but he described the small yellow lights and how, after some minutes, they went out to be replaced by a brilliant revolving light "just like the head-light of a railway engine". He had the impression that the object was not really on the ground, but was hovering at a height of about 3 metres. The searchlight went through each revolution in from one to two seconds, illuminating the trunks of the trees near ground level.

He estimated the beam to be about 100 metres long. The object itself was about 4 metres in diameter. The search-light would go through several revolutions in a clockwise direction, then stop and start going round the other way.

This went on for some 15 minutes, after which the light went out. The object was not seen again, nor did anyone see it leave. Sr. Antonio then went on to tell us that a lorry driver, who had stopped to refuel, told him that a week before an even bigger object had chased him for over 40 kilometres soon after leaving Patos, in Minas Gerais.

Eventually, his co-driver started to pray and the object vanished. The driver refused to give his name, saying that he didn't want any publicity, and drove off in a hurry. He was driving a Ford F.600.

At this point, Sr. Antonio's brother, who owns the restaurant, came across. Luckily Sr. Antonio went off to attend a customer, so we were able to ask the same questions over again. Everything checked out except the size of the object. The witness said he couldn't give any dimensions as there was only the revolving light visible when he saw the thing. However, he did not think that the "disco" could have been very big. As soon as he had realised what was going on he ran to the telephone and called the highway police. A patrol car was the first to arrive, and the officer was also a witness to the light.

As we had heard a rumour that another saucer had landed in Limeira, we asked each witness in turn if they knew anything about it. All stated quite flatly that there was no foundation for the story.

We then drove on to the Highway Police Control Post. Here the story was confirmed in every detail, although the officer who had seen the object was not there at the time. A sergeant also told us that three years before, when he had been on duty at a control post near Pirassununga, he had seen a brilliant blue spinning object of enormous size come down some 3 kilometres from his position. As it descended, the sights of the Police Post dimmed and went out. Then, after some minutes the object rose again and as it did so the lights slowly came on again.

It was also revealed that the Limeira Civil Police had also investigated the case, but there wasn't time to go into the town. The area of the "landing" was examined by the police, but no vestiges of anything unusual were found, nor were any of the trees damaged. We were unable to find out the name of the driver of the Volkswagen Kombi, but Ned has undertaken to do what he can as he lives in Rio Claro, 25 kms. from Limeira.


The first news we had of the Pirassununga landing came out in the morning edition of Diario da Noite of February 7. The gist of the story was that a 19-year-old youth named Tiago Machado had seen a flying saucer on the ground and had spoken with the occupants, reported to have been 50 cms. tall. Tiago had then been paralysed by a ray, and the saucer had taken off.

The afternoon edition of the same paper stated that the Chief of Police in Pirassununga firmly believed Tiago's story, although the doctor, who had examined the boy, declared that it was simply a case of hysteria and hallucination.

On arriving in Pirassununga, we drove straight to the police station. We arrived at the same time as a Chevrolet Pick-Up with two corpses in the back. Dr. Luis Carlos de Toledo, the Chief of Police, arrived minutes later. It transpired that the two dead men had been found on a roadside. One, a negro, had been alive, and lived just long enough to say that they had been struck by lightning. Dr. Toledo quickly dealt with the matter and turned to us. When he heard that we had come to investigate the flying saucer landing, he groaned and said something like, "Oh, not again", and took us into the police station and up to his office. The interview that followed was a very one-sided affair, with Dr. Toledo doing all the talking. In spite of his exterior calm, it was soon evident that he was a deeply disturbed man. Here, in brief, is his side of the story.

"First of all gentlemen, I want to make it quite clear that I believe that flying saucers exist and are coming to Earth. After all, if we can get to the moon ... there is no reason why people on other planets cannot come here. But I most definitely do not believe this story told by Tiago Machado, and neither does my friend Dr. Henrique Ferreira who examined the boy at the hospital. The whole thing was nothing more than an hallucination. This boy went out in the morning, carrying a pair of binoculars, mark you, to look for a flying saucer. It was a hot day, and as he searched, his desire to see the flying saucer increased. So he saw it and then passed out as a result of the heat and excitement. ... I wouldn't say the boy is a criminal, but he comes from the worst part of town. The people there are all virtually illiterate and unreliable. The boy likes science fiction and wild west films. I admit that he hasn't got a T.V., but there's one in a nearby bar that he can go and watch. He comes from a poverty-stricken family, and yet he has a pair of binoculars! And what on earth would a boy like that be doing with binoculars and how come he happened to be carrying them just when the "disco" landed? (He then made quite a fuss about the binoculars) .... Had the story been told by a reliable witness, such as a scientist, I would have believed it.


Tiago (arrowed) and father

We have a scientist here in Pirassununga. He studies the migration of fish in the river. Now if he had told me he had seen a saucer on the ground, I would have believed him. But not this boy Tiago. Why, he belongs to the Baptist Church, and those people are seeing weird things all the time. ... In my long experience as a policeman, I have come to know that the vast majority of people make unreliable witnesses. Why, even my clerk would think he was seeing a flying saucer if he saw a cockroach. As for soldier Nelson, he's even worse." (Papers had reported that these two men had seen the flying saucer take off. But none of us had mentioned this.) At this point we contrived to put a few questions to the Chief of Police.

Question: Excuse me doctor, but the press mentioned some marks on the ground, did they ....

Dr. Toledo: Oh yes, the marks were there all right. They formed an absolutely perfect equilateral triangle. The Air Force took the measurements-exactly 63 cms. apart the marks were. Exactly 63 cms. apart. And the grass round the marks was swirled flat as if something had been spinning as it landed. But of course (hastily) the boy made the marks himself so that people would believe his story. As for the swirled grass, what easier than to ... (gets up an shuffles round in circles to show what he means).

Q .: Was the boy carrying a ruler or tape measure?

Dr. T .: No certainly not. As I was saying, the Air Force took the measurements .... They arrived the same day and spent a long time interrogating the boy.

Q .: Do you know what the findings were?

Dr. T .: No, but I could find out. I know most of the officers at the base. But I interrogated him myself. His story was full of contradictions. In fact, if you asked him twenty questions, he gave a different answer every time. I know how to interrogate people. I've been doing it all my life, and so far as I am concerned, the boy was lying. You can go and talk to him yourselves and you will see what I mean. You can spit in my face afterwards if he doesn't contradict himself every time. I don't say this because the boy comes from a poor background -- he just isn't a reliable witness.

Q .: It was reported in the press that your clerk and soldier Nelson saw the object take off. Is this true?

Dr. T .: They didn't see a thing. How could they have? They arrived hours after it had left.

Q .: Were there any other witnesses?

Dr. T .: A number of people claim they saw something. But what they saw was only a T6 (North American Harvard T6 training plane). They do a lot of aerobatics around here, and when the sun shines on the wings it is easy to mistake them for a round object. These days the Americans are using a new aircraft in Vietnam that looks round (?). I want to make it quite clear that I believe in flying saucers ... (much of the story was then repeated and ended with the same declaration of faith) .... Now I'll get my driver to take you to see the boy.

In the end, Dr. Toledo led the way to Tiago's house. It was certainly in the poorest part of what is a poor town. There Dr. Toledo called the boy out and asked him to co-operate with us.

Tiago is a dark-skinned wiry boy, 1.70 metres tall, dark hair, fine features, dark brown eyes and with a small scar on the left of the forehead. He was extremely well mannered and courteous, and didn't hesitate to ask us into the house. There we immediately tried to put him at his ease by being completely informal and sympathetic.

We started off by asking him to tell his story in his own words. The boy was obviously trying to put on a bold front, but there was a slight tremor in the hands and voice throughout the interview. To me it looked as if the whole thing, both the landing and contact, and the subsequent events had been just about as much as he could stand, but he was damned if he was going to let it get him down. The story was told in a simple and direct manner, but it was obvious the boy was intelligent and quite a good actor. He was certainly very conscious of the fact that he was the hero of the story, but even so, after a good deal of reflection on the case I am still trying to find the contradictions. Mr. Lister argued later that the boy had had three days to perfect his story, and yet I felt that what he told us was the truth, with, perhaps, a little glamourising.

Here is Tiago's account as nearly as I can recall it:

"I woke up at about 7.30 in the morning and heard Dona Maria, she's the neighbour, shouting something about a mysterious object. (Interruption from mother: "No it was nearer 8 o'clock".) Mother, let me tell my own story. I got up and went outside. There were quite a few people looking at something that looked like a parachute. But Sr. - said it couldn't be a parachute because there was no-one on it. The object was over on the hill in the grounds of the Zootecnica and was of a silvery bluish colour. I watched it for a time, and then went into the house to get my binoculars in order to see it better. It was a flying saucer and everybody was discussing it."

Tiago then asked Dona Josefa Rodrigues dos Santos to accompany him to the place where the object was resting. She refused. Carrying his binoculars, the boy went off alone. As he went he heard his mother call, "Mind the flying saucer does not take you away." He replied, I don't mind if it does. I'm not afraid. I'm a man!"

"When I got to Chico Hansen's house in the IZIP grounds, I asked him to come with me. We went on together with Dito Joanna. When we got to the slope, they went off to search the lower part and I went up the hill. Then I saw it, and went on until it was only about 10 metres away. It was a sort of disc made of silvery metal, like aluminium, with a dome on top. It was about 4 metres in diameter and stood on three legs-a sort of tripod." (Here Ned interrupted and asked Tiago to draw the saucer. This he did quite well-see Fig. 1. He added another opening in the top of the dome and explained this.)


Figure 1. (A) Machine approximately 1.50 m. high, (B) door hinged open, (C) dome of metal like aluminium, (D) two windows, (E) disc 4 m. in diameter, (F) rim 30 cm. above ground, (G) swirled grass

"I lifted my binoculars to see it better, and as I did so, the door, here, opened outwards (drew in the door standing open) and first one, and then another man came out. They came out slowly and seemed to float down to the ground. Then they walked towards me with slow steps and stopped about 3 or 4 metres away. I could see two other men inside the saucer.

"They said something to me in a strange language I couldn't understand (gave low, rapid imitation) and I asked them where they had come from, making signs.

They made some signs too which led me to believe that they had come down from the sky in a sort of spinning motion. Then I took a step backwards and they came forward a step. I wasn't afraid, you understand, but I was a bit nervous. So I took out another cigarette-I had a packet of Kent in my shirt pocket with 15 left in it-and lit it from the one I was smoking. When I blew out the smoke they seemed to think it was very funny and they laughed. So I tossed the packet to one of them. It fell just to one side and a little to the rear of him. Without turning his back to me-they never once turned their backs to me-he slowly leant sideways with his arm and hand outstretched, palm downwards.

When the hand was about 20 cms. above the ground, the packet just floated up into his hand-he hadn't even touched it. Then he brought his hand in to his thigh and the packet vanished. It was strange; I didn't see a pocket or anything like that, it just disappeared." Question: How were they dressed?

"They were dressed in tight clothes which looked just like the silver wrapping paper of a cigarette packet."

