
1977-11-02, Brazil : 家の中に金属球が侵入、ET が予言 ⇒ この謎を推測する (途中)

· 約22分


Preston Dennett の解説動画から。


Preston Dennett 自身による要約


etsが訪ねてきた日 1977年11月2日の夜、16歳のLCはブラジルのホアキン・ムルティーニョにある叔母の家でテレビを見ていた。突然、彼の家に金属の球体が入ってきた。ジャンプスーツに身を包んだ背の高い男と2人の人影が現れた。外に出てみると、裏庭にクラフトがあった。ETたちはテレパシーで彼に話しかけ、予言をした後、彼らの船に乗り込んで去っていった。


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OCR + DeepL

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FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)



とても深い影響を受けたので、彼はしばらくそのことについて話すことができませんでした。この事件は実に魅力的でユニークなものです。ブラジルの研究者、ホルビオ・ブラント・アレイショ教授による奇妙で珍しいケースだ。目撃者は匿名です。LCJAというイニシャルのみで知られている。事件当時、彼は16歳だった。 (0:39:53)

事件は1977年11月2日の夜に起こった。LCはジョアキン・マルティーニョの家で一人、テレビを見ていた。ここは彼の叔母の家だ。ドム・オスカー・デ・オリヴェイラ通りにある。ここに見える。彼がテレビを見ていると、突然、強風の音が家の中を吹き抜けた。そして、足音のようなものも聞こえた。 (0:40:23)

その瞬間、LCはこの小さくて奇妙な機械が勝手口から彼が座っている居間に入ってくるのを見た。勝手口が開き、この機械が入ってきた。家は施錠されていた。ドアはすべて閉まっていた。だから、これは不可解だった。目撃者のLCによると、この小さな機械は、周囲に平らな部分がある球体のような形をしており、惑星土星によく似ていた。そしてそれはわずか数フィートの大きさだった。 (0:40:56)

この球体は光で輝き、平らな部分も金色の光で輝いていた。そしてそれはテレビに向かって静かに飛び、プラグがコンセントから外れて床に静かに落ちた。そして部屋を出て、キッチンと寝室を通り抜け、床から3フィートほど浮いた後、キッチンに戻った。そこでLCは立ち上がり、絶対的な衝撃を受けながらその様子を見ていると、突然、彼の左側に身長1メートルほどの男が現れた。その男は人間に見えた。 (0:41:32)

淡い黄色がかった肌、青い目、上にカーブした眉、小さな黒いあごひげが生えていた。ベルト付きの肌にぴったりとしたジャンプスーツ、緑色のブーツと手袋を身につけ、頭頂部には透明なヘルメットかバイザーをつけていた。金属製のヘルメットのようなものもかぶっていた。 (0:41:52)



他の2人は背の低い女性と少年らしかった。この3人の人影はすべて同じ服を着ていた。 (0:42:32)



彼らは手を上げ、明らかに念力でクローゼットのドアを開けた。ドアが勝手に開いたからだ。二人は興味深げにクローゼットの中身を見た。 その間、女性は寝室のベッドに横たわり、まるでそれを試すかのようだった。




そして、これらのヒューマノイドは、彼がこの透明なドアの隙間から直接クラフトを見ることができるように、彼を階段に導きました。 そしてこの出入り口のすぐ前に立つと、船内が明るく照らされているのが見えた。そして彼は、外にいた3人と同じ他の乗組員数人を見た。 (0:44:22)



どうやらこの隣人は、目撃者の叔母がこの時家にいなかったことに気づいておらず、また裏庭で起こっていたすべての奇妙な活動にも気づいていなかったようだ。この時、最初の男と同じ4人目の人影が目撃者の隣に瞬時に現れた。彼は手にチューブのようなものを持ち、それを振り上げて掃くようなジェスチャーをした。瞬間、目撃者の隣に立っていた3人の人影はすべて消えた。 (0:45:14)

裏庭で回転していた小さな土星のような物体は、隠れるように家の側に移動した。そこで目撃者は隣人からその物を取りに行き、すぐに裏庭に駆け戻ると、3人の人影はまだそこにいた。その時、背の高い男がとても奇妙なことをした。 (0:45:38)

彼はベルトのボタンの一つを押し、それによってこの奇妙な装置が空中に現れた。目撃者によると、この装置は光沢のある板のようなもので、動いて最初は目撃者の右手に、次に左手に押し当てられた。目撃者は、彼らが何らかの録音をしているような感覚、印象を受けた。 (0:46:00)



彼は混乱し、今起こったことが信じられず、周りを見渡すと、今プラグが差し込まれ、元通りになっていたテレビを含め、すべてが正常だった。完全に動揺した彼は、落ち着くために外に出てタバコを買うことにした。しかし、壁のフックにかかっていた家の鍵に手を伸ばしたとき、鍵が浮き上がって手の中に入ってきたのを見て、彼はショックを受けた。 (0:46:49)

彼が外に出てみると、この小さな土星の形をした物体が裏庭から斜め上空に向かって飛んでいるのが見えた。彼はショックで声も出せないまま、店に行った。タバコをくれとも言えなかった。 (0:47:02)

さて、店の人たちは彼のことをよく知っていて、何か本当にトラウマになるようなことが起こったに違いないと考えた。おそらく彼の家で緊急事態が起きたのだろう、だから彼らは火事か何かだろうと思い、彼の家に急行した。目撃者は何が起こったのか説明するのに時間がかかった。彼は後に研究者に、このときまだ精神的に彼と交信していたのだと説明した。 (0:47:31)



幸いにも彼は無事だったが、その数日後、別の兄弟が誤ってガラス窓に手を突き刺し、手首の動脈を切断した。彼は重傷を負ったが、幸いにも一命を取り留めた。この事件には実に興味深い要素がある。テレビのような影響を与えただけでなく、この目撃者は体験の直後に明らかな念力を持っていたこと、そしてETが彼に語った予言がまもなく現実となったことである。 (0:48:32)

▼原文 展開

So, let's move to the next case. This one is super interesting, really quite extensive, involving communication with the primary witness and the ETs. I call this one the day the ETs came to visit. This is a really interesting case involving human-looking ETs. It occurred on November 2nd, 1977, in Joaquim Martinho. This is in Brazil, Minas Gerais, Brazil. And yeah, a really extensive case involving multiple ETs and a really interesting interaction with the witness, who, as you can imagine, was affected very profoundly. (0:39:24)

So profoundly, he couldn't actually talk about it for quite some time. So, I think you'll find this one really fascinating and unique. This very weird and unusual case comes from Brazilian researcher Professor Holvio Brandt Aleixo. The witness is anonymous. He's known only by his initials LCJA. He was 16 years old at the time of this incident. (0:39:53)

It occurred on the night of November 2nd, 1977. LC was alone in the house, in Joaquim Martinho, and he was watching TV. This is his aunt's house. It's located on Dom Oscar de Oliveira Street. You can see it here. So, as he's watching TV, suddenly the sound of high wind swept through the house, which was strange because it was a calm evening. And he also heard what sounded like footsteps. (0:40:23)

Instantly, LC saw this small, strange machine enter through the kitchen door into the living room where he sat. The kitchen door opened and in comes this machine. Now, this was weird because the house was locked up. All the doors were closed. So, this was inexplicable. And this little machine, per the witness, LC, was shaped kind of like a sphere with a flat section around the perimeter, very much like the planet Saturn. And it was only a few feet across. (0:40:56)

This globe glowed with light and the flat section also glowed with a golden light. And it flew silently towards the TV, causing the plug to come out of the electrical socket and fall gently to the floor. Then exited the room, swept through the kitchen and the bedroom, floating about three feet above the floor, then moved back into the kitchen. So, LC stood up and was watching this in absolute shock when suddenly a six-foot tall man appeared to his left. Now, this man looked human. (0:41:32)

He had pale yellowish skin, blue eyes, eyebrows that curved upwards, a small black goatee beard. He was wearing a skin-tight jumpsuit with a belt, green boots and gloves, and had a transparent helmet or visor on top of his head. He was also wearing what looked like a sort of metallic helmet. (0:41:52)

Now, the belt he was wearing was full of what looked like black buttons and there was a little small gray tube which hung from it. This man immediately made a gesture with his right arm which caused a brilliant light to illuminate the inside of LC's house and this figure disappeared. So, LC ran outside and he saw this small Saturn-shaped object was now floating in his backyard, spinning in place, and immediately three humanoid figures approached him from his right. One was the man who had just appeared in his living room. (0:42:27)

The other two were a shorter woman and what appeared to be a young boy. All three of these figures were dressed the same. (0:42:32)

The two did not have a helmet and headgear like the man did, but this man began to speak telepathically to LC, telling him to remain calm. At this point, the man and woman grabbed LC by his arms and LC found himself floating back into the house, into the living room. They left him standing there and then sat on the couch as if kind of trying it out. Then the man and the boy walked into the bedroom. (0:43:01)

They raised their hands and opened the closet doors through apparent telekinesis because the doors opened by themselves. They examined the contents of the closet with great interest. Meanwhile, the woman lay down on the bed in the bedroom as if to test it. Then all three of them just walked out into the backyard. (0:43:26)

LC followed and he was amazed at this point to see a very large dome-shaped craft with a flat bottom section. It had a large glass-like opening and there was a stairway leading down to this craft because this craft was floating above the ground but the terrain swept downward so it was actually lower than LC. And this craft was pretty big. Per the witness, it was about the size of a house. (0:43:53)

And these humanoids led him down the steps so that he could look through this transparent doorway directly into the craft. And standing right in front of this doorway, he could see that the interior of the craft was brightly illuminated and he saw several other crew members identical to the three that he was outside with, except they were sitting in front of what looked like complicated instruments of some kind. (0:44:22)

Then these three figures led the witness back up these stairs, which again were extruding from the craft itself, and into his backyard. They stepped away and began speaking audibly to him in some foreign language that he could not understand. It was at this moment that the witness's neighbor shouted out saying that she was going to return an item that she had borrowed from his aunt. (0:44:48)

Apparently this neighbor was unaware that the witness's aunt was not home at this time and also apparently unaware of all the strange activity that was going on in the backyard. At this point, a fourth figure identical to the first man instantly appeared next to the witness. He held a tube-like device in his hand, which he held up and made a sweeping gesture with it. Instantly all three of the figures standing next to the witness disappeared. (0:45:14)

The small Saturn-like object which was spinning in the backyard moved to the side of the house as if hiding. So the witness went and got the item from his neighbor and then immediately rushed back into the backyard and all three figures were still there. Now this is when the tall man did something very strange. (0:45:38)

He pressed one of the buttons on his belt which caused this weird device to appear in midair. This device, per the witness, was kind of like a shiny plate and it moved and pressed right up against the witness's right hand first and then against his left hand. The witness had the sense, the impression, that they were making a recording of some kind. (0:46:00)

The three humanoids then lined up in a row right in front of the witness and one by one they put their hand on his chest and each of them told him telepathically, we shall return. They then walked up to their craft, the stairs retracted, the door closed, and this craft took off. So the witness stumbled back into the house. (0:46:24)

He was disoriented, couldn't believe what had just happened, and looking around everything was normal, including the TV which was now plugged in and back on. So completely flustered, he decided to go outside and purchase some cigarettes to calm down. But as he reached for the house keys, which were hanging on a hook on the wall, he was shocked to see the keys rise up and float into his hand. (0:46:49)

He stepped outside and he saw that this little Saturn-shaped object was now flying out of his backyard up into the sky at a diagonal angle. So he went to the store, still in such a state of shock that he couldn't speak. He couldn't even ask for the cigarettes. (0:47:02)

Now the people at the store knew him well and they figured something really traumatic must have happened to him. Perhaps there was an emergency at his home, so they rushed to his home thinking there must be a fire or something. It took the witness some time to explain what happened. He later explained to researchers that at this time the beings were still mentally communicating with him. (0:47:31)

He doesn't remember everything they said. They were telling him such things as, quote, we have come from very far away. They said something about hundreds and hundreds of years. They also said, quote, grave problems are going to occur in your family. Now this turned out to be true because it was shortly later that one of Elsie's brothers narrowly escaped injury or possibly death when the truck he was driving fell into a lake. (0:47:57)

Thankfully he was all right, but just a few days later another brother accidentally thrust his hand through a glass window, severing an artery in his wrist. He was gravely injured but thankfully survived. That case has some really interesting elements. Not only how it affected like the television, but the fact that this witness had apparent telekinesis immediately following his experience, as well as these predictions that the ET gave to him which came true shortly later. (0:48:32)

Youtube 動画(1:16:05)

I Couldn't Talk About It Ten Incredible Humanoid Encounters



22,600 views Feb 8, 2025

