目撃者の証言: Mothman は羽ばたかずに飛び上がった。目撃最中は魔法にかかったような意識状態だった
Brent Raynes が講演でタイトルの事例を語っている。
「目撃最中は魔法にかかったような意識状態だった」という証言は、Mothman を含む怪奇生物の目撃証言が一時的な意識障害の産物であることを強く示唆している。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
彼の仲間の一人がスウェーデンからやってきて、1969年と1970年に、数週間かけて約30人のモスマン体験者に会った、 彼は、最初にここに来たとき、これはもしかしたらネットのようなものなの かもしれない、と思った。 (0:16:27)
彼は、この生き物が腕を伸ばし、羽ばたく代わりに空中に飛び上がり、ただ腕を伸ばしたのを見た人々に話を聞いた。 (0:16:37)
人々は皆、輝く赤い目に執着していた。 彼らはそのことにとても心を乱され、彼は彼らを知る人々に話し、彼らは同じ人間ではないと言った。 こうなる前の彼らは変わってしまったんだ。 そして多くの場合、この目、赤くて光っている、それが何であれ、目があるべき場所にあるようなもので、その人はほとんど魅了されてしまった。 (0:17:18)
ある人が、ある晩、家の外に出て、15分ほどして戻ってくると、妻が言った。 と妻に言われたそうだ。そして何が起こったかというと、外に出てみると、そこには生き物のようなものがいて、その目は彼に釘付けになり、彼はただうっとりと立ち尽くし、やがてその生き物は遠ざかり、魔法は解けたという。 (0:17:51)
多くの人がこのような経験をした。 私が76部隊にいたとき、バージニア・トーマスと話したのですが、彼女の夫ラルフは当時TNT地区にいました。 とにかく、それは67年の11月のある日に始まったんだ。嵐が近づいていて、オートバイが何台かあったんだけど、彼女はそれをカバーしに行くつもりだった。 (0:18:26)
彼女は、それが稲妻のように野原を走り、壊れたファンベルトのような音を立てたと言った。 そして彼女は、それが私の思考を奪い、私はそれから目を離すことができなかったと言った。
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
Yeah, that was actually taken in a picture, he was standing with two other people, one on each side, over in Sweden, during a visit in 1976 with this researcher named Hakon Blatovich, who's about my age, and he's been studying all this for many years, and he really believed that a lot of Keel's ideas had a great deal of significance, and he found very similar things in his own work. (0:15:16)
He was saying that they even had a case with a young couple over there in Sweden, who on October 30th, 1965, one of the experiences they had was these little men that were floating up off the ground and around the car with glowing red eyes, just like Mothman, and one of his buddies came over from Sweden, and in 1969 and 1970, and spent several weeks meeting about 30 of the Mothman experiences, and as well as Mary Heyer, the local reporter in this area, who worked with the Athens Messenger and had an office here in Point Pleasant, and worked with John Keel, and he found, when he first came here, he thought, maybe this is like, he thought about getting a net, he thought maybe he could throw a net over this thing, if he could find it, but he realized pretty soon that the situation was far more complex and perplexing than just a biological creature, you know, that he could throw a net over. (0:16:27)
He talked to people who had seen this thing stretch out its arms, and then just shoot up in the air, instead of flapping its wings, it just extended them. (0:16:37)
There were people who, all of the people had this fixation on the shining red eyes. They were very disturbed by this, and he talked to the people that knew them, and said that they're not the same people. You know, now that they were before this happened, they had been changed. And many times these eyes, these red, shiny, whatever they were, that was kind of where the eyes should have been, they would cause the person almost to become entranced. (0:17:18)
One person, and Kiel wrote about one person who went outside his house one night, and came back about 15 minutes later, and his wife said, you look like you've just seen a ghost, what's wrong with you? And what had happened was, he said he got out there, and there was one of these creatures, and its eyes fixated on him, and he just stood there entranced until finally it moved away, and the spell was broken. (0:17:51)
Many people had this kind of experience. When I was here in the 76th, I talked with a Virginia Thomas, whose husband Ralph used to be in the TNT area at the time, and it was, what did they call it, Clinton Wildlife, sorry. Anyway, it started one day in November of 67, there was like a storm coming up, and they had some motorcycles on this, and she was going to go out and cover them up. (0:18:26)
And there was this man-like figure about 6-7 feet tall, and I got to talk to her about this, and she said that it ran across the field like lightning, and it made this sound like a broken fan belt. And she said it took my thoughts, and I couldn't take my eyes off it.
Mothman Fest 2019: Brent Raynes
400 views 2019/10/15 Speaker Brent Raynes discusses his book "John A. Keel: The man, the myths and the ongoing mysteries" at the 2019 Mothman festival!